@Dallas Mavericks

Mavericks Among FAVORITES To Land 3PT Shooting Big Man… | Mavericks News

Mavericks Among FAVORITES To Land 3PT Shooting Big Man… | Mavericks News

so far in this free agency Nico Harrison has done all the Right Moves to get this team ready to win a championship we did a signing trade to get Klay Thompson we signed Naji Marshall we got Quinton Grimes we trade away Tim Hardway Jr every move that we’ve made so far in this free agency has been to set this team up for success but we still have one roster slot and about $4 million left that we could use to go out and get just one more person to just round out the roster and according to reports we have pretty good odds of getting a specific brother to a player on the team so in this video we’re going to break down all those reports take a look at this player see if they fit the Dallas Mavericks if there’s a need that we have could they fulfill that and is it something that Nico Harrison should go after how’s it going everybody my name is Marcel Martin this is Mavericks digest bring the latest news on everything Mavericks related and before we get start with today’s video I just want to thank you guys so much for smashing that like button on the last video we got over a thousand likes on the video from yesterday and I want to challenge you guys to try and get a th likes on this video as well I get well over 1,000 views I think 1,000 likes is not too much to ask for I think we can do it but like I said in the intro we still have one roster slot open about $4 million left we we we could go out and get somebody we could also save that money maybe use it to pay someone else but if we are going to use that roster slot and that $4 million to round out the roster there are certain positional needs maybe another ball handler like we talked about in the last video or maybe get a stretch four maybe get another Center we do have a lot of guard so that’s probably not the best option but you guys were pretty adant in the comment section on my last video on what this team needs one comment saying we need to trade Maxi it’s time for him to go we need an upgrade at that spot and other comments like this one pretty much were all the same saying personally I would love Prince Covington or sadique Bay for the bench we need three and d a lot of you guys in the comment section we all pretty much saying the same thing that okay Dennis Smith Jr may be a nice pick he is very good defensively but we need someone at that four spot a lot of you guys have sounded off and I heard you loud and clear you are sick and tired of Maxi kba at the five whenever we go small and I understand that Jason kid does sometimes favor Maxi it makes you scratch your head like why are you always playing him and it might be because Jason kid comes from an older time in in the NBA’s history in the early 2000s where your veteran players got meaningful minutes over the younger players and that might be the one thing that Jason kid is having a hard time adjusting to but whenever the Dallas Mavericks feel the need to go small space the floor we played Maxi because we didn’t have a better option and I think going forward if the development of Derek gby continues he could potentially help us face the floor we saw him shoot a three in a Finals game we know he can shoot the threes in open gym so the development of Derek gy could definitely help us in that position but I think we’re a little bit too far away from actually using Derek Lively but like I said I hear you loud and clear Maxi is not the answer that’s the one position that we need to improve on right now PJs are starting power forward I’m not sure if that’s going to change between now and the start of the season but as of right now PJs are starting power forward Maxi is the backup and you’re sick and tired of Maxi and I understand that but the new reports that I saw just the other day it shows that the Philadelphia 76ers are the favorites to win the Marcus Morris senior sweep Stakes I didn’t know that there was a sweep Stakes for Marcus Morris now although we don’t have the best odds we’re still I mean we’re kind of down there but we’re in the top 10 at least for the best odds plus 315 to get Marcus Morris so is this a player that we could actually use on the Dallas Mavericks is he someone that could actually back up PJ Washington let’s take a look at his stats just from last season while where he played with the Philadelphia 76ers but also he spent time playing in Cleveland and for last season he his stats are very similar to to Maxi kba stats it’s there they are not that far off on paper um Marcus Morris he had 6.4 points 2.7 rebounds 7 assists three blocks3 steals point6 turnovers 1.4 I’m sorry 1.5 fouls per game shooting 43% from the floor 40% from three he shoots 42% on Corner threes 93% of his threes are assisted and 41% of all shots are threes and just a quick glance I mean yes if you want to look at his numbers it’s nothing to really to just be ready to just sell everything for maybe not even throw the a complete bag at you give him the little $4.4 million that we have and if you think he can replace Maxi obviously I we would have to do a sign tra to get rid of Maxi but if we could pick up Marcus Morris and maybe down the road we do dump Maxi then sure you have him come up Off the Bench to back up PJ I would argue Marcus Morris is a better Defender than Maxi obviously Maxi is injured right now I understand that we all saw that saw what happened in the playoffs and Maxi has had bright spots I don’t want this to be a video where I’m just bashing on Maxi I do enjoy the time that he’s that he’s had here when healthy when everything’s good Maxi is amazing we’ve seen him just shoot lights out from three we’ve seen him play excellent defense but the fact of the matter is Maxi might be just hitting his stride going to his Wonder Years where he’s just no longer serviceable to the team we’re trying to win championship and even though I don’t think Marcus Morris wins you a championship I don’t think keeping Maxi as our only option at the four behind PJ is also going to help us win a championship of course PJ does a great job arguably one of our best on ball Defenders now that we got Quinton Grimes and Naj Marshall we got a lot more Defenders now but PJ has been a great defender for this team at times he can be our third scoring option obviously we have Klay Thompson so the team’s offense is fine but defensively PJ does very well and again when ever Jason kid wants to space the floor and go small he goes to Maxi kba but Marcus Morris has a better defensive Reign than Maxi kba and he does and he also has pretty better overall stats I mean I’ll pull up his numbers again for the last season he averaged six points two rebounds and0 one assists I think Maxi got more boards and maybe one whole assist over Marcus Morris but Marcus Morris is putting up these numbers on less minutes than Maxi kba if Jason kid played Marcus Morris the same amount of minutes that he would played maxi but I’d argue that Marcus Morris points rebounds assists all of his numbers would improve especially in the Dallas Mavericks system so is Marcus Morris a good fit for the Dallas Mavericks I think so obviously his brother has had a big impact on the team someone that a lot of the guys in the locker room do look up to in due respect and having his brother there I think would also help in the locker room whether or not we play him over Maxi whether or not we just give him a a small one-year contract you’re on the team $4 million here you go and just have another locker room player I think that has benefits too there’s a lot of players out there that we could go get I saw a lot of what you guys were saying but to use your last slot on someone that’s a little bit more necessary to put either the starting lineup or to be the six-man Off the Bench I don’t think you waste your last spot on that I think you use your last roster spot on someone like a Marcus Morris who you could see if does this player play better than Maxi does this player feel feel the need that we have while by trying to play small and I think Marcus Morris definitely could provide value but that’s all to be seen I still trust Maxi I still like him on the team I just don’t necessarily like the way Jason kid uses him whereas sometimes it does kind of play to our detriment I mean we saw in the playoffs although we did beat the Clippers we did all see how in game four things just looked ugly James Harden was going floater after floater after floater after floater about five or six floaters and Maxi was just standing there just a cone whereas we’ve seen Maxi also be able to alter shots and play great defense the the highs and lows of Maxi I’m willing to live and die by but if we can improve in that position that I think we should definitely do it but a few other players that maybe we can’t afford but it’s still interesting to look at that may also fill that role is right here uh the Wizards asking price for Kyle kozma Remains Two first round picks the Kings continue to me to be mentioned as a strong suitter for kozma as watching surveys the trade market do I think it’s realistic for the Dallas Mavericks to get Kyle kozma no and I’d AR and I’d also argue and say a lot of you guys wouldn’t want Kyle kozma I mean we saw what he said the trade deadline that the his timeline doesn’t match up with ours da pretty much saying that we can win it that we could not win a championship if we just made the finals so yeah I understand why a lot of us wouldn’t want cumma but we do still have two first round picks that we can move and if you add Maxi’s contract with probably Jaden Hardy Dante exom you probably could make a swing for Kyle kman do I think n will do it no but could he possibly do we get out bid from other teams like the Kings most definitely but we do have a roster spot we have $4 million do we need to go out and get some body do we keep the team as is and this the last thing I want to talk about right here the Mavs have one more rer spot available created by Marie Morris’s free agency so we don’t even have Marie back yet that last roster spot is his roster spot um but think Mavs would like to bring him back but remains to be seen another roster spot could be created pretty easily if needed by waving AJ Lawson in his non-g guaranteed deal so if we want to bring back Marie Morris just for being just that leader in the locker room just being that great just Vibes guy that we also have in Dwight pal who I guess we’re not going to get rid of we could also just wave AJ Lawson we get Marcus BR Marcus Morris we got both Morris Brothers we got Dwight pal The Vibes are through the roof the Mavericks are good we don’t always have to go to Maxi we got Marcus I think for a cheap and easy fix it’s a no-brainer but obviously you guys have commented there’s a bunch of other players that you’d rather go get but I’d also argue that for your last slot your 15th roster slot you’re probably going to get somebody that you’re okay with just benching a few dmps kind of like an emergency player we saw last year how our last roster spot was given to Derrick Jones Jr and he became a starter and then left us for the Clippers so who knows maybe the same thing could happen to Marcus Morris but you guys let me know down in the comment section down below I understand that the power forward position is a position that we need but who do you want us to see us go after or who would be your dream power forward to go after you let me know down in the comment section down below but that’s all I got for you guys today thank you so much thank you so much for making this far to the video make sure you check out our Twitter and Discord links in description below consider becoming a channel member we are doing another giveaway we’ll do a live stream sometime this weekend to announce the winner but until next time y’all take care and don’t forget drink water

Marcel Martin breaks down reports of a 3 and D player the Mavericks could target with their last roster spot.

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Mavs Digest is a channel that breaks down all of the latest news, reports and rumours on the Dallas Mavericks. This includes coverage on players such as Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, Derrick Lively, PJ Washington, Daniel Gafford, Jason Kidd, Mark Cuban and more!


  1. Wait, WHAT?! Marcus Morris was a better defender than Maxi Kleber? Dude, I appreciate your effort and all, but this take is so ridiculous that I consider no longer watching you. Please say that there is a basis for your take – any stats or just your „eye-test“?

  2. While I don't hate Maxi, he is too banged up. He is better as THE emergency player, not the first guy off the bench for PJ. Hopefully Omax or Melvin develops into that role (I see Naji as more of a 3 but you can add him there too). Otherwise we need to get a sturdy backup to PJ.

  3. Starters


    Smith Jr.

    AJ Lawson

  4. Dario is he signed? No Maxi like Dp is the most unproductive usage in the nba regardless if they have minus minutes if your the son of the coach you can't beat that. Omax is better than Morris and Maxi

  5. Don’t agree with u Maxi was playing great before the shoulder injury. He is one of the better defenders in Mavs lineup

  6. Marcel, the Mavericks lost to the Celtics in five mostly because Luka was beat up and in pain and could not play the way he normally does. The Mavericks need to change up the offense from Luka driving into lane thirty times per game, he takes so much contact. Klay Thompson will really increase the three-point spacing and to maximize that capability many plays need to run for him. That will also help Kyrie by spreading out the defenses to be able to attack more. The main thing is to not, repeat, not play Luka and Kyrie together in the second and third quarters. Substitute in either Marshall or Grimes to add defense and rotate Luka and Kyrie until the fourth quarter. Also adding an additional ballhandler like Spence Dinwiddie would really help Luka and Kyrie cut their minutes.

  7. Correct me if I’m wrong but why isn’t Naji Marshall a serviceable 4? He seems like he can play the 4, space the floor, be a dawg, and hit threes.

  8. Maxi averaged 4pt, 3 rebounds and 43% fg. Oh and his real plus minus was -3.7… he has to go. He’s way overrated on defense and often loss out there

  9. We need a forward. Maxi is my one of my fav players but he does get injured a lot and we need a backup for him.

  10. Just a note. We can't sign anybody right now until the Klay trade is officially completed. That won't happen until at least the 6th. We would void the Klay trade because any signing would put us over the 1st apron and a sign and trade that puts you and keeps you over the 1st apron is illegal. So we're not we're not making any moves over the next couple of days unless it's a trade where we don't take on any salary.

  11. Leave Maxi alone he’s fine, u don’t want to change your bench completely, it could mess up the teams chemistry. Maxi can have a dnp whiteout spreading negativity throughout the locker room

  12. I think it's safe to say we cookin on these trades recently and Nico has the green light to continue making big moves. Let's get after it on this championship.

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