@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Targeting Demar Derozan

Spurs Targeting Demar Derozan

what’s going on everyone so demard rosan has been a Hot Topic the last few days specifically with the Los Angeles Lakers it looked at points like he was going to go to the Lakers but then supposedly he didn’t want to take the uh mid-level exception and so the Lakers were trying to work out a sign in trade but DeMar rosen wants 25 million a year and with the sign in trade the new CBA rule you have to sign a guy to a three-year deal for a signing trade and so it’s just made things really complic ated but dear rosan has said you know oh maybe he’ll just sign a one-year deal and then kind of go back into free agency in 2025 when more teams have cap space but then the Miami Heat came in and they got involved and they were interested in demard rosan but now reports have came out that dear Rosen to Miami is extremely unlikely because Miami is not in the position to be able to pull off a sign and trade currently and so it’s kind of been this mess LeBron James comes in and LeBron is expected to sign a Max contract but he can’t sign the contract till the 6th of uh this month so Saturday and so it’s kind of like this timeline crunch of like okay is dear going to decide to go to Lakers and then LeBron decides okay fine I’ll take the discount is Miami going to figure it out what is going to happen but it’s looking like it’s very possible that thear ends up with neither which begs the question of like who else is going to take him where else is thear Rosen going to go right half the league can’t even trade for him a quarter of the league makes no sense for him because or or to even acquire him both ways not for him to go and not for them to sign because everyone’s going to be taking for Cooper flag and you know all the bottom feeding teams like are they really going to put their salary into demard rosan for a year and then that’s going to cause losses like it’s just doesn’t make sense for that and then the other quarter half of them don’t even make sense it’s like a handful of teams and the Lakers in the heat might be out of the equation so who are those other teams well one is the Sacramento Kings uh the other is the San Antonio Spurs yes based on reports the San Antonio Spurs may be interested in bringing in demard Rosen now currently I don’t think that that makes sense at all right I just don’t I I I look at Demar Rosen and yeah like he’s an excellent basketball player still and could you give him a oneyear deal for you know 20 million or whatever and just have him as like a placeholder sure you could do that but if you did that you’re taken away from vasel you’re taken away from Castle right like you just signed Chris Paul like it just it doesn’t make sense in add up to me it’s just like why would you want to bring in demard De R rozan to because DeMar rosen he’s not going to go to the Spurs to go come off the bench he’s not going to go to the Spurs to to be the seventh man and play 15 minutes a game it doesn’t make any sense like yeah he wants his money but he also wants to play right he’s still been one of the best fourth quarter players still been one of the best crunch time and uh clutch players like Demar de rozan still has game Demar de rozan still can do a lot and the San Antonio Spurs is just like yeah I understand the relationship but also didn’t like dear and the Spurs have like a little fallen out like I know him and Greg papovich they great and I know like dear’s even recently talked about you know Greg papovich and how much he loves him and stuff like that and he shared that story um when when you know when he had a a loss in in the family and all that stuff but for not mistaken didn’t like dear and the Spurs have like a little I know that I remember there being something I don’t remember exactly what it was off top of my head but nonetheless even even if everything’s good and he would be willing to go back to the Spurs like why does it make sense for the Spurs so what are you bringing Castle Off the Bench are you bringing you know vasel Off the Bench are you trading both right are you trading not Castle but are you trading like vasel I just it doesn’t add up however if the Spurs were to say go get Lori Markin in which supposedly they are actively trying to pursue and they’re trying to acquire via trade and it’s kind of looking like it’s the Spurs of the Warriors now if they were to get Lori Markin in dear might make a little more sense cuz one it’s very possible you could end up having to give up the cell to go get Markin in even if you don’t if you get Lori Markin and you have Chris Paul and you have Victor wiama well now deard Rosen makes a little more sense now dear Rosen it’s kind of like okay you give it a year know sign de Marto Rosen for a year and just see what happens right go Chris Paul demard Rosen uh you know Lori marinin Victor wiama you probably still have Castle so you could probably go Castle you probably go yeah your starting five is probably Chris Paul Stefan Castle demard Rosen Lori marinan and Victor wiama I like that defensively you know little questionable right but Castle I think he’s a guy that could do the Dirty Work get after it be a point of attack guy for you um you know Chris Paul is not the defender he once was but he’s still good at you know disrupting passing lanes and reading passes and get the occasional steal demard Rosen actually has had very serviceable uh just defensive stances he’s not great he’s not Elite but he is a guy that you know can get after it and in four of the last five uh Seasons he’s had a defensive rating of 115 or better which is better than League average which has been like 116 the last few years so you know can he be serviceable and then Victor wama just covers so much ground and then you have Lori Markin so you have two so you have size you have scoring offensively you’d be probably fantastic I mean imagine Chris Paul wheeling and dealing with all that offensive Firepower and all that size that would be tough right so to me it’s like okay if you get Lori Markin in dear makes a little more sense because it’s like you could you could give it a year and just kind of see you know maybe you stumble into the the Conference Final or maybe you you you get really lucky and you stumble into the NBA Finals you never know right stranger things have happened and depending on how much strides Victor wiama takes I mean he he was AR arguably already a top 15 player last year if he can move into the top 10 right and on top of that he’s already the best defensive player in the league so you have the best defender you have arguably a top 15 player already or maybe even better I I think you could probably make a compelling argument and you know if he gets better which he probably will you had Chris Paul and the Chris Paul effect as far as like win percentages go DeMar rosen is a guy that still has been one of the best closers in the NBA the last few years and then Lori marketing what he could I mean you got essentially four guys that I’ll get you 20 plus and that’s not counting if you keep Johnson or you keep Vel you know I I don’t hate it if you get marketing but but regardless right like demard Rosen it just it doesn’t make sense unless you’re just kind of trying to like hey let’s see let’s let’s roll the dice this year and just see like let’s just let’s have a little fun because I mean just to to bring dear to ro like Chris Paul I get Chris Paul also is coming on with the understanding right he got $1 million because he knows that hey I’m coming here to be a mentor to to help grow and develop these players that are young I’m here to you know help Stefan Castle evolve into that point guard one day I I’m here to yes like play basketball wins you know win a couple games here and there but you know he he’s fully aware of the situation he’s in he’s fully aware of why he was paid and brought in right so the thing is with dear he just doesn’t fit that and like I said you’re taking away from Vel you’re taking away from Castle you’re taking taking away from all these other guys that and stunting their growth and development now if dear was willing to come in and kind of you know again play the Chris Paul role and it’s like hey you’re coming off the bench probably only play like 20 minutes or so a game you know and but we really want you to just be a mentor for these young guys like sure but he’s still an ex I mean still a 24o game guy he’s still an excellent basketball player I don’t see him going and especially when he could have and still technically could go to the Lakers right it’s like at least you know there you’re going to start and at least you have LeBron James and Anthony Davis and that gives you a chance to maybe actually win a chip like again I don’t think Demar by himself makes the Lakers a contender but you know he he definitely make them better definitely give them a a good chance right but better than the Spurs would be right now with just Victor and Chris Paul right again I like vasel I like Castle I like these guys but they’re all young like how much can you count these guys to carry the workload to to get you to the finals win a championship at least LeBron and AD are prove it right so I just doesn’t make sense to me personally but apparently based on the reports Spurs are interested so we’ll we’ll see how it plays out but anyway as always this is a discussion pass question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts do you like the idea of demard Rosen uh joining the Spurs do you think no stay away from him he doesn’t make sense he hinder the young guys basically everything that I highlighted in this video um do you think you know know go get him like he’d be great I do think it like if you get marketing then yeah sure do it again Hower feel whatever your thoughts are i’ love to hear it so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button help we enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

Spurs are targeting Demar Derozan based on recent NBA news. Victor Wembanyama with Chris and Demar Derozan would be interesting but would really take away from the young core of the San Antonio Spurs. If The Spurs Trade For Lauri Markkanen, then that could make it more understandable.

#Spurs #victorwembanyama #nbatrade


  1. In the pick and roll Demarr and wemby is Dangerous. If Demarr wants to play six men it would work .Demarr is mid range King and a good play maker

  2. I think one day demar will come back to SA to win a championship I think he makes sense if he willing to lock in and go get a ring. If spurs build it right they can make a run this year or next. Demar was involved in the community we had a meet and greet for him at a sneaker store I work with. His family was always welcome and we appreciate him coming through showing love because his circle small so it was good to see him embracing san antonio especially since he was in Toronto all those years. Idk when but I hope he comes back eventually and he can get a ring with wemby that would be special to see.

  3. Catchy. But the NBA today depends on 3 pts and défense. This won't work out cuz this combinations doesnt go this way. It's like associating d Wade and Jimmy butler… De rozan is the best at mid range. But it's useless in todays's nba…

  4. Demar would start at the 3 position. Champagnie is our 3 right now. You would have him for a year to help the 20 year olds grow. There is zero leadership on the team now. CP3 and Demar would be the leaders and mentors for a year. Young guys need mentors.

  5. This Markkanen/ Derozan scenario would amount to giving up on the development of the young Spurs and the value of the 2025 draft picks in order to chase a shot at immediate contention. I don't like the gamble – I don't think it would work. The Spurs would still be worse than the Thunder, Wolves, 76s, and Knicks, not to mention Boston and Dallas. Unless Wemby turns into an amalgamation of Wilt Chamberlain and Larry Bird in his second year, I don't think your team gets past the second round. No – it's a bad idea.

  6. No thanks, was not happy in the past, neither we, what makes you think this time would work??? Spurs need young people, CP3 will be more like a mentor, but DeRozan doesn't have that type of personality… pass

  7. Wait! Demar is 34! He's past his prime! And… oh wait, we already signed CP3 at 39, so why not get another coach on the floor? DeMar has already shown the Spurs what a great court general he is and he knows the Spurs system. As a Spurs fan, I can think of no other player that I respect more, both as a player and as a person, than Demar Derozan. If they get DeMar it will be for the same reasons they got Chris Paul – to be competitive for Wemby's sake, and to show the younger guys how its done. I cannot think of any "falling out" that DeMar had with the Spurs. Pop LOVES DeMar. Castle is so young, he doesn't need to be a starter as a rookie. I don't think the Spurs can get Markkanen without dealing away all our assets. Danny Ainge won't just give him away. Start Wemby, Sochan, DeMar, Devin, and Chris Paul. Keep CP3 and DeMar to about 24 minutes a game and there is plenty of time to give to guys like Castle, Wesley, and Branham. So it DOES make sense. But I agree that the Spurs will need to trim the roster some. Their roster is very "wide" with young talent in the 1,2, and 3 spots: Tre Jones, Blake Wesley, Julian Champagnie, Sidy Cissoko, Malaki Branham, and David Duke. They may need to release or trade older guys like Cedi Osman and Devonte Graham to make room for CP3 and Derozan.

  8. Would love for Demar to sign with the Spurs. Then maybe the Lakers will start focusing on players that might be a better fit.

  9. Enough of this nonsense! To win a championship, you build a cohesive team around some pillars, like Tim, Tony and Manu…
    Guys must understand and like each other to become cohesive in team sports…
    Yall watch too much NBA 2K😂😂😂

  10. Demark makes sense to me for one reason, he is a 6'6" dude who is a mid range shooting maestro but more importantly he became a playmaker with the spurs. He is the bluwprint for castle to follow to help guide his growth. And demar absokutely would be willing to come off the bench for 20 million fir a season i think. He was universally loved in this city as well, I have talked to no one who would just hate to have him back.

  11. DeRozan is an upstanding character and if he comes back to the Spurs, he will be a net positive and won't hinder the growth of the team. He was a good Spurs player and he would be again.

  12. Demar would be the perfect 6th man behind Devin and Castle. I think Keldon will go. If we get Maarkanen then you'd run a starting 5 of Wemby, Sochan, LM, Devin and CP/Castle with Demar as the 6th? Yeah Id love that

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