@Chicago Bulls

2024 NBA Draft Day Live: Who will the Chicago Bulls select at #11? | CHGO Bulls Podcast

2024 NBA Draft Day Live: Who will the Chicago Bulls select at #11? | CHGO Bulls Podcast

[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] station welcome in C BS Draft Day live presented by Kors light make the most of the times you choose to chill choose Kors light get cor light delivered straight to your door Big D your door via what with instart go to cor SL Cho basketball celebrating responsibly course Brewing Company Golden Colorado what’s going on bulls fans I’m pack Bulls pack this is my guy big day bam bwl Sports my other guy will to go goly willor goly our pal producer on the controls always the one and only joy fattis at Jo spus hanging out here at PB and J in the West Loop of Chicago and it is NBA draft night is there anything better than that no better than damn nothing I’m so excited I’m excited because this is what I call the night of the goat this is when the goat shines this is when everything comes down to this point this man is ready he is excited he is hyped this is his time tell him goat how excited and ready you are I’m excited we’ve been prepping for this draft looking at Stats watching film for months now The Season’s been over for far too long so I’m excited to see they go with 11 maybe some trades sprinkle them in there who knows I’m excited this is him at a nine telling you this is him at a nine y’all even understand he said sprinkle shout out to everybody here hanging out with us at PB&J in Wes by the way uh these people here hanging out with us are going to have a chance to walk home with an autographed BJ Armstrong Jersey by the way we got a raffle if you don’t have one yet make sure you get yourself a raffle ticket find our girl Emma over there or Find Jake what’s up Emma uh we are raffling off a BJ Armstrong autograph Jersey C of our friends at the collector’s cave um check out their awesome variety of memorabilia at makes signings or email them at infothe collector so where do we go with go start what what do you want to get into first it’s a lot of things to discuss and get into so let’s start with the trades from earlier today and last night talk about Mel Bridges going for five first round picks can we not can we not do that I would rather not talk about that after the giddy Caruso trade thank you very much are you expecting to get pcks back for cuso really that’s the thing that sounds logical man you just immediately killed my draft well Jesus Christ take a s of course that chill mindset rather after you SI that course light but yeah that that was crazy and what it showed me though was the Knicks are really ready they’re going in and they’re like we are trying to win we’re not playing around and then sign in OG anobi you know to the big contract I think 212 million I believe for 5 years so signing him to that and then getting Mel Bridges that defense is nice OG’s contract is bigger than Zack lavine’s was wow which is crazy but um I mean yeah they made such a big swing giving up all of their future draft capital in order to get a guy like Mel Bridges who’s never been an All-Star I think a lot of people were kind of stunned by the amount uh of picks that they gave up for a guy who’s like a very good player he’s not like a max player he’s not like a number one on a great team but the fit is there obviously the relationship is there the Friendship is there with the Villanova boys so it’s exciting and I think also it kind of speaks to how important it is to get very high level players on good contracts there’s a reason why the Bulls are having trouble getting off of Zack LaVine and why a guy like Mel Bridges can command five first round picks it’s $20 million difference in their deals and that goes a long way when you’re team building it allows you to give a guy like oan noia that max deal I think my favorite part of the bridges trade is that somebody you know some NBA internet sluth did some diving and found a clip of Stephen A on first take in 2016 when that villain NOA team was making their way through the Turning Ste saying not one of these villain NOA players is an NBA level Talent not a single one Steph is going nuts like oh my God we got bridges too the real question is assuming they play a center how is tibs going to play Jaylen Brunson Dante Dean chenzo Josh Hart male Bridges and ogn and OB in four positions each for 48 minutes I don’t know how this great question and most important is going to be most important easily I think the answer always never forget the Knicks can go to hell like let’s also state that please I have no love in my heart for the New York I hope John Starks has aggressive diarrhea as we speak just the worst can’t stand it but a good move is a good move and it’s it’s funny will because I think it’s a good move strictly because this says we want to win like they gave up a ton you know to get them but that’s what you want to do when you’re like this is exactly we want to move forward we know they they could be in the top two they were the number two seed so they’re good enough even without him to be that but now with him this is for the playoffs and this is strictly for Boston and I think more moves are coming with them like they are now going to be in a bit of a bind bringing back hardenstein who was fantastic for them in the playoffs they’ve got Julius Randle still who did not play in the playoffs makes $30 million they’ve got Mitchell Robinson who was injured a lot last year making 15 could they package those guys into another player and really go just all in on this team which I think deserves it I mean they were until they really ran out of gas like they were the second best human in the East they ran out of gas I’m shocked yeah well that’s what happens when you play 48 minutes AG injuries really and and so the one that just happened I don’t know about an hour or so ago the uh Wizards or Wizards as we prefer to call them cu no one takes them seriously sending uh Denny AIA to Portland M for br and some draft compensation I I I don’t have a strong reaction to that trade honestly I’m just like okay trash team making a trade with a trash team yeah there you always keep one close eye on Portland as a bulls fan cuz we know about that pick that they still owe us sure from that Lowry and DJJ you know signning trade situation from a few years ago that has not yet conveyed uh will turn into a second round pick in 2028 if it doesn’t uh convey until then Lottery protected but I mean what do you think the motivation was on on either side of that trade will I mean the Wizards for them it’s about collecting assets they are in a rebuild they were not really able to get much for Bradley Beal and so this past year obviously they get the number two pick but they didn’t have a lot else to add there um they do also have 26 which I think they acquired in a separate deal but now they have 14 um and you know for them it’s just like they really are starting from scratch I think what the Bulls are trying to do is like start with a collection of young players and move from there the Wizards much like the Nets they’re starting over they’re getting picks picks picks um and and they did I think pretty well for themselves uh Denny AIA really solid forward he’s making like $12 million a year so it’s a really good contract for him and he fits the timeline that the Blazers are working on um so what’s interesting there to me though is I mean they seem like they obviously are not going to necessarily like go for a championship this year but this is a team that looks like they’re kind of starting to Kickstart things a little bit you bring in another Wing you’ve got scoot you’ve got Shaden sharp you’ve got infy Simons maybe they move him you’ve got Aton you’ve got some good young players now you start to add to that core and all of a sudden maybe you do start to make a push for the playing for the playoffs in a year or two and uh and then maybe the Bulls will finally get that pick yeah they’re clearly going young I mean nobody you mentioned is over the age of 25 so they’re clearly going to be a young team going in and they understand where they are in the west and it’s always good to know yourself just in life in general good to know yourself so you know how to operate you know how to move so yeah but like you said Matt just two trash teams doing trash team things making moves and things like that but yeah just setting themselves up for the future it just feels like shout out to everybody hanging out with us on YouTube as well on that Cho Sports channel hit that like button if you’re hanging out with us shout out to our buddy C Wubs who I seen in the comments uh plenty of people wondering about whether or not the Bulls might get a little squirly tonight uh mg pleas mg Blazer 77 asks over 0.5 trades for the Bulls tonight we have heard plenty of reports and rumors about the Bulls being a team that might be interested in trading up in this draft God help us all uh for different names we’ve heard from a few different people that Donovan kingan is the name the Bulls are interested in trading up for so are the Memphis Grizzlies we’ve heard the Bulls might be interested in trading up for Matas buis uh who has those Chicago ties uh G leag ignite Prospect we’ve also heard a little less frequently I think than the trade up that the scenario might exist that the Bulls could be interested in trading down tonight I believe the Athletics last mock TR that dropped earlier today had them trading down to 17 with the Lakers for a player and a little bit of extra draft Capital trading down out of 11 personal preference for both of y’all trade up trade down stay at 11 cuz here’s my quick simple answer stay at 11 or trade down for love of God do not give up assets to trade up in this trap or I will throw this table I actually I’d like to see that to be honest with you uh the strength of Matt peek the beer muscles are strong the strength of anger the strength yes it blows through him I do arm workouts every day buddy he’s so strong but I I ra I want to see them kind of stay where they are uh and just choose someone just pick him because the kind of draft this is even if you’re trading down it’s still taking that risk to get a player you know what I mean like I don’t think it’s anybody in this draft that’s just really looking at you’re like oh man I love him oh man I really want this guy and if he is like that you’re not trading down to get him you’re trading up to get that guy no I’m I’m aligned with you Dave I think 11 they’re going to get a good player um I really like Devin Carter and I really like Ron Holland and I think one or both of them will be available so look this draft I know people want to say it’s a bad draft I think that’s true with like the first and second pick there’s not a superstar player at the top but after that I think there’s a lot of good talent and I think you know there’s 10 teams drafting in front of you you let them pick who they want and you just take the best player available uh I think Devon Carter and Ron Holland could both be there and I think both those guys are like guys that can help you today yeah they play good defense I think Devon Carter is a little bit more NBA ready but also good building blocks and guys you want to build with moving forward as they kind of enter this new era here with Josh kiddy yeah and and they’re in a position where they need help in everywhere you know cuz I like how you talked about even withon Carter you’re not afraid to go after a guard even though they are guard heavy you still have no problem going and doing that and I think getting the guard though also really truly signals the end of certain players careers here I’m talking about Lono ball like you’re not going to keep him and continue to stockpile guards on your team while he’s rehabing talking about he’s going to be playing so I think he’s going to be out of here they clearly need a big because they’re missing one and I think teams are going to be going after drum and I keep hearing his name mentioned as far as the Knicks are concerned they might make running him because they don’t want to pay hardenstein that uh money which we he probably get like what 20 mil or something like that but yeah just whoever you feel like is there at 11 that is the best player available that’s who the Bulls should take you need help at the wing you need help at at the center position you need help at the guard position you need defense you need shooting you need so many different things that I’m just like who’s there and who’s the best one there to do those things that you like and just have the conviction to take the player that you truly truly like and the one that you truly want and I’ll be honestly I would be completely comfortable with it unless it’s something truly truly ridiculous and then I’ll be flipping tables with mat and and here’s the thing I mean Ricky said it best on our show yesterday they have all these needs from size and shooting and defense and all that stuff but they really just need a star player and you don’t get that by drafting for position you got to swing for talent you got to swing for upside and you know I think some teams like in this draft are going to be going a little bit safer cuz they feel better about a guy’s floor than uh ceiling and so I think that leaves some high upside swings and here’s a great example of it the pick is in uh the first pick draft it [Music] is people’s draft boards for the last couple of weeks um what do you guys like do you think that the the fact that Alex s for whatever reason he spoke on it the other day just I’m listening to the people around me the people I trust my management team refusing to even engage in conversation with the Atlanta Hawks who have the number one pick like wow I don’t want you go away don’t draft me pulling the old Eli Manning I mean did Atlanta Love Zachary re or did Atlanta just be like a spurned lover be like okay well I guess we’ll take him cuz we wanted SAR but he doesn’t want us no I think it was exactly that cuz even SAR was everywhere as far as like being number one on any big board I was looking at including wills it was always going to be uh SAR going to the hulks but it doesn’t matter who you want to date if she don’t want to date you you then ain’t going to happen right you know you go get somebody else so that’s what they did they went and got ret good Defender I think he could help them they they always had a ton of wings and stuff like that on on their team but yeah they they just took the best play available cuz the one that truly was available to him he don’t want to be with you so and I think that’s a thing about this draft like there isn’t a true Superstar upside player at number one so what do you do you try to find the the player who best fits what you want to build and R is like a perfect role player he’s 610 uh he can shoot it he’s good Defender like that’s kind of team that no matter what direction you go you need a guy like that and so this I think gives them flexibility to make other decisions they’re not having to be forced to like Ricky was saying yesterday and agree the Bulls now have to make decisions based on Josh gaty they just traded a huge asset for him dos don’t have to do that they can move Deon Murray or they don’t have to they can move try young or they don’t have to because R fits with both of those guys so he’s not like the sexiest high ceiling superar upside kind of Swing but I think in this draft like you do have to evaluate somebody whose floor you’re confident in compared to a ceiling that you want to take a swing on and I think for the Hawks it just seems like they were more interested in getting a guy they know could be a contributor uh shout out to our guy South car saw in the comments who said horrendous pick uh also shout out to our boy CLM AKA French bull TV in the comments you said french guy first last year french guy first and second this year do we good uh yeah somewhere Tony Parker is smiling apparently the nation of France is just slowly but surely taking over the entire NBA you know I mean Nicole and Serbia have something to say about that just a little bit you know what I mean little big thing uh I mean you know who else has some some mighty French blood in them who’s this come on now the mighty French blood well done sir well done sir well done I believe we have our Washington Wizards pick in is that correct Joe yes we do the Washington Wizards have they I believe the Wizards have a pick in at number two [Music] it is Alex SAR going to the Washington Wizards okay on what uh what what do you make of SARS G because for a long time he was sort of consensus number one will but the the the hot new topic of re vaults him vaults him to number one do you think the Wizards just kind of got a steal because SAR should have been the like Undisputed number one because people weren’t talking about an Undisputed number one in this draft like Wy last year yeah I don’t think s would have gone first in any of the last five drafts but he would have been my number one guy in this draft I think his upside as a Defender uh super long super athletic can grab and go switchable good rim protector I he’s going to come in and be like a very very highle defensive for right away and I think the offense is is a bit of theoretical at this point like he has some tools to be able to put the ball on the floor and create for himself he can get out in transition the shot you know it’s not great but there’s some hope I think for him to be able to shoot the ball at a higher level he was uh just under 30% on threes last year in the NBL so you know I think 7 feet tall 37 in vertical he can really move he can switch like he’s going to be a very high level defensive player I think he’s going to be able to catch LS but I think the Wizards as we talked about they have to like take some swings and S he’s not like a shirt Thing by any means but like I think he was the safest for me upside play in this draft and that’s why I would have taken him number one overall yeah and he’s in the right place because he’s going to get plenty of opportunity to work on that offense like he’s going to get nothing but tick you know what I mean playing for them you see what Jordan P did oh my the man aged two years like for real man and Jordan P just be happy to see somebody else come and be on the scene that he can pass the ball to and help him some kind of way but everything all the flaws that you just mentioned will he is going to definitely have an opportunity to work on all of them cuz they’re going to use him in every way they could possibly can again they just let go a you man like who else is there for them to help you know mean and they’re probably going to move Jones but that’s the thing about like they can build around him no matter what direction they go I think he’s got a hit the shooting has to be there um but I think he’s just the kind of player that like you’re going to need that kind of upside he can catch lobs he can set screens he can face up like there’s just a lot that I think he will be able to do at the NBA level he’s great size great athlete so I’m really excited about him and I think you know the Wizards just needed like they they were really bad this year right I think the W the Pistons got the headlines because of the losing streak but the Wizards were right there with them all year at the bottom of the league and they needed a guy they don’t have their Kate Cunningham let alone Jaden Ivy or assar Thompson or Jaylen Duren they needed a guy to like start to move forward with I don’t know if he’s going to be the best player on a great team ever but he can be one of the best players on a great team oh without a doubt he can do that man and hopefully the Zar has got their guy so while the uh broadcast is catching up with Alex Zar taking the stage now with NBA Commissioner Adam Silver why don’t we uh shout out some of our friends and sponsors oh sponsor time feel like it’s a great time to do that Dave while we’re doing that if you’re hanging out with us on YouTube one we appreciate you we love you two hit that like button if you haven’t done it yet do it for troll Joe who’s working his tail off over here hey you ain’t see this the only time Jim got excited as soon as you said ad time he looked over and started drooling a little bit like what what we going read some ass yes read some ass little prairie dog popping out the pole is it ad time it’s ad time it’s ad time and we started with my guy ray ray ray cdjr cuz when it comes to finding your next vehicle Make Ready CD CDJ R your number one draft pick because this June you can shop Chryslers Dodgers jeeps and Rams at Ray cdjr in Fox Lake and during the make this The Summer Event find the perfect vehicle and score huge savings as well for a limited time lease the new 2024 Jeep Wrangler will it’s yours will C 4 by for only 419 a month or shop over 125 price under $2,000 that’s a damn good deal let the 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100 times your cash watching Angel Reese and the Chicago sky ball out shout out to her for that WNBA rookie record double doubles balling out man eight straight double doubles she’s been awesome bro put up 25 and 16 on Sunday been special you could have been making money off of Angel Rees being awesome at basketball if you had just signed up for a prize picks account already download that prize piigs app today use promo code chgo for a first time deposit match up to $100 that’s code chgo for a first time deposit match up to 100 bucks prize picks pick more pick less it’s that easy so while we were in break the third pick came in as a team that could maybe trade back down as as many teams were looking to climb up for Donan kingan that is not who went number three number three the third overall pick was your guy re shepher so you take it away and say why you like him so much basketball Joey is my guy basketball Joey AKA Reed Shephard is my guy a straight up goom I mean that’s the bottom line of it a starting point guard at Kentucky doing his thing over 50% from the three-point line is the sexiest thing that you see when you look at his stats right there but it’s the confidence that he plays with and of course will you know the word the point [Applause] good he is my one my favorite player in the draft actually but yeah man I the only flaw for him I see is that is his height like everything else he’s a dog for you know if you say he can’t do something can’t play the defense can’t shoot the ball he’s going to prove you wrong man he is that kind of basketball crazy and that’s why I like him so damn much and I just love the fit in Houston because SI cut look at he he is a little bit on the shorter side he’s 61 without shoes 61 and a half maybe uh but just really really Elite off ball Defender he gets in passing Lanes he generates a ton of steals and blocks and when you put him next to a guy like a men Thompson like that back court is just going to be absolutely incredibly electric on both ends of the floor not crazy how young he I’m he wore that same suit to his bar mitzvah yesterday dude you can’t tell me he and Joey are not in the same you can’t tell me this man they are related they related some way joy and sheer are related basketball Joey is on screen doing his thing man he’s going to be good he going good I mean agree or disagree yeah I I I know what you said will that people were talking about Rockets as maybe a team looking to trade down out of that number three spot they didn’t end up doing so they kept the pick they took re Sheard but whether it was them trading down or using the pick themselves I feel like first three as much as you could say chalk in this weird unidentifiable draft class is pretty chalk Ray um and SAR and Shephard the first three off off the board I think most people had that yeah that was pretty much it for all the mock drafts that we looked at ESPN blue report the ringer No Ceilings athletic uh Yahoo and Tenon all had those one two and three um and I think it makes sense but like for for me I I think Reed has a chance to be a really special player I think he’s probably my favorite player in this draft not the guy I necessarily would have taken first overall but uh I just especially in that Rockets context you put the athletes that they have tar e cam Whitmore um just Jaylen green amen Thompson they’ve got many guys that I think can make up for the areas of his game where he does struggle and then 52% three-point shooter just absolutely incredible on that end the court great uh smart decision maker I think he’s going to be able to play in pick and role uh and then we’ll see what happens with shenon and whether they want to continue to build around him I know that was part of the speculation are they going to make a move for a Kevin Durant with draft picks and with a shenon uh but I just think he’s a great building block with the rest of what they’ve got going on there and yeah as they’re shown on the screen 42 in Max come on man he got it all bro that’s yeah drink that in it’s always smooth going down he’s good man he’s good he’s going to be Haron would be impressed uh shout out to our guy Charlie the bacon guy who I saw hanging out with us in the comments along with Sydney the bacon g one of our other wonderful sponsors shout out to Austin Moore who threw us a $10 Super Chat say my only ask is AK does not make headlines for the wrong reasons tonight well Austin let me tell you brace yourself uh Austin that we’ve suffered enough also shout out to the die hards that showed up in person tonight shout out to everybody out there Bulls Nation hang out us people in the chat who couldn’t be here tonight are throwing y’all some love I mean it’s it’s draft night it’s draft night we’re here with our brother here brother show up for this of course I know he going to be I just did see him man shout out to you sir any chance brother Dave has to get to be around Big Dave is a chance that brother Dave takes well see he’s got to go with him too see he’s the whole trifect I don’t think he’s hung out with he’s gotten all three this might be the first time we’ll ask him though I think there may have been one Bears tailgate back in the day one C Bears tailgate maybe way back so uh speaking of AK not making headlines for the wrong reasons gentlemen shout out again to Austin um okay so first three chalk still a lot of interesting names on the board all of whom have been connected to the Bulls in one way or another who is that one player who you are hoping and Crossing all of your crossable fingers Falls to 11 wow that’s a good question I mean well the one I wanted just went so I was hoping he would well but he didn’t I don’t have anyone I love enough to say I hope he falls to 11 and I really want this guy I mean I could make an argument for all of them be honest with you Clingan like yeah hope Clingan gets it clinging in the comments says connect connect you know I like buil like yeah I’ll take him too uh Carter is you know fine all of that uh Dillingham and Holland those guys are still out there those are good players but it’s khila we in the comments coming through I know wear gets a lot of love for that too so yeah if we you know what I’ll say that if wear is there and he falls then then I’m I’m be happy okay walking away with that kind of Center but I’m okay with walking away a big man in this whe cuz it just seems so big man heavy right here at the top Yeah I think that’s fine um one of the guys I really liked uh was Stefan Castle um I think he’s just a player who you know he just kind of reminds me of Jimmy Butler like a young Jimmy Butler we get it now careful with the hearts of these both that kind of player um but I think Ron Holland would be a great like they just need wings I think like we just have so many guards on the roster and I think they need to add some playmaking upside and I think that if that comes in the form of bigger wings like that’s a good thing that you want to build around those kind of players sorry to burst your bubble goat but the pick is in for this and it is ston Castle going to San Antone I saw a lot of mock drafts with his SP taken castle at four yeah I saw him drop in a handful of different mocks but like for the most part from the get-go with this draft class I saw Castle as a top five pick more often than I did not see him as a top five pick interesting interesting though talk about his fit though uh with the Spurs what he can bring the D and what he can do for wi Yama cuz that’s who you drafted for so he is just a really interesting Prospect super athletic uh 65 66 Wing good Wings span great uh vertical 37 in um and he played in a specific role on Yukon this past last year which I think was really like a promising sign I know he said at multiple points that he wants to be a point guard but to be able to be an off ball guy and still have success when you are not a shooter that tells me that he is going to find a way to win and so you put him in a situation with wanyama you’ve got Devon Vel there you got Kellin Johnson soan I think they’re just building an infrastructure that can keep everything in front and then even if something happens you get wemi back there um and then they’ll try to develop him as a point guard I think that’s going to be you know they they’ve done that with Vel they’ve done it with soan where they want to put the ball in those guys hands to see if they can create and so we’ll see if he gets to that point um there’s definitely some questions about that and if and if that doesn’t happen and he remains a poor shooter how does that work but I just think you bet on a guy with those kind of tools with that kind of upside uh and that kind of character I mean he just he seems like a guy who’s going to win basketball games and they’re going to need that definitely so yeah and he’s got that heart in that Moor that I love so much as well like he really wants to win man and I mean coming from Yukon you have nothing but that in you already being that kind of guy being that kind of player so I think he fits in well and again Greg papovich always will be a part of this so he’ll be learning from one of the best to ever do it so playing with Wim Yama is going to make a lot of things easy for him so the defense will be much easier for him where he can uh focus on doing what he does bet best and that’s get to the rim man he can actually score he can go and and the other thing is they have another pick in the top 10 they’re drafting eight so maybe you take a player who you already know you’re going to get an NBA ready impact right away at a certain in a certain Department he’s going to come in and defend at a really high level now maybe that allows them to take a swing on upside on the offensive end in a Dillingham or a tow pitch uh you know with their eighth pick to see if they can just get that point guard of the future in there because I think that’s still kind of the biggest area of need for that roster true indeed meanwhile speaking of that Championship pedigree you were mentioning Dave a lot of people in the comments are talking about Donovan clinging and how he is still on the board Austin s cling would be the ultimate impossible steal dysfunctional s King getting closer uh Eli MC G saying I like kinging but he never drops to 11 just Joe Clingan is dropping I think we’re going to trade up okay dysfunctional saying hopeing CL don’t trade up for him yeah don’t do it if he falls you at 11 cool maybe okay say wow we did not expect Donan Clin to fall all the way to 11 he’s here for us we would like to add some size to this roster fine let me ask you this on Matt is there a price where you would feel comfortable moving up depends on the player I’m getting back for C honest for C for clean it depends on the play I’m getting back cuz it’s not going to just be the picks it’s going to have to be a play I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today that is what I’m willing to give up to move up in this draft class no cheese what you I mean got to have cheese on 11 and the Portland Trail placers Lotter protected PR pick to I mean sure fine two to five to get clinging sure yeah I feel like that cost is just so low cuz I just don’t believe that’s going to be a first round pick low cost yeah that’s low to me I’m just not sure that shot the Blazers right there you don’t believe in their quick turnaround and playoff hopes that under 25 between now in 2028 they call him Denny average for a reason hey shout out C red Fred what a great nickname man seriously no I I like cting with them man I’m interested to see what they do at eight then like get do you think that they would go get some extracise even though they got wimy I I think topit are do I was going to say topit toic has Spurs written all over him and the team that like they’ll be like yeah if he’s got a rehab a year rehab a year the one thing I’ll say this is a very weird observation I made but when I was putting together my consensus mock draft I was going through each pick in every single player in every single like mainstream draft board okay and ESPN blue report the ringer and um Yahoo I want to say all had Juan Nunes point guard out of Spain going 35th to the Spurs so I wonder if there’s anything to that interesting look at Castle I mean the Spurs are always looking for those International prospects that’s very true that’s very very true they always looking for that kind of guy and and ESPN has Clingan as uh their best available with builes as their second best and Dalton conect as the third now that’s a name that we talked about uh we were talking we strict earlier about Matt um just how weird it’s been to for me at least to see him be mentioned like in the top 10 when the draft first kind of started but as it kind of went on just saw him fall to the top top 15 just outside you know or inside the top you’ve heard connected to the Bulls all that much no no like I’ve heard it connect to Memphis you know what I’m saying those kind of squads like that but nothing connected to the Bulls and but you see where he would fit with the bulls cuz again they need shooting bad bad yeah they need it so what are you talking about Alex Kuser was our best three-point shooter this season oh wait crap he’s gone that’s depressing that he was your best shooter it’s not a good thing but man what do you guys think the Pistons do here at five uh well they’re they’re the Pistons so probably something dumb um what kind of dumb what brand of dumb I don’t knowand of dumb yes what brand of dumb are you today s no I I say that because I’m honestly just secretly a little bit jealous if they have one of the Thompson brothers like yeah I love oh man when they went off the board I was like damn it I want one I was sick I want one I didn’t want that at all to happen for them but they got them um and may some major changes also in their front office you know getting rid of Monty Williams D coming on board they are using all of their clock by the way I see you 90 seconds left for the Pistons on the clock right now still nobody tweeting about who the Pistons are taking I think teams here we go you got to give me a minute you got to give me a minute oh wow you got you guys give me a minute here give Joey a minute take your time sir take your time too busy putting together videos of basketball Joey I was going to say that this felt like a possibility for a trade up where a team that wanted to jump the Portland Trail placers uhhuh at 7 in order to get gavan kingan and uh it appears that is not the case interesting interesting I’m curious now but yeah you ready thumbs up Joe all right [Music] and pistons are keeping their pick and using it to select Ron Holland a name that a lot of bulls fans were hoping would somehow make its way to 11 a guy that we talked about a lot over the last couple of weeks uh you know that that that g-league Prospect who is that sort of toolsy wing kind of player uh Plug and Play right away as a multi-positional defensive player uh a lot that you like about his athleticism and aggression on the offensive end maybe has some side as a shooter this is a name that a lot of people wanted to fall including our guy Ricky O’Donnell who we had with us on yesterday’s show um sadly Ron Holland off the board tremendous athlete uh struggled in the uh g-league ignite system this year which they won like three games um so to be expected but uh this guy is I mean he was the number one ranked player for a long period of time until he got injured uh he’s going to be a very impactful defensive player player from day one and then you hope that he can kind of develop with the ball in his hands to where he’s creating some offense for you and he can be that big Wing three and D creation upside player and I think what’s interesting about this is you look at what the Pistons are doing with their new GM here and they’re not bringing in shooting to compliment Kate Cunningham and and the core that they already have they are still swinging for upside and I think that’s a really interesting and maybe telling about what the rest of their plans are going to be moving forward uh we obviously had talked a lot about the Pistons as the Zack LaVine destination that seems like it’s probably not going to be the case if they are drafting a guy like Ron Holland yeah one thing I do like about these young guys in this draft is you hear a lot of Defense first guys uh coming out in this one and I appreciate that and Holland’s one of them but Holland the ball was in his hands a lot you know with the G league night so he got to Showcase a lot of what he did and you saw his flaws a lot too but he did have that opportunity to show just how smooth he can be uh as well when he’s playing but yeah defensively that’s that’s he’s just outstanding there but he’s got things to work going for sure on the offensive end he was a guy that was really sliding down MOX I mean he worked out for the Lakers at 17 so it is a little bit surprising to see him jumping in the top five but he was number four on my board I’m really high on him and I think he’s the kind of player that uh that can be really good if he hits but the risk is there for sure I’m not discounting that for sure for sure man we’ll see we’ll see uh meanwhile while we were just talking about Don mingan who’s still on the board a minute ago wo just tweeted another team working to move up to secure Donovan clinging according to ESPN sources the Portland Trailblazers that’s surprising to me I don’t feel like they need to move up now I felt like interesting you know unless the Hornets are willing to move back where a team can jump the Blazers I mean they’ve got Mark Williams who I really like and you know maybe he’s not their franchise guy maybe they do prefer a Donovan kingan but um yeah just a little bit surprising to hear them potentially looking to move up when it may they may not need to yeah no I wanted chaos tonight this is what I want it this is what I predicted I want it this is the CH tonight yeah I thought that after the third pick with Reed sheeper that’s when you were going to start kind of feeling and seeing those things oh we got a trade but we got a trade do we have a trade we got one in do we have a trade J Fisher reporting that the Charlotte [Music] Hornet trading back excuse me I was going to say Charlotte’s at six yeah so Memphis raing up to six from nine interesting hasn’t been reported I’m guessing it’s that’s got to be clinging right yeah because it was previously reported earlier this week that the Grizzlies and the Bulls were two teams looking to trade up for Donovan Clinton yeah thank God it’s not us uh but you go Grizzlies I guess that’s interesting man that’s interesting that’s a little surprising but yeah is not if that is the is the pick you talking Clingan Clingan to Memphis I mean they had a off year last year J barely played uh he had the suspension then the injury but you know they moved on from stepen Adams and I think that really I mean he was injured but like it was kind of his time to to move on anyway yeah but his ability to screen and play the five allowing jiren Jackson to be a little bit more perimeter oriented be a little bit more of a help Defender protect the rim uh I think that makes a lot of sense and then obviously the rebounding element there that’s something that jiren kind of struggles with and so you bring in a fortifying anchor that can play next to those guys and by the way he only played 22 minutes a game at the college level so this is not going to be a situation where he needs to play 36 minutes because you do want still jiren to play at the five so I love this fit I think it’s a really smart play for them to get like a that that style of player that archetype uh because I think they really need it if they are going to make a deep playoff run which I fully expect them to do now with everybody healthy and back next year yeah and and they were struggling in that realm especially when they lost tman as well and they lost our guy to uh injury um Aquaman 2o along with Joe Canoa I forget his name Steph Adams I I Stephen Adams yes uh when they when they lost him as well like that put a real Dent you know what I’m saying in that and and jiren Jackson Jr is a guy who was always in foul trouble like because he’s always that kind of Defender so he’s going to get those four or five fouls so they need somebody to come out there and take up that time so if they’re going to go get a big guy like like clingin who is that defensive kind of player like that that’s a great backup to have to him yeah and they like when you get to that level of like being a second round playoff team you just need to add versatility in the style of play and so you know they can go small and have J at the five now they can go big and punish you and I think when you are in a western conference with teams like the Timberwolves who have goar and Cat and NZ Reed when you have teams like joic out there players like joic out there you do need to have that sort of Versatility and I think now they’re pretty well equipped to be able to defend big defend small space it out play fast like they are going to be back next year yeah that’s should be fun man should be interesting to watch this so assuming that this is going to be clean at 6 uh a few people in the comments pointing out including benchmarks uh Matas pus continues to slide that’s your boy Big Dave sliding down a lot of people had bazos as a top five pick they did they did uh he is now officially not a top five pick and boy couple of his interviews including the one that you were able to chat with him back to Chicago’s NBA draft combine earlier this spring will uh he also did another interview a few days ago talking about how he’s not at all concerned about his shot right he he shot very poorly behind the Ark in his season with the g- league ignite and I think the other day didn’t he say something that was like well yeah I mean if if I didn’t shoot so poorly behind the arc for the G Knight like I’d be the number one pick in this draft yeah he’s talking real a lot of confidence for a guy who shot some 30% ton of confidence in him it’s one of the things I do like um I need him to not be super self-aware when you’re on the floor I like players who feel like they’re the best player in the world when they are on the floor so it’s one thing to talk it though and it’s another thing to walk it it’s another thing to get out there and do it so that’s what we got to see him do it and have it translate to the floor but I just like how he moves and I like kind of like how he plays but he’s right he’s kind of a shot away from just being a really good basketball player yeah I like bis I think he’s got a lot of upside and just like a really interesting type of player there aren’t too many 610 athletes like that who can throw down windmills in game uh who can get out in transition and run but also have like this face up scoring element to their game uh I’m a little like concerned about whether he can put it all together obviously the three-point shooting is an issue 29% um but you know I think he’s got a chance to be a good player because he he just has a lot of skill and I think when you when you make that jump to the g- league from high school of course like the three-point shooting is going to go down you’re extending your range by 3 ft so um I I I think he he has a chance to put it together but I just do have my questions about yeah and it’s about I mean this is the drave to to be upside on that kind of skill you know what I mean like we said just take the best player available and toolsy is one word that you’re going to continue to hear a lot in this draft right here but brazilis is one of those guys so gentlemen we do have a bit of conflicting reporting here oh I like confli Yahoo sports Jake fiser was basically saying that the Grizzlies were trading up to six will right Shams just tweeted something very different as did wo just nowoh Charlotte keeping their pick Joey I believe the pick is in for the Charlotte Charlotte is keeping their pick and focused on tan salon whoa yep another Frenchman in the top seven and this guy isow completely theoretical at this point he is he’s a very like enticing Prospect I know he is about 69 without shoes 71 and A2 wingspan 32in vertical uh he’s an okay shooter he shot like 31% on threes but I think that’s like a skill that you can kind of hope to to bank on for him but very very much a work in progress like he’s the kind of like Fran filla two years away from being two years away kind of player because he’s just super raw I think he started playing basketball pretty recently he’s 18.9 years old tonight and I just think it’s going to take a lot for him to fully hit but like there is a ton of upside there and again another really young team who’s not forcing the issue getting guys that can come in and help space the floor right away they’re taking swings on upside and they’re taking chances to get real star potential so I I like Sal a lot I think he’s going to take a while but uh there’s just there’s a lot to be interested in there and I think he just sometimes he just looks like he doesn’t has never played basketball for it has no idea what he’s doing like he’ll be under the basket and he’ll like jump up and throw it off the back board trying to do a put back and and and then sometimes he’ll be out in transition and just dunk on you so there’s just there’s some skills there that I think are really interesting uh but it’s going to take a while for them to develop and I think uh you know old friend Josh longstaff from the Bulls coaching staff who who moved over there was going to have his hands full with him rip I mean he’s not dead he just took a job he just took a job with Charlie shout out to will for putting the 0. n on the age as well that’s that’s the kind of stuff you get that’s it 18.9 and F in the comments saying got got to go claying at seven uh I believe W included that in his tweet about Charlotte’s big as 6 clinging will make it to the blazers at at 7 the way that Ro phas that doesn’t necessarily say they’re taking CL at 7even he said he will make it to the Blazers at seven two different way to put that yeah indeed uh what were you saying will I it’s just you know he was a guy that was he kind of rose up draft boards recently but he was a guy that was projected to go behind the Bulls at 11 for for a lot of teams and for a lot of mock drops so for him to go up in the top six that tells you someone else is falling and that means somebody could be there for the Bulls obviously we lost on the opportunity to draft Ron Holland who I really liked but uh you know other players are falling now uh dton connect has fallen mat buis has fallen Rob Dillingham Devin Carter who I think is probably my number one target for the Bulls at this point um somebody somebody should be there and if not they can look straight back they can get straight back on that man so that’s what I they can do man but we’ll see we’ll see I’m interested to see because this is again the chaos that I wanted I I wanted it and that is just an out of left field kind of thing cuz I don’t even think we even had a discussion uh about that young man but man this is the kind of stuff I like this is the kind of stuff I’m here for dog like seriously this kind of chaos is what I’m here for you you know what I like Adam in the comments on our YouTube feed saying it’s nearly 2 a.m. here I’m up watching while building the camp new Lego set 5 and half thousand pieces that’s a lot of pieces the YouTube uh like profile icon appears to be the uh Eiffel Tower if I can see that correctly it’s a small picture okay but 2 a.m. Paris that checks out yeah that sounds about right shout out to all the international Bulls fans watching in the crack of dawn in the middle of the night hang out with us apprciate to see who the Bulls are going to take it number 11 yes also shout out to you for building a 5 1 half thousand piece Lego set have you done that before a feel like you’ve come close to something like that before I don’t know the number of the maximum like the biggest Lego set I’ve ever built in my life okay I don’t I be hard pressed to confidently say it was over 5 half thousand wow I did an X-Wing Fighter from Star Wars and it was it was it was like this freaking big huge I don’t know how many pieces it was how long did you take you uh Christmas day and that was it was my Christmas present when I was I don’t know I was like you know 11 12 and I was to leave I was like okay Merry Christmas family went up to my room closed the door just like Lego Lego Lego Lego Lego Lego Lego built it in a Day dinner time man that I was put together that’s impressive though Ser to do that today not did you ever Lego yeah I did not that not to that extent but absolutely we had Legos man you know I question your childhood if you want to playing with some Legos shout out to my buddy Dale Wen stepping on a bunch of leg he and his wife have been getting into a lot of arguments recently about the amount of space that Legos take up in their house yeah and he’s like well let’s get a bigger house that’s a flex is what that is ladies and gents that is a flex that is a super Flex shout out to him like that’s how we do baby we just Joseph I do believe we have another pick in with the Blazers at number s [Applause] [Music] uhuh CL going to the Blazers at number seven well sorry Bulls fans sorry Bulls fans he wanted Clan and hoped he would fall all the way to 11 I will say big side relieve that the Bulls to not trade up to get him I was not a fan of that plan absolutely right I mean again it goes with what they’re doing right now they’re trying to go young they understand who they are you got a guy in place you already got eight already there as your Center so him coming uh to back that up it’s a good move for a young team that’s just trying to find themselves yeah I mean it’s it’s an interesting pick because they’ve got Rob Williams who obviously has had the injury history uh but he’s similar player in terms of you know Rim protection uh and then you’ve got Aon who clearly they are seeing as not necessarily A fixure of their future you get scoot you get Simons you get sharp you bring in obia and now you go get clinging that’s your center of the future and it seems like their core is now coming into place I wonder who you know if they do move on from Simons what do they look to get back they’ve got Jeremy Grant still who I think they can profit off of if they decide to move him so just still some some things in the air with how the Blazers are building but I I like the fit and I think when you build a team that’s very guard heavy and guard focused and you have these smaller guards out there and you want to play three of them you need a really strong backline of defense and he is going to give you that he’s the best R protector in in this draft wow also shout out to Donan Clan who just said give me the James Bond yes when when he was figuring out what he wanted to wear on draft night he just said legit give me the James Bond yes he did man sh can not stir he is fly out there go ahead he ain’t we this for no reason I mean my good look at that take your time sir a wear that suit for no reason take your time hug that much shorter bald man and celebrate your your achievements looking like Guna all right so guys guys we’ve got Matas falling Cody Williams falling topit is still available Dillingham Devin Carter dton connect who are we liking with four picks [Music] now trade down I’m hearing from Matthew no I stay where you are I still want to see who else is going off the board here stay where you are I again it’s what’s what’s the best available I think that’s where I’m at right now of course yeah I do want a big guy if they if it’s the best available guy there then give me the big fell I’ll take it but if the guard is the best available cuz they need the shooting if the wing is the best available give me that if D connect is the one then take them man but I’m more prone to either the defense or the shooting because watching the Bulls last year those were the two key things that in my brain that was the main focus of the problems that they were having especially the three-point shooting like you would say Well they’re going in down eight or nine points every single game basically because of the three-point shooting but they couldn’t stop anyone you know either so their only defense was to get rebounds because of Andre Drummond and because of boo that was their only defense they couldn’t stop anyone uh in the paint doing anything so those are the two glaring things for the Bulls so I think you should have to focus on one of those two glaring things uh with this pick that you want to get I think that the roster is going to change I I just I have hard time believing AK traded his second best player who’s 30y old 30 years old who is one of the top three defensive perimeter players in this entire NBA who can shoot 41% on I have a hard timeing he’s trading that guy and continuing to build forward with the same vision so again I think they’re going to have to kind of decide who to keep between dear and Zach if you can’t get off Zach then you’re probably not going to be able to keep dear and vice versa or maybe you just try to get off both but I think right now they’re at a point where they’re building with Kobe Giddy and this pick yeah and like you could throw IO in there you can maybe throw Patrick in there but like to me you got some shooting with Kobe I’m just I need the best player available and may that’s I think when you when you break it down that way it’s like you’ve got giddy you’ve got Kobe you need some forwards and a big so maybe you want to build it that way but if you know Matas is there I know I just said you know I have some questions about him I think at 11 now can I pres Joseph you got something to say I just want to present an alternative scenario here because I I saw this in the chat I thought it’s quite possible come on Joe our old friend Mark K you remember him Mar heard of him Bud he says I wouldn’t rule out AK not knowing he’s on the clock time expiring and the Bulls forfeiting number 11 what do you see that as a possibility has I think that has happened before it’s happened before yes Mark we love you and we miss you happened that would that would be a new low that would be a new low I would I would the only reason I want to see it is the entertainment factor of watching Matt pek lose his damn mind I mean that is a there ever was one I’ve already taken it as a given and maybe that’s dumb when you were what you were just saying a minute ago will they’re like oh yeah the Caruso forgetting trade definitely signifies their moving other pieces yeah Zach and Nord dear are gone yeah maybe they bring back Pat but like this is getting disassembled if they don’t then what the hell was that trade for exactly if they don’t then I’m opening an incognito tab and Googling DIY home bomb making and marching a little further west down Madson Avenue cuz what the freak are you doing and this is why I hang out with Matt to keep him from doing those things this is exactly why I’m around you sir no no I was like close that right there that drink that Frosty cold course I got a laptop and a spark you can’t prevent everything that’s true I will open an incognito tab about how to build a bomb if the Bulls don’t blow this up that’s true but it won’t be tonight cuz you’ll be drinking those Frosty cold C like I’ll do my part I’ll do my prediction I think buellis and Devin Carter are going to go in these next two picks okay to of the next three picks which means topit still there topit still there but I think that means that the Bulls are probably going to look to trade down come on come on straight down baby the guys that they wanted were Holland and dein Carter and if they can’t get them they apparently really loved the workout with uh Terrence Shannon M maybe they moved down a couple spots to go get him because there’s absolutely no reason to take him 11th no no not at all um you know they they liked Ryan Dunn a lot too maybe they try to pick up an additional pick so I I would not remove that from you know list of possibilities here I wonder why one dton connect or a guy like that who can actually shoot the basketball man you’re going to need that especially if you’re going to build around these young guys man that’s the best way to do it is to get a shooter you know get those guys somebody open that can get the ball fine you don’t want to play defense cool all right we understand what we’re going to be but dang you know at least be a little entertaining man hit some threes bro you haven’t done it for years for years year when you were trying to win you still couldn’t do it indeed while we have the Spurs on the clock here if you want to give a shout out to our friends of Kors light oh saving lives is what Kors light is doing thank you you know what every sip right here that you see this man Mt peek is taking is saving a life Frosty cold look at it Kors light cuz between work social media and the choices that life throws our away like the Bulls it’s no wonder that we’re more worked up you a little worked up Matt just a t a t well then course like celebrates Rising above choosing a chill mindset rise above it R why not turn that rained out barbecue into the will to go gobl 415th annual karaoke house you’re invited to go everybody’s invited just show up no RSVPs just come through or after a tough loss settle scores with the ice cold peace offering make the choice to choose chill then reach for a frosty cold cor light and that mountain cold refreshment because when the mountains turn blue you know what to do it’s as cold as a rock a cold logger coold filter and cold package for smoother finish so go ahead and embrace a chill mindset and crack open a frosty cold cords light refreshing as the Colorado rocket roet make the most out of get time to choose chill y’all get Kik delivered straight to your door via instacart by going to cgo basketball SL cgo basketball celebrator sponsor course Brewing Company golden a Colorado Colorado what’s up Joseph I believe we have another pick in yep give me a second here let me confirm everything my end I like how he works he’s got to confir on the clock here at triple check it uh make sure it’s right I like how you rooll basketball JY there were a lot of names going to San Antonio at 8 on all the mocks that I looked at for the last few weeks okay uh including uh Salone who went earlier even earlier that’s wild man um man okay there might be some Bulls fans upset about this m I think our buddy Ricky o from SP Nation who was with us yesterday might be a little bummed about this cuz he is a big fan Spurs taking Rob Dillingham woo of Kentucky at number eight undersized guard but a guard who just scores with Reckless abandoned I I like this absolutely electric and I love the fit I mean you just talked about it with st Castle you gotel You’ Gotan you’ve got Johnson you’ve got pieces there that can insulate against a smaller guy like this because Rob Dillingham is the most dynamic scorer in this draft he is absolutely electric with the ball in his hands he can get to any spot he wants on the floor shot 44% on threes he can step back he can pull up he get to the rim he does it all he actually really Evol wo W wo wo wo W wo wo hold on Interruption bomb hold up Minnesota Timberwolves have traded for the eighth pick in Rob Dillingham you wanted to hear that first now now say it again we’re good we’re good on that we’re all good don’t worry about the trade is in the trade is Minnesota tra for the I wonder what they’re giving up uh but I mean wow bro I kind of love it I kind of love it we just talked about it with the Spurs like they have an elite defense to be able to protect against his defensive deficiencies and what did they need in the postseason when teams really loaded up on Anthony Edwards they didn’t have a secondary that could really make moves with the ball in his hands Dillingham can do that you’ve got Jaden McDaniels you’ve got Anthony Edwards uh goar back there I mean they’ve got Defenders to be able to make up for that and they need somebody who can really score the ball and I think Dillingham is like I said the best in this Draft when it comes to scoring I think he just makes a lot of sense on an already good team where he can start to like serve people up uh and just do what he does best which is score and not necessarily have to worry about some of his his flaws and deficiencies and when we talked about the scoring and we talked about how it could work with a guy like Victor wiama you know just making your life a little easier on the defensive end because he’s not a great defensive guy but now he’s got Rudy go you know what I’m saying on that side too so he’s got another good Defender the reigning uh Defensive Player of the Year that’ll be back there helping him so yeah he’ll have those opportunities to score and to be himself out there on the floor man and just have the ball and that’s a great point you made when Anthony Edwards gets to the bench you know having somebody that continues to put that pressure and also Mike connley getting a little older you know what I mean his time might be coming where he retires you’re going to have to pass that baton on why not pass it somebody elri coming here who Joey feels like electric is on another hold on give me one second here take your time basketball Joseph wow W y’all going to want to hear this one it what we’re going to want to hear this BRS where you at oh man where you at BRS [Applause] pick is in Memphis Grizzlies planning to take Zack 0 at number nine yeah wow yeah guys really yeah I kind of love it for them really I kind of love it for him you you love you we talked about it a lot with I like this with uh kingan when I thought he was going to be the pick but like they need a big that can play 22 25 minutes a game and just offer a different look and like Ed’s not going to have to worry about playing 36 minutes and not fouling going to just go post up when they want to slow it down and play Big they’re going to have for spacing around him they’ve got one of the best Dynamic point guards who can get down hill you’ve got Desmond Bane jiren Jackson uh Marcus Smart around him to space the floor and he can just collapse the paint Force help and kick it out or just shoot right over you so I’m not saying Zack Ed is going to be a superstar player I think there’s like maybe a little bit of potential there just because he’s so unique but I think this kind of bet for a team like Memphis specifically this was another team like like the Wizards or like a the Hornets or something a rebuilding team I would not like it as much but he can just slot into a backup roll give you 22 minutes a game and just be really good at the things that he’s really good at um I probably would have gone a different direction if I were them because I like some of the players on the on the board better but that is surprising and I think it puts Devin Carter in a good position to maybe make it all the way to the Bulls so yeah Utah is now up at nine right Utah no Utah is 10 Utah correct what I which is what I thought and so Utah at 10 and Dillingham went Saloon went and Edy went and I think that’s sort of a surprise to a lot of us who were expecting who was going to be on the board here for the Bulls to pick and to you guys who’s jumping off I mean connect’s there buis is there Cody William is still there Cody Williams is there this is a scenario that I didn’t necessarily foresee happening and so I’m I’m curious here how this one’s going to play out here very that was chos that was a big surprise we also got the information on the trade between the Wolves and the Spurs timber wolves sending 2031 unprotected first and a 2030 pick swap for Rob Dillingham it’s a hefty price but they also are just so expensive that they need Dynamic players on cheap contracts and so you move into the draft that’s one way to do it I really like that for them and like I said I’m interested in this 0 pick but I’m I’m just so curious now to see if Mattis buis or Deon Carter is there for the Bulls it’s going to be or the other and that’s what’s interesting also About Edie is he was we didn’t really discuss him as far as being a top 10 pick we discuss the possibility maybe it could happen but we mid team exactly late team exactly but like we said if you like somebody and you want them you go for them but it’s still a little bit surprising but again we talked about what that team is going to need as far as that Center position is confirmed they’re going to need that like they’re going to need that kind of backup who can actually do what he feels like doing out there and that’s just be big and having a guy like jiren Jackson Jr to help you def defensively that’s a good thing for them man like he’s in the right situation and on the right kind of team you know because they enjoy that back to the basket kind of play a little bit but now he can clear space and set those picks cuz I just see picking rolls with John Morant all day long you know what I mean like those picking rolls with J is going to be crazy and like he can just be nasty he’s a physical huge guy he BLS a ton of shots he doesn’t need to like do anything crazy he can just go be himself and go post up and score over guys I I just think it’s an interesting look for them and again we talked about it before the West is so big’ got go and C they’ve got yic there’s just so many big teams you need to be able to combat that as much as I love jiren Jackson I don’t know that he is a guy that you could say go play the five for 40 minutes A Night in the playoffs you need big bodies and I just think this is a really interesting way to try to play that out let me ask you that cuz you touched you just touched on a little bit but in the west we know obviously Boston won so that’s who everybody’s going to be modern uh changing the team to try to compete with and be like people are saying that’s why the Knicks made the bridges trade without a doubt that’s why they kept OG at an noi that’s why they did all those things but with it being wide open in the west and you saw how Dallas was the team that actually made it to the finals what team do you think other teams are trying to model in the west to try to move up is it a team like Dallas like get me two superstars and then let’s see what happens is it a team like OKC that’s young and has all these tools and pieces on it what do you think um you know I think that’s a really interesting question not a lot of teams can just say I’m going to go model the Mavericks cuz Luka donic is not a aable you can say I’m going to add a ton of size I’ve got my Dynamic playmaker I’ve got my secondary guys um and we’ve got another pick in here Joey but uh I just think like you do have to kind of capitalize on the things that you do well but then add those different elements to be able to play different styles against whoever you go up against cuz at the end of the day the nuggets are going to be there the wolves are going to be there I mean there there are other teams that are just always coming sure who who knows who it is but I think you have to be ready for anything and that’s why you know Ed he is what he is I’m not like a huge fan of his but I think just the style of play and giving them an extra look is really interesting okay we got a pick Joe pick us in the Utah Jazz make Carl Malone and John Stockton rout in Hell forever are selecting Cody Williams with the number 10 pick wow okay another name that we talked about early early on in this process we talked about Cody Williams and the Bulls another player you got a chance to talk to at the NBA Combine will uh a a toolsie wing that is sort of a project player that honestly had AK written all over him if we’re being honest uh he goes to Utah at 10 and so now when you look at what is on the board with the Jazz taking Cody Willams Mattis buis has fallen he is still there D guy my there dton connect Bulls need shooting still there the uh the 65 uh shooter from Tennessee on the I mean if if you do still want the Bulls to just say hey let’s not screw this up let’s take best available mhm who is that right now is it buis I would say buis I think uh Devin Carter is a more seamless fit but buis is a good upside play he’s a big guy I mean 610 super athletic obviously from the area and we know AK loves that um also has the Lithuanian Heritage which obviously is is a match with AK so I think that makes sense I would also entertain trading down a spot or two here because you do have so many good options with uh kind of some some surprises going ahead of you but I think buellis is probably I mean he’s the highest guy on my big board he’s not necessarily my favorite fit with the bulls I think I would still have Devin Carter a little bit higher just as a fit but as I’ve talked about this whole process like you you don’t prioritize fit right now you prioritize getting the best player I’m interested to know why buis is is sliding because that’s true is it more about the uh the bravado of a guy who shot like like ass in his one g- League ignite season or they just forgot he hadn’t been taken and they’re just moving on their speaking of forgot they haven’t been taken am I crazy or is topich still on the board he still there still there the ACL tear I think is is going to we we assumed the the news of the partial at ACL tear was going to drop him further down the board but a lot of people you our guy Ricky O’Donnell a lot of people thought okay ACL removed topic could go number one in this draft class if you’re the Bulls and you’re refocusing and you’re calling next season a re-evaluation let’s try and find a trade for Zack and or sign and trade for Demar bring in Josh giddy see what he does with these younger pieces like there’s no I don’t see a problem with draft and stash as a strategy if you like the upside of topit it’s just the giant red flag of an ACL and you you’ve also saved a bunch of money doing that I mean they they are under a cap crunch right now if you can push back and not start that rookie clock for another year I think that really helps you helps you be worse this year too um look I mean another guard we understand but I think his ability Topic’s ability to put pressure on the rim is something that nobody else in this league in this draft has sure um and we do have the pick in we got a pick Joe we got it you got right there it is let’s do it everybody congratulate Big Dave because the Bulls are selecting Chicago’s own buis with the number 11 pick in the NBA draft wow who on the screen of course okay I hope bis takes a flight back to Chicago from the draft and is in the gym with Peter Patton tomorrow immediately tomorrow and I mean immediately he needs to work on that shot consistently and often that’s all he really needs to be doing is getting that together but yeah I’ve made no secret about him man he’s he’s been what my other player in the draft outside of basketball Joey I just like the way he plays he was the first player whose tape I would watch and actually o and I at when I would say oh damn look at those moves look at the things he’s doing so I like his skill I like how he plays of course I like his mental I like the help defense also that’s also one thing that stood out a lot to me about bazilus is him coming in on that help defense and getting those blocks is going to be a super help for the Bulls who are not going to be a defensive star Warth team that is not know if that’s new to you or not dud the Bulls are going to beat the Atlanta Hawks on defense next season correct man and again he’s fun and I’m looking at fun right about now coming into this next season instead of flipping out about the Bulls giving up 150 like that one time against Minnesota you’re going to just save your celebration for the nights when the Bulls don’t give up 150 next season correct correct we’ll see cuz I might still here’s the thing about you know he’s not like the best defensive perimeter player in the world he’s very good at sliding over and protecting the ring defense he fits well with Patrick Williams I think he fits well with like Josh Giddy and Kobe and IO like that core starts to make sense you’ve got size I mean we talked so much about the bulls not having any power forward sized players well matus buis number what was he on my Big Board number six overall he’s 68 and 3/4 without shoes 610 wingspan 38 in vertical um 16 and a half points eight rebounds per 75 possessions at the G League level um did shoot only 27% threes that’s going to be a huge area of improvement I think also the ball handling is something he’s going to need to work on a lot he’s a little bit static uh not very like doesn’t have a lot of shake not a lot of Wiggle but I mean this is this is a big upside win we talked about taking bets on upside for him to fall to 11 that that is a great value Pi falling to 11 and getting BOS at 11 and not trading up for him which is something that was reported the BS like bz they might trade up for him falling to 11 I think there’s upside there Bulls nation in the comments always show us every which way that bols fans can feel about this Hugh Heaven saying okay I’m on board Sam saying Smart Choice Flex digs meanwhile saying we got a whole team to can’t shoot yes we do Lis say bu is solid pick yeah d uh DL J he can’t shoot now this guy who can’t shoot and this is this is consistent with how AK has done things he bet on he’s bet on his Player Development to develop guys IND Shooters I have my questions about bis he shot 44% I think from three uh during one season of high school but then comes in and shoots 27% on threes at the g-league level um I think guys like him will get better he’s a hard worker incredibly confident that was the first thing that rubbed off on me when we had a chance to talk with him at the combine so I think this is a great pick I really do I mean I again maybe not M my favorite player in the draft true I think he’s got some flaws and I question some of the things that are supposed to make him great but look I mean to get him at 11 that is a that is a huge win a guy that was being projected to be a top five pick that you can walk away with at 11 in this draft Yeah that that is excellent value uh for the Bulls and even with it’s shooting what also uh excites me a little is that he’s a good free throw shooter so I know that is something there that you can actually work on and get better at uh as far as your shooting is concerned he’ll be better he’ll he’ll get a little better man he’ll have to change that number cuz he won’t be new a number 13 you ain’t going to feel that man s huge Ste in the commentate gidy Kobe white bis P will Loki don’t hate this uh well I I hope you have all the faith in Patrick Williams guarding five players next season let’s just watch Michel Jordan highlight the other thing is look at what the other options were like I mean he was he was the probably the best upside Play You could argue topich but um they did not take Devin Carter who was a guy who you could plug in and say this is my Alex cruser replacement let’s keep going forward this is a project he is not going to be ready to score 20 right away but I think I like what this says about the Bull’s Direction in terms of their willingness to take swings to to develop players and build upside he he is very similar in a lot of ways to some of the other players that AKA has drafted Patrick Williams dalen Terry I would assume Julian Phillips these bigger toolsy Wings who have height who have length uh and who have upside but aren’t necessarily finished products by any means and I think they’re going to have to really develop his his jump shooting for him to kind of unlock the other parts of his game the entire time will was talking they were showing showing a Michael Jordan highlight package and I was just like ah it’s it’s such a blanket I love just a comfortable blanket I love the dichotomy of bulls fans it is truly brilliant there’s no middle ground ever l in the comments keep Zack LaVine the coach is the problem immediate next comment Tony Moy nobody wants Zack LaVine I’m going to be honest this is this is intriguing not even intriguing I’m just excited that they are listen if this is the direction they’re going to go and they’re going to be bad it’s not going to be fun to watch but I mean do we all agree it’s probably the right direction yeah like I I’m excited for them that they that they have seemingly and there’s still a couple moves that they’ve got to make that are going to affirm this but like will said that they’re not going with the guy that’s got the highest floor and they’re willing to take you know a swing and and maybe shows there he is they’re willing to be bad this year let’s take a look at him there he is shaking hands and I think that is uh oh let me see the suit let me see the suit he a tall young man yeah the suit is it’s understated suit’s a little understated kind of like it yeah he’s a little chill also also a little baggy on him little bit little bit little baggy little bit man but yeah as as a ‘ 9s grunge kid I respect that we need to all go back to Carmelo’s suit in the 2003 draft class Carmelo you make horrible choices all right there he is M taking the there it is shaking hands with Adam Silver oh he is a child this is all just one big giant exercise and futility cuz the Bulls will never win ever again love y’all Bulls Nation sip that cor lights ah there it is Chill mindsets going on baby you’re going to need another one there’s Jim over there I told you anytime I mention any ads Jim look over anytime every single time baby he on it can’t F this bucket fast enough Jim but but looking at him like look at the highlights of him man like just a guy look at the the help defense is my favorite thing like watch it right there like it’s my favorite thing about him man and they’re going to need all of that every single piece of it from him man and he’s not scared out there bro like no I like him I like I like his game man he comes in with that confidence ready to play and then he can do stuff like that I like that so uh gentlemen now that we know that the pick is impacted in we know who the Bulls took they stuck at 11 they stuck they used that number 11 pick yeah and drafted a kid who played high school ball for part of his high school career just outside Chicago did he still Central M bis did look getting emotional too when he got picked look at yeah bro little emotion right there I’d get emotional too if I just made $50 million true but more or less look at his boy though right next to him oh yeah yeah bro this a family thing this mean something dog it’s time it’s time to put on the rosecolor glasses you want to put on the rose glasses Jo SE something man the bull the Bulls took Bazil let’s talk about how his future is bright yeah you want to talk about how this future is bright brightness oh just right there shining right there let me put them on oh there we go we are activated looking atam talk right there I like I I I like seeing the athletes show that kind of emotion will I always do but and that does something for me every time you could sell me on an athlete who sheds tears after he gets picked bro that’s just me I’m a softy like that son when it comes to that emotion man that’s real stuff right there [ __ ] means I agree Dave it means something got some emotional maturity that at that age you’re able to appreciate how cool something like that is I I enjoy those for your hometown team that means something to him man so I’m interested to see how he go goes out and works I’m interested to see that like Matt said Peter Patton needs to be next to him I mean they can get a a Airbnb together you know and stay overnight and go right to the gym but they need to be shooting and shooting and shooting but I’m interested to see him and interested to see how he helps Bulls on both sides of the ball especially the defensive side though uh we’re going to put on our rosecolor glasses for a second and explain to the people in Bulls Nation why the future is bright for Bulls number 11 draft pick Matas p is brought to you by our friends at Shady Ray head to Shady use that promo code chto at checkout to get 35% off your polarized premium Shades okay so future is bright the question is how bright mhm I obviously there’s still a few other dominoes to fall the Bulls on draft night people were talking about is he are we trading Zine not not yet are they going to try and sign and trade tomorrow not yet right if there is a fulls scale rebuild that just the rest of it hasn’t happened yet wow do we see Bazil as being like look at the emotion a guy who that’s his family but that’s his brother that ain’t even him that’s his bro man that’s crazy though that’s love right there is this somebody that we’re talking about being in the Bulls starting five with Josh giddy season wow DG this is crazy it’s a lot of white guys in one lineup that’s a lot whole lot will they representing shout arbach would be proud actually no you got to be Russ anyone with it the Celtics had a rule Dave oh please Mane this I know you know this I know you know this come on dog I didn’t expect the defense of red Arbok from you I had the same question is is buella somebody you think will start next season that yeah that’s what I’m wondering I’m wondering the same thing I’m wondering where how does he slot in next to Pat well Pat still they got to Res you’re right is Pat even going to be here maybe this is an indication that he won’t be but I think you got to bring him back obviously the Bulls are going towards young players with the upside we saw that with Josh giddy we saw that now with buellis um look I do not think he is a perfect Prospect I’ve got some questions about him sure but I think like he’s a guy you can build with and I think he will get better uh they’ve got to develop that jump shot they’ve got to develop his handle but I think he can be like a really good combo forward three four guy and you just you cannot have enough of those so you have him you have Patrick if giddy you got 68 68 610 that’s a good that’s a good size lineup I like I like what they’re looking at building and it’s something that’s been lacking as we talked about the scam where you talk about all the time will uh when we talk about Patrick Williams and how he fits in anywhere you know on a roster shly because of the size and the tools that he has but it starts with the size and having another guy like that on your team who’s actually can likes playing defense and things like that on your squad it helps the Bulls it’s just about the three-point shooting so you answered the question about defense and now you have to answer the question about shooting you know for this team so I’m interested to see man I’m telling you I like this dude bro I do I like I like how he play he was a projected number one pick at the start of this drop so see okay and that and that’s why I’m very uneasy right now because he was projected to be number one the future’s still bright because you can get some dope Shady Rays at Shady I am not I’m I’m a I’m a little skeptical talk to me because I have completely fallen out of my trust in this Bulls front office okay and their ability to do anything right okay and if bazus who was being touted as a top five pick maybe some people having him as a top three or even number one overall at various points through this 2024 draft class process M and he falls to 11 mhm why why did he fall I understand that question why did he fall and why were the Bulls so eager well to scoop him up well just looking at there’s another pick in right there sir oh we do have another pick in we got another pick in right there Montan shy I am a hater how how you doing thanks for joining us in the pict OKC is the will to go g we were talking about nicoa topic ni toic the ACL red flag but High upside if he’s healthy yeah uh goes to OKC the perfect team to go to because they don’t need him at all this year he can absolutely rehab and come back next year will and they need more bench shock creation obviously they lost giddy to the Chicago Bulls they needed someone to come in and replace that kind of production with the ball in His Hands Off the Bench um and they are just they continue to be the most patient organization they’re not forcing the issue to go all in despite the fact that they were the number one team in the west they take a guy who was number two on my big board I’m very excited about his potential uh but they can take their time with it cuz they know they’re going to be really good anyway next year and maybe they don’t sign him maybe that helps them with their uh you know cat flexibility but this is a guy who I think has a CH he actually kind of reminds me of Shay in some ways just because of the pressure that he puts on the rim he’s a great facilitator the shot has to come around the defense has to come around but you know you’ve got Caruso you’ve got Lou Dort you’ve got Cas Wallace you’ve got guys that can you know pick some slack so uh I think I think toic can to be really good I’m very excited to see how he plays and the Thunder continued to be my favorite team to watch because they just continue to do it the right way U Matt let me let me come back to your uh question sure um as far as we is falling why yeah I think it’s a I’m trying to say right for I think it’s a less valid question in this draft okay only because of how weak this draft is and how many people we’ve seen completely fall we just saw Zack Edy go nine right and we thought Zack Edy would be towards the bottom of the first round and we just saw him way saying that that a lot of teams in the top 15 so far were drafting more for need and not best available yeah yeah that could be the case I’m just saying in this kind of draft where after the first three we kind of were like well it’s about to be a chaos and we don’t know who they’re going to take and even in the fact we thought s everybody had s projected there but the only reason didn’t go obviously because he didn’t work out but in this kind of draft if people are falling or Rising it’s hard for me to put stake in any of that just because of the style of the draft that it is fair enough fair enough and look it could be that the Bulls found themselves a steel 11 with bizal it could be it’s possible I like I can’t wait had priorities elsewhere and a guy who could have easily gone number five top five and deserve to go top five Falls all the way to the Bulls at 11 great yeah I’m willing to see how that plays out and also like here’s another piece of silver lining the future is right put your shady Rays on thank God they didn’t trade up and give away any assets whether it be for brazilis or anyone else that to me is the win tonight AK wasn’t so dumb yeah that he gave up assets to move in this draft I completely agree with you nor did they draft an older like win now player they didn’t reach on teren Shannon they went for upside they went for Youth and sometimes it’s okay to just not overthink it you know like guys fall in the draft that doesn’t mean they’re going to be bad cam Whitmore last year had the medical he was a top five projected pick slid all the way to 20 and he was awesome last year you was he’s not like a superstar player he’s not completely without flaws but and I’m not even saying Buel is going to be as good as him but I just think like process-wise this is what I like to see you develop your homegrown players you hope that you can develop you know the weaknesses in their game based on your Player Development yeah and we’ve seen proof of concept that that can work Kobe took a huge leap last year IO took a huge um you know guys got better in this system and I think with more youth with a guy like Josh giddy who can help create easy opportunities for a guy like buellis I think that just kind of makes some sense so uh I I like that they’re not rushing things I like that they’re not feeling like frantic to like move off of attach picks to move off of Zack leavine so you can bring back dear it seems like they’re taking the right steps to go slow slowly here and I’m not going to like put the cart too much before the horse but so far so good from what we’ve seen yeah we like you know it to be a little bit better maybe more draft picks more focus on uh upside and youth sure but I think all things considered this is generally speaking the right process and the right path to go on so that’s something I can be happy about that has been the Shady Ray’s future is bright segment brought to you by Shady Ray Shady use that promo code Cho a checkout to get 35% off your premium a polarized Shad stve another another pick in here have a pick in Joseph hit it boom Sacramento who flirted with trading their number 13 pick are keeping it and selecting another name that Bulls fans heard all about Devin Carter wow there it is I’m a little bit surprised that with Carter and Bales on the board that the Bulls took Bales cuz I think was well ahead of Carter in most people’s mock draft most people’s big board so it makes sense if you’re going best available but we heard from every possible angle both local and National over the last month the Bulls were in love with Devin Carter and he was on the board at 11 and they said so is Matas we’re taking Matas that it’s a classic Bulls pick Devin Carter that is a classic Bulls pick say he’s bad I really like Deon Carter I think he’s going to be a great Pro but he’s 22 yeah he’s 62 but he’s got like a 69 wingspan hyper athletic um just days really developed his jump shooting and I think you know he kind of to me is what they always wanted Davon Mitchell to be comes in he can handle the offense a little bit with the second unit he can play next to Fox he can shoot he can defend he can get on transition this is like a perfect fit I’m kind of surprised OKC didn’t take him because I think he makes a lot of sense there too but I love that and um you know if we can change topics back to the Bulls and here for a second no absolutely not it’s not actually do we have something more important to talk about he took he took the glasses off say basically Casey Johnson just wrote uh a story and there’s some positive signs in here that I think are going to make Matt happy I’m just going to read the first couple paragraphs he writes the Bulls didn’t draft Cooper flag on Wednesday but they increased their ability to put themselves in position to potentially do so and by selecting matus billis with the 11th pick in the first round of NBA’s two-day draft they continue the potential rebuild that management May soft shoe as a retool that began with last week’s trade of Alex Caruso for Josh giddy make no mistake not only is Zack LaVine available for trade the Bulls are open for business and with growing Buzz that Demar rosan will be elsewhere next season either via sign in trade or simply walking in unrestricted free agency the buzzword is no longer competitiveness it’s Cooper oh okay you like that fact yeah look at you that’s a bar from at you I mean I’m done with the words that start with C to sum up the Bulls futility I I do like that one though you like you feeling that one I like Cooper more than sir I do think it’s hilarious and this isn’t what they were doing but it’s funny to be like no no no we’re not no he sucks we think we think mat sucks we’re tanking like you guys should love this pick we purposely took someone we don’t like like Devin Carter is a honestly he is a bulls pick that I’ve seen them make before like it would be a typical Bulls kind of not against his talent or his skill or anything like that but that’s how he kind of felt to me was like this this is how the Bulls do they get those kind of picks right there he’s going to try hard he was going to win the Bulls of the Summer League Championship with a ridiculous buzzer beater after 18 pivot foots D he is going to be he was going to be in the finalist for the hustle award this season dog like believe it he’s that kind of player he’s good man summer league is going to be way more fun watching a guy like Matas than a guy like Deon Carter AB I just think I mean if what Casey is writing is correct that they are looking that direction that I mean that is like Vindication for us we’ve been talking about it for months and months and years at this point um so I think that’s I mean how can you not argue that’s a positive that’s a positive man I think it’s a positive as well this is the move you’re supposed to make and they made it and I am appreciative of them not doing the same thing I I listen what you did and make your mistakes is what you do my problem is when you keep doing them that’s the issue so as long as you can learn from them and move forward fine let’s do that so they’re learning from them they’re moving forward and they got a guy who I want to sit and watch like will said in the summer league uh Joseph I believe we have our next pick in yeah this one’s a weird one let’s go Weir hit me this this one’s a weird one is it not Gary in the comments said who’s Bud Carrington I like bub Carrington this is earlier than he was selecting bub Carrington with the number 14 overall pick okay all right uh Hey goat who’s who’s who bu Carrington so Carlton Carrington AKA bub Carrington two of the best names in the draft in the same person um from pit he’s a guard he’s explosive he’s long he’s lanky he’s slithery he’s a great shot Creator um he was he was somebody that was kind of further down in in the early 20s on a lot of mocks but has recently crept up he used a average ADP of 15.9 uh on the last list of of mock drafts oh take it back I was wrong then I had him at 6 I think it’s a really good pick he’s young uh 64 without shoes 68 wingspan he can jump 187 and six uh just a really creative scorer and passer and I think for a team like the Wizards who again are just trying to take swings on Talent like he’s a perfect guy to put next to Alex SAR CU they’re going to run a ton of pick and roll and he’s going to throw them up lobs and they’re going to go in and he’s just a really creative player he’s really fun to watch I I really like this pick for them I think it fits the timeline and I think it fits what they need to do moving forward M all right like down we going to be looking at bub young bub good job shrimps dude are you guys surprised potatoes are you surprised that that’s about it conect is still here on the board no no not from what I’ve learned from will to go Godly not surprised I feel like I got like peer pressured into liking him more than I actually did um I put him at drugs the same no to D connect will look he’s 23 years old he was in electric swore 30 points per put the The Bucket Man he’s an athlete he had like a 40-in vertical at the combine he can get up and dunk he can create his own shot he can catch it uh shoot catch and shoot he can catch on uh shoot off the move for sure he can create his own shot he’s very Dynamic but he’s 23 he broke out as a as a fifth year senior okay and I just feel like you know teams are not necessarily prioritizing older Shooters at this point in the draft we’re seeing a lot of young teams prioritizing upside and that I think is what you’re supposed to do when you’re in the lottery you take chances because you don’t always get those chances to add Talent like that so um it does not I mean it’s maybe a little bit surprising just because people had him mocked in the top seven um so to see him fall out of the lottery here but uh I think he makes a lot more sense on a team who’s already better I think he’s going to have a chance to be a better player on one of those teams where he doesn’t have to carry too much of an offensive load he can just come in and take shots when they’re available to him so I I think it makes sense and I think he he’ll find a good landing spot maybe so I have your big board uh I have your big board pulled up on the screen uh for those watching at home highest guy available still on your big board will is Isaiah ker at 10 ker is still on the board connect at 14 KW at 15 Tyler Smith at 17 and then Holmes Missy McCain some of those guys so still uh lot of Talent on the board Missy is a name that a lot of people thought might climb up at the last second interesting to see him still on the board here yeah I think he’s still within range uh there’s there’s a handful of centers I mean k we uh don Holmes I really like he’s he’s kind of a dribble pass shoot rim protector our friends over at dmvr nuggets are really hoping he falls all the way to them absolutely I think he I would take him before that I have at 18 but um you know for me and I think like you mentioned my big word Joey I think it kind of reflects my philosophy on drafting like I want to take upside swings and so Isaiah ker he’s a guy that has been mocked in the early 20s I think he’s like a top 10 pick for me because he has a chance to be a really special creator with the ball in his hands and the downside is there for sure if he doesn’t hit then he could just totally flame out but um I think he makes sense uh for a team that really wants to rebuild and I honestly I think the heat could be a great spot for him because they have been kind of noted as a team who’s interested in younger guards um and and upside so I think he could make some sense next to their cor yeah uh gentlemen I have a very important Super Chat that we got to shout out immediately oh okay let’s do it cuz it comes from our guy Mr St Larry strickland2 Super Chat who said I got a pick with Karm at a Bulls draft event and a shot with Jim 5050 is starting strong with Cho again happy belated 50th birthday to our guy out there also no one should ever be excited about getting a picture with Mark Carman ever really ever what about a shot with Jim a shot with what about a shot with Jim it’s a shot I’ll be like I’ll take a shot hey everybody when you see Jim go up to him and ask him how much he weighs just do that like trust me just go up there ask blow up how much he weighs go ahead no I’m serious pocket go ask him go ask him baby oh my God oh my God he want mine he enjoys that man shout out to Jim where is wait did he me where is J go tweet from the official Joey over there come in here I’ll tell him to come in go ahead Joey tweet from the Chicago bows account meet the young Bowl Matas check explosiveness versatility athleticism that’s uh that’s what they’re going with iess versatility and athleticism we going to do weaknesses or somewhere gar Forman is creaming his pants I can’t wait to watch what he said uh during his interview that looked like that was some good stuff going on in there is there any quotes on that that from the interview that he was having right there I did see somebody in the comments said thank you he said thank you for doubting me that’s that’s the only thing I have seen you’re welcome he said I’m blessed man this is what I wanted I wanted to be here thank you to the Bulls or I’m ready to work I was born for this this man this man has Deon waiters type of uh confidence and and and being drafted to the Bulls what he means by I was born for this is I was born to lose in the play in tournament is that what he was man yeah just going to get him in Am I Wrong maybe we ain’t seen him play cuz that’s what being a bull is right now well right now I was born for this Atlanta Hawks we’ll see you in the 910 game shout out for being in the draft [ __ ] Christ it’s a draft pick we got another pick in here Joe what the draft pick do to you good God nothing nothing nothing at all he’s just out here living his life trying to improve this team I’m just salty trying to improve the squad you’ve done the poor bat more Co life for this man oh Jesus we need that chill mindset dude need to be embraced not of course light in the world oh well we’re going to find out definitely to find out find out shout out to cor like man hey bartender yes shout out to cor like did you say we got another pick in I don’t know Fisher Fisher’s gotten one thing wrong tonight do we trust him no we can wait on it I think we wait for Jake fer is suspended yeah the big dog stopped on there’s a reason I don’t have Jake fer alerts on my Twitter account I got W and I got Shams and he was wrong he was wrong he was wrong he was wrong he was wrong wow this a rough night for him for wow okay so the the pick is in for real now okay someone who’s not Jake Fisher Okay poor guy poor guy having a tough one he needs to crosty cold course light that’s he does give us fun things to talk about in August and September yeah we good Joe all right the big is in there it is Miami Heat who just agreed to terms to keep bam out of Bio their three-time All-Star big man round are taking I kle wear with the number 15 pick w wow that’s interesting you like that J not I like him I mean he’s there’s there’s like the whole question about his motor and his intensity and stuff and you you never want to hear that with a center of all positions right like you need to have that backline of Defense there but yeah I mean the skill set you cannot deny it he’s bouncy he’s long he’s a great rim protector he’s a great lob Catcher And I think what’s interesting about him is in addition to being that like Rim roller rim protector rebounder big he’s also got some upside as a shooter and as a passer and so you put him in this Miami Heat system they’re not going to tolerate lack of effort they’re not going to tolerate it I like him to to really hit his Peak and reach his full potential there were so many bulls fans pounding the table for klew a lot of Big 10 Basketball fans lot of IND Indiana fans and of course the heat get him and they are uh they’re going crazy it’s already starting it’s already if this guy gets turns out to be a real player we’ll never hear the end of it nope sure won’t he’s but like will said he’s on the right for that because he cannot come in to the Miami Heat talking about little lack ofical you know what I’m saying not not coming in with that motor to play with cuz they won’t tolerate that at all they’ll put him right on the bench he’ll never play so yeah he’s on the right team man like to develop that kind of thing and got the right coach too one of the best coaches if you can argue if not the best coach uh in the NBA in their exposure and I think I mean they just locked up bam I think he makes sense as a guy who could play next to Bam too bam with the ball handling uh with his ability to like run dribble handoffs and just play more kind of a perimeter perimeter oriented game I think you need a guy on the backline like where obviously they’re not going to play him in you know closing minutes when you’ve got Jimmy and you know the the rest of their group out there but he gives you another look and we’ve been talking a lot about that tonight but I think it’s really important to have upside and versatility both in your scheme and just your style of play and I think the Miami he hit a home run with this pick yeah I agree lot of bulls fans want to CLW lot South car on the comments just saying OMG I’ve done uh Ben hem 922 saying heat culture is real will will7 saying where bam Jimmy hero Rosier heat Stant five Gary Ross said he would be flipping tables if he was here you want me to flip a table Gary I know Gary shout out to him he was hanging out in the Discord C Bulls Discord for the die hards out there earlier today talking about how he wanted to make it tonight wasn’t going to be able to uh and uh Gary’s the best I Gary is the best I will flip a table for Gary if he wants to start one of those over there those tables right there the ones that are bolted into the ground oh they are I didn’t know that you want me to look like a weakling no I don’t want you look like Matt he’s angry upet I’ll turn this goddamn Bus Around that’ll your precious feel trip pretty damn quick of course like shout out to you look at the chill mindset that is happening right about now all chill oh I love it I love it so I love it so man but do but yeah like I like cuz man I know you like wear as well I do you were pretty high on him I I was just for the sake that I I think I was just kind of tired of watching The V bulls for 3 years and kle wear in a lot of ways would be the antithesis of that as a big man but as crazy like bouncy and long as he is there were also people questioning his motor so if you’re talking about a dude who’s like he’s not going to be a floor spacing big for you but what he can be is a just classic pick and roll Rim Runner crash the boards kind of big who can also provide some some Rim protection when you hear about a player like that motor is a question it’s it’s a little bit of a turnoff so like I I was high on kware to a point but I wasn’t like the bull should take him at 11 sure sure but like I like again he went to the team that will put an end to that or he’ll put an end to his career with that team yeah you know one or the other so yeah I mean that say something about him a lot though that they know that he has that kind of low motor but we know what they value uh in Miami and for them to still go ahead and take him and say well no we can get that motor in him we can put it in that kind of uh engine right there yeah that says a lot about his talent and what he can actually bring to the team do you think he’s going to embody the dumb words that they put in the paint oh absolutely they’re going to have him get there they’re going to have him memorize it and he would have to recite it every single day in the summer league that’s just what’s going to have to happen for p r should dive gner around the hell what did Pat Riley do I watch him get destroyed by Jordan I’m good man more successful executive in the NBA after the Bulls Dynasty ended 26 years ago fair but like I said I get to see him lose a lot to Michael Jordan so I’m all right it’s all right shout out Pat shout out Pat Riley he can the heat can right now South car saw in the comments saying dude you’re texting me now about how this [ __ ] heat culture is going to be bag I’m done done unless buis is the real deal dude okay here’s the thing I love y if if heat culture is back it never left it’s a dumb saying it’s a thing they went to the final twice what you mean buckets finals like four out of five years yeah have they have they won a chip no I’m not worried not concerned I’m not concerned are you a little worried that Jimmy Butler might not be there with the well it sounds like the report was from earlier that he is going to get to free agency but I think he wants to stay in Miami sure I just feel like that’s just they’re going to ride that one I just don’t see Jimmy going anywhere else maybe to Philly but like is that really a better situation for no I don’t it’s hard to just as much questions there um and also like yeah the lifestyle it seems like I mean yes that seems to be a big deal for him bro he’s the man you know what I mean in Miami like it’s hard to to leave that and go be the the second or third best player on the team where it’s cold outside all the time it’s going to be tough for him to give that up man but he’s got to make some changes I like how Pat Riley called him out this again why I like P Riley called him out dog like dudee you ain’t even playing I think you should shut up this what I think you should do when things get tough Dave you don’t just find the first door and walk out remember when he said that to LeBron Le actually saying it to LeBron James remember was when LeBron and dwade and BOS went into Pat R’s office and said we don’t want spoler to be our coach we want you to be our coach and he was like no right sorry deal nowos is the best coach in the NBA uh for the record uh did tweet out about 20 minutes ago Chicago I’m home hard Emoji let’s work # tag BS there it is B from Hinsdale you know they’re going to M that one yeah oh my God they better not say from you can’t say from hensdale I ain’t trying to hear from Chicago no no no and they can’t say from Chicago cuz he’s not from Chicago that’s right exactly that’s what I’m saying I I don’t need no manipulation of this all right you are from where you from I’m glad that you and I are on the same page oh yeah City kid yes sub kid yes bro if I were an NBA player and the bull drafted me I would not say hey say from Chicago and the starting lineups that’s just wrong no it’s completely wrong and right we’ll see what happens I told them to say from Highland Park that’s how you rep Jo yep that’s how you r on my chest oh yeah and we you know we’ve already got IO Morgan Park product legit from Chicago yeah no doubt about it you know they’re going to move back in to get teren Shan so they can have just Javon Carter oh my godv Carter her third Hometown kid that’s true Joe would you rather say from high part or from the University of Texas oh from the University of Texas kind close all right just check check just check that’s worse worse I’d like him to say from the University of Texas hook him under his breath we can talk to Tim and I think winner of is going to do that winner of three of the last four director cups Jo when this happen shout out young Joy F it’s never it’s never too late to enter the NBA draft y it’s true you can do our bu say did at age what like 35 he did had a suit in everything it so how does that work I was thinking does he get to be like in 2K then like you know did they do they scan his likeness well Z yeah I’m sure they’re going to do that for all the the picks or at least the first round p I’m I’m saying sabban oh does he get to be in there when he when he entered in the draft did 2K come like yo we need to we need to get your body absolutely he can buy the game and put himself right in it right there John he fill out the paperwork yes he did his name would be in the system yes he had a press conference and everything it was amazing Joe Joe it was off the chain you should have been there that’s how boring it was being a bulls fan in 2019 see was like I’m going to enter for the draft let’s see what happens uh we’ve got another Pi in I do believe we have our next pick in Joseph all right oh here we go here we go wow that me second you get one in we get one in yeah me Philip still available on the broadcast connect being shown on the broadcast still there waiting D connect waai we’ll see 76ers here there it is uh Sixers selecting Jared McCain with the 16th pick in the NBA draft okie dokie D connect continues to slide Isaiah ker also still on the board what do you make of the Sixers taking McCain here at 16 will to me that was a that was a trade spot I thought that the the Sixers would try to use that pick alongside one of their contracts to bring in a Kyle kosma somebody like that to kind of jump start whatever it is that they’re trying to build around them be and Maxi uh but McCain great player uh you know smaller guard out of Duke but just electric shooter really gets him up kind of actually similar to Maxi not the same Speed Demon up and down the court but uh smaller guard he can really shoot it create his own shot um and I think that’s what you want when you’re building around MBI you want space for him to operate you want shooters for him to be able to kick it out to and and you need a guy like a Jared McCain to come in and be that backup to Tyrese Maxi continue to run the show get them up in transition make sure they don’t become too plotting of a team which really plagued them at times so I like this pick for them he was around that area on my big board uh and yeah I think I feel kind of you know committed to what I was saying earlier about dton connect like it just makes sense I know a lot of people are surprised he’s falling they just showed him on the broadcast it’s making sense to me and you know even the Sixers I think would have been a good spot cuz they need shooting but they don’t want to sacrifice defense they don’t want to sacrifice playmaking I think you know Mccain not a Defender but he can give you a little bit more Dynamic off the B off the bounce okay and a wheel telling you the fit that’s going to happen with Phil this man is true uh meanwhile good uh this coming from a tweet from Casey Johnson uh back to Matas Vel is the Bull’s pick at number 11 citing Derek Rose as The Bull who most impacted him while growing up in Chicago that’s like Roman dun saying Devon Hester is his favorite play yeah yeah that’s about right also just woo that’s a punch to the gut for us older folk why is that tell me why well cuz cuz I’m older than Derek oh yeah I forget that so when you he you all the time when you hear about a Pros like who’s your favorite player growing up and they’re like Derrick Rose or like Kevin Durant you’re like Jesus Christ what are you going to do with your niece’s Victor wimy dude no my niece’s favorite basketball player is probably like 12 years old right now Fair Point oh yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re absolutely right Victor’s going to be like 30 yeah you’re right Victor’s going to be a little BR of the NBA my thes have a favorite player let’s not bury the lead here all right pick 17 wonder if we can get going in the bar we want bronie we want bronny someone take this man’s mic yeah right now and I mean right now shout out to M like he walking up like he about to perform a song shout out to him dog Boy clean he does look pretty clean that takes confidence to not wear a shirt under that bro that shs a lot about him look at that Jack look at this brother shout out to him man he’s got the uh oh yeah he mean that he’s also like a Tik Tok star like he’s just such there it is who needs the NBA when you’re making Tik Tok money hey that’s a cash baby I I hear the kids like the Tik toks I’ve been told yeah I’ve been told I like how Emma shows you the Tik Tock dance out there and put you down with what the kids are doing it is there is there [Laughter] [Applause] is Kev tried me to do Kev tried to get me to do Tik Tok like a year ago no I downloaded it for like a day I made one video I was like [ __ ] this [ __ ] yeah it’s it’s no it’s not for everyone that’s a young man’s game it’s not for everyone by that I mean a dumb person’s game Matt so I’m thinking shout out to all of our CH Tik Tok followers out there I want to I want to question you a little bit about what you were saying earlier about the direction of the bulls and how you’re still skeptical to say it a very nice word say very nice very ni they it it didn’t happen in the way I think either of us would have really wanted right like you get ideally you load up on picks for cuso um you know I don’t think either of us can be like super upset with buellis he’s an upside play sure but they do seem to be trending that direction obviously what KY reported what what needs to happen for you to feel a little bit more encouraged not necessarily like fully bought in but just encouraged about the general direction of things because to me I am starting to see that change a little bit and I’m not saying I’m totally buying it because still they’ve got to deal with Zach they’ve got to deal with dear you’ve got to bring back Patrick no they got a lot of work to do they’ve got a lot more work to do but they’ve made two moves now that I think to me again they’re not tearing it down and starting over and collecting a million picks like the Nets right I think that’s problematic in some ways but but what needs to happen for you to just feel a little bit more encouraged So based on the two pieces of evidence we have as far as bull transactions over the last 72 hours or a little more than that trade cuso away bring in Josh ginea yeah take balis when Devin Carter is also there right what do those two things have in common trending younger if they are trending younger and that is the biggest hint we have to them actually reshaping and pivoting away from this busted ass continuity 3.0 that doesn’t work then yes I am a little bit encouraged by that but they still have gigantic difficult things on their to-do list to see that plan to fruition can you get rid of Zach’s contract without giving up assets to do so can you maybe get a couple of minor Assets in a sent trade or an extended trade for DeMar rosen because those two gigantic things on your Todo list are still there yeah and those are the next two things if going younger with gidy going younger with bazis is what you are actually focusing on because they they can’t split hairs and do both I think your spot on they they have a lot of work to do um and like I said this is not like in my ideal world how things would have worked out um I think it would have been better to like really collect picks and obviously they waited too long there’s a million criticisms you can throw at them for the past couple years but starting from where we are today and the offseason that they’ve already started to have I think the process to me is more important than execution going younger going with upside going with length going with athleticism like those are those are encouraging signs um as as we’ve got another pick in here but and again I’m not going to like I I think the Demar free agency or extension Trade sign trade whatever that becomes that’s going to be a huge indicator of what direction they’re going but to me I feel like what they’ve shown so far that’s encouraging and we’ve got another pick in Joseph hit it boom sham saying the Lakers are taking not bronny James Jr what but Dalton connect who finally goes off the board at number 17 to the Los Angeles Lakers it’s a good fit for him you know in basketball especially when guys fall always feel like it’s a good thing for certain players cuz you actually get to the team that actually you fit with that really kind of needs you and the Lakers needed this kind of guy right here man cuz they’re going to be going from the inside out especially when you got a guy like uh Anthony Davis who they run their offense through I’m glad they came to that realization that it’s Anthony Davis they be running it through but when he’s in there in the post trying to do his thing you’re going to need guys around that perimeter to kick it out to man and don’t connect if anything else goes wrong first of all shout out to his chane but if anything else goes wrong he’s going to put the ball into the bucket if he’s open they need more of those guys on that team to spread that floor yeah we talked about fit being important for him and you know going with win now production versus upside and I think the Lakers are clearly a team that I mean you’ve got LeBron James you’ve got Anthony Davis what do you need to do to be successful put shooting a defense around him the defense is going to be a question but he doesn’t have to like create offense now you’ve got Austin reevs you’ve got LeBron uh depends on what other kind of Trades they make you know they’ve had uh rumors of being interested in guys like Deon Murray and Trey young he is going to come in and just light it up and shoot a ton of Threes that’s what he’s best at and that’s what they need him to do I like the fit a lot and I think this makes me more encouraged about his career now that he lands in a place where they’re going to make use of his best skill and put him in positions to be successful I’m laughing at this Jake Fisher tweet I know I can’t take it seriously he said let’s try this again let’s try this again Tri Tred to tell who the next thing going to be oh man dud I mean credit to him for just you know keeping a positive frame of mind I like that shut out do look at do I mean the chain says a lot that’s why he was upset he going he spend all his money on that CH for it not to be seen mm- I need that like uh I like connects with uh JJ reck as a head coach too I forget about JJ R yeah another shooter out there yeah who might prioritize little bit more got to learn from a good point Joe that’s a very good point what interesting you know what our our wonderful social media coordinator Emma just asked us uh in slack is that when we’re doing the giveaway so let me just remind the folks out there if you didn’t get a raffle ticket grab one now we’re giving away an autograph BJ Armstrong Jersey tonight y’all look at it compliments our friends that collect love it he wrote three p he wrote three p on it is that AO over there can’t see is that is that AIO the front it’s a different like it’s got Chicago yeah it’s got Chicago on the front how about that but what matters is what’s on the back strong on the back autographs autograph authenticity sticker right there on the one friends of ours at collector cave donated this for the giveaway tonight make sure you got a raffle ticket from Emma who’s walking around if you don’t have one already go to Emma we’ll give it away a little bit later on tonight during this first round of the NBA draft yes I want just kind of tck this back here for safe keeping and then when you get it from her say slay she loves that say slay when you get it from I promise you that’s the move right there that’s that’s how the young as it turns out uh Jake fer was correct on this one the pick is in Joey hey yeah hit it Joe [Applause] with the go ahead 18th overall pick the Orlando Magic are taking Tristan D Silva ah from Colorado Colorado hi uh we had them on the show we had our guy uh Jak on the show talking about those Colorado picks and TR the Sila they he truly truly loved uh talked very highly about him and thought he would go in high uh in this draft like in this first round in the early 20s man he thought whoever was going to get him was going to be getting a serious kind of player yeah dis was a late slide for me personally on my board but 68 and a quarter without shoes 610 wingspan uh very much a three and deep player he’s he’s older he’s 23 years old I believe tonight and you know he’s going to come in and be a small forward who’s going to defend one position and he’s going to shoot threes and that’s super valuable in the right context I think the magic need that between Vagner and between Paulo they they just need size and they need shooting to to space out the floor he’s not going to create much at all um he’s not going to put the ball on the floor but he can maybe make the extra pass from time to time defends well at his position uh does not rebound super well but I think he he’s a good fit there and clearly a situation where they’re looking to add younger Talent that’s ready to win now around their young core I think he makes sense there you know they need help in the back court I don’t think this like precludes them from being able to find that uh but to me like Isaiah ker would have been maybe a better option here just because I think he puts a lot of pressure on the rim uh but at the same time he’s a non-shooter and so you’ve got Suggs Vagner banero Wendell like you need you need floor spacing out there and and Ker’s not going to give you that so I don’t hate this pick I think he’s a good role player but to me I probably would have seen him slide a little bit further yeah I can see that too I’m I’m a little surprised at how early he went I thought he would be like towards the end of the first round kind of basketball player but you’re right he has those kind of tools man and he’s a very smart basketball player as well but he’s got that motor that I like so much as well man like he enjoys that physicality when he’s out there playing so good prototypical 3 and D win yeah yeah I agree like most people had him in that 15 to 30 range yeah uh you know wavering from 15 to3 but in that range uh JY fer in the comments saying we’re done no more picks claudo asking are we expecting a trade for the Bulls tonight uh that that is an interesting question because the Bulls just kept their pick at 11 didn’t trade up didn’t trade down took balis but when the question is they have a lot of things to figure out still yeah do you want to see the Bulls try to somehow get involved again on night one of the NBA draft not really I don’t think so I mean the only moves I really think they need to make right now are D rozan and LaVine right is a team going to like first don’t really see that um reminder that there’s also a second day the second round is tomorrow going to start at I believe 3 3 p.m. so um more trades could happen then but to me you know I know the Bulls like Terence Shannon Jr a lot he worked out well for them but I just don’t know how else you get back into this draft and is it really worth it at this point you know there’s some centers out there I still like Don Holmes being one of them uh EES Missy another there’s some good players here still so it wouldn’t like surprise me if they wanted to go out and try to get one but I just don’t really know what assets they have to deal with at this time and if they are going on this kind of rebuilding youth movement route then they need to be collecting assets not giving up stuff to get them and so to me I’d be fine waiting this out I mean of course if you can find a lan destination and that gets you in the draft sure but I’m not putting bets on that just because I think he’s not going to add value to them in a trade I think they’re going to either have to dump him or attach an asset to do so yeah I think you’re right that second round I think is might be more telling cuz we know AK loves the second rounders so that might might be a little more telling as far as them getting back into the and who they value like that I mean we saw them do it with Julian Phillips when they traded two just to move up to get him but I don’t know if it’s anybody that is like okay it’s one thing to move up it’s nothing thing to get back in you know like I don’t know if I see anybody that’s like get back in worthy unless you’re going to go get Brony James just for the opportunity what are you saying that’s it honestly that’s the most I’ve ever appreciated Kendrick Perkins ever okay he a commentator okay is one day I can’t remember which which dumbass ESPN show they were on but everyone was talking about Brian James where is he going to go to dra where going go and Kendrick per just basically said hey this wasn’t LeBron’s kid we would not be talking about him no CU he’s either going to be a late second round pick or undrafted that’s correct why are we wasting our time on this and I did want to give a shout out to Sam Vini who had this nugget on the Ryan rillo Show which I know p is not a fan of but it’s a long list he said I believe I believe and I told this to will earlier bronny would be the first one and done ever picked that is under 6’1 and averaged under five points a game the first player ever in that threshold if he was not LeBron’s son probably not in the conversation I mean that’s just flat out nepotism that’s what it is yeah you guys remember that guys remember that great NBA career from Jeffrey Jordan oh wait no how about Marcus Marcus was the player oh wait no Marcus was the player that b was a 13 game with did you say player or player player oh don’t wow the next Pi no he’s quick he’s got he’s got a quick wi shout out Larsa shout out K light cold ler cold filtered for a smooth finish Goes Down Smooth man goes down smooth that’s ready for that karaoke house party that’s what he’s ready for at the goat’s house y’all where else where else we crashing I can’t did you tell Sashi yet that you’re hosting a karaoke party I have not informed her yet you want us to do it like I think it’ probably be better received from you you want us to tell her actually I think she would be more on board with that than I would okay I feel like you would be down with it yeah we got finally got another pick in that was a long break hey pick is in Joseph give him a seconds to get it together this going to be my second to last pick and then I’m second last pick that’s right we’ll actually have a job to go do listening to AK talk about Mat B he has to go be a grown up he has to go do grown man things and shout out to him for that I know you’re excited to get there and hear these things I’m I’m excited to hear his interview I there it is Tonto Raptors selected jacobe Walter with the number 19 pick shout out Jobe Walter that is a name that like I would occasionally hear tossed in to Bulls conversations but always a name that seemed like 11’s too high M there’s a lot I like about his game oh will yep uh 19yearold not quite 20 yet three in D Wing from Baylor 64 and a quarter in no shoes 610 wingspan uh 38 and2 in vertical very much a three and D player uh not like great size to where he can slide up and guard fours but some twos and threes I think maybe some ones uh but you know he’s got some creation upside I think he is going to be a little bit limited with the ball on his hands uh isn’t going to have to do a ton of that you’ve got Emanuel quickley you’ve got Scotty Barnes who they just locked up on a there’s a lot of players in that Raptor system and what they need is space around them and I think jacobe Walter is a great option there who can defend who can shoot um and who can attack Closeouts so um you know he he was a guy that I think was kind of in the like early teens late loty area uh towards the end of the college season but has slid down obviously now to 19 for the Raptors I think it makes sense for them he’s young too I think he he does have some upside as as uh compared to dalon connect who’s 23 so I like the pick um not like the flashiest I still may have considered Isaiah ker for them they they need to be swinging for the fenes as well but they do have some of their core established with Scotty Barnes and Manel quickley uh is RJ Barrett there yes yeah confusing my my trades but oh you’re okay um yeah I think he he slides in well next to those similar to uh who they picked last year so will just looking at your board who who are you a little more surprised at that is still available cuz still like who are you a little surprised I’ll pull up Will’s big board right now I’m not surprised Coler hasn’t been picked I I was much higher than him than consensus um I would say like this is kind of the Don Holmes EES Missy area I know a lot of teams liked Philip hsky uh Johnny Fury was a guy who graded out really well in a lot of analytics models he’s a big Wing who can shoot it and rebound Carlon Carrington still on the board no he got picked he got he got picked Bob Carrington Bob Carrington so I think you know there have been some like reaches but for me most of these guys are kind of in the Right Slots right now um and I think as we Trend more towards some of these more win Now teams um you know the suns are picking 22 the um the Cavs are up on the clock now at at 20 you’ve got the Pelicans you’ve got the Bucks like some of these teams I think are going to start to go for some of those role players and uh I think that makes another name that that Bulls fans have talked about at least a decent amount we talked about him on our show the last couple weeks C the the big man from dud still on the board yeah I like him it’s just the arms that is the only turn off about him dog T-Rex that’s it the T-Rex T-Rex arms is it everything else I like about him as a basketball player yeah but well except for the fact he went to dke but everything else I like about him as a basketball player there so uh yeah Johnny Fury from Kansas still on the board o I forgot about him Ryan Dunn Ry we talked about we about R obviously aine ey product uh tsj terryon Jor still on the board I think tsj might go late like 30th or maybe even getting into the second round but early you know what I mean like that might happen for him uh in in this draft right here so I believe I mocked him at 23 to the Bucks okay and I feel like that’s the kind of situation where you’ve got like your pillars you got Dame you’ve got Giannis you can slide in defend Drive score but doesn’t have to do too much and and he’s going to be a little bit more win now ready for a team like that um and that was a concern that I had with the bulls being rumored to draft teren chin and it was like are we really entering a rebuild here looking at 23y olds 24 I mean he’s going to be 24 before the first game of this season so like to me I’m looking at upside and that’s why I was much happier with buellis than I would have been even trading down and picking up an extra second and getting a guy like turn shanon I understand that I understand that yeah we’re going to get into the’s talk later too I got some more questions for match I got some more things meanwhile Rob in the comments saying the Bleacher Reports com for mat buzas is hio turgo I’ve I’ve seen that before I’ll take it the buzas turgo watching H I mean I love too I will never get over the Kings getting host in that Western Conference playoff series against the Lakers ever yeah as a bulls fan I watched that series and was like yeah Kings got host they did they did and I love hedo tricko yeah yeah shout out to him man that team was stacked too that King team was stacked top to bottom had a great team but they were like Rick Adam’s new Portland Trailblazer team you know what I’m saying from the ’90s to the 2000s the same of St I I don’t see hedo as much cuz hedo is very like slow methodical like kind of surgical player buellis is very I to me I find him to be kind of sped up I think he needs to come yeah but also just like trying to like play fast okay uh hedo was trying to play slow and I I think if bzel can get to a point where he is a little bit more physical he can get to his spots a little bit more he can learn to be a little bit more like DeRozan that would be awesome but right now I I see see him as a little bit more frenetic a little bit faster a little bit sped up um but that’s that’s a lot of young players you know most young players are not playing at a slow pace uh and I think you know that’s what makes guys like Luca so special oh yes absolutely right it’s going to be interesting to see man so you think at the Cavs at 20 I mean such a weird team I’m curious to this that’s a weird team it is a weird team I’m very curious I to talk about whether or not they’re going to be able to convince Donovan Mitchell to stay the answer is no I down be like why the hell I want to stay in Cleveland right as a wise man want that that’s two no refer what’s so good about Cleveland two bet on this the Cavs pick at number 20 is in young Joseph as is [Music] 211 I’ll stay I suggest you hit sir I like to live uh Cavaliers taking Jaylen Tyson off the board at number 20 uh what do you make of this pick go yeah he’s an he uh he’s kind of a do-it-all wing he can score a little bit you can shoot a little bit 65 and 1/2 68 Wings span um 21 and 1/2 years old playing out of Cal Berkeley but he scored at a high level he’s good rebounder he can facilitate so I think he fits with what the Cavs need I mean they’ve been kind of searching for you’ve got Garland Mitchell you got Moy Allen who is that three who’s going to come in obviously you’ve got Max stru who can give you the shooting but is there a guy who can be a little bit more Dynamic with the ball in his hands who also defends I think they’re taking a swing on a guy who profiles to be that kind of player I like Tyson a lot I was expecting him to go a little bit later he didn’t have the best season um and kind of a a weird route to where he he was transferring after his uh his second year so um interesting player but I really like the fit and I think he does work with in what the Cavs are trying to build it it doesn’t limit them to okay now we have to trade Garland or we have to you know extend Donovan like he gives you some versatility with how they can play interesting have they do they pick a coach yet do they have a coach uh Ken ainson thank you there you go Ken ainson a name that like was on the Bulls radar back when they were excusing the ball ahead of manism before they hired Billy Donovan yes oh I remember I have not forgotten that that goat yeah I think that’s you guys got the last nine picks here uh there’s another one in but you want to should we go to this next one that’s in you want to let’s do it you want to Matt you’re the you’re the Hoster well you’re the producer and goat has a press conference to go to so I should not be in charge of that decision just want to say real quick thank you to everyone who came out to join go take it off y’all he’s got to go do the really really appreciate give a hand for the goat go knowledge personified will to go got Le ladies and gents go to that press conference and tell a to keep trading [ __ ] that is a smart young man right there that’s who he is we do have another pick in so let’s get right to it let’s get take his in [Applause] Jo uh the New Orleans Pelicans at 21 selecting y Missy Woo oh yeah that guy the seven footer from Baylor uh I mean dude I I heard a lot of bulls fans saying they wanted you have Missy uh leading up to this draft a lot of those Bulls F were saying like for the love of God don’t draft a guard we need a big V is bad and old draft a big yes yes Missy was on a lot of those names on a lot of those lists well shout out to him Ian I hope he does wonders for them seven footer from Baylor you can’t go wrong with a seven foot like like I said this was the draft for the big fow and so that’s why I’m not shocked but a little shocked that Zack Ed went you but this is the draft for the big men if you’re going to be drafting centers and you’re going to come up with those kind of basketball players this is where you’re supposed to do it at bro like in this draft like they are a plethora those big it’s interesting to think about that move while we’re also wondering what the heck the Pelicans are going to do true true true are they going to try and find a spot for Brandon inam this off season right uh you know uh what going to do chunis is another name that keeps getting thrown around as far as off big group breaks are going on right next to the big group photo happening you guys yeah stand up stand up stand up hold on we got to stand for the group Pi all you out there on YouTube hang tight we’re taking a picture we’re live poing and taking a picture at the same time Emma’s taking a photo red y’all Cheers Cheers y all kinds of I’m not sure how that one translated to the audio feed but we’re about to find out Wen we we going to find out but I’m sure if you’re listening at home we took a picture hopefully beautiful we saw it it’s a family moment that’s all that was man we needed one of those shout out to Joey for that I got you Joey just give myself a little scratch there Joe I let a little bit more tight than you know what I’m saying we just takeing a little little one that’s it no I wasn’t saying to sit I was saying you can slide this way now oh no I will I will you know the big fell on that brother you know I’m on that for real man by the way how’s that manyi AC unit treating you down there how’s the what now the mini AC unit oh look look when I tell you best friend is happening up in here hey Melissa’s here yo what up bissa here hey yo I a even see none of y’all yo my fault what’s up man wait that mean s somewhere brought the cool people for the back half of the party Amelia Amelia AKA parro junor Sports is also here you didn’t say hello to me at first which is upsetting but you took that personal Jo I took it personal but it’s okay you don’t want to disturb me I understand I understand I’m working hard over you’re working hard man shout out to you sir for doing all the hard work that you’re doing unne tail off you you guys can stay standing by the way if you want I adjusted our camera so whatever you want well yeah well that’s what’s going to happen this what’s going to happen right here I was actually about to take a 30 second pit stop and uh well you do that you guys entertain yourselves I got you back you can take a pit stop when I back I got I got you back luckily my is with my man Big Dave I think that strong bladder going so I’ll be okay right there man come on in Joey come on in have a seat talk to me about this is what the people wanted talk to me about M sir tell me your feelings on them big big Dave and Joey should have a you waiting on that for a long time a sitcom for sure I don’t know maybe not a basketball pod but a sitcom would be great of I think sit be entertaining my yeah I’m I’m pretty happy honestly with it I I agree with what you said he’s a guy that like similar to we were talking about the Ron Holland conversation he has the pedigree of a guy that was going to be a top three pick for a lot of this uh season for the most part until it’s sort of shaken down true later in the draft process but the upsides there the size is there he has shot it inconsistently but I think we’ve seen with Peter Patton like that’s that’s an area that the Bulls can can get guys up to speed hopefully um and I don’t know I mean it’s there’s a grain of salt obviously with all these guys but like we talked about in the in the Deep dive episode on matis if you’re going to take a swing on somebody I like taking a swing on a guy with that size that length that can handle the ball and I think at the very least you know can be a good connective piece can finish plays um hopefully prodex will be a good you know weak side Defender and can get better on the ball but you know I I like the pick I I yeah of all of the outcomes this is one that I I think is way on the more positive Spectrum for me no I think you’re right and and as I said before like watching all the tape of of these players we watch he was literally the first one that I said whoa oh like of the moves that he was making and the things that he was doing on the floor cuz the athleticism that he had he’s a legit he’s a legit like a super duper athlete he’s a legit athlete with with some crazy size yeah and he’s got a little handle of course that’s going to he’ll be theim lay that joint up because he’s got that long uh Wings span as well he seems to be decently fluid as well you know in his the way he moves and so I you know hope that he can continue to put it together develop the handle and there’s definitely pieces there that you could see him being successful in the league 100% there’s like my thing is that there’s a lot of guys that I think maybe Bulls could have taken that I don’t even know that NE would have had a higher floor but not as high of a ceiling as Modis very true very true I like it I think I’m going to have to nail down what is it are we going mates or is it Matas I’m sure he’ll tell us we’re going to find out let us know but right now mates right now what we rolling with right now right now till we don’t know my man Joey that’s my man y’all right there basketball Joey AKA 21 Joey AKA chat Pais I’m saying Matas for the record Matas that’s where you going okay yeah Matas sounds inting yah out to him yeah man and can I say also shout out to the weight staff here shout cuz they are working hard doing wonderful sta PB and over there hard out to look work look at look at working on a week night on a week Wednesday night it is a Wednesday night all these people got to go to school tomorrow that’s right it’s the middle of the summer fam to support uh Big Dave you know what I think it’s time for tell me uh our social media coordinator Emma told us it’s time to have one lucky Bulls fan here hanging out with us at PB andj walk home with an autographed BJ Armstrong Jersey com to our friends collector game let’s go everybody pull out them raffle tickets if you got a raffle ticket pull it out right now we’re about to read off who is going to win this autographed BJ Armstrong Jersey you’re going to want it then you’re going to want to Matt it put it away show them the good stuff mat show them the good stuff that’s the St there it is says 3p on it why cuz he want three authentic sticker autograph BJ Armstrong shut out man his name on the one threee on the zero that’s called SK from our friends at collector’s cave that’s awesome stuff Emma who is our lucky winner tonight for this autog BJ Armstrong Jersey right here all right Emma let’s do it Emma’s in there she’s drawing she got her eyes closed eyes are very closed eyes are very closed she is focused she’s about to draw her own number 110 who’s got who got 11 who’s got 110 who was it who’s got 110 who’s got one anybody have hey hey there it is 10 of the building get up here get up here congratulations there it is come on come come show it off show it off come on what’s up my guy how are you you come on in man come on through come on in show the people what you got looking at the BJ Armstrong Jersey right there congratulations good sir look at that right there aw now what you want to do with that J what are you going to do with that right there hold on you want a headset want head yeah go ahead put that on right there we got a big interview coming up here yeah what what are you going to do with it first tell the people your name my name is Brandon bams 92 in the Discord die hardn right let’s go and what am I going to do with this man I’m going to hang this up and put on my wall yes I like your style sir I like what you thinking man do you have any other Bulls be you on your wall at home I do not no this will be the big one yeah this is the big one my girlfriend and I just moved into apartment congratulations shout out you got your lady with you too shout out all right shout out to the L yeah let’s go shout out yeah is that his jersey or did you have that’s his okay that’s mine that’s my D Rose Jersey oh man see that’s when you know it’s love right there he gave you a jersey so you know it’s serious man yes sir my man congratulations my friend yes sir good job thank you yes sir man oh that’s good stuff right there look at that got a jersey and love at the same damn time this is good stuff up in here hey what up yo all the crew roll up what up oh me here to what up what up what up that’s Stephanie too what up Steph what up damn everybody roll up listen you’re not here you’re done messed up it’s all I’m telling you should be up in here having a good time man Big Dave we got a trade here oh snap hold on we got still doing work so and we’ got the pick that is in and it is a member of the All City Family the Denver Nuggets are trading up with another member of the All City Family Phoenix trading up with Phoenix they are going to select Don Holmes the big man from Dayton I like that Pi for Denver okay I like that pig a lot for Denver not bad tell me why a versatile big man I think could come in I think they’ve for a long time have been looking for a quality backup big uh behind joic and a guy that could just eat up some minutes think about when they had DeAndre Jordan back there think about when they had Thomas Bryant that didn’t work out I think they need a guy that can help yic especially in the regular season soak up some minutes so I like this pick a lot for the Nuggets Jo enjoy I’m just catching up I was saying hi to our our fellow Bulls Brethren uh did the Nuggets just get Dr holes yes oh I love that for them shout out to our dmvr nugget crew I’m sure that they are happy cuz they would not shut up about Don holes the last week would not they would not they continue to talk about him a lot and the rich get richer yes and it’s that’s good for him man they needed that one thing they need was more sides you know what I’m saying on their squad I mean outside of Joker who you bringing in you know DeAndre Jordan like he already told you what his role is going to be and that’s to be uh Udonis hassl so we know what he’s going to do but yeah they needed this size I mean no better team to come into the team that’s always going to be competing for a championship for the next 5 years at least or will he be playing himself in season 2 of the Hulu series clip cuz I wouldn’t mind seeing that happened to I have not watched one episode of that yet dude okay I I think I only watched the first three so far yeah outrageous out outrageous like in a fun way like like I got to watch this in a super fun way but in a way that’s like I this is cosplay but like the laziest cosplay that’s ever existed so like Lifetime movie kind of oh yeah okay all right all right all right the nuggets are sending the 28th pick the 56th pick and then two second round picks to Phoenix uh which they used to take Holmes obviously and uh this will just continue to drive the Rivalry up between the pH andx Suns and the dmvr Nuggets family rival love so basically the Nuggets gave up a swap of uh moving up from 28 to 22 giving up 56 this year and then two additional second round picks in future years okay so they B just traded three second round picks to move up six spots to get their guy which lets you know how much they loved Ron Holmes oh oh oh oh oh it’s magic like yes they loved him very much man never believe it’s not so Dave believe it’s not so oh we do it all over here it’s crazy me it’s crazy to me when you have a team that’s that close to winning and competing year in year out you’ll celebrate to a crazy extent picking a player like Don Holmes who you think can just take you a little bit over the edge you know think about how much more the Bulls need and and how much no matter what happened there wasn’t going to be that much like it’s such a different it’s just their their franchise in a completely different place yeah Jo let me let me bring it back Joe to the times when the Bulls were win the Championships a little bit let me let me walk you inside for a second let me walk you let me walk them let me I just want to say this I’m not ready to cry but okay well I have that kind of effect sir I have that effect just want to tell you Joe when they were picking guys it was always never an important time in a bulls Fan’s life because we always knew one we were picking last so we didn’t care who was coming we hear names like Mark Randall shout out Cory blunt Cory blunt Jason Cy Jason Cy Dicky Simpkins yes your favorite Joe Dicky Simpkins we heard names like this we didn’t care it didn’t matter because we knew we were winning the championship that’s all we were about and that’s what we were focused on and the draft meant nothing to us no that a great time it’s a great thing man I promise we didn’t need the draft no no we didn’t need it we had MJ so everything we got was a bonus yeah like so if Jason Cy came in and he could provide something great that was awesome cool wonderful sure but now it’s different it’s so different now you’re up in this draft you got to pick somebody that matters to you but I’m just telling you there was a time where it didn’t matter it didn’t and we just won shout out to leowski 5 just threw name Cory Benjamin Cory Benjamin oh SN to Rusty Laro no Rusty matter that was the problem Rusty matter they had to draft him cuz he mattered that’s like when they draft K damine and all them guys like that but yeah man I’m just telling you that was a time there was a time that was going on like that hey y’all hello too cool for the world how are you come on in I love you how are you I’m good thanks for being here thanks for joining the show thanks for enjoying what we do how are you sir that’s my husband my hello husband we just got married just got married well congratulations and they spending it here hanging out with us celebrating your love that’s the second draft 11 that’s two couples that came couple half of the couple 23 23 just traded up to 22 to take your on hold so yeah first round the NBA split it into two nights by the way what you guys project bronnie I think second round I got I got Bonnie in the second round probably a little later uh going there I I do pro him to the Lakers we’ll see what Happ wins out undrafted I’ll draft him right now you you draft him right now just to get LeBron you say you have leverage so what he’s thinking Matt yeah I don’t think P I don’t think pack loves that one the love just left the building just that quickly just bloated right out of just said the other day pting actually I was just I don’t give a freak if I play with my son or not it was a fun idea I don’t care yeah yeah that’s what he said what LeBron say he said I don’t care about playing with bronny JR he did he said it’s not something that I have to do before I retire it was a fun idea but it’s not the most important idea as far as where he’s going to go now yeah not your first if you want the Bulls to like trade back in the second round to take Brony James cuz you think that that would bring LeBron to Chicago a that’s not the way it’s going to work and B you wouldn’t want to anyway because LeBron can die G and Ron Hill Chicago W no okay say it again sir I said LeBron James anytime he’s going to come to Chicago Dwayne Wade to Chicago oh we going wait okay now we got to stop this no we got to no you got I don’t want this man that angry all right thank you we got to keep him we can’t have him that angry p is about all right thank you friend thank you appreciate you man thank you you can’t bring up D Wayne good thank you man can’t bring up see man I care see I care see I can okay you know how I can spend this positively oh tell me go Chicago Sky D go go Sky Go Sky Go Sky the only hope for Chicago basketball being relevant anytime soon thanks for go Chicago Sky look at that man everybody’s coming through so in love this is a beautiful thing look at Jake in the corner just worn out just like I want to go home but he can’t cuz he loves us dud working hard working hard D working hard lot of hard work going on man but Bulls nation is in here y’all y’all should be here too just comments it was then that CS decided to hire security I knew when to say when let me just tell you in my years of doing this I the situation I was like I’m needing out I’m needing out oh there we go slack ass wow shout out man uh Robin the com just said bringing on the job is fun it is it is uh I’d rather be smoking though well hey stop irer sunyside cannabis dispensary correct shout out to them 35% off if you use the code h i c h g o that Cod got to memorize oh man it’s right up in here they say it affects the memory no no no remember those things clearly sir brain and your mind your mind too both of them things at the same time but man I want to talk so modest right yeah I want to call him I want to call him I want to always just say Matas like exactly with that inflection we should do that for that but with this young man and and what you’ve seen cuz we kind of talked about him when we broke him down you liked him you thought he was cool but you weren’t like in love with him as far as no I like like basically every player in this draft class there are things I liked about Matas and things I didn’t like about him and primarily the thing I didn’t like was that he shot horribly in his one season with the g- league ignite and look like you said you like the confidence of this young man who said I don’t care that I shot poorly I know I can shoot I’m going to shoot better when I get to the NBA this was a bad shooting season you want to take him at his word and there’s a lot that he can do Beyond whether or not he can shoot that the Bulls need right now like like run up and down the floor free flowing offense make Cuts be a slasher be an off the ball threat be also someone in a weirdly similar way to Giddy who can like create also when he’s being you know an on ball Creator defensively I’m going to just put a pin in that and see what I see when we get like see him get his first run in like preseason games uh we’ll see if he plays in summer league I hope he does cuz we’re going to go out there and watch in in a few weeks uh but like there’s a lot of upside in a lot of different areas I I I don’t like that we drafted someone who’s not a shooter not not someone who I can confidently see right now at this very moment is a shooter okay that’s fair that’s fair and and that’s honestly my only drawback my only criticism I know a lot of people in the comments are like oh PE and wouldn’t be happy with anybody they took tonight that’s not true I had people in this class that I liked I like when when Ron Holland went as early as he did I was shocked and I was a little disappointed cuz I was hoping he might fall um like I would have been a little bit irly but I would have been okay with dein Carter okay balis falling all the way to 11 like maybe goat’s right maybe it is that just every team ahead of the Bulls 1 through 10 had their own priorities and their own plans yeah and buis is a top five talent that ended up falling I hope that that’s the case see I’m just saying I’ve got a lot he’s he’s got a lot to prove to me to be excited about this pick Okay C I am cautiously okay okay with this pick all right all right I I’ll I’ll that’s a big step for you so I I will accept that what you’re saying for me let me start with the defense um help defense is where he shines now as far as like everything on ball defense having to guard those wings yeah he might struggle with his footwork a little bit but his IQ on that end of the floor when it comes to being a health Defender is pretty good and if his defense in the post if you’re trying to back him down and make moves it’s solid there as well cuz he has that pretty long Wings span you know that six in Wings span yeah so it’s solid on on that end everything else yeah you’re going to have to be concerned with but I think a lot of it comes with his weight and you know what I’m saying and his strength and there’s a pick init is AJ Johnson AJ Johnson from the NBL wow via via Fresno California but he goes to the Bucks wow with pick number 23 didn’t see that one wow look at him Matt that’s a young fell that’s good young fell look he coming from the stands that’s a new one wow oh man came from the stands okay that was a new one dog I ain’t seen that one shout out to him good job young fell that’s Su J yeah wow he looks a young Joe he looks younger than you bro wow he is although also like kind kind of following a trend of Bucks draft picks in recent years yeah in the Giannis era when they’re like hey we’re a good team we’re always towards the top of the east in the standings we’re always picking it toward the bottom of the draft let’s take really young guys who are upside swings trade alert trade alert we got trade alert and that is the Knicks who are trading back they’re trading pick number 24 to the Washington Wizards the Wizards and it will be the Wizards third first wow Wizard’s been busy super busy wow wow Wizards ain’t playing or both of them bus I get that the Knicks are trading at least one of these picks you know they got back to back 24 25 the Knicks yesterday just made a big trade to bring in male Bridges from from Brooklyn and gave up a lot of draft Capital to do it true it seemed like a no-brainer for the Knicks to take at least one of these two picks and say let’s trade down trade out and recoup some of what we just gave up to bring in bridges correct correct and and again when people saw the Knicks and the picks they gave up please understand the Knicks still have like 11 picks over the next seven years so they still got enough picks you know to be okay if something goes wrong so you can make that kind of leap and take that kind of uh risk on a guy like Mel Bridges if you feel it’s going to move you towards the championship so I get it yeah again Nick can go to hell but I get it it’s it’s a smart move you know what I me I understand that but you’re right mat that’s also showing how their intelligent saying let’s recoup some of that that we lost move back a little bit and maybe we can still pick up some younger guys and I think there might be looking at guys with size you know what I mean and maybe some shooting and stuff like that but yeah they’re in a good position man like the Knicks have been smart and also this is the end of Julius Randle like Julius Rand I mean let me ask you guys a question did any part of you guys last night expect the Shams alert the Bulls are expected to go all in on Julius Randle in their effort to no continue continuity seen that happening I I quit paying attention that would have been the most blls ever I don’t know if it’s a sign of personal growth that that thought did not occur to me at all not one bit dog not one bit did I think about I did let roll my eyes when that uh you know uh Beast grp Jackson tweet came out last night I paid no attention shout out to my man School the Bulls along with Houston and Dallas a team that has some level of Interest yeah yeah yeah in Kevin Durant like all right and what’s else going on tonight like I just kept moving do like oh the Bulls have sub level of Kevin Durant another pick is in I have some level of interest in getting handed a free Mansion really man I’ve had that same thing that’s crazy pick is in in this is kaan George to the Washington Wizards I like this one for the Wizards huh I thought you hit the song on that I did I just played quiet very quiet Tai George Wizards I like this guy uh a little bit bigger frame for an elite shooter 67 really can put it up from Beyond uh the ark uh high volume uh was good last year and I just think guys like that there’s a clear Avenue Avenue for him to at least you know finding a role in the league so I like that for uh for Washington 24 yeah 24 and and as far as the other side of that trade sham the Nicks trade 24 to Washington for number 26 and 51 M uh so essentially uh Wizards spending their 51 second round pick M to move up two spots from 26 to 24 to take their guy okay George that’s not that’s not too bad in this kind of D and I think we’re going to start seeing a bunch more surprises and again I can’t believe Kyle filipowski is still there still there still there like it makes me feel a little bit better as someone who is an NBA fan and a quasi college hoops fan and this time of year from you know late April to June I started paying attention to draft prospects yeah yeah I watched Kyle Philipi and I was like nah I don’t want that or need that as a bulls fan right now he’s a bigger Grayson Allen man he’s got a lot of Grayson Allen in him oh why you do that I’m I’m being 100% serious listen after you just saw me move somebody out of here Duke player you going to bring up prolific Duke player multiple multiple incidents I’ll try man just know that just know I I it doesn’t surprise me what I’m saying is that Matt does not want CFI P that doesn’t surprise me that reads said that reads that reads he’s got a little Grace in he’s got a little bit in them H little bit I’m telling you he had a little controversy this year getting into with fans make a couple dirty plays yeah okay Duke player yeah well I mean like did they deserve it like was this a r Artest situation no it was uh it was a little weird he was uh storming the court and he like collided with people but it sort of on the on you know on the replay looks like he he was sort of throwing his own body into them and there’s a couple other instances just he got dragged a little bit this year but I it’s not really fair he’s a young kid interesting okay all right well we know why Matt doesn’t want him thank goodness he’s not going to be a Chicago pool we don’t have to worry about first time I heard that com that is my first time too my first I tried I did my best I was just like that he’s short out white from d I don’t want him yeah fair that should have in the end of it all right there like should have shut it down so the Knicks the Knicks who did come into this with 24 and 25 now they so now they have 25 26 so they’re now on the clock the next two P correct correct do you think they walk away with Philip palsky I mean if we talking about he’s that agitator I think the Knicks are just going to wave their rights to pick 25 and 26 because as Tims always tells us say he has more than enough to win he does say this lot doesn’t need any draft Pi this his thing I do think the Knicks will Target a center because I think especially with the trade and the OG an anobi extension it’s going to be difficult for them salary-wise to retain uh both both um Mitchell Robinson and Isaiah hardenstein so I would expect them to maybe take a big year and solowski does give them a different skill set from either of those guys stretch the floor a little bit good playmaker and so I that actually could see that look there’s no way that they are keeping hardenstein I just don’t see it at all arenstein might get 20 mil on the open market per season bro man I don’t see how they hold on to that after the bridges move like I see that happens going be hard to keep hard exactly bro like I don’t see how that go down that way so it’s going to be different they’re going to flip that up and we’ll see how it happens bro what’s happen we see how it happens we will see Nicks can go to hell never forget a said it I mean every sing the word of it yeah Dam play how you doing man feel great list I’m having so much fun I’m having a good time I’m having so much fun dog like this is everything I wish y’all could see all the people that are here man and just all the Bulls fans out out here just hanging out enjoying each other having a great time bro like it’s just mad cool bro so this is a beautiful thing it’s a beautiful situation thank you for being here I was going to say if if you needed to take a quick a quick two brisco’s right right there I could grab him and make him put on your heads come on in Brisco come on in come on in I shake so one and only Derek give him Wills give him Wills headset there you go look at his guy yeah yeah oh hey and Miss Melissa is here too look at this look at this got a whole Bulls content creators what up Risco bris go another bull podcast Bulls fam in the building what’s up buddy hey nothing much now we didn’t get a guitar no no pull the mic in a little like we we picked somebody that’s over 66 so we did we we did not take a 61 Kentucky guard are you feeling okay about that I’m I’m okay with it because we need somebody that’s going to be able to replace his boops hopefully soon how long did it take for Brisco to bring up Bo how long was it was that under 30 seconds so I mean do you feel like the Bulls after the giddy guso Swap and now also taking a young Prospect who’s also a little bit of project like BOS is signifying they’re going to continue blowing this up and are you happy and optimistic that that’s what’s going to happen I am very very happy and optimistic about no more consu te and no more three years was enough right yeah let’s let’s not run it back anymore and we’ll see what happens so what’s the next step for you like if you’re AK you you get giney for Caruso fine you bring in bazis tonight on draft night you currently don’t have a second round pick coming into tomorrow you still have to maybe try to find a divorce for Zack LaVine still got to make up your mind about DeMar rosen what to you is the next big priority for the Bulls front office I think it depends on if Paul George gets traded and then the Demar signing trade yes then this Demar signing trade if Paul George does then you got to look at who Z right but mainly you want to try to get some draft Capital maybe throw our friend past considerations and get a pick tomorrow no the bulls the bulls don’t give away cash considerations they only take them in we know this to be the be all end all golden rule for Mr rinor right yeah I mean maybe maybe this is a change sign so if uh if you are in favor of hey can the Bulls maybe find a sign and trade for Demar rozan are you also okay with trying to recoup Zack Line’s trade value and keep him around until maybe next season’s trade deadline which is idea that a lot of fans are wondering is maybe possible Well yeah if you if you move the mar so you don’t have to pay him that like 80 million extension right so then just try to see if you can raise Zach’s trade value and maybe get something that’s sna salary filler and bad pcks probably protected knowing the blls so how do you feel about giving up assets to get off of Zach contract at this point if we’re actually rebuilding it it wouldn’t be a good idea to get up yeah additional just to get off his I I think I’m there with you like it would it would hurt to give up assets to get off of Zach’s contract at this point like you hope you could still find some sort of salary dump but the the name the name of teams is dwindling as far as who’s interested right like maybe Sacramento is still kind of interested in Zach for some reason maybe the Pistons are but that’s like that’s the end of the list right yeah like who else out there is is knocking down the Bulls door for Zack LaVine right now I think anybody is knocking out Zach St do you do you uh do you feel like Zach has like something to prove if he doesn’t find if the Bulls don’t find him a trade like who who more do you fault for the fact that this Bull’s Zack divorce hasn’t happened yet AK okay it’s it’s it’s on AK it it’s it’s on AK um even the Caruso trade not getting a pick on a how do you not going a pick man how how are we talking about there’s nobody breaking down the BS door for Zack LaVine the door the door there’s not even a door on the frame there’s there’s an empty frame and nobody’s even willing to walk through it it’s AK has removed the door he’s taken away the door everyone could see right into the room nobody is interested in coming inside not a single person they’re definitely not breaking down the door that’s for sure that’s for damn sure but yeah as far as Zach having something to prove I mean you were a two-time Allstar and you were the franchise guy at one point right and so I wouldn’t be happy if nobody wants it’s like it’s crazy to think about where we were a couple years ago Zack LaVine trade talks and where we are now which is like hey he’s a two-time Allstar can the Bulls get a handful of picks maybe at least a couple of picks any young player we got a pick in Jo in this is Pome daia to the Knicks Frenchmen not to the Kings to the Knicks to the New York Knickerbockers yes sir uh was that 25 or 26 that was 25 okay that was 25 so the Nies have another one coming up after that good shooter good size Wing uh high potential not sure he’s going to see a ton of playing time for the Knicks this year but uh makes sense in theory sort of surprised like I said that they didn’t go with uh big but yeah uh yeah 67 and 3/4 at the combine weigh in at 217 69 wingspan 36 in vertical uh yeah interesting pick there for the Bulls uh I I mean for the for the New York Knicks who now have the very next pick here at 26 uh let’s see what we got as far as best available still on the board so I’m taking a look here at goat’s Big Board y ker still on the board wow Isaiah ker has fallen all the way down here isaah ker still on the board smth Tyler Smith yeah from the G League ignite guy we talked about that’s a guy I like the Bulls uh you know if if it worked out for them the defensive Ryan Dunn from Virginia Dunn who will had them link to a couple times uh Johnny Fury he’s talked about the wing from Kansas uh Kyle filipowski we’ve talked about a ton tered junor of course uh so still a couple interesting names uh nicool jerich um who I believe is teammates of topic uh so a couple of interesting options here yeah interesting um yeah I’m I’m curious here I mean I guess I guess it makes sense the Knicks could Target a center here here at their next pick um I mean do do you think that they they would maybe feel like we need to take a backup pick uh on the front court if we can’t manage to keep hartenstein around that makes sense uh yeah I I mean I’m listen if they end up keeping hartenstein I wouldn’t be shocked but I think that would require them to move off of Mitchell Robinson and I would be I would be surprised if they were able to retain both of them just with the cap situation that they’re in so so again that would make sense to me but we’ll see we’ll see I mean they they uh they know more about their situation obviously than I do man Brisco does it bum you out that tibs is just driving with the mix like does it bug you more than like you know I don’t know what what what’s another comparison of like a former bull going on and finding glory and happiness somewhere else like I mean it doesn’t compare because it’s the Knicks hate the it’s the Knicks I hate the Knicks right exactly you and I are the same generation hating the Knicks is our job yes hating the Knicks is our job but man for the for for that little Springland time when they had not only Tims but they had D Rose and Taj on that roster how much did that break your heart they had Noah too right oh yeah well they had Noah back in the day they they threw a big bag of money at Noah and he got hurt and then Nick’s fans hated Jem because he got paid a lot and got hurt and just hated them because they had Brisco that was my first time meeting you L well done great job sir give it up for our guy Brisco y’all give it up for our gu man going right here of a bull podcast cool I don’t know nobody with more bull stuff in my life than you and literally from head to toe it’s bull stuff it is impressive yes sir can I can I be honest anytime I see you drop a new fit on social media I’m like damn he looks fly slash and I I see this with all the love in my heart stop buying that bull merch man stop buying that bull merch I knew it was coming you knew it was on the way that train never late that train never late you look so fresh all the time see it’s hurting your heart because you know how cold he looks stop letting Jerry win it’s not man he loves his team go ahead explain yourself explain yourself I’m supporting the Bulls and it just so happens that jury gets a portion of that money so it’s like a LoveHate Thing that’s it yeah love hate it said Matt Matt has lean more to the hate hate love you know Ian good let that hate flow through you I watched him develop a whole new layer of ha I’m like damn it I almost had him in the middle but no you got a whole new layer but we’ll get through it we’ll get over it we’ll get through it man but until then you look amazing son always and forever the brother be clean bro brother be clean out there Joe you see him Joe yeah he looks like he was uh styled by Finders Keepers he shout out to our cre CeCe Fighters Keepers check them out on Instagram they’re good people you know who they styled Big Dave so I got this shirt baby right there Big Dave you know who they styled a couple weeks ago I do cuz I told you is rad shout out Finders Keepers love that an awesome collaboration yes look at this three great people and Joey I believe we have another trade on Deck all right come on with it more trades yes more trades on trades on Trad hold on now I’m assuming you love M yes okay all right just check I’m sure y’all disgusted but I’m assuming that like I said we didn’t draft some [ __ ] of Cory’s light is empty very good point yeah Co that’s true that’s true very good point thank you coach if you could replace that with something that’s not empty I’d appreciate [Applause] it I like how I was like hey Jim can I get some more water thanks you’re like give me a whole bucket of fears now it’s draft night man shout out course like this next the New York Knicks have traded again 26 26 trading out of 26 Guess Who they traded at to the Thunder oh Alex kuso’s new team no thank you I don’t care about them and they are selecting Dylan jonesl Jones from Weber State right yeah he’s a solid little player he’s a solid player plays a little bit bigger than his 64 frame uh sort of like a a uh a forward and a guard’s body in that uh in that sense cleans the glass A Lot High motor player good Defender um so we’ll see a little bit of a tough archetype NBA but yeah for a guy his size the thing that I love the most uh about him and our guy willig go got Le’s draft database all those Advanced stats defensive rebounding percentage pry High 31% that’s pretty high that’s up there that’s not bad at all yeah well done shout out to you sir I don’t know nothing about you but you’re a New York Nick so I hate you gut that’s how that goes that’s how that not a New York Nick he’s an Oklahoma City Thunder they way to pick via ni he’s got you know little dust on him you know what I’m saying like you know just a little bit so I I’ll get over it in about 5 minutes always that next stench on him you don’t want that that’s the last thing you want man so bris what’s up with the Pod man where’s the Pod going bro that would be on oh thanks Jake the famous one over there point that bissa over there getting ready go to do the Pod okay but yeah the Pod will be back soon did you enjoy the show we had her on like we got on the show that was good one right yeah that was fun usually I’ll I’ll watch you guys the next day at work yes sir so I have something to do while I’m working yes sir yes sir yes sir since Melissa on that makes me really happy that’s what’s up man that’s what’s up I’m glad we help it some kind of I I did see that Melissa had a tweet somewhere the other day saying she hasn’t even watched her own appearance on our show yet wow hasn’t gone back and watch it that sound like me I wouldn’t I don’t do that either are you kidding me crush it if I were here I’d be like yeah look at me look at me shining it looks good kill right now you know what I’m going let you get on out of here bro I ain’t mess with you no more bris thank you for coming brother thank you for being here man bris another bull podcast one of the members of Die Hard Bulls Nation right here hanging out with us at P J that man that man come on Melissa come on come on come on Melissa come on come on come on come on interesting timing here you don’t have to you don’t want to I’m telling that come on here man next [Applause] [Music] acquiring oh okay they’re going to go handle some business all right they’re going to handle some business get a star ready that’s when you a when you got a team with you you know what I’m saying you you feel me got a squad where’s our makeup we had to get ready look at B come on in there get him get him Jake thank you yeah oh thank you yes have the hot towels ready when you finish this is I can it into my far off the rails this is far off the rails this is my favorite part it’s crazy my favorite part here she is come on in Queen hey joining us grab a headset that is for you what is up what is up the one only miss m joining us here live from PB what’s up Melissa I don’t even know here having a good time with you guys man thanks for coming and hanging out with us absolutely and doing this fun stuff absolutely so how was how’s your night been it’s been great okay enjoying the draft absolutely how do you feel about put that mic a Little Closer oh my there you go there you go you guys really want to hear my voice yes I think they do everyone in bus Nation wants to hear your voice yes the queen waving all that oh too cool so uh do you like way real quick guys the thunder in that in that trade to the Knicks five second round picks going back to the Knicks so the Knicks gave up five first round pi to get five seconds back I wonder if AK is paying attention this is how you executive way yeah hey Thunder can we just have five second round picks for a late first we’re just you don’t really need them do you no no thanks we don’t want PS we don’t want pics that’s right we don’t like they don’t want no pics they’re like we want players yeah well yay at least we we did make one pick tonight Melissa how do you feel about mat pizos you know just watching the Highlight Reel which is had a good gauge okay it was like was promising we got some passing skills to work on but I’m happy with it I I didn’t really necessarily want to do a draft a guard but we’re here I’m going to we’re going to work with it yeah he’s young he’s athletic you know he’s he’s the opposite of what I’ve seen the bulls actually draft you know what I mean and that’s why I think I like it cuz you’re kind of picking the lane when you get this guy you’re like we’re actually going to go young and start over and not keep ramming our heads against the wall and doing the same damn thing over again right hooray right hoay that’s the main point just yes it is change check change so so were you like very staunchly like we have all of the guards don’t draft a guard is that how you kind of felt coming into tonight I feel that way so like Devon Carter was there on the board and that’s a name that Bulls fans kept hearing over and over and over again you’re you’re glad that they went bazas over Devin Carter I’m not necessarily glad but we got to work with it I guess working with what you got yeah okay oh that’s the we got to pick in Joe a big one Minnesota Timberwolves who already Jr wow wow Minnesota already got busy earlier on in tonight’s draft with that earlier trade Rob Dillingham yes with with uh yeah Dillingham and now taking the Ali star Terence Shannon Jr with the 27th pick I mean congrats to Terence Shannon Junior him up him up best of luck to him he’s going he’s going and joining a Minnesota team that was you know this close from being in the NBA finals and it’s just like will talked about he said when they took Rob Dillingham when they traded up for him at eight they lacked in that series Mavericks they didn’t have any other creators next to Edwards now they’ve got Dillingham one of the best shot creators in the league and Teran tranon Jr probably the best score in college basketball last year so clear it’s clear what they’re trying to do yeah yeah they letting you know and I’m just happy for him to actually get this spot man cuz that’s a good place to go for him Anthony Edwards is that kind of same mindset as Terence sh Jr with how they play the game a do correct exactly right man so no that’s a good spot for him man I wish him the best out there he should do his thing bro can we I do love his reaction though who we drafted I do love his reaction I love that he’s a HomeTown kid cuz I feel like you have to play with a different type of intensity playing for home to so so he knows what that feels like like to do that and that’s why I think you saw a lot of the tears coming out of his eyes and stuff like that his reaction was it even melted Matt’s cynical heart when he saw him actually cry yes now even he had to say okay look out it hurt look out still bother it’s bothering now make you tear up a little bit just a littleit I I can cry if you want me to but no I’m going to need a little bit more than that yeah just talk about Joe Kim Noah he’ll he’ll see that don’t make me cry too shout out to Joe Keem who’s doing great work on one city here in Chicago over the last couple days absolutely they had uh their championships earlier this week absolutely uh but yeah no I’m happy for Terence sanon Jr I know a lot of bulls fans wanted him to come here I feel like the only way that that was going to happen is if the Bulls found a trade partner are trading down uh it did not make any sense to me to take him as high as 11 yeah and like I I think we saw it was the athletic earlier today they had a mock draft that had the Bulls traing down to 17 with the Lakers ended up taking Teran Jr at at 17 he ends up falling all the way to the mid 20s yeah uh I think that makes me feel a little bit better about the fact that a lot of bulls fans were like Terry shanon Jr you can take him at 11 and I was like I don’t think so yeah yeah happy for him glad that he made his way to a first round pick but we got most of another pick another pick and it’s another pick another prospect that was linked to the Bulls this one makes a lot of sense to me and it’s Ryan dun going to the Phoenix Suns okay perimeter defense something the Phoenix Suns desperately need they need bodies period they need they need role players they need guys that are going to play their role that are going to defend that are breathing that can that can run by the way they don’t have many means to get these guys so they need to go and get them in the draft however they’re able to these living breathing human bodies that’s very important and get them got to be living and breathing got to be both bissa what did you make of the fact that W had a couple of tweets last night or was it today when that oh no it was last night the bridges trade goes down and they start talking about all this the rockets and this team and that team do you really want to see my life in a in a trade that had nothing to do with Kevin Durant W was like here’s this trade by the way they’re going after Kevin Durant what do you make what do you make of that mm say anything nothing about I don’t even see want to ruin the day F was doing great I even know mess it up I kind of feel like I don’t even want to talk about it I don’t want to ruin the movie I’ll tell you what I did like I I liked your Tweet when when you put up uh talking about when they made the trade with Mel Bridget and everything how you tell me they have to play 48 minutes not one we’re begging we’re begging for you got all the pcks and we’re just begging for one that’s all we want all we want it just one that is not an even swap she’s right you guys think that that’s you that’s not swap no it’s not not at all so forgy come on and I complained about it on Twitter last night too after that tree went down and there were plenty of people in my comments being like well Bridges and Kusa aren the same players and I was like okay yeah sure if you want to say the bridges is better than cruso to some degree I I’ll fight you on that but okay I’ll maybe give you a little bit of L in there it’s the five picks in a swap and none not one where is the middle ground there zero zero zero nothing are you trying to say Kus is better than Bridget no I’m not I wasn’t asking for five first round picks swap 7,000 if kuso went to villain NOA could we at least have gotten like three PS you serious if he went to vov so are you saying it’s those goddamn Texas schools fault Jo is that what you’re saying him problem he’s he’s an Aggie he’s an Aggie don’t matter we off everything don’t matter College in Texas is the same that’s right we blame off everything okay I’m going to just rush right over that one cuz that was crazy oh my goodness yeah I love oh Joy’s button is always Tex that’s the button right there for him man shout out we are we are9 and actually I believe Joe the pick 29 is in and I love this pick I love tell me I love it a great deal and it’s 29 the Jazz are taking Isaiah ker wow okay I like can’t believe that a guy huge fall yeah that was that we were talking about going in the top top three when this season started yeah for real and and there’s a lot of guys that we’ve said that about tonight that we were talking about going that high but to fall the 29 no he was the first play I heard you mentioned start I remember that we I talked a lot about ker early on I talked a lot about Stefan Castle he’s just good and what what will talked about he’s athletic he’s big he’s the guy is built like a [ __ ] tank it’s crazy and he’s I just think hey pick 29 and we’re going to get a guy with pedigree that was McDonald’s All-American in high school and five star recruit yeah that can’t go wrong that’s he reminds me of a slightly taller Nate Robinson oh just like tough muscly guard who can do a lot of [ __ ] that will surprise you okay I like that I like that he’s a sport star is this the end for Matt player Chris Dunn then does he get a shot is his name for him I don’t know hey man show your Chris dun shot CHR D that’s really good that dude shot that dude that dude had a season where he shot 19% from three like a like a champ and and I and I feel like an idiot because the early days I was like oh Chris Dunn he’s good oh we all I like Chris Dunn we did until he broke his face then he fell on his face he broke his face dunking the ball it was over film after that yeah it was done I feel a little bit guilty cuz I was at that game where he fell on his face thanks man were how did you feel about the same mattley that’s how he rose it was a rebuilding season it was a rebuilding season that’s true emotionless guy right there yes man I don’t know he’s kind of full of emotion actually no tons of emotion when it comes to certain things the Hat I’m telling you when you when you get by the armor it’s nothing but squishiness under D was telling me earlier today about a friend of his who had never watched our show before watched a couple of episodes recently was like that guy man he’s like crazy emotional I was like well no you what she doesn’t know is that I’m only emotional for 1 hour a day this is true so let me jump in here quickly with something from I’m sure and I’m sure that uh I’m sure will can corroborate this at the United Center but he I don’t have this from will I actually have this from Gary Ross Gary rap reporter shout out he says Urus cardosis quotes from his presser about Matas pelis I did not plan for this today I did not expect him be available at number 11 it just worked out this way I wonder who he’s going great question great question true to form AK just making a decision whatever our we’re up who do you want I don’t know I I I didn’t plan for this wait was just there it just kind of happened yeah it’s just there kind Happ I was thinking some chips catching up on suits on Netflix you know chilling like oh the draft this tonight oh snap final pick of the first round all right here it goes AK reminds me of that like settlers Settlers of Katan player who’s like I want to make the longest road no weight wheat no stone I don’t know I got to make up a m he don’t know do but listen he got a good player like I think I I told was was my favorite guy in the draft outside of uh basketball Joey AKA Reed Shepard but outside of him I I just like the way he plays and I like his irrational confidence he talks a ton of [ __ ] and I enjoy that very much but the athleticism that he has the length the only key is Matt is what keeps Matt from wanting to you know say heat that Praise on him yeah is the defense one-on-one and the three-point shooting for sure you know the 29% from three that he shot tough but I think for me like I’ve seen him shoot we’ve seen numbers where he shot you know better than that before and he’s a good free throw shooter so I think it’ll come but him and Peter Patton like I said need to get an Airbnb and hang out and go straight to every day I’m saying we should have like youth shooter on this too MH what’s up uh our guy our guy willly go go just uh tweeted a video of the beginning of ak’s press conference over at The Advocate Center shirt there some chips on the shirt uh he appears to be wearing a light blue light blue whitish button- down shirt uh urist doubles down on uh adjusting the roster to begin his media session saying quote it’s hard to predict what will look like in a week or two ooh change so change hey AK don’t lie to me don’t you dare lie to me AK do if you say that tonight Zach Andor dear better be gone two weeks from now gone g o n e gone another quote from AK from Gary un acquiring giddy over draft capital from other offers it’s hard to acquire play players that are this young and this productive yeah again it ain’t about the player it’s about the pit you got none it’s hard to keep your job being this bad at it unless you work for Jerry Ry T but congratulations what do they have on I don’t hate them they got pictures I don’t hate them taking giddy instead of a pick in this draft but how do you forgo future picks corre that’s really what it’s I I can understand them saying giddy is a 177 and six guy he’s 21 years old we like him more than any Prospect in this so so draft but you’re not going to go in for a 2028 pick or like but that that part that doesn’t make any sense and see that’s the thing is like giney was putting up those numbers on OKC team that was young and bad to okay as the Thunder got good his productivity fell off a cliff right his road to and so that’s Bill Simmons was talking a lot about this like may maybe not bill I can’t remember who whose take this was may have been Zack low but yeah giddy got played off out of the rotation by a good team so what does that say about his ability to fit on a true playoff team a team that’s contending that’s what I wanted to know too cuz that’s what giddy was talking about he said everybody got better and better and better but what does that say about you like why didn’t you get better and better better as the Bulls as the Bulls continue to put pieces around him you hope that he rise to the occasion rather than somebody that’s just he’s been passed over by the rest of their talent but we’ll see we’ll these guys are too young to put a ceiling on any of that and and’s going time to do it that’s that’s what’s quick for me when watching like Kobe’s trajectory L Marin’s trajectory these guys are too young they’re too talented to say that we’ve seen enough and this is who they’re going to be and you just never know what a change of scenery might do remember that when dalen Terry steps on the floor remember that just remember that it’s a little different and and we talked about this with dalen and Ron Holland is that like Dal never had that pedigree and he never had that usage grade in college but giddy is a guy that was a top six pick like and I I listen dalen 100% but I I’m just I’m not I’m holding out hope I’m fair enough D you my guy sir know you see D in that video with James with KD yep I did that’s kind of prom M all of it is promising me I like I like that everything will be fine now D and Terry is going to blossom into six Man of the Year see the hate cuz of cuz of a workout video the hate what else you going to do well going to be the eat ships and sandwiches video like he’s got to work out man good for go work out got let me fly peacock that’s your job in the offseason go work out we don’t need to like fwn over workout videos and the final Pi going over theout final pick of you’re allowed to do that you’re do 24 first round is in the NBA champion Boston Celtics select Baylor shyan out of kraton guard big guard 66 can really shoot the ball create a little bit of a floor General long time player kraton I know I know shout out to fish this is fish’s like favorite guy in the draft I know he was really looking for the to take a later round stab it in but he looks like he was arrested for knocking over mail boxes in the suburbs with Doug mcder that’s interesting that’s very but he’s not wrong that’s extremely and he also look at this guy who also went a great that’s actually Point why do you think I said Point good good size point a high IQ player long time college career screams Boston Celtics he does scam boss in Celtics he does he does I can’t refer it have we shouted out Luke cornette yet for getting himself r shout out Luke cornet L corette for getting away Robert Ory on your way to seven shout out Luke cornette I mean he’s only six shy of truly emulating the great Robert Ory w Robert Ory shout out Stacy King shout out Stacy King oh man the draft sir round one done round one look at that quick work and by quick work I mean it’s 3 hours and 15 minutes later it’s taking a long time take that long 55 thanks uh thanks to the NBA I think they’re going to truncate the you know time clock on the round two tomorrow so it should go faster truncate shut up the trun hey uh we will be live for that too we’re not going to be at PB&J sadly they didn’t want to host us two nights in a row I understand uh but the the second round actually starts at 3: in the afternoon central time tomorrow yes so we will be at our Cho Studios headquarters here in West Loop going live at 3 just in case the Bulls do something squirly jump back into the second round and either way we will be there to uh break down what AK said in his press conference that’s going on right now about bazis about the kuso G trade all of that jazz all of it uh in the meantime Miss meliss tell the people tell the people out there in Bulls Nation what they can do to support what you are doing out there for Bulls Nation um I mean you just follow me you can follow me at missis on Twitter and melissa. Francesca on Instagram there you go we love the BS here we love these guys here we all awesome Queen meliss uh we are going to get out of here for the night um shout out again to the staff of PB&J shout out to the than you PBJ being our wonderful host for the evening shout out to everybody who came and hung out with us here in PB&J tonight Nation Die Hard hanging out love them so much yes shout out to everybody hanging out in the comments tonight uh and of course uh I needed them shout out to our friends at Kors light oh you needed them shout out way to our presenting sponsor all offseason long yo the draft concludes with round two tomorrow but Kors light is going to be rocking with us C Bulls all off season long they’re going to be with us for our NBA free agency coverage that starts on June 30th they’re going to be with us out in Las Vegas in a couple of weeks for NBA Summer League our wonderful friends at Kors go to basketball get yourself some Kors light delivered straight to your door with instacart I know them you know you know them I’ve heard of them they’re popular shut up shout out also uh and thanks to our social media coordinator Emma Emma our C GM Jake who was hanging out with us here tonight help out a lot Coach sales guy Jim was here hanging out helping out tonight he’s in here um Sarah’s in here Sarah’s in here hanging out Sarah’s actually producing another show while she’s sitting in here shout out to that work ethic right there shout out to the you the grind don’t stop it don’t stop um perhaps I’m going to say the biggest thanks and always the biggest thanks to our P producer Joy ba working his ass off tonight young Joseph for us here on this fun remote show can’t do it without you follow that guy on Twitter for his Sports takes he’s at Joey’s pathis he’s a longhorn shout out to to the air conditioner down here that I brought can you feel that can you feel that yeah shout out for saving my life I appreciate you so uh love to Melissa love to our buddy Brisco who popped in for a hot second here baby was here Seline was here shout out to our winner of the BJ Armstrong giveaway shout out again to our friends at collector’s cave R is here Stephanie is here we’re we’re back tomorrow live 300 p.m. central Time we will be here for round two SL talk about ak’s press conference tonight in the meantime big DAV is at BBA awl Sports I’m Bulls we are chore Bulls we love you so much Bulls Nation thank you for hanging out with us tonight whether here or abroad or where you are hanging out with us in those YouTube comments we love each and every one of you we appreciate you we can’t do this gig without you and it’s a damn fun gig yes it is we’ll talk to y’all tomorrow see where be good Peace Love [Music] [Applause]

The 2024 NBA Draft is finally here, and the Chicago Bulls are set to pick at No. 11.

This pick holds extra importance for the Bulls following last week’s Alex Caruso-Josh Giddey trade and with several key offseason decisions looming, including the contracts of DeMar DeRozan and Patrick Williams.

The Atlanta Hawks hold the No. 1 pick, and there is anything but consensus at the top of the draft. Will they select Alex Sarr from France, or go with Donovan Clingan or Reed Sheppard? Will the Bulls make a move on one of the top athletes in the draft, such as Providence’s Devin Carter or G-League Ignite’s Ron Holland?

Join Matt, Big Dave, and Will as they react to and break down every pick in the 2024 NBA Draft!

An ALLCITY Network Production








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  1. A lot of people saying they are excited to see a bad team and they will finish the season seeing a dozen games at most. I'm not mad at all with the Bull's getting a big forward and am ready for the new era. Sucks the Zo/Zach/Demar/Vooch core didn't work but it is what it is.

  2. The Bulls have their hometown product. Minnesota pulled some shockers tonight with Dillingham and Terrence Shannon Jr.

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