@Sacramento Kings

The Handoff: Kings and Lauri Markkanen, Kyle Kuzma or Brandon Ingram?

The Handoff: Kings and Lauri Markkanen, Kyle Kuzma or Brandon Ingram?

Kenny carway in the building for the handoff Kenny I don’t know if you saw it but reporting now says that the Mavericks are acquiring Clay Thompson although there’s uh differing reports on whether the sign and trade has been agreed to or not on the warrior side but we’ve been talking a lot about the West today because there’s only like we know the kings are in pursuit of uh Brandon Ingram and we know about Kyle kusman and then Lori marinin might now be in the mix might now be in the mix so it’s just kind of a waiting game on that let’s let’s actually start with the Kings I’m optimistic that they’re going to get a significant deal done for one of those three guys absolutely are you in that boat as well absolutely I I’m a big believer and I talked about it on Friday talked about with you on Friday um that that draft pick of Devin Carter first of all what’s up James welcome back what’s up man that that draft pick of Devin Carter I don’t I don’t want to say like I’ve been talking about I don’t want to be like oh they just got like these deals just lined up in their back pocket it’s I don’t know if it’s that simplistic but they drafted Devin Carter no one they’re moving on from daveon Mitchell no one they’re moving on from Kevin herder and they have deals lined up on the table that they’re trying to figure out what they want to do and there was a um Jake fiser reported on Friday uh James and we talked about it a little bit there was wording in there that that kind of sparked my interest and he said something about in this tweet he said the kings are trying to decide what something to the effect of they’re trying to decide what path they want to go down and that told me they have option like they whatever one they choose say there’s three paths they want to go down they’re there for them whether that’s kosma Ingram and LaVine and they’re trying to figure out which one they want to go down but it’s not oh we’re hoping to get so and so I don’t want to say deals are done once again I don’t want to say that but they it’s their form whatever path they want to go down it’s their form and they’re trying to figure out the cost of those different paths the the plus minuses of those diff different paths and they’re trying to figure out what they want to do one of them might involve giving up somebody that they really like but that’s the best player on their list you know like if just throwing out a name if it’s Ingram and you have to give up Keegan Murray that’s crazy huh still trying to trade Keegan un this guy this guy but they may say Ingram is their best would you do that best option I would think about it only if I I I don’t want to do the bit where you’re trying to trade Keegan I don’t yeah but this is a very like real thing I if if you got a A wink wink promise from Brandon Ingram I would think about it I don’t I still don’t know if I would do it I still don’t know if I would do it but I would think about it would you James I wouldn’t like a at this point even if you had a crystal ball and knew he’s resigning okay but that’s that’s impossible to know and the fact that you have M well I get you I get you but you have King and Murray under control for another two years at a bottom a basement price and then even his next price caps out at what Brandon Ingram is capping out right now not what Brandon Ingram will cap out at and so you’re losing so many years of service and and all that stuff sure and look Brandon Ingram I haven’t done looked but I’m guessing he’s only two years older than Keegan Murray yeah brenon Ingram right yeah he’s like 26 he’s 26 and Lor Markin is 27 and Keegan Murray just is he wasn’t a young rookie and Keegan Murray is 23 will turn 24 in August so you’re talking about wild but so but my point is though that you have that whole second contract of Keegan where he will be under contract all through the years that we’re talking about with with uh when it comes to Ingram so I mean that’s just so much different Ingram came into the league he’s been in the league eight years and he’s 26 years old that is crazy somebody uh where did it go Chef Monty in the chat I agree with them on this I’m not putting Keegan in that deal because I don’t think you get significantly better with Brandon Ingram and then your dealing Keegan and whatever else yeah you gotta have both I agree with you I I I like I think ing I think Brandon Ingram is a better player than Keegan Murray for sure but I don’t think it gets you to the stratosphere that you need to go to give up that that kind of player I don’t know so this is what we always talk about with Brandon Ingram his my thought of Brandon Ingram doesn’t necessarily match the exact production right like I I look at Brandon Ingram as one of them dudes right like he’s he’s he’s one of them dudes and then you look at his basketball reference or whatever and he averaged like 20 points per game for his career nice yeah he’s really good yeah I I think in that hypothetical situation I would not I try to do everything in my power to keep K and Murray here but one of the things that if they’re like nope this it’s a deal breaker and say kma’s Deal’s gone all these other deals that you had are gone by the wayside now and this is your opportunity to get better in the off season you ask yourself who’s the better player who’s the better player You Come Away with the better player I understand the contracts and I agree with you but who’s better Keegan or Brandon Ingram BR or regardless what we feel about Brandon he’s a two-time Allstar Murray going to be a two-time allar you have to take money into account okay so here’s here’s a broader question if let’s just take Keegan off the table let’s just take yes yes it’s making me uncomfortable okay so I love ke Murray I don’t think he’d be on the table realistically anyway so you have three Deals on the table and Brandon Ingram Loren marinin and Kyle kusma yeah where where would you go knowing that the cost of kozma is going to be less and he’s under contract for three years and the cost in a trade yeah it’s going to be less knowing that uh the other two are more injury-prone but but throw all that out the window if you can add one of those to your your core of four which one would it be I’d probably go Kyle kosma All Things Considered I would too although I I believe Brandon Ingram is the best player of all three of those you think he’s better than Lori marinen yeah see I I think the fit of Lori marinin is is intriguing next to sabonis another seven-footer that can stretch the floor AB but they can do a whole lot of other stuff he’s the truth he’s the truth he fits great in Sacramento the reason why I look at Brandon Ingram as as being the best is he’s the one that is less riant on the people around him yeah he can go get you he can lead a team we’ve seen him do it he he was the best player on that Pelicans team that put Phoenix six games when Willie Green was crying that time Zion was gone it was Ingram’s team CJ McCollum wasn’t even there it was Ingram’s team and he he was a problem he got them through the play in he got them two wins in in that in that first round series he was a problem he’s the best player but the other things are a factor like what you talk about marinin might be the best fit kosman might be the best like he may cost you the least so yeah he’s going to cost you the leaste not only today but through the next three years right if the kusma deal is is uh herder and dwarte and a first where now all of a sudden you’re keeping Harrison Barnes and now you have Harrison Barnes coming off the bench in a in a smaller role like I think that I think that makes you better than whatever you’re dealing for Brandon Ingram plus it’s less expensive it gives you additional flexibility down the line it gives you additional flexibility with what picks you have to trade down the line like that to me like is is the move but I also I understand why the Kings would explore all possible options to try and get Brandon Ingram here or Lorie marinin James because I know Kyle me and Kyle talked about real quick um do you think what I think is accurate that Monty has different avenues that he can go down he’s got trades on the table and he’s trying to figure out which one is best for this team in this franchise I think that’s very possible but I also think that he’s not play I’m pretty sure he’s not playing in a world where Keegan Murray is part of the conversation I don’t think he is either I don’t I don’t think he especially if you have options right like if if New Orleans is saying we want Keegan Murray in the deal I can just go start talking to Washington you know what I mean like I don’t I don’t have to I don’t have to do that you know what I mean I can start hammer out a deal with the Washington Wizards or I could see you know what Utah’s talking about and the one that’s in the back pocket is always uh Zack he’s always in the back because nobody else wants him if you if you if you feel like you have to make a move I’m just saying he’s in back if no other team in the league is making that move then you shouldn’t either they makeup it feels like because the Kyle kma deal got reported so heavily leading up to the 13th pick and then we’ve heard nothing since that to me makes it feel like there’s a deal on the table the Kings know they can go back to it there’s not a ton out there for kozma on the trade market and the the kings are now exploring some other stuff I kind of got the opinion that day that when they traded Denisha that the price went up and the kings are like price of the pick going up uh what do you got coming up on DLo and Casey uh Giants Dodgers this weekend was yeah huge Series yeah was big time tylerd was great it’s NBA yeah got that coming up for you on dowlo and KC that’s James ham back in the building I’m Kyle Madson we’re sponsored by Jiffy Lube uh a big shout out to them we will be back tomorrow at 10 A.M until then uh dowlo and KC have got you drink water and be nice to people by

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  1. Lauri is a waste of time to even talk about, Utah isnt going to trade him unless you give them everything. Maybe B.I. but that would probably be it. We may be stuck with small little moves

  2. Also what you guys don't mention is how injured prone is Ingram compare to Keegan. He average what? 60 games per season? That's through his entire career, that's bad! Lauri is even worst…maybe average 50 games per season. 60 games per year, the Kings is toast…no Playoffs! So, forget about including Keegan in the trade, it's not worth having Ingram value wise, IF you have to give up Keegan.

  3. Why would t we draft a replacement wing for Murray if he’s our best trade chip. If we drafted da Silva you could easily trade Murray for Lauri and it wouldn’t sting as bad 😊

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