@Utah Jazz

Hour 3: Utah Jazz roster construction | Tim LaComb | Utah tops Big 12 poll

Hour 3: Utah Jazz roster construction | Tim LaComb | Utah tops Big 12 poll

join H Olsen in the zone broadcasting live from the Royal Court pickle ball Club Utah’s new state-of-the-art indoor pickle ball facility in Herman Friday from noon to 3: stop by for prizes food and fun way cool has Mrs K check that place out yet is that on her her list oh yeah oh yeah I don’t even know what that means Last Summer we were golfing and she was going to golf but then she wasn’t and then I got there and she golfed with us for nine holes and had to take off for pickle ball she’d been in a golf tournament in the morning uh she already golfed in pickle ball the same day she’s already she’s already done the golf pickle ball double letterer yeah all right Royal Court pickle ball club we expect a full review at some point question of the morning what are you along fourth of uh July weekend plans Jason sent us this he’s going to Pine View look at that the sun’s coming up they’re already on the boat out there is it coming up or is it going down oh that could be going you got me there I don’t know I’m in a morning mood so I thought coming up but you right it could be going down either way it’s awesome good look out there looks awesome now the one request we have here from Jazz fans is no major NBA news on the 4th of July so we started talking about uh potential moves that got his thinking Gordon Hayward of course and uh the young guys and it’s always when the young guys come in there’s always fans are tweeting at us yeah they’ll be gone in seven years okay so your question is how many will be here in three years though of the guys they drafted last week of the guys they just picked right the guys we haven’t even seen him in summer league yet that’s coming up next week yeah and in the last segment I hedged one two one two but I finally decided one somebody at some point the Jazz are going to make a a trade here and they’re going to have to move young guys I’m going to say that there’s one in three years looking back maybe I should have said zero but I went with one oo well if somebody isn’t good enough yeah because it’s going to be a big contract so presumably goingon to have to send a lot back and guys on the rookie deals I can see where a draft class is gone to get whoever starting to talk myself into that I’ll stick with one I said one we’ll go with one all right you said you would give us your answer shortly is this shortly are you going to hold out on hold out on us till the next it Tim right now okay these three guys yes all three really yeah and it’s all about the internal development I think all three will be there I think they’re going to like all three no trades nobody’s going to get moved of these three of these three there’ll be plenty of deals to be made well with three picks from the prior year and baring to trade presumably three more next year there will be other young talent that could go into a trade well yes and that’s what I’m thinking because those three are going to be more heralded two of them not sure about sensible but right now George and Henrik look like they would have more value they’ll more time to prove themselves so with that in mind they’re G they’re going to like these three but two of those three henrix and George will be more valuable and then they would be able to fetch more value in return so that’s my line of thinking these guys over here have a chance to be good we’ll see how it plays out right the other dudes because of their value will be more at the time will be able to get more in return and the Jazz know full well that in order to get where they want to go there’s going to have to be trades it simply cannot be draft draft draft grow grow grow draft draft draft grow grow grow that’s that’s too laborious I don’t know that anybody’s everever done that well we know Denver didn’t because they made a big trade with Orlando to get one of their key pieces that largely done by draft OKC in the process largely done by draft but they have since made they made the one huge trade and then this very off season here now they also traded uh giddy who was their number six pick for Caruso so that’s two trades and drafts and that is and then they got uh hartenstein the Knicks Center because the Knicks didn’t have the room financially so then they get him and that’s the way to do it hartenstein on his own isn’t going to make any difference but they’re looking for a big body and he’s going to fulfill what they used to have in a Ste stepen Adams role and that’s the type of free agent that most markets most teams are going to be able to get you take advantage of that situation you have the space you can bring him in he has to get he has to take the money he must he I know he loved the Nick situation but he had to take the money you got to this is business you can still be friends with all those Villanova guys just as well you just won’t be there every day um and that’s the way this team is going to do it we already know how they’re going to do it we don’t know the particular names but we know the formula and that’s the way it’s going to be so my line of thinking is these guys will be good enough but henrix and George will bring more value I don’t know that either one would be traded but if they’re going to go in along those lines that’s the line of thinking that I’m taking right now and I think it’s freaking brilliant good for you dislocate that shoulder patting yourself on the back well it’s all theoretical nothing has happened nothing has happened but I’m trying to have a theory behind just spouting off oh one two zero ready three you know that my so I I was thinking about it and I thought that that’s a decent Theory it is a decent Theory the the thing that could work against you is that that uh depending on a team’s particular salary situation you know they’re going to be closer to getting paid the guys who’ve been drafted more recently and we don’t even know the timing of this trade right but I don’t think it’s that big of a deal control them longer get a younger guy and it just could come down to which team scatter which of these guys and and thinks oh that’s going to be the guy and what your needs are yeah what you’re looking for what holes you need to plug but George and Hendricks have already shown enough to know hey there’s something there it’s clearly there’s something there yeah they’re going to be playing in the NBA for a while yeah right uh to what level we’ll determine so maybe somebody takes a fly and they the Jazz can get better not that they if both those guys continue on the path of development they wouldn’t necessarily want to give them away but you if you’re getting uh much back in return well then you do it or the trade’s going to be uh next year right at the draft when those picks are most valuable and everyone’s salivating over the guys in that draft it’ll be more about that and not so much about the 20124 and 2023 kids yeah I don’t know what the pick’s going to be what their pick will be right I think that next year is when they start the Minnesota Cleveland Spiel uh yeah but what is that and where are any of those three teams drafting right those teams seem to be okay for next season so they’d be later we don’t know how the as are going to do are they going to and they don’t if the pick is 11 or worse they don’t even get the pick right so they’ve gotta see if they have the pick I did assume three but it’s not necessarily the case yeah I don’t know it could be conveyed we’ll have to see right yeah so we’ll have to see how that plays out but I think be surprised that puts them in a good situation though cuz I think they got three players capable of doing something here we’re talking about this year talk about 2024 yeah the guys we haven’t seen in summer league yet right and I I like yesterday they asked the guys you know what are you what are you looking for in the summer league I don’t know I don’t know what you expect compete I heard that I thought that’s a safe answer it’s a good answer and a safe answer yeah they’re going in wideeye they really don’t know no idea because you’re going to have veteran youngsters on the summer league and to what degree do those guys play how many games yada yada you know the first game everyone’s all jacked and then we’ll go and then they go down to Vegas and who’s available what they do there and all that stuff normally they don’t play every single game y yada so just and and and I think Justin zanic wanted to say uh let’s pull the plug on all sorts of excitement because if it’s great doesn’t mean they’re going to be great if it stinks doesn’t mean they’re going to be stinky and that’s the truth right you want you want everybody to play well but if they don’t it’s not catastrophic want immediate overreaction yeah let’s go and with this year’s team with the guys from last year rookies plus a Kesler and then these rookies there’s too many guys to feature like Donovan Mitchell can have the ball in his hands a whole bunch in his summer league debut well that doesn’t seem to be the case going forward here that they’re going to be able to have that so we’re not going to really be worried about that just run around show some athletic ability uh make some plays that we can immediately overreact to uh Williams uh show your length and your agility that you’ve got and your wingspan and all that and call your make a couple nice passes and Phil lowski hit a couple shots if they just do that that’s largely why they were drafted overall athletic ability by Williams he can defend multiple positions uh and can slide his feet yada yada and Coler can pass the ball a little bit get into the paint make a couple shots and for Kyle just hit some outside shots and move the ball you know from scouting him and reading on him he can pass the ball a little bit so just do that and then you’re good to go I I would think all three would play a pay a back play a back seat to Kesler henrix and George my guess is George is in and out but I think your point about they’re not going to play every game for sure take that bet and whether they play every day or two out of three so if kean’s gonna play two and then take one off well that’s a game that Coler can be really featured and there’s another game where you know maybe they try him together for a little bit kti is not going to play every minute of every game even when he does play he’s not no huh so they can put him in there did you know that y he’s not going to be a true Iron Man come on now push the envelope let’s go I want to hear about this condition I want to see it let’s go well there was that running joke about Michael Bridges he’s played like 471 straight games and somebody had a meme of bridges yeah yeah and him going to the Knicks and Tom Tibido being like oh we’ll see about this but I’m excited for all three in the coming years and I think that excited or intrigued I’m excited oh okay yeah I would go with more intrigued your choice no I’m excited because I think that they’ve got potential to be good yeah and that’s why I say that I look forward to all three of them being on the team in 2728 provided I’m alive hey I don’t know if I’ll be alive this Sunday give me a call okay I will I’ll do that because I got to know who I’m doing the other thing with yeah okay yeah that’s good heads up uh get some good news and some bad news PK good news you’ll be doing this with me uh bad news you got to come back for a funeral uh or just send a card no uh so that’s what I see I’m I’m very optimistic in a normally sour push negative way I I have optimis I confused by this well I have optimism these are three guys that I’ve seen play a lot when when you say when I guess I guess the difference between intrigued and excited is that you’re excited if you think they’re going to be a star that can put that that’s exciting I’m intrigued because you’re right I have seen them play I get the case for every one of these guys being good that’s not usually how it works out and everybody isn’t going to be good but somebody is going to be good out of this group I’d be stunned if there wasn’t an NBA starter in the group right they gotta be somebody’s going these three you speaking of yeah these three six I was just talking these three okay but you could widen it out to six I’m not sure I see a star there it could happen because Stars quote unquote come out of nowhere that’s the excitement is because you’re not sure yeah but you’re right but to for excited I got to have a little little more of a hint I got to have a little they shown a little bit of a hint they’ve already they’ve shown enough to give me a level of excitement they’ve already in my mind have proven it to a degree at their level not at the level that matters at their level they’ve already shown me that they all three of them have the capability of being significant contributors I’m not talking star that’s what I’m talking I’m talking Allstar all NBA like it was exciting when marinin started playing you realized I thought a long time ago he could be an All-Star and then there was you just didn’t see it in Chicago and Cleveland and now you can see it and he actually you know got to do it in 25 points a game I don’t know that I see any of these guys in an All-Star game or so rare the odds are against them man there’s 450 players in the league and 30 Allstars right so statistically no it’s not going to happen I agree but I’ve already factored that that’s the level those are the players who are exciting who excit me intrig me but you but you would never have that excitement though because statistic no you’d have it for LeBron and who else big Vic big Vic big Vic but then who else so you’re never excited allegedly the top three players in the draft well at some point you are you may not be excited year not this year you may not be excited on draft KN but as they start to break out and develop then you have that level of well we but they they haven’t begun to play so we’re essentially on draft night right now there’s no games that matter for another four or five months so I can’t be uh by your definition I’m I’m going through life excitement free no I don’t want to do that I want to go through life having some excitement that’s the point of it right Yak told me the other day he said he said PK did you know that men are that they are to have Joy that’s what he said he told me that wait what did you say yuck men are there are to have joy right that’s what he told me why did you tell him and on me I was because I was passing him in the hallway on the way to the can total Rando convo huh apparently no he’s always trying to drop these nuggets you know life advice from years runs deep with him and it’s hard to let go life you know what I mean life with the in a hallway yeah that’s just you know that’s who he was he’s an elder at heart and so yeah I get it was it notes on a napkin my basketball life what was that thing life in a hallway with yach I know malamud used to do nights notes on a scorecard for the Times way back when so that’s why I have excitement because if I just thought oh they’re gonna be an Allstar well then 95% of the draft aren’t all stars and it doesn’t matter where you’re drafted right win tickets Wednesday coming up caller 12 12 801 575 Zone wins a four pack of tickets to The Ultimate Sports bash taking place at the Mountain America Expo Center on July 12th and 13th we’re going to give those tickets away in about 30 minutes stick around for that Tim lome jazz radio Studio analyst joins us next find out how many of these three he thinks will be on the roster in three years that’s next stay with us access this is H sson and Scot G he’s back for three more years Liam O’Brien forward for the Utah Hockey Club you know there’s going to be great support how confident are you guys that you can put together a playoff team in this upcoming season we’re really confident I mean we’ve got a really good core and then you know we’ve got obviously a lot of room to to add guys yeah we got a lot of good players coming back we have a lot of really good young players and you know they’re still in development but they’ve done a really really good job of working every day and just continuing to get better so it’s a really exciting group to be a part of catch Hansen Scotty weekdays from noon to 3 on 975 the KSL Sports TJ PKS 975 The Zone we are joined by Tim lome Utah Jazz radio Studio analyst Tim good morning it is a glorious morning isn’t it it really is a glorious morning and Tim I don’t know if you know this but uh your appearance is brought to everyone by sperian Staffing and recruiting are you a business owner you have better things to do than job hunt or scramble to find your next grade higher l feran Staffing recruiting do it visit span online at Utah I um endorsed that message I bet I bet you do all this trade and free agency guys sign an extension guys moving who has caught your eye right out of the gate well I think um you know I think every body was kind of waiting on the Paul George thing and uh and you know it’s an interesting combination uh out there in Philly with he EMB and Maxi I did see a photo the other day of you know basically on Twitter saying who’s going to beat this team and and somebody in the comments put uh out questionable probable something like that uh so probably like the the way or the injury report will probably beat it sometimes but no it’s intriguing and I think uh everybody in the East is trying to muscle up to take on Boston and Boston obviously muscled up pretty good um you know out here in the west it’s been you know we we had the big uh LA Laker introduction of Le bronny James yesterday the only 55 pick to ever get a mult multi-year deal so it’s good to be king yeah that’s for sure Jazz draft three more dudes and I know you did some work uh for the Jazz perspective I don’t know if we’ve had you well we haven’t had on you on our show since then uh since the draft happened uh rounds one and two obviously uh just your assessment overall well I I think it was you know as tough as the ping pong ball day was for the Jazz you know the pics didn’t the pics didn’t show that I think everything really fell the Jazz way and from my understanding I think uh um those three guys were were in the jazz top 20 25 and I think they were able to get them all without having to move uh an asset so to me it was extraordinary the way the draft went you know I think the the guys they got you know it’s been well publicized but Coler was the number one player in the country um going into last year I mean he was in an absolutely brutal situation at UFC and you know he his play at times was erratic but man he’s a highle guy I’m really really excited about him uh Cody Williams is the dude from last fall that as I started watching guys I started to cover it uh you know at 10 the Jazz and everybody around thought he’d be gone and the way that that thing worked out was was Supreme and I I do think I mean uh David lock and I were talking in studio yesterday he came in and I sat in with hands while Scotty’s out and and David came in and talked about it and David felt the same way he felt like Cody was the was one of a couple of guys that has a chance to be an All-Star just based on the numbers his his ability um but you know 19 years old 67 71 wingspan um and really like a sponge and I’m really excited about him and then filipowski is a guy who everybody thought i”d go first round obviously some things around him uh maybe that that scared people away but loved his comments yesterday um love the comparison you watch his game to an OIC um you know facilitating big man that you can play through out on the perimeter and that’s kind of the new way but can make a three can you know play in the pick and roll can certainly facilitate if you throw it back to him off the bounce or pass and so again they’re all three young guys and uh but that’s kind of where where we are right now and and I think that for the draft I think the Jazz got an A I I don’t I haven’t seen many say anything otherwise I think he knocked it out of the park did Philip palowski really fall because of all the soap Opa drama around his girlfriend and what his relationship is with his parents because if that’s if that’s the bar and we got to reorganize Pro Sports as we know it are you saying there’s a lot of dramatic tons of drama reorganized Pro Sports Aaron Rogers who we can’t stop talking about for years how often does he talk to his parents I mean if that’s the thing well okay then Aaron Rogers go be a backup quarterback somewhere we can’t trust you that doesn’t make any sense to me no you’re going to say something PK that’s dramatic man or reorganized Pro Sport as we know it well but it’s DJ I mean we have to you have to give him a morsal of your being dramatic I mean this is a dramatic component you’re the action component okay got it of the show I no I I think I don’t think it was entirely that but I think it helped you know I think it moved him down some and yeah I mean the Jabs were just the recipient of that and and obviously he’s got a ways to go I think you know watch his tape and skill stuff stands out but it’s some of the physic Cali things but that will come and um you know the Jazz have such a great situation here with the G league right here in town uh communication’s awesome and the ability to move guys back and forth uh Taylor Hendricks that was a big part of his growth and I don’t know if you’ve seen photos of him um in the off season but I think Taylor Hendricks is primed to have to come into the year with you know a whole different mindset understanding and then his body’s going to be more uh prepared for the rigors of night toight combat so it’s it’s fun to watch these young guys grow call you’re the number one high school recruit is that something that is a speaking of tramatic uh being labeled that uh I remember shabaz Muhammad wasn’t he supposed to be all that and when he went into college and it’s probably in your day when you were recruiting you may have uh run across came and played a a team camp at the Marriott Center with Bishop Gorman so yeah we were we were we were kicking tires around that guy yeah you just wonder you get labeled with that it’s like the number one high school quarterback recruit sometimes he can get overwhelmed by those designations and you just wonder how fair they are now you listen to caller talk and he seems like you know bright kid head on the shoulders all that type of stuff but I just wonder if we we just saddled these guys with so much like what happened well I totally I totally agree with you I think you know we start doing this thing in the you know best ninth grader whatever and the bottom line is the race continues and I think all that stuff is for for those that are looking for it but really um you know what that does say you know to me the only thing that does say is he’s got high level ability and if you watch his tape you see that I mean first thing that stands out he’s six5 you know he’s a six5 guy who then has the kind of the wiggle and the speed I mean he can get a piece of the paint at will and and in the NBA that’s such a great commodity little Andre Miller is yeah I mean he’s got the ability to go buy him but if they get in his way he’ll knock him out he’ll knock him out of the way um he’s got a great shoulder and he’s got great lean um his assist rate last year was over 30% so I mean the guy is a playmaker and what I like about it guys is you know you go from the number one player and in one year you sit there and watch 20 plus guys taken in front of you and you know that makes you a little honory I think I think he’s got a chip on his shoulder and the thing I’m saying is he’s just he’s a way better talent that than you ever get in the 20s um and with his you know development with understanding and his Elite skill I mean Angel always told me he tries to draft Elite skill this guy’s an elite playmaker Elite passer and as he grows in confidence with that frame you know some great things could happen do he and keontay George have enough size to play together yes yeah I mean I worried about that a little bit but again um you know you think back on the Conley Mitchell Clarkson days um this guy’s again he’s five but he’s got some bulk to him and so I think um you know Keon one of the things I want to see from him is a little better dedication on the defensive end being in a stance more given more effort and I think if both guys are in sync I think that could be a pretty fun thing to watch we were talking about going forward that if you know the three guys last year the three guys this year uh as they develop they could be used for excellent trade pieces to get better players right because if they develop and they’re good they’re still relatively cheap you have that opportunity to move players for maybe more established players and we were thinking about this year’s draft since it’s the most fresh in three seasons how many players do you think will still be on the team I think DJ you said one I went with one I went with three all three what do you do um of this year’s draft you’re saying yeah you know what’s really crazy I think if you just look at sheer numbers I mean from last year and this year if you can find two guys um two and a half three guys three guys could really pan out I mean that’s kind of what you’re hoping for and the thing that I do believe is the Jazz and both drafts got real value if you look at it I think you know sah was a similar guy really highly thought of had some injury issues um but I think he was Great Value where they got him and obviously keante you know um I think he he definitely performed the level of guy you know taking where he is and then Taylor I think his best basketball’s Yet to Come uh he played 30 plus minutes a game in the G league for you know I think played 14 or 15 games there I mean it’s pretty uh it’s pretty awesome to see that you know everybody’s got their own Journey but I guess my point is um yeah you’re looking for two or three guys and who those guys are out of these groups I’m not sure but I do know and I’ve always said this a knows Talent zanic knows talent and and they definitely kind of sat through and uh watched this one and they’ve got to be thrilled but you know now it’s now the work Begins for all these guys and summer league to me is going to be a kick in the pants I mean I’m excited to watch this thing go down because the you know just look at the assemblage of young talent and that on that roster is going to be really fun something about the phrase kick in the pants just cracks me up I don’t know it’s old school it is old school it’s vintage he getting kicked walking to the bus stop I went with one because I figured they’re going to make trades for a veteran or veterans at some point and some of these young guys are going to move what about that thought that that in a lot of spa you know and then some of those picks yeah I mean just watch the NBA operates you know you’ve got to have cap space and you’ve got to have some ability to move around the Jazz have all that so now it’s just again as everybody hates it’s the next piece is now you know see what they can finish up in free agency and get this thing ready to go um the the big came hunting thing you know I I think everybody heard the first part but not the second I think d d qualified that pretty well you don’t always go out and get a big buck you can go out there and but I do respect the fact that jazz kind of have limits in the bridges situation you know that thing went from four to five picks and when you’re talking about you know tight string to rebuild um five of your 14 that’s that’s a big chunk for one dude who’s you know maybe it maybe not so I really like their difference I I like the way that they don’t get forced into things and you know again I’ve always said it I think the front office is one of their best strengths is their patience what do you got to get if you move Lowry marketing um there would be one deal on the table for me you know I’ve looked through it all and obviously the Warriors are coming to the table and like the the non-negotiable there would so I think it has to be five picks I mean you got to get five picks depend four four to five depending on who you’re um who you’re getting back but I would you know somebody like Oklahoma City for instance they they were to chat and they wanted to do something it would be three four picks for me Cas Wallace and Jaylen Williams if I get four to F four picks J Cason Williams Jaylen will or case Wallace Jaylen Williams I think I would really that one would make me really really serious about it because it would do a couple things it would put Lowry in a you know a great situation obviously you know you’d see him a lot but if this truly is you know get a bunch of young guys and get a star young star uh I love the idea too of Jaylen and Cody playing together that wouldn’t be too bad so he was in town yesterday I didn’t have a chance to ask him any you know if he wanted to stick around all right well two things when you uh say that trade one I think you can get the picks out of Oklahoma City it’s the players I think where the deal where they start you know counter offering and and pulling names out and the other thing is when you say picks do you want the the unprotected picks or if they give you the protected Pi okay yeah yeah right okay this thing has to be totally my way and pristine and really I don’t think like to me the Warriors kaminga Pinsky would be the ones I’d want but that doesn’t that’s down the way um the Lakers have nothing that I you know that I would covet uh but yeah to me it has to be it would have to be a Surefire next L next year next up and I think Jaylen Williams is that and then um you know a good young player in Wallace I mean you’re giving up an Allstar you know in his prime so this thing would have to be massive so with that said I don’t think they’re gonna I don’t think it’s G to happen I think Lowry’s going to be here and you know how the jazs continue this with a bunch of young guys in Lowry we’ll see but I don’t the jazs aren’t going to get tricked into to trading them and everybody I’ve talked to up there there’s nobody sitting there saying we want to trade them again if someone were to come and uh totally blow them away with something like I said and I made that up but that’s you know my that’s me Jaylen Williams it but it would have to be something with that magnitude Tim we appreciate it as always thanks for joining us we will talk to you again next week hey you got to have a happy fourth and be safe out there um PK remember fireworks are dangerous oh they are yeah I know you’re a freaking pyromaniac so you stay away from them yeah I mean I am a firework and I am dangerous maybe we should come back with de leopard now all right thank you thank you Tim DJ and PK it’s a win tickets Wednesday we’re giving away the tickets next stay with us ladies and gentlemen may I present this is JJ and Alex Sean dery is going to be wearing the number 50 for the Utah Hockey Club we showed flashes of of greatness I want to say it was was really special when we were on our game playing that kind of exciting offensive aggressives to hockey we’re taking the game to to you know other teams we beat some really good teams this year and and you know teams that went on to be contenders down the stretch the the question is is can we do it on a consistent basis and I think like like you guys said bringing in these players a little bit of experience the guys last year just knowing what we got went through with all the adversity and just the distractions away from hockey I think we we really bonded from that and we’re really really excited to finally be able to just play hockey and and focus on being a really good hockey team catch JJ and Alex afternoons from 3: to 6 presented by G2G bars on 975 the KSL Sports Zone it’s a win tickets Wednesday caller 12 right now 801 575 Zone will win a four pack of tickets to The Ultimate Sports bash taking place at the Mountain America Expo Center on July 12th and 13th vendors exhibits games I was going to ask what is the Ultimate Sports bash they going to be athletes to be they’re going to be uh speakers there’s going to be people uh posing for selfies signing autographs oh so you’re going to be there yes $10 per glossy signing you up right now mhm is it uh black and white or color keep it up 20 20 20 for the color one nice keep it up Jake I’m taking I’m taking a 50% cut let’s go nice 20 for the color one I like it well go around come around J that was funny go around come around good one 10 for the black white 20 for the color St right there okay come around Carl going to be there it’s be a job for you teaching PE at Mountain View High well what’s wrong with that it’s not his dream oh well you need to dream The Impossible Dream sing [Laughter] it to dream the Imp okay so when is this it’s July 12th and 13th oh that’s next uh so week from Friday and a week from Saturday right so you go down there and it’ll be vendors selling stuff and there’ll be interactive games for the kids to burn off some steam and that’s the Southtown thing yes Mount America Expo Center right by the stadium there 94 South in state bloody of re parking Big 12 the media Day is coming up next Tuesday and Wednesday college football talk all day long here on the Zone the Big 12 Football media pre-season poll is out trying to capture another day of hype they release it now Utah 21st Place votes number one number two Kansas state with 19 first place votes Oklahoma stay third with 14 five first place votes for Fourth Place Kansas and three for Arizona in fth if I got a little bit of a grudge there I mean they just had a great season there’s no two ways about it and obviously got a they had a coaching change so realistically we get it but nobody’s going to be surprised if any two of those five teams are in the championship game the surprise will be mild I mean Arizona in Kansas okay you’d be a little surprised but not a lot well as long as it’s not Arizona I’m totally fine with it not those guys yeah I think the UT will be in it I don’t know that they’ll win the thing the the raar season but it doesn’t matter be in the top two get to the title game that’s all you need to do there is no home field advantage to worry about so just get there well actually they uh they will be at a little bit of a disadvantage depending on who it is whereas the last two years they’ve been in a massive Advantage yeah it was UD Central both years because both teams that they played Oregon and SC had down seasons and there wasn’t much enthusiasm by their fan bases which is why they both got smoked not that the fan base didn’t have enthusiasm it was they didn’t have enthusiasm because the product wasn’t as good their fan base kind of had an idea how the game may or may not go and it’s yeah for a longer drive but R SE Bas the same a longer trip for Oregon and they just gotten Smoked by Utah a couple weeks earlier totally get why Oregon fans didn’t didn’t show up in numbers for that with those two things NC knew their defense was atrocious the worst probably they ever had this year uh I would think there would be more traditional Big 12 fans Oklahoma State to Dallas is that’s a nothing here to Vegas a little less it’s less actually I think it’s about half isn’t it it’s about five hours I thought oh okay I thought it was three but whatever the point is their fans if their fans are motivated it’s an easy trip down the freeway definitely yeah uh but I do think Utah is going to be in it right now if I’m betting I would go Oklahoma State and Utah well that’s one and three in the poll so that’s who cares whether you’re first or second it’s it’s totally doesn’t matter you want to be you want to be healthy and playing well at that moment of course the health matters go yeah all right DJ PK we’re GNA take a break we come back Brian Dun Say what is wrong with US Men’s National Team and getting ready for RSL and Houston tonight selling a teenager for more than 4 million bucks to a club in Mexico times are changing what are they going to do with that money where can RSL plug that in we’ll get to that next with Dy stay with us

Hour three of DJ & PK for July 3, 2024:

• Utah Jazz draft picks’ longevity

• Tim LaComb, Smith Entertainment Group

• Utah picked as class of Big 12

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