@Utah Jazz

The Latest Details On Utah Jazz Star Lauri Markkanen Trade!

The Latest Details On Utah Jazz Star Lauri Markkanen Trade!

what everybody is talking about today is the proposed Lori market and trade uh that dropped like a bombshell yesterday between the Jazz and the Golden State Warriors and really I think what this comes down to is what do you do with Lori Markin in’s contract because I think from what my sources with the Jazz and around the NBA are telling me the Jazz and the Warriors have a pretty firm understanding of what it’s going to take to get Lori Markin in move to the Warriors and I specifically say the Warriors because I believe the Warriors are in the driver’s seat on this deal let’s get a couple of things straight right now the Golden State Warriors I do not believe from what I am told will include Jonathan kaminga in this trade for Lori marinin and nor should they it would be a stunning move if the Golden State Warriors were to include Kingo who they view as the future of their franchise I have been told by multiple sources that the Warriors simply do not believe that they can let go of coming in this trade or any other trade but I think one of the main sticking points is who do you put in that trade if it’s not kaminga and we shall see I can tell you from the Utah Jazz side from what I am told by sources very close to the situation it will not be Andrew Wiggins that’s a $26 million contract I just think Andrew Wiggins right now is so damaged but I think there is an appetite by The Warriors to include whatever it is the Bounty of first round picks needs to be although they are hesitant to go to four I was told Point Blank yesterday that the Warriors are in the driver’s seat and are searching for a third team to make this trade happen is it a good fit we can get into that who should what should we can get into that but there is one thing that is very clear the Golden State Warriors are being very aggressive because they see now without Klay Thompson on that roster and I don’t know that this was a light bulb moment but I think certainly it brought New Perspective to the Warriors that without Klay Thompson this isn’t the old Golden State Warriors anymore they are no longer just assumed to be one of the best teams in the Western Conference and it is certainly clear that Steph Curry is not a guy that is Ageless and I think they understand that Steph Curry’s window to win a championship in Golden State in San Francisco is not endless and I think they know that they have got to go out and find him somebody Steph Curry that is a good fit playing next to him and has star power and when I say has star power I was specifically told yesterday that Golden State understands they don’t have a number two score right now and as much as they love Jonathan kaminga he’s not that guy currently they hope and they certainly believe that kaminga can turn into that guy but Golden State knows that a player of Lori markkanen’s caliber can make over that roster can make over that franchise inject new energy he’s a guy that plays low impact basketball and I think that’s really critical because here’s the other part of this equation that I think a lot of people don’t understand Lori marinin is eligible for a contract extension August 6th and on the surface you would say well it’s a sign in trade deal not so fast if the if the Utah Jaz extend Lori marinin they cannot trade him for six months and I think the other part of this conversation that is so complex is how much money is Lori marinin willing to leave on the table in a in an extension scenario with a team I don’t know the Golden State Warriors that he would be traded to because if you trade him one of the things you have to remember is he’s on an expiring deal he is eligible for an extension and the model here would be to renegotiate his deal and then extend him so that he would be uh able to earn the most money possible by some accounts and by sourcing yesterday I was told that if he is traded and renegotiates Golden State would not be able to pay him nearly as much as he would get from the JS it’s about a seven to n million difference I think that is significant is Lori marinan willing to Forfeit 7 to9 million doll to play not in Utah but to play in San Francisco for the Golden State Warriors Jake I think that is the most pertinent question on the table Yeah and and how much has he prioritized winning right now I mean obviously Lori’s been you know uh around the league a little bit he’s played for a couple of teams now and and obviously he hasn’t had the chance yet to play on a championship caliber team and and does Lori view the warrior situation uh currently with him if he were you know to be on their roster does he think that’s a championship caliber uh fit and and I think that’s a really interesting conversation because I do think Lori belongs on a championship caliber team I do think that he is absolutely good enough to to help you win a championship in your starting five and I think you know that’s on both ends of the floor and that’s kind of the beautiful thing about his game like you said I mean he’s somebody that that obviously can fit in he’s somebody that that can play with Steph Curry which I also think is something that not a lot of people are talking about you know Steph Curry is obviously has a specific skill set that that allows him to be elite but for him to use that skill set he needs guys around him that are willing to play Within that system and in that system is a lot of motion a lot of ball movement you know it’s not a traditional you know we’re just going to set some picks and you know play drive and kick obviously so I I think that for Lori Golden State would be a pretty good fit mainly because he’s got size they don’t have size he knows how to play Down Low he can shoot it when he needs to but the beautiful thing is he doesn’t need to shoot the three at a real high rate on that team so I I think for Lori it’s a great fit I I don’t know though um you know as far as the Jazz are concerned you know how willing they are to acques when it comes to draft picks and I think this is a conversation we’ve been having for years now with with the the Ryan Smith LED Jazz where you’ve got Danny age and Justin zanic in that front office uh and Danny a clearly prioritizes getting the absolute most he can of every opportunity and I’m curious when you when you did uh the deal that brought Lori to the Jazz was your thought hey we’re going to we’re gonna inevitably move Lori in two seasons and that’s why you know you that’s why you were excited to do the deal you did or or did the Jazz really want to build around Lori because because that’s the only thing I can think of if you’re that you know if you’re that steadfast on getting four picks out of this deal you clearly are are saying hey this is somebody that we feel we could build a championship around and we’re not so ready to just give that guy up so I think that’s an interesting dynamic as well yeah I think this all ultimately comes down to Lori markkanen’s willingness to commit to the Golden State Warriors in the long term and can the Golden State Warriors find a third team to take Andrew Wiggins I think that is a huge question mark here because if you trade for Lori marinin you will likely need to use your own cap space to extend him if you are the Golden State Warriors are you willing to give up multiple years of first round picks on a one-year rental and right now it would appear uh that the Golden State Warriors are not willing to do that and I think it is a it is a it is a big big question mark as to whether or not this deal happens with golden state because I also think San Antonio and Sacramento and I think Sacramento is a team we’ve talked about with Lori on this show in the past really over the last week or so Sacramento is not nearly in The Leverage position in my opinion from what I’ve been told that San Antonio and Golden State are in I don’t know that Lori marinin has an appetite to extend with Sacramento I think he absolutely wants to be in a position where he believes that he can compete for a championship and get paid what he has earned because I think Lor Markin is well aware of one thing very clearly he’s on a team-friendly deal and he in my opinion is not going to do anything that’s going to damage his ability to make a a pretty lucrative jump in compensation next year I think he’d like that to be now but I also think Lori marke him from what I understand is a guy that wants to play in big games he wants to play in meaningful minutes he wants to play in leverage situations and again I think a lot of people have been talking about you know his age and Lori arin’s a guy that has 10 years left in this league in my opinion if he really wanted to play that long he does not play Above the Rim he’s not a guy that bangs he’s not a high flyer he’s not somebody that you necessarily worry about the wear and tear on his body he’s been a pretty durable player in his time in Salt Lake City so I think he is a really good investment and I think that’s why San Antonio and I really think it’s San Antonio and Golden State I I don’t see an Avenue like there were a lot of wild rumors yesterday about the Lakers I’ve been told that the Lakers in the Jazz have not had significant substantive talks surrounding Lori Markin and I do not believe for a second that Ryan Smith the owner of the Utah Jazz will trade Lorie Markin into the Lakers I don’t believe he would do that um I think that it is far more likely he ends up in Golden State and secondarily in in San Antonio because I I just think the guy wants to win and I think I if he’s not going to win he wants to play in big-time basketball games that matter yeah well and I think when you’re playing for the Jazz for a couple of Seasons now you know with all due respect he hasn’t had that opportunity and and I think that you know if you’re Lori Markin and you’re you’re obviously uh you’re not stupid you can see where this organization is at right now you obviously understand you know the the runway that is getting back to playing playoff basketball in Salt Lake and I and I think that you know the the the other thing in this situation is that the there’s not it’s not like there’s a bunch of Marquee guys available now in free agency and around the league I mean Lori very clearly is the last hey this is somebody we can go and get who will make a difference for our organization and that’s why I think the Warriors want him so bad because obviously Klay Thompson leaving is a clear departure of a 13-year run in Golden state where they were dominant team and now that team’s been broken up and now you got to go and replace it Lor’s the last guy left and so you have this sort of power struggle happening where Danny wants four picks and the Warriors want their boy and you know the Lakers don’t have what they need to go ahead and get the job done which is why I’m guessing they haven’t tried to get Lori because again you’re going to need a lot of picks to make this happen because if Bridges got what he did uh if Bridges got that many picks how how are the jazs not asking for that many with I don’t even think it’s a a matter of the Lakers not having assets they don’t have the cap space to lock Lorie marinin in long term and if you’re going to give up significant assets you can’t do it on a one-year rental yeah and I think that is the single biggest issue and you know what Lorie is a guy that I think is acutely aware of his value I I I believe he would leave money on the table to go to Golden State I I believe that that that is very possible I think that if you are the Jazz you have a very small window in time to make this deal happen you probably have two to three weeks because you cannot go to training camp with him on your roster without an extension and if you extend him I think it’s a very interesting a very interesting point the days that you extend him it’s six months a and it’s not rocket science if you do some math and let’s say you extended him I believe his extension eligible date is August 6th mhm you extend him on August 6th September October November December January February and what happens in February the NBA trade deadline so if you extend him the date that you extend him is critical because you cannot trade him and I don’t want to speak out of turn I want to make sure I get it right but if if you extend him and you miss the NBA trade deadline you I think you’re damaging yourself well and I think the willingness to do deals at the deadline is also something to talk about with the Jazz I I I think you know last last go around last year at the trade deadline um up until probably you know memory serves four three four days before the deadline arrived uh the Jordan Clarkson situation was very clear Jordan wanted to be traded to a championship Contender and then that didn’t happen somehow and things changed and so I think when we look at Lori you know I I I think it’s hard for a player like Lori because obviously Lori wants to play championship basketball he wants to get to a good situation and he wants to take advantage of being in his prime and I think that’s that’s the hard part so if if you’re Lori marketing right now and you’re waiting to hear whether you’re going to be you know let’s just keep it simple a warrior or a jazz man you’re you’re looking at this and you’re saying okay if I’m a jazz man obviously I’m going to get paid right and obviously you know that’s great and and and everything’s kosher that way but but that means that you know I’m still going to be talking about being traded potentially assuming as you’re saying they get the that extension done you know in a timely fashion yeah um you know I’m still looking at being traded at the deadline and and so then my mind immediately goes to well are the jazs even willing to do a deal of that size at the deadline because they have shown a real hesitancy to to do that type of deal in the middle of the season and and I’m not criticizing them for that I’m just simply saying that’s what we’ve seen and and I don’t know that so that’s why I’m saying I I think this this Lori deal with the Warriors does feel like a you’re gonna do this and and you’re going to show willingness to to want to do this deal from the Jazz side of things or you’re going to be steadfast and you’re going to be hard a hard ass about four picks and it’s your way or the highway and you you are acting that way with the understanding that yeah we’re going to extend him as soon as we can if this deal doesn’t get done and we’ll kick the can down the road and I think for Lori that’s a difficult situation to be in well and I also think that a a very good point was made to me yesterday about players trusting the Utah Jazz because you look at the Donovan Mitchell Jordan Clarkson situation those were curveballs um you know we we we I think have seen the Jazz turn their plan up on its ear and I think that you know when you tell Donovan Mitchell and his camp that you’re going to trade Rudy goar and you’re going to build around him and then you you honor a trade request that and who knows the convoluted truth of that because Donovan nor the Jazz have ever talked about it right the Donovan Mitchell situation I think got ugly the Jordan Clarkson dysfunction last year turned some people in that locker room off I I I think that their hesitancy to renegotiate Jordan’s deal up until the very last moment of his optin opt out I think turned some people off so I’ll be interested to see how they handle this Lori marketing situation I think Danny a understands you either extend him and you are unable to trade him or you trade him and somebody else will have to renegotiate and extend him I that that’s it so everybody’s wondering and this is kind of our answer to the question we’ve talked about here why haven’t we heard that they have a deal in place they’re just waiting on the extension deadline well because I think they’re fueling some really competitive offers for Lori marinin and I think the Jazz the Jazz have a perception problem and I think that free agents don’t necessarily love the idea of signing contracts with the Jazz they have been unable to for a decade or more to retain their own free agents to retain their best players they have been unable certainly since Ryan Smith bought this franchise to build a competitive roster Ryan Smith inherited Rudy goar and Donovan Mitchell and since that time they have done little to nothing to restock and rebuild this roster they have not hit in the in the in the NBA draft they have not developed the talent that they did draft and when you look at guys that leave and Dante X I don’t know if Dante xm’s a good example or not I think Dante exen was a disaster for the Jazz but you don’t have a home run in the draft well look at current day I mean we’re we’re we’re sitting here talking about a lorry trade like you know I I I also think the under the radar conversation happening is Walker Kessler you know Walker kler is a guy that if if Walker Kessler gets away from you and gets to another organization I’m telling you he’s going to turn into a great big man in the league He’s Got Talent he’s young he can run he’s got everything that he needs and and and what’s disappointing is that you know we’re we’re obviously heading into Summer League season in the NBA and the Jazz put their roster out yesterday and it’s basically their regular season roster all going to summer league which is fine but I I I just sit here and I say how long do you want to live in this space and this is what I this is the takeaway I continue to have from the Utah Jazz you I I look at the Lori Markin in situation is a perfect example this what direction are you heading you either want to build around the guy or you want to trade him like there’s there there can’t be this sort of gray area where on the fence oh well you know we’re not going to extend them because we’re getting offers well do you want to build around the guy or do you want to trade the guy and and like you can’t have it both ways because the the the ugly truth of that is the message you send to Lori by Fielding trade offers which is hey we’re willing to trade you bro we don’t see you as a franchise but but I also think that I I think I would disagree with that I think that you’re not telling Lori marinin he’s not a franchise guy you’re telling Lori marinin that you’re in a different space in time than he is and there is open communication between Danny a Justin Sanic and Lori markkanen’s Camp Lori marinin has been in Salt Lake City he has been at the facility he has been working hard he has been around the team this is this is there’s no secrets here nobody’s caught off guard so I don’t think you’re sending the wrong message I think what you’re doing is just perpetuating what is now becoming the unspoken truth you don’t go to Utah to build a career and win a championship that’s the truth yeah it’s why you were never going to get male Bridges it’s why you in my opinion have not been able to secure even when you have had Assets in cap space for how many years have we talked about the Utah Jazz assets you’ve been unable to leverage them you have not been able to do and I use Golden State I think as a great example you’ve never been able to step clay and Dre you’ve never been able to do that you never been able to go out and get Kevin Durant you’ve never been able to go out and reload you you’re you’re talking about a situation where the Golden State Warriors and Andrew Wiggins is a wreck now certainly it was a critical part of a championship absolutely right so you went out and got the guy you paid the guy you won with the guy and now you’re going to wind up moving him and I think one of the most critical facets of a Lori Markin and deal will be Golden State’s ability to move on from Andrew Wiggins to create the space necessary to sign to essentially renegotiate and extend Lorie Marin’s deal I think you’re going to have to do that that’s going to be very difficult to do I I think it’s going to be very difficult and I think that if you are that if you are San Antonio and to a lesser extent Sacramento do you believe that you can get Lorie marinan to sign an extension I would think that it behooves Lori to do that because if he does not get a bump and pay this coming season and if he doesn’t re renegotiate his deal it hurts him significantly it hurts him significantly um a little breaking news out of the NBA a woe bomb woe uh this is not surprising um according to Adrien War Janowski LeBron James has agreed to a two-year $104 million uh maximum extension with the Lakers so not surprising at all not surprising even a little bit I think we’ve all been um waiting for that deal to come down and there it is now now you have a clearer picture of what this roster looks like and so for the Lakers I ask are you gonna make ad Mara Rosen trade and I’m really curious to see what it is that the Lakers do here because you’re not good enough you’re not you’re not yeah you’re a you’re another significant contributor away from competing at the top of the Western Conference and I think obviously demaro rosen’s the guy that’s available can you go and make that deal again this a very difficult situation the Lakers don’t have the cap space to sign demard Rosen so you need a sign in trade the Bulls essentially said yesterday they were willing to do a sign and trade with demard Rosen so it’ll be interesting to see how all that plays out but LeBron I loved all the people who were out here being like oh he’s going to talk to other teams he’s not they just drafted bronnie yeah he ain’t going anywhere the there he’s not leaving La yeah surpris a new deal includes a no trade clause I mean that’s that’s what it should be yeah that’s a given though for a guy like LeBron LeBron’s not going anywhere he doesn’t want to go so again you look at LeBron versus Lor’s situation completely different completely different Lori Marcus has some control because he’s on an expiring deal but Lorie marinan he really his financial future is really tied to what the Jazz do here because if he does not renegotiate his deal he’s not going to be eligible uh for a maximum extension at least at the at the higher tier he has to be making I think the number is 30 something 34 35 million MH um this season to sign a maximum extension and he’s only making 18 now that’s what I’m saying I think for Lori it’s it’s not like it’s not an easy situation from the players side of things like you’re you’re you’re looking at this and you’re saying okay you know I’m I’m going to be in one of two places obviously gonna be in Salt Lake or going to be in the Bay Area number one number two um you know it’s two completely different basketball situations I mean when you when you talk about what what would be asked of Lori in Golden State well obviously what would be asked of him is he’s going to play defense against bigs no question about it and then I would guess that uh there would be a lot of opportunity for him offensively I mean what what better way to get Steph Curry open for three than to draw the defense’s attention with Lori I mean I I mean Steve Curry’s going to have a field day if they can get that done and and and that’s why I say I think for the Warriors there’s a lot of reasons to do this deal but you’re spot on you can’t do the deal if Lor’s unwilling to play with you long term no especially if you’re gonna give up pod or if you’re gonna give up Moody I mean when you’re giving up multiple young players and multiple future first round picks you can’t you’ve got to have him under contract yeah there because yeah I I it speaks for itself I the the problem now is the contract language in the CBA it makes it kind of a a very difficult puzzle to put together and it’ll be interesting to see where where they go but I think there’s one other interesting point here about the Jazz the Jazz and their inability and it depends on what you believe about male Bridges I don’t believe they were ever in play for him I think it was strictly a leverag situation in that the Jazz I believe were leveraged to get more for M Bridges which they did ultimately in Brooklyn but the free agent Market has really helped the Jazz the deal that PG signed in Philly how quick and just the fact that a guy like Klay Thompson so quickly went to Dallas and really was only the Lakers in Dallas there’s not a lot of big fish in the market and dear doesn’t command the respect that guys like Paul George and Klay Thompson the attention that they got so the Jazz have this asset in Lori marinin and again they find themselves holding the league hostage for an absolute booty to get Lori Markin in out of Salt Lake City and it the guy that I speak to regularly in the NBA straight up said it’s the Utah Jazz versus the ba again because that’s where we are you’ve got multiple teams that want to leverage their future to acquire Lori marinin and the Jazz are going to try and take advantage of that well I mean look what look what Danny did with Rudy goar right I mean if you remember the Rudy goar situation obviously you know there were there was a lot of talk in that situation uh about you know the options with the Knicks and Donovan Mitchell and how that would impact the Rudy situation and and there was a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes and then all of a sudden this nuke dropped with Minnesota and this massive deal that I feel like to this day is still impacting the Lori deal I mean because you can draw this all the way back to hey they traded Rudy to Minnesota and got that hall and then now we’re seeing that had kind of reset the market and set a new floor for Value well hey if Rudy got this then this player should get that and now we we we see the ripples of that and again it’s and it’s what we said the day that it was announced Danny a was coming to the Jazz which is Danny a understands how to read the landscape and understands how to position his team uh in a in a way that that has leverage and so that’s why I say like I don’t think that they’ve done a poor job with L but but what I’m concerned about is is just if if if you’re this serious about trading the guy right if you’re this open to it because he is an asset and because of the position position you’re in what is your plan moving forward because I I I still don’t quite understand that from an organizational perspective what is the game plan because I’m kind of with you I’m a little burned on hey we’ve got this this just Gold Mine of year after year after year pick after pick after pick and this is cool we’re getting guys right like we’re like you know even with the filipowski off the court issues he’s a damn good basketball player right like you had a good draft this year but can you turn these guys into Banks well as everyone wanted to say you know big game hunting right uh you know but you have like these guys and the only question that everyone wants to ask is can you develop them so if you trade Lori what are you now well you’re right back to where you were which is ton of picks ton of assets ton of young guys and I’m not sure you can develop them into what you need them to be because that’s the thing I don’t care who you’re trading or not Trading if you can’t develop guys inside your organization that will prevent you from getting to that next level and that’s what I’m concerned about for the Jazz and they just have an assload of cap space they have assets like but again not to be redundant this is why you don’t sort of tank this is why you if you’re G to tank Go full San Antonio Spurs with Victor like you have to go you have to go to great Great Lengths to lose games and here’s exactly what I would do if I were the Utah Jazz uh I would trade Lori marinan and Walker Kessler I would I would do that I would try to make it a three- team deal I would try to get at least two first round picks in the coming draft I would try to at least in in the most difficult part of this would try to at least get a franchise projected young player MH the Warriors are not going to trade kaminga and let’s be honest I don’t know that Jonathan kaminga projects to be a franchise player he is not he has not shown that he has not been that I don’t know I don’t know if if I were Golden State I probably wouldn’t trade him either but I don’t know that Jonathan kaminga meets that bar um if you are who’s got multiple young players if you are Oklahoma City are are you trading Williams to get Lorie marinin you’re not right are you if you’re Sacramento are you trading Keegan Murray to get Lori Markin in you’re not no right you’re not going to do that so it makes it really difficult if you’re the Jazz you’re in a no- win situation with Lori make the deal well and I think it’s interesting when you take a look at Brooklyn over the last couple of years right like Brooklyn was a terrible team then got involved in the Kevin Durant situation right and they bring in KD and you know obviously had Harden and those two guys played like five seconds on the court together you know and then the Ben Simmons Saga and now we’ve come full circle and they tore that thing down and they’ve traded everything that they had on that good team and they’re right back to where they were so it’s not a question of whether franchises will inevitably be in the position that jazz are in the only question is how long will it take you to get to a place where you’re competing for a championship and this is where people you know tend to get a little upset with us when we say hey like I don’t know that I trust the organization right now with what they’re doing today to to aggressively pursue championships I think what we’re aggressively pursuing is making sure we we keep 30 plus million dolls in cap space for the next couple of seasons and we develop some guys and let’s just see what the league has offer I mean that’s what it seems like right now yeah but but I also think and I’m I know we have this conversation every day I feel like this is why you can hate the Lakers all you want but the Lakers are all in on winning a championship every single season the Golden State Warriors you can hate them all you want oh they’re ring Chasers [ __ ] right yeah the Golden State Warriors Chase Rings the Lakers Chase rings and it’s why the Phoenix Suns Chase Rings some of of them do it well the Lakers and the Warriors some of them don’t the Phoenix Suns haven’t yet M would you rather be those guys or would you rather be the the Utah Jazz who can’t sign free agents because free agents don’t want to sign with the Jazz and you consistently bungle situations in my opinion I think they completely mishandle Donovan Mitchell and it perpetuates this belief that guys don’t want to play here yeah and so now you find a guy and lri marinan who seemingly loves Salt Lake City and I feel like you’re in a position where you have no choice but to make this deal because if you can net four first round picks and two young players how do you say no to that because you’re not winning this year Lor marinin if he stays in Salt Lake City gets renegotiated gets a Max extension uh he’s how many games does he play this year why would you play him more than 40 45 games agreed you think Lori marinin wants to waste a season in meaningless games because there’s not going to be a meaningful game for the Utah Jazz this year yeah there’s not the hard truth is you’d rather be the Lakers as much as you hate them you’d rather be the Warriors as much as you hate them than the Utah Jazz that’s the bottom line frankly I’d rather be the Jazz and the Bulls and I’m a bulls fan yeah growing up in Chicago I’d rather be the Jazz and the Bulls who are who are a runner ship and we have guys walking away from them then the then I I would rather be the Utah Jazz and the Chicago Bulls but but that’s just about it why you want to be Philadelphia you want to be the Knicks how about the Brooklyn Nets you can’t tell me Joe sa doesn’t do what he has to do or can do it in moments in time the [ __ ] guy went out and got James Harden and Kevin Durant yeah and Kyrie Irving and Ben Simmons like I’d rather be the Sixers going out and getting Paul George like it’s amazing to me that you have a team in Salt Lake City who’s so focused on winning a Stanley Cup that they’re not spending money and there was a new article that came out that you were talking about yesterday about the financial outlay that Ryan Smith the owner of the Utah Jazz is going to have to make to rebuild Salt Lake City and it’s hundreds of millions of dollars yeah I mean basically the in in simple basic terms this this deal between Ryan seg Ryan Smith and and the city is hey you know you’re you’re your cost to renovate the Delta Center is going to be you know for hockey to to accommodate the hockey team is going to be about $500 million then you’ve got another 325 B and that’s an estimate yeah in the deal that’s not even a hard like vetted out number but 325 million to renovate the you know the district around Delta Center yeah and and the deal uh has a situation laid out where if the hockey team or the Jazz leave the building you are going to pay Financial penalty uh if in both uh lost like unrealized payments to you will stop paying you and you’re going to have to pay back any money that we did pay you and I think that’s the hard part because Ryan Smith I feel like to your point is focused on the hockey team and is focused on on the building itself and I think what’s interesting is I understand that NHL teams don’t often become available the way the coyotes were available but I also don’t feel like Ryan Smith knows how to win in sports I think he knows how to build business and I think he knows how to make money and I give the guy all the credit in the world for what he’s done but I’m not going to sit here and believe that this guy just all of a sudden woke up the day he bought the Jazz and no how to build either an NHL winner or an NBA winner if I say the lake ups are they winners absolutely we’re going to talk about Jerry Jones and the Cowboys in about 20 minutes winner no trying to be yes Genie bus winner yes yeah you can mock you can laugh you can laugh at Rob pinka they recently won an NBA championship and went to a Western Conference Finals what would Jazz Nation be saying if you had won the bubble Championship you wouldn’t be moing Champion right you wouldn’t be mocking but again I just think we’re in this space and time with the Jazz where they’re not going to take on payroll they’re not not going to pay luxury tax or anything close to it and I think they’re going to tell you well we tried but I don’t really care what you tried to do yeah what matters is are you a competitive NBA franchise and again I’m sorry to tell you Jazz fans because this shows a hell of a lot better when the Jazz are winning oh without a doubt when the Jazz are winning and we’re talking about Donovan Mitchell and Rudy gobear and we’re talking about Western Conference finals and Buon bag bovic missing a three in Dallas this is a better show that’s not going to be I don’t believe that’ll happen in the next two seasons I don’t I think your timeline has been remarkably slowed by the NHL and I understand it but don’t tell me you’re big game hunting don’t turn around and tell me Keon George is not a number one point guard I think that’s one of the single biggest mistakes Danny anch has made and he hasn’t made a lot of them Danny AG made a mistake in talking out the side of his mouth on keontay George because I do think Keon’s got number one point guard written all over he does he needs development but I but I think he’s got the talent certainly he’s got the the the uh shooting mechanics to be a number one I I definitely think he’s got the court Vision to be number one and and I do think he’s got the right attitude that because because I also think that’s a big part of this man like you look at the organization and what’s going to happen when you know so let’s say they do the Lorry deal and that happened and we had that direction what’s going to happen when you’re high up in the draft and you get into next year’s draft which is allegedly going to be better obviously everyone’s all hard over Cooper flag and you know this group of guys coming in what’s gonna happen when you draft a guy who knows he’s the best player in the draft and knows that that he can command money and you have to deal with that because we haven’t gotten to that phase yet because again and I also think it’s a really good point that’s been made you didn’t exactly execute on the tank job last season you won some games there at the end that you should not have won because you extended Jordan Clarkson instead of trading him be it is what it is I would just point out Donovan Mitchell signed $150 million extension in Cleveland your best players are playing at a high level there’s no question Minnesota has gotten a little bit more than you got out of Rudy goar now that’s dysfunctional as hell but I yeah anyway that it’s so frustrating I I don’t know what’s more frustrating being a bulls fan or covering the Jazz talking about the jazz on a regular basis the Bulls are trash we’re Garbo we’re always gonna be Garbo at least you know what you’re getting out of the the bolts like you know yeah we’re we’re gonna hire guys like Billy Donovan we’re gonna we’re gonna overpay Zack LaVine and we’re going to let demard Rosen walk away and we’re gonna keep vous at the trade dead and we’re gonna trade Alex Caruso like come on for nothing come on we’re gonna trade Alex Caruso for the guy that loves 15 or less yeah right like it’s just so frustrating to me it is well but it’s true you traded you traded an all-nba Defender for a guy who had a sex scandal last year and has been a complete bust and who refused to come off the bench in Oklahoma City on a championship caliber team Josh Giddy Up refused to come off their bench so they traded him and you gave him an all-nba Defender okay great cool a lot yeah being a a bulls fan sucks yeah but it is what it is all right enough of us more of you um couple of questions on the board should Golden State trade Jonathan kaminga my answer to that is not yet I would I would make Jonathan kaminga Boomer bust this season I think the guy has more upside you you missed on on wisan no doubt about that right and I what did he just sign a two-year deal I can’t remember where off the top of my head but you missed on wisman Indiana Indiana yeah you cannot miss on kaminga because if you trade kaminga to the Jazz where he’ll be here for 15 minutes he’s GNA be their best player right and you’re going to see whether you missed or whether he’s a Miss because if he goes to the Jazz and he becomes a star you’re going to be pissed off right so I would hang on to him I’d trade pod I would trade Moody I would trade two first round picks of my own I’d find a third team to take Andrew Wiggins I would renegotiate and extend Lori marinin into a max deal and I would put Lorie marinin and Steph Curry together for the next five years that’s what I would do I would not tra Jonathan kaminga and I think for the Jazz too just quick thought why are you why are you steadfast to get kaminga because again and we saw this this past season and this is just a a big Point thought if you’re doing this deal you’re not doing it because you’re trying to win a championship right like that’s this is not a deal where you’re like hey we need the finishing piece on our Championship Squad that’s not what this deal is which is exactly the kind of player kaminga is kaminga is a finishing piece a guy that you put on a championship roster to help you win one he’s at additional 15 to 20 a night on his best nights right now so if you’re the Jazz my point is why are you why are you stuck on on on this guy to get this deal done when you’re in a place where you’re tanking you need to give your young guys as many minutes as possible and you’re gonna be high up in the draft again next year yeah I look at Jonathan kaminga in what I don’t know I have no idea I think he’s 21 years old I shouldn’t say I have no idea I think he yeah 21 years old um this will be his age 22 season because he’s 21 years old 271 days right so when the season starts he’ll just have turned 22 he had a career year last year 16 16 points 26 minutes a game he took a step back but attempted more three-point shots um he’s not he’s only a 32% three-point shooter but I think you if you’re the Jazz and you have Jonathan kaminga you’re playing him 35 minutes a night you’re tagging him with your this young group and you’re playing him 35 minutes a night that’s why you want him now the the unfortunate part is you’re probably developing him for his next stop right like if we’re being brutally honest yeah you got to make them better so you can add value I think that the Jazz would love to get Jonathan kaminga and I don’t think the Warriors will trade him yeah I truly do not uh Brandon Butler what’s up good morning I don’t think the Jazz have a choice but to bottom out don’t misread where you are Lori is great but you are not anywhere near a playing game agreed agreed and and I think I think that Lori from what I’ve been told Lori marinin wants to play in leverage games he wants heat he wants moments and I I can’t blame him because he’s had very few of those in his career he has had very few of those in his career and he has not had a single one with the Jazz so you put him in Golden state next to Steph Curry I think that’s a home run pairing I I really do with Dr on his way out um who please stop doing podcast because you say stupid [ __ ] all the time Dre um but I think with Draymond Green on his way out he is certainly on the backside of his career um I think Lori marinan re-energizes that lineup I think especially if if if you buy in the to kaminga and you can have marinin and kaminga on the floor I think they they mesh well um I think it gives Steph a lot more space because trust me when I say Lori marinan you put him one-on-one with anybody and you’re G to get beat yep because he has turned into and I know he’s been invisible in in Salt Lake City with some flashes in the pan with that dunk on the Bulls and some really great moments but just you’re not watching doesn’t mean that he hasn’t turned himself into a beast yeah he’s getting into the line or you’re letting him finish I mean that’s just what it is he has turned into a beast and I think you’re exactly right that the Jazz are nowhere near it they’re nowhere near it uh that awkward guy the Jazz have fans and how uh yassen Cowboy the bubble Championship was a fake Championship tell me you don’t know the NBA without yeah do you know how difficult it was to win that Championship it was very difficult Brandon Whitesides because you can flip a finishing piece you can I agree um let’s see Steve stanic hello my friend how are you I hope your health is well Kansas is trying to get the Chiefs to the Kansas side yes we talked about this the other day um I don’t know how many of you know this but the Chiefs in the roles um on a ballot measure got voted down which is why Ryan Smith never put the NHL in Utah on a ballot because nobody would have supported it um but the Chiefs in the Royals don’t have the money coming from the public side to renovate and rebuild stadiums so and I know you’re all brilliant Kansas City Kansas and Kansas City Missouri hate each other and they’re right across the street from each other in two different states Kansas is preparing uh legisl to fund the Chiefs and the Royals on the Kansas side of the line I don’t think that ever happens we’ll see could you imagine that no could you imagine that I couldn’t uh Mike Smith m m money money money Ryan Smith has to has got to have your money do we all believe that Ryan Smith is a real billionaire does Ryan Smith have hundreds of millions of dollars in liquidity I think he I think that’s exactly right I think he’s got hundreds of millions I don’t think he has billions and I think that I don’t think so either I think that what Ryan did to buy the Jazz was obviously um liquidate qual tricks right sold qual tricks and and that was great but now I and again this is opinion I I don’t have numbers I don’t have paper to back it up but my opinion based on his behavior is that now you’re in neck deep in the Delta Center you know renovation bring the hockey team here hey by the way you know the real reason you got into this was because you were you grew up in Utah you’re a Provo kid and the Jazz were your team and you were supposed to carry the torch from the Millers and Gail uh and you haven’t really with all due respect done any of that I I I you know and I hate to say it I really wish it was different but you’ve essentially just chop Sho this organization this roster and we’re just sitting here waiting for for something real to happen and I tend to agree the organization has done uh uh put a ton of effort into marketing which is hey Jazz plus oh we’re making every we’re allowing everyone to watch Jazz games hey look at these terrible un right like I mean it’s one thing after another that does not have anything to do with basketball that they’re focused on and so that’s why I say I I I I don’t don’t think that Ryan Smith has you know billion dollars just sitting in his bank account I I think that he’s got several hundred million I would guess I mean that that makes sense to me but I think his liquidity is locked up in in in different Holdings and companies and I think a lot of his money is sitting uh in the ownership stake he’s gotten the Jazz and that’s what’s so incredible to me about what he’s chosen to do here if your money theoretically is attached to the Jazz you then theoretically would make more money by the Jazz winning so if you know how to build a business why have you not built this business well I I I think I think he’s busy trying to build a winner with the hockey team because if if the Utah Hockey Club doesn’t win people will quickly not show up and I think he knows that as much as we show up yeah I I I as much as we show up yeah you know I show up I I think that um yeah I I don’t know I I I’ve got opinions for days on on the strategy and and what exactly the Outlook is but what I know is that this team’s not going to be good for some time and what I also know is it’s a shame that Danny a has been tasked with hey keep us crappy for a couple of years so I can make some money rather than hey Danny a you’re a brilliant guy at building rosters here’s you know here here’s $200 million and some luxury tax money go get it done yeah totally agree uh welcome to the nightmare hello

The Monty Show is talking about a massive NBA trade involving Utah Jazz star Lauri Markkanen and the Golden State Warriors. Are the Utah Jazz ready to trade Lauri Markkanen? Are the Golden State Warriors willing to meet the asking price the Utah Jazz have set for Lauri Markkanen. Should the Golden State Warriors include Jonathan Kuminga to make a Lauri Markkanen deal happen?

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The Los Angeles Lakers continue to search for an infusion of talent to make a final championship run with LeBron James. Bronny James met the media for the first time and Lakers Head Coach JJ Redick raised questions after saying Bronny James earned everything he has, and deserves to be on the LA Lakers. Is Lakers Coach JJ Redick right? Or is this just spin to keep LeBron James and Bronny James happy?


  1. The Warriors literally can't trade 4 1sts because they owe their 2030 1st to Washington. That locks them out of trading 1st round picks in 2029-2031, the most they can include is two due to Stepien rules. They can supplement with swaps and Utah can negotiate those to their advantage, but it's not as much value as getting 4 1sts..

  2. Why are people so obsessed with Kuminga? lol people make him look like he's the next Kawhi Leonard lol he's not like that at all

  3. Question: In three instances, Jazz brass had no clue that Stockton, Malone or even Mitchell were going to be as good as they were. All three of themselves polished and improved their talents to be superstars….or close to one. Isn't it true Frank Layton went to Malone and said: "We are trading AD. We need you to be our new number one scorer." Malone on his own accord and with his own effort turned himself into arguably the Greatest Power Forward and scorer in NBA history. I just think that players have to have the willingness to be great and put in the time to be exceptional. What do you say?

  4. I would like to see ball hogs Sexton and Clarkson traded away. Nuggets pass the ball, Celtics pass the ball, Sexton and Clarkson…heck no. They don't know what pass the ball means. It does not compute with them.

  5. Relax and enjoy the process of the rebuild, it doesn't happen over night. We have a lot of great young talent who are developing, and I am excited about how they do in the summer league coming up. Wait a couple of years and then start squeeling about not shooting for a championship.

  6. Anytime you guys talk Jazz, I love it. I'm kinda niche, and only a Jazz fan, so I don't always listen. But I listen everywhere, and I like how your takes aren't bleeding heart, the Jazz always do their best. You actually give them some accountability.

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