@San Antonio Spurs

San Antonio Spurs Make Sneaky Good Move!

San Antonio Spurs Make Sneaky Good Move!

NBA free agency has begun and there’s been some big moves in the NBA Paul George going to the 76ers Klay Thompson going to the Dallas Mavericks but in Texas I think there was even a bigger move a very smart move by the San Antonio Spurs we’re going to talk about it here my name is Aaron thank you so much for tuning in to the Daily huddle along with Nate and Ben we bring you big news in sports maybe the things people haven’t touched on rumors insights game analysis whatever it might be we’re going to talk about here on a daily basis so please do me a favor hit that subscribe button again hit that subscribe button that’ help us out hit the like button and as well comment below we love the interaction we love the dialogue so let’s get into it the San Antonio Spurs what’s the move they made some of you already know we’re going to get into it more a little more in depth but our boy CP3 has signed with the San Antonio Spurs uh we know CP3 in the past he has been in the NBA for a long time and and uh he’s 39 years old uh point guard obviously we know that uh but he has had a lot of stops from starting his time in New Orleans when they were the Hornets time with the Clippers and Blake Griffin uh time in Houston that that weird stent in OKC that I somehow forgot about uh and then the time he made he was with the Suns and they actually made the finals last year with golden state trash of a team uh I get I guess I can’t talk much I’m a Pistons fan so yeah wreck me in the comments but Warriors has really fallen off from uh their Glory Days uh and that being said you kind of look at um he only started 18 games for the warriors uh points didn’t even average 10 uh assist still somewhat decent for him 6.8 so just under seven um but that is the big reason they’re going to get him to be a facilitator we’re going to talk about that in a second but what’s great for for him as well is the fact that where is my article literally just had it nope I don’t care about you Paul George here we go so Chris Paul being signed for just one year uh we know it’s the end of his career he’s not going to get anything longterm uh so signed for $1 million to me and you a lot of money to him eh it is what it is he’s still making pretty good money um but but he is not in his prime we know that uh and so getting this for a pretty smart pretty pretty cheap uh one-year contract is solid and I think what’s going to be huge for him one fact we got him cheap two he is going to be a great facilitator for our boy wemy uh down low in the paint and I think that’s something kind of the Spurs obviously he was he was he was a rookie last year he was adjusting to a lot of different things playing in the NBA but being able to have probably arguably one of the best facilitators recently in the NBA and Chris Paul uh at the helm getting him the ball is going to be huge so I think that is the number one thing is the fact that Chris Paul G to be able to get him the ball um and hopefully get this you know get more of a spark in the Spurs offense second thing um is the fact that his his leadership role and I think that’s one thing that the Spurs organization uh talked about before signing him is this idea that hey we have this younger team we have this future star future Superstar boom there we go ER future superstar in wemi that has a ton of potential and there’s no one you look at the roster right here there’s no one really on this team that is a is a great veteran uh you know uh player uh that is necessarily going to be you know kind of mentoring them taking up that role as a mentor and I feel like Chris Paul will definitely be able to do that he’ll step into that role uh in in most likely only a year uh and I think that’ll be great for wemi uh being able to kind of uh be coached uh in that way um be be led be mentored all these different things and I think that would be you know a great experience for him in his second year and moving on uh I always think of this is this is kind of random but I remember when the Spurs beat uh the cat back in the day LeBron’s first final uh and Tim Duncan essentially whispered to LeBron like this is going to be your league someday which obviously he won multiple finals uh multiple MVPs duh great player but I in a in a way I I look at the same thing with with Chris Paul obviously Chris Paul isn’t Bea him in the finals blah blah blah but I think it’s one of those things where Chris Paul is is kind of telling him hey this can be your league someday and I think that’s something that wemi is is heard but hearing it from a veteran player a leader like that I think speaks volumes so when we look at all these other other NBA teams making all these signings uh I think that you know we’re we like oh man Paul George going to the 76ers um or Klay Thompson you know a lot of people forget about these these smaller signings uh when it comes to you know people like Chris Paul great pick up uh uh another article before I forget I almost forgot this one um it gives grades to uh signings and this is just uh SB Nation given a a B+ and so I think that you know it makes a lot of a lot of good points um he’s CP3 Chris Paul still has the ability to be effective there’s a reason he’s still in the NBA there’s a reason he’s still getting paid um decent money for his age um but when it comes down to it I like this right here it says I like this move in a vacuum for the Spurs but they’re off their off season in general has been underwhelming unless a bigger move is still to come so yes I I I get that the vacuum thing was the thing I was thinking of but I I agree with that but I think at the same time Chris Paul still a great signing B+ you looked down this list there’s other there are other grades that are not so good uh as I said I’m a Pistons fan Tobias Harris C minus everyone I we I made a video about the Pistons the other day and everyone’s like we’re going to sign uh Tobias Harris and it’s going to be awful and yep yep that’s true so um but uh some other sneaky signings Andre Drummond back for the 76ers the 76ers I know we’re we’re talking um I know we’re talking San Antonio Spurs but I kind of want to move another sneaky pick uh for pickup for uh another team is the 76ers everyone’s talking about Paul George but Andre Drummond is going to be a great uh you know Center Off the Bench again saw him play for the Pistons uh he was a great player had a had a you know lot of talent obviously older than the time older older now gee whiz I cannot talk today older now um but he’s going to be a great player off the bench in the 76ers are are looking good uh as of right now I saw that Vegas has changed that they are the odds on favorite to win the East and so it’s going to be interesting to see uh but I know you’re like we’re talking San San Antonio Spurs why are we talking about this don’t worry about it also still bitter uh the Pistons losing to the Spurs after they beat uh the Lakers the year before still kills me still kills me but that being said comment below do you think this was a good pick up by the Spurs do you think it was underwhelming uh what are your thoughts comment below so we can hear again this is the daily huddle we talk about uh anything Sports on a daily basis so do me a favor subscribe like comment let’s hear at Spurs fans what do you got I appreciate you tuning in my name’s Aaron peace

San Antonio Spurs make some great moves while other NBA teams grab all the headlines with their free agent pick ups! Do you think the San Antonio Spurs did the right thing? Comment Below!

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  1. Riley Minix SF 6’7” 230lb pickup from Morehead St. another sneaky move from the Spurs. Riley is a Bully finishing at the rim with Dalton Kenecht shooting. Could be a sleeper we didn’t see coming. He’ll be at summer league

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