@Orlando Magic

Reaction: Magic Sign Kentavious Caldwell Pope!

Reaction: Magic Sign Kentavious Caldwell Pope!

[Music] what is up Orlando Magic fans welcome into the court cousins my name is Kyle happy to be joined by my dashing my daring cousin Jason the peach not a full episode Peach but we got to get on here and talk a little bit about the free agency news with the Orlando Magic and then we’ll touch on your thoughts thoughts about the draft and my thoughts as well but I’m really curious to hear what you think about it yeah we didn’t even we didn’t even talk like end of season your B Team Celtics won which is disgusting to me um but at least everyone is on the same page that Jason Tatum is not the best player on the Celtics I feel like he’s a midlevel player Jaylen Brown was the star there he’s a very good player he’s a good starting role player but there’s no way he should get compared to guys like Kobe Bryant or some of the of yester year he can’t even come up with his own celebratory doings or saying but anyway sh form he seems like a nerd that really knows how to play good ball uh respect to him he’s a great he’s a great ball handler and passer he kind of makes plays happen but man I do not trust him shooting the ball he shot the ball like [ __ ] for me in that series and he really wasn’t the key factor for them getting the thing done but they got it done they’re a deep ass team man yes everyone on that team shoots a three-pointer well um it it’s a prerequisite and just it doesn’t matter if anyone knows who what your name is uh you can get out there on the court except for neua who just resigned and I didn’t know he was still on the Celtics um pretty much everyone can hit the three such a deep team a well-built team and in a year where there wasn’t really one super dominant team and the Nuggets kind of got knocked out I thought the Nuggets would be the team that would take them down in the finals but yeah they didn’t make it there so it is what it is I think the Celtics did what they had to do Peach yeah yeah just not Jason Tatum it seems but I want you to know peich I was rooting for the Dallas Mavericks even though the Celtics are my B team I wanted the victory for you and Dallas so you know I I I was with you in spirit but you’re right you can afford to say that when the teams won 18 championships right like was like they are deep though and the Orlando Magic pich just got a little deeper than El the big news here of course if you’re s if you’re tuning in you probably know from our buddies over at Orlando Magic HQ welcome to Orlando cavius Caldwell pulp he is signed they have in this graphic he’s a shooting guard 65 at age 31 and 68 wingspan three years $66 million I find it funnny funny just out the gate before we even talk about this signing how us magic fans are so trained to look at the wingspan we’re just it’s it’s one of the top four things that our boys over at Atlanta magic HQ decided to put on this graphic it’s like age height wingspan because that’s you you know what they say wingspan wins championships wait no they don’t say that what they do say though is defense wins championships and what I love about this signing pie I’ll go right to the Bobby post is his defense cavius cwell Pope comes in as a veteran who’s won championships who fits the identity of this team as a defensive-minded guy Bobby marks on on cavius callwell Pope here’s what Orlando Magic is getting since 20134 uh cwell Pope has played 96% of regular season games don’t we love to see that another Iron Man on the squad during the regular season opponent shot 40.6% when cwell Pope was the closest Defender that led the NBA among players who defend 500 plus shots so this guy is an elite on ball Defender uh elite elite Defender I watched some highlights I’m not going to lie to you out there don’t watch a lot of nuggets they’re on the west coast and I’m up early but man he’s got he’s got that tenacity he’s got that edge to him pich and of course he can also shoot the three ball how you you feeling about kavus cwell Pope man I’m curious to to know your temperature on this signing out the out the jump I really like it I do like it lot of a lot of our super religious collect has to be stoked that we now have a minister and a pope on the team I’ve always thought his name sounded like some sort of disease uh contavious calwell Pope it sounds like something you you catch and you just can’t get rid of it but if it’s a fever I’m good to I’m good to catch it I love this signing this is the kind of guy that like when I’ve talked on this show if followed us regularly this is the kind of guy that we need in here right this is a a veteran he has won championships he knows how to get things done and he can [ __ ] shoot the ball right he checks off a lot of boxes for us do we need him to start no although he may yeah he may yeah but he is here to be the guy that can do the three and D stuff and has experience veteran leadership we’re going to get him as he starts his 30s um which I think is a good age for him to be in here and I’m just stoked about I think it’s a good signing it’s a good contract I feel like there isn’t anything that I don’t like about it I wish I could find one thing I just don’t have it okay well I guess then it’s going to be my job to rain on the parade peich because while I do love I mean we said number one thing we really need this offseason is shooting kabius cwell Pope has been pretty much a 40% three-point shooter for the last four or five years the guy can shoot the yes you know on about four to five attempts I’d like to see him shoot even more in Orlando um and the defensive side of the ball fantastic wingspan check right smart player attention to detail check however pich like you alluded to just a moment ago $22 million ain’t nothing to sniff at uh I think that makes him immediately yes the highest play player on the team and don’t you think that 22 million per year player is going to start on that team so you feel like the the starting five is already in there with sugs kcp frons Paulo and wcj I know we’re you can talk about wcj but that’s probably the lineup and the question mark I have more is just at the point guard because pich at the end of the year Paulo B Caro said what he really needed what really frustrated him this year was having to dribble up the ball and and start the offense and be the first guy to to draw to playmake to he wants to get the ball in at the top of the key where he can do damage so he he wants a point guard we still haven’t gotten that Jason that’s the only thing that I’m concerned about here and you know I think I for I think breadhead one of our patreons shout out to uh breadhead on Twitter he brought up that point as well well if cavius cwell Pope is your starting to that means jayen Suggs is your starting point guard which you know I do have faith that Jaylen sugs can be that guy I was just expecting to get another sh handed ball handler and maybe we will it may it might not be over but I don’t know if I trust Cole and Anthony black to be the other ball handlers on this team to playmake because Cole can score but he’s not good at putting the defense at a disadvantage he’s not make good at making that first entry and we haven’t seen a lot from Anthony black running an offense so I don’t know I’m I’m expecting more but hey you add a three and D guy I got to be happy I I got to be happy with that peach the talent on this team went up yeah easily um I I don’t really wor I don’t understand all the point guard talk I’ve never really gotten it um we have plenty of guys that are capable bring the ball up um I I guess is Markel folz still technically a part of this team right he might not be but like but he could be I mean look I don’t know what you need I need a guy that brings the ball up and then just gets the offenses started I don’t need you know Magic Johnson in his prime uh what needed is is guys that like when they accept a pass can actually hit the [ __ ] shot right like we’re so so that’s what KYB is and we have we have a lot of guys that are good at scoring but they’re they have to get to the basket Fran’s best getting to the basket Paulo best getting to the basket although Paulo’s shot was looking really nice towards the end of the season I need some guys who can pull up hit a bucket come off a screen catch shoot score kcps that that’s I feel a bigger need for us than trying to find some backup point guard for the bench I feel like you need to work on your starting lineup first and I’m really cool with yeah it’s a lot of money and he makes him as our highest paid player which is kind of ridiculous but that’s mostly because we didn’t have a big money guy already signed right like that’s kind of on us like Jonathan Isaac was what our highest paid player last year correct right like it’s it’s it’s not properly skewed so I don’t put that much faith in that and because of the shortness of the contract cont um that’s an easily movable contract that third year is a player option right I mean I’ll bring that’s that that that plays to our strength I think it’s good and you know I I don’t know how he I don’t know him personally or obviously but but like I’m not sure how he’s going to fit but I think he’s a guy who’s been a veteran and been in locker rooms uh multiple locker rooms with multiple Stars around the league made deep playoff runs and I think he’ll know that like hey I’m here to be that guy that has the veteran leadership that like no offense Joe Engles just doesn’t provide the same level that a kcp will yeah it’ll be I don’t that’s an interesting aspect of this that peach that you’re bring up what kind of guy is he you would think that the welman the front office they had those conversations because they’re so character-driven in all their decisions they want to bring in the right guys not just someone who’s a player they bring in the whole person which I like so you got to figure kcp in yeah yeah for sure and I bring up I have the contract up now on the screen which you alluded to a moment ago it’s really helpful to think about it in these terms now that these numbers are just getting so goofy troop like so Disney Pixar these numbers are absurd it’s helpful for me to think about it as a percentage so next year 20 million like 21 million is going to be just under 15% of the cap and it goes down from there so in the third year which is a player option meaning kcp could de side that he wants to pick up that and play for the Magic in that third year that would be 13.5% of the salary cap that’s when Paulo would be sign would his extension would kick in so I think there’s still plenty of flexibility the magic still have some room to make some ads so pich I now bring this query to you sir what else are you hoping to achieve if anything here in free agency I’ll just give you a little bit of a primer here what you might want to talk about these are guys that are available The Bigs we got yonas valent chunes Jonas valent chunis Isaiah hartenstein who was a coward and did not play for a trumman team so I don’t know how I feel about that one the guy that I’ve been trumpeting Jaylen Smith for years now and then googa is a unrestricted free agent and the Orlando Magic declined moritz’s contract so he is an unrestricted free agent the guards you got dear demaro Frozen Malik Beasley tus Jones Isaiah Joe and I I thought I’d just throw this one in for you Charlie Brown Jr he’s he was a guy on the Knicks but not a real thing no yeah he’s named Charlie Brown Jr yeah never heard of him but he s he sounds like a blockhead I don’t think we want that guy none none of those guards are good we don’t really want any of them I would accept Malik Beasley most of them have no interest to me really umon tus Jones has the lowest assist stop talking about tus Jones dude like who cares about this guy we don’t need another short guard like get him out of here he’s just a guy that fills a roster on a team like the Wizards because they need to put people out there like I don’t need this guy like he’ll probably go on some other team now and do really well that’s fine but like we don’t need any more short guards right now unless we’re moving some of our short guards do I want to swap our short guards for him no that’s waste of time what are we doing here yeah because I know you’re just talking about we’re talking about Cole Anthony if you’re talking about swapping short guards and Cole is the heart blood of the team okay right so do I really want to get rid of Cole for him yeah maybe he’s a better ball handler but is he as good a scorer as my man Cole does he have as much swag on and off the court no big no big no all right let’s talk about what really matters here is these big men right because we need a big man like I I’m not comfortable with us starting the season with wcj in the starting lineup even though I realize that that’s a strong possibility I don’t like him there I think he’d be much better suited coming off the bench I honestly would like to see Isaac slot into that spot and be a starter this year but I don’t know if he’s ready for it not sure if his body can handle the minutes it’s a lot maybe that’s why they brought the pop in bless this sucker and get it done but I like Jonas valent tunes’s game I’ve always liked his game he’s he’s a big man he can body down there yeah he’s got a good shot um I like what he would bring to the team I also like Isaiah hartenstein I think he is another big body that goes in there and goes hard for rebounds which you know I love oh yeah uh J Jaylen Smith I still feel like may be a little bit of a project um but H I guess his learning curve if it could if he could get real good during this year potentially he is younger than the other guys so there is more longterm with him and he probably would be a lot cheaper off the get-go you know I love Goa but I don’t know if he’s the answer there he feels like a backup big and if I already want wcj to be a backup to Isaac like how many minutes does GOA really get is it worth it I feel like those minutes should go to Moritz um morit is really the only guy we have that’s a free agent that I really really want us to bring back okay um I feel like the the camaraderie with his brother and now the other German that we’ve you know could potentially get in free agent and just drafted yeah is big I just feel like we need another good inside big that’s going to muscle some people around because we we’ve got pushed around a little bit inside sometimes and I don’t love it so that’s where I’d like to see the emphasis put I wouldn’t I wouldn’t mind seeing us get another shooter too which is why of the guys you mentioned I like Malik Beasley I’ve never been a DeMar rosen fan ever since he cried when he left Toronto for the next two years like get over it bro and play or Spur now um but yeah I feel like his best days are behind him uh Beasley at least can can shoot the rock but again I don’t know where he slots in unless we slot some other guys out which you know could end up working out for us in the long run but it’s hard to hard to know that but I feel like you can easily slot in a bit you know and not resign Goa and uh and your upgrade I mean we already lost what what like Admiral Scofield’s going to play overseas some of those other lower roster guys that like didn’t see time anywhere or now those are roster spots that we can actually get guys you know and have heard of that will be you know maybe just maybe they’re just backups but yeah at least that’s getting more depth which is what we need so uh before I go on and talk about the bigs you did you did say that you’re always up to add some more shooting and may I offer you sir a one tius Jones who shoots 41.4% from three he has the lowest how do you know that like were people at his games youve keeping track of this is that just one game somebody happened to see like no it’s like where did he even go to college no one knows about this man you know so much about him I just he’s always been a sure-handed guard he’s you I got excited he’s got a good Barber he’s always keeping it looking tight I’ll give him that see and and look good feel good man and so you want that type of guy on your team and the lowest assisted turnover ratio in the league so I wouldn’t be M I wouldn’t be mad if he took the spot of a Marquel fults for us next year a guy that is sure-handed and can shoot the ball a little bit better than Marquel now to The Bigs I hey you know what yeah I’ll give you that okay he replaces the markl spot I’m okay with it because we know who Markel is yeah we may don’t really know who this tus Jones guy is but according to these numbers that you’re throwing out sounds all right you know if his name and face weren’t attached and where he’s played I think I’d be like okay that guy sounds all right yeah it would but you’re absolutely right it would require the magic to Buck the the wingspan Trend so as you said wingspan wins championships so I don’t know if they’ll go for it but we’ll see with the bigs you know I’m going to continue Jaylen Smith training um he can shoot the three I like I would like to bring in a vet like yonis valunas it’d be interesting to see can we get him on a short-term deal I think there’s a little bit of room here and mix that in with Moritz and Wendell that’s that’s an interesting five rotation for me there it brings you a few different types of things googa was fantastic for us it gave us some great content I would love to have Goa back and I think that would probably be one of the cheaper options hartenstein getting some interest from OKC I I think we might be priced out of that now with this kcp signing I’m not sure we’ll we would see but um we we definitely need to backup big moral the story we got to get someone but I I feel confident we’ll get someone I’m could say if those guys were our four I’m okay with it as long as Isaac sees more minutes all that yeah waiting we did for Isaac and all that stuff and like he played a lot of the games this year and you know all right let’s go now you know be a starter you’re that kind of guy you are making starter kind of money get out there on the court and be you for you know 35 minutes a game 32 like let’s get some some actual numbers that could have you in the conversation for defensive player of the year or defensive all defensive team because he’s got that kind of talent so if if we’re going heavy with him and Suggs then that means those other three guys got to score and that’s why I love kcp coming in because he’s a guy who can help fron and Paulo If one of them isn’t cooking kcp can cook too so you got to have some scoring options in your starting lineup and I love that he brings that yeah we’ll see what happens with that ji uh situation pich the minutes that he got at the five in the playoffs didn’t look great that was against the you know like they didn’t really have their main bigs though Jared Allen was out so I was going to say against a big team but it wasn’t really big in the playoffs um and those minutes don’t look good I don’t know where the numbers are but didn’t match the eye test maybe just some offseason work can make that happen and he’s rotating in so yeah that that’s going to be big for this team let us know second cousins out there what did you think about the kcp uh signing are you all in do you have any trepidation what else would you like to see coming up in the rest of this free agency um check out our next video uh a reaction to the draft and see what Peach thinks about that we’ll see you soon second cousins peace out a [Music]

Pich’ and Kyle react to the Orlando Magic signing Kentavious Caldwell Pope in free agency, adding shooting and a tenacious defender.

Court Cousins, two cousins sharing laughs, and talking the NBA team they love, the Orlando Magic.

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  1. I like KCP. But Iā€™m waiting on what else they do bc I donā€™t know if our needs were addressed considering this cap room. We donā€™t want to see another star walk away bc mngt canā€™t build a team around him

  2. Under the new Salary Cap next year this contract will be fine. The team must see something going well with AB, i could have sworn PG was our biggest need. But our front office thinks we are ok. We need to spend like 25-30 million more. We need to sign someone else and then resign Moritz.

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