@Toronto Raptors

Cameron Johnson will be a Toronto Raptor [OPINION]

Cameron Johnson will be a Toronto Raptor [OPINION]

welcome to pensar basketball live a few days ago news broke that the tronto Raptors were among the teams looking at Cameron Johnson doesn’t make a heck of a lot of sense for a team that is allegedly looking to tank today I’m going to take you through why the Tron Raptors are very likely to land Cameron Johnson let’s take a look at the breadcrumb shall we okay first of all if you’re new around here please hit like And subscribe we are dangerously close to 10,600 subscribers let’s see if you can get us here and is it possible to get us to 200 likes before this video ends that would be awesome y’all lagging on the likes all right so this morning at around 5:00 following a very deep conversation at 3:00 a.m. in which I became very caffeinated I made a video uh which has received a pretty good response on NBA agents and how they are the power Brokers and basically the blood cells of the NBA ecosystem because ultimately whether we’re talking a whether we’re talking High School whether we’re talking college basketball there are always certain rooms that as MSU jury you cannot walk into right you just can’t uh but agents can walk pretty much anywhere uh the NCAA amended the the rules for agents in 2018 which really changed the game in my opinion and we have seen an increasingly Vis we have in seen an increased visibility in terms of agent impact in the MBA we hear about rich Paul a lot partially because he likes to draw attention to himself now we are as I mentioned in the earlier live we are seeing agents being credited for the contracts that they’re getting these guys and that is because there is increased competition because there is more money and ultimately favors are being finessed so let me put y’all on game okay so I mentioned earlier today that bill Duffy uh one of the biggest Sports agents uh we’re talking BDA and um WME so he represents Grady dick right RJ Barrett Scotty Barnes and initially he also represented Goron drage you need to follow the money here I’m telling you you need to follow the money here because Goran drage was not going to get that money from Miami I believe it was a was it a player option or a team option I can’t remember that was then cashed in and then sent over to Toronto and then Toronto had to basically suffer the consequences of having to move off that contract to Sen Antonio which was then bought out ultimately that money was paid that money was then paid off to an agent all the deals in which Toronto has seemingly lost over the last couple of years I’m going to show you why they they lost those and it’s going to start making a lot of sense I’ll give you another example of a deal the Toronto Raptors lost and explain to you why it makes a little bit of sense as we talk Denis rer now Dennis rer was a very strange situation because we around the Tron Raptors land are not used to mid-level free agents actually working out for Toronto now as much as I just not despised Dennis schroer there’s no way in heck that you’re going to tell me that a team that prioritized his expiring contracts a team that really was going nowhere fast couldn’t have just sent Dennis Schroeder home or perhaps sent Dennis Roder to the bench and told him to put up a shut up and they will trade you in the offseason when you’re an expiring contract why did they take back the contract of Spencer deny when they had no intention why did they not get back a single pick there was nothing the Brooklyn Nets got a serviceable player who started for them and the Raptors got what nothing they got absolutely nothing for that but what if I told you that Dennis Schroeder’s agent is Sasha bov’s agent is Sam Decker’s agent is Jordan War’s agent is deari Carroll’s agent same person that’s Mark bartlein represents all those people you understand how this works a player has an agent for a reason to represent their brand to represent their career on and off the court they well on the court the player is their own representative but off the court in terms of roster disputes in terms of playing time in terms of the next contract coming up all these things have to be worked through with the agent agents good ones especially the power broker ones like Bill Duffy like Rich Paul these people including Mark bar are able to including Jason Gan and we’ll talk about these guys all of these power Brokers in the NBA their advantage is they are able to help their clients when their clients get jammed right right now you have a you have a person like I don’t know Mel Bridges right Mel Bridges wants to go to New York you need an agent to sign off on that you need an agent to broker that you need an agent to push that and obviously teams are going to have to play ball with agents because agents control a lot of players you’re not going to burn these relationships so let me tell you something clutch sports right you know why I keep talking about Moses Moody to Toronto and how he’s going to be involved if the Raptors make a deal with uh the Golden State Warriors well I’m not so sure anymore because at the end of the day it’s not about agents picking teams the agent must always represent 99.8% of the time must always represent the best interest of the player unless the Golden State Warriors show themselves to be incapable of getting Moses Moody the playing time required to get his next contract up right to get his next contract value up and the neither the team nor the agent can play for the player I can’t make shots for Moses Moody but I can negotiate that he’s going to have a certain opportunity to compete for a spot that’s open and I’m going to try to do my best to make sure that I don’t put him in a situation where he’s a third Stringer and he he’s having to sign uh a $5 million contract or he’s getting a veteran minimum like James wisman that’s the disaster case for agents so you take a guy like Moses Moody consider who else consider who else Rich Paul represents that has Toronto Raptor ties Gary Trent Jr Christian Koko Fred vanet okay you don’t think clutch Sports made a ton of money on that Fred van Le contract that’s $43 million the Raptors helped broker that deal whether you agree or not whether you think oh the Raptors lost red van B for nothing that’s a massive favor that you did clutch now let’s talk about Alex Alex seratus okay and I apologize for I’m watching that name this is the Raptors in in in progress right now and you all know that okay so the reason I know about Alex is because he’s Dyson Daniels agent but I’ll tell you three other players that he represents that have very very strong Raptor tize he’s also the agent for Maris Noel the Tron Raptors signed Maris Noel is an undrafted free agent last year kind of doing him a favor in my opinion because I’m not really sure what the competition level was like or how many teams were banging on his door but there’s not exactly a huge market for 5 foot six point guards the Raptors gave him a shot the fact that he didn’t stick around couldn’t stay healthy didn’t crack it that’s not the Raptor’s fault the favor is the opportunity the favor is the role the favor is the contract that’s the favor you know who else you know who else Alex represents he represents oai abaji that’s right oai abaji they gave him an opportunity last year oai abaji was given a massive opportunity with the Raptors did he succeed absolutely not he did not succeed you know who else he represents new Raptor Davon Mitchell starting to see the point here this is a connection game Mark Mark bartlein I talked about the fact that he represents Dennis schroer right Sasha venkov Sasha venkov was deeply unhappy for the Sacramento Kings did did Mark maybe make a call to Messiah and say hey buddy I need you to get my client out of here we’re trying to negotiate a deal here we’re trying to get him out of that situation he’s deeply unhappy did Messiah of course the Messiah and Bobby make make make you know a informed decision for the Raptor’s interest of course it’s always going to be the mutual benefit but Sasha venkov needed to get out of Sacramento and his agent got him out of Sacramento and put him in an optimal situation I dare you to find five better situations in the NBA for Sasha venkov what is the situation that Sasha vazov needs he needs a coach who can utilize his talents check Darko rakovich and he he needs actual opportunity to play to boost his value as as a commodity in the NBA can’t have another year like last year with Sacramento Kings where you struggle because you’re not going he has a he has a team option on that third year this is a contract year just like this is a contract year for Davon Mitchell just like this is a contract year for oai iagi you have these three agents sitting there wondering if their clients are going to get paid and that is going to come down to the work that the Raptors do behind the scenes to develop and the and the opportunity the Raptors create on the court for these players to succeed if you do a good job of supporting in creating an offense in which Sasha penov can look like a really good player you might be getting Sasha venkov well I mean first of all you’re going to get him paid on the team option because if he’s great for you you’re going to pick that up but after that at the age of 30 he will possibly have a $15 million offer if he thrives and if he does not Thrive he will be going back to Europe and making less money that is how the money flows 4% 4% 4% now to the point of this video and why I believe Cameron Johnson will be a Toronto Raptor look I think personally that Tai Sullivan did the job of jobs and it was really I mean from what I understand Bruce Brown post championship and by Ty Sullivan I mean the gentleman standing next to Bruce brown right there in this picture now Tai shopped Bruce around obviously he was going to leave Denver Denver was not willing to papers anything close to what his market value was at that moment obviously an agent is going to look after his players interest which means he’s going to put him in an opportunity to make as much money and these agents are going to continue to do this well beyond the players’s playing career they’re going to be brokering deals for them in media they’re going to broker uh you know uh guest appearances speaking engagements it’s the whole point here is if you’re a player hiring the right agent is going to change your life and hiring the wrong one is going to mess up your life so for Ty Sullivan he represents Bruce Brown obviously and he got Bruce from what I from what I understand three or four really good offers and these offers were north of mid-level exception Bruce had a really high contract value coming off the championship run a lot of teams could see him kind of fitting in were there sign and trade option and then the Indiana Pacers had this brilliant idea to give him 2 years 45 because they needed to get down to the salary floor and they believed that this contract was a valuable trade piece which it proved to be because it landed them Pascal seak it’s worth noting that the Tron Raptors had absolutely zero have gotten zero positive Equity from paying Bruce Brown all this money the Raptors are cutting his checks they are writing this money they are putting him on the court they are trying to make him successful the fact that he had a knee issue and that he couldn’t shoot the ball last year and he was asked is not the Tron Raptor’s fault nor is it nor is it Tai’s fault the whole thing that the Raptors can do is to not ruin his next contract now there is something to be said about your previous contract having an influence on your next contract if the Toronto Raptors had just simply said we don’t want burst right now right you did not have to pick up his team option the minute you pick up that team option his agent gets 4% of the $23 million that is a favor because Bruce Brown is not worth $23 million and it’s my estimate that there is not a single team out there in the league that would pay him more than 12 right now so you overpaid by $1 million let me actually correct myself you overpaid by 50% what I mean that’s double like do you understand what I’m saying or you overpay by 200% sorry my math is weak right now because I’m because I’m running on very little sleep because I’m very obsessed right now trying to figure this out so you double paid this guy when you could have easily let him just walk ideally but of course if you are if you the Toronto Raptors you’re opinion holds some cache his negotiating power is going to go down the Tron Raptors will let him walk for nothing you know um his next contract honestly if the Raptors had had declined the team option his next contract could have been $6 million a year coming off the year that he just had he did not play well last year and I think he knows it the Raptors did not do that to him the Raptors offered him the team option they picked it up to their own detriment by the way they gained nothing from this even if you want to make the case that the Raptors want the asset you know what the Raptors could have done the Raptors could have declined his team option and signed him to a lesser dollar value for that one year why give Bruce Brown the $23 million I think if I’m his agent I owe the tronto Raptors a favor now you start to think well what agency does Tai Sullivan work for Rob well he works for the same agency that you just helped out in the New York Knicks trade with ogan anobi and it turns out that worked really well because the Raptors were unwilling to pay that amount for ogan anobi I think that is pre-negotiated beforehand now did OG push himself to the Knicks or did his agency push him towards the Knicks because they saw an opportunity for $212 million whereas the Raptors were not going to do that for him the Raptors weren’t going to pay 212 so maybe that’s the thing with the Raptors right you get stuck in a bit of a bidding war for ogn and OB services and for his agents perspective and also from OG’s perspectives I mean he’s not a charity case he’s a basketball player he’s an entrepreneur it’s in his best interest to end up in a end up with a team that is willing to go really high on that contract it would be insane for him to stay with the Raptors if the Raptors have already benchmarked 170 for 5 years as the absolute max they’re willing to go he’s leaving $42 million on the table for a team that he’s already left money on the table for before because he liked Toronto so much I don’t buy any of this about OG really really wanted to go to New York I think what his agency saw which is you know his his his agency which is you know Aaron Rose you know starting Aaron Rose wow um Leon Rose’s son and and all the other Representatives that he has he has a team I mean Aaron you know Leon Rose’s son is one of those people but I think with CA saw was a major Cash Cow I think what CA saw was an opportunity at a 212 to 215 milli contract that simply did not exist with the sea Raptors and so the Raptors broker a deal with the devil itself you know James Dolan and the New York Knicks they make this deal which at the time I said did not make sense why are the Raptors dealing with the Knicks they would never deal with the Knicks now it makes some sense because getting OG this kind of money is something that the Raptors would do do you understand what I’m saying do you understand where I was coming from all those months where I was like this doesn’t make sense this doesn’t make sense OG is not taking a haircut because initially I I’ll repeat my myself the way the deal was presented at the time was the Raptors were willing to offer OG dis Munch the Knicks are willing to offer less and his agency pushed him and he pushed himself rather he pushed his agent to push him he changed agencies went from clutch to ca he pushed himself to take less money to be in New York that’s how much he hated Toronto and that’s where I said cap the Raptors I believe given you know where they are with their situation where they are with Scotty Barnes what they want to do with this team I do not believe under any circumstance that they would have paid him $212 million and that is why he’s a New York Nick but he is a New York Nick because the Raptors agreed to deal with a team that they didn’t want to deal with which in my book is a favor if you’re counting that means the Toronto Raptors have done two favors two big favors for CIA with Bruce Brown and OG Obi now here’s the mic drop moment Ty Sullivan is Bruce Brown’s agent right you just got Ty Sullivan paid a little bit more money because you did something for Bruce Brown even though he didn’t really deserve it started to be pocket watching here Bruce Brown’s not a $23 million player you just made him a $23 million player why well Ty Sullivan is also the player agent for Cameron Johnson of the Brooklyn Nets now why Cameron Johnson look man there might not be two power forwards in the league that fit Scotty Barnes better than cam Johnson and wanting to you know talk about this for a while Cameron Johnson makes sense for Toronto for a multitude of reasons he’s always made sense for Toronto he is a sniper shooting big who had a pretty down defensive year he does some sometimes stay you know have trouble staying on the court let’s take a look at his contract here this is Cam’s contract okay it’s a little bit of a weird contract this year it’s 23.6 62 million then he goes up to goes down to 21.5 then he goes to 23.6 expiring so as you can see it’s almost perfect match with Bruce brown right 23 million for 23 million the Raptors are just enough under the cap everyone’s wondering why are the Raptors not using their mid-level exception multiple reasons one I think this deal needs to get done first number two you can actually absorb a little bit of money back in this deal because you’re that much under luxury tax I would push very hard for Dron sharp or DQ Whitehead in this trade but whether or not you can get this done or not is probably going to come down to how much the Nets feel they owe you something well last I checked you swallowed a lot of money for Spencer dwy last year when you didn’t have to and you gave them a starting point guard who helped them tank in Schroeder I think the Nets owe you one too so that’s two favors for CIA and one favor for the Nets and also by the way the Raptors have a positive relationship with the Net’s front office uh don’t ask me why I’m saying that but they do so this is how deals are done in the NBA it’s always a relationship thing it’s always a relationship thing we’re talking relationships between NCAA coaches and front offices there strong relationships there are mediocre relationships and there are bad relationships and if there’s a bad relationship I guarantee you that that head coach in the NCAA program if you don’t have a good relationship with Baylor head coach or if you don’t have a good relationship with Coach K or you don’t have a good relationship with these guys they are actually dissuading their players from coming to you that’s how this whole thing works if you are good at maintaining relationships and massaging relationships you will receive massive benefits when it comes to things like this right now honestly the part of the deal we’re going to see is Cameron Johnson traded for XYZ or Cameron Johnson plus XYZ traded for ABC that’s the deal that W is going to report but that’s not how that deal is going to actually get brokered how that deal is actually going to get brokered is through a multitude of factors it’s going to get negotiated because of who sets up and who benefits from what maybe there’s a client that needs to get free and that has to be the third player available there’s going to be some sort of vested interest in terms of helping a a division rival or not helping a division rival I think if I’m the Nets making the Raptors better helps me on my objective to tank the Nets are trying to tank in case you haven’t figured it out trading Mel Bridges for five first round picks is a tanking move right you don’t just trade your best player to a quote you know again to a conference rival to a cross town rival I mean think about it the Nets just gave Mel Bridges to the Knicks and that move at least in theory from the Knicks perspective makes them a real title Contender you just made the Knicks a title Contender and that’s why that deal took took the time that it took But ultimately it takes an agent pushing that through I think that Cameron Johnson’s agent Ty Sullivan owes the Raptors a pretty big favor here and I believe that Cameron Johnson also stands to benefit from this tremendously take a look at Cameron Johnson’s shot chart this is who Cameron Johnson is now I will argue that he’s better than the player he was last year so this is a down year for Cameron Johnson let me put it this way a down year for Cameron Johnson is the best player is the best year in most people’s lives okay last year was probably the worst season he’s had since his second season in Phoenix this is a hard worker you want to know what else might push Cameron Johnson to Toronto actually I’m I’m going to pay attention in the chat give me give me one more reason that the Toronto Raptors would have an advantage or why Cameron Johnson would want to come here certain coach where did Darko rakovich coach these relationships matter these relationships matter so much dark rakovich has coached Cameron Johnson Bingo there’s your connection so the Toronto Raptors who wins who loses here nobody loses this is the ultimate trade and this is why in my opinion this will happen I’m not saying that it’s 100% obviously it matters that the Raptors are willing to play ball on the picks and the equity and whatever else has to go back that the two sides are not too far apart in terms of what is worth what that some other team does not come out and blow the Nets away with a multiple first round pick and honestly there may be some competition from a team like OKC right or Dallas or something like that where I don’t know maybe something too good is offered and the Nets have to go back to Ty Sullivan and say we want to do you this favor and send them to Toronto but this is what we’re getting from this other team and if R wants to do that that’s fine we’ll deal with them we’ll prioritize them but they got to come close to this deal if you think right now and and this is this is what I’m going to say I’m Gonna Leave You with this okay teams don’t always take the best deal for themselves teams are not only looking out for their interests the Toronto Raptors were not looking out for their interests when they chose not to trade Fred Van B for Grayson Allen on a first round pick they were looking out for Fred’s interests their own interests Plus clutches interest if you become over selfish if you lose sight that this is bigger than you you will face massive consequences down the line right Anthony Paris please do not do the cap locks thing if you are so desperate for people to see what you have to say please Super Chat like a big boy okay um Cameron Johnson knows dark wal correct big ljr explain how the Nets turn around a move Brown if they don’t at least get an incentive so the incentive is you are trying to be bad and Cameron Johnson is very good at basketball doesn’t help you at all also Bruce Brown has a relationship with the Nets if you recall he was playing for the Nets like three years ago before he went to Denver right so he’s already had positive success there more success in my opinion than Cameron Johnson right we gonna have to give up a first round picks us are off okay so here’s what I would do and this is for both sides to say face because that’s the other side that’s the other side of this is they have to also present it to their fans this is a business the Toronto Raptors have to justify every move to their fans which means the Raptors had to justif and by the way they did a very poor job of justifying why they traded Dennis Schroeder for zero okay like they have to justify that they had to justify to their fans why they traded Pascal SE yakum for burst Brown and three first round picks they did a very poor job of justifying that and the Raptors are taking a beating for all these moves that you can’t justify the this is how you justify it now you’re never going to be able to actually earn the full credit of why this deal goes down but you’ve earned a lot of positive things here um retro J Jasper saying Cameron Johnson makes no sense whatsoever a 28-year-old who is basically just a taller shooting Bruce brown type as he needs to be on a contender to be good why not try and get seek Naji what did my therapist say about anger management okay good um okay let me let me try to approach this like an adult you probably haven’t watched four Cameron Johnson games in your life and if you have watched four Cameron Johnson games and they were not the worst games of his life I don’t understand how in the world you could ever compare Cameron Johnson to Bruce Brown they’re completely different players you are talking about one of the best shooters in the NBA I mean some comments just make you think to yourself is this real is this a simulation am I in The Matrix are you real what’s going on bro talk to me man I need to understand this Cameron Johnson is Bruce Brown thing I think I think I think they’d both be offended by that they’re very different they’re very different players Cameron Johnson I mean like gez like if you really want to see who Cameron Johnson is player this is his shot chart bro like this is not Bruce Brown’s shot chart I’ll tell you that okay if that was Bruce Brown’s shot chart I promise you Bruce Brown would be a raptor for life no cam is incredible uh cam is the brightest optimistic wishful thinking 0.001% chance of what you were hoping J Porter could turn into minus the shot blocking cam is an incredible Team Defender he’s a very good Team Defender look last year not withstanding he had a really tough year last year like really bad okay to like take a close close look at his analytics right 59th percentile on true shooting that is a like I want to say alltime low for him right 90th percentile shot quality trust me the Raptors care about these things a lot he’s a pretty solid offensive rebounder his three-point attempt rate is absolutely ridiculous he doesn’t have a lot of in between game but he’s a pretty good passer right um for his eyes he is the perfect Darko rakovich player and having coached him I guarantee you that one person who knows that very well is actually Darko rakovich so I have absolutely zero doubts that the Toronto Raptors want to make this work now you might ask yourself well Rob aren’t the Raptors tanking no the Raptors are not tanking and I’ll once again say it the Raptors are not tanking the Raptors are developing and as much as you might think that they would want another Young player back in this deal or that they would rather prioritize someone who’s younger than Cameron Johnson you’re not fully understanding how rosters are built and specifically how the Tron Raptors prefer to build um you can’t just have a whole bunch of kids you cannot just do what you know the Detroit Pistons have done for the last four years you simply cannot it does not work it has proven to not work the Houston Rockets brought in a bunch of adults and they paid handsomely for it Dylan Brooks and prior to Dylan Brooks they were trying to bring in an aging Brook Lopez why because you need stability you need guys who are over it you need guys who aren’t trying to figure out who they are in the NBA you need guys who aren’t still betting on themselves you need guys who just fit Cameron Johnson fits he makes what you’re doing with Emanuel quickle Scotty Barnes and RJ Barrett almost like God level amazing okay he also pushes Scotty back to the wing as opposed to the big right he’s a solid guy he’s about 68 he’s got a decent wingspan is he’s not a great Wings span but he’s decent he’s got decent size to play the 3 four which means he can effectively he can do a very very good job I mean you know he’s not nearly the defender OG an anobi is and I don’t need to tell you that but his offensive uptick on the three-point shooting and the passing and just his ball skills overall I mean he’s much closer to a tall taller Klay Thompson than he is to Bruce Brown so if you can imagine that go watch and play do like whatever um what would your fanso trade look like well it would either be Bruce Brown for uh for him and in terms of pick Equity if I needed to add something maybe I would add the Portland second round pick next year and a couple future seconds from the Raptors so three future seconds the Brooklyn Nets sell it as hey you know we’re tearing it down Cameron Johnson has a lot of injury issues he hasn’t been super healthy and um yes I see that there is a super chat here and I will get to it um I don’t I I Noble Venom I wish I could give you some super serious insight into VJ Edgecomb other than he’s going to be drafted uh next year in the lottery I don’t have it unfortunately I’ve barely watched um like one game of him in my life I think he looks great if if you if you want my absolutely knice opinion on him I don’t have a strong read on him but my overall read on the 20205 NBA draft is it’ be really great if the Raptors had a top 10 pick in the 2025 draft that being said because of Cameron Johnson’s Complicated injury history and because he’s not in a contract year you could certainly shut him down for half a season train him work work with him whatever you can milk injuries later on in the season this isn’t a guy who’s in a contract year where you’re setting yourself up to oh we can’t shut him down because how do you ask an NBA champion a tank haha you know fored van the implications here are very simple we would have wanted the Raptors to tank for wanyama but it wasn’t going to work with Fred vanet on the roster betting for a contract you can hate Fred Van for it you can hate his Agency for it you can hate the Raptors for playing ball But ultimately the fact is the Raptors have played ball at every single step the Raptors had played ball with Bruce Brown the Raptors played ball with Dennis Schroeder they gave him a full midlevel when frankly he didn’t deserve it in my opinion they were the only Suitor for him that was willing to give him a starting spot and a full Med level they gave him a an amazing opportunity and I don’t think his agent could ever argue that the Raptors didn’t do right by Dennis Schroeder and he got paid he got paid more money than he would have and now they have sent him back to a team that allowed him to start Dennis Schroeder happy agent happy Raptors unhappy why is it that the Raptors keep getting screwed in these situations I don’t think the Raptors are getting screwed I think the Raptors are building up favors and ultimately I believe that the Tron Raptors will be able to make a trade for camon Johnson because his representative will push him towards Toronto I believe that Toronto makes sense I believe that he knows Darko the coaching staff here is very good for him the system is a perfect fit and if you are Cameron Johnson’s agent which is of course you know the same agent as I mentioned Tai uh for um Bruce Brown you will actually see a positive equity on Bruce Brown being in in in Brooklyn because he’ll get his numbers in Brooklyn he’ll probably play a lot of minutes in Brooklyn right he’ll be able to help the young kids in Brooklyn so it’s positive for Bruce Brown to be there and it’s positive for the Nets because he’s not going to help you win as much as Cameron Johnson would and it’s positive for the agent twice because Cameron Johnson is going to have a much better chance to shine in Toronto with a team like around Scotty Barnes right because right now I can make a case that Cameron Johnson is the Net’s best player couldn’t you is he their best player is he their second best player cam Thomas cam Johnson one of those two pick one it’s not Nick claxon so you know what I mean like he could be their go-to scoring option that’s not going to be a good look for him that’s not that’s not who he is as a basketball player so unless that’s something that he really wants to take on and we don’t know that he’s unhappy there so again the tronto Raptors have let me show yall this again how many what the hell did I do here uh oh did I ah sorry backwards so one side of this is one thing the other side of this is the other thing so the Raptors have helped Spencer deny that’s Jason Gan and by the way as I mentioned Jason Gan jacobe Walter’s agent you know you’ve heard and I I alluded to it earlier you’ve heard of promises like draft promises where an agent just shuts down their client I think Jason Goan had two objectives for his client which was get him drafted top 10 or get him to the Raptors it’s that simple right they skipped over a lot of workouts to get him here do you think it has something to do with the fact that the Raptors did have a positive relationship on the Spencer didn’t what he thing that he got paid a lot of money there I think that’s a favor personally I think that’s a favor you could say I’m reaching on that one but helping Dennis schroer get into the right situation giving Sam Decker a final chance with the NBA for Mark bin giving Demari Carroll a massive contract and then trading him to a position where he would be still successful giving Jordan wara minutes last year instead of getting him traded to a team that didn’t play play him at all at least giving him a shot to land a contract in free agency this year bailing Sasha venkov out of uh out of the out of the king situation right and putting him into a situation with a coach that he trusts in Toronto again Ty Sullivan making him Rich I’m telling you man the Raptors have absolutely helped guys get out of bad situations multiple times they’re brokering deals here for oai abashi Davon Mitchell Maris Noel keep these keep these names in mind keep these thoughts in mind and I I just I think my objective with these last two videos this video and that video is to readjust how you think about taking a loss on a particular contract or taking a loss on a particular deal because usually when you’re losing somebody else is winning and maybe if you agree to lose something you’re agreeing to to win something down the line that’s how favors are finessed think about your own life think about business if you’re if you’re a lawyer an accountant whatever have you scratched someone’s back on a certain thing have you looked the other way on something in order to finesse the favor later of course you have this is how business has always been done since the beginning of time and frankly that’s the way the MBA works and I believe that if unless some team is blowing the Nets away for Cameron Johnson I believe that the Tron Raptors will land Cameron Johnson because he fits their timeline fits their system fits their coach and I would not doubt that dark hor alov is a really big fan of him because he literally embodies the perfect for for Darko system Josh saying it’s now how the NBA works are you trying to say it’s not how the NBA works um when do you expect this deal to be done uh probably the next two weeks Nets are tanking for J Capital yes they are yes they are now that they control their own picks they it is in their vested interest to be as bad as humanly possible just like the Toronto Raptors when they traded Pascal cakam had zero interest in actually winning basketball games right my holy king saying look do you want to make a playin push um dear God what okay um so you want to make a play and push look you don’t have to make a play and push you’re in the plane by default you will not be able to Out Tank I mean to anyone dreaming of Cooper flag right now um simply put like it’s just not going to um sorry this chat is just really weirding me out right now are you a drake fan no um you said you’re 11 years old I’m not really sure if that’s true or if you’re just acting 11 but shit’s getting real weird real fast um only bronny can save this team complain What Again by Bruce Brown I meant guy more suited towards a more developed roster nowhere in somebody’s right mind would they say oh yeah same dude fishing good as team I I don’t think we ready yet um okay then explain why yaka pertle is on this roster explain why Kelly oen is on this roster do you get it try to think Beyond one dimension try to adjust your brain to two dimensional thinking and then maybe we can talk about 3 and 4D eventually you know I mean this is not Checkers bro this is not an accumulation of everyone under 25 come on this team this is not NBA 2K and this is not how growth happens in successful organizations why are you trying to sound so smart I don’t think I’m trying to sound smart I think think I am pretty smart ban delete gone there’s like such a there’s such a contentious nature with like how these things work what’s wrong with being 11 I’m learning I don’t actually think you’re 11 because 11y olds aren’t nearly as self-aware of what you’re doing but anyways people can’t Envision anything past this 25 win year it’s so [Music] annoying I don’t know what the Warriors offer for l is think kma is more attainable and a better fit um kle kma is definitely more attainable um he is not a better fit though in my opinion you may have to dumb it down for these people I don’t believe in doing that I don’t believe in doing that at all I don’t believe in dumbing down anything I believe that you talk at the level you can talk at um when I was tutoring you know 30 and 15 year olds for math I never talked to them like they were 13 or 15 I always kept it straight and I think that they always respected that so I’m not going to dumb it down for anybody I can try to explain things in a more you know intelligent way or maybe a slower way and Pace it down but um you can go over the basics but you don’t you should never dumb it down for anybody I think that’s doing a disservice to the other person um I’m intrigued to see how Sasha will be off ball Sal saying acquiring another starting caliber Talent from the upcoming draft with top 10 pick is more important than getting Cam and being a 500 team so here’s the thing right um You probably get a pretty high draft pick regardless of what you do here right um Paulo saying is so is U shamsh gonna be the next Giannis I know who said it I know who said it and when I say the blind leading the blind that’s the blind leading the blind no he is nowhere close to Giannis in my opinion there’s nothing Giannis even remotely no he is tall and he blocks shots has good timing and athleticism with Giannis you’re talking about a one of one it is really really stupid to compare urri shamay to yanis sanmo you can make a case that hopefully at some point he might become a less developed Clint capella and that would be incredible yeah I wouldn’t look too much into why are you so angry you live in a mansion I don’t think I’m angry I think you’re just gone see let’s see let’s see how I do now see you’re gone now you’re banned so yeah vegan grass saying chat is weird yeah this chat like where where is this coming from is this like did school just get out like you know what I mean like like this summer vacation or something something gets weird bro all right need to do 2m lives ban banhammer is already out bro two two people gone chat troll out anyways I think the look I believe that you give the Raptors a chance to be competitive right you have to give them a chance to be competitive Cameron Johnson’s not winning your Championship Cameron Johnson’s not pushing you to like 60 wins here right he just making what you’re trying to do competitive also by the way he’s also a fantastic asset if he has a healthy year that’s also a really fantastic asset right s saying appreciate appreciate your opinion agree to disagree on the cam Johnson but please do some homework on the upcoming draft again it doesn’t change the equation you got to understand understand man I’m try I’m trying to put youall in game but you just keep regressing to that same you know like fan mentality of like bro it’s tank or tank tank you have relationships here okay you have guys who are real basketball players on your team you have to satisfy a lot of people and in order to satisfy a lot of people right you cannot be thinking oh we’re going to tank at all cost that’s what trash organizations do you are not after what happened last year year I mean you think Scotty Barn is going on social media saying we’re going to be better we’re going to be better when internally he’s being told oh by the way Scott we’re going to be way worse you think that’s happening for real for real you think you develop losing losing by 60 every night you think you develop that way you think you think that you know I mean what what do you think the Gap is between pick number five and pick number 14 the next year’s draft is it worth throwing away an entire season now what if you do end up Fifth worst record and some teams jump you now you’re at eighth now eighth versus 14th 8th versus 15th look my point is you don’t know who Scotty Barnes is yet okay you don’t know who Manuel quickley is yet you don’t know who RJ Barrett is yet I realized a lot of people have kind of sold these guys down the river in terms of oh Scotty’s not really that that A1 type of guy you know Emanuel quickley is not really an All-Star point guard but what if he is he’s 24 years old have you seen a guy go from 24 to 25 and just become a lot better of course of course we have all seen it right Grady dick and jacobe Walter you have a lot of Youth on this team okay a lot of Youth now I’ll give you an example jacobe Walter you got him at 19 right A lot of people had him as a top five pick coming into this year what if what if okay let just play hypothetical I’m G play hypothetical with you 416 all right we got 416 people in the chat I appreciate it shout outs to Canada on that one okay let me let me ask you a question okay just ask you a question my question is as follows jaob Walter was pegged as a top five pick he started out as a top five pick he was top five top six in every single um every single mock that I can remember most of them he was at least top 10 right I I I’m going have to put up the I’m going to have to put the chat away bro I can’t I can’t listen to this I mean y’all just y’all squibble amongst yourselves if you got some you know stuff to say whatever say it I’m not watching it anymore it’s it’s just too distracting and I’m assuming that it’s leading to a very awkward viewing experience if I just keep looking at it so let me not get triggered by that let me just get back on point because it’s going to be really hard for me to find my thoughts after some of the that I just read okay breathe unbelievable like let me give you an example Jobe Walter was supposed to be a top five pick he had an injury he had a really tough start he had a really tough close to his season correct right now he’s a gymrat he’s someone that expects to get better right correct okay he’s pretty athletic 6′ fiveish 6’1 wingspan that’s that’s a pretty fairly sized guard right so I want you to imagine that jacobe Walter decides that he had really tough season he has some unfinished business at Baylor he decides to work super hard this summer and he goes back to Baylor okay and let’s just say next year he doesn’t sustain an injury and he’s super healthy and he puts up like 24 points per game which is a massive Improvement where he was this year right and what if Baylor has like a really deep uh tournament run and they’re like the final four could you see jacobe Walter being an eighth overall or ninth overall pick next year cuz I can I’m not even a really big jacobe Walter fan yet but I can still see that outcome so you got to see this from the perspective of you’re only seeing top 10 pick top eight pick you’re not seeing the underlying relationships that you’d be burning in order to dispose this roster what what are you what are you telling Emanuel quickly and Scotty Barnes when you strip away the roster and basically aim to lose I told you all before you must aim to win and then correct when you are wrong you must aim to win and then correct when you are wrong which means you have to approach your training camp with the goal to make the playoffs and if by 25 games 30 Games it hasn’t worked out then you pull the trigger you don’t come out 0 and 10 by Design you should never do that if I was running a team I would never do that no one should ever do that unless of course you are in fact the Brooklyn Nets in which case everyone knows what you’re doing you don’t have a franchise player there’s no one even close to Scotty Barnes on that roster they have an albatross contract and Ben Simmons that roster is a mess they’re going to blow that thing up this offseason or next offseason the Raptors are not that way they have young players that they’re actually trying to develop what do you think Grady dick is he is a lottery pick some people had Grady as high as seven just because you got him at 13 don’t don’t don’t disrespect it because you got it at 13 you got three guys let me tell you this let me tell you this if you could redo the 2020 draft does em manual quickly go in the lottery yes if you could redo the 2018 draft 2018 2019 2019 draft does rj Barrett go in the lottery yes if you could red redo the 2021 draft the Scotty Barnes go number one in almost all scenarios he goes number one how many more Lottery players do you need what is this incessant need to consistently bottom out you don’t think people lose when you bottom out a lot of people lose when you bottom out your franchise loses value when you bottom out fan interest wains when you bottom out media coverage goes away your players’s actual asset value look at what’s happening to Gary Trent right now as a perfect example the Raptor disaster season last last year and Gary Trent’s own disastrous play which frankly contributed to the disaster season because frankly if he plays well we probably aren’t nearly as bad as we were because he started out really ass he is struggling to find a contract right now I don’t think I’m happy if I’m clutch but it wasn’t because we benched Gary Trent Jr and held him out of the rotation and asked him to sit games and deliberately designed a play that was not going to help him be successful we had to continue to put him in positions to be successful and he had to continue missing shots it helped us to tank I guess I mean it helped San Antonio that he tanked but ultimately you must think of this from the B perspective of just oh let’s be bad and get draft picks look cross that bridge when it comes if you start out five and 15 nobody including the players will have any issue with you tanking because they’ll see for themselves but you must understand these dog days of summer right now right this is a human game that’s what I’m trying to tell y’all this is a human thing right like when Fred Bley was saying all that about people on on you know on on podiums and on podcasts and talking about this and that talking about Scotty this you don’t think that that had an impact on all the players around him of course it did you don’t think that’s the human side of basketball you must factor that in when you talk like this you must he there’s 52 comments I’m not I’m not looking if there’re super chats I will answer them later I promise before we exit which is exactly in seven minutes hopefully I’m I’m I’m going to answer the super chats but anything else I’m just not looking at it because chat is weird right now okay and I apologize for anybody who’s having to deal with chat right now if if if it has continued to be weird since I stopped watching it okay the longer term goal here is to build a winning system in order to build a winning system you must first take the first step towards winning which is winning a little bit which means getting to competitive games you are going to make jacobe Walter better in games that matter than he will become in games that don’t matter and also it’s going to be good for these guys to have better players around them because ultimately if you want jacobe Walter and Grady dick and all these guys to be successful you need to create space for them to navigate the floor Cameron Johnson helps with that you need veterans in there who have these young kids like Cameron Johnson one of the best shooters in the league right he’s been in the league for a while he got paid $108 million on his last contract you don’t think this is someone that Grady and Jobe Walter gonna want to lean into now you want to Define Jo Kobe Walter as a 19th overall pick Grady as a as a 13th overall pick let me tell let me let me put you on game bro a 20th 23rd overall pick o OG an anobi Just Got Paid $212 million the 27th overall pick Pascal seak Just Got Paid $192 million an undrafted free agent like like Fred Van B Just Got Paid what 113 15025 whatever got million dollars right draft position is meaningless it doesn’t mean so bottoming out you know next year you ask yourself which of these two things you would prefer the Raptors make the playoffs and draft 14th sorry 15th or 16th right because the West is going to be better than the East so best case scenario even if you make the playoffs as an eight seed or a seven seed in the plan you’re drafting 15 or 16 in a really good draft okay where again you have positive Equity with all these agents you’re probably going to get somebody who’s going to be a lottery pick who’s going to fall into your lap at 15 or 16 right not a bad place to be you know who else was the 15th overall pick kawh Leonard okay you know who was the second round pick Marcus all remember the last time the Raptors won a championship zero lottery picks think about what you’re saying here you need and and why why was marasol so good was he good because he was a high lottery pick no he was good because he went into a system that developed players I’m sick and tired of pretending that players are high draft picks and it’s a good thing James wisman was a high draft pick he’s ass he just signed a minimum contract because there was not a system in place really for him to develop and it was not optimized every Warriors draft pick with the exception of the two guys who came in as older rookies which is Brandon Pinsky and Trace Jackson Davis have failed with the Warriors why did did something change changed for the Warriors yeah a lot has changed for the Warriors Over The Last 5 Years A Lot Andre Iguodala is gone sea Livingston’s gone Andrew bogot is gone these guys were important man they’re important to the development of young players you think the Raptors are so stupid that they you know got uto Porter and thus young you know benching street clothes but that’s the dummy in you that’s the idiot in you because you don’t see you maybe you’re not successful but if you have been successful to anyone out there who’s successful tell me which one of you did it without mentorship tell me which one of you did it without guidance tell me which one of you did it without watching somebody who’s better than you older than you show you the ropes tell me how it happens you think that this is 2K that you can just put a whole bunch of 22 21 19 year olds on a team and just say okay go run up and down and you’re just going to get better they are going to be kids running kids bro you can’t do that I can’t believe I cannot believe for the life of me that the Raptors got pushed back on wasting a roster spot for Garrett Temple Garrett Temple is very valuable he’s a very valuable player the young players love him for a reason he’s a stabilizing Force he’s someone that they can talk to this is a very complicated thing ask yourself where you were when you were 19 20 21 did you have Tas did you have professors did you have mentors did you have parents well guess what these kids are not living with their parents right now they need this guidance otherwise they fall off you need to understand that this is more than a basketball simulation or your fantasy leagues I believe the fantasy leagues and betting apps are ruining y’all’s Minds right this is not a simulation this does not happen on paper it happens in the bars it happens in the strip clubs and you know what if you handle this incorrectly if you don’t handle your team culture correctly if you don’t hand handle development correctly you end up exactly where the Toronto Raptors were two years ago I think the Raptors found out damn in the hard I think they found out in the worst possible way in the hardest possible way what happens when you neglect culture long enough that’s what happened okay now I will go to the comments if there are super chats I will answer them and there are none so thank you very much um qu okay Mel saying delusion is a disease yes okay I’ll talk to you later almost at one hour make sure to hit like or dislike this video I don’t really care write a comment below tell me what you didn’t like if I’m sounding too arrogant or whatever um that’s okay you know we can you know we can shake hands and move on Beyond it but I do expect the Tron Raptors to make a trade for Bruce Brown and I believe that if there is not a competing offer somewhere out there I expect both Bruce Brown and Cameron Johnson to be traded and I believe that because the agency right um because the agency connection between both players and because I believe that there’s a bit of a favor you know basing um I believe that they will be for each other if it is possible and to to finalize my to to crystallize my take on this I believe that if the Raptors are giving up a first round pick in this deal I would want something else as a sweetener in return and I understand that there are those out there who think that the Raptor should not be taking on another young player like a DQ Whitehead or a dayon sharp or whatever I get it but maybe it is a matter of swapping youth for youth in that deal right maybe you swap out a player that you’re not super you know high on and you know maybe like a Chris Buche or something like that and then you take back like an undesirable contract you can make it bigger you can push it off to a third team or whatever or if you’re not getting back to Deon sharp you’re not getting back with DQ whad you’re not getting back one of these kids depending on how Shawn marks and you know the Brooklyn Nets front office feels about those guys then I believe that you can just offer two or three firsts and maybe sorry two or three seconds and maybe a swap that’s as far as I would go um yeah BBL Jersey you’re banned um at least you can take comfort that the Pistons team much worse than your team and in the past they were very good three titles in two in a row I do not understand why anyone would take comfort in that at all I don’t think that way I’m not a zero some thinker I’m more focused on what the Raptors um what the Raptors are doing I’m not really concerned with what the Pistons aren’t doing uh liberal saying like And subscribe folks appreciate you man as always thank you guys have a great one enjoy your day and to their American viewers um tonight’s the 4th of July Independence Day all right so always a cavat of course when we celebrate Independence Day uh to remember that it was not necessarily Independence Day for everybody but yeah all right talk to youall later

The Toronto Raptors have a very clear trade target. Their roster doesn’t make sense as constructed, the Nets are clearly tanking after trading Mikal Bridges, they got a ton of picks from New York, and getting some flexibility and shiftable assets back for Cameron Johnson could have come down to a bidding war. Thankfully, it doesn’t need to come down to a bidding war because the Nets owe the Raptors a pretty huge favor, and I’m 75% sure that these talks are already well underway.

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And yes, I can give you my sensibly well researched rationale to why I believe Cameron Johnson will be a Raptor before training camp provided the Nets and Raptors can come to some sort of agreement on fair compensation for him.

#Raptors #Nets #nba


  1. It's a nice fit if trade happened and Johnson was fairly healthy. I agree Raptors will not actively tank to start the season. As you've stated multiple times now, you do your best to compete and give yourself a target date to see a competitive team. If they don't live up to that the Raptors can pivot and shut guys down, play the young guys more minutes etc. For now assume Raptors will be trying to win again, same as they did this year and the year before.

  2. one issue with the incentive for the Nets to be bad next season- while they do have 3 firsts (OKC, Houston, Phoenix), Houston owns swap rights to their 2025 pick if they suck.

    edit: I stand corrected, they traded to negate the Houston swap

  3. If the Raptors can trade for Cam it would solve so many question marks surrounding the team. Cam is honestly a plug and play type of player. He would look really good on this team as a complimentary piece; strengthens: IQ, shooter and defender. Plus that Darko connection is real.

    Let’s not forget when Cam was on the Suns they made him untouchable in certain trade talks. The only way they traded a player like Cam was if they had an opportunity to trade for a player like KD. They did, and if the Suns could go back to the KD trade I believe the Suns would do anything in their power to keep Cam on their team.

    Would be a great get. 💯

  4. regardless of whether this comes to fruition, this is a pretty impressive analysis of transactional dynamics beyond the surface level stuff

  5. Thanks for your sincere and honest insight and recognition of how the NBA works Rob.
    People need to hear (and understand) the truth
    I always enjoy hearing your perspective.
    You are a revelation, and you ARE appreciated. 💯 👍

  6. I'm a Phoenix fan from way back and watched Cam a lot the years he was there. The player he reminds me most of in the NBA is actually Grady Dick. Great shooter moves well without the ball and surprises you with intangibles like the odd cool pass.

  7. i'm convinced. it appears as though the Raptors are owed a lot of favours and perhaps now's the time to cash some of these in with Cam Johnson on the trade market. gonna send u a cash reward if you're' right and they pull this off lol

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