@Chicago Bulls

Sooo, What’s Going to Happen With DeMar DeRozan?

Sooo, What’s Going to Happen With DeMar DeRozan?

so we’re now a few days into free agency a fair amount of this year’s free agents across the NBA have signed or resigned to their current teams including Patrick Williams resigning with the bulls for 5 years $90 million Tory Craig picking up his player option for the vet minimum to stay with the bulls keeping him off the free agency market until next season and of course the bull signing their new free agent and jayen Smith from the Indiana Pacers at three years $27 million using the bulk of their mid-level exception to se Smith while also remaining under the luxury tax but days in now into free agency and we still don’t know what’s going to be happening with dear D rozan and of course sometimes the problem in waiting so long to sign with the team in free agency and getting the deal that you want is that the market tends to dry up with teams using the bulk of their cap space or mid level exception to sign other players and then it gets to a point where you’re kind of just standing there holding the back and forced to accept lesser money given the limited options now available to you and unfortunately for dear he’s kind of run into that situation now this doesn’t mean that dear is going to be going un signed or forced to take the vet minimum no he will eventually be signed by some team whether it be the Bulls or another but it’s more than likely going to be significantly less than what dear’s True Value and worth is as a player and it’s what we’ll talk about in this video so what’s going on everyone you’re listening to Bull Central here hope you’re all doing well now I think at this point most Bulls fans have more or less accepted the fact that dear has played his last game with the bulls and will not be coming back next season I would give it maybe less than 5% chance that he’s still with the team on opening night and I’ll talk about what that very unlikely scenario could look like but in short we know that dear’s tenure in Chicago has come to an end and of course we’ll have a tribute video of some kind whenever dear does in fact depart and all the great things that he’s done for the Bulls but for now in this video we’re just going to be looking ahead and why this has now become a very tricky situation and tough spot that dear has found himself in heading into the Fourth of July with cap space drying up for most teams around the league now in order to understand why dear is essentially being squeezed out of free agency despite still being a top level player of player who can impact winning and contribute on nearly any team that he’s put on in order to understand that you have to understand the mechanics of the salary cap in the NBA which I know for a lot of folks that watch this channel they already know this but for those who are maybe new to NBA basketball and are trying to Grapple with the complexity of the NBA salary cap cap exceptions luxury tax luxury tax thresholds and you’re saying this doesn’t make sense to me well first and foremost you’re not alone because it is very difficult to comprehend and I myself am by no means an expert when it comes to understanding all the mechanics and inss and announc the NBA salary cap but at a high level what you have to understand is that every team in the NBA has a cap and payroll for which they can spend on their players in a given season it’s equal for every team around the league and this upcoming year the new cap is set at $140.5 million that’s the amount of quote unquote cap space teams have to work with in paying their 15-man roster however there are exceptions that can be made to go over that cap figure whether it be reigning your own players for which you own their bird rights for example the Bulls were able to do this with Patrick Williams and being able to operate over the cap there is also the mid-level exception which for the non-t taxpayer mid-level exception is at $12.9 million which you can use on one or multiple players and then there’s also the B anual exception which can be used every other year which I believe is a little less than $5 million and the vet minimum which is around $2.5 million you can use all of these exceptions to go over the cap and you can actually go over the cap as much as you want by using these exceptions but at a price one being your overall payroll is higher which obviously ownership never likes doing and if you exceed $17.8 million in payroll you enter the luxury tax where you then pay a dollar for dooll tax penalty for having such a high payroll and then of course there are now two aprons going above the luxury tax that incur more penalties but you don’t have to worry about those because as we’ve said so many times before on this channel the Bulls don’t pay the luxury tax they’ve paid it once in nearly 40 years they will do everything in their power to duck the tax as much as they possibly can so if you’re a bulls fan you don’t have to worry about the tax and the aprons and the penalties associated with going over those lines but long-winded overview of the cap is to say that when it comes to free agents you’re not able to sign free agents that are not your own free agents players coming from other teams unless you have cap space to do so or you use those exceptions to sign them like I mentioned Jaylen Smith the Bulls are already an over the cap team the only way they were able to sign him is by using the mid-level exception so when it comes to demard Rosen here’s the challenge that he runs into one there are very few teams out there that still have cap space the magic the Sixers and the Thunders had a fair amount of cap space going into the season at the start of free agency but they have signed a host of players the Sixers Paul George Andre Drummond the Thunder Isaiah hartenstein the magic canvus cwell Pope and then also resigning most of their own free agents the teams that now have the cap space left to actually give dear a sizable contract one that is up to par with his production and what he wants are teams like the Pistons and the Utah Jazz and even for those teams they’re starting to actually use a fair amount of their once available space and for dear he’s not going to be interested in joining one of those two teams he’s not going to want to go to a rebuilding situation I mean in that instance it would just make more sense for him to stay in Chicago and so that leaves dear with two options either he signs with over the cap team for the mid-level exception which isn’t many teams at this point or and probably the most likely scenario they do a signing trade where the Bulls can sign him to a deal that he wants and then trade him to that team that will be taking on his new contract so that it allows the team that is acquiring him a team that is over the cap to get Demar and use his salary to be able to operate over the cap but let’s start with the mid-level exception option in this scenario the most dear would be able to get in a deal is at $12.9 million annually which based on reports dear doesn’t want that he knows he’s worth more and doesn’t want to settle for the mid-level exception but given the fact that most of the high-paying teams teams that dear will be interested in playing for at this stage in his career they can’t pay him more than that it might be something he’ll ultimately have to settle for the problem though is that even at the mid-level exception at this point in time while I’m recording this there are only a few teams that still have their full mid-level exception available to use the Clippers who were once linked to Demar a while back as a backup option should Paul George leave well Paul George left but then they ended up signing Derrick Jones Jr and a few others using most of their exceptions so they’re out at this point and actually being able to acquire DeMar rosen the Warriors could have been an option but they’ve now used most of their mid-level exception uh the Sixers bucks Nicks Cavs I mean I mainly referring to teams that are actually in win now mode that would make sense for dear they can’t sign him and so it really boils down to the Lakers and to a lesser extent than Miami Heat for the Lakers it’s been reported that LeBron who is a free agent by the way is willing to take a significant pay cut to be able to free up the mid-level exception for the Lakers to be able to use in signing a player like Demar or Klay Thompson but obviously Klay ended up signing with the Dallas Mavericks and based on reporting from writers around the Bulls beat the Lakers interest in Demar is genuine and that they are trying to make a deal work but again that would require dear to take the mid-level which for the record is a far cry from from the 2-year $80 million reported offer he turned down from the Bulls during the season $40 million a year down to less than 13 isn’t an easy pill to swallow if you’re Demar D rozan but it’s gotten to the point now where that is more than likely going to be the reality for Demar where he has to take considerably less than the type of deal the Bulls initially offered him now it’s being said that dear might end up just taking a one-year deal at the mid-level and then opt for being a free agent again next summer where there is projected to be much more cap space available around the league compared to the few teams who had space this year and maybe it would be worth it for Demar to do a one-year deal bet on himself and cash out on a big payday earlier in free agency next summer but at the same time the man is 35 years old or going to be 35 years old he’ll be 36 by the start of the 2526 season our team’s really going to be willing to give him a big bag a long-term contract when he’s going into his age 36 season and also because he’s 35 has played in over 1100 games in career is he going to be able to produce at the level he did last season that will command a big contract in 2025 free agency especially if he joins a team like the Lakers where he’s going to be a second or third option and won’t get as many touches and shot attempts now in talking about the signing trade scenario this is where some of the recent reports about The Heat come in because the heat are already a luxury tax team and can’t even sign Demar to the full mid level the only way they can acquire Demar is through a signning trade but what makes a sign and trade very tricky especially in this particular case with dear and the Bulls by executing a sign in trade the Bulls have to take salary back in the deal and as they currently stand after signing Pat and Jaylen Smith and still with livine on the books they’re only $13.3 million below the tax with 14 players on the roster under contract the Bulls aren’t going to be willing to take on a ton of salary in the form of a sign and trade for Demar for example say the Bulls do assign and trade with the Lakers for D’Angelo Russell or even Ru haimura they signed dear to19 million or $20 million a year and trade him into the Lakers and exchange for d’angela Russell or Haim mura to make the money work still probably below the amount dear is looking for but it’s better than mid-level exception money but by the Bulls taking on D’s contract that puts them over the luxury tax which we know is not going to happen the Bulls would either one need to offload more salary on their side to get them below the tax maybe try and offload Javon Carter’s contract in a deal or they would have to find a third team to help facilitate the deal that would take on an unwanted contract so the Bulls don’t have to take salary back in the trade and it keeps them below the tax it’s the same scenario with the heat as well sure the heat could include a contract of say Duncan Robinson or Terry roier to get Demar to Miami but it won’t work unless there is a third team in the deal that can take on those contracts otherwise the Bulls aren’t making the trade they’re not going into the luxury tax for what most would consider to now be a rebuilding team and so making a sign and trade like this work is difficult because you have to get all parties to agree between the multiple teams involved as well as DeMar and his agent as they have a say on which team they sign with and so it’s getting to the point where options for dear are so few and far between when it comes to the handful of teams that can actually afford to bring him in the handful of teams that actually make sense for dear from a timeline perspective and the handful of teams that can help facilitate a signning trade for dear where the Bulls don’t have to take back salary that puts them over the luxury tax of course this wouldn’t be as much of an issue if the Bulls were able to find a way to offload the’s deal as that would put them well below the tax and and would make a sign and trade much more doable since the Bulls could take back more salary in the form of a trade and you could even argue that if they actually found a way to dump LaVine salary there is a world where they would maybe sign d r Ro into a one-year deal to be that veteran leader for these young guys I still think it would be unlikely given it would raise the Bulls floor and lead them to lose their pick next year to the Spurs by keeping D rozan but who knows at this point all I know is dear is running out of options in free agency and for a guy who not long ago had an $80 million offer more be getting anywhere close to that not only for this offseason but in the future as well let me know what you guys think where do you see dear playing next season let me know in the comments as always be sure to subscribe and I will see you in the next one

Discussing the limited options DeMar DeRozan has in free agency with the market all but drying up

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  1. Good vid, one further detail about a sign ans trade….it has to be for at least 3 years with no options (teams can do ungauranreed money after year 1)

    Thia means Demar would be taken a pay cut this year and the next two ywars if hw sowa a aign and trade….

  2. Blows my mind to see the audacity of saying no to $40M per year. I love Deebo, but to think that you lost over $20M A YEAR, over a split decision. It's just crazy.

  3. I like DeMar, but he and Lavine are two black holes in terms of possesions. Of the two, I'd rather keep DeRozan, that's for sure. Both players are in a kind of hell–they are good players, but too expensive to have on most competiing rosters. DeMar should have taken the money and embraced the youth movement; but I don't blame him, because the Bulls are the worst in terms of skinflint-like behavoir with how they spend money.

  4. Wow, look at these fair weather bulls fans. How quickly they turn on a guy who’s given it his all for the team. No wonder the Bulls seem to be in perpetual purgatory, so many ungrateful and disrespectful fans.

  5. Demar should fire his agent. He's the one that recommended to turn that deal down

  6. The fact that the young youth route was finally executed by the bulls bc Demar turned down that deal is crazy. I’m glad he turned it down so that we can move off of these players

  7. His best option is taking a 1 year deal for the MLE or doing a sign and trade with the Lakers, it's his best possibility to win a title, and the other option he could take of signing with the Pistons or the Jazz for the bag seems pretty bad, I would take the MLE or 18-20M on a sign and trade to go to the Lakers

  8. They had a chance to trade Caruso Drummond demar at the deadline for chips but nah we’ll lose them all for free

  9. FAK! Let's keep LaVine and DeRozan with our young group and win the NBA Finals 2025, that will show em!!!!!

  10. By now I have the feeling that the Bulls want LaVine of there Books as soon as possible. And then they have enough space to give Demar something he likes and then he stays with the Bulls. We will see what happened but that's the situation, how it looks for me right now…

  11. From a basketball standpoint demar is a heavy iso player with a very questionable shot selection. He took away from the development of young talent and this was magnified with Zack being on the court with him. They both were heavy isolation players People just see females 25 pts a game and think it’s great. He didn’t stretch the floor at all and it’s time to move on

  12. Honestly wish we never signed his bum ass in the first place 😂 I was the only one like Demar!? The guy the raptors traded and immediately won after why sign him this front office is now putting a bandage on a bunch of horrible signings around lavine

  13. The best for him and us is definitely a sign and trade or just try to rehab the bulls relationship and sign him to his 80 for two years.

  14. This was a really well made video. You explained everything perfectly. I have no idea where DeRozan is headed. I think he is going to be disappointed financialy wherever it is.

  15. What about Lonzo Balls future? He could be included in a deal too right?
    I mean he still gets paid big… trade him too since he is the odd man out from the guard perspective

  16. I thought from the beginning that DeMar was misreading the situation. He was happy here as the mentor for the young core. He should have, for their sake, accepted something lesser. Why he said no to a 2 year 80m contract is truly baffling. Im glad the bulls didnt do that though that is an overpay.

  17. I saw bleacher report gave a sign and trade with the Lakers, Detroit and the Bulls. They said we'd need to give DeRosen and Craig for 2 second round picks. Sounds ridiculous. Unless you need those picks for getting rid of vooch.

  18. Bulls had the opportunity to trade him and Derozan isn’t in demand because he’s 35 and is NOT what’s in demand… 3&D Wings. Been screaming for the Bulls to acquire 3&D wings for two seasons now. Quintin Grimes should’ve been a Bull, that was was Caruso’s replacement. This is a mess smh

  19. It sucks because i see his pov. I mean im forever grateful for his time here. 2x all star, nba 2nd team. Definitely deserves some bread.. at the same time he is old af now and doesn’t really fit with how the league is.

  20. I think he stays one more year in vet minimum. Still need a mentor for these young dudes. Literally nobody else fit for that on the team without AC. Any word on Javonte??? Plz tell me Woo is staying.

  21. To complicate matters further, DeMar's scheme fit is an issue. A team needs 3 point shooters and defenders out there with him-otherwise, the team looks like what the Bulls looked like. Golden State would be a good fit (so long as Curry and DeMar's minutes are staggered–allowing DeMar to operate as the main guy on the second unit like what he did in Chicago), but they don't have the cap room and they just got under the luxury tax for the upcoming season, making it likely they won't go into it. The Pistons and Jazz aren't really good fits for his abilities–the Pistons don't have enough 3 point shooting as it is. The Heat might be a decent fit (again, so long as they stagger Jimmy's and DeMar's minutes), but if they have to trade Duncan Robinson and/or Tyler Herro away, that really reduces the fit.

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