@Washington Wizards

The Washington Wizards Killed The 2024 Draft + Jonas Valanciunas

The Washington Wizards Killed The 2024 Draft + Jonas Valanciunas

now realistically I’m not really too sure what is in the background for this video honestly it’s probably just you know some Wizards highlights maybe some rookie highlights maybe something along those lines but honestly this is a variety Channel and I feel like it’d be wrong for me to you know just say solely on the Hoy overse stuff the coral game stuff and I decided that I want to dive a little bit deeper into basketball this season so if you didn’t already know I am what you would call a delusional Wizards fan and basically what I mean by me being a delusional business fan is I have a lot more not expectations but a lot more of a feeling that we could be decent or should be decent than I think I should reasonably have when it comes to the Wizards teams like last year I thought we could win a few games or be solid but no that was quite literally one of the worst seasons not even quite literally that was the worst season I’ve ever seen throughout my entire span of being a wizard fan going 15 and 67 it’s kind of unacceptable especially considering that our roster last year was it was bad but it’s like realistically it could have been so much worse but as yall can obviously see from the title today this video is going to be just solely focused on the fact that at least me personally I feel like the Washington Wizards and I’ve seen similar sentiments that the Washington Wizards they lowkey and when I say lowkey I mean like High but they killed this year’s NBA draft like absolutely killed this year’s NBA draft and like when you really really look at it it’s hard to even be upset with this team because I’ve been watching the Wizards for years blow picks like Johnny Davis uh we at first thought Denny was going to be a blown pick because when we had Scott Brooks currently coaching Scott Brooks had Denny sitting in the corner as if Denny was supposed to just be a type of guy that just sits in the corner and essentially does nothing like Denny had an amazing breakout season last year I love Denny honestly I wish we could have still kept him on the team is what it is we’ve had draft picks like Kyle kosma that not Kyle kozma I’m stupid like freaking Kelly UB how do I get those two two names mixed up like Kelly UB who wasn’t really you know supposed to or expected to be too good good yet Kelly U has carved out a solid and I mean like a very solid career in the NBA yet you know who kind of messed it all up the Wizards because we somehow and I repeat somehow ended up in a situation where a player like that’s not even on our team but let’s just get into the actual players though so the Washington Wizards this year we drafted Alexander SAR or Alex SAR who probably is the best player in the draft class this year and I’m I was astounded to see that we actually managed to get our big man who could either potentially play at the four which he seems to prefer to want to actually play at or which he’ll most likely be moved down to the five at some point but 7 foot guy he has amazing movement somewhat of a three ball that’s nothing that’s amazingly consistent he has I’ll say relatively good size he almost has like that that that well-known I’m a big lengthy guy but it’s my first time coming into the league and quite obviously I’m young if I’m not mistaken he’s a 19yearold played in um I’m already forgetting where bro played bro is playing in France but I think that we potentially have our Corner Cornerstone or you know like our centerpiece type of guy now the one thing that’s always had me so like at a loss or even confused might I say when it came to my Washington Wizards is compared to some of the other teams right and I’m talking about like even some teams that have been down in the mud as far as rebuilds are concerned it’s like the Wizards have just never had that guy like the John Wall Bradley be teams were so fun to watch they were so fun to watch and even in the times of watching those teams it’s like they they just always seem to lack what was needed to be able to get over the hump honestly those teams made me so sad because it’s like they never really made any moves they never really did anything to try to help those two guys out pisses me off to this day but then we had a guy but you move on past the John wallers right and despite the fact that the Wizards were in we should rebuild Purgatory we at least had a Bradley Bill but that I don’t think that’s a player that you want to necessarily build a franchise around and currently in the current state of the NBA there’s a lot of teams that I would say are in a rebuilding state right you think of the pistons pistons are in a rebuilding State despite that that team being loaded with talent I don’t understand what’s going on there but they’re in a rebuilding State Kade Cunningham is there you know Kade Cunningham is their guy like straight up we know Kade Cunningham is their guy the Hornets in a rebuilding state they’re making a lot of Headway over there as well but they have lamelo you know lamelo is their guy shoot we could even talk about Brandon Miller they have Brandon Miller you Brandon Miller could be their guy you go to the Toronto Raptors who have officially kicked off their rebuild and Scotty Barnes they just paid their guy big money this year they have their guy you have other teams like the Spurs ultimate rebuild they have a wimy we all know they have their guy or even I feel like the only real question mark with some of the rebuilding teams is like the Blazers you could say and then kind of like the Jazz lowkey cuz with the Blazers it’s like we don’t really know if scoots you’re a guy yet or not but Shaden Shar and Scoot I think is a future back court for real real for real and then in the Jazz they just got a lot of picks bro they’re not in a bad spot so with the Wizards this year drafting Alexander SAR I think the Wiz might have actually finally found their guy to really push us forward to being a really good basketball team again now when you move on from Alexander SAR who I think is going to end up being the best person to come out the 2024 drive and I’m I’m I’m going talk it into existence I’m praying that either he or this next person that I mentioned wins Rookie of the Year going into next season I have high expectations for them he has nothing but a Greenlight and I think whether he plays alongside KZ or has to play without K kma as a whole I think he should be fine but the next player that I’m going to talk about is bub Carrington Carlton carington Bubba as I’m going to call him but it’s like that is a player that a lot of people mocked the Wizards to take Carlton Carrington whether that be taking him around the 26 pick which a lot of people were assuming no the Wizards made a trade which was the den Dia trade which in response to that we ended up getting Malcolm brogen back Pi pick 14 and then a 2029 pick if I’m not mistaken I also believe there was a second that was involved in that but uh yeah I’m I’m not really paying too much m to the second but as far as bub Carrington Carlson Carrington whatever it be uh from the things that I’ve seen he didn’t really play much point guard at all up until his freshman year at Pittsburgh which is a little concerning to me in my eyes because I understand players move around players shift and stuff like that and from what I’ve been told what I’ve seen is he didn’t have a bad year at all as a point guard there but it’s kind of a a big risk type of draft pick at 14 because considering there was so the so many other people that were on the board I understand the Wizard’s Vision obviously because we need youth we need potential we need those guys that we don’t really know what they can be and I feel like Bubba is probably one of the the best visions that you could get in I don’t know what they can be but we have specific things with this player that we we know we’re getting so like in in Carlson Carrington’s case you’re getting a point guard that is big sides bigid you know 64 type stuff which is I guess you could say more or less the modern point guard frame nowadays or the ideal point guard frame no shots to any of the other point guards that are smaller or even taller than that but it’s the ideal point guard type of frame you’re getting a point guard that can create shots off of the dribble is much better at creating his own shot than he is at the you know catch and shoot type of shots which is I think it’s promising because if you have a player that can already create his his own shot and you take that player and put him under the right type of leadership in which him creating his own shot evolves into one that skill still existing of him being able to create his own shot and then two it then transends to him being able to create his own shot while also being able to get everybody else their own shot as well just off the fact that him moving around the court with the ball in his hands is just creating that much space then I think that there’s some type of potential there not to mention that Carlton carington is also a very solid Defender I’m not sure if I would go along the length of saying he’s a plus defender or not but he is a very solid Defender so I think that realistically with the Carlton Carrington the Bubba Carrington I think with this pick the wizard lowkey kind of banged I don’t want to jump the gun or anything like that but I think he could have kind of banged and depending on realistically depending on his ability to be able to shoot the ball or how well he is as a scorer once he gets in the NBA because man’s averaged 14 bro 14 in college five rebounds three and a half assists but if he’s able to score the way that I’m hoping he’s able to score there’s very solid potential that he could be one of those later lottery picks that we’re talking about in a few years and saying oh my God how did the Wizards get get Bubba at 14 how like I think there’s a potential there but I’m I’m not too short and then last but not least kesan George Wing out of Miami but from the things that I’ve heard from the stuff that I’ve looked up uh Kean George is more of a how would you say it a prototypical 3 andd type of wing player because realistically I don’t know if the the ball handling skill is there but from the things I’ve seen from all of the stuff I’ve heard from other outlets speaking on how good the Wizard’s draft claz was he is an amazing 3and wing and with moving Den AIA I I think being able to bring in a guy that can still in that spot not the playmaking aspect but the the shot and the defending is something that we necessarily need like we quite literally need in such a early stage of a reap and I think between those three players man we we absolutely banged with Alexander SAR Bubba Carrington ke Shel now as far as like the rotations assuming we don’t really do anything in or do anything big come free agency because I’m I’m pretty sure they’re going to do something do I know what it’s going to be no not at all but let’s be honest we know that the Wizards will probably do something it’ll probably be something small but like the lineups that at least I was Envision I was envisioning in my head because I I want to say Kyle kman is going to get moved this off season but I I don’t really know so I’m just trying to currently Envision the Wizards with who’s playing so I’m thinking it’s going to be something like to start the season it’ll probably be like a Malcolm brogen at the one Jordan P at the two and then you’ll have balal kabali maybe at the three or not even maybe balal kabali at the three and then you have Kyle kman at the four and then Alexander SAR or alexar at the five like realistically I don’t hate that rotation at all like Malcolm Brogden in the trade I’ll be it I’m pretty sure they’re probably going to move him he’s a really good point guard for bub to learn from am I tripping to think that like realistically am am I tripping thinking that that Bubba Carrington is in a good situation learning behind Malcolm brogen uh a prior Rookie of the Year a prior really good playing guard like am I am I out of my mind for that I don’t expect uh Jordan PA to play even relatively as bad as he did at the start of last season like the second end of the season was really really good for him but I don’t expect him to have as off of a year as he did last year I saw that we also did um sign ran Holmes to twoyear 25 million deal which I don’t understand but I mean we need we need big men so I mean there’s there’s that but outside of that um yeah we we I don’t really know what we have with a lot of the other players on this roster like I’ve been seeing a lot about how people want tus Jones to come back which I wouldn’t hate but at the same time I feel like if you bring tus Jones back then the conversation becomes so with exactly are we doing with you know these B not Bel minutes but these bub Carrington minutes because I feel like in our current situation we have no reason to not play our youth like no reason at all Cory kissper is probably going to be second man up off the bench based off of um B’s play time assuming belal elevates his game because Bal kabali was an amazing and I mean an amazing addition by the Wizards last year I had no expectations for the guy at all and he was an amazing pickup not to mention not to mention a low a lowkey sneaky pickup that I’m surprisingly liking because in some of the games that he did get to play there was there was flashes but Tristan vukovich Tristan vukovic had flashes last season where you thought for maybe just a minute this guy is kind of good and if Tristan vukovic turns out to be a solid like a genuin solid Center and we can end up running a lineup of alexar and Tristan vukovich and vukovic is actually really good there’s some potential with this Wizards young Corp man like between the young core of Bubba Carrington alexar B kabali freaking kesan George and then Tristan vukovich like would would I am I being too delusional to say that there’s there’s a lot of potential in in that young core like realistically am I being too delusional to say that there’s a lot of potential there and um let’s be real if we really want to go into the the young core conversation I mean how how young is Young because Jordan p and Cory kissper are both only 25 as of the recording of this video I mean am I tripping I don’t know if I’m tripping or not bro I don’t know if I’m tripping but I’m going to wrap this up I’m going to try my hardest to follow the Wizards in a more in-depth way than I have for the past few years that I’ve been watching basketball I think if this video does pretty well we’re going to potentially make another channel for this but if y’all want me to keep it here then I’ll keep it here no I’m not the greatest basketball Minds I can only go off of what I’ve seen and what I’m understanding and I’m going to do a lot more deep diving research on some of these guys man and I’m going catch you boys for some League 100% because I’m going to be recapping or trying to do some small Recaps over you know these Wizards Games first Wizards game in summer league man we get to see the Alexander SAR Zachary reace matchup you know how good it feels that I can say that I’m a Wizards fan and In Summer League this year we have that guy that everyone wants to see hey man your boy H out peace I hope yall enjoyed this is a new experience without a doubt well um yeah every everything that I said earlier bro might have just went completely out the window now I’m recording this part after I already recorded the segment that you guys just watched but with today being uh the start of free agency the wizard just went out and signed yonas valent chunis to a threeyear three mean threee $30 million deal of all the things that I thought that we could potentially do I I did not think that our mid-level exception was going to be going to signing uh a veteran Center that is somewhat serviceable and I’m not gonna lie to you this could obviously once again be you know some delusional Wizards fan type of thought process I don’t think this is a championship team but with the accusations that we made or accusations that we made I think the Wizards could legitimately try to contend to be a a playing team at the very least next season now obviously I know there’s going to be the people that are going to say you know it’s the Cooper flag year tank anyway I think this move is 100% the Wizards trying to buy in and letting Alexander SAR or alexar play the preferred role or preferred position that he has stated he has clearly came out and said he wants to play the four and I think this is the Wizard’s way of trying to honor that and I respect that you have a guy that you’re coming in that’s potentially going to be the guy for your franchise so why not try to respect the things that he has already stated so I mean what are we looking at potential lineups we we we could see uh I mean realistically assuming they keep kozz uh Jordan P what what Jordan P balal kabali Kyle kosma and then you have Alex SAR and then yonas valent Tunis at the five I mean I don’t want to say that team is like phenomenal or anything like that but I feel like if it all comes together well that could 100% be a playoff play not playoff but play in team and playoffs is a really far standard or you could even have like a like a Malcolm Brogden Jordan P or Bal kabali at the two type thing and then the same Wing situation with Kyle kma Alex art yonis Ventus hey big Val welcome to Washington man I’m trying to find a way to buy into it but I still at the same time don’t really know how I feel about it uh I don’t know man we’ll see once the season starts

Welcome Hoodiefam ゖフラ

Washington Wizards You Guys Have Finally Done It !! Wizards Fans we’re for the first time, in a LONG TIME ecstatic about and absolutely loaded 2024 draft class. After drafting potentially the best prospect in the class Alex Sarr @ #2, One of the better shot creating point guards Bub Carrington @ #14, And lastly Kyshawn George, a phenominal 3 & D wing with heaps of potential @ #24 !! I LOOK FORWARD TO WATCHING SUMMER LEAGUE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A LONG TIME !!

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  1. Since I'm going to be following my Wizards ALOT more indepth this season, Im going to be mildly trying my hand at Wizards Media content throughout the year !! 🧙‍♂

  2. The Wizards organization was a clown show for so long but this post-Beal era already looks incredible. Grabbing Carrington and giving him the opportunity to learn under a vet in Malcolm Brogdon was a great move. Carrington's PnR with Sarr could be incredible. Sarr was my favorite prospect in the draft and I expect him to be the franchise rim protector but giving him the chance to be eased into that role with Valancunias there was another great call. Jonas gives the coaches the decision to develop Sarr as a 4 or a center depending on his strengths. Throw in the fact that Bilal Coulibaly and Kyshawn George have the potential to be very servicable 3&D wings and this team is just very well put together for the first time in a while. I do hope that Poole or Kuzma gets moved to make space for this new young core to develop but regardless this team finally has direction. AND they'll still probably be in the running for another top 5 pick in a STACKED 2025 class. Seems being a Wizards fan is fun for the first time since John Wall.

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