@Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Hawks New Look & Reaction to Trae Young Trade Rumors

Atlanta Hawks New Look & Reaction to Trae Young Trade Rumors

all right people um a lot of Atlanta Hawk fans are wondering whether or not uh Trey young is going to be here and you know whether or not he’s going to opt out like I I think there a strong chance that any NBA play we see LeBron opt out Paul George um quite a few other guys right now that have opted out uh you’ve seen the golden State Warriors pretty much wave uh Chris Paul um and I believe he I forget this team he signed but he resigned with a team he signed with a team so movement in the NBA is inevitable you got guys that always um and one of the reasons why I say again even in football is that when we talk about you know tampering look this is the case especially in the day and with social media players just always in con communication with each other so you just never know Trey may be talking to somebody on the side or somebody might be talking to Trey about coming to Atlanta it’s like all this is you know at the end of the day is something that is um that that like we just got to deal with and uh having the Hawks at this particular point right now they have Trey for at least the next couple of years so we Trey can ask for an extension to get a Mega contract and then kind of hold uh you know hold not only the Hawks but hold a team hostage why because of his skill set so he end up holding the team hostage or you know seek the power that he has as a player to kind of like look this is the type of player that I want to play with you know I’ve giving y’all what four six years you know at that particular Point um this is what I need to win this is what I want to win so like at the end of the day man like I don’t think you know when it come down to Trey young and whether or not he’s going to be here I’m not worried about that the next couple of years we going to see but I think we see the recipe when it come down to what these guys want to do and how they want to win how they want to go about it um it’s pretty it look they want to have a lot of long lengthy guys defense um kind of going back to the day with Bud where he had a lot of long Defenders a lot of guys who is extremely athletic um and these guys can play some defense they guys play defense long athletic and these guys uh uh can shoot so I look I’m interested to see what’s going to happen with the Atlanta ret um they got a lot of other other guys on this team um and we don’t know what what’s going to happen in free agency they may go out and bring in a few guys um so I’m excited man I’m excited to see what Trey young can do it obviously didn’t work with Deon Murray and you know hopefully he plays Will there but whether or not Trey young is going to be here um I’m not worried about that I can said that’s something that as a fan I’ve learned to just deal with it if players want to be here they don’t want to be here I I don’t care I really don’t care if you if you’re a falcon fan you thought Matt Ryan was going to be here forever and it didn’t happen so I’m not concerned about it if he moves on he moves on but at the end of the day I’m still going to be Atlanta Hawk fan um but let me know what you guys think about Trey young and whether or not he and Risha Shay and the new roster is looking good for you leave your comments below but this has been your boy Mad Mike man uh hit that subscribe button hit that like button uh and check out the video uh on the Stream now peace

My thoughts on Atlanta Hawks Trade Rumors surrounding PG Trae Young, Roster breakdown and more.

#traeyoung #truetoatlanta #madmikesports #atlantahawks


  1. I think if the Hawks are consistently in the playoffs and competitive in the playoffs he’ll want to stay. He wants to win just like us so I would understand why he wouldn’t want to return in a couple years if we’re not in the playoffs

  2. I was just telling a guy on b/r the same thing, they clearly have a plan but if we’re to see it this year CC and DH gotta go

  3. I think the hawks are finally building around Trae. We drafted hella 6'8 to 6'10 people lately. Our defense will be better. I hope mo gueye and bufkin get some experience this year. I know they were hurt but the hawks never give thier rookies much time in the bigs.

  4. Should've traded trae instead of Dj. He is a huge defense liability. And shoots to much 43% from the field too. Hes a ball hog.

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