@Memphis Grizzlies

How close was Draymond Green to joining the Memphis Grizzlies?

How close was Draymond Green to joining the Memphis Grizzlies?

on this Fourth of July edition of lock on Grizzlies we are discussing rumors straight from the horse’s mouth in terms of Draymond Green that he Once Upon a Time most certainly was very much possibly coming to the Memphis Grizzlies whether or not we agree or believe or how far that conversation got we’ll talk some free agency wins and losses so far and how it impacts the Memphis Grizzlies of course and then we’re going to close out the show with some fun some Fourth of July superlatives we’re going to get to Michael Cole and I into an argument over who would win a hot dog eating contest among the current Grizzlies I think my answer might surprise you we’ll talk about that in more on this episode stick with us happy 4th of July let’s lock in you are locked on Grizzlies your daily Memphis Grizzlies podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day each and every time in episode drops of lock on Grizzlies hopefully you are with us it is I Joe mullenax one of your hosts joined by my co-host to Michael Cole the Commercial Appeal there in Memphis Tennessee happy 4th of July to you and yours I know we have some International viewers and listeners that probably are in is into the Fourth of July obviously here in America it’s a great day for partaking in some adult beverages some pops as I like to call them every once in a while some barbecue I think I’m going to a cookout later that has an 18 PB brisket on the smoker which you know I don’t know I don’t know what everybody else is going to be eating partner but uh I you know and then of course the fireworks at the end it’s a big celebration of America as I mentioned on yesterday’s show it’s been a rough couple of weeks for the United States so it’ll be nice to just kind of enjoy and you know I’m still kind of mad that Joey chestnuts in the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest but I’ll get over that if there’s ever a movement for locked on competitive eating I think you know that would be the one thing I would leave my wonderful partner to Michael Cole for is if I uh got to do that I’m just kidding I can never leave you think you could pull that one out you think you’d win it lock down I wouldn’t win no I’m talking about like a podcast like I would an you oh you want I’d want to be in it I’d want to be in the cont that’s interesting I like that I I’m more at this stage I’m more of a uh a slow and steady wins the race kind of eater I a different type of contest though unless not eating the the the hot dogs I I I don’t want to eat those but but more so like chicken wing contest I’m crushing some chicken wing I I destroy I destroy people in the chicken wing cont keep the glizzies away chicken wings I I’ll I’ll do some damage see demichel even when even when it comes to food demichel and I are on the same page thank you so much again for checking out this episode on this holiday we’re free and available wherever you get podcasts as proud members of the lock on podcast Network your team each and every single day this episode of lockon Grizzlies is brought to you by the good folks over at game time download the game time app create an account use the code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again we are free and available wherever you get Podcast YouTube Apple Spotify Amazon thank you so much for being with us especially on this holiday getting your day started perhaps in the morning or maybe you’re hanging out if you’re at a Memphis cookout right now and you’ve got locked on Grizzlies on I’m gonna be very uh happy and you should let us know where you’re listening to the show maybe that would be a great way to to spend our fourth of July every once in a while checking in on the comments and and maybe you’re hanging out with some friends talking Grizzlies basketball and and that’s exactly what I’m about to do talk to one of my friends about Grizzlies basketball to Michael Cole the Commercial Appeal there in Memphis Tennessee Draymond Green also a podcaster could we say he’s one of our peers at this point I think as a podcaster content creator guys he’s one of us like Draymond Green is one of us and JJ reck right the first NBA podcaster to to become a head basketball coach gave you some hope didn’t it Joe you know I’m just two years football you are coaching football yeah I’m two years away from being two years away I’m the Bruno ke defens coordinator ah there you go no I don’t know maybe you know maybe maybe Taylor Jenkins checks out the show and maybe he likes my takes probably not but I digress um Draymond Green noted NBA podcaster recently said that he can relate to what’s going on with Klay Thompson leaving the Dallas Mavericks because he was in a similar head space when he thought he was leaving to go to the Memphis Grizzlies now this was last offse if I’m correct partner this was before the Marcus SM acquisition and we’ve heard rumors of this before Rumblings I don’t know that we’ve heard it this directly from Draymond before like almost he was he kind of beat around the bush with it himself this is him saying explicitly like I told these dudes I’m going to Memphis to play for the Grizzlies do you believe that I struggle with reflecting on where the roster was at that time I don’t know fully where he would have played I’m not sure how that would have processed obviously they would have found a role for him and I think it’s pretty clear with the acquisition of Marcus Smart they were very interested in bringing in professionally driven all the stuff that you want to say about Draymond Green you know maybe professional is not the right word that dude wants to win right he’s a competitor and I think that intrinsic drive and focus you know they got it in Marcus Smart you could probably argue it’s a better fit with Marcus Smart and variety of ways but they were clearly looking for some kind of spark in that way are you believing Draymond Green how close do you think this actually was to occurring yeah I I mean you you talk about what where the roster was well the roster was one there was confidence at least mildly at the time that that Stephen Adams was getting closer to returning you know and I say mly because you know he he took the non-surgical route and all that there was certain you know type of concerns there but there there was a mild you know optimism especially as we got into the preseason and whatnot but um I I really don’t know what to make of that like I I guess uh the idea was him and jiren we’re going to be the starters and he was going to be you know they were going to be the two defensive anchors or whatever the case may be I I’m not really a big advocate for why Draymond fits in Memphis you know like why why he why would he even have been a fit um I don’t I don’t see it I I I really don’t but um the only way that it makes sense to me is the mentality because you got we were in a very dark place at that time right like it you’re coming out of the second jaw suspension there was all sorts of different reasons to be think about it like the the Grizzlies were were pretty much Rivals with gold state at that time so the guy that you’re going to bring in to say Hey listen to me is the guy that um you know that Brandon Clark you know got the hard foul you know that had the hard foul against Brandon Clark in the playoff series and you know um even though Dylan Brooks was out of the door at that point you know had some pretty strong words for each other uh and Grizzlies players still thought highly of Dylan Brooks so it’s like you know that’s the guy you know it’s different with Marcus SM he comes from the Eastern Conference and it was easier to establish that Bond but but Draymond and like Draymond and J have a real good relationship you know so uh it’s it’s that’s the other part of it but with the basketball fit like he doesn’t shoot Chris need Shooters it’s not that great of a rebounder you know he’s he’s a dog he’s willing to get in there and get muddy but that doesn’t mean he’s a double double threat you know uh nightly so I mean he we know he’s a great position Defender he can he can do all of that stuff but he’s also older like so availability you know isn’t his biggest strength uh anymore so I I look some people probably saw that and said oh man we barely missed out on Draymond I’m looking at it like be happy that you did Dodge the bullet I mean I I don’t I don’t see the fit I think it it’s it it changes a lot of things you know if Draymond is in Memphis he’s a souped up Xavier Tillman right and I know the comparisons are kind of dangerous and obviously they’re not exactly the same but especially on the defensive end I feel like Draymond Green is a better much better you could argue maybe not at this point of his career but over the Arc of his career the defensive versatility he is a pretty impressive passer right and I do think that maybe is one of the arguments in terms of his facilitation he doesn’t have the size of Stephen Adams but he certainly is a better passer than Adams was for sure uh I I one of the better interior passs there is right I do think that there was just a level of hey we’re trying to find dudes that want to compete right if that’s one of the knocks on us like Xavier Tilman himself said it when he got got to Boston the professionalism right the guys they’re doing what it takes to win again Draymond Green punched his teammate in the face of practice so I’m not going to pretend like he’s this model of professionalism but I’m telling you man I talk every once in a while about those 16 game dudes right like you need guys that are GNA help you win 16 games Draymond Green’s one of those guys for all his faults if you have that guy on your team in the playoffs you’d rather him be with you than against you if he if he would have came to Memphis show and he’s putting go bar and headlocks and and and all of that oh yeah been a nightmare it would have been a test of the Zebo Theory right that the second chance rehashing your image and obviously Zack Randol was different in a lot of ways that we don’t have the time to get into on the show um it would be a test of that right and I think you could argue to a lesser extent the Marcus Smart experience has been a test of that culture that the Memphis Grizzlies have built it just would have been a much stronger test I think smart and green bring similar energy in very different ways if that makes sense they get to the same Ends by different means and uh are similar Ends by different means and in the case of Draymond much louder means so um I’m sure there would have been a lot of people that wouldn’t have liked it I agree I think more so basketball fit even than personality fit yeah I don’t know how it would have felt about it they needed a wing defend it not and you know unless you were gonna have him guarden threes or whatever the case may be like it just I I I don’t Ste the basketball fit um and I’m conflicted on the the fit you know around the team just beyond that like yeah you need leadership in there and whatnot but Draymond Green I mean you know he he he is very much a leader with like vocally he’s so smart uh has that future coach type potential to him uh but I mean we’re talking about job with being suspended 25 games at that time and then you’re bringing in a guy who has had already faced his fair share of suspensions and if we if he had a season you know in Memphis like he just had you know in Golden state where he got suspended a couple times including a very similar suspension to J where he was suspended indefinitely and they wanted him to get counseling and things like that so how would that have landed if he would have been in Memphis like I’m I’m struggling to to to um to to feel like ah man the Grizzlies missed on uh something there I don’t really see it I think they’re they’re just fine they’re just fine I would agree I think that’s a good it’s a good miss right like I see the logic theoretically but I think it’s a good Miss it’s a good thing they didn’t get Draymond let us know what you guys think in the comments do you agree with us missing on Draymond was probably an unanswered prayer uh depending on who in the Grizzlies were praying for it maybe you thought Draymond would be a good fit let us know in the comments below when we come back here on lockdown Grizzlies we are going to be talking wins and losses of free agency so far how it all impacts Memphis guys like Kay Klay Tom THS son cavius callwell Pope Paul George being on the Move we’ll talk about that next here on lockdown Grizzlies but first this episode of lockdown Grizzlies is brought to you by game time I love going to Major League Baseball games the Washington Nationals are my team I love going to Nats Park hanging out with my family enjoying a hot dog talking about ice cream constantly all those delicious kinds of things you know the popcorn and just the seventh inning stretch there’s not really a sport that has that energy like baseball right and I know for demichel he feels that way about the Atlanta Braves it’s wonderful to make new memories every summer with baseball and you can do it with game time all right the game time app is wonderful they have last minute ticket Flash Deals they have views from all seats of the venue so you know exactly what you’re purchasing when you get your ticket up front there are no surprises whether it’s seat views or they’re all in pricing option that you can toggle into and again the lowest price guarantee or game time will credit you 110% of the difference take the guesswork out of buying MLB tickets with Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the code locked on MBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account and redeem the code l o c k d o n NBA for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest prices guaranteed when we come back here on lockdown Grizzlies we’re talking W’s and L’s from a free agency perspective stick with us welcome back to lock on Grizzlies I am Joe molx joined by demichel Cole the Commercial Appeal there in Memphis Tennessee we exnay the idea of Draymond Green being a Memphis Grizzly as was rumored uh by Draymond himself uh this past off season not with the one that’s currently going on and speaking of the one currently going on I don’t think you can call Memphis a winner or a loser they haven’t really done anything right so they’re just kind of they’re Swit right they’re neutral they’re just hanging out right they’re not going forward or backward in that front there’s several teams that are different in that way and we’ve talked a little bit about the second apron and we’ve talked about the West getting weaker to Michael who are you looking at in terms of wins and losses this free agency and how it’s relevant to Memphis because I would argue that the Grizzlies are winners in this free agency simply by default because they haven’t had much action and in the west at least a majority of the teams OKC perhaps being the exception and to a lesser extent the Lakers and the Warriors um OKC being the real winner the Clippers I would argue have gotten worse the nuggets have gotten worse and that only helps a Grizzlies team that hopes to be back in the top 10 of the NBA and the top five of the Western Conference here in a few months you you took the words right out of my mouth um I think if we had to say what choose or the if the griz’s are winners or losers at this point I would say winners from the standpoint of if you look around the west and this was very evident the way that last season played out continuity is what wins the reason Denver the reason OKC the reason Minnesota were the top three seeds is pretty much continuity I mean okay CJ just added Chad to the starting lineup but he had already been around the team right um Minnesota same starting five in from the previous year that struggled a little bit uh and with Denver you know that’s self-explanatory they were the defending champs at that point but uh with some of the newer teams those were the ones that struggled you know the Suns right going out making the big moves and whatnot and even Dallas were a decent part of the year before the continuity really kicked in that Dallas and with uh with Dallas having Kyrie and Luca again second year with them so continuity was a winning formula and The Grizzlies now are in a better position continuity wise than a lot of teams in the Western Conference and I think that’ll play uh in their favor so with OKC I I I do agree I think they’re one of the winers so far uh Alex Caruso is the bigger move to me um Alex Harden I mean um Isaiah hardenstein kind of uh he gives them that optionality that we talk about with the Grizzlies right having a guy you know when you now when you go against Derek lley uh chit hram uh you know he doesn’t have to get abused in that matchup you just can say he know isaah hardstein come in the game move CH to the four you still can win so basically allows CAD to be to OKC what jiren will be for Memphis again with Ed in the fold yeah yeah or or you could bring Isaiah arenstein Off the Bench and use Alice Caruso and your starting lineup and have Luke dorton your starting lineup and just have those wings that uh suffocate opponents or whatever so they got some optionality to go with that I like that for them and then getting to what you were saying about some of those teams that I feel like got a little bit weaker like Denver is the obvious one losing kcp a year out there already losing Bruce Brown and you know they got Christian Brown you know ready to step into the starting lineup or whatever but uh you know he can he can be that nice Defender that they need he’s shot three-pointers decently well but he hasn’t T taken a lot of them doesn’t have you know didn’t make over one three-pointer per game last season and um and whatnot so I think he can be a solid Defender for them and they’ll still be near the top but I think the Grizzlies do take a leg up from the fact that you know both the Clippers and even even in the C case like one of the things that kind of helps them is the idea that like Paul George and Kawhi Leonard have been hurt so much over the years they’re kind of used to playing without one of those guys so you know you throw Norm pal in the lineup right alongside of kawh Le L we’ve been here before it’s nothing new James AR I still think the Clippers are going to be really good but the difference in the west is those marginal moves that now now instead of a top four Clippers team you’re talking about a top seven top eight a potential type Clippers team uh the Lakers haven’t done much you know like the Grizzlies but I I I like the Grizzlies roster better from the continuity standpoint and then added Zack Edy uh to the equation as well so I think what nothing in the west has really scared me that much from the and I like the Grizzlies continuity I think um they need to figure out this Luke Canard thing because that’s really gonna take them to another level as well but uh the Western Conference so far uh OKC Minnesota have have done really well I like what New Orleans has done with the Deon Murray pickup but I feel like there’s one more move that needs to be made they need to figure out the the Brandon Ingram thing because Brandon Ingram and Zion it just doesn’t work it it doesn’t uh once they figure that out uh I think that’ll kind of everything will kind of fall in place but uh I I think Memphis is in a good spot in the west right now I would agree I think that the Dallas Mavericks are a team that on paper got better I’m not convinced that Klay Thompson is going to be able to go away from Steph Curry go into Dallas now granted Kyrie and Luca are both pretty impressive guards I’m not trying to say they’re not but for clay to come in and be the third best player for them which is roughly what they’re going to need him to be uh you know third or fourth best I’m I’m hesitant to think that that’s actually going to result it’s more name chasing to me yeah than it is actually you know a game over name there we go yeah I’m I’m I’m with you on that do think that in the case of the Warriors right the Warriors in response to Klay Thompson being gone DeAnthony Melton old friend DeAnthony Melton old friend Kyle Anderson going out to Golden State it’s gonna be weird to play Golden State and see those two back together again but uh playing against Memphis as members of The Warriors I think those are interesting fits I think golden state is going to be worth keeping an eye on uh not as a title Contender per se but I do think that they’ve in the aggregate filled whatever may have been left behind by Klay Thompson and if Kanga comes along they’re not going to really miss clay at all so that’s what they’re missing yeah it’s good to see more and more and maybe we can talk more about this next week partner more and more people online on social media you know I noticed several people uh point out that folks just kind of forget that the Grizzlies exist because of a lot of factors and Memphis is basically the same I’ve seen more and more folks coming out and saying Memphis is a top four five six team in the NBA going into next season for them uh you know it’s it’s going to be really fascinating it’s hard for me to put them ahead of OKC right now but at the same time you know I think I mentioned Denver the other day on an episode with casy Pon I I don’t know I feel like I might have Memphis as the second best team in the west and if you’re the second best team in the west which Memphis has been recently right maybe not this past season but the two seasons prior you’re an NBA championship cont ending team and that’s where this team wants to be as they are currently constructed as you mentioned yesterday they’re not even in the first apron so they’re in a really good place yeah I I agree all the way around they’re in a really good place uh and they need to figure out this Luke canar thing I think if they figure out this Luke canar thing you’re talking about not only a solid starting lineup you’re talking about a bench that has multiple double digit scores and Luke Canard Brandon Clark potentially even a GG Jackson uh you know and maybe maybe not one of those guys but still you got three guys who can give you considerable production scoring wise Off the Bench and then we got the impact you got the impact players like a you know a Vince Williams and whatnot so uh in Santi Alama to a certain degree as well who’s also been a double digit scorer Off the Bench but and he’s cooking for Spain right now in Olympic qualifying yeah yeah he’s playing good Ball but uh so you got a lot of pieces to play with and all these guys are familiar with the Grizzles like every every name that we’ just said uh the is been around the Grizzlies and I again continuity plays um at this time when we talk about how teams are goingon to start next season that’s going to put them in a position to get off to a good start and then how they finish as well Memphis is a pretty obvious bounceback Contender I don’t know how you can pay attention to the NBA like you know cough Bill Simmons cough and and act like the Grizzlies are call him out some bad basketball team it just doesn’t make a ton of sense thanks for everything you’ve done bill for the for the for the genre but I I think that might be one of your worst takes yet uh but you know we don’t need to go off on any tangents I’ve reached my tangent quota for the week you go with with Miss Peak let us know what you’re thinking in the comments do you agree with Memphis being a winner by default are you less scared of Dallas and Denver are you more scared of OKC let to Michael and I know what you think in the comments when we come back here on lockdown gries we’re going to close out this episode with a little bit of fun uh I have three superlative topics that for Michael and I’m curious to hear how he’s going to respond so Fourth of July Memphis Grizzlies style if you’re going to the cookout with the Grizzlies uh kind of situation we’ll talk about that next year on lock on Grizzlies but I want to remind you first about lock on sports today first of its kind 247 streaming Channel on YouTube you can also check it out on the Amazon fir free TV channels app it’s a lot of fun not just lock on Grizzlies we’re a part of a vast vast network of podcasts it’s very similar to the Marvel Universe right there’s lock on Mavericks there’s locked on commanders there’s locked on Braves there’s all sorts of different content production out there you can check out what’s going on in sports today through locked on sports today you don’t need people screaming at you from Fox Sports and ESPN you don’t have to have segments like what are we mad about like that sort of thing don’t need that you can have new on conversation and Analysis with the lockdown podcast Network thanks to lockdown sports today so check it out after this show is over when we come back Fourth of July superlatives stick with us welcome back to lockdown Grizzlies I am Joe Mullen joining you this Thursday this Fourth of July edition of the podcast te hanging out with my good buddy and co-host to Michael Cole the Commercial Appeal there in Memphis Tennessee his the award-winning beat writer for that publication hopefully you’re going to have a great Fourth of July after you check out the show we will have a Friday edition of the show more than likely give or take how much fun dichael has uh tonight um but there will be it’ll just be a later episode okay so it might be like a noon posting that sort of thing I’ll let demichel talk about that a little bit towards the end of the show because de Michael’s gonna get that solo uh but there will be a Friday edition of the show just you know we post it pretty early in the mornings it’s going to be a later posting on Friday just putting that on everybody’s radar because of the holiday right because of the Fourth of July and to Michel I know you’re going to a cookout I think I mentioned my 18 pound brisket earlier on in the show let’s just have some fun here to close out the program right let’s say the Grizzlies are coming to the cookout right I’m bringing my brisket you’re bringing some pops and you’re bringing some food some good demichel cooking some chicken wings May I’m bringing the chicken wings there you go there you go that’s what I like to hear I’m in all right I want to stress that and then the Grizzlies are coming too okay so I’ve got three topics of superlatives that I’m curious to hear of the current Grizzlies players and we’ll include Luke Canard as well um who would be in the mix for this okay so let’s start off with everybody knows a good cookout a good party’s got good music right so and I want to stress usually people don’t let me on the aux they they keep me away from it they don’t want to listen to a bunch of fat balding bearded white guys yell on country music and that sort of thing okay I’m I’m a Luke Holmes Chris Stapleton kind of guy all right that’s my not everybody wants to hear that at the cookout so not at the cookout which Grizzly would take the ox from me and dominate the ox at the par who is g to play DJ for our cookout here to Michael gonna give you uh a one name here so I can avoid saying a bunch of guys CA C honestly the Grizzlies have like three or four guys who throughout the season just rock out but uh I’m gonna say Brandon Clark interesting Brandon Clark is the guy that get the Hawks uh he he has a very different music taste but he has a very variety like he has a variet he has to be eclectic you don’t want to have this gen you gotta please you gotta please everybody right you gotta please got to please you know the people that like their their old school music got to please the R&B crowd you got to please you know all these different types of crowds but uh Brandon Clark is definitely that guy you know he even he makes some little music him jiren Jackson J those guys so yeah I’m gonna say Brandon Clark is your H guy uh he he has that versatility for sure I like that I can support that I’ll go with Clark as well obviously you’ve been in the locker room countless times I’ve only been in there a few times uh in recent years with this group of guys um and and I do think that you want that that mix it can’t all be one artist it can’t all be one type of music because if johnar gets that thing NBA young boy to a the players love it but then some people will say all right you know else let’s yeah what else we got maybe a little glorilla or something like that there you go yeah glow uh but I see I’m not that lame I might have just ruin I might have just ruined glow no no you’re hi you’re hi um I try I try to be hip just try to not break a hip um then on the fourth of July there is a big hot dog eting contest right my boy Joey Chestnut is not participating if Dwayne The Rock Johnson and Joey Chestnut ran for president today I would vote for them um that’s how passionate I am about Joey Chestnut not participating this year he’s a legend in hot dog eating if the Grizzlies had a hot dog eating contest who are you taking I’ll give my take on this one because I think it’s gonna surprise you the easy answer is Zach Eed right because he’s 7 300 pounds you just assume that guy’s gonna Crush I’m gonna say John Kar okay and here’s why because John Kar is like the weird dude at the party like he’s a little bit different and he’ll just show up and he’ll be like yeah sure I’ll do the hot dog eating contest whatever and he’ll be the guy that’s like super into it like he’ll actually kind of get himself up and like he’ll do it as a bit like I’m gonna win this to add on to the legend of the Conch that sort of thing so I’m gonna say John Kar would be my favorite an upset pick in a hot dog eting contest well look I’m not gonna overthink it to there was an interview there was an interview with Matt paner Purdue uh boiler maker men’s basketball coach a few days ago where he basically said that um paraphrasing here that Memphis restaurants should be the happiest people about Zack Edy coming to Memphis because their economy is gonna explode now that’s all I needed to hear he we know he’s 7 foot 295 300 and and I mean he he’s a big boy like he he he he’s not 74 like we were talking about wimy and Chip the other day like 220 one of those slim frame guys now this a big boy you know I’m gonna I’m gonna go to obvious R here I’m going with Zack eeden the big guys don’t always eat as fast they might be the marathon runners at a dinner table right they might be the guys that I bring the 18 pound brisket and they ask what is everybody else going to eat to down yeah we’re talking about a race here I I I hear you though Edie is the easy pick and then the last one here that I’ve got you know everybody you know you start the fireworks show at like 9ine or 9:30 and some people are like oh my God it’s been a long day I’m so full I just want to go to bed other people are super into the fireworks right like they’re watching them and they’re laughing and they’re kids again that sort of thing who on the Grizzlies in your opinion would be that when it comes to the fireworks ah this is easy one this jiren Jackson Jr all day yeah all day long I I I’ve I’ve seen the Grizzlies players interact with kids that whether it’s their camps whether it’s you know inseon events and stuff like that nobody interacts with the kids like jiren Jackson J like it’s he we laugh sometimes just because he’s a kid with them like he he just he just meshes right in you know with them and they and they kind of gravitate to him throughout that process you know the kids want to see job the most more times than not you have you have some that have certain favorite players sometimes it’s jiren Dez whatever the case may be but uh yeah jiren’s just a big kid he he he’ll definitely be over there popping the fireworks with the kids and uh yeah having a ball that’s that’s my pick those little popet things that you throw at the feet and they like SP up J with my five-year-old I will say this he has some C he has some real comp now with GG Jackson yeah g I was gonna say GG that was yeah yeah yeah I take the floor you got it I was gonna say GG simply because he can’t sit back on the deck like me and enjoy an adult beverage he can’t have that pop that I was talking about so he’s got to go be a kid right 19 years old he he literally is a kid so he’s going to be a kid um I also shout out as a dad there’s something to be said when your kids are super into it like a Derrick Rose you know I’ve seen family pictures of super I’m not saying he’s gonna be out there playing with them like jiren or Gigi but I there is kind of he he gives off that and I mean this I’m the exact same way so I don’t mean it in a bad way like that old man dad like yeah I’m a dad I’ve got kids I’m I’m making memories here you know what I mean like I I I think that’s dis ban too yeah yeah yeah I I think that shout out to the dads on the Grizzlies they they it won’t be quite like jiren or Gigi those are my official answers uh but I do think that they would be into it just because they see their kids being into it give us your responses let us know let us know who you think uh would win the hot dog eating contest who would have the ox who would be way too into the fireworks and hopefully you’re GNA have a wonderful Fourth of July with your friends and your family again it’s it’s a interesting time you don’t come to lockdown Grizzlies for political conversations or economic theory uh it’s an interesting time in America but at the same time you know it’s a wonderful opportunity to be with your the people that you love the most hopefully so hopefully you get a chance to do that if you’re in the United States be safe have a great holiday and I I will extend that same wish to demichel of course spending time with loved ones and friends and and just enjoying uh the day um the next time that we’re here on lockdown Grizzlies it’s going to be demichel flying solo as I mentioned a moment ago it’s going to be a later in the day show we usually post them early in the mornings but because of the holiday you know demichel will get up and get him get himself going and when The Show Goes live Friday it’ll go uh it’ll go live the reason that we’re committed to that instead of just taking the day off is you imagine to Michel between now whenever people are watching the show on the 4th and when The Show Goes live on Friday the summer league roster would be announced yeah yeah that’s pretty much one of the main things we’re waiting on at this point and there are names that you know or pretty much expect to be on there from Scotty PIV Jr Trey Jimson GJ Jackson um and you know jayen Wells and cam Spencer but then there’s some guys you you believe like Zack Edy we haven’t heard 100% that he’s gonna be on but you you believe he’s going to be on there so it’s going to be good to see that actually in writing uh if if he’s on there and then there a couple other question marks yo uh we know DJ Jeffy is going to be there but who else is they’re going to round out the roster with from a competitive standpoint yeah so that should be finalized by the time again midday on Friday that the Friday episode goes live deich will have that for you and it’ll be wonderful I’ll be checking it out as always and I’ll be back on Monday for an official summer league preview players were excited to watch that sort of stuff uh that’s the plan for the next couple episodes of lock on Grizzlies thank you guys so much for being with us on this episode like comment rate review subscribe wherever you get your podcast Apple Spotify Amazon YouTube make sure you’re checking out lockdown sports today as soon as this show is over both on YouTube as well as under Amazon fire under the free TV channels app we appreciate everybody that makes us a part of their Memphis Grizzlies and NBA content consumption please continue to be an everyday or if you’re not one already please become one hang out with us uh with the Michael on Friday and then with us together on Monday going into the start of a very busy few weeks when it comes to summer league basketball for de Michel Cole I am Joe Mullen X stay locked in Grizzlies fans again the episode will go live a little bit later on Friday enjoy your fourth of July with friends and loved ones and we’ll catch you next time here on lockdown Grizzlies

There are few players in the NBA more controversial than Draymond Green – but he has won, and won often, throughout his career. How much should we believe his recent statement that he almost left the Golden State Warriors for the Memphis Grizzlies? Hosts Joe Mullinax and Damichael Cole discuss that, plus NBA Free Agency winners and losers as well as 4th of July cookout superlatives, on this holiday edition of Locked on Grizzlies!

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  1. Do you guys watch Grits and Grinds? Am I really This biased against my team or are they really the 5th or lower best team in the west? I'd say 2. At worst 3.

    He definitely knows way more about the Grizzlies than me, but it seams like he's trying so hard not to be biased that he's a hater. Maybe I'm wrong but this has me questioning my sanity, like I'm blind. If so please let me know. I can take it 😂

  2. From Mount Dora Fl. You guys do a great job saw DMC on grits last week and grind city yesterday and he does a great job. I think DMC is taking over the media in Memphis. You were smart Joe to be the first to grab him on your channel.

  3. Aiken, South Carolina here been listening for the last 3 years y’all been the highlights of my drive to work every morning ✊🏿 we coming back with vengeance this season can’t wait gonna be an exciting season for grizz and y’all gon have a lot to talk about 😮‍💨

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