@Golden State Warriors

What are you picking?

What are you picking?

by SadMathematician7799


  1. All5TonySpivey

    Blue easy, 3Peat, and Klay doesn’t get injured and accelerates his decline

  2. Inside_Risk_7755

    Red pill. We could still win 2019 in that world.

  3. red gotta win it all after 73-9 season also all this warriors only win in 2015 bc injury stuff can shut up and go for 3peat next season

  4. Tsunami-Papi_

    not even a warriors fan but red all day bro, I would want nothing more than that

  5. unhappywifewtf

    Blue all the way. I think if Klay doesn’t get hurt even if KD leaves the Dubs still win at least one if not two more rings. so they’d have 5-6 now.

  6. Gloomy-Candidate-681

    Red pill, for these reasons :

    No debate about who is the best team in history.

    Warriors didn’t need KD to beat bron (I believe we definitely didn’t, heck if draymond doesn’t get suspended that series was wraps)

    Lebron’s career would be looked at much more different than now, I don’t think he’d be in the Jordan conversations

    We would still get KD, so it’s 4 in a row at least.

    Coming back from a 3-1 deficit in OKC to
    winning it all is a great achievement.

  7. RawrGeeBe

    Red easy. Don’t want to be on the losing end of that disgusting “Lebron goes back to Cleveland and wins for home town team” story. Also, Klay doesn’t get injured because the timeline would’ve already been changed.

  8. Blue pill, red could lead to a timeline where KD doesn’t join. Blue also potentially extends KDs stay to chase a 4th in a row.

    Also Klay not getting injured is always good

  9. AppropriateMaize4892

    Red, to close out the winningest season.

  10. HOFredditor

    blue. 3peat, and we actually get our own 3-1 comeback lol.

  11. Sokkawater10

    Red Pill. Greatest season ever? We’d be talking about Curry as the GOAT right now not Lebron.

    Curry would be seen unanimously as Batman even when KD arrives.

  12. Nervous-Command-2012

    RED. Easy answer. Winning the chip that year would’ve cemented us as, without question, the best team ever. 3 peats have been done by teams in the past. A 73 win championship team has never been seen and with the new CBA rules that feat might never be seen in our lifetime. Isn’t it about being the very best? Our franchise that we love so much could’ve had eternal bragging rights as the greatest of all champions.

  13. Unfair-Worker929


    Warriors 3 peat

    No Klay Injury

    KD maybe even doesn’t leave and we possibly even 4 peat😮

    Steph would have 6 rings and tie Jordan compared to Lebron’s 4.

  14. Blue easily. Warriors would’ve made a 3-1 comeback and they would’ve made more finals runs.

  15. ChoccyMilkMustache3

    Blue for sure. KD probably staying we win again, Klay doesn’t lose his lateral quickness, and a 3-peat at the very least.

  16. No_Ad4767

    Klay doesnt get injured. Its easily 2 more championships, maybe more.

  17. ScaredPresent3758

    Blue. If Klay never tears his ACL he likely doesnt tear his Achilles and who knows what kind of impact he would’ve had if he didn’t sit for two seasons?

  18. Nessmuk58

    I pick the diamond-shaped blue pill from Pfizer so I can spend my time fucking with something other than posts lie this.

  19. Red is tempting because I won’t have to see 3-1 memes ever again. But probably blue because Klay would be healthy and happy. Those dark years out of the league took a lot out of him.

  20. GSWarriors1130

    Neither. No way to know what else changes

  21. I would pick a world where the warriors didn’t skip on jokic.

  22. EmploymentDizzy1307

    Red pill. That one hurt after the record breaking season.

  23. Winter-Candy-1915

    This is hard…… but red pill.

  24. The cheat code is to take the red pill. It would change the course of history and because of that Klay wouldn’t get injured.

    If Klay would get injured anyway, I’d take the blue pill.

    Re: 2016 — I actually would have preferred to see how far the trio could take things without Durant, and it makes me genuinely sad that we never got to see how good the core could have been from 2017-2021 without the KD signing that broke the league. So winning in ’16 and keeping KD on the Thunder is fine by me.

  25. Shouldntbeonreaddit

    Honeslty, i take 2022 over each one.

  26. anyone taking the red is crazy, blue anyday! actually give me two of those

  27. Red Pill. Easy. Like no question, it’s the biggest blemish on the dynasty and just added to LeBron’s legend. We win in 5 games, you have to wonder if LeBron even stays in Cleveland

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