@Utah Jazz

Cody Williams, Isaiah Collier & Justin Zanik Reaction to Being Drafted by Utah Jazz in 1st Round

Cody Williams, Isaiah Collier & Justin Zanik Reaction to Being Drafted by Utah Jazz in 1st Round

[Music] all Cody um Tony Jones from D athletic um can you talk are you in a position to talk about your workout um with with the Jazz what you thought when you were in the building and and you know what you saw out of Salt Lake when you visited a few weeks ago yeah I mean it’s really nice Salt Lake is really nice really easy to get around the facilities obviously Top Notch you know I love the gym I love their weight room um I love the fact they have you know cold tub hot tub and you know get treatment every day heal any injuries I need healing and I think the workout show me biggest things obviously I’m have to you know get in better shape just because of the altitude I know that plays a factor um also they show me you know what I need to work on as far as my body goes and how to get better on the court found I need to work on more Dynamic shooting it’s probably one of the biggest things in terms of shooting that I need to work on and then yeah just getting in shape getting ready to play 82 Game season especially playing you know half of them in altitude so but the workout went really well and I enjoyed it hey Cody this is Ryan Miller from U just kind of take us over take us through your reaction to getting picked from for the Jazz and how do you feel like you fit in here uh man there’s a lot of emotions going through my mind when I got picked obviously I’m more than happy to be a part of the Utah Jazz and it’s a dream come true but I think just you know there’s a lot you know a little bit of nervousness a lot of adrenaline a little bit of anxiety going into it so I think just hearing my name called all that went away and it was felt more relieved than anything um I think I fit in with the you know this group of guys just because my versatility being a two-way player I feel like I bring in defense right off the bat which I feel like every team needs especially with this young core we have uh being able not only create for myself but create for others because you know the talent we have on this team and then kind of you know creating offense with our defense uh and I feel like I can help that with my length so so how kind of see myself fitting in hey Cody Andy Larson from the solake Tribune congratulations first of all uh wanted to ask about whether or not you expected this like if you thought it was a possibility coming into the night that the Jazz would pick you and then uh what your conversations have been like with the front office and and coaching staff so far I had no idea where I was going tonight they I kind of I ask me if I wanted to know and I was kind of like you could just surprise me so I had no idea if I was going 1 to 10 1 to 15 went to 20 1 to 30 1 to 60 like I really didn’t know so I you know I’m stoked to be part of Utah Jazz really can’t wait to get down there and go to work um I haven’t really talked to the front office yet no I did just get drafted but I talked to them during the workouts obviously you know enjoyed their conversations I love how you know love how their basketball mind works but I think I’m going to talk to them after this or sometime after this but I haven’t had the chance yet go Sam far with KSL Sports I just wanted to ask you what you feel is the maybe the one or two parts of your game that you think will directly translate over from college to the NBA level uh I think defensively my versatility that’s something right off the bat being able to you know coming in guard one to the three um feel like I can help this team out a lot right off the bat with that and then spacing the floor with my shooting and being able to make plays not only for myself but for other peoples I feel like that opens up a lot of shots for you know other teammates and also opens up stuff for myself Cody John associate press um what looking at your game and coming into the NBA where do you feel like you can kind of evolve and grow as a player I mean you already know what you bring to the table and what’s on film but what else is there do you feel like probably just my body especially just coming in as you know 19-year-old playing as grown men about to play 82 Game season about three times as many games I was playing in college or High School I think biggest thing is probably just getting my body ready and in shape to endure that you know that amount of games hi Cody my name is Adam I work for the CBS CBS station here in Salt Lake City it takes an incredible amount of determination and hard work to accomplish what you just have being a top 10 pick um how does it feel to just be hit the mountain top right now and Achieve what you’ve achieved I mean it’s the greatest feeling in the world really especially when you work your whole life get to this point and you you know especially when you land with such an or great organization and you know a place where you know obviously me and my agents talked about that it would be a great situation for me great scenario and it’s somewhere I could really you know help out the team um in many facets so you know first things agre come true feel relieved that I landed here and also excited just to get down to Salt Lake City and you know start to get into a routine start to get into a rhythm working out getting a consistent schedule just because I’ve been flying around so much all right Cody we’re going to open up some questions um one per Outlet um on here so if anyone wants to go ahead and chime in um you feel free to ask your question and introduce yourself thank you Cody uh Jacob Toby from from Denver uh congratulations what what does this mean you know you you came to Colorado to play for Tad and for him to develop you and for this to all work out what does what does the University of Colorado and Tad mean to you now that you’ve you know got this thing done and you’re a top 10 pick obviously I chose that school for a reason because I believed in them and you know made the right decision I knew they would get me right uh not only to have success in college but you know help me pursue my dream of being to the NBA and prepare me to do so so obviously you can see it worked out was a would be a top 10 pick you know due to their help so hi Cody Sarah Todd from the Deseret News um I’m wondering is your is your brother there with you and if if not or if so have you talked to him and kind of what was his reaction what did he say to you of course yeah he was of course he’s going to be here for the draft he’s not going to miss that uh yeah he’s in my Gro with me I haven’t talked to him yet like I got my name called and I came straight here but I’ll talk to him I’ll probably talk to him about like an hour after I finish you know it’s little media circuit so Cody it’s Pat Rooney from the Boulder Daily Camera congratulations um wondering you know this past season at Colorado obviously physical struggles for you was there ever a point where you were concerned uh those setbacks was going to cost you come come draft day or were you pretty confident to be able to get uh to this point which is kind of where you’re projected at the beginning of the Season no I didn’t really feel any pressure at words I didn’t put a timetable on myself and you know me going back for another year Colorado I was fine with that but never really let injuries get the best of me never really let it you know keep my head down so I was able to push through it so we kind of have to be mentally tough to handle those adversity and kind of fight through you know the mental aspect of injuries which I was able to do so I wasn’t ever really worried about my draft stock just because I was also focused on Colorado basketball and not the draft hi Cody congratulations uh Nikki Edwards to sports report I’m just curious throughout this draft process how much have you Tristan and KJ been talking with each other about what’s been going on on and just sharing ideas and just throughout from point A to point B how much you guys have been talking with each other no just keeping tabs on each other checking out asking each other you know how many workouts they done uh where you working out to next making sure we’re all good you know just checking up on each other through this process and you know obviously after I got drafted went up and hugged Tristan daed him up so I’m also excited to see where he lands but we’re definitely going to continue keep tabs on each other and stay close hey Cody this is Tyler King with the Denver is obviously it’s a big night for the program with you interest trting The Green Room KJS there in New York as well I mean how how much pride do you take in being part of kind of this big night for the program I think it’s the first time ever that you know the program has had multiple first round picks with you and Tristan KJ could be as well I mean could could be a really big night for the program no most definitely it just shows the hard work and you know the trust we have in the program and the hard work the program puts in into developing its players so I think really the results tonight will speak for itself two more questions so if anyone who hasn’t asked a question wants to make one now um please raise your hand thank you good okay thank you so much Cody thank you guys appreciate congratulations uh just first of all congratulations second of all were you surprised to be uh still around at number 29 and what was your first reaction when you uh learned that you were drafted by the Jazz I mean of course of course you know I was surprised a little bit just being you know around that 29 but I mean for me I still feel like you know I’m one of the best players in this draft but for me it’s just coming just grateful for the opportunity you know that Utah drafted me I’m just looking forward to just getting to work and you know bringing that winner mentality and I’m just looking forward to you know just competing every day hey Isaiah I’m Ryan Miller from I know you didn’t come in here for a workout but did you have much contact with the Jazz leading up to this yeah I mean I got to talk to them in Chicago um at the combine then my agent you know you know communicating back and forth so yep isaah Tony Jones from uh the athletic what are some of the things that you feel like you want to um kind of shore up and and refine with your game between now and summer league and between summer league you know in training camp I mean I just want to sum up that you know I’m one of the best players in the draft uh for me it’s just you know competing from day one uh pushing my teammates and just making everybody you know better around me and just being that that good person on and off the court Isaiah John K from the Associated Press when you look at what the Jazz have on their roster and the style of play that they played last year how do you feel like your skills set fits into what this organization is doing I mean I feel like you know I’m ready you you know for the situation um you know whatever is thrown at me and you know just got to spend time with keante a little bit this summer um I mean that was great for sure you know just being around him seeing him get better every single day and just seeing the young Court you know that you know Utah has so I’m just looking forward to you know jelling with the guys and getting better uh you mentioned working out with Keon what is your relationship like with him uh I knew him a little bit before you know it’s like high school days so I mean real cool with keante um you know got to spend some time a lot of time him this Summer um him being out in La training but I mean great dude um he’s going to be you know really good player in this league and I’m just looking forward to you know just learning from everybody Isaiah do you know anything about Salt Lake City or Utah or have you been here before no I I been to Utah but I mean I’m looking forward to it for sure I mean I know it’s kind of cold out there I’m going have to you know get a coat or whatever but I mean it’s cool I think that’s it for questions thank you so much Isaiah thank you thank you I mean you know we had talked right before the draft with you guys and I said it was going to be unpredictable that’s about the only thing that I could predict that was going to be unpredictable um so I think there’s a number of things things going on in the draft and so we do quite a bit of modeling in time and uh you know constantly even you know we try to set up as much as we can before the draft or you know just with possible teams could be interest move up move down and so you start getting a number of calls when various players who think teams or people projected weren’t going to be or are still around and there was quite a few um so anyway you start getting calls of weighing whether you trade up trade down trade back and you know a lot of our modeling just said for us to stay put and um it made sense and we’re we’re thrilled with how the draft went thrilled can I just ask uh basic question why do you like Cody Williams why do you like Isaiah so with Cody um I love he’s a true wing with NBA speed and talent skill he’s very young obviously a lot of work to do on the body I think he when you guys meet him um one of the things I was very impressed with is he’s much more mature for his what a normal 18 and a half ye old is he’s one of the youngest players in the draft and he’s got a spirit and some experience because he went through this with his brother and sees what it’s like and he loves basketball um it’s a basketball family and uh I’m really excited for him to be part of our program and we’re really happy to you know continue to help him grow yeah when it comes to his brother how much can that help to just have a family member in the NBA with you I think for the most part it’s really beneficial because you know you might ask you know Keon George 365 days after he’s drafted and it’s like what have you learned he hears that from his brother every day like the first three three years like I had to work harder I thought I worked hard I needed to work harder the physical you know the strength the physicality you need to play in the league a lot of people don’t get that until it like hits them straight in the face um and they’re like oh wow I this is a different league and so just having that perspective early and and someone who is you know in his family of a very hard worker and has experienced good early success I think is a great example for him they’re going to be different they’re not the exact same player at all um but just being able to be around that you know can continue to Inspire and and grow Cody’s passion for the game how do you help him like avoid those comparisons I guess those are obviously I mean he get his last name changed I guess but you know um that’s going to be inevitable but his time in the league is going to be and his reputation is going to be marked by what he does and how he grows and progresses and that’s how you make your own reputation both Cody and Isaiah are high rsci guys who then I don’t know if you could say disappointed but maybe a little bit in their college Seasons so what what do you see from their high school games that maybe didn’t translate in the college aspect that may translate with the jazz or in their Pro careers yeah I think couple different reasons like with Cody you know he came into a very mature team an older team that played and so I think a lot of times he would defer and try to figure out how to play with them and so you learn a lot like that how to how to play with others um you know the high school stuff you see the the athletic talent and the skill and and all those things that he he did a very good job in high school so I don’t think that there was anything concerning that it wouldn’t project it’s like you’re trying to find context within College of why things were the way they were but you know like I said a couple days ago is like you’re finding the positives and there’s a lot of positives with Cody and with Isaiah I think with Isaiah you know he was a very prominent high school player much like you know different players but much like de and was dominating his competition and you know at one point the number one player in high school on a big schedule um going to USC you know the season obviously didn’t go the way they all wanted a lot of ups and downs that you know had an injury in the middle I think he did start you know he learned how to play with his team um you know had a had a bunch of turnovers early though those improved in the last half of the Season he still has a great frame and and speed and can get in the paint whenever he wants like that’s something that you usually can’t teach so are there things we need to continue to work on work on the pullup work on the shooting I think he shoots it fine you know mechanically I’m sure that our coaches will be able to do things but the thing I think he also profiles is that I think he can be a very good guard Defender um with the body and and you know being able to see and read uh I think that can be just as important defensively too how do you see um Isaiah’s ability to pass the ball fitting in you know with the rest of the roster as you know you know our coach says move the ball he moves the ball uh having other guys that that play that way I think only help the teammates and help Isaiah um I think Cody also is not he’s the farthest thing from a selfish player he likes to move the ball he likes to connect with his teammates you saw that in Colorado which whatever role he had to play so having two guys that can connect with our group um I think is important and they have physical profiles that I think have historically shown very good results in the NBA you mentioned the possibilities of trading out down or out were there possibilities to trade up because that was some of the rumors yeah there were a couple um um there was a couple from 10 it just I mean you know I was really happy that we stayed at 10 I you know you just don’t know and then things start to fall and then the price gets out of whack and it just didn’t make sense um a lot more to move up from 29 to like you know early 20s stuff like that but as the draft started to fall like there was very high percentage chances that on our probability Mar markers that the guys that we like were going to be there um you’d be paying for certainty which sometimes is really nice but um we had a group of players that were going to be available that you know so we are absolutely thrilled that isaia was available for us to take uh with Cody how much do you anticipate him being able to contribute right away versus how much development does he need and you know to be ready in the next few years I mean I think all of these guys are going to need time to develop and and NBA experience and things like that so how is summer goes and then how many gains can he make I think you know the strength part is going to be a huge part for him um so what kind of progress he makes and then how quickly he learns stuff and things like that so as I’ve told you know you guys know very well from coach there’s no free minutes but there are opportunities obviously with a A young developmental Squad to earn a place um and no matter where that place starts like we’ve had historically a good a very good track record of being able to get guys where they want to go so this question is from Sarah Todd with both Cody and Isaiah there’s been questions about shooting Cody with volume Isaiah with consistency what are your thoughts there for both players um good question Sarah uh the volume obviously the way we play and you know his footwork and working on some of those things for him to be able to get it he’s certainly got the frame and the height to be able to you know become a volume deep shooter um it’s one of the things that we’ll work on uh I think with Isaiah you know the part for I’m not making excuses at all but when you’ve been so dominant in the high school level and even college to get in the paint whenever you want and be at The Rim whenever you want um and absolutely dominate your competition that is your age um you can make an argument whether he’s had enough reps or not but to be able to do that cuz he’s not going to be able to do all that all the time in the NBA he’s going to be able to do some of it at a high level so having those other parts to his game he’s a very hard worker and I think also he he hasn’t shown it as much um because he’s been so dominant that way so um all of them need work but we’re fine with the mechanics maybe we’ll make some tweaks but it’s really his pace and his ability to see and his ability to you know make other brothers better and be able to score for himself and create for himself is Big qualities okay thank you all good thanks guys [Music] oh

Watch as Cody Williams, Isaiah Collier & Justin Zanik Reaction to Being Drafted by Utah Jazz in 1st Round

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