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so I just got back from the gym and it’s time to see if the San Antonio Spurs have worked out a deal I I don’t know why you guys subscribe seriously you guys are psychopaths you’re crazy I want some n are we having fun yet all right so we got some order of business to get through okay we got a few things to go through um some updates here and some opinions uh nonetheless so before we get into all this juicy content um subscribe to Spurs Invasion but you guys have already subscribed 3K 3K 3,000 my god um thank you guys for showing so much love to the new channel um like I said this channel in particular is going to be um edited content uh which scripted edited content so let me know what you think you know just head on over there uh watch the newest video I have uh up link below underneath this video um in the description box and I’ll I’ll drop it in the comment comments as well if I if I remember um all right anyways let’s go ahead and dive into this so this is from the Monty show shout out to uh Spurs reporter for reposting it um so let’s go ahead and see what the Monty show has to say he has some insight or at least some thoughts when it pertains to the Warriors trying to acquire um uh Lori Markin because here’s the other part of this equation that I think a lot of people don’t understand Lori marinin is eligible for a contract extension August 6th and on the surface you would say well it’s a sign in trade deal not so fast if the if the Utah Jazz extend Lori marinin they cannot trade him for six months and I think the other part of this conversation that is so complex is how much money is Lori Markin willing to leave on the table in a in an extension scenario with a team I don’t know the Golden State Warriors that he would be traded to because if you trade him one of the things you have to remember is he’s on an expiring deal he is eligible for an extension and the model here would be to renegotiate his deal and then extend him so that he would be uh able to earn the most money possible by some accounts and by sourcing yesterday I was told that if he is traded and renegotiates Golden State would not be able to pay him nearly as much as he would get from the JS it’s about a 7 to9 million difference I think think that is significant is Lori marinan willing to Forfeit $7 to9 million to play not in Utah but to play in San Francisco for the Golden State Warriors Jake I think that is the most pertinent question on the table that’s a good question and if he’s not then yeah the Golden State Warriors are just not going to sign him cuz more than likely what’s going to happen is you know you you’re going to need some type of like some type of agreement with him that you he does wants an extend out that this isn’t going to just stop after this onee um um contract but the only thing I’ve been saying over the last few days is I think the Spurs should definitely use that leverage right use that um against the Jazz the best that they can so when people are saying like oh no let’s just go ahead and trade Sohan let’s trade Devon fael um well I don’t think a lot of people saying trade Deon forel but it’s a lot saying soan I’m not on the table for I don’t think that should be on the table um and the reason being is because he only has a year left in his contract um so you can kind of use that against them but anyways um let’s let’s go ahead and move on that I mean that was the whole reason the Spurs wanted to get rid of um or one of the reason they wanted to get rid of dejonte Murray when they did uh you don’t want him to be on his last contract all right so Spurs reporter also put this together this is more so just an opinionated um piece from Jeff you see we got Jeff McDonald uh and Jeff Garcia but we’ll just look at what uh Jeff McDonald basically had say cuz there’s nothing really here from you see sports caster Nate Ryan um so he says it didn’t work in Charlotte OKC but playing for Coach pop would take away any pressure spot up catch and shoot set an example for young Wings yeah yeah yeah um but Jeff McDonald says if no deal for marketing can be reached expect the Spurs to continue to look for incremental ways to improve the roster throughout what is left a free agency which we all like agree with that and then he continues to write it is no secret that the spur are in the market to upgrade their perimeter shooting uh with Sharpshooters such as buddy Hill Gary Trent uh Beasley Gary Harris uh remaining on the market for now very few other members of the Spurs media have actually weighed in um but those who have appeared to be discussing the opportunity facing the Spurs to land lord marinan even if it means giving up Devon fael in a trade so it could be very well that that’s what the Jazz want uh cuz they they want their roster to get better and that and if the Spurs can convince them that Kellin Johnson will will make you make you better along with a few Pi I mean that’s that’s cool to me that’s cool to me if they can convince that um but it seems like the Jazz are man they taking their sweet time maybe they’re they’re they’re smart they’re they’re pretty smart they’re pretty smart Okay um and Devon fael I I wouldn’t do it me personally I wouldn’t do it um I I think I don’t really even have to explain why I wouldn’t give away Devon fael um I think everybody it’s very easy to to say and point to and say no no no no no uh he’s part of the future at least you feel like he’s part of the future and and three-point shooting Wing like we don’t want to just get rid of that um but I feel like soan one is a little bit more nuanced in which I’m constantly feeling as if I have to defend why to keep soan because everybody’s everybody’s opinion before we get into the next you know bit of update everybody’s opinion on soan is oh well not everybody but you get what I’m saying um oh he can’t shoot why why keep him around he can’t shoot he he he doesn’t have a shot and it’s like well he’s been improving his shot okay ever since College he’s been improving it you can look at his three-point shooting that has increased from a 24% to 30% and it was better than that before February before February he was averaging about 37% um through February it was it got to 35% and then after that he had an abysmal last uh few games last uh couple months of basketball where uh his his legs weren’t necessarily underneath him you know started getting in his head he’s not a a pure shooter he never really was one um so he started to struggle you know fatigue and all that and that brought down his percentage down to 30% but people forget that he was actually shooting very well throughout the season so that’s kind of frustrating but whatever let’s just ignore the fact that he has high defensive IQ it’s ignore the versatility that he has um let’s let’s let’s IGN ignore um uh Let’s ignore his his playmaking for his size uh Let’s ignore the rebounding Let’s ignore the high motor that he has Let’s ignore uh the the The Cutting ability that he has effective cutting cutting in certain angles uh ignore ignore the way that he read defenses just just ignore all of it he can’t shoot is he worth anything I I think that that’s pretty disingenuous and and pretty bad um cuz this game is a little bit more nuanced than um some of the other players on our team he is a good Defender I know some people say he’s not but I mean the the the stats are on our side there all right moving on sorry kind of floundered a little bit uh let’s see here so the Kings this this the last big bit of news the Kings Spurs and warriors all have significant trade offers on the table to the Utah Jazz for Lori Markin Utah is mulling over these packages um as they decide whether they will ultimately move marketing or not so now we’re just playing the waiting game okay we’re just playing the waiting game in which you know they got everyone got their trades in I guess this is set in stone in which the Spurs like look this is what we’re willing to give you nothing more nothing less are you willing to take it uh and yeah I guess it does come down also to uh uh uh Lori right because I’m I’m just going to make the assumption that if they’re getting ready to get a trade uh Poppin that he has to also agree that he wants to go to those teams not because they can’t trade them anyway but because these teams in particular probably aren’t going to take them unless he is willing to uh sign an extension there so if he’s like I don’t want to go to the Kings or I don’t want to go to the Warriors then that’s a wrap he’s just not going to get traded um but if he say hey I want to I want to go to the Spurs play with that wimy fella uh then they might have to sit back and consider just trade him directly to San Antonio so we’ll see what happens we’ll see what happens but it seems as if everything’s on the table and we’re just sitting back waiting uh on what the out come will be so those are the updates thus far that’s all we really got uh if you guys want to support the Channel please please please like this video subscribe leave a comment um and what’s even more important is support this channel man it’s a little Channel little little bitty Channel we just created little bitty Channel I mean I know this is a small Channel too but just a little bitty Channel um but yeah go go support that um I’ll give it you guys later and if any updates pop up um I’m at least here for the next few days so I’ll make sure to talk about it till next time bye bye bye [Music]


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0:00 Intro
1:03 Monty Show Take
3:40 Jeff Mcdonald & Sochan
7:35 Packages Are In

I am not affiliated with the San Antonio Spurs
or #NBA


  1. Yo! With Chris Paul and Steph Castle, are you still interested in Garland? Do you agree with incremental updates on the perimeter?

  2. How do you know more basketball is around the corner? Clan starts glizzin HARD for Sochan while simultaneously saying he doesn’t love Sochan. It’s almost the new season baby!

  3. We need a bench player that will can hit a 3 and bring energy. I would look for Patty Mills. As for a bench center I'd sign Kai Sotto on a league minimum.

  4. Look dude, Warriors have every reason to be desperate enough to deal with Ainge and trade for a 2nd guy. Everything he said about the Warriors pertains to the Spurs too. And I just dont think the Spurs are desperate enough to give the Jazz what it would take for Lauri. Why mortgage the entire future.

  5. lauri is an all star, why gsw /teams worry about his extension? if you are worrying about paying an an all starplayer a max or spermax contract then dont acquire an all star player. gsw paid klay a max after major injury, now not willing to pay lauri max? if spurs are going to trade for himthey must be willing to offer him max contract, if not forget about trading for him

  6. Speaking about Jeremy Sohan I just watched him play against the Bahamas and his playmaking and his dribbling looks a lot better… I see him as a more athletic Kyle Anderson

  7. Sochan is a second year player, got better with his shot, the whole point guard thing…he is not a point guard, but he did grow through that process. A tenacious defender, great cutter, works well with Vic…all sorts of reasons to love him. He will be the guy (preferably at the 3) who does all sorts of dirty work, and as long as his shot keeps improving, makes space for everyone else. Wemby (5), Lauri(4), Sochan(3), Devin (2), and Castle (1) would be the dream starting lineup. Lauri's defensive shortcomings could improve within the Spurs approach. Anyways, Sochan should be part of the future.

  8. I can’t imagine they trade Sochan. It’s an off shoot but Wemby tweeting praises for recent Sochan defense play for Poland and Wemby having some say with FO, also having shown praise for him before, makes me think he would be incentivize the Spurs to not trade him. Obviously a stretch but just a thought.

  9. Lauri's great but we're not overpaying for him or anyone else in Vic's second year. It will be the right moves at the right times at the right price.

  10. Bro you have to wake up, first of all sohan got taken to the rim by everyone he went up against and got scored on majority of the time! He literally has one of the worst defensive ratings last season. 116.8.. he’s not even in the top 120 players defensively.. I could name some of the players on the top 100 but you will prob cry if I do .. some of these guys are known for offense only and still have better rating than sohan. Wake up buddy

  11. Lauri most likely gonna re-sign with the Jazz atp. If they like any of the other team’s package, they would have traded him already.

  12. I saw an interview with Sidy…is it just me or that guy lost about 25 pounds. He looks great. Can't wait to see how much better he moves.

  13. I will give Keldon and 5 first picks. I would not trade vassell, he is are best shooter, sochan is are best defender. So no on both of them

  14. why this guy commented about lauri extension 9-10m more than what gsw willing to offer? if that is thecase no point of gsw trading for him, because an allsrae=r will alway s expect a max contract. ok let say sprs traded for him, just offer him max contract, lauri would be stupid not to accept a mzx because no team could offer more.

  15. Sochan had 16 / 10 / 3 split in his first game with Poland. Yes I know it was vs. Bahamas but he hit a 3pt'er… I think people need to give Sochan some credit for continuing to improve his game.

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