@Miami Heat

Alec Burks Signed! DeMar DeRozan WATCH! Miami Heat NBA Free Agency 2024 Live – Day 4

Alec Burks Signed! DeMar DeRozan WATCH! Miami Heat NBA Free Agency 2024 Live – Day 4

he yo what’s up NBA fans welcome into NBA now by Chad Sports I am Nick rolloff we are live on day four of NBA free agency we’re only on day four and it feels like things are pretty dead already if you ask me but welcome in we have a fun show planned where we’re going to talk about the latest rumors and news in the NBA some trade rumors and we’ll do a mailbag as well at the end of the show we’re actually live on to channels right now we’re live on chat sports and we’re live on the heat report as well some of you may know we did do that simal cast for the first two days of NBA forc I was already going to be live the heat just made a move in signing Alec Burks so I figured why not go live on the heat report to break down that move a little bit more and talk more basketball with all them as well so welcome in everyone from the heat report and chat sports we’ll get it started by shouting out your favorite team for me down in the comment section as we also welcome in producer Jeffrey cooperstein AKA Coupe what’s good CP what is good the majority of NBA free agen he kind of already done still some big moves to be made though you’re he interested in a little Demar D rozan action yeah we’re on D rozan watch I mean I think there are a lot of moves that could still be made on the trade market there’s some big names out there there are a couple sizable names in free agency as well when you think of a demard Rosen you think of tus Jones which might be a underrated name that I’m very intrigued to see where they he ends up Landing you have a Caleb Martin from Miami um we technically don’t know where buddy heal’s going even though he’s going to the Warriors just not official as of yet but shout out your city for me or not city but shout out your favorite team for me down in the comments section we got thaan saying Heat James saying Lakers Jay dog Lakers Ruiz Family Lakers Grayson saying heat a lot of Heat and Lakers in the chat today okay Levi sayian Nicks Dustin Saiyan t-wolves Michael Lakers Eric Hornets Cory Thunder Jeff Bulls rafhael heat Ahad bucks Timberwolves from Josh Carl’s in the chat what’s up Carl what’s up Carl I like turtles says nuggets Mavericks from Van Duran we got in the heat chat a lot of Heats to be expected but shout out TBC Thomas Cedric Black Swordsman Isaiah Truitt Bernell backup and rtcm the rain Ron Baker ice cold and time man All Tune in in we also did get a super chat on heat see if we could pull that real quick shout out to the first person to give us a little Super Chat here backup B baby $2 super underrated signing Alec Burks is a bucket yeah the most recent signing in NBA fre agency is Alec Burks joining the Miami Heat on a one-year deal it is a vet minimum contract for Burks as he is going to be paid $3.3 million this year that’s what the vet men is for someone who’s been in the league as long as he has uh over the last four seasons he’s averaged more than 10 points a game in each of those Seasons um and he shot above 38% from three if you round up it was 37.6% this season but the prior three seasons so 21 22 and 23 he shot 40 plus% from three this is someone who has been an accustomed three-point sniper and flamethrower were in starting lineups as well as benches and C people forget like he was really good for Detroit in the first portion of this last season and then he gets dealt alongside ban bogdanovich to New York where he really struggled from three only shooting 30% but played well in the postseason so this is a player in Alec Burks who is joining Miami to give them some bench scoring and shooting and I’m very intrigued to see what this means longterm for the Miami Heat they are a team interested in Demar D rozan which leads us to this question which team will sign Demar de rozan in free agency might be po as well might be our it’s our live poll as well so make sure you go give a vote he could be a signing trade could just be a outright signing depending on some other moves made but a team like Miami who’s intrigued in the services of D rozan could they be signing Alec Burks to be a bench score and bench shooter because they already are anticipating making a trade for a Duncan Robinson or hero or Terry Rosier where one of those three are going out to free up cap space for dear and Pat Riley knows this and ends up signing Burks ahead of the time so he can have his replacement shooter on the bench it’s a long shot but I mean I do see the dots being connected by NBA fans out there what you’re saying is Pat Riley has finally woken up and made a move that could improve the heat he has for the Heat fans out there if you follow me on Twitter Nick Roloff which if you haven’t already I don’t know what we’re doing and why you wouldn’t have done that already um but I put it a PO of photo shout to heat vers haters for originally having it this a couple days ago of Pat Riley sleeping in a heat bed and ever since that he’s made a couple moves resigning Thomas Bryant and re and bringing in Alec Burks but let me get some shout outs for the predictions of where D rozan will sign I see Cavs from Marshall Lakers from Jay dog heat Carter Cory says heat um heat are the favorites which we’ll talk in our first segment today Michael saying Lakers Santi saying he Raphael he Amir heat Corey heat Aiden Lakers I like Turtle says Miami um we got some votes down there a couple Lakers as well couple Lakers as well um heat Channel say a lot of Heat’s in there at gardo s Spurs though payt and heat all right what I will say is that before we get to the next Super Chat we need to hit the thumbs up button we have 150 people watching on the heat report shout out to the Legends coming in and hanging out um but we only have four likes that’s that’s actually abysmal that’s abysmal I shouldn’t have to ask for likes you should know what you have to do when you come into the live stream hit that thumbs up button on the heat report let’s get the 57 in likes and then we’ll get to 75 and on chat sports 500 people watching only 16 likes that needs to be in triple digits at bare minimum folks let’s hit that thumbs up icon let’s go oh let’s go this is disappointing I don’t want to be disappointed I want to have a really nice Wednesday afternoon on day four of NBA fany hanging out with you guys but you guys are pissing me off not that thumbs up icon my man Joey DeLuca in the chat saying CP what up what up Joey you’re a New York Knicks now real one Marsh will be live soon he’s he’s working slow out there but he’ll be live soon what’s up yeah um Black Swordsman says how about a shot for more likes if we get to 100 likes in the next 2 minutes I’ll take a shot but let’s talk about some of these super chats we’ll revisit that like Gemini Jets 22 with a $2 Super Chat um I think he sent either one or two I don’t know he sent one that was his first time Super Chat so appreciate the first time super Gemini and then send in another one a $2 Super Chat and says is it a separate or the same one separate it’s a separate one okay so appreciate the two different super chats from Gemini saying this one is who is most like to get traded Tyler or Terry I am under the belief that if the Miami Heat are going to trade one of their guards to sign deardo Rosen or just in general I believe it will be Tyler hero hero is getting paid more than Tyler or Terry Rosier he’s getting paid 2930 mil Terry’s at 24 in hero probably has a little bit more trade value cuz he’s younger by about six years he also averages 20 a game over the last 3 years I think it would most likely beat Tyler hero I also think think the heat want to trade Tyler more after that social media disaster if you will a couple days ago of him liking tweets bashing the Heat fan base as well as Jimmy Butler so if you’re asking me I’d likely lean towards Tyler herro being the guard being de out I like turtles with a $2 Super Chat on chat sports appreciate that Westbrook to the nuggies yeah the nuggets have been the only team linked to Russell Westbrook a day one of frency on Sunday it was reported that Westbrook opted into his contract one year for Mill but was likely going to be traded and then the Nuggets to this point have been the only team linked to Westbrook and nicoa joic allegedly wants to add the former MVP guard so if I had to guess it would be the Denver Nuggets unless another team emerges as we continue throughout our buildup process here on our live show who will be the best player traded going forward in the off season I wanted to ask who is going to be the best player traded in the off season but there already was a big-time trade with Mel Bridges this offseason and Deonte Murray so I want to know who is the best player to be traded going forward from now until day one of the regular season in late October who is going to be the best player that will be traded your answer Julius Randall oh he goes Julius Randall my answer I’ll go Lori market and I do think he ends up getting dealt I do I believe the Wind Horse reports I believe the buzz I will go Lori Markin in shout out your names down below I see kozma from Jonathan Taylor Cory child saying Lori Tyler hero from Garo um Dustin saying Lauer LaVine Tyler hero again Tim Preston says D rozan Yankee fan for life says Laurer Randall AK says LeBron to the Warriors not gonna happen Rashard Lee says ice tra gang Trey young ice Willie says Dear and fox see DeLuca says no keep Randall Keith says LaVine Turtle says Lori for sure Chase says Garland I don’t hate that uh Jay dog says I’ll go Nick will be the best thank you I don’t know who you’re referring to I mean Ry can hoop I am sometimes uh my confidence is a little shaken Coupe after some rough performances in our it was a rough one that’s all right yeah um do you know who jamaran sharp is uh jamaran sharp well he’s a 75 center from all miss and he’s on the map summer team not electric not who he is I see Mike saying Trey young Grayson saying Tyler hero van Lee says Nick I love the new intro on the videos thank you thank you Bradley Beal from Robert Smith he’s not getting traded Daniel Adams says Jeremy Grant Tyler ashberg says Lori Markin there there’s some interesting names out there there should be interesting names out there I’ll say that see a lot of Lor’s Willie says six-man for the heat Ry I’m in I’m in ry’s neck beard says Roy can’t hoop Roy’s neck beard I’m seven zipping you no questions ask me get you off my court you’re off my court in 30 seconds seven zip I get ball you don’t even touch Rock once easy buckets easy buckets do we have a like Dy weigh in because this is abysmal we do this is abysmal this this is abysmal if you’re ready to get the show started hit the thumbs up button but I got to be honest I am ridiculously disappointed with everyone tuning in today I know I just said it but I’m going to hammer it home again we have 230 people watching on heat 600 watching on chat sports and we have a combined 75 likes what are we doing we have damn near 800 people watching we can’t even have 100 combined likes hit the thumbs up icon we are live completely for free we’ve been live on here at chat sports for free andc every day since Sunday that we have well I don’t not understand why people aren’t hitting that thumbs up button it should be a customary measure it should be a GU it should be the first thing you do when you click on to the live show and the reason why we can go live for as long as we can and as often as we do to cover the NBA is because people hit the thumbs up icon so if you want to continue to further our coverage of the NBA hit the like button I honestly got scared I I got scared PJ doer agrees to a one-year deal with the Minnesota Timberwolves new signing new signing I saw um Jay dog says put the timer up there since the last signing well it would be at zero cuz PJ doer has agreed on a one-year deal with the t-wolves played over in Europe last year former Denver Nugget as well yep former maver summer league Legend okay okay God damn it guys hit the like button it’s don’t I don’t know if they’re doing it on purpose or not I’ve never seen a worse ratio in the history of ratios the history of ratios yes like the damn video if you’re not going to like it for me like it for Coupe come on we’ll just sign off I mean I I mean I’m I’m with it I’m with it we will end the live show if we don’t get to 100 likes on chat sports right now we’re 30 away we have 600 people watching you’re serious I I will sign off I do not care I have the videos already built I can film them outside alive if I need our bosses aren’t even here so we can do what we want I I I will do it if I have to but I don’t want to I don’t want to but I will I will hit that like button on heat too come on fellas come on disappointing Logan says I’ve already liked all right well because you’re a real one you’re a real one like the video everyone let’s go they get a $5 Super Chat from backup ant think about Terry and picks for dear if he don’t take an exception you get hero dear Jimmy yic bam lineup possibly convince Caleb heith to say um beat that’s nice in theory problem is the money that does not work and you just simply can’t do a sign and trade the way your contract or your lineup is right now because you get hard kept at the first apron and the team is already above the first apron if you do that so can’t do that um now I know you’re saying Terry and picks for Tomar you would have to trade one of Terry Rosier or Tyler herro to a different team think about the Detroit Pistons think about the Utah Jazz Brooklyn Nets San Antonio Spurs teams that need guard scoring and guard depth and have had interest in some of the players in the past like I know those four teams I’ve mentioned have had Intrigue in Tyler hero in the past so if you deal one of them away and get a first round pick in return you shed the 24 plus million doll in salary well then you could sign Demar rosan outright to an1 18 million doll free agency contract over one season stay below the first apron add dear Rosen and allow yourself to also get a first round pick in return which could potentially be useful down the line and you’d probably be under the first apron at that point so then you could sign a heith or Caleb Martin back and you’d be in the first apron at that point but you’re okay doing that because you’re able to get both High Smith potentially and deardo Rosen to your team as well as a first round pick I think you would sign up for that I think you would what’s up Jay Town said legend in the building shout out to Jay shout out to Jay um we’re not going to start Today’s show if at all if we don’t get 12 more likes plain and simple yeah it’s it it is that simple it is simply that simple if we don’t get to 100 likes on our main live show we’re just not doing the we’re not doing the stream we’re ending we have an exciting show planned for you guys we do tell them about the show we got planned cool we have the latest NBA free agency rumors on Demar D rozan buddy hee LeBron James you name it we’ve got it in the second segment we have five blockbuster trade ideas what big trades could go down before the start of the new NBA season and then last but not least it’s your chance to get on our show use # NBA or Super Chat Ry will read the questions I will select your questions so you better be careful down there in the chat but hurry up and like the video so we can please get into Today’s Show and so Ry and I just aren’t sitting here all day yeah that’s what I’m saying here Coupe and and here’s the thing like not many other channels are going live for four days of free agency and we’re answering questions too no one else does like no one else does what we do which is why I don’t understand we put you put out three heat videos today I that I did how how about this I filmed two Mavs videos in the Dolphins how about this day at the heat report so far three videos live show and I think we put out three or four shorts as well we are content machines over here that’s why I don’t get why people don’t like the video and on chat sports we did everything we just said two Mavs a dolphins for our NFL channel three Heats and we’re still live ready to go and breaking down the NBA news I don’t know what what else we could ask for I don’t I don’t know what y’all want I don’t know what y’all want uh we do see a couple super chats coming in from Matthew Creek and I30 we are going to talk about them in another Super Chat from lawn mower balls nice name we’re going to talk about those super chats after this first segment of the latest NBA fre agency rumors we did cross 100 likes so time to get into the first segment on today’s show welcome to the NBA now by Chad Sports where we are here on day four of NBA forc I am Nick rolloff we have a lot to talk about cuz demard D rozan what’s the latest update on the six-time NBA Allstar as he is the best free agent available buddy heeled sign and trade the details aren’t official but we will talk about how that is almost done and then the top NBA free agent still available to sign at the end of today’s show as well buckle up cuz we got a good show coming on Deck we’ll start with this because this also happened earlier today LeBron James this morning agreed to a 2-year $104 million max deal to return to the Los Angeles Lakers sources tell ESPN includes a player option and no trade clause that player option is for next season obviously but the reason why I want to bring this up is not to actually talk about the LeBron James news it’s but the ramifications for demard Rosen because the Lakers and Heat have been the two teams mentioned the most in pursuit of the services of D rozan but that deal puts the Lakers at least as we are currently standing and filming this video at the second apron of the luxury tax which makes it impossible to add dear D rozan to their roster so in order for them to be able to get dear they would have to shed a lot of contracts or have Demar sign in the vet Min it’s been reported he doesn’t want to do that so if the Lakers want to give him a serious contract that he’s deserving like 18 19 mil for one season they have to lose quite a bit in their salary book here is Javon buha of the athletic breaking down the latest on Demar D rozan saying that the Lakers have now turned their attention this is coming after the LeBron James extension by the way to demard R rozan though the Miami Heat are currently viewed as The Slight favorites to land the 15year veteran and six time All-Star according to League sources so you heard it there first the teams that we mentioned have been pursuing demard rosan the most have been the Heat and Lakers and the heat are viewed as the favorites according to the sources that Javon boha had and demard Rosen is a very fascinating player because he ages like wine here he’s just gotten better and better as his career is really gone and after he got moved off from Toronto people really wrote him off I’ll put my hand in the air like I thought his career was probably going to end and he was just going to play for these mediocre teams Chase bags and really never be anything now technically he has just played for mediocre teams in San Antonio and Chicago but you see the numbers on screen he has not been mediocre he’s been one of the best scorers in the NBA scoring at all three levels improving that three-point game that has always hurt him in the past and he has been one of the best if not the best fourth quarter player he has been consistently clutch for the Chicago Bulls and these are the three teams that have been connected to um D rozan the most we’ve already talked about the Lakers in heat but Mark Spears has reported that the Sacramento Kings have showcased interest in D rozan they are another team that have cap issues though and would need to probably clear some money in order to sign D rozan to like a one-year 820 million deal which is what I’m forecasting he wants I don’t think he wants 25 30 mil on one season but he’s just not going to take the mid-level exception for a non- taxpayer at 12.8 that’s too little for Demar he’s going to want something more than that so it’s really a question of if the roosen wants to get his money which it’s been reported he doesn’t want to take less than that 12.8 non- taxpayer midlevel what team here is going to be the first team to make a move to shed salary which would allow them to sign D rozan in NBA for aenc that’s the biggest question on the D rozan sweep Stakes thus far which brings me to this question for you guys watching at home which team will sign demard de Roan in NBA free agency I’d probably be willing to bet it’s one of the three teams we just showed on screen but maybe there’s a dark horse out there like the 76ers or the Memphis Grizzlies you let me know what team you believe D rozan will end up signing with let’s transition into a move that happened late last night that is yet to become official buddy heeled as sham shirana had the first report Golden State Warriors are in serious talks on a sign and trade to deal acquire or to acquire excuse me buddy hee Warriors and 76ers have been deep into discussions working to finalize the deal for one of the NBA’s best three-point Shooters but as you see at the end of that tweet and post and we’re filming this live and putting this out right after the deal has still yet to be finalized which means the team has not agreed on terms or buddy heeld and Golden State have not agreed to a contract I think it’s the former there and it’s really the 76ers and warriors hashing out what is going between the two teams because if Shams and the rest of the NBA is reporting there is a deal between heeld and Golden State that probably means they have agreed to a number and a year but the question is what is going to happen and who is going back and forth well Jake fiser who he has his moments um had this to say this morning now it’s still not official but he kind of said that sounds like it will be going into the Warriors trade player exception and the Sixers are going to net one second round pick or just multiple second round picks via draft Capital it be fascinating to see what the deal ends up being but let’s just look at the fit here now because I love buddy heels fit in Golden State I do they obviously lost Klay Thompson on Monday afternoon as he went to the Dallas Mavericks that’s not technically official either but it is going to get done in that sign and trade as well I think Buddy heeld is one of the most underrated players in the end NBA like it’s hard to say that cuz he did kind of decline this past season but I would label him as a top 10 three-point shooter in the NBA and since he’s entered the league personally out of Oklahoma in 2017 he has been a top five shooter in the NBA he is just consistently one of the best efficient three-point Shooters in terms of his efficiency matching his volume I think he is a great addition to Golden State I don’t know if he’ll start at the next to Steph Curry I don’t know if he’ll come off the bench and they’ll go with pod zmy or danthony and Melton in that starting lineup but all I know is that he could have the same impact offensively that Klay Thompson has had he is not better than Klay Thompson when Klay was at his Peak but as we’re talking about current forms buddy hee in 2024 or Klay Thompson in 2024 I seriously think there is a case to be made that buddy hee could have a better impact on Golden State than Klay Thompson would have it’s a hot take but I do think it is possible um and I’m getting this news here by the way as we’re going this filming this live and putting this out torian Prince signed with the Milwaukee Bucks um I know we’re talking about Golden State but we do everything around here that’s a big time addition to the Bucks and stay tuned for more up on that but let’s continue the conversation finalize the Golden State Warriors discussion because they have been stacking moves DeAnthony Melton Kyle Anderson bud healed these are three highlevel role players to help bolster this overall rotation there’s also been a massive rumor out there that they are interested in all in on Lori marketing now these role players aren’t going to be in one of those trades but could they be gearing up to build a really good role playing lineup around Steph Curry and Lori Markin and Draymond Green they could be a big move may be coming for Golden State and we’ll keep you up to date on that which is why you need to be subscribed to the channel because we have had you covered on every move in free agency and we will continue to have you updated with every move made in the trade market as well as free agency so hit that sub button and turn on those notifications top free agents still available torian Prince was on this list but he is no longer as he is joining the Milwaukee Bucks D rozan is still the top guy tus Jones Caleb Martin Gary Trent Jr and sadique Bay clear out the top five interesting to see where Ty Jones goes there’s a lot of Buzz about if he signs elsewhere it will be a sign in trade with Washington one of the best assist to turnover ratio point guards in NBA history I’ll be intrigued to see where tus ends up going next five here Malik Beasley miles Bridges precious aoua Goran Hayward and Haywood heith High spith has been drawing interest from a lot of contenders including the Los Angeles Clippers and Philadelphia 76ers Bridges intriguing name that I don’t think should be in the NBA but he is and the Clippers allegedly have a lot of interest in him him as well predict the future for me torian Prince signed while we were filming this video so that will be something that people might say in the comments but who’s going to be the next free agent to sign after toon Prince Sign me with the Milwaukee Bucks let us know and get a name down below also make sure you’re giving me a follow on Twitter at Nick rolloff because we are going to be breaking down the latest around the NBA on my Twitter and social media so if you want more NBA content my Twitter is the best place to do so if you haveen questions as well shoot me a DM because I’m not afraid to answer all right one segment in the books and uh the Heat fans that are in the chat know I’m a little disappointed that torian Prince joins the Bucks I labeled tan Prince as one of my top guys in for Agency for the heat to sign that they could do so on the cheap and now the Milwaukee Bucks have stolen two guys from us D Wright on the vetman and now torian Prince you didn’t give us a godamn it on that one and uh well I had to stay professional during the cut and not to mention they also stole Damen lard from us last year so I hate the Milwaukee Bucks I they didn’t win the championship though but Celtics did they did that’s is even worse even worse uh I see sadique Bay some votes down below I see miles Bridges demaro Rosen some comments as well let me know who you think is going to be the next player to sign demard Rosen the Warriors that’d be fascinating what is that I don’t know we got USA chance over there a lot of Caleb Martin in the chat some Caleb Martin from Rafael miles Bridges tus Jones to the Timberwolves that could be an interesting fit that’s where he started his career people forget he was drafted alongside uh um Cary Town same draft class in Minnesota people do forget people forget people forget Marcus Morris to the Mavs I’d be in you in I’d be in yeah he was on our free agent targets list uh you would have to apologize to Luca for trying to murder him but Gary Trent to the Spurs that’d be fun that’d be fun um Jones to the heat tyus Jones probably not going to happen this is Vladimir tereno any good he’s very good he went to the Red Wings is that like a good move yeah it’s he’s a sniper so this is sick yeah it’s a good move is this two years when aav of 4 point is that a lot of hockey 4.75 decent okay it’s like the mid-level exception basically all right he’s solid he was on the blues right he was on the blues and then he was on um looks like Florida yeah the Panthers he won the cup with the Panthers this year okay cool uh we got a Super Chat Matthew Creek $2 appreciate the Super Chat from Matthew Creek $2 let’s go baby let’s go appreciate that um also two Super Chat from I like turtles I was trying to decipher what this is I’ll be honest I have no idea us born number one overall pick two years in a row Trend oh well it was French so I think that’s what he meant it’s like French born number one overall pick in the last two years it’s Victor wanyama Zachary rash correct next year will be Cooper flag yeah next year is going to be an American uh Cooper flag will be the number one pick unless he uh don’t say it unless he gets injured which honestly still might not change anything if we’re going to be honest it might not um yeah Cooper flag lock who is number two and then the other the top two and three guys are also American Born Dylan Harper no boozer’s the year after Dylan Harper and Ace Bailey yeah yeah those both Ruckers commits watch out for VJ edcom baby yeah VJ edcom he is baham I don’t know if he’s born from the Bahamas but he plays for the Bahamas national team he’s a freshman from Baylor you got to keep your eyes out for Nolan tryi out of France so there is another Frenchman coming that will likely be a top 10 pick uh by the way this is just from Anthony Irwin who is a Lakers reporter he said they have held trade talks they’re interested in kozma and they have held trade talks with the blade over Jeremy Grant the Nets with Cam Johnson and Dorian finny Smith the Raptors on Bruce Brown and Kyle kma on the Wizards they’re trying to get anybody on Rob pinka is just absolutely spamming the call button trying to get a trade he’s working the phones um I I’ll say this I if I was Los Angeles I would have tried to I would trade for kakuzo over Jeremy Grant oh absolutely Grant contracts terrible way better contract I would argue that Kyle kosma is as good as the player if not he hooped last year I would argue if not Kyle kma’s contract is among the best in the NBA he’s got three years left on it this year is getting paid 23 mil next year’s 21 mil and the year after is 19 one of the rare descending contracts in the NBA over the next three seasons that will be very Team friendly over the next two years I think Kyle kozma should be someone a lot of teams saw to go after due to the contract and the impact he could have have I 30 with a $2 Super Chat appreciate you what’s the most realistic package for Tyler hero a first round pick it depends where he goes like if it’s just Utah or Detroit who are the only two teams that can absorb his contract without having to give anything back I probably like just one first run pick back like one first from one of the two teams like here’s my here’s my prediction it it and now this would be kind of wild but I think there is a chance that the Warriors trade for Lor marke in right I do and if they do that Sports Short Stop spamming high or we’re going to have to kick you bud um you’re going to have to let other people have a chance to comment we’ll give you a couple seconds to stop spamming High um but if you continue to do it you no give me one second one second one second one second one second I’m going to finish my thought if he’s still going we on on the hero stuff um if the Jazz end up trading Market in the Warriors they’re going to get a bunch of picks back for Lori as well as Jonathan kaminga maybe they will be okay cre making a three- team deal out of this where hero goes to the Jazz maraden goes to the Warriors kaminga and pix goes to Jazz as well and they get a young core of like kaminga hero Keon George D Danny a has liked him in the past in terms of uh Tyler hero and it worked financially for Utah where they don’t take in a total big contract because they’re still sending out Lori but in this hypothetical three team deal Miami is only sending out a player and only getting a first round pick back so but it would be coming from Golden State it’d be like a pick from Golden State but sent to Miami hero to Utah kuming like I don’t it’s listened it’s a wild idea but I think that’d be the best case scenario for Miami I can see that best case scenario for the heat shout out no Santana with the two says Savannah James to the Lakers you heard it here first I think she’s already on the Lakers she basically is already on the Lakers and you could also sign Bryce if you wanted to yeah why not why not we got lawn mower balls say with a five says would you trade on heat right yes this is on heat would you trade Tyler hero Duncan Robinson 2025 Lottery protected pick for Lori marinin and Colin I would do that without question the Jazz Laugh In Your Face lawn mower they laugh in your face Lor marinin is going to be one of the more sought after guys on the trade market and uh I think he’ll cost the equivalence of five first round picks yeah something like that like think about what Mel Bridges got and I get it different situation and he’s a cheap contract as well but Lor’s a cheap contract he’s only getting paid 18 mil this year now Lori is up for an extension and we’ll have to get a big time max deal whatever he’s able to get um next in this offseason or next offseason in but uh yeah it’s going to take a lot like if you had to have me predict what a heat package for maradan would be you’re going to think it’s too much but I might think the Jazz even St no to this it’ have to be hero yovic hakz and then the first round pick you can trade in 2031 that’s the that’s the equivalence of four first it’s unprotected in 2031 Hero’s value is the first Yi’s is a first yo Hawke’s value is probably a first plus probably a first Plus for hawkey would you agree with that like yeah that sounds right he’s wor all three of them are worth a first round pick but honestly I think Hero’s value might be the worst out of the three of them Haz could get you if you were to ship hakz out and not get a player back in return I think it would cost a first in like some seconds aged like it’s he’s a first plus because of how well he played in his rookie year and how he can fit on any any team so so if you want mark it on Miami that’s the package you would have to send I’m okay sending it I am i’ would be crazy if pull team f the young kids no now that’s going to be taken out of context that’s going to be taken out of context yo what after young kids trade him out I know what you me oh you you guys are so you guys are terrible you guys are terrible people out there um I’m I’m team trade the young kids and I know a lot of people are going to say yic like hakz like I want to keep him I no one likes yic as much as you have a jersey yeah I have Nicole yic Jersey like I want him on this team but if it means getting that demon Lori maradan in Miami like you got got a trio of bam Markin and Butler would be so dang nasty and in that hypothetical situation you keep here Rosier and Duncan too that would be tough how about that you’re you’re you’re that is absolutely getting clipped by the way and being sent to uh the masses is it it probably is guys are scumbags man scumbags man scum bags all right all right segment number two um yes segment two coming this way um you guys have terrible Minds I’m thinking I’m talking basketball and trades and you guys are Terri terrible you guys are terrible people for you guys even go there with your minds is terrible man um make sure you guys do hit that thumbs up button and we want to do a mailbag after this segment right here so if you have questions around the NBA # NBA or Super Chat to get onto the mailbag that is going to come up we’ll revisit and show how you can get on the show but # NBA or Super Chat to get on the mailbag after the segment take a sip of water oh my guy AJ’s back who talked so much [ __ ] in in in the season AJ says hey Nick are you going to keep that bet or you going to still ignore it AJ I’m pretty sure your bet was missing the Playoffs am I wrong about that was I am I wrong you bet that the heat would miss the playoffs and and they made the playoffs so I don’t know what to tell you about that AJ disagree that I think he’s lying I’m I’m gonna now try to find uh you all right I’m trying to find he dm’d me I remember this DM a long time says he has receipts I don’t think it was first round exit oh my man Omar’s burner in the chat says let’s go Mavs yes sir I don’t think it was first round exit because I was very open about if Miami ended up playing boss in the first round they’d likely lose um even though if I tried to be positive about them winning I was very open I I don’t know also also AJ you taking a Victory lap when Jimmy and Terry were her is crazy you’re not a real Heat fan AJ I said that back then I said that back then he he claims he’s a real Heat fan f i i don’t believe it he only is negative about the team use # NBA or Super Chat to get on the show coming up next though we are going to do five blockbuster trade ideas that could happen before the season begins like Corey child’s getting a question there hash NBA hnba I’m done you know what I’m also done with Anthony weski this guy’s gone this guy I think I don’t know if he’s a Celtics or buck fan but he only comes into the chat and starts trashing on the Heat fans and in the in the chat he’s gone and he’s gone done love it I’ve only I think I’ve only banned four people from the heat report he’s one of them now he’s one of them I think he’s four I think AJ was another actually I did I I remember Banning AJ that’s awesome cuz he was being very mean to other people in the chat oh I banned this kid named Brian too he deserved it yes he did that kid that kid deserved it um I actually think I banned him from chat sports till good because he was coming on here and hating on me so hard look at Dallas HQ oh God it’s already there we do we will get into our next segment momentarily I promise look at the Josh amazing amazing amazing Han Solo says show the receipts Jordan Perry says Warriors 25 the Warriors will not win in 25 yeah they aren’t they aren’t all right Trey young boy don’t be doing that in the chat no lies no lies no lies all right let’s get into the second segment on today’s show let’s do it you guys are terrible people by the way one I gota I gotta yeah I gota I got to take a second here chat the chat sports office are a bunch of terrible people folks they’re awful they’re awful all right I can’t I got I can’t see this dude I can’t get through I can’t get through this show when they’re throwing these daggers like this I’m I’m they’re popping up on my screen I can’t get through this are you kidding maybe I just got to mute Dallas HQ I’m going to forget to unmute it and it’s going to be a disaster moving forward all right we’re just going to have to try to grind through this you got it Blockbuster NBA trade ideas which stars could be on the move this off season as we progress past NBA fre AGC and into the rest of the off season we’re going to have five players that could be on the move and what those packages would look like and we’ll start with what I think would be the biggest Lori marinen the forward from the Utah Jazz heading to the Golden State Warriors it is rumored that the Warriors are interested and want to go all in for Lori Markin we’ll see if they end up doing so but if I had to project what a blockbuster trade would look like this is what I think the framework would be I think the Warriors would receive Lori marke in I think the Jazz would get two unprotected first round picks in 2025 and 2028 you could probably add some pick swaps in there as well but the main headlining piece going back to Utah is the young man Jonathan kuminga who had his best season after being the seventh overall pick three years ago we over 16 points a game this year and showcase his athleticism and ability to score but what would the Warriors be getting in Lori marinen they’d be getting one of the most dynamic offensive big men in the NBA SF Footers don’t move like Lori marinin moves man and ever since he has joined the Jazz after after being dealt from Cleveland to Utah in the Donovan Mitchell deal he has been Sensational 25 points and 23 points in his respective seasons and like I mentioned you just don’t see 39% three-point shooters from a guy like Lori marinin like 7 feet tall he can put on the deck he can shoot movement this is not standing and catching around he is able to shoot off the move and be able to really get it going from Beyond The Arc he can score at all three levels he’s also more athletic Than People realize and he’s also a better Defender Than People realize people just want to make the same stereotypes on Lori Marin’s player types but the question is with Markin going to Golden State does he make the Warriors title contenders or not he would be the second option in that team to an older Steph Curry and I’m a little bit skeptical on that I’m a big fan of Lori I see him as a possible second option on a title team but your number one has to be really good and your number three has to be really good the problem is they do not have a number three in Golden State they have a bunch of good role players in DeAnthony Melton buddy hee and they recently also acquired I’m spacing I’m uh Kyle Anderson as well but are they able to put together a team that can win a title I’m a little bit unsure of that number two Trey young to Miami you guys you you guys can’t do this man terrible we’ll keep this show rolling we got some other stuff happening on our live show appreciate everyone staying strong with us could Trey Young go to the Miami Heat the heat need to shake up their roster and they just simply can’t run it back so what could a deal look like if the Hawks end up blowing it up and sending Trey to Miami hero Duncan and Nia yic plus a second round pick I honestly don’t think the value of Trey young is really that high right now if it’s deserved or not I don’t know but either way they have already made the decision to move off to jonay Murray could they do that with Trey young get a young player and hero for their back court as well as a young front Court piece and Nia yic regardless of what you think from Atlanta Miami needs to do something in order to improve their roster and not run it back and Trey young feels like a good addition to this team considering how he can take most of the burden offensively and really transcend bam ao’s offensive game bam has never had a point guard to distribute the basketball to him and throw him accurate lob passes he just hasn’t had that a Trey young bam pick and roll would be one of the most dynamic offensive plays in the NBA and to me it feels like a move Miami should absolutely be considering if young is on the table for a trade let me ask you this though we still got three players to talk about here in the show but who will be the best player traded going forward in the off season let me know your thoughts down below maybe it’s Brandon Ingram as I have him potentially going to the Cleveland Cavaliers as a blackb or blockbuster trade Ingram last year of his deal um the Pelicans are rumored to not want to keep him around long term is the fit with him CJ McCullum Zion Williamson is questionable they already made the move to get deante Murray could they be okay with Murray Zion McCullum alongside herb Jones and Trey Murphy being their main guys well they could also use this trade where the Cavaliers send Jared Allen Max dreu in a 2028 first round pick to uh clevel or to New Orleans to get Brandon Ingram and to me this works out for both sides the Pelicans get their starting center alongside Zion after losing Jonas valent Tunis INF frency and they get a good shooter to add to their bench the Cavaliers get their second leading scorer and Brandon Ingram who connects very very well to Evan Mobley in the front court because think about this you would now have a core 4 in Cleveland and deitch Ingram Garland Evan Mobley I’m not sure if that is ready to win a championship right now but if they’re able to grow together Moy takes another step Garland becomes more efficient and they really gel nicely maybe in two to three seasons that is a team that can compete in the Eastern Conference and really try to get NBA title it’s a pretty even trade if you’re asking me for both sides but I want to know for you who wins this trade at home New Orleans or Cleveland answer that by just typing in their initials for me down in the comment section let’s get spicy with a Julius Randall to the Utah Jazz trade I think a Randall trade could be very likely if you’re asking me when you think of what the Knicks have on their roster right now with Jaylen Brunson ogan noi Mel Bridges Divan chenzo Josh Hart Mitchell Robinson they have Randall but I don’t know if he fits on this team in this like selfless type of basketball Randall isn’t that effective unless he has the ball in his hands and he simply won’t because of Brunson dominating the ball and then they’ll likely give it to M and OG as their second and third options off ball the Knicks have rumored to be interested in Walker Kessler and could they trade Julius Randall in a first round pick to Utah and return for Kessler Colin ston to be a bench guard as Divan chenzo would likely slot into the starting lineup and former first-run pick Bryce Sall Randall a two-time Allstar over the past two seasons in New York could be the piece that helps Utah get things moving in the right direction cuz in this specific scenario where Randall goes to the Jazz they keep Lori marke in they have a front Court of Julius Randall and Lorie marinen young pieces in the back court of Keon George like could this be where Utah ends up heading in the direction Randall’s an All-Star caliber player he plays the four Markin and plays the five it’s an intriguing hypothetical if Utah wants to start trying to contend maybe not contend but at least compete in the west over the next three or four seasons and if you’re the Knicks are you willing to make this move I think the pieces of Walker Kessler Colin seon Bryce senall fit their roster much better than one Julius Randall because you’d start OG at the four m at the three you slide dant shenzo back into the starting lineup as he’s probably not likely to be the starter now you have Jaylen at the one Kessler’s your starting center Mitchell Robinson your backup center with Colin Sexton and Josh Hart as your lead guys in that guard/forward position to me I think this is another trade that makes sense for both sides and could get done if Utah wants to commit to Lori Markin but like I mentioned off the top it seems like they might not want to commit to Lori make you are subscribed to the channel because you’re going to get more free content on the NBA all year long join the channel and subscribe as we will give you covered on everything you need to know how about the last one being Kyle kosma to the Sacramento Kings probably the least Blockbuster out of all of them but I still think this could be a good deal the Wizards could be looking to go in a youth movement in a New Direction with Alex SAR as well as bub Carrington and Kean George and could luck to get some assets back for Kyle kozma well here’s a good idea the Kings need a forward they get it here by trading away Harrison Barnes they get a younger piece in Kozo who’s a little bit of an upgrade they send out one first round pick alongside Harrison Barnes in two second round picks there’s reports out there that the Wizards want two first rounders I think that’s a little bit much for kozma but Kyle is one of the best contracts in the NBA three years left on his deal getting paid 23 Mill this season 21 mil next season and then eight or 19 million the season after one of the rare descending contracts for a player that’s pretty solid in terms of averaging 20 points a game good rebounding and is a okay in terms of their efficiency I think Kua makes a lot of sense for Sacramento he fits them in terms of their fit as well as salary cap if Sacramento is willing to Dish off a first round pick in a couple seconds and Washington’s willing to listen and take that I think it make sense for the Kings we went through five Blockbuster trades on today’s show let me know which one was your favorite could it be Lori going to the Warriors that’s our first trade type one if you think it’s that could it be Trey young going to the heat that’s number two or about this fair and equal trade between the Cavs and Pelicans number three Jazz getting Julius Randall in the Knicks getting Walker Kessler that’s number four and the final one we just talked about Kyle kozma heading to Sacramento is the fifth trade let me know which one you like the most down below make sure you are following me on Twitter as well @ Nick rolloff is my handle talking more NBA Hoops on a daily basis on Twitter SLX so make sure you go give me a follow and join me over there terrible you got through it terrible you got through it terrible what’ he say what he said go back through it again our mailbags coming up well I didn’t see I didn’t see anything that got said I just see him crying in the screen I can’t hold it crying laughing over here’s try to prob minor use # NBA or Super Chat to get on our mailbag coming up in a few minutes as relly reads through his evisceration this is ridiculous the Drake one’s crazy the Drake one’s crazy CRA the mine oh it was Chase’s the one where he’s like rolling the audience waiting for rolly segment that one had me dead Jesus Christ this is this is unbelievable NBA free agency live day four with Ry terrible people terrible terrible oh that’s awesome in other news today is my last day working at chat sports I will be gone use hnba or excuse me Super Chat even I got my guy Ron Baker chanting they not like us in the chat what is going on Ron Baker uh either way we do have one more segment to get to on today’s show and we want to do a mailbag # NBA is how you can get featured not # your favorite team # NBA or Super Chat to get on the show hash NBA or Super Chat Stickman Sam has a question $5 Super Chat from heat report but that’s not really one that can get on the show so we’ll talk about it prior to us starting our mailbag fun answer for you Stickman Sam so stick around for this stick around for this all right here is the $5 Super Chat from Stickman Sam great question yo Nick I have a question how come the heat report wasn’t a thing until last year well you want to know why is because I created the heat report um so I started working at chat sports on September 1st 2022 um so almost two years two years and a month and a half and uh here’s the thing like when I got here there was only what six NBA channels yep there was only six NBA channels there was Lakers Warriors Mavericks Sixers Knicks Celtics and after the first NBA season I was a producer and I started as a producer here at chat sports I am now a full-time on air host um so that’s pretty cool but um either way I me and Patrick seatman who hosts the Bulls report he’s a bulls fan I’m a DI hard Heat fan after the NBA season concluded or really one the playoffs were going on I was like I feel like a heat channel would be doing really well I feel like there’s a lot of Heat fans out there that are looking for Content I want to try to improve myself personally become more of a host and I was like well bosses what are your thoughts on starting a heat Channel and the Bulls Channel they gave us an okay and uh that’s how the NBA or the heat report started Die Hard Heat fans since I started watching NBA basketball and I was like let’s get a show or let’s get a uh Channel and here we are here we are almost 13k subscribers later and uh about a year cuz our first video was in late May our first video that we did on the heat report was a did pop actually it had like 10,000 views for first ever video was kind of crazy um it was an Eastern Conference Finals preview between the Heat and Celtics um but yeah we’ve we’ve come a long way we’ve come a long way Omar’s burner $5 Super Chat curious if this summer after following Nick on X if I’m going to see more heat trade rumors or Steelers wide receiver rumors um good question will I tweet more about heat trade rumors or will sper talk about Steelers wide receiver rumors it will be sper I would also agree that guy thinks about the Steelers in the middle of his sleep he’ll wake up in a cold sweat and tweet something about the Steelers uh yeah appreci he took a week off and he’s doing videos every day uh are those all atomes by the way yeah he’s doing atomes all week yeah when I’m off in a week and three weeks you will not be see me doing that I will have video scheduled but I will not be doing atomes um yeah appreciate all the positive comments thousand eyes Jay the fox Jay the fox is an OG it was a real one Coupe do we have enough questions for a mailbag um no no we need um you know what we have we need like two or three more questions the Glock this with a legendary Super Chat Glock this you should have super chated this on the heat report that’s awesome though should have done it on the heat report my friend shout out to the Glock no Santana we will get to your super chat in the mailbag don’t you worry the Glock says shout out to all of us yich Jersey owners yeah I got my black statement is it called statement I think so yeah I think so yeah what what is what are the there’s statement Association city city IC icon I believe statement is black Association is white icon’s red and then city is the heat culture yep for Miami that sounds about right shout out to Willie Vera we’ll get to your super chat on the mailbag as well are the questions coming in from the heat report by the way probably not right they’re not yeah probably not they got some good questions though could you try to duplicate it and see because they’re not even about the heat like there’s one about hero and Ivy and and then about the Celtics too okay so there I see if you can duplicate and try to get those in there yeah are they all uppercase they are all caps yeah a couple super chats coming in too the Glock nness you kill me you know I wasn’t asking for you to do this I just said you should have but how about the Glock nness going over to the heat Channel and then Super chatting another $2 with this exact message so shout out to Glock shout out to Glock nness uh Corbin said in a first time Super Chat dollar said first time super chatting sorry to forget include a message all good brother thanks for the $1 Super Chat we’re good we got the you got them no I yeah you don’t have to do specific heat ones to that say I just thought there was a couple ones that were NBA related that were actually pretty good like the J and iy for hero swap question um I also saw something about the Celtics I see a question from Jay the fox saying Nick are you guys going to add more NBA channels soon um it would if there were to be more additions to the NBA slate it’d be probably at the end of next regular season um we kind of missed our window cuz obviously as you guys can imagine the busiest time for NBA YouTube channels are uh during the off season during free agency trade rumors draft so you would if we were to make a channel we would definitely have it be started just prior to this time cuz that’s when it could really grow and pop off as a young Channel um Dave asked where is Chase Senor Dave is uh asking for Chase Senor he’s over there he I don’t I don’t think Dave is a fan of Nick rolloff becoming the NBA chat sports guy well guess what too damn bad that’s too damn bad that’s too damn bad uh my man Dave Dave aloy Dave there’s Chase Chase Senor all right you ready to get into this sack all right we do see a super chat from lawn mower balls probably not going to be in the mailbag but we will bring that up after so don’t you worry there um let’s get into this mailbag here latest rumors are on the NBA let’s answer them welcome to the NBA now by chat sports I am Nick rolloff on today’s show little bit NBA rumors mailbag haven’t done one in a long time but I figured as NBA fre agency slowed down a little bit it’d be a good time to answer some questions from the real ones out here at Chad sports that are wondering the latest in the NBA we start with a $2 Super Chat from no Santana 14 shout out to you at what point Will Curry want out of Golden State if ever this is a fascinating question no because I don’t think he would ever request a trade from Golden State he’s a warrior lifer and I don’t think the Warriors would ever even accommodate it to be honest even though he’s their franchise goat and Legend I don’t think they would trade him just because it’d be the stupidest thing MoneyWise in history but the reason why you’re seeing the Warriors be interested in a Lori market and trade is to me to at least show Steph Curry that they’re trying to do something to make sure the final three to four seasons of his career don’t go to waste so I don’t think he’ll ever be asking for a trade because they’re going to do everything in their power to make sure he’s got at least a roster that can compete in the Western Conference Willie with a $2 Super Chat sign and trade hero for D rozan Terry Rosier Dr okay so different trades so hero sign in trade for D rozen Terry Rosier and Duncan Robinson for Trey young coming in from a heat lens here um one the heat will not do a sign in trade for D rozan because it hard caps them at the first apron and they are already currently over the first apron so they just will not do a sign and trade for d and for Trey young it’s going to cost a lot more than Terry Rosier and Duncan Robinson it is it’s going to cost you picks it’s going to cost you a one of Nia yic Hae hakz Jr in a likelihood now if you could find a way to trade hero to a third team like a random team shed his salary signed Dem marar rozan on a one-year $18 million deal and then trade Duncan yovic picks for Trey young I don’t know if it’s Fe feasible but a Trey young Jimmy D rozan bam 4 it would be very fun and it would be a competing team in the Eastern Conference that’s for sure let me know how would you grade the NBA off season thus far we’ve got something slowing down in free agency something slowing down after the draft how would you grade the NBA offseason thus far Corbin with a $5 Super Chat shout out the Corbin what would miles Bridges to the Clippers look like sign and trade or would they need to do other trades to clear caps space for a free agent signings all right let me answer this first by getting the exact numbers of the Los Angeles Clippers cap space situation there is the buzz out there that they want and are interested in Miles Bridges I’m not sure what miles Bridges is really going for right now but according to spot TR as of right now there is $7.1 million of space before the Clippers get to the first apron so allegedly they could off offer them him the non- taxpaying midlevel 5.2 mil which is probably what I would uh no no said that wrong wait Co help me out here I just want to double check non taxpayers 12.8 the the taxpayers yeah I said that backwards I just want to make sure that’s abundantly clear so I guess allegedly they could probably offer $7.1 million right up until they get to the first apron so that’s what I would probably look for if I was a Clippers fan it wouldn’t be a side in trade because that then would hardap them I believe at the first apron and I don’t think they want to do that so 7.1 mil on one year is probably what you’re looking at Devonte Adams burner with a question if the Sixers trade for Dorian finny Smith and sign Gary Trent Junior where would they rank in the NBA two three in the entire NBA I already think the Sixers are better than the Knicks um after getting Paul George C UB back um Eric Gordon and Andre Drummond if they’re able to trade for Dorian finy Smith to have them him be their starting power forward in between your starting back cour and you Gary Trent Jr as a six-band flamethrower Off the Bench I think that’s the second or third best team in the NBA Boston’s going to have to be number one I think Oklahoma City Thunder are two and then maybe the Sixers would be there with OKC or they’d be the third team in the NBA Tino with a question outside of the Celtics who are the scariest teams in the NBA right now as mentioned 76ers Oklahoma City Thunder it’s hard to count out the Dallas Mavericks after improving their team they just made the finals Clay’s an improvement over Tim Hardway Jr um Quinton Grimes may be a upgrade over Josh green and then getting Naji Marshall I think is an upgrade over Derrick Jones Jr because he’s a better offensive fit and provides you with the same defense so the Mavericks are right there the Knicks are still there the Sixers like I think the NBA champion will come with from one of these five teams next season and I’m willing to bet on that Celtics Sixers Knicks Thunder Mavs Timberwolves close number six make sure you are subscribed to the channel because we are going to have the best content not only for the NBA but for college football for the NFL so if you want the latest on the NBA this is the channel for you subscribe right now at or chatport TV l what should Warriors do next move well they’ve been busy over the past 48 hours getting bu healed in a signning trade getting Kyle Anderson DeAnthony Melton and I do think it’s possible that they are loading up with good role players to complement a big two if you will of Lor marinen and Steph Curry because the current roster isn’t going to contend in the west but if they traded Kinga Gary Payton Jr and pix to get Lori Market in well now we’re talking a lot of solid role players to compliment Draymond Lori and Steph so to me I think Golden State it’s been reported that they’re going to go all in for Market in I think that is the most likely scenario for the Warriors this off season so that’s the next move that I would anticipate for Golden State Omar burner says will the Mavs pursue Patrick Beverly hope you say no well let’s bring on producer Jeffrey cooperstein here who is a host here of the Mavericks channel so coup uh the Mavs might pursue Patrick Beverly they have $4.4 million left of their mid-level exception and I think they could use it on a guy like Beverly I think they need a backup point guard and he kind of fits the description if I had to pick I think it would be Dennis Smith Jr Patrick Beverly is a guy that they also could sign I mean he would be the best point of attack defender on the Mavericks right away so it’s definitely something I could see Beverly someone who is probably going to be signed for the vet Min 3.3 mil probably nothing other than that I think there’s going to be a lot of teams that could be interested in his services for point of attack guard defense in the NBA once the main free agents kind of clear out Jordan what would you think of a deangela Russell for demara Rosen swap well I still don’t think it works financially for the Lakers because of the sign and trade hard cap situation which has just been the issue all along with a lot of these teams under the new CBA I believe any sign in trade hard caps you at the first apron and if that’s the case the Lakers are currently in the second apron so if they want to get DeMar the way they’re going to have to do it is they’re going to have to clear out a lot of cap space to get below the first apron but below the first apron enough to offer D Ro in a legitimate contract so think D’Angelo Russell’s $18 million contract maybe Jared Vanderbilt or ruy hachimura who are both making about1 17 million like two of those guys would have to be gone to get $15 million underneath the first apron which would that allow them to sign Dem Mar Rosen are they going to be able to find a trade package where they get two of of those three guys out of here to sign to roen that’s a question that needs to be seen who are the favorites to win the NBA Finals we had a question earlier about who are the most dangerous teams out of Boston I gave you a list of five or six teams that I think are going to win the finals let me know who your favorites are to win the NBA Finals Delux gaming says what would you do if you were the Lakers probably look on the trade market I know a lot of people are going to talk about D rozan I don’t think he’s that good of a fit in Los Angeles anyway now you could hypothetically with LeBron James having a player option you could bring D rozan in for a one-year deal and just go all in on one season with d rozan LeBron and AD and just see what happens but if I were the Lakers I’d probably try to find a wing player that can space the floor defend create for their own to help LeBron and AD I know there was a crazy report out there that they’ve been in conversations or at least had a conversation on cam Johnson and Dorian finy Smith from Brooklyn Kyle kosma from Washington Portland Trailblazers and Jeremy Grant like they’ve been very busy on the phones it seems like in LA and to me I think they need a guard or a wing that can create for their own but also knock down shots when LeBron and AD get doubled Joey what is the Timberwolves record next year obviously a big Timberwolves fan with the Justin Jefferson gritty icon there um would they go this past year Coupe you they didn’t win 57 games did they no I think number one seed was 54 in OKC um they haven’t made too many crazy additions with the roster good draft with Terence Shan Jr and Rob Dillingham they did win 56 games didn’t see that one coming so 57 was OKC then I think they take a step back because the West is going to get even better somehow if that’s crazy to say uh I’ll go 54 and 30 no 28 54 and 28 that feels Fair another step for ant um Rob Dillingham Off the Bench like I still think 54 and 28 Joey would be good enough to be a top four team in the west without a doubt that’s my prediction that will also do it for our mailbag here at chat sports if you want more NBA content hit that sub button we’ll also continue to go live throughout the offseason at time so don’t miss it hit that sub button and turn on notifications I’ll see you with the video sometime soon for Nick rolloff see you my man Peter win all right $10 Super Chat from Peter win hello Roy and C appreciate Peter coming to board with a $10 super how you doing and then we have the gles who sent him in his heat Super Chat as well real one um ah God I love Nicole yic I’m glad the glus is out there with us man I’m actually contemplating if he’s on the roster um Summer League at no not summer league if he’s on the roster come this upcoming season which would mean he didn’t get traded I think there’s a legit chance I might get a sign I might buy a sign Jersey that’d be awesome I’ve also been thinking about wanting to upgrade my bedroom slash have cool items to have for a home office as I continue to grow older because as you know this job requires us to make videos at home at Times breaking news or just in general didn’t get to it in the office and had to make a video on the weekend or on a day off like I feel like having a cool backdrop would only make it seem more authentic which I try to be as authentic as possible that’d be cool and right now um because I live in a house with a Nicks fan and a bulls fan can’t really have a public space where we have a home studio filled with a bunch of heat stuff so I don’t really have it and I want to transform my room and get a couple signed jerseys framed and a couple maybe photos that are signed so i’ I’ve already started to think like we we’ve me and Coop have been talking a lot about money today yes we have we have and I’ve been thinking that with some new found money that might come into my possession if I do not lose all of it while going on a Las Vegas trip in the beginning of September some of that might be put towards getting some signed photo sign jerseys to put in my room and have a backdrop slman cave for the future um that is something that could be in in in the future for me $5 from lawnmower balls should the heat fire Pat Riley and Allen D ellisburg and then promote Adam Simon Sellar draft record so yeah Adam Simon one of the um lead guys in the draft scouting department for Miami they should not fire Pat Riley and they won’t they never will fire Pat Riley this will be a he stepping down thing which he may have to pass away in order we we listen Heat fans might be very happy about the day Pat Riley steps down from being GM president uh Andy ellisburg no you cannot to me put any blame on Andy ellisburg like maybe you can and he says this player is not worth the financials cuz he is the financial guy but Andy throughout his career as a Miami Financial Consultant and Lead guy and Associate GM if you will has been so good at manipulating money in cap to where I’m cool with alisur what I think is the most likely outcome for the Miami Heat here lawn mower balls is when Pat Riley steps down Eric spoler will go to bgm and then they will promote Chris Quinn to be head coach okay that’s my pred now if it takes years for this to happen maybe Chris Quinn gets a job somewhere else but Chris Quinn has been one of the most highly touted assistants in the NBA over the past three or four years been passed up for some jobs but I’ll take him still in Miami staff well SPO just signed an expensive contract extension though yes um I think after that extension is when he goes it wasn’t it like a 13-year deal no not 13 oh maybe it was like six it was it was six or seven years it’s like 13 mil a year maybe is what I was thinking yeah let me I’ll double check CU it was like for 108 million I believe yeah it was a massive constract shout out to all the real ones who have sent in super Chats on today’s show we appreciate you guys all it was 8 for 120 eight for 120 okay so longer than I thought but um yeah I I think SPO will be the next GM that’s what I got to be hon Luc Mali is in the chat saying holy crap roelly was the last person I expected to host this he said that on the heat report I’m very confused what do you mean by that LC Al very strange what you mean by that a little puzzled considering the fact that I am the only face you’ve ever seen on the heat report oh little puzzled little puzzled shout out to no Santana with the2 he says how about we like the video you know no Santana is a guy that I’m I’m willing to put a long-term extension in I’ll run through a for no if no’s going to come in with these super chats and tell people to like the video I’m willing to run through a wall for no I’m willing to extend him 8 years 120 I’m in yeah shout out to you no we appreciate you yeah absolutely um Jay the fox with a fun question Nick how long does it take you to edit your videos for the heat report well we don’t really edit them so what we do Jay the fox is we’ll peel back the curtain here I think it’s fun um we have a pre-production setup to where I script the videos and either I build the graphics that I script like what you see on screen like this L3 um lower third at the bottom of your screen or like player stat Graphics the social Graphics the quotes um my individual ideas so like we script those out in graphics in our preow dock we build those Graphics then we do all of the postr uction so we’ll make a thumbnail we’ll make we’ll put our copy description and stuff like that and then we film the video one take push it out so there is no editing unless there is a massive mistake or something has to be um changed because news happened in the middle of you filming so there is really no editing on any portion we just have pre-production get it done film it one take push her out that’s kind of how we do things around here kind of how we things around here well all right um unless anyone super chats we’re probably going to sign off on both of our channels here good viewership 12K total on chat sports 4k on heat we’ll take it yeah J Townson appreciate you telling people hit the Thumbs Up Button you know the heat report kind of rallied here with likes getting to 250 on the day as did M honestly so did yeah so did main get to 400 Maybe and just maybe it could be the Super Chat is there a chance that the like numbers were just delayed in reporting could be because I will be honest at one point and I feel like this is almost impossible there was 150 people watching on heat and there was one like well then that’s obvious that that is almost impossible it is impossible so YouTube was trying to Shadow ban us I think so I think there was just a delay in reporting um Andre says do a recap of the signings honestly if we have that graphic I’m okay running through the signings a little bit yeah give me one sec over the portion of free agency and then getting out of here hold on we have another Super Chat coming in on our heat channel from the Glock the glus monster baby appreciate you ju Smith yeah ju Smith sucks now I will say this from the Heat’s perspective and this is the part where as much as I did not want that and I understand this it’s only a two-way contract now would I have rather have given that two-way contract to a younger player with UPS side that can play in the G League yes but it is just a two-way so he’s not taking up a roster spot as of now so I’m even though I’m frustrated with having to worry about Drew Smith and watch him in preseason and training camp it’s really not that big of a deal because he’s not going to get PT at least as I would expect if he gets PT we’re in real trouble real if if Drew Smith is getting PT this year fire up the kooper flag um photoshops all right here are the L latest signings around the NBA yeah so the do we go back one yeah we’ll start here these are all the signings that were made today LeBron James signed a two-year $104 million extension Damian Lee back to the Suns Thomas Bryant back to the heat Joe Les back or going to the Timberwolves after they lost Kyle Anderson the most recent signings in the last hour and a half or so Alec Burks w year vetman to Miami PJ doer on a one-year vetman deal to the Minnesota t-wolves and then toan Prince details have not been announced as of yet but a good signing for the Milwaukee Bucks to get a three and D Wing who I’m very high on and we could show the signings made yesterday as well coup before we get out of here um but you saw those between Prince um doer Burks like some of those moves um we’ll start no one more one more right here um we’ll start here to close it out Donan Mitchell signed a threeyear $150 million extension shot to the chats for Ry is I thought there was maybe a slight chance he would not sign longterm in Miami would trade for him James wisman two-e Deal to Indiana I actually like that move I do too wisan super athletic big I think he’ll thrive in Rick Carlos’s offense yeah I agree fastpac up and down not a lot of Defense required I think wiseman’s going to fit well there Mo Vagner back to the magic I was a little bit stunned that Orlando declined the $8 million team option on Mo Vagner but they brought him back for more money 11 mil per Monte Morris who my friends and I say have the best job in the NBA just this consistent backup point guard no pressure on you you just get the ball out and hoop for millions of dollars um to the Suns which is a really good signing to be their backup one Xavier til or Xavier Tilman twoe extension with the Celtics Isaac stunning 5year $84 million deal um an absolute stun stunner if you ask me he’s a good player man he is but he’s never on the court he never plays um so to get that mil much it can’t be many guaranteed money I don’t remember looking at it pro I bet the last two years aren’t guaranteed yeah can’t be a lot of guarantees and then a pair of Kyle Anderson and Buddy heeld moves from Golden State Warriors that’s not official yet with Buddy um he is going there we just don’t know the details yeah sign in trade trade details not announced not even knowing the details on the contract either but it seems like buddy heel would be joining Golden State as the Warriors have made a couple good moves um to surround Steph Curry with DeAnthony Melton Anderson and now buddy hee no Santana the $5 Super Chat okay so you like the video how about you sub and hit that Bell for not you know this guy you doing our job for us you know this guy I’m willing and ready to extend him on a Max contract I’m willing to do that super max I’m gonna get my I’m the GM I need to get the owner on the phone and what do we have to offer what are you willing to spend on no Santana because I I want to get it done let’s go I want to get it done uh Mr ninja just got news broken to him that buddy heel is going to Golden State I’m sorry to break that to you buddy buddy heeld is indeed going to Golden State sorry to break that to you all right that is going to do it for today’s live show appreciate everyone who came in and hung out with me and producer Jeffrey cooperstein for for Coupe for relly we’ll see you again with more NBA content over the weekend

2024 NBA Free Agency day 4 is here and the Miami Heat have have finally signed an exterior NBA Free Agent! Alec Burks joins the Miami Heat roster on a one-year deal! The Heat have re-signed both Kevin Love and Thomas Bryant as well in NBA Free Agency. The latest Heat NBA Free Agency rumors focus on DeMar DeRozan. DeRozan is the best NBA Free Agent available and has interest in joining the Miami Heat. Heat Report host Nic Rohloff is LIVE to be on DeMar DeRozan watch for the Miami Heat and to talk about the latest NBA Free Agency rumors! We’ll see if Heat president Pat Riley makes any more moves today to improve the Miami Heat roster!

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The Athletic’s Jovan Buha on DeMar DeRozan rumors:
“The Lakers have now turned their attention to DeMar DeRozan, though the Miami Heat are currently viewed as slight favorites to land the 15-year veteran and six-time All-Star, according to league sources.”

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DeMar DeRozen highlights today’s video! Here are his 2023-24 stats with the Bulls:
PPG: 24.0
APG: 5.3
SPG: 1.1
FG%: 48.0
3P%: 33.3

Hit up Rolly any time over on Twitter/X:

MORE Miami Heat news & rumors:
– Miami Heat Are The FAVORITES To Sign DeMar DeRozan + Heat Re-Sign Thomas Bryant | Heat News:
– MAJOR Miami Heat Rumors On DeMar DeRozan, Caleb Martin & Tyler Herro –
– 🚨DEVELOPING: Miami Heat Interested In Signing DeMar DeRozan! Miami Heat Rumors:

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– Which team will sign DeMar DeRozan?
– Who will be the best player traded going forward?
– Who do you want the Heat to sign?

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  1. Derozan wants to be a Laker so bad but the front office lagging why you think he hasn't sign with anyone else yet if not you guys definitely getting him

  2. Just swallow your pride for 1 year Rozen sheesh



    Would be nice with still Duncan, Pelle, Love and the big flaw T.Bryant. It’s only 1 year and we don’t trade anyone that’s deeper than any team he’s been on. I won’t believe us getting him until it’s official tho

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