@Brooklyn Nets

Mikal Bridges to the New York Knicks. Is Deuce McBride holding up this trade?

Mikal Bridges to the New York Knicks. Is Deuce McBride holding up this trade?

coming up while the Nets Nicks trade for male Bridges is ultimately going to happen there have been wrinkles on the New York side that could create opportunities for the Nets to get even a little bit more value out of this trade we break down the financial complications and how Brooklyn benefits all coming up [Music] next you are locked on Nets your daily Brooklyn Nets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday ah yes my friends it is the lockon Nets podcast right here in lockon podcast Network it’s your team the Brooklyn Nets every single day over there’s Doug Nory I’m Adam marck we thank you as always for making us your first listen of the day we are 100% free on all those great platforms let you know these episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app creating account and use promo code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms they do fly and Doug here on a rhyming Fourth of July we talk about the Mel Bridges trade and when it’ll officially go down and how the New York Knicks have some things to sort out oh yeah letting Freedom Ring all over this thing with a little hot Mel Bridges trade talk that’s just how you’re gonna do on a Fourth of July you know maybe everyone else is out enjoying the holiday not us buddy five days a week this is how you do it again we say many we said this many many times everyone else may is everyone else holding up their end of the bargain unclear are we five days a week no worries about it does not matter what the day or time is male Bridges trade not officially um in the books yet not crazy on a high level but already signs that at least on the Nick side this hasn’t been as smooth a process as possible so from a logistical standpoint it’s not official there’s a reason with the NBA is in a moratorium period right now until July 6 there’s a bunch of different reasons for it one is so they can teams can work on expanding trades to see if like anyone else wants to you know wet their beak on whatever’s happening around you know moves that have already basically been put in through principle also July 6 is when you can start including like the next year’s or like further year out draft pick so the 2031 draft pick that the Knicks were putting in that gets them to the calendar it rolls the calendar over where they can actually officially put it in so while the while the trade is not official um and we do believe it’s going to go through there are pieces of this like you said that it just doesn’t seem as if like the Knicks basically the knck had to include more money I mean that’s the that’s the let’s just skip to the end here the Knicks had to have to add more money and that does not maybe for them appear as easy and clean as it did when they first hit the submit button on the trade going through yeah I wonder if what it comes down to is the the New York Knicks may be sitting there and the ability to pursue Mel Bridges sure it was conversations they were having then you ultimately get to the place where Shawn Mark says yeah we’re willing to talk give me everything you got okay great we’ll do it then you have the ogan noi situation and what that number is going to look like you got to make sure you bring back him back into the full because we are about going all in now that we’ve sacrificed a lot of assets to bring male over to New York the hartenstein sign away that happens with OKC all of these things come together here where if you’re the New York Knicks and you know from a Brooklyn Net standpoint it’s all good we’re just we’re just waiting for the paperwork but from Nick’s perspective you’ve all of a sudden jumbled yourself into some money concerns and then maybe some roster concerns because now you’re thinking about do we need to expand this maybe to a three- team deal to get a player in here to help our front Court they they want to try to make this be as set and forget when it comes to the roster they’re going to carry forward and trying to be competitive in the Eastern Conference so it’s not it’s not surprising that you’re hearing a little bit of this the curiosity is how the Knicks are going to accomplish it whether or not the Nets can benefit we’ve mentioned it before like just McBride it’s all good slide him across the table that doesn’t seem to be something that the Knicks are just going to do to get this done yeah so the problem is among among a few problems the main problem is that the money just doesn’t work out because the bo the bojan banovich contract that came back was for 19 million and bridg is at like 23 million and because the Knicks are at a hard hard cap to the first apron they can’t they have to yeah no they can’t they have to well no they can aggregate it but they can’t they can’t take back more money they can’t take back more money so um and so that’s where it was like so when when they first made the trade and the options were laid out in front of them it’s like okay well we have a lot of different options here we have Alec Burk side in trade well that one’s off the table because you just signed with the heat right so that one’s out it’s like well we gotta see what’s gonna happen with OG all right well we’re kind of screwed there because we just paid him the max money let’s see what happens with um with Hardy well now we’re going to probably need some backup size here because we lost him and we got Mitchell Robinson and then like you know Jericho Sims or whatever and now precious aoua is part of this deal the other problem with precious Chua is that he could be part of the deal for more money except he would be involved in a sign and trade and I’m pretty sure you need to sign him for a three-year contract in order to sign and trade him and it’s like well right the Nets might just say well no thanks on that we’re not interested in three years of precious aoua and so that’s kind of a no and so they are really left with very very few options um with Excuse me from the Nick’s point of view because they have to they have to make the money work like let me just point out there again they’re gonna make the money work like they’re not going to reneg on the bridges trade it’s just too high-profile it’s all for all the reasons that this trade went through there’s no chance it’s not going through but honestly we tried we tried our best we couldn’t get it done we’re gonna leave Michaela sorry um sorry yeah but and so they they have the they have the the precious piece I I I that one I mean if I’m a cheu and I don’t want to go to the Brooklyn then that one seems pretty easy they have aad diakite um where they could like throw him in a second round pick in that could be the thing that gets done you have to believe that the Knicks are like firm hard against sending miles McBride over here because his money is perfect four and a half right around four and a half million like that is the number basically that gets it done but you can understand the guy played real leverage playoff minutes they kind of are short on guards a little bit I mean for all the like it would make them look so bad if if Duce got end ended up going in this trade and if you’re a Nets fan you’re sitting there you’re like oh man can we just get this guy I mean you know 23y old 23y old combo guard that like looked great on defense and had some like real moments in the playoffs but I think for those reasons the Knicks will probably try to work overtime to make sure anything but that happens yeah and then so I I I think what becomes interesting from anette’s perspective is what what does New York ultimately try to do here if it comes down to McBride then the his value probably represents for New York an opportunity to improve the roster in another area before they end up ultimately sending some money in some form or fashion to the Brooklyn Nets and that’s where the third team I think really becomes maybe the most viable option here if they’re not just going to go straight up for it I do have a question when it comes to the Brooklyn Nets May maybe looking at McBride and saying hey we wouldn’t we wouldn’t hate bringing him in here as a part of our future core are we willing to send a different another player back to the New York Knicks in let’s say one day Ron sharp to help out with their rebounding we’ll break down that possibility and how the Nets get the most value out of New York all coming up here in just one moment all right before we get to that tell you about friend over at game time look you’re headed to whatever it I mean maybe you’re headed to MLB game this summer baseball game maybe you’re headed to the concert maybe you’re headed to the comedy show maybe you’re headed to the theater whatever it is you want to make sure the ticket buying experience is a couple things you want to make sure it’s the best deal you want to make sure it’s the easiest and you want to make sure you know exactly what’s going to happen when you sit down in your seat check check check 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guaranteed all right so as we continue today’s locked on Nets episode talking about the deal for male Bridges going to the New York Knicks and how listen I don’t want to say they’re bad with paperwork but New York’s struggling here they don’t quite understand how the financials work out I mentioned there the ultimately when it comes down to do SM McBride you know somewhat tongue and- cheek about oh would the Nets want to add someone else into it mostly because when you go and look and Dron sharp has the $3.9 million on his contract coming into the year it would help the Knicks potentially solve a problem and having some rebounding back into their front Court it wouldn’t really help solve the financials because it’d be a marginal gain in terms of the difference if you put McBride into it I I wonder I just wonder if because to your point about you know bringing another team or how they’re GNA sort this out do you think that there’s just flat out a hesitancy for New York who already has given up a lot to get M Bridges to just look and go all right take McBride the numbers work thanks so much because you know because it does feel like it’s that simple but you can’t just give away more value like that while it’ be easy for the Nets to say yeah there it is problem Sol no there’s no way there’s no way there’s already been like some probable push back around how much the Knicks gave up in this trade these are from non- New York sources too like these aren’t even Brooklyn or uh Nick sources like if you read sort of just some of the if you read some of the um response to this trade around the league yeah some of these teams are like come on like with these trades like how are we going to make a how are we ever going to trade some of these guys you know specifically around Lori Mar I’ll get to your question in one second but just to like give you a high level sort of view of what this looks like you know people you know the Jazz looking at trading Lori Markin and well they’re like uh hey look on over there with m i mean it’s a re it’s a market reset especially when we talked about that gobear trade it’s like these go the gobear trade Durant trade it’s like these are never going to happen again it just takes one team it just takes one team to just have their sort of like their um their goals misaligned with everyone else and now all of a sudden you’re like well he went for a gajillion picks and laori Markin is better so what’s gonna happen here right and so um I think there’s already if you look around the League this kind of throw your hands up in the air what are we doing here with these trades to add in Duce McBride who again is like a real NBA rotation player and Young yeah they just have to be so incentivized to do anything and they kind of need him too because if you look at that ni Nicks roster I mean it’s it’s loaded for sure but they don’t have tons of guards and no be after Brunson and so they kind of do also need him besides just him being a young sort of exciting has already you know been better than I think some people expected so I think that they’ll work overtime to do this any way but possible but if I was the Nets I would just say call make it worth it you want to take back the tra you know you want to not have this go through I we take Bridges back like I they would never do it but the yeah yeah there’s no there’s no incentive for the Nets at this point to make it easier I would say yeah right like that like they don’t have the incentive to make it easier they already got their like that’s not going to undo the the the Houston deal that’s done like the Nets already have the Nets already got back the thing they needed to get back which was their own picks this thing is just yeah okay call us when the money works you know and when it doesn’t don’t call like I and I might be that simp it’s by the way uh we’re going into a long holiday weekend please don’t interrupt the barbecue unless it’s for a finalized deal offer thank you kind of yeah right like and it’s it’s funny like I think you’re right on the on the net side of it it’s yeah okay that that’s oh sorry that’s a you problem and you’re already in a power position and you know they like they can’t afford to not get male like so there’s no there’s nothing on the net side of like oh boy you know what can we do to help it’s just let me know when you sorted out the details if you’re New York I just and you look over that roster you you ran down to start the to start the episode I just don’t know where else you go here with this outside of bringing in a third team and trying to find a way to send out other money which would be the sign and trade for precious a chea like that that’s really what this comes down to you mentioned it the Nets don’t want to sign up for a three-year deal for precious atua so okay where can you send him to offset that money that clears the space out and then at that point it doesn’t really matter from a Brooklyn Net’s perspective you cleared the money we get the player there’s only an interesting version where depending on the third team maybe Brooklyn finds the bad contract because now it’s the now it’s the second layer well we did the sign with precious auua now the trade part requires another team that has the space to take them on if they have an expiring one-year deal that Brooklyn can take on that maybe end up sending an extra second round pick over to Brooklyn to make them take on that money for them like that’s how all the wheels turn on this thing and maybe it gets done but it is hard if you’re in New York and your partner in Brooklyn does not care what your problems are right now and it’s very rare because it’s usually hey how do we make this work because otherwise maybe you would pull the offer or the deal could sour it’s not going to sour New York is going to get male Bridges so they’re they’re they’re boxing into a corner which is a nice thing from a Shawn marks Nets perspective and by the way if there’s like another option that we’re just not seeing I mean feel free to let us know in the comments too I mean sometimes going through the uh intricacies of roster construction salaries and the CBA it t there’s a reason it takes like an advanced degree and I’m not like to fully understand that I’m not that’s not without uh I’m not saying that tongue and cheek it’s like the people that work with this it’s like hope you enjoyed law school right like because uh that’s kind of what you’re going to need to know to make sure you need to do it by the way we’re gonna have a I’m just a a little tease here next week we’ll have uh cap expert uh coming on I believe early next week to really break down sort of like where the Nets are and hopefully at that point we’ll be able to break down the end of this trade so looking forward to that the next week but if there is another if there is another option out there that we haven’t gone through I mean definitely let us know but like I said when that Burks when Burks sign and trade and hey by the way the reason we know this is true is go look and see what some of the Knicks like people that cover the Knicks reactions when Burke signed that deal people were like oh no right like that doesn’t help and that’s how you know they’re starting to run out of options when like Alec Burks going off to another team start you know just because he’s free to sign with whoever when he goes out and that money’s out the door right around the you know sort of the minimum num number that you need to make this kind of stuff happen when that starts to fall off you know Nicks Nicks people are starting to see that like oh man they’ve really kind of limited their options here so like I said if there is something out there let us know but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to be really really easy and by the way when near the Nets and Shawn marks when you get into positions of man sounds weird to say this like if you get into positions of strength around your path like so their their path is firm now so they have strength in knowing what their path is when you know your path there’s a there’s clear strength in that because it allows you to make decisions based only on that path like before the reason the Nets fans were like up in arms just because like well what do they do is this going to make sense well we don’t know like you know does it make sense to get this guy or this guy we don’t know the path when you know the path you’re actually in a position of extreme bargaining strength because you just can’t be forced into doing something that’s not aligned with that path and I think that’s like sort of what we’re like in a mini way seeing play out here and just that that problem that you’re talking about with the conviction is good for the Brooklyn side of it and when you mention if there’s other options it’s also because when you look over the Knicks roster there are only so many contracts that they can utilize here within reason of players that they’re willing to give up right all the core guys on the books here they have some random salaries near the back end of it and that’s basically it and it’s what makes as you said the Burks contract signed like such a a gut punch in trying to facilitate this because he represents some level of value coming up here in a second let’s take a look at that precious Chua three-year sign and trade deal would you be willing if you’re Brooklyn to take that on what would it look like going forward and trying to potentially flip him for additional assets we’ll break that all down as Brooklyn just squeezes the last drop out of New York coming up here in just one moment all right tyab B on the lock on Nets episode as we said happy 4th of July by the way we don’t want your photos of your fireworks but I would like people to get into the comments on YouTube and on social and describe them I don’t want the visual let me make this very clear fireworks for me are you saying that what I said last Med are you saying that because I said last night that’s just your independent thought I know this gonna de all the podcast here but like are you thinking that independently you’re responding because I I said this La last night no I oh no why oh do we have we have a good are we crossing our are our minds melding without crossing over that’s I like this oh it’s the worst thing ever I mean just a the video the videos of the fire the firework displays videos it’s like I like who cares who cares don’t don’t do it don’t be the person take down one more Notch I I want social media the picture of the fireworks you’re looking at fireworks are already boring to look at when you’re there like like like it’s they’re already one of the most underwhelming experiences you can have live in person with your own eyes I mean now here’s so now we divide here this is a good derail we’ll get back don’t worry we’ll talk about the contract stuff we’re going to get back into it but I love Fireworks are great if you’re there watching it I don’t need to I don’t need to experience somebody else’s experience of watching fireworks though I love a good firework I mean they’re not a negative experience I’m just saying the amount of pump and Circumstance that goes into the viewing of it compared to the actual payoff is very low I like as an independent as an independent like um observational thing that’s cool I I have no idea how to make a firework I couldn’t blast something into the air to make all so technologically chemically all good I’m just saying that like the amount of work that goes into going and watching them and then what you actually get in return on viewing it is a very very low return on you know uh entertainment investment I would say full full disclosures we get back into the conversation around the Knicks and the Nets Doug Nory did just have a in-person firework experience last evening so I feel like we’re getting some real one to one on what it took to get these these these this these opinions were are are are solidified I didn’t which was lovely by the way I didn’t need last night’s um experience to solidify that feeling um I’m just saying that uh you know it didn’t it didn’t it didn’t change my mind about it now that being the case something else that I was trying to track down here too as uh you’re listening to a basketball podcast don’t worry we knew that when we started this looking at these contracts and making them match I mentioned this before we got on on the episode because we were talking about some some salaries that are there I was trying to also find the rookie scale for for NBA players coming coming in because I said the name dati and you were you were like this cannot be the the spelling of what I’m looking at but that’s the first round rookie that the Knicks took as well who was the player he was the highest draft uh prospect that the Nets brought in ranked 32 overall on I oh it might be ESPN’s big board but they brought them in for an inperson visit this would be to me so to tie it into the precious aoua all right you want us to take on the precious Chua contract not a big deal week draft class we get it why don’t you go ahead and throw in a prospect that out of the limited pool of guys we brought in we certainly looked at him and maybe liked him I wonder and I’ll even expand it to the NBA at large as far as value I wonder if many NBA teams would would be throwing up their hands or scoffing at a weak draft class late first round prospect that the Knicks took to go along with maybe the Nets eating that three-year precious atua deal like are you open to that version of it regardless of whether or not it feels like it’s it’s getting lopsided by NBA standards I mean I I’ll be honest with you like I’m just in the it’s so funny to be like this this is like so petty I’m in the mode of whatever like whatever you can whatever you can get I actually don’t even care I I don’t even think I’d do an evaluation on at this point just be like more you get it’s like my kid it’s like you get you know it’s like I’m gonna give you five grapes and the automatic the automatic renegotiate is is I wanted seven if I had said three it would have been five if I had said 10 it would have been 15 like it’s it’s always just a little more than whatever the first number thrown out is and I can’t stand it what my kid does it to me but in this case I’m going to love it if the Nets do it is that when so at this point we were already pretty happy with the return on the Mel Bridges trade if you can just throw in anything else some name that I have no idea about some draft pick that will never that we won’t even be alive to see the Nets use I don’t care get it get it all in like it’s all it’s all to me very very much worth it so I know that’s not high level analysis around what like the spec the specificity around what you just said but more theme for me is oh they get more like this is this is even better and so and I I think it’s going to be the case I like I I think that there’s going to have to be something added to this um whether it’s just you know some Prospect that’s unlikely to ever see the court whether it’s some low-level draft pick that were is unlikely ever to be really realized in any functional way it’s clear to me at this point that it can’t go through as it currently stands and I doubt that the Nets are going to do anything that’s going to make it easier for the Knicks and I think like that theme at least kind of is is true throughout okay so that that being the case and I agree with you like hey more like you know a little bit extra who cares a little bit extra precious AA though are are I I we both agree we don’t want to take on a three-year deal we don’t want to have money on the books all that stuff but if if it ends up being that New York is sitting there like okay we’re striking out we can’t find these partners and it’s what what kind of second round pick you know a little bit of extra draft Capital do we need to throw in here for you to take this three-year deal I wouldn’t be overly concerned like Precious aoua is not a perfect player by any stretch but dep I guess depending on what the contract is it wouldn’t be impossible for me to see more value and precious at trua when it comes to the trade deadline when it comes to another team and being able to move him I like I don’t find that the worst case to take back a a contract that’s beyond a year and I said I I I’m contradicting myself because I’ve been very clear about either expiring or at most a two-year deal but I wouldn’t hate precious aoua in this situation mostly because it’s not like New York is looking at him even and saying well we’re happy to give you precious a Chua it’s just that we we don’t have anywhere else to look for Value to be able to get this done potentially yeah and I think I mean honestly I think at this point too it might just be more on him too like if he doesn’t want to come play in Brooklyn um like you are like it might just be more of him choosing like the Nets don’t even get the choose it might not even be like the Nets kind of option here and and by the way one more thing too I’m like 90 5% sure that the three-year deal is part of it has to be part of that signning trade I don’t I think I think you have to guarantee money out to have a as be part of a signning trade so again correct me if I’m wrong about that one but there’s a few there’s a few different moving Parts within this thing that don’t make it that doesn’t make it like the absolute easiest thing in the world but like I don’t think the Nets are precluded from doing any real deal I mean honestly too like like if you look at the roster like they got they got kind of nobody on the roster right now this is an underrated thing heading into summer league but because of these deals being paused and because the Nets not wanting to make any signings because they’re not exactly sure who’s going in and who’s going out and because like cam Johnson and Dorian Vinny Smith are stol on the roster and they but they might not be the Nets roster is kind of like nobody like right now it’s oh I just had it in front of me but it’s you know it’s Simmons and we’ll see about how much he’s even gonna be available it’s ready go locked in what’s that Ben Simmons ready to go locked in day one what’s the problem right but like we already know cam Johnson on the trade block Dorian FY Smith on the trade block teams like Dennis schroers on the trade block after that the and those guys would all bring back players because they because of the money I mean almost for sure because like they wouldn’t be trading him into cap uh under the cap teams but after that’s like cam Thomas they Ron sharp Noah Clowny DQ Whitehead we’re not even positive like how much how healthy he is uh kbd kada Bates deop Jaylen Wilson and then the guys they drafted this year I mean there’s like nobody on this roster and so adding a precious to kind of adding any functional person that can go up and run running down the court is probably worth it for the Nets at this point so from that standpoint sure lock yourself into like money or whatever I’m not totally positive yeah yeah it does be it does become interesting I I I find it fascinating how the Nets how the Knicks excuse me end up getting out of this and I think to your point what’s funny about the NBA oh my God you G look how much you gave up to get male Bridges like what are you doing to us we’re all trying to make deals here and you’ve really screwed us I love if I could tinfoil hat on on this the Fourth of July the NBA being like well you’re really screwed us with how much you gave up for for male Bridges good luck trying to get yourself out of this now from a financial standpoint we’re not GNA help you like you know we’re not we’re not going to help you get this done have fun sending deeming Pride to the Brooklyn Nets you know what I mean it’s like we’re not we’re not going to do the deal with you we’re not gonna get you cross the line now if they choose to trade him to get that value like maybe that’s what it is too yeah we’ll help you give us de MC like that that’s how we’re willing to help you to take the player that you don’t want to give up and this by the way just from a high level we we’ve seen this with the Brooklyn Nets right you trade everything away you want to go get your stars you want to make this team that you think can help you have deep playoff runs then you get backed into Corners like this where you look at your roster you have some needs you’re going to want to fill it’s not quite perfect and you realize that it’s not just as simple as going out and making that next deal that that’s where the Knicks are and unlike Brooklyn who is saying yeah a little more a little more we have nothing to worry about here New York York is saying we got to go go go like this is the window making the trade for Mel Bridges confirmed that we need to in the next two years be a team that’s going to the Eastern Conference Finals that thinks we can make an NBA Finals before extensions kick in for Jaylen Brunson before the elig eligibility in the beginning of October for M bridges on his extension comes around like all these things are going to start happening really fast for New York and you get painted into a corner of we told everyone that we’re going for it and now everybody knows that and asking for f is not exactly something anybody’s like oh my God New York how do we help you how do we help you get across the line as you’re trying to compete and bounce us right like that’s that’s a big part of this helping Brooklyn accomplish something a lot of teams might be yeah that’s interesting you guys aren’t in our way New York stands in the path of a lot of teams trying to make deep playoff runs yeah super interesting so I think by Saturday we’ll know like I said that’s when the moratorium ends on July 6 I think maybe we’ll probably get some uh some news in the next couple days too where like there it’s just sort of leaked out about what’s kind of happening U is my guess but you know as always got lasty with some of these things exciting stuff happening next week like we said we’ll go over some cap situations where the Nets are going forward we’ll start to look at sort of like maybe we’ll get some clarification around um some of these possible trades also take a look ahead to Summer League which starts next week uh Nets will put together probably a pretty interesting team for summer league because some of these guys actually might get real run when the season starts that’ll be coming up next week in the meantime make sure you’re subscribed over to lockon Nets on YouTube cuz baby you’re a firework come on show them what you’re worth make him go o as you shoot across the sky that is Tyler Perry’s daughter Katie yeah true how the family tree looks uh we’ll be one of the alltime great po back tomorrow talking more talking more Brooklyn that’s basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball live Tyler basketball basketball basketball yeah

The NBA is in its moratorium period, one of the reasons the Mikal Bridges trade between the Brooklyn Nets and the New York Knicks hasn’t been completed. However, the other issue is that the Knicks must include a higher salary in the deal.

Could Miles “Deuce” McBride be included in the deal? Will the Knicks have to find a third team? Is this trade in any real danger of not going through?

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  1. I would of love to of gotten mcbride especially for the contract itself but yeah no way knicks letting us have him.

  2. In part I hope Marks new this would happen and was part of the plan. Also I think only the first year of said 3 year deal needs to be guarenteed.

    The player must receive a contract of either 3 or 4 years (not including any option years), where only the first year must be fully guaranteed. (5-year sign-and-trade contracts were abolished in the 2017 CBA to disincentivize the transaction.) In turn, this means that he cannot be signed using a salary cap exception that does not allow the team to offer a 3-year contract.

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