@San Antonio Spurs

[Barry Jackson] Kings have talked to Bulls about DeRozan sign and trade, per source. Spurs also now another possibility. Despite DeRozan interest in Miami, Heat not in position to give him what he’s seeking at this time… Heat will hope opportunity on some player it wants arises this summer.

[Barry Jackson] Kings have talked to Bulls about DeRozan sign and trade, per source. Spurs also now another possibility. Despite DeRozan interest in Miami, Heat not in position to give him what he’s seeking at this time… Heat will hope opportunity on some player it wants arises this summer.




    I doubt the Spurs do this unless they 100% win the trade but it would be nice to see Demar in a Spurs jersey again.:)

    The more I think about it, the more I like it. Demar wants his money and probably would be good with an expensive 1 year deal. Comes back to a coach he knows and likes. Gets to be in the 2025 free agent class, and teams will have a lot more money. Wemby and all the kids get a year of CP3 and Demar leading them. Sounds like a win for both sides

  2. Federal_Storage9876

    I’ll take Demar back if they remove the protection on their pick

  3. FireBeeChin

    this makes no sense 💀💀💀🤦‍♂️ all the smoke around the spurs is just smoke. Only could see the spurs as a 3rd team facilitating things

  4. fatherpatrick

    We could still open up cap and wouldn’t have to do a sign and trade at all (for all the people thinking about what we would send the bulls).

  5. Spiritual_Echo_1000

    I should ignore all these “Spurs are interested in …..” reports for my own sanity

  6. sstewart1617

    I’d prefer a short DeMar deal over trading the farm for Lauri.

    I enjoyed DeMar when he was here.

  7. Sign and trade Demar for Malaki Branham and removing the protections on the Bulls pick

  8. The98Legend

    As long as it doesn’t affect our long term building around Wemby I guess it’s fine. I love Demar but I think we all saw enough to know his playstyle isn’t exactly conducive to making a deep playoff run. 

  9. Thunderhorse74

    Demar would be interesting. Lineup/fit aside, he played his ass off for us, Pop loves him, he loves Pop.

    But where do you put him?

    He’s a reasonably efficient scorer who can create his own shot, get to the rim, and be a secondary playmaker, but the range issue persists and he remains a midrange king.

    All of this assuming he comes reasonably cheap. If CP3 will sign on for $11M, what kind of S/T deal would the Spurs be able to swing?

    As a fan, I loved Demar and would love to have him back. building the team up…I have my doubts.

    If it costs a player (sigh, probably Keldon) or two (throw in Branham) and their pick back, I guess. As long as his contract isn’t long. This presupposes the Spurs have decided to rely on the ATL pick to come in well and that the Bulls pick is probably not going to convey anyway. (also assumes they are not necessarily going to tank and want their pick back because the east is going to be ass next season)

    /shrug. Fuck it, I don’t know. Heart says ‘hell yeah’, brain (such as it is) says “meh”

  10. eeveeritt15

    At this point, I feel like they’re just throwing the spurs name around to gain leverage given our trove of picks. I won’t believe anything until a move is imminent

  11. nakedsamurai

    Super doubt. Spurs need a guy who can manufacture shots, but Paul can now do that. DDR’s not a great fit. Wouldn’t be opposed to a single year, but don’t see it.

  12. ChewsWisely2020

    Love demar the player, being able to split minutes with him and cp3 means the young guys always have a leader on the court and it’s another vet to learn from. We just can’t give up any meaningful long term assets for him

  13. pompyyy099

    The spacing is fucking atrocious.

    Sochan, DeRozan, CP3 in the starting lineup potentially, only Vassel can reliably shoot from three.

  14. yeezytaughtme

    I’d love to have Demar back. I enjoyed watching his game and he’d be a great vet to teach the young guys.

  15. chriscucumber

    Dude if this guy can keep things moving for us when our first unit sits I’m down. That’s where we always lose ground. Team friendly deal hell yeah. He wouldn’t start. Plus having him close down the stretch would definitely help us in close games.

  16. birdlawspecialist1

    The more I hear these rumors, the more I think this is DeMar’s camp spreading stuff to try and catch on. He’s had a disappointing time on the market yet again; going to SA would be a big step back for him.

  17. Askme4musicreccspls

    I’d be over the moon if this happened, but given Demar wants to contend, it seems less likely.

  18. PressureMiserable

    I’d love more than anything for demar to come back he’s really the only spur we haven’t drafted who felt like a real spur, I’ve always supported him since he’s come here, even saw his first scrimmage where he took the shoes off his feet to throw into the crowd. He’s an amazing person and understands the impact he has on the city

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