@Portland Trail Blazers

Big Trades Coming? Will the Lakers Trade for Jerami Grant? | 2024 NBA Free Agency

Big Trades Coming? Will the Lakers Trade for Jerami Grant? | 2024 NBA Free Agency

e e e e e e e e e e what’s going on everybody Welcome in to another Blazers uprise free agency stream should have Eric joining us here shortly and this free agent list on the left will get updated we’re going to stream for about 50 minutes here here so we’re going to talk about the latest developments in free agency after a slow day one we had some chaos in day two it is now day four July the 3 and uh trades could be on the radar I don’t know if it’s for the Portland Trailblazers but uh Keith Smith tweet we’re going to take a look at and talk about the latest in free agency are the Blazers done making moves I’m not sure what would it take for the Blazers to make a move right now I’m not sure we knew that they weren’t going to be a player in terms of signing players but trade-wise are they truly done and if they’re done how do they make the lineup work those are some of the questions that I’ve been wondering lately and I don’t know if we’re going to get an answer anytime soon it’s a little too early to discuss summer league but I guess that would be the next thing to look forward to if the Blazers are indeed done hopefully everybody’s enjoying their 3rd of July hopefully you have a good fourth tomorrow be safe all that good stuff let me know how your day is going in the live chat let me know what you’re hoping for from this Blazer team are you hoping that they run it back or are you hope get traded let me know in the live chat we still got the Twitter feeds down below so in case anything hectic happens you guys will it first with those tweets Jackson I know I am currently updating it like I said in the intro uh tweets will update I would love for something chaotic to happen while we’re on stream because we kind of missed all the chaos but unfortunately I’m not expecting anything tonight so we’re just going to talk about free agency once Eric goes here in the meantime I’m going to update this graphic I will answer questions as well and then we can get things rolling latest signings you have buddy hee he’s going to be headed to the Golden State Warriors replaces Clay’s shooting that’s a signing that made a lot of sense they had a need for it and honestly clay uh buddy heeld should do pretty well in Golden State I don’t know if he’ll be as good as clay this year but I think that was a good signing Kyle Anderson also going to the warrior as the Timberwolves lost Kyle Anderson they replaced him with Joe Les who’s going to kind of fill that like slow um playmaker forward role for the Timberwolves they also lost Monte Morris but they got Rob Dillingham so Rob dillingham’s going to replace Monte Morris they’re just fine there that’s their future uh point guard you also have the Miami Heat signing Alec Burks good little bench pickup for them they’re also the front runner for dear D rozan the two teams that have been linked to Demar de rozan are the Miami Heat and the Los Angeles Lakers the Lakers have an iffy cap situation might have to sign and trade for him the Lakers are basically who this offseason revolves around despite them doing nothing like at this point are the Lakers going to make a splash that’s going to uh not only determine maybe where demard Ro Ren goes but also if Jeremy Grant’s still on the Blazers or if K kosma returns to the Lakers the Lakers have had talks with Portland Washington and Brooklyn Brooklyn’s two wings that they are supposedly interested in are Dorian finny Smith as well as cam Johnson so the Lakers will they do something because it has not been a good for agency so far I saw a tweet today that said it’s funny how the Clippers lost Paul George and the Warriors lost Klay Thompson but the Lakers are still having the worst off season out of California teams and it’s funny and it’s also kind of true because for the third straight transactional window it seems like the Lakers are standing I don’t think they can afford to do that so what do they do what does Rob pelinka do what does LeBron James try and make happen because we all know he has a large voice in that front office it’s going to be fascinating to watch the rest of free agency for the Los Angeles Lakers also there have been rumors that Maro honia could be looking at an NBA return it’s funny because I was watching tape of fonia playing in Europe apparently shot like 43% from three last year which I think was maybe higher than his field goal percentage in Portland uh I don’t know maybe H is better now I don’t know but I don’t want to back on my team although it would be kind of fun for the memes now that we’re not trying to win like we were when the Blazers inevit uh initially got him it was always fun when guys like Anthony toer and Mario honia were the offseason pickups for the Blazers to try and build a winner around Dame you still have some Shooters left on the free agent Market Luke Canard Gary Trent Jr is out there Seth Curry’s out there there’s been some Gary Trent junor to Milwaukee whisperings I don’t know if it’s like legit rumors uh just stuff I’ve seen on Twitter that’ be interesting to see him play with Damen Lillard again but it sounds like he is going to maybe not even get the taxpayer mid level exception Gary Trent Jr might be a minimum player right now which is kind of crazy also don’t think I forgot about Eric’s guy Terry STS he’s back he’s back he is now an assistant coach for the Golden State Warriors if you can’t beat him join them Terry STS joins the Warriors although the Warriors are uh washed now so no clay apparently Draymond almost left for I don’t even remember the destination but he almost left and then the Warriors convinced him to stay it’s going to be interesting to see how bad they are next year but Terry st’s back in the league of course he came back last off season joined Adrien Griffin’s staff with the Milwaukee Bucks and then did not see it through until to the start of the Season he uh he left he resigned I guess he bed heads with Adrien Griffin and decided to bow out didn’t want to coach Dame there in Milwaukee didn’t want to coach with Adrien Griffin there in Milwaukee so now he’s going to go coach Steph with Steve Kerr lead assistant you also have former Blazer coach Nate McMillan he got hired as an assistant for the Los Angeles Lakers uh under JJ reick the Lakers also made some noise when they signed Brony James to a four-year guaranteed contract and people were comparing it to 55th overall picks the past few years how they never get foure guaranteed contracts but you had some players that were drafted 57 58 get guaranteed contracts like I I get that there’s nepotism with bronny at play I just don’t understand crying about it I don’t understand focusing so heavily on it nobody nobody would care otherwise about a second round pick signing a four-year contract as the 14th man on a team nobody would care but since it’s bronny people care I just don’t really understand why it’s a big deal like yeah nepotism cool so what it’s not like he’s an absolute scrub if he was an absolute scrub maybe but he’s he’s fine like he’s fine on that contract anyway Eric said he should be here like five minutes ago uh looking forward to getting his thoughts and we’ll dive into trades once he gets here in the meantime we have an updated free agency list these are in my opinion the top 10 free agents remaining demard D rozan the number one guy kale Martin the number two guy D rozan has ties to the heat the heat maybe replace Caleb Martin with Demar Ro and tyus Jones is a good point guard left on the market Marquel folz left on the market Kyle Lowry left on the market so you got some point guards there fonio with the Pistons I believe he’s a restrictive free agent he’s a shooter Haywood heith with the heat Canard Trent Jr Isaac aoro you still got some okay names left there on the board but none of these guys are going to be true difference makers except maybe D rozan or Caleb Martin Landon thank you uh on he says on Anthony Irwin’s podcast Anthony Irwin if you don’t know is a reporter out of La he says that the grant to Lakers deal has lost traction because the Lakers refuse to trade both of their picks and Portland isn’t budging on the asking price so this of course is the thumbnail is the title of this stream is it dead here’s the thing I’ve told you guys that that is the uh sticking point between the Lakers and the Blazers if the Blazers only wanted one first back for Jeremy Grant Jeremy Grant would already be a Laker if the Lakers were willing to give up two first already Jeremy Grant would be a Laker so Jeremy Grant’s a Blazer right now cronin’s going to play hard ball he has to play hard ball the Lakers have to get a Difference Maker I don’t think Kyle kosma is a Difference Maker I don’t think Dorian finny Smith or Cam Johnson are difference makers for the Los Angeles Lakers we’re talking about a team that was a first round exit last year to the Denver Nuggets I know they were the defending champs but they didn’t make it past the Timberwolves the Lakers are a playing caliber team right now and Dorian finny Smith cam Johnson they don’t take you from playing team to Contender Jeremy Grant is the best player out of the bunch and at some point they’re going to have to commit to something and that something should obviously be winning when you have a 39-year-old LeBron James who’s going to turn 40 next season Jeremy is the biggest differen maker out of all those players for the Los Angeles Lakers somebody in chat is Jeremy even better than czz bro how come on come on how is Jeremy a differen maker Jeremy is a absolute Difference Maker for a team that was 28th and three-point shooting last year he’s shot 40% from three at a power forward position the last two years the Lakers have good rebounding that’s not an issue he shouldn’t have to be matched up on guards that shouldn’t be an issue Jeremy Grant is an above average Defender if he’s only guarding forwards if fi has to chase guys through screens that’s where he struggles the problem is Portland has played Jeremy Grant in a role that isn’t best suited for him because of his weaknesses he would go and start at small forward for the Lakers LeBron power forward point forward whatever you want to call them the rebounding isn’t going to be an issue with jery Grant in La like it is in Portland when he’s playing power forward williker says I’m just saying he’s not a third guy on a contender absolutely he is absolutely he is absolutely I I don’t want it to get confused I want Jeremy Grant traded it’s not because he’s a bad player it’s because of the position Portland’s in Jeremy Grant is fully capable of being the third best player on a contender fully capable uh three level scor in La he just catch and shoot threes at 40% clip and then he gets run off the line and drives downhill and gets to the rim and then probably plays better defense if they use him properly on the defensive end where he doesn’t have to chase guards through screens and guard forwards just because somebody hasn’t gotten the opportunity to be the third best player on a contender doesn’t mean they can’t be Jeremy Grant’s been sitting here he’s gotten a lot better as a scorer but he’s been sitting here in Detroit and Portland it’s not like either of those organizations gave him the chance and he failed he deserves the chance to be the third best player on a championship team I think he’s definitely capable the Lakers seem to want him but not for the asking price and it’s funny because we’re talking down upon Jeremy like he’s not the third best player on a championship team Kyle kusma isn’t Dorian finny Smith definitely isn’t cam Johnson definitely isn’t Jeremy Grant is the only guy out of those four names that has a chance to be good enough to be the third best player on a championship team and that’s entirely my point with the Lakers they can sit here and hang on to their 2031 first round pick and go get Cam Johnson and not have a chance of contending that’s fine it’s a mistake though it’s a mistake they need more upside they need somebody that could be the third best player on a championship team Jeremy The Only Name out there that they’ve been tied to that has a chance to be otherwise they’re just kind of wasting their time in my opinion and if they were if they care about the Jeremy Grant contract when they could be giving up Gabe Vincent who’s making 10 million undeservedly over the next couple years when they’re maybe giving up Jared Vanderbilt who’s making 10 million undeservedly over the next four years and can’t stay healthy they could trade out bad contracts in this deal as well the cap is going to go up a ton if they’re worrying about the money aspect with Jeremy that’s just silly as well in my opinion obviously they have to stand their aprons and all that but they can do that and trade for him and give up two [Music] first anyway we’re going to bring Eric on [Music] here all right we’re going to welcome special guest you’re a guest on your own show special guest Eric brand to the show Eric thank you for joining us hey thanks for having me Tori I’ve always wanted to be on Blazer’s up for congratulations it’s an opportunity of a lifetime don’t mess it up all right here’s uh question um do you think the Lakers should give up two first round pick for Jeremy Grant do I think so as a Blazer fan yes do you think so from the Lakers stpoint um also also lower your camera just a little bit there you go all right hello everyone um I think it’ be stupid for them to use assets to um to dump salary without it being part of a bigger trade I don’t know why they’re talking about like dumping salary without it being a part of a trade no matter who they trade for first of all um it’s to me you have le Brun you can’t play this game where you’re not going to go all in for him he’s 40 years old either you’re done competing for a championship and it’s just he’s just there as a you know at for his last couple years is just it’s basically going to turn into what happened to Kobe the last few years right where his team sucked they didn’t make the playoffs and um you know Kobe taken 50 shots to get 60 points his last game and is just on a farewell tour the whole his whole last season you know that’s basically what it’s going to turn into or you can make a move and you know the they’re only a year removed from the Conference Finals it’s not like it would be that big of a stretch to see them go on a run again um and I don’t know if Jeremy’s the right guy for that but I completely agree with you that of the players available he would fit what they need the best yeah um here’s the thing you can always talk yourself out of taking a risk yeah and that’s what some people in chat are doing with Jeremy Grant oh he’s 30 years old oh it’s contract oh can can he can he be the third best player on a championship team you can always talk yourself out of taking a risk the problem is that’s what the Lakers have been doing and that’s why they’re not good enough to contend because they talk themselves out of risks yep ultimately giving up two future first for Jeremy Grant is a massive risk but you got LeBron and you can’t just sit here and keep doing nothing or have a lowrisk low reward play here they need a highrisk high reward play there’s no there’s no play you’re going to have to give up something for a player of Jeremy Grant’s caliber there is no high reward lowrisk offer out there for the Los Angeles Lakers they’re going to have to pay something to get a legitimate Difference Maker so basically they can sit here and talk to themselves out of everything and do nothing and that’s incredibly stupid they could sit here and uh go get a cam Johnson who doesn’t make a difference they’re still losing in the first round and maybe they save a future first round pick because of that but it’s like why are you woring about 2031 when you got LeBron in 2024 when he’s about to turn 40 so the alternative is to actually do something worth doing and that’s to trade for Jeremy Grant in my opinion if I was a Laker fan I would want to give up two first round picks for Jeremy Graham pretty simple people are saying the audio bugging out is it bugging out for you not on Skype but I’m not listening to it on it’s weird okay let me close Photoshop maybe maybe I need to close Photoshop or maybe it’s all that background yeah reload the channel I don’t I don’t know what it would be maybe it’s an issue on YouTube’s end because I’m definit not lagging my internet’s been fine I haven’t lagged since I fixed it so that’s not a thing anymore we don’t do that anymore we don’t lag okay if it’s a stutter I’m just going to blame YouTube uh so yeah just reload the page and you should be fine uh I also close Photoshop cuz sometimes I can mess with my computer because Photoshop is intensive it’s a workout on the computer anyway um I lost my train of thought and oh my goodness the background noise um anyway so people drive me crazy with their arguments Jeremy’s 30 years old guess what LeBron is almost 40 like what what does it matter like you know what I mean like yeah who cares who cares that he’s 30 LeBron is almost 10 years older than him and Anthony Davis is 31 so like who cares if Jeremy Grant’s 30 they shouldn’t value any players over 30 Eric they should just let LeBron they should have let him sign somewhere else they shouldn’t have even offered him a contract I mean his son has to be more valuable than LeBron because his son’s 20 right is that the game we’re playing here what are we talking about I mean like if you’re trading for Al Horford or something you know like he just won a championship so that’s a bad example but you know what I mean like someone who’s or Chris Paul or something you know like maybe you can say like oh his age he’s not what he used to be right correct but for what they need whatever player they trade for to do it’s like a two maybe threee window um where they need him to be good enough so like I wouldn’t be concerned with what happens four years from now um yeah and Jeremy doesn’t seem I mean he’s I think he’s going to be fine throughout his contract I don’t think he’s going to like fall off at 33 or something you know yeah it’s just like you got you got 40-year-old LeBron about to be 40-year-old LeBron why aren’t you focused on next season why are you focused on seven years from now in 2031 with a pick or why are you focused on when Germany Grant’s 35 5 years from now it’s all about timeline it’s all about time which is why a trade makes sense because Portland has a futuristic timeline so future picks are great right but the Lakers are all about right now they should be and if they’re not it’s a mistake I just think it’s pretty simple so ultimately we’ll see what happens Eric what’s Your Gut Feeling telling you right now is going to happen here uh I never like to say my gut feeling says it’s going to be a trade so I’ll just say it’s uh they’ll do nothing cuz uh so I inquired once again today about this yep and I was told it’s just a giant game of chicken um which we’ve already talked about but um from what I was told Joe Cronin will not trade Jeremy Grant unless he gets two first for him whether it’s from the Lakers or whatever team um he will not trade him if he changes that then I think that’s a mistake I think it’s good that he’s holding out for that the problem becomes what happens if we go the whole rest of the summer the Lakers are tied to their lineup or whatever they sign some VMS and hover around the apron second apron so they can’t make a trade or whatever what would you would you still say that Cronin should do that hold tight to that belief and uh because I think eventually a team will cave there’s way too many teams that are being left in the dust right now I think one of them will cave it’s just a matter of which one in my opinion I mean if I were Joe I’d be willing to do right to swap 2029 and then a 2030 first I think that’s just as good as two first basically because you’re going to have the worst of three picks that you can swap for the Lakers picks in 2029 so if the Lakers suck that could be you know Boston’s 25th pick assuming they’re still good while the Lakers pick is fifth if you get that swap right plus a 2030 pick then I do that the problem is then the Lakers can’t trade another future first because they can go only go up to 2031 and the stepping rule right now they could trade 2029 and 2031 outright with a swap in 2030 but if they did a swap in 2029 and a first outright in 2030 then they can’t trade 2031 because that’d be two years in a row they would not have a pick a swap they still have a pick so maybe the solution is something creative but I assume the Lakers I don’t know they want to keep two picks or at least one pick so they can trade at the deadline I’d guess um so that kind of kills that flexibility and here’s the thing for me like he can move off that asking pricee at next year’s trade deadline or even next off seon okay like I think you you’ll still be able to get a first round pick for Jeremy Grant at the deadline but does taking Jeremy Grant into the season hurt anything because then maybe it makes sense to actually take it now the problem is you know if you lose out on a deal that you potentially could have gotten because you cave too early so this is the calculation the one thing I’m worried about is okay who you bringing Off the Bench to start next season if you keep both ant and Grant and then you know like who doesn’t get to start and then also touches like is avdia going to take too much of a back seat because you gave up two first round picks for ailla they’re prioritizing AIA more than they’re prioritizing Jeremy Grant they gave up two first round picks for AIA to bring him in to be a part of their future and they want to recoup the same value with Jeremy Grant which I think Jeremy Grant’s just as good but if Jeremy Grant’s still here does he take priority in the offense next year is the question yeah that’s that’s what we need to figure out cuz is it worth taking slightly less for that um so one thing and then I want to ask you another question um okay so I saw in chat that Jeremy wasn’t even worth a first two years ago he was traded for a first round pick yeah and this is why he was not worth more than a first because they were asking for two firsts just like Joe Cronin and they actually turned down J being a part of the CJ trade we tried to flip Josh Hart and a first round pick to them um that first round pick that was going to be a lottery pick the Detroit Pistons refused to accept a pick that wasn’t guaranteed or did could possibly not convey to them they wanted a pick that was for sure like they knew what it was and they didn’t like the way that that pick was protected um and so we go into the off SE and the only reason Portland was able to get him for one first round pick well there’s two reasons one is Jeremy signed uh there and when he signed they made it clear as part of their agreement a handshake agreement uh that Jeremy they would take care of him if he ever wanted to leave um because he chose the exact same contract he chose to go to Detroit over staying in Denver where he probably could have won a title um so they they honored that they unlike uh rgm uh that was not a lie I guess and uh they helped him get to where he wanted to go but the main reason it only took a first round pick was because Portland had a trade exception and could outright take Jeremy Grant which allowed the Detroit to do their next move which they already had planned and that was to take salary from the New York Knicks to move back into the lottery a second time and possibly get Jaylen Duren or whoever else maybe they would had to make another move if Duran didn’t fall to that pick but they wanted uh to get in a position where they could take on that salary for New York and get another Lottery Pick and that doesn’t happen without finding a team that can tape jery outright and so the cap savings along with um you know Jeremy’s uh good relationship with their with Troy Weaver allowed them to trade him for a little less than market value now in this situation it’s the exact opposite La needs to include more value because they’re including crap contracts that I mean Ru is not a crap contract I guess but like no one wants uh Gabe Vincent’s contract right so if you’re taking that on it’s not like you get to trade Less in your trade for giving up gab Vincent like you’re you’re having to include at least a second probably to do that so if you’re doing that and you’re saying the value of Jeremy is a little more than a first round pick then it starts to equal closer to two first round picks even if you don’t think Jeremy’s value is two first round picks which I do yep uh um fully agree shout out to Chapel perilous gifted five Blazers uprise memberships and the winners of those were Alex R Dil bestie AJ Poseidon Matt and Pim shout out to Chappelle Chapel I don’t know how to say it but thank you for gifting the measurement or perilous I can’t even say memberships I said measurements thank you for gifting the me memberships shout out to those of you who W it also if the audio is messing up refresh YouTube It’s a YouTube glitch or something anyway uh my question to you Tori yeah was didn’t you start off that whole thing with like I’m asking you a question no I said I want to say something and then afterwards ask you question all all right all right what’s the question um sneaky like I think initially you’ll say what you just said is the better deal would you rather have if you could have one unprotected swap 2029 or 2026 2029 I’m just thinking like what H what would happen if LeBron’s 41 Anthony Davis could certainly get hurt Jeremy’s not carrying that team if that happens yeah but that’s a lot of what ifs where 2029 not going to be there anymore yeah true but and in 2029 you’re trading you’re swapping the worst of three picks for the Lakers pick whereas if in 2026 we could still suck and that swap might not even matter even if everything goes wrong for the Lakers that that part is true but it might give us two chances at like dibono or I just or something I just don’t think the Lakers like they’re still going to have LeBron they’re still going to have ad they’re still going to have Jeremy Grant like yes maybe lightning could strike all over the place and their whole team falls apart and they suck but I I would rather have it in 2029 I think it’s more likely that they suck in 2029 and I it’s much more likely that the swap would be better for us yeah but if they if it’s a you know 2029 first and they want to do the 2026 swap I feel like they’re more likely to want to do the 2026 swap the Blazers shouldn’t necessarily shy away from a first and a swap for Grant if the swap has upside I just don’t know if 2026 swap his upside if we had a a like Boston’s 2026 first and that was the pick we’re swapping sure but since it’s our own um it just feels like there’s a better chance that it ends up being absolutely nothing and then we’re just getting first one first round pick back is it weren’t that risk though if there’s like even if this small chance I mean there’s a bigger chance in 2029 so yeah well I mean there’s also a chance too they’re like a playing team but move up in the lottery like the Hawks did yeah I mean but they have LeBron they have ad if they have Grant and Dalton connect and Austin reev like and who knows what they do in next year’s off season like maybe they could bring in somebody else that helps it’s just it’s just very unlikely to me I feel like it’s more so oh we know the players in the 2026 draft deons and czer look really really good so just wanted to have more of a chance at one of those guys um when in my opinion it’s still more logical to wait till 2029 so would you accept a 2029 first outright and the 2026 swap um or you I would want if if the 2026 swap doesn’t convey it turns into a 2030 swap that’s what I would ask for they can still trade their 2031 first for second rounders or something yeah like we can we can basically defer the 2026 swap to 2030 so like even if it’s like their two picks higher than us we could defer that to 2030 then then you’re then you’re you’re likely going to get something you’re likely going to uh to swap one of the two years so it’s likely going to end up basically moving up in the draft and getting another first and that’s close to two first so that’s what I would ask for because if they still want their 2031 first to go trade for I don’t know Dorian finny Smith or whatever the hell they’re trying to do with that then um that could be the best way for both teams and I hope that Cronin isn’t so like so hard-headed like I gotta get two first outright no matter what I hope that he’s not so stuck on that that he wouldn’t consider something like like that like what I proposed yeah well I forgot who it was if it was W or someone else um might have been Irwin too um someone said that the Lakers were not willing to give a first and then he listed a bunch of names including DFS and cam Johnson and stuff like that but Grant was not on that list yeah they’re I think it’s clear that they’re willing to give up a first round pick for Jeremy Grant mhm it’s it’s legitimately they want to give up one first Portland wants two it’s been this way the whole time that’s what we’ve been saying the whole time um it’s clearly the situation here uh and it’s just who caves first and and is there a middle ground that they could meet in terms of figuring out swaps or something I don’t know at this point I feel like it’s unlikely that the Blazers do anything else this entire off season but that’s also my got feeling being like Oh well this would be like the the Blazers start off the offseason really really good and then don’t do anything else the rest of the offseason that feels like a Blazer offseason you know it listen it would still get a a positive grade from me if they didn’t do anything else this offseason and there may not be a good move out there for Jeremy Grant so it may be completely out of Joe cronin’s control but I’m just hoping that this offseason can be looked back at as an absolute win like I would love to sit here after an offseason say yeah that’s an a grade offseason or that’s an A minus grade offseason cuz it’s been when was the last time we ever said that about an offse we’ve never I don’t know if we’ve ever been able to say that about an offseason cuz it’s not like Neil o was doing what he was supposed to do it’s not like Joe Cronin has had good off Seasons so that’s all I’m hoping for man like I really really badly want it to happen yeah I mean like two two years ago I guess it was somewhat similar in that we get Shaden sharp in the draft and trade for Jeremy Grant like the day before the draft so it’s like we’re coming off the high of a good trade and a good draft pick just like this off season and then we followed up by wasting our mid-level exception and getting hard C for Gary Payton the second yeah like so just can’t can’t just quite get it 100% right so hopefully that’s different this off seon but uh yeah uh I don’t know I’m not I’m not really panicking about it um because I feel like I mean unless the Lakers make another trade or like every team that needs to improve makes trades and moves I feel like it’s still something that could drag on for a while yeah um what what else’s getting like ridiculed oh yeah you hope it you hope it turns into him making a splash man but I feel like their most likely move is g to be KY kma I just I don’t know if they would cuz they’d have to give up at least the first to get him and apparently the Wizards are also asking for twer so I don’t know if they cave on that asking price either but um I something tells me that pinka would have a have trouble like Pride wise giving up assets for someone he traded away um a couple years ago yeah cuz that trade looked really bad ever since so like he’d be if admitting that he messed up or whatever and having to pay a premium to do so I don’t know if he would do that yeah they’re just going to have to do something um there’s going to have to do something shout out to embarking box M for 14 months says my last stream in Texas see y’all hopefully soon yeah safe travels uh hopefully your move goes well shout out to Brandon Lee $5 donation says long-term viewer thanks for all the contents just a trade idea would you do a grant trade if Clippers offer an unprotected first plus s I don’t think the Clippers can trade at first yeah they can they haven’t traded a first this offseason right but in the Harden trade they traded 2028 2030 didn’t they I don’t think that’s true or is it just 20 I thought they traded their 2030 first at some point I don’t believe that’s true true might be wrong let me let me look hold on hold on I can look it up too no no I’m already here oh yeah yeah well I’m just going to the team Sheet copies that we had except my computer’s being slow all right fine you figure it out uh yeah it’s 28 it’s 28 uh first and then 29 pick swap yeah yeah that’s what I thought so they can trade a first so you can do 2031 2031 pick swap that’s intriguing to me you could maybe do they have like a 2027 first then no there’s still first round picks through 2027 to um and swaps to OKC so the 2028 is a swap in the 2029 no you said that you said they traded their 2028 first so how do they not have a 2027 first because they owe their 2026 first to OKC still and then their 2027 is a swap yeah their 2027 is a swap okay and then 2028 is unprotected yeah that’s what okay yeah I’m saying all their picks prior to 2028 are all to OKC whether swap or yeah yeah I was just asking if there was a swap in 2027 because I was going to say if they had it out outright I just like the idea of having a swap one year and being able to defer it to a future year um because they can’t trade more than one first and they don’t have anybody you can flip that you get value for and if you do that you’re probably getting back Norman pal and I don’t want Norman F back man I don’t want that back I mean there there are other destinations for Jeremy um Golden State maybe if they strike out on lry marinin uh Sacramento and maybe there’s a Darkhorse team or two out there as well but yeah it’s probably the Lakers are bust at this point they can give up the best future first and they’re the team that’s most desperate shout out to cam23 $2 donation says where do Lakers rank for Championship with Grant I think they’re a I mean I could see them going on like a Mavericks run if they have Grant or they get a five seed and then make their way to the finals yeah as of right now I don’t think Denver’s quite as good losing kyp and Bruce Brown and consecutive years um the Clippers are obviously not as good Warriors you would think aren’t the threat they were in the past um Sacramento hasn’t really done much I know they drafted Devin Carter he’s now hurt um but they have it I mean they had jayen MCD danels that’s about it um resigned monk that was important but I don’t know that they’re basically running the team back um I mean so you got Minnesota Dallas OKC probably clearly better than them in the regular season at least so yeah I would be surprised if they’re that like four to six range say this is yeah so if they bring Jeremy back he’s obviously going to start that ra is the final this is the final thing we’re going to talk about on the stream like I said short stream if we have any rumors this weekend then we can stream and hopefully we have something it’s tough to go live and not talk about much cuz it’s not like we’re talking about draft or anything draft’s over um and it’s basically just waiting for legitimate rumors just waiting for something to happen so my final question I’m going to do a chat poll with this okay if the Blazers run it back who should they bring Off the Bench and let’s just say they’re going to start Jeremy okay so he’s not going to be an option and the options are anony Simon scoot Henderson Shaden sharp or Denny AIA start jery at Center [Music] I don’t like any of those options Eric nah I figured this is how it’s going to go people are going to say scoot or ant yeah I almost you know what I would say actually I want your answer first well I’m this is why I want to trade Jeremy so we don’t get put in this position uh if that is not an option and I have to bench one of these four guys or come off the bench um well one [Music] I’m I’m waiting to see what improvements or how good sharp and scoop look in training camp if one of the two clearly got much better in the off season and really worked on their game I would want to reward them by starting if they both did I probably want to reward them by starting um if one of the two looks like they didn’t improve that much or just kind of isn’t standing out or whatever earning that spot it would probably be one of those two and um I don’t know I think the minute minutes wise you could still play them all 30 some minutes so I don’t think it’s that big of a deal but obviously I probably pick scoot to ease back into the lineup slower I guess I don’t know yeah so sharp had his injury last year and like has been recovering it from it in the off season so I’m very tempted to go with Shaden sharp yeah but also I like Shaden Sharp’s like athleticism cutting ability playing off of a playing off of Simons a little bit mhm but also I think Scoot and Shaden are a better back cour fit than scoot it in yeah so I I think i’ I think I’d answer Shaden simply because you can sub him in early he’s recovering from injury like you don’t have to like Rush him into the starting lineup they brought him off the bench last year yes it kind of sucks but you can still get him 30 plus minutes and I mean remember last year like he didn’t start the season starting and then a gets hurt so then he starts and then chony starts playing him like 42 minutes a game for stretches and kind of ran scoot or ran sharp into the ground um so I’d probably go sharp but I don’t I don’t want to bring sharp Off the Bench man I don’t like that I don’t like any of these options coming off the bench which is why I also really want a Jeremy trade to happen um cuz ultimately I think it would end up being Scoot and I just want to give him the keys to the offense at least a little bit in a starting role like let him build upon last year he started at the end of last year he made improvements last year let him build upon that by letting him start so I I don’t like bringing scoot Off the Bench yeah the only thing you could say is um you know we started to play better he was I think he did get his confidence playing against units a little bit versus starting where you’re playing against tougher competition so maybe you just frame it that way that he gets to run against second units yeah but he’s played some of his best basketball when he was starting though at the end of last year yeah and ultimately it’s like it can’t just be oh he’ll play better against worst players so we should never start them you know what I mean every player would play better against worse players against the bench lineup so you know you’re you’re trying to turn him into a starter you drafted him third overall in a deep draft in a good draft so you got to make progress and that’s the problem with bringing him off the bench now if that’s the option out of the four it makes sense um it’s just a situ it makes sense because the situation doesn’t make sense like you got to get assets for Jeremy and that’s the thing I raised earlier like is bringing back Jeremy going to be detrimental to the growth of anyone on the team then maybe it makes sense to budge off the two first round pick thing and if scoots being off the brought Off the Bench um is what’s the difference between scoop being brought Off the Bench for starting if he’s playing similar minutes ultimately I don’t think there’s a huge difference but I do think there is a little bit of a difference yeah I still think I mean they’ve talked about this they want players that’ll compete for spots you know so I don’t think their mindset is that anything should be given so I actually yeah I’d just keep an open mind I mean obviously we know what players are going to be in the equation or not but I would just say this is a look guys we have six starters we can only start five of them um let’s uh let’s let the best five win in training camp see but I don’t like okay scoot you’re too he’s going to come off the bench because we have four players that are too good even though we still suck yeah but you know what I mean it’s like an oxy bore on in way it’s strange like cuz I still don’t think that team’s good but you know it’s out of the five he’s probably the I don’t want to say the worst one but the other four are probably all better than him but it’s because he’s 20 it’s because it’s going into year twoo and I just think there’s something about like okay he’s your point guard he’s your floor General like there’s you give him the keys as a starter where it’s like his offense to run and I think that’s better than if he’s coming into the game that’s already going and it’s not like it’s his team to run if he comes into the game Off the Bench there’s a difference there for a floor General in my opinion yeah so that’s where I want Grant gone or that’s where it’s like if you get back good value on Ant that’s also why I’m fine with trading ant if you can’t get back good value value for Jeremy But ultimately it’s much more likely you get back good value for Jeremy than ant so Jeremy’s the guy yeah so Keith Smith had a tweet and I’ll I’ll end the stream with this Keith Smith had a tweet where is it at uh he said talking to some teams tonight and it sounds like what’s being worked on now is expanding some of the previously previously agreed upon trades there are also talks of tying some deals together into bigger deals essentially teams are trying to find ways to make mutually beneficial trades related to this with most most of the best free agents off the board it sounds like trades are probably the next wave anyone looking to make a Major Impact move is going to have to do it via trade at this point Lakers and then he had a quote tweet where somebody said to him what’s happening with the Nicks mckel Bridges trade and he said this is one of the deals that has been talked about being expanded yeah so a lot of these uh that’s why we’ve seen some things like sign in trades become um see this is why I always say they happen organically like uh the Warriors instead of losing clay for nothing turn it into a s trade and then using that they’re able to get Kyle Anderson and Buddy healed um because they got that trade exception or whatever and you know their salaries obviously less with out clay um and so like there’s a lot of these deals that could if teams are smart um you know they could um forgot what it was if it was I think it was the Knicks and this is might be what he’s talking about I think there was some talk that they could add a player that’s um I forget how much money it was but there’s like 3 to 5 million or something they could add to that trade and and it would still be a valid trade it wasn’t a ton of money but there was there was ways they could make it work to where they could add another player from another team if there was some part of it but they couldn’t trade for that or they’d have trouble trading for that salary without it included in that trade so um yeah it’s be interesting how these teams lump things together and for the uh I don’t know the conspiracy things uh could it be that that’s what the Lakers are waiting on is like they’ve already agreed to a trade but it’s got to be roped into another trade or it’s possibly going to be roped into another trade so they need that uh they’re waiting for that to be official or something I don’t know yeah yep so stuff could happen stuff be on on the horizon uh we won’t be streaming tomorrow on Thursday because we’re streaming tonight and Thursday tomorrow is the 4th of July so if you’re celebrating the 4th be safe enjoy your 4th of July uh we’ll be live again at the latest next Monday if nothing happens yeah but if we get like legitimate legitimate rumors we could very well go live to talk about him mhm uh so that’s where we’re at right now any final words Eric David says have you guys seen Aiden playing basketball recently he had a three in the game today for the Bahamas and uh VJ Edgecomb had a really nice game um so yeah been checking in a little bit also uh there was a bunch of questions earlier about Gary Trent Jr he doesn’t make sense for the Blazers but um someone was asking if the Bucks could sign him uh I mean there are rumors out there that the Bucks are interested uh I don’t know I think the only holdup is I don’t think the Bucks want to or can use their tax um mid-level exception so they’re they’re trying to just sign minimum so if Gary’s willing to accept the minimum I think that is definitely a place he could end up and then they you could basically make the argument that they upgraded Malik Beasley a little bit and upgraded J Crowder a little bit with the Tor Prince signing so couple of good moves there if that’s what happens yep yep hopefully Dame is able to get in better shape to start the season and bounce back after last year that would be cool as well anyway we will bounce back maybe Friday Saturday Sunday I mean I’ll stream if the Blazers do something on Fourth of July you know but but um otherwise we’ll go back to Monday Thursday uh that actually might change with Summer League 2 because we plan on uh streaming during summer league games as well so you guys can join us for that anyway I appreciate the Love on the channel lately uh it’s been growing pretty quickly this offseason we’ve uh we’re getting close to 11k so you know it took took a while to reach 10K but now close to 11k so that’ll be that’ be pretty cool if you’re new to the channel appreciate you joining us appreciate you watching the channel and we have a lot of fun stuff covered for summer league and next season uh anyway thank you all for watching enjoy your for Eric you enjoy your fourth happy fourth everyone we are out of here hit the like on the way out subscribe if you haven’t and until next time as always peace out go Blazers

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  1. Cronin's BIG MOVE is drafting a lottery rookie. It's the same big move Joe used last summer, and the summer before that. Coincidently, every GM that builds a losing team is awarded a very similar BIG MOVE

  2. lakers are stupid if they give up a pick for jeremy grant, he has the worst contract in the nba…lakers need to demand a pick from portland to take his contract

  3. Nothing is likely to happen. Once you hear about rumored deals, the ship has already sailed on said deals. Sure, they could be revisited down the line, but more then likely we are going to watch Cronin sit on his hands until the trade deadline (and he isn't likely to do anything then either, because I fully believe he wants to make a run at the play in).

  4. Did LA say they arent trading Dalton Knecht? I would consider that another "first".. Just not sure if they said anything about it? Thanks as always for the content

  5. I'm a Lakers fan, your video was actually cool. I can see why you would say that about Jerami Grant but as much as I don't care for Kuzma back he has been the third best guy in our championship run. Plus his contract is more friendly compared to Grant.

  6. Amen brother🙏🏽, Jerami isn’t baad, He’s just someone I want to not rot away on a rebuilding team🤷🏽‍♂️

  7. You clearly have some major bias that would make sense being you clearly from Portland you spent half the time talking about the Lakers when you're supposed to be a Portland person but that point being that most people realize is Ronnie is a scrub. When have you ever heard of a person who's the 8th leading scorer on a losing college basketball team who just had a heart attack and only played half of the season getting a guaranteed for your contract. Make it one of you ever heard of any player who just had a heart attack who's never played professionally all of a sudden getting a contract it is never happened

  8. You know I also think it's funny that you mentioned that you think Jeremy Grant is the third best player on a championship team when he's never won anywhere he's been but Kyle kuzma who used to play for the Lakers was on the team the last time they won the championship so one of them knows how to win a championship the other one doesn't.

  9. There's a bit of trade buzz around DLo. Maybe he can be swung from LA to a 3rd team, with a pick going to us, as a compromise. We get 1 pick from 3rd team, plus player and pick from LA.

  10. 2 1st for a role player is crazy. 5 1st for a role player like the knicks did is RIDICULOUS. As a lakers fan I wouldn’t do that. And it won’t be like Kobe, that part was just silly

  11. Neutral fan here: Blazers shouldn’t lose the chance to get flippable players and a 1st round pick because they want the 2nd 1st as well.

    Get to move on and fully give the key to ur 3 young back court players

    The lakers are badly ran so they’ll probably do the deal

  12. I’m a LeBron fan who couldn’t care less about the Lakers future after him. I definitely agree that Jerami Grant is a clear difference maker for the Lakers. I also think BOTH unprotected FRP’s (probably the two most valuable picks currently in the league) is simply too much to give up. He’s my dream target for them, but the Blazers have to be realistic. Not all FRP’s are created equal.

  13. I think this trade will go down eventually. Too much mutual interest. The Lakes need Grant, the Blazers need to trade him for something.

  14. I would love to see us trade for MarJon Beauchamp. His size, athleticism, defense, and offensive potential fit our team so well

  15. Didn’t Grant only have 1 year left when we traded for him? I thought the fact that he would need a new contract also brought down his value at the time of the trade.

    He’s locked in for 4 more years now which should increase the value compared to then.

  16. Let’s just trade Grant to the lakers for a 1st and like 2nds and Jalen hood or Maxwell Lewis simple

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