@Golden State Warriors

Klay Thompson leaving Golden State Warriors is painful, but right choice | Draymond Green Show

Klay Thompson leaving Golden State Warriors is painful, but right choice | Draymond Green Show

welcome to the brand new Draymond Green Show YouTube channel hit subscribe so you don’t miss out on any of our content there’s been a lot of crying I’m sure Around the World Around The Bay uh you know uh marking Clay’s exit uh 13 years in the bay um reportedly joining the Mavericks on threeyear $50 million deal signed and trade uh clay to the Mavericks um and I must say I don’t I don’t really know how I feel about it um clay told us last week uh I don’t know who all he told but I know he talked to me um pretty sure he talked to Steph last week and he just kind of was like yeah man like you know just kind of start talking through the years like been great um what we’ve done so special like know you and Steph my brothers for and and the conversation just kind of starts to small talk and like you kind of just prepping yourself like man get me there like I know it’s coming and like you’re enjoying the conversation but yet it’s kind of one of those moments of where like somebody like building you up to before they give you to blow they just kind of Build You Up and that’s kind of what I was feeling I was headed to my daughter’s recital um so I wasn’t able to go as indepth to the conversation as maybe I would have which I think also was kind of a good thing for me because it one thing I think when Klay told me I was just able to listen you know and it wasn’t like a yo we could finish like this or like you should rethink this it was just like wow like all right like congrats bro like I’m happy for you that’s dope and like you know to obviously reassure that that that changes nothing for us you know like changes the basketball court obviously but the relationships they they are what they are they are forever um the the connection the bond um even as far as all of us being mentioned together like that that is forever that that will never change um know but it’s I don’t know I H I haven’t really been able to process the feelings uh this morning or not even this morning maybe earlier today um I think I might have dropped a couple tiers tier two you just kind of sitting there and thinking and then I came across Steph’s story and like saw the pictures and it was was very interesting to me um because when I was going through Steph Story like I I went through it a couple times and it was just like it was crazy to me how many of the pictures that he posted that I was also in and so seeing that was like man like it just kind of take you back and like it taking me back to the beginning though like like when it all started and none of us really knew that it would end up being this you know what it became and um and just going through that you know it was very interesting to see like I said how many of those I was in because I don’t I don’t put myself in the same category with them two um them two for me are like here like out of the frame like they’re they’re here and I think for me uh for me personally like like the way I view my role in this is always like y I’mma always have them two back and I’mma always look out for them too and like no matter what like nobody can touch them too like they can do no wrong and like I’ll go to battle for them I’ll take the fall for them whatever that needs to be may be like I’m doing that and so for me me and being that way and thinking that way if I’ll take the fall for them you know go to battle for them then you’re kind of not viewing yourself in that same space right because it’s like I’ll do all of that for those guys and so yes we’ll always be mentioned together but for me the way I look at those two um my appreciation for those two guys to then see myself in like half of the pictures that Steph posted was just like wow like it kind of bring you to a um a weird space um and so I dropped a couple tears just throughout the day not even necessarily exactly looking at the story but throughout the day it’s just like wow man like I always tell people like I am like I I I I am I like to keep things the same um my friends are the same um you know in life I I I try to keep things the same my trainer who works on my body I try to keep that the same like my basketball trainer I keep that the same like I like things to stay the same and this this this sucks for me um this part of the this time of year always sucks because you build relationships with people and then like out of nowhere they’re just gone and out of nowhere being gone fuss is crazy because you spend most of your time with these people like you spend pretty much the better part of nine and a half months seeing these people daily and uh and then like out of nowhere it just ends it’s a very it’s always been a very weird thing for me um and so then this one hits like a much like like like much deeper right like way more close to home because in a sense it disrupts home like what we’ve known as home for the last 12 years for me um that looks way different now uh and so I don’t know I feel like I’m ramming a little bit so if you make it through this episode kudos to you um because I don’t really have clear thoughts and approaching this episode uh it’s just a little weird I’m happy for clay I think last year was a very um trying year for him I think you know it was the highs and the lows of last year um I think was very hard on Clay uh and as a brother to see someone going through that like it was hard on me to watch uh kind of see him going through what he was going through and I think you know um if you ever care about someone I think one of the reasons I didn’t even like when he called me I didn’t even attempt to like want to talk him out of uh leaving or like yo you should stay because like all the reasons that you would say like in things that you could like yeah I could make words sound good but like those are known you know like those re reasons are well documented uh and so I think part of the reason when he said to me like yeah I’mma leave I was just like man I’m happy for you that’s dope like it’s crazy to think what we’ve done and blah blah blah but not once was it like yo you may want to rethink this you got time to rethink it because to see him struggle the way he did last year uh if you at all if you ever care for someone’s well-being care about what they go through go through the Battles Through the struggle with someone uh Elevate past a level that no one could ever imagined with someone like I’d hope the care that you’d have for that person would go far beyond what you may feel is best for you or what you want to see and so a part of me like I I couldn’t then go and be like yeah like you know I want you to stay or I wish You’ stay or you should stay for this reason because like if for me to watch him go through what he went through last last year um like I know how much he loved the game of basketball uh clay I don’t think there’s something that he loves the game like that he loves more than like playing basketball and I didn’t see that last year um and it’s crazy because I told y’all about my year before that like that was me the year before uh me the year before was just like I kind of I don’t even want to play basketball and like I you could kind like it was hard to go to work like it was hard to um to even care about what was going on at work like you you leave there and you kind of just try to lose the memory of being there type like and so I kind of I experienced that a year before and I don’t know I think when when I look back on it when I take a step back and I look back on it could it have been a contract playing a part of that because he was kind of in the same position right like so I personally don’t think it was that like I think there was a lot of other things going into it but like there’s no true way to know like oh it was this emotion like touched here and like there’s no real way to know you just kind of take all those things into account but like I said I do know the joy that basketball brings him in like it brought sadness it brought unhappiness last year for him and again if you ever care about someone’s wellbeing go through the struggle with somebody and you only care yeah your number one goal for that person is to see them happy and enjoying what they do because you care about their well-being then like a part of me wanted Clay to leave um and not wanted him to leave in the sense of like want him to leave uh but want him to leave because you only want to see him be the guy that you know he is like for a guy that’s lived his life since I’ve known him and I can only imagine before without a car in the world like we’d all always say like yo clay live in his own world he don’t have a care in the world and like for a guy that you know live their life that way and then all of a sudden it’s not that like something’s wrong and that the most important thing in his life is basketball you can clearly immediately see what’s wrong and so as a brother like I want to see him with that again like with that Joy with that love because like we way closer to the end than we are the beginning you know um I remember my uncle one day said to me he was like nephew like call your uncle sometimes like um he said I’m on the I’m on the wrong side of my downslide I’m on the wrong side of my downslide something like that he said um and like that’s where we are like in our careers like we on the wrong side of it like can there still be special things done by us of course can there still be special thing of course but like we’re way closer to the end than we are to beginning that’s for sure and so knowing that and understanding that like I will hope to see him have the same Joy at the end that I know he had at the beginning because basketball is a is a it’s a child’s game uh it’s a kid’s game and um basketball keep the kid in us you know you see you see um us joking around and playing and all the stuff that like we do on a basketball court that’s kind of like what kids do um that you don’t see in a typical job right like someone 33 years old like the way that I may act uh with my teammates and like clowning around at 34 like the different things that we do amongst us is 3 4 year olds and clowning and like 34 year olds that work at the bank don’t do those things like basketball is kind of a kid game and I want him to see him have that same love and joy in this kid game that we got a few more years of living that he had when I knew him as a kid like when we were just kids like you know um 22 like we were kids at 22 we didn’t know anything like just now growing up growing in the manhood like I I I want to see him have that love again because I witnessed what happened for him when he did have that love for it uh when when it did bring him that joy and like I I want to see that for him again um and last year wasn’t that uh it was it was as probably far opposite as he could be from that and so to selfishly want to see him stay here and suffer for whatever it was that was griping at him like n That ain’t cool like for my own personal benefit or for like that’s not cool because the memories that I do have are too good to then have to live through those memories like we don’t have to live through those memories like we don’t have to create those memories I should say like and the the ones that we can remember are incredible like amazing four titles in the in eight years change the way the game of basketball has played um being a part of the greatest team ever to play like those the memories we have so to selfishly want to sit and create the other ones I’d rather not so it’s probably better this way um but it sucks like it um I’m not going to sit here and like sugarcoat it uh for 12 years I don’t think people ever process like all the time you spend like um judging basketball players like the one thing that people don’t really take into account is like you started seeing me when I was 22 years old you started seeing clay in the NBA at 21 years old like we’re 34 now like the changes that happens in life throughout the over the course of those years like we never really take into account I don’t really even know where I was going with that point because my thoughts are all [ __ ] up so uh as I said before if you make it through this episode kudos to you I told DJ earlier um DJ made me this little paper airplane it’s actually it’s very ironic that he made me this but they finished their art project at school um and DJ was coming back with me this week and uh he brought me this this like cardboard box um and it’s it’s a cardboard airplane and you know Clay always make these player airplanes I always say like your kids are connected to you because again I told you I’ve been sad for a few days um and he hasn’t been with me and um he made this cardboard paper airplane but it’s cardboard and you know like clay always make these paper airplanes and it got like cutout so like me Steph clay and like this person he drew which I assumed I’m like oh and it’s you and he’s like oh and um I was like oh by the way he just gave me that this morning like by the way Klay not gonna be on our team no more and he’s like what I’m like he going to the to the Dallas with Luca he’s like why can’t we get Luca I’m like well it don’t work that way and I’ll need you teach you about the salary cap LCA make way too much money for us to get Luca but and he just was like sitting there sad like about to cry um yeah I also oddly uh the other day I was Landing in Boulder to meet some friends uh to go to the nas concert at the uh Red Rocks which was incredible and like I’m standing outside the the FBO and like a truck pulls a driver hadn’t arrived the truck pulls up and it’s honking and it looks like an Uber driver it’s like a black SUV and honking and I look and I’m like I know that’s not our driver late and hunking at me so I just turn back and then the hunks again and I look and he turns a little bit because there’s a glare on the windshield and it’s Klay Thompson I bump into Klay Thompson like a day or two after he give me this is Sunday so he called me and um I bumped into clay uh randomly outside the FBO and Denver I don’t know he couldn’t really look at me and it was very like odd situations I’m sitting there with my family and my wife’s like oh my God clay like when when he called me on the phone she’s like stop and she’s like I’m about to cry and she said it reminded her of last year so last year during free agency I called clay and I called Steph separate calls and steveen I was just telling them like yo I’m leaving I’m going to Memphis um and I remember that call with them uh so I was going to leave and she said we were in Paris and she’s like it’s reminding me when we in Paris and you was calling them like she was just sitting there crying um and obviously we got it figured out shout out to the Lakers and um Mike Dunley his first free agency they got it we got it done but yeah I think there’s a lot of thoughts so on like oh what happened in the organization like everybody kind of want to make things out to be um messy and they don’t have to be um you know I know this organization would have had clay back as long as he wanted to be um and I know Clay as we can see really didn’t want that uh I know there was the report on like clay telling step like not to flex his muscle and all of those things um typical clay thing to do I’m not sure that that’s true or not um but that would be a clay response uh but um all great things must come to an end and ultimately My Hope Is that I hope the organization which I know they do appreciat appreciate clay uh and everything that he’s done I know they do and I hope clay appreciates the organization for everything this organization has done and meant for us because on our um on our rise to the top like we had the best organization in the NBA supporting us and giving us the the opportunities that we need to uh the things that we need to make that rise having our families around having our boys on trips like organizations don’t do that stuff uh our organization having dinners and like I could take 20 people to dinner if I wanted to and like these dinners ain’t that like um yeah cheap cheapest restaurant they are at the best restaurants in the city we’re in like and we go to Great cities um you know like I said having letting our boys fly on the plane and families fly on the plane organization really is the best and so I hope his appreciation for the organization the organization appreciation for him I hope everybody’s is exactly where it should be because breakups don’t always have to be messy uh co-parenting relationships don’t always have to be shitty um um people going their separate ways can be a thing of beauty and this is one of those things Clay’s going to the Dallas mavers after 13 years of domination uh after 13 years of building a dynasty he’s moving on to go do something else and like we all can appreciate that and love that for him love that for us like and appreciate the good times Maverick was here always um he would always tell this story about um and and I actually took this and Incorporated in my life um a story about his father back in the day when I when I hear this song like and I think about um clay in the journey uh is the song is Al Green for the good times you know and um like it’s kind of like don’t be sad for me like like like just remember the good times and so when I think about this like that’s where I’m trying to take my mind like I try to live my life by that um but like remembering the good times the song is called for the good times but you know just just remembering the good times the things that we did and like that’s where I’m at with it um so yeah I think uh I am definitely like a little shaken up by it and a bit sad but I think for anybody in life if something’s been a certain way for 12 years and then it just abruptly changes I think it’ll shake you up a bit too um at least if it matters to you I know I would so uh that’s where I’m at with it um it’s been a for me um man it’s been a hell of a run and I am thankful to have shared the court with clay for 12 season uh to go to war with him um I think back to a story that most people don’t remember uh because when we played the Raptors in the NBA Finals clay ped his hamst now if y’all remember up until that point uh Klay had never missed a playoff game and he would man Kay would roll his ankle it’ll turn purple and like this dude was still playing these playoff games like I always tell y’all probably the toughest player ever played with um dude tough as nails like and he will go through a brick wall for you with you and uh you know every time he get hurt in some of those playoffs we’ be like all right they got your ass now champ like you a you ain’t getting through this one and I remember like it was yesterday and he pulled his hamstring he was trying to work through it and I remember saying I said clay I know you’ve been able to get through all of these injuries all these years playing but they got your ass now like you ain’t getting through this one with no pull hamstring he’s like yeah right Tre whatever watch me play and we played in uh San Francisco I think two or three days later and he did a workout before the game to show them that he could play and like when I tell you he could have played now Rick CBR who I always talk about uh Rick didn’t let him play and probably was in Clay’s best interest that Rick didn’t let him play um but Rick didn’t let him play but when I tell you like where this dude got to in two and a half days to do that workout and like look the way he looked in the workouts I actually could have played in that game um it wasn’t the smartest thing for anyone but I think he showed that he could and it was a tough call for Rick but Rick had to make the call and um watching him go through I could not believe it and it’s like wow like they couldn’t even get dude out with a poor hamstring and then he came back in game six and we obviously all know he’s going crazy in game six we know how it ended um but like that’s clay like that’s who I’ve had the opportunity to go to battle with for um for 12 years I got this video of the day after I got suspended I I Pro I told y’all this story a little bit but I got this video I took of the day he came pick me up pick me up on the boat which was my first time ever being on the boat um with Clay driving quite frankly I didn’t really want to go on a boat and I had to this day because I just didn’t know if I trust clay boat driving um it’s a lot of water in the ocean and I didn’t know if I trust clay like that but I had to get on the boat this day and um I’mma use that video and a documentary of something I’mma do on this one day but uh n man I’m rambling and I told y’all I would because I didn’t know where my thoughts would take me so I’m just kind of giving you these thoughts as they come up but I’m going to move on to the rest of free agency um but it’s been a hell of a 12 years I can’t think clay enough step enough uh but this is about clay man the healthy competition between him and Stephan like who’s the best shooter um was one of the highlights of my career just to watch that on the daily to watch them go at it after practice during practice like like was beautiful like is incredible to watch so I’m thankful someday I’ll have more thoughts on this but it’s been um it’s been a hell of a 12 years one day I’ll be able to put all these thoughts into place and process them I can’t really right now but salute to my dog killer Kay Thompson it’s been a hell of a ride champ you know the beautiful thing about being a sports fan there’s only like two days the whole year without a game two was so much happening and so much action that makes just about every day game day at draftking Sportsbook it’s super easy for first- timers to get started try betting on something simple like picking a team to win go to the draftking Sportsbook app 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Draymond Green gives his honest take about Klay Thompson leaving the Golden State Warriors for the Dallas Mavericks this NBA free agency period, in addition to the futures of himself and Steph Curry.

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  1. Dray, you will forever be part of what I called, the 3 amigos. This separation is very sad. You may have always had their back, but they've got yours too. Remember the boat pick up? You mattered to Klay…BIG TIME.

  2. Shame on the Golden States Organization for letting Klay go ! There is no loyalty after all he has done for the team I could not believe it

  3. Put it this way: In his last game — when it was win or go home — I scored as many points for GS as the guy they paid $500,000 for that game. If that didn't tell you Thompson was out the door, you weren't paying attention. He was ready for a change of scenery; guess we'll find out if the change of scenery is ready for him. My guess? Nope. But what do I know … other than if someone pays you $500K per game, you probably should … you know … try.

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