@Orlando Magic

Find A BETTER Player Than… Paolo Banchero || Hold My Banner

Find A BETTER Player Than… Paolo Banchero || Hold My Banner

let’s do stop me win you love this part uh This Game Stop me win so we’re going to stop me win you hear a player better than Pao B Caro oh my God yeah so I really wanted to test out and see how big of a Pao B Caro fan you were well within reason I’m it’s within reason I I’ll tell you what did it um you know how I feel about Duke yep I hey for those of you just joining us first of all welcome Y and here’s some backstory for you you I hate Duke more than any other anything like anything in life that you name yeah I hate Duke like we played stop me win for for like team things that I hate more than duke it would be Duke like I I would just never talk cuz you’d be like stop me win I named something you hate more than Duke and I would be silent because I hate them and they stin but with that being said yeah there’s been a couple players over the years that admittedly when I watch I’m like all right man God I hate that he went to that school but they can ball Zion um you know I was a Elton brand fan going back in the day pao’s one of them and I just watched Pao a take over games like I dookies that have an edge to them I don’t hate as much as the other dookies it’s a it’s a like clean cut like the Christian leoner dookies like do no wrong they’re pretty boys yeah oh I hate you but the the guys with that dog in them like poo I’m all in yeah and the Seattle guys are always great like the Seattle NBA players he’s a player from Seattle so all right facts but stop me when you hear a player better than Palo car I’m ready all right here we go first guy Tobias Harris come on okay second guy K’s dunking on his face and taking all the money he’s fleeced from all the teams all right next we got fron Vagner stop I mean even they’re teammates okay guess what guess what they give Pao the ball and get the hell out of the way y all right another guy from the same draft class Jabari Smith I mean p it’s not even what are we doing okay we’re coming out here to Boston now what about christs porzingis oo yeah this is a good one because christs is way more dynamic in the sense of first of all he’s he’s bigger taller yeah uh he’s more of a rim protector than Pao although Pao will play defense but I mean like christs literally can deny anyone at the rim other than joic yeah as we’ve learned um so are we keeping it going or are you stopping no no I’m talking this out he obviously he could stretch the floor hit threes P’s still developing that part of his game p I would say in terms of Interiors right there with him I would say pao’s a better athlete yep I would say pao’s more available damn it man I’m going Pao okay I don’t hate that it’s we’re early still that was just fourth guy it was tough though all right and I think this one’s going to be tough as well another guy from his draft class Chad hren yeah that’s tough you know Chad I could say all the same things I just said about Chris stabs y um although he did play a full season now so I can’t where I can I have a big enough sample size with porzingis yeah to say no he’s he’s injury-prone like he’s gonna get hurt I can’t necessarily say that about Chad because he he proved at least in one season he can put it together and he played really well I’ll go Pao here okay because I haven’t had any injury concerns at all about Pao and I’ve at least had a sco a smidge of Chad where I’m like if he gets hurt again then I can say what’s going on yeah all right I’m going to see if your memor is really good it’s terrible jiren Jackson aell next okay what about spicy piece Pascal seaka I you know I like Pascal yeah um I think he’s underrated in fact I’ve defended cakam on this show I’m taking Pao because he’s he’s just a better athlete it’s more fluid in his in his his game’s more fluid and you know Pascal SE yakum although I defend I mean let’s just be honest okay his game is vanilla City no you don’t even have any toppings or sprinkles on that is just Briar vanilla which is fine some sometimes you just want playing vanilla why does he catches straights it’s not straights I’ve defended him but like let’s be honest right one of the reasons you don’t like him is cuz his game’s so damn Plain Jane for sure Pao is Rocky Road baby I mean you’re you’re giving me some sprinkles I’m I’m all in h yeah I almost wanted to call him cinn bun swirl cuz that’s all he does is that dang spin move but all right what about this dude Zion Williamson we were talking about food we know he likes Zion will what about him Zion’s more Dynamic he’s more exciting I would much rather start and build my team around Pao banero who actually cares and is going to be in shape you’re in hot take territory that’s not hot take it is if you’re picking Zion over P to start your team good luck all right well what about kawh Leonard okay I mean this is sort of this is this is a trick question it’s Kawai okay he’s a champ he’s Hall of Famer okay but like I just wanted to see if I can poke the bear a little bit Zion’s different Zion’s not committed I don’t know I mean Zion’s off with porn stars and he’s eating beignet and king cake Zion bro can you just can you relax can you get off Bourbon Street and come practice like what are we doing pao’s not a Disney World brother he is in the gym you wasn’t with me shooting in the gym yeah I’m rolling with Pao now kawai’s a Hall of Famer like relax okay relax okay all right so you’re going with kawhai on that so you would have stopped me the last guy I had on my list I know it’s obvious Giannis you know what I’m saying yeah I mean I’m taking I’m taking Yannis but listen these names that you’ve given me it clearly shows you that I heart Palo B Carol yes I am a huge fan and by the way not for nothing I I don’t know what you thought about what I said earlier kcp to the magic brother they’re going to be a pro yeah I don’t think they’re beating the Celtics but in a seven game series I like the magic to be a pain in the Celtics but yeah yeah we’ll we’ll we’ll talk more about this magic team I I definitely will in a little bit but all right let’s switch it over and talk about some of the big free agent moves obviously you alluded to it a little bit but Derek white obviously signed extension and obviously so did Jason Tatum so what do you think about those two moves for the Celtics I mean I love it and they kept some role players too I I just you know as I said earlier an it’s not just I know I probably sound corny saying this but it’s not just a basketball aspect it’s like the older I get and the longer I work in this industry I have kids now I even think about myself like when I go out now we party together you and I like I I don’t party the same if you and I met now you’re mature for your age I’ll give you that I was not I I’m this way now maybe like how long have I been in essent two years ago because like now I actually get the big picture of like oh no I have stuff to lose I have a career I have a family I have this I have that so I moved differently than I did when I was younger if that makes sense and so and I think because you were a division one athlete is probably why you’re as mature as you are cuz you had to move accordingly y but I say all that to say a jayen brown a Jason Tatum a Derek white a a Drew holiday all these guys are shelling out all this money too yeah they’re great people you don’t have to worry about giving them all this money and then there’s a 30 for 30 about them a year later how they blew it all they had the world in the palm of their hands but they couldn’t stay out of the casino or the strip club or the whatever yeah like I I I respect that and so even though these numbers are eye boggling I think it’s great Investments like all of them because they all enjoy playing on each other’s team they’re all cohesive they’re all about us y we not me they’re not going to be on the police blotter I love it a yeah I do as well I think the number is a little like high yeah a lot but but I it’s a good it’s a good thing that they’re bringing this team back together and I think while a lot of teams we’re GNA talk about were like nervous about them because they aren’t really making moves they solidify in their future so this team is going to have that opportunity that Alex cor talked about to win to over the next four years and it’s because they’re taking care of the players that they have now and even if a guy ends up getting hurt or something like that and they need to trade them down the line or whatever there’s going to be guys that want to come play for the Boston because of the way this group The GMS the ownership has taken care of their guys so I like the deal uh if for those that don’t know Jason Tatum got five years $315 million extension and Derek white got four years and $126 million extension

Orlando Magic Star, Paolo Banchero, is already better than Indiana Pacers Star, Pascal Siakam? Travis Thomas and Ountae Campbell run through a list of players and try to find a player better that Paolo. Catch ‘Hold My Banner’ with Travis Thomas and Ountae Campbell every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on NESN’s Youtube, Twitch, Facebook, and wherever you listen to podcasts. For the full episode:


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