@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers Working On 3 Team Trade For Demar Derozan

Lakers Working On 3 Team Trade For Demar Derozan

what’s going on everyone so according to Jake fiser the Lakers may send d’angel Russell to a third team to land to Mar rozan uh for the Lakers to bring on D rozen Los Angeles may have to work with a third team to offload some salary such as d’angel Russell or Gabe Vincent the Nets have been open to welcoming Russell back to barlay a center since the past trade deadline so the thought process is here that the Lakers would work out a sign and trade for demard Rosen uh with the Brooklyn Nets getting d’angel Russell um it’s been reported uh even Anthony Irwin I think it was earlier today even brought up and mentioned the possibility of d’angel Russell going to the Brooklyn Nets uh he was referencing in at the time uh about the wings that they have you know Dorian finy Smith cam Johnson uh two guys that the Lakers have targeted and would be interested in bringing in so to me this could potentially develop into a way for the Lakers to acquire more than just D’Angelo Russell or uh Dem Mar Rosen for D’Angelo Russell they may be able to even get maybe a couple pieces from the Brooklyn Nets uh and kind of work out this this trade to where each party is kind of happy maybe Chicago they’re getting you know some assets right like you just saw uh with Klay Thompson right working out of trade he ends up going uh the they get two second round picks for compensation third team gets the player so maybe they could work something like that out where Chicago they’re basically getting something for dear maybe they’re clearing off a guy or something and you know Brooklyn’s getting d’angel Russell maybe you know the Lakers are even throwing in a jayen hood chaffino or something like that to to kind of work it out uh and team like Brooklyn maybe they’re taking back multiple pieces maybe they’re even taking back somebody like a ruy hamura and a d’angel Russell and you’re getting you know DeMar Rosen depending on how much he signs for but say you get demaro Rosen maybe you get Dorian F Smith and cam Johnson and you’re given up a first and there’s there’s a lot of different possibilities and combinations in which you can create with this uh so to me as long as the Lakers come out with at least one of Cam Johnson and Dorian finy Smith I’m happy right like if they could work out something with Brooklyn to we cuz we we could use a three and D wi and that that’s been a big problem the Lakers have like you look at ruy excellent offensively terrible defensively Jared vandero incredible defensively terrible offensively so if you could get a guy that’s kind of that balance especially if you’re going to go land DeMar rosen like cam Johnson would be perfect at that point right because you could go and choire uh demard de rosan bring in cam Johnson and now you know you have like Reeves Demar Johnson LeBron and AD now we’re now we’re cooking here right you got some shooting got some defense got multiple guys that put the ball on the floor and create for themselves right this would really in my opinion put the Lakers back into the conversation because obviously you have LeBron and AD but then on top of that you have a legit 3 and D guy that can defend multiple positions and uh a Johnson Austin Rees is serviceable uh DeMar rosen can be serviceable you could even throw in like a Max Christie if you wanted to right maybe have Demar kind of play the point you know or if you get Dorian Smith maybe go big and and kind of have it you know you’re you’re position lless right you can line them up however you want right you could have Demar be the point or Lebron be the point but he’s really slotting at the four um so to me I think that that’s the versatility that you could create with this roster and depending on how things shape up you could still have your mid-level exception and go make a move maybe go get a Bridges still or something or maybe you can convince somebody to come in I still think that the Lakers would have to figure out the center spot figure out the center position um and also the Lakers you know they need to unload as many pieces as they can because they they’d have to give up multiple players because they have to their their roster is full right so even if they just get demard to Rosen they still have to clear something up so it would be DLo and probably a couple pieces to unloading and get off of guys right so if you can kind of work it to where you know you you can acquire maybe the dear from Chicago and then a piece from Brooklyn I wouldn’t even mind talking to Brooklyn and seeing like can you get sharp right or like what would it take to get Cam Thomas I’d love to have him as just like you know a a spark plug Off the Bench that’s just able to just be a vacuum scorer for you like we could definitely use that right you start getting these like little pieces and you start tallying them up and you look you go okay like now now the Lakers are solid right like now now we’re back into the conversation but to me more than anything obviously the big prize is demard De rozan um know it’s unfortunate it sucks that the Lakers missed out on Klay Thompson uh demard de rosan I know there’s definitely concerns and questions about fit because primarily he’s not a guy that shoots three ball heavily but I still fully believe that Demar rosan would will fit in seamlessly I think he’ll be fine now clay would be a much more better natural fit and he’s a guy that doesn’t need the basketball I mean don’t get me wrong there are clear benefits to having Klay Thompson uh over demard de Rosen but deardo rosen’s the better player right give me the better player and let’s go DeMar Rosen has the the is a real ceiling razor for the Lakers Klay Thompson likely makes us better but the question is how much better right like there’s still questions and concerns with Clay it’s just the the fit on is like oh that should be perfect right he’s playing alongside LeBron and AD getting wide open demard Rosen he’s going to have an easier time than he’s ever had yes he’s a little more ISO heavy than um you know like say a DLo guys like that but you need those guys right like how do we lose right like Jamal Murray isolating and just dominating us and picking us apart right like we need it we need a guy besides LeBron James that can isolate and pick people apart look at Boston they have Jason Tatum and Jaylen brown right Tatum and brown calt isolate look at the the Dallas Mavericks they were like they they led the league in isolations Luca was number one in the league in isolations uh Kyrie Irving was number four in isolations and they were in the conference final because you need you saw like with the Lakers they get stagnant on offense and they don’t have a guy besides LeBron James that can just go get a bucket right Demar R Roan’s a guy that can just go get a bucket you can just hand him the basketball and say hey make something happen and I got you don’t trip and just go get you a bucket you need those type of guys yes we need Shooters yes we need pieces around us that can know hit the outside shot and be able to play off ball and all that stuff but Demar is a guy that not only can go and get a bucket but he he’s shown the ability to make plays he’s shown the ability to adapt I mean he’s played alongside you know Zack LaVine and Kobe white and you know Vu and all these guys that needed the basketball and he was able to make it work and still go get J 20 right he a guy that I believe is going to get you 20 plus a game I think he’ll take a ton of pressure off LeBron take a ton of pressure of Anthony Davis I I think know he’s not your number one number two option he’s your number three option now you got Austin Reed Austin Reeds a R’s biggest problem last year was he couldn’t shoot right like if he could just get back to being a reliable three-point shooter well then there’s a 40% three-point shooter there go get a guy and you know a cam Johnson there’s another 40% LeBron can shoot if he can maintain that 40% there’s three 40% three-point Shooters there demard de rozan was 36% on catch and shoot threes so there’s another 36% that he can provide you on catch and shoot threes you’ll be fine you know there’s more to the game of basketball than just shooting threes right Boston’s the only team that has basically shot an ungodly amount of Threes And won a championship I mean even the Warriors as great of a three-point shooting team as they were right it was it wasn’t the three-point shooting it was their interior it was their ability to use the three-point line to make it easier to get inside the mid-range Demar de rozan is one of the best mid-range players in the league right I mean he’s up there like there’s very few that are better you know maybe Kawai right like there are very few guys that are better than demaro Rosen at the mid-range the mid-range is so important come playoff time because all the teams pack the paint and try to protect the rim and then all and then they try to close out at the three-point line right cuz they don’t want to give up a wide open three so everything in the middle is usually wide open and look at the teams that Advance far you have Kyrie and Luca who love to operate in the mid-range Jason Tatum who loves to operate in the mid-range Chris porzingis all these guys like Jaylen Brown all these guys love to operate in the mid-range the mid-range is very important how do we lose to Denver Jamal Murray made two game-winning midrange shots why cuz we closed out hard at the three-point line and we wanted to protect the paint so that way he couldn’t just go get a layup and he just elevated from the elbow elevated from the free throw line and boom knocked and bolt down and Lakers went home the that is such an important aspect to the game the dear Rosen is one of the best of it Lakers don’t have guys that can shoot over the top right demaro Rosen can he provides so much value to this Lakers team it is going to be so impactful if we can get him right but we’ll see don’t want to you know put the cart before the horse but I I really like this this pickup I think that this is potentially huge for the Lakers um obviously you still got to you know you still got to get some other pieces you still got to put some more you know pieces to the puzzle here but I do think that this would be a huge step in the right direction can you get a Dorian FY Smith or in a perfect world like you know a cam Johnson then you still have your mid LEL maybe you get you know another piece or two probably got to get a point guard can you get like a tyus Jones or something I don’t know you just need somebody that can kind of initiate um but we’ll see time will tell anyway as always this is a discussion pass question on you let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot me enjoy these types of videos and I Tru appreciate it not subscribe to channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate yall see you in the next one thank you

Lakers need some upgrades and talent. Lakers Nation missed out on Klay Thompson which really put the Lakers in a tough spot. Demar Derozan seems to be the next Laker on the list of potential targets and Bulls, Nets and Lakers are working on a 3 team trade.

#Lakers #lakerstrade #lakersnews


  1. Delusional Lakers fans, congratz, u have been tricked by the Front Office once again, the clowns! Enjoy and be happy about it, next time we go again! Sjeez freaking mess they are, the Lakers FO! 😑🤦

  2. I swear a lot of y’all are un realistic if the lakers could get Trey or Spida they would but they can’t Cause they don’t have enough to pay. Why would someone especially the Cavs trade treasure for trash players. Both those teams aren’t tanking they want to be in those 8 to 6 spots in the east to keep their fans in seats.

  3. demar is not better than current Dlo. Dlo and demar both shit on defense. Dlo has midrange and 3s. Demar bricks on 3s. Dlo is a better passer.

  4. Bro here we go, Lakers fans are getting every top player in free agency ! They are getting PG, no no no we are getting clay nope we are getting DaRosen. SMH wake up.

  5. Please God, please bring back D’Angelo Russell to the Brooklyn Nets. This is the man that made me fall in love with basketball when he was on the nets.

  6. Trade Gabe Vincent and Rui Hachimura not DLo is an elite 3 point shooter. Lakeshow would be taking a step backwards giving away DLO

  7. This is not ideal I wouldn’t trade for him he can sign the mle anything other that I’d pass because now you about use the tradable pieces on him and that’s really it. Dumb move

  8. Lakers need to trade – Dlo, Prince, Vincent, dinwiddie, and giles lll……if Vanderbilt cant stay healthy get rid of him dude been out like 2 seasons..Wood needs to be on floor with AD like the Wolves play, but I feel like they need a guy that's tall enough but athletic enough to go against a team like Dallas. I'm still tripping on how they beat the Wolves

  9. I love DeMar’s game, but I also loved Westbrook’s game. After seeing what happened with Russ, I’m not sure this is good for DeRozan. Could it work? Yes, but so could have Westbrook, if we had a brilliant offensive mind at head coach. JJ might be very intelligent, but if he wants more 3 point shooting, DeRozan is going to make things more difficult. I just find it hilarious how we want to get rid of a guy who just shattered the Lakers’ 3 pt record at any cost for mediocre players like DFS and Cam Johnson. They are going to help LBJ way less than D’lo did. DeRozan I’ve always said is a great fit post LeBron, and I stand by that. The only offense that will work with DeRozan, LBJ, and AD, is the Triangle offense, which is a great offense that we should run even as currently constructed, but I doubt JJ wants to run it.

    Lakers are making the same mistake over and over again. They do not learn. They should be spending their money on a legit center that can’t be easily played off the floor, and can be a defensive bruiser. Because the Lakers want to address the center position last, they will have to find a center for the vet minimum, and you wonder why all we can afford with the vet minimum is back up quality centers. We need a starting quality center that is ok coming off the bench, not a bench center who we hope will play like a starting center in moments of need. Im glad we didn’t get Klay, because Klay doesn’t solve the Denver matchup issue, nor does DeRozan. It’s just the Lakers being greedy for a name, and it’s going to mess them up again. Lakers could have beaten a lot of teams in the Western bracket in a 7 game series. It’s just Denver and Sacramento we can’t beat. Lakers don’t really need huge roster overhauls. All they really need is a legit defensive brawling big, and a better head coach. We got the coach, now prioritize the big man.

  10. the lakers been cursed ever since they didnt run it back with the bubble championship team…they got cute and got burned

  11. Only way DeRozan comes to LA is money otherwise, I would stay clear of that 💩 show that's about to be the Lakers for at least 5-8 years.

    After all the hype of their past, they gonna let one man destroy their future. Smh so it is, so it shall be done…oh wait, its already happening, my bad..

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