@Dallas Mavericks

Why Klay Thompson is an Upgrade for the Mavs & Dallas is For Him | Mavericks Podcast

Why Klay Thompson is an Upgrade for the Mavs & Dallas is For Him | Mavericks Podcast

on today’s show na Marshall Quint Grimes and especially Klay Thompson will make the Mavericks better this season I’ll tell you why and today I’m luk and this is lock down Mavericks Maverick NBA [Applause] chions it’s good and the M have won the game you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away and welcome you locked on at the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angad media member and your best friend covering the maps for the lock on podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show Making lockdown Maps your first listen today with the best way you can help us grow the show listen every day on any podcast platform like the video leave us a five star review on any podcast platform comment anything below today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account use that code locked on MBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply today simple going through I’m talk about why I think each free agent Edition will be better for the Mavericks and will be an upgrade for the Mavericks on what they had before go through Naji Marshall what can he do how can he be better than Derrick Jones Jr than Josh Green how can Quin GES be better than than what Josh Green was derck Jon Jr was talk about that we’ll talk about Klay Thompson why he’s an upgrade over Tim Hardway Jr an upgrade over Derrick Jones Jr at times too all kinds of things like that but I got to start here today Klay Thompson will be an upgrade for the Mavericks but I think the Mavericks will be an upgrade for Klay Thompson Ramona shelburn ESPN dropped a piece today really great stuff in there suggest everyone go read it I’ll put a link in the description of of this show Klay Thompson this past couple of years after he returned from injury was met with what a lot of us are met with at times in life when you’ve been operating under one thing and then all of a sudden it just changes I’ll give an example if you listen to the show for a long time so Isaac Harris was the co-host of the show for a for a long time six years we started together we grew the show together we grew to what it is did it every every day it was me and him back and forth me and him back and forth and then all of a sudden he leaves he makes the decision to to not be part of the show and I have to re rechange how I view this show how I approach this show and so there’s days like today and there’s night like tonight where I sit and go man it’d be really nice to just have somebody to bounce ideas off of and it’s been great to have slightly who’s in Europe I’m missing him a lot have Reggie at a Tula to have Dana Larson to come in and all that but there’s something about when you’re with somebody for so long and then all of a sudden they they leave and all of a sudden your relationship that thing is different sometimes things just change and all of a sudden it’s different you’ve got to adapt to make it work for you Klay Thompson was the one that left basketball for two years because of injuries 900 days he didn’t play basketball for the Golden State Warriors and when he came back the Warriors that he knew was different than the Warriors that he knew in the past his relationship to it had to change according to the story according to Ramon shelburn quote he was miserable as one person close to him said miserable without negotiations with the team had gone on a new contract miserable at the thought that he wasn’t respected or valued by the franchise and the way that that Steph Curry and Draymond Green were miserable at the declining role on the team and miserable at the way his game had played and how he had played for five years Thompson had been fighting to reclaim his position within the Warriors and be the player he was before the injuries he had to change his relationship with the Warriors and was trying to desperately over and over and over again you’ve probably been in this situation where something changes and it feels like you’ve got to fight for your right to party again right to make it back to the way that it was what’s the thing that Andy says in the office wish she knew when the good old days were when they were happening well the good old days for the Warriors with with Klay Thompson are gone 2022 good old days 26 you know 2016 uh not good old days what did they win 2015 they won a lot of good old days for the Warriors they were done and Klay Thompson was miserable there and he needed to change his scenery he needed to go somewhere else I think Dallas is going to be a great spot for him as a change of scenery imagine trying to play imagine trying to operate at the highest level of a sport that involves lots of mental decisions and mental fatigue and all the traveling and everything I went and traveled through the playoffs and let me tell you guys if if you haven’t done like I did five states in five weeks on different travels and it is exhausting mentally I know they fly private I know they have all the best luxuries I know all the decisions are made for them and they don’t have to worry about all that like yes all that but the go back and forth and to be in a new place and to try to adapt Everywhere You Go I mean it is exhausting to go through all this and imagine you’re doing all that while having a hard time with a new contract extension the uncertainty of the future for you feeling like you’re being disrespected he’s part of this big three and yet he isn’t being treated like he was part of the big three treated like he was just the third add-on guy in the piece he you know Ramon shelburn mentions that Steve Kerr had called him the um you know had called him the the star that had the least amount of like maintenance needed like he was just the the star that you could just you didn’t have to treat like a star and I think that wore on him after a while and it had been a long time and to see a Draymond Green that punched a teammate that has all these Antics all that kind of stuff that’s got to be exhausting and then to see him get a fouryear hundred million deal when you’re asking for that and they’re not giving you that like exhausting to go through that I think a change of scenery was going to be be great for Klay Thompson and the reason why Dallas was the choice for him this is laid out in the piece to Ramona Shel says quote Dallas was his Top Choice this is the best part of this piece Dallas was his Top Choice he loved the way the Mavericks played and believed he’d be an ideal fit alongside Luca doic and Kyrie Irving sour of said he came into a dinner meeting with the Mavericks front office remember they went out Nico Harrison and Michael Finley went out to California to meet with Clay to meet him face to face to meet him in his his his home country of California quote he had a dinner he had came to a dinner meeting with the Mavericks front office having studied tape of the team and already projecting how he could help them clay has been ready for this if you’ve been in a job or you’re miserable and just can’t just cannot make the situation work and then all of a sudden you start applying to other jobs and then like you get an interview email then you’re like looking at their website you start looking at some of the pictures on Instagram or whatever some of their pictures on their website Gallery you start going through it you’re like start imagine what it be like you look at the salary and you’re like oh man maybe be the salary could be better for you at a different spot imagine what you could do with it imagine oh maybe I’ll move closer to where that is and that’s a different area and all of a sudden like the excitement of the new and the possibilities Klay needed to change his scenery he needed to go to a new place and now he’s imagining that new place and I think he’s going to put a lot of efforts into all the efforts he put into trying to fight for his rle back like he said 5 years Thompson been fighting to reclaim his position within the Warriors he’s going to put all those efforts towards the Mavericks fitting into the Mavericks system he knows he’s already looked at it playing alongside Luca and Kyrie an ideal fit next to them he’s already looked at it he’s already ready the change of scenery is going to be awesome for Klay Thompson today I’m talking about why the additions are going to be better and are going to be upgrades I think the upgrade for Klay Thompson is the upgrade of change of scenery just a different place and we haven’t even talked about the fit the pressure is off Klay Thompson now one of the big reasons why he decided to go to Dallas instead of the Lakers this is in the piece to quote playing for the Lakers As One Source close to him put it would this be trading one Fishbowl for another there’s so much scrutiny playing for the Golden State Warriors huge fan base lots of eyes on you lots of scrutiny lots of expectations goldblooded their whole thing GH so annoying they win championships you’re expected to go to the finals every year and if you don’t well it’s not Steph Curry’s fault it’s never his fault ever Draymond Green wow he’s just Draymond he’s the drunk uncle you know he’s the guy that just Draymond just Draymond being Draymond so then it came down to Klay Thompson Jordan P’s escapegoat for a while then he’s gone now who do they scapegoat and Klay felt that pressure whether it was true or not whether it was his fault or not not that’s what he felt and then to go to the Lakers same thing but on a different level the scrutiny for the Lakers playing next to LeBron oh it’s never LeBron’s fault we know that the pressure is off Klay Thompson now and that’s where Kyrie’s pitch to Klay Thompson was one of the greatest things the Mavericks could have in this whole situation Kyrie’s pitch to Klay was leave the drama come to the Mavericks if you’ve ever watched 30 Rock there’s it’s the whole thing is about basically they’re you know Tina Fay is a is a headwriter on an SNL type show Saturday Night Live type show they’re all in New York it’s about New York you know New York City and all that and there’s an episode where Tina Fay and her her boyfriend is Jason sedz the guy that plays Ted lasso uh they go to Cleveland on a bit on a work trip for Jason Sis’s job and they do this whole thing where there’s this song and dance about Cleveland how Cleveland’s so great and uh and about how Tena could be a model there and how everybody looks at like wow you’re so beautiful and then in New York she’s looked at as trash basically like and so she comes back and she talks glowingly about Cleveland she goes to Alec Baldwin’s character and she’s like I’m going to move away to Cleveland it’s the it’s this magical place where there’s basically like no pressure and all this and Alec bald’s character looks at her and goes well lemon you know we’d all love to leave to the cleave flee to the cleave that’s what Klay Thompson is doing he’s fleeing to the cleave and sadly the analogy is going to fall short here but Dallas is the Cleveland of the West in this scenario it’s the place where there’s less pressured the place where there are new experiences the place where you’re looked at more fondly than you were before where there’s not as much scrutiny on you the change of scenery for Klay Thompson is going to be amazing for him and that you hope that that invigorated Klay Thompson that feeling respect Klay Thompson the Klay Thompson the same way that the Mavericks treated Kyrie Irving and took Kyrie Irving sit situation and helped him reinvigorate himself reintegrate himself feel like he was valued again the Mavericks can do the same thing with Kyrie Irving and that’s an incredible thing to say because Kyrie got traded for two role players and one first round pick an Allstar that’s where his value was when the maps traded for him because people didn’t want teams didn’t want to deal with Kyrie Irving and all the drama and all that that they assumed it would come with him and Kyrie Irving has been zero drama with the Mavericks it’s incredible what the Mavericks have done with with that thing what Kyrie has done uh here here with the Mavericks and now they’re going to try the same thing with Klay Thompson it’s kind of an amazing story I’m excited for Klay Thompson to have this change of scenery and I think all that being said I think he’s going to be better on the court too I’ll tell you why he’s going to be coming you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app and you can go go get some tickets go to stuff there was uh there’s Dallas Wings games coming up I think there’s one on Friday I’m probably going to go to it to be honest so go check out the Dallas Wings you can get tickets uh yeah Dallas wings versus the Atlanta Dream you can go get tickets on game time you know that you’re going to get the best deals you can save up to you know save at the last minute sometimes I’ll just 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code l c d o n NBA for $20 off download the game time app last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed uhoh guess what day it is thanks everybody for hanging out with us on lockdown Maps being part of the show part of the raccoon Squad listening every day appreciate you and everyone of you for checking out the show 5 days a week Dallas Maverick show all throughout the offseason everything we be here for you daily slightly biased we’ll be back in a week or so and then we’ll be able to to tell him all the offseason stuff cuz he has not looked at anything and I’m really excited about that I also did the game day drop uhoh guess what day it is because Slovenia does have a game 930 a.m. if you’re listening to this maybe before that 9:30 a.m. against Central Time against New Zealand New Zealand beat Croatia they upset Croatia so Slovenia to stay in this Olympic qualifier has to beat New Zealand by at least 10 points so a big one if they don’t then they’re pretty much out then they’re I think they’re out of it and uh and lots of maps fans Rejoice thinking Slovenia to be out of it shame on you I get it I get we all want Luca to rest this is very important to him that’s like going to like one of your friends like going like your nephew or your kids like recital and like you know what I hope that they’re really bad so that we don’t have to do one of these again so they quit I hope that they’re really bad at this recital and so we quit and they don’t have to do it again shame on you all right let’s get into why we why I think that these free agent additions will be better for the Mavericks talked about the change of scenery for for for clay I think that’s going to reinvigorate him but I think just him himself and what he was last year even being miserable will be better for the Mavericks too first thing Klay Thompson brings a respect it’s kind of ironic that we were talking all about how he didn’t feel respected by The Warriors because Klay is still respected by players on the court he’s still going to be looked at as an incredible shooter one of the best of all time and the respect that he gets for spacing and on double teams that that Kyrie and L and Luca are gonna get is going to help the Mavericks tremendously defenses do not look at Klay Thompson the same way that they look at Derek Jones Jr imagine all the wideopen Derrick Jones Jr threes that he got he was wide open for a reason love the guy did great stuff great role player for the Mavericks beloved always will be one of the final starters but he was left wide open a lot Klay Thompson will not they will get him wide open three but he will not be left wide open like Derrick Jones J you cannot help off of Klay Thompson the same way you can help off of Derrick Jones Jr the respect for the spacing and the double teams and all that will be will be great and in a similar way he’s not going to get left open as much and so I think they’re going to be able to run lots of screens Klay Thompson’s a big guy he’s 6667 he’s bigger than Derrick Jones Junior he’s going to come and set a bunch of screens for Luca and bunch of screens for Kyrie and I think that you said imagine this okay ready for this play Luca I do my best Mark followall impression Luca donic with the ball top of the key double drag being set Kyrie the first screen Klay Thompson the second The Defenders are going with Luca Klay Thompson wide open the top of the key Splash we might be the splash Bros but you a splash God the splash God this is Clay by the way talking about Dirk we might be the splash Bros but you a splash God we might be the Splash Bros but you’re the splash God I love that drop the screen setting from from Klay Thompson’s going to be awesome it’s going to bring a lot of stuff it’s going to bring a lot more options for the Mavericks Kyrie Irving go like like roaming around Lively and Gafford rolling to the rim and that the the roll Gravity the Mavericks will now have Elite shooting gravity with Kyrie and clay and Elite roll gravity with Gafford and Lively let’s go let’s go and then PJ Washington just do a couple things man just do some things do some stuff here there just need you a post up here a drive here catch and shoot three here PJ Washington’s job on offense next year is gonna be like the Swiss army knife like hey you’ve got an you’ve got a wide openen opportunity for you to do to drive to uh post up to take an open shot like he’s just going to have the most wideopen opportunities next year in that starting lineup speaking of wide open clay catch and shoot threes and not of all not all of them are WI open Klay Thompson 38% last year it was a down year 38% on seven per game seven catch and shoot threes per game he’s going to take a bunch of shots and the Mavs will need they need somebody to take volume threes besides Luca because we started to look at the team last year go man they just don’t have that extra guy they just don’t have that one guy that’s Fearless they needed to bring in one guy and that’s where the timario junr minutes came in I understand Mavs fans being frustrated with Jason kid continuing to go back to to The Well of Tim Hardway Jr but you saw what happened in game two against the Thunder 17 points he’s not he’s he’s not afraid Jason kid at the end of the 2023 season when the Mavs were taking on water and not going to make the postseason put in Jaden Hardy a bunch and Jaden Hardy was not afraid and he’s like all right I’m gonna keep going back to this because we need somebody that’s not afraid well guess who’s not gonna be afraid of anything Klay Thompson he not going to be afraid to take shots the year before so he shot % last year on catch and shoots the year before 41% on almost eight per game eight catch and shoot threes a game we’re injecting that in the Mavericks offense Tim Hardway Jr last year by the way 35% on five attempts per game streaky Derrick Jones Jr under 35% on about three a game he didn’t take as many you’re adding a volume three-point shooter remember all this season slightly I would talk about the Mavs just need a volume three-point shooter that’s why Tim hard Jr had some value for the Mavericks he was good in the regular season cuz he was he would put up he would put up threes and he wouldn’t be afraid speaking of not being afraid the experience that Klay Thompson brings one of the things the piece says that you know the Ramona shelburn piece the Mavericks knew that they needed to add extra experience they needed to add extra veterans in another voice Klay Thompson’s going to come in and be the oldest Maverick on the team by over a year think Dwight is 33 klay’s going to be is 34 going to be 35 in February and yes we’ll talk about the age and and all that but the experience four championships the defensive experience he has guarding some of the best players the experience in the knowledge he’s going to bring to some of the other guys on the team everything Kyrie did this this past season imparting wisdom to Jaden Hardy imparting wisdom to Josh Green to drick Jones Jr to PJ Washington when they came over clay can do the same kind of stuff in different ways in his own way maybe that approach will work better for an AJ Lawson an nox Prosper a Derek Lively the other thing about clay and his age and all that kind of stuff some of the concerns we’ve had about Klay Thompson the ask of Klay Thompson is not going to be as big it’s not going to be high and I think that’s one of the reasons why he’s excited to come to the Mavericks is because he knows what he’s going to be asked to do hit shots fit the defensive scheme maybe every once in a while do a little bit extra if Luca or Kyrie are out go ahead clay go do go do some stuff because the MS don’t have a other options and the ask isn’t that high of him because listen to the cap hit that that Klay Thompson is I tweeted this out a couple days ago if you want the visual cap hit in percentage for Tim Hardway Jr the last three years on the Mavericks compared to Klay Thompson the next three years Tim Hardway Jr three years ago three seasons ago was making $21 million that’s 19% of the cap almost 20% of the cap almost a fifth of the cap was going to Tim Hardway Jr Klay Thompson’s first year this upcoming one 11 11% big difference huge difference last year Tim marway jun’s making about 18 million that was 133% in in two years so not this year not next year the year after that Clay’s going to be making 17 million that’s only 10% of the cap and it may go up even higher than they project the cap may go up and that percentage may go down to 9 or 8% clay being like half half the difference what the cap hit the Tim Hardway was is what one of the reasons why I was much happier about this deal than what I in initially thought it was going to be I thought clay was going to be making 20 25 million and be like a 15 20% of the cap hit not even close great deal great deal for the Mavericks coming up let’s talk about how Naji Marshall and Quint Grimes will be upgrades for the Mavericks because I think n Marshall brings something we haven’t talked about yet and Quinton Grimes brings something we haven’t talked about yet we’ll talk about both those things coming up you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here I’m not playing I’m watching just like you guys every once in a while you just got to bring out the old ones you know every once in a while all right Isaac let’s get into the reason why the other additions are going to be upgrades for the Mavericks Nai Marshall I think is an upgrade over both Derrick Jones Jr and Josh Green cuz he’s going to be coming off the bench but I think he’ll start every once in a while with injury Ines and all that I think that he’ll have a big role I think he’ll be like one of the first guard Wings Off the Bench he’s coming in as a better three-point shooter than Derrick Jones Jr was two years before they joined the Mavericks Derrick Jones Jr shot 33% on threes and only took 141 of them Naji Marshall had a good year last year shot 38% but over the last two years before last two years about 34% a little bit better than Derrick Jon Jr but he took 368 attempts the fearlessness we talked about this with Clay you need somebody that’s not going to be afraid to take those attempts you’re going to get the wide open ones with Luca the ones that he’s going to get with the Mavericks are going to be higher quality than the ones he got with the Pelicans Zion’s a good playmaker Brandon Ingram has been a good playmaker at times but Luca is just head and shoulders above them Head and Shoulders chest and waist and every everything better playmaker than those guys so I think the fearlessness and the three-point shooting he’s coming in at a better place than what Derrick Jones Jr did Derrick Jones Jr shot the ball pretty good like really well for him the best the his best career Mark if NJ Marshall can do that man that’s a valuable player for the Mavs his size he’s bigger than Derrick Jones Jr he’s not going to be as good at like navigating the screens necessarily but he’s a bigger guy he’s 67 still a big wings span all that and he’s stronger he can guard some of the bigger guys he’s not going to be pushed around derri J J at times was pushed around by some of these guys you’re not going to get the bruisers the you know Jaylen Brunson run through your chest kind of guys that’s not going to affect the Mavericks as much you have two guys in PJ and Naji Marshall that can guard some of those think that’s positive for the Mavericks one of the things I don’t think we’ve talked about with Naji Marshall is his passing chops this is something that Jake Madison locked on Pelicans told me about him when I called him up and I was like tell me about Naji Marshall and he goes he will do something with the ball every once in a while where you go what the hell what just what just happened there’s there’s highlights that some people have put up on Twitter and stuff where he’s like throwing nol look passes and crosscourt passes and like H halfcourt dimes right under the rim like great stuff he averaged two assists per game in his career on 19 minutes per game and dere Jor has never averaged more than one assist per game so even just that even the playmaking chops and passing just gives you one more option and one more thing for movement and you’ve got Klay Thompson you’ve got uh Tim you got uh Kyrie Irving roaming around you’ve probably got luuka donic he’s been better at the catch and shoot shots last couple of years and I think his passing shops will help them a lot and I think that’s an underrated thing we haven’t really talked about with him the drives Derek Jones Jr averaged 20 almost 24 minutes a game last year took two and a half drives a game didn’t really didn’t really attempt too many Nai Marshall played 19 minutes a game last year so like four minutes less than what Derrick Jones Jr did and averaged three and a half drives he’ll put the ball on the deck he’ll do a couple of things you trade the you know you trade some of the highflying stuff from Derrick Jones Jr for the Naji Marshall driveing little floater game little push shot little you know drive and kick like imagine another player being able to drive and kick besides just Luca and Kyrie I think Nai Marshall can do that a little bit you’re not asking him to do it all the time but every once in a while I think that’s an upgrade over Derrick Jones Jr and an upgrade over Josh Green in some some senses so I think na Marshall can come in and do a couple things that I think could help the Mavericks and I’m excited to I’m excited to be surprised by what we see from Naji Marshall and since he’s not starting you’re not asking him to fill this huge role like all right be better than Derrick J in the starting lineup no you’re kind of asking Klay Thompson to do that at first and then Naji to come in and you know the pre there’s less pressure on him too Quint Grimes why will he be an upgrade well there’s one thing about Quint Grimes we haven’t really talked about we’ve seen Quinton Grimes in a successful starting role on the Knicks we have not seen that from Josh Green that’s one difference between the two of them they’re very similar in a lot of ways have become good Shooters can be good Defenders athletic actually pretty good passers not a lot you’re not bringing a lot else to the table still trying to figure out where your role is in the NBA but we’ve seen Quinton Grimes be a successful starting player on the Knicks a player that was asked to guard the best perimeter defend the best perimeter players on the other team I think that’s notable because he’s been in that role before if you if you asked Josh Green to spot start there are times when he was good and times when he wasn’t times when you’re like man they cannot start Josh Green times you’re like man I wish they would start Josh Green more Quint Grimes we’ve seen him for a whole season with the Knicks be that starter and be the guy that they went to back they went to again and again I think that’s notable that’s experience that’s proof of concept that we haven’t necess necessarily seen from Josh Green couple of actual like measurables though he’ll take more threes than Josh Green the Mavs have just been wanting Josh Green to take more threes in the finals they needed him to take more threes and he ended up hitting a bunch what was like game five where he had more points than Luca and Kyrie through three quarters he finally got there at the end and maybe he’ll be better but for for his career ready for this this is percentage of three-point attempts compared to field goal attempts Josh Green’s at 41% so just under half of his attempts were from three Quinn Grimes 72% that guy will put up some three and the maps need that they need an influx of guys that will take threes Klay Thompson’s going to do that Quin Grim is gonna do that Quin Grim’s a better free throw shooter than Josh Green imagine all the times at the end of games where you go man the map just cannot get out of their own way missing these free throws Josh Green 68% on his career Quinn Grimes 77% it’s good number better free throw shooter nice little thing the playmaking Josh green we’ve wanted him to to step forward and become a playmaker and add a little bit to the Mavericks Josh Green 14% turnover rate in his career Quinton Grimes 9% take care of the ball take care of offense that’s a big thing a five percentage Point difference is huge on turnover rate that’s big Quint Grimes is gonna take as many risks as Josh green but you don’t want him to you want him to take more of those threes and he will Josh Green instead would like all right maybe I’ll take this three or maybe I’ll just drive and throw this crazy jump pass and every once in a while you go oh my God look at that but more often than that sometimes you’re like oh my God the the difference in the tone of the oh my gods with Josh Green was funny he’s also gonna get to learn from Klay Thompson and Kyrie veterans he’s played on the Knicks where he didn’t really have anybody like that he had Brunson for a year but he didn’t really have like real vets to kind of learn off of and like Allstar type vets to learn off of and I think that playing with Klay Thompson and Kyrie and Luca and playing in this culture I think is going to be really good for him and then he’s a restricted free agent at the end of the year with competition for his role in front of him he’s going to be he’s in a contract year I think that’s notable I think that’s important and I think that Quinton Grimes in a contract year is going to be motivated in a similar way that Klay Thompson is going to be motivated to prove people wrong and to to and to do stuff and to play in his role and to do all that I think that that’s going to be an interesting thing to monitor with Quinton Grimes that’s the reason why I think these guys are going to be upgrades for the Mavericks let me know in the comment section what you think will be upgrades let me know who you want with the last roster spot check out that episode from yesterday we’ll have more I’ll have an episode on the Slovenia game tomorrow depending on what happens with them talk about all that and more tomorrow guys thanks much for listening to lockdown Mavs peace out boom

Klay Thompson needed a change of scenery and the Dallas Mavericks will be just that for him. Kyrie Irving gave the pitch and the blueprint. Luka Doncic will help on the court. Which is why Klay, Naji Marshall, and Quentin Grimes will be upgrades for the Mavs on the court next season.

Nick Angstadt discusses how new additions like Klay Thompson, Naji Marshall, and Quentin Grimes will enhance the Mavericks’ performance this season. Nick delves into why Klay Thompson’s change of scenery to Dallas will benefit both him and the team, highlighting his shooting prowess and experience. He also examines Najee Marshall’s potential to be a better fit than previous players due to his size, shooting, and passing abilities. Lastly, Nick explores how Quinton Grimes’ experience as a starter and his shooting capabilities make him an upgrade over Josh Green. Tune in for an in-depth look at how these new players can elevate the Mavericks.

00:00 Klay Thompson’s Needed Change of Scenery
10:11 Why Klay Thompson is an On-Court Upgrade
23:31: Why Naji Marshall is an Upgrade
27:37: Why Quentin Grimes’ is an Upgrade

The ESPN Klay Thompson Story:

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  1. I will never look at Klay the same again after this heartwarming video. Well done Nick! I always thought Klay was spoiled but it must be tough to be on the path he was on. Klay is just a fierce competitor and it's amazing how the Mavs sees everyone in a better light than other teams. Excited for next season!

  2. Klay was watching the finals thinking he can hit all those open 3s the mavs bricked. He could've had 30 a game with that type of defense.

  3. Congrats Nick, Iā€™ve watched every ā€˜Klay at the Mavsā€™ breakdown video on YT and yours was the bestā€¦great stuff šŸ‘ šŸ‘

  4. I get how much pride he has. But when youā€™re being paid the kind of money Luka is you have a responsibility to the team paying you to be at your best. He could have taken this year off because of all the injuries he dealt with during the post season.

  5. Itā€™s going to feel really different when he comes to Dallas where the fans will be excited every time he has the ball and is ready to cheer for him. Heā€™s going to be loved by the fans and I hope he stays in that championship mindset because man we needed someone like him beside Luka and Kyrie.

  6. Klay Thompson isnā€™t an upgrade over Josh Green, who he was traded for. Heā€™s better than Tim Hardaway, a guy who he wasnā€™t traded for, but if it makes you feel better to compare him to a player he isnā€™t really ā€œreplacingā€ then go ahead. Next year Josh will have a better year than Klay, is 10 years younger and makes less. His shooting % will be higher, he will have just as many or more rebounds, assist, steals, fewer turnovers, etcā€¦..but somehow Klay is AN UPGRADE. Iā€™m sure Klay is a nice guy but Josh IS A NICER GUY LOLā€¦.We just traded a guy who helped us get to the finals for a guy who was 0-10 in a play-in tournament loss. Btw Green was 5-8 with four threes in his last game.
    Josh Green was ā€œafraidā€? What a moronic statement. Itā€™s a make or miss league and Klay missed eight shots a game last year, ten shots a game the previous year. Unless you can attach a positive value to MISSED SHOTS then make a better argument. Fearless? All that matters is WAS IT A GOOD SHOT.

  7. Not a laker fan but they left Thompson wide open two playoffs ago and he was bricking everything..

  8. You know who I think will be a great acquisition at the trade deadline?
    That guy from the charlotte hornets.
    The 6ā€™5 wing who plays defense, doesnā€™t take stupid shots and does pretty much everything well. A team player. Someone you can play 22 minutes off the bench, can get you 14 points in a playoff game and wonā€™t complain about his role. Someone young, on Lukaā€™s timeline who will grow with Doncic and hopefully will peak the same year(s). Someone we can get cheap, perhaps the Hornets will just give him away. Naw thatā€™s stupid why would they do that? Ok what would they want? Do we have any broken down, expensive, disgruntled 34 yr old ā€œfearlessā€ shooters that are so popular in the nba that theyā€™d take in exchange?
    Youā€™re right theyā€™d have to be IDIOTS to take that deal. Besides we need that guy to get back to the finals and win.

  9. Yes the 3 additions Klay, Grimes and Naji are upgrades over DJ, Green and THJ. But did we fill our #1 need? A third all star dependable 3D wing ala LM from the Jazz are similar maybe Ingram from Pelicans. If not a dependable 3 pt shooter Yes we filled this need but would like to pick up Dennard as another floor spacer and 3 pt shooter. Last need point of attack D oriented point guard to ala a P Bev or D Smith. We resigned Exum playoff lights were too bright for him as they were PJ & DJ. In my opinion Thunder getting Curiso and pushing to get LM if they do, Thunder will be the team to beat over the next 3 to 5 years, young, talented, solid on D, shoots 3 well and a great coach. Love the Mavs but Thunder rolling out Shai, Curiso, Williams, LM and Chet. Will be hard to slow down. Will need Klay to have solid year on both ends of the court. Naji & Grimes will need to step up as solid role players. Luka gotta shoot 3 and freethrows better and give consistent effort on D side. Irving simply has to be more aggressive for the whole game. OMax and Hardy hopefully can earn role mins. Liv and Gaf stay out of foul trouble. And the X factor is PJ? Simply has to be more consistent on both ends of the court and make wide open 3's.

  10. Hilarious, but I'd argue Dallas is plenty of pressure.
    It is just the rising tide in Dallas while GSW struggles thorough the financial penalties of deals they gave Draymond and Wiggins.

    Reality is Klay left a 10 seed for the WC Champion. Thats the entire story IMHO.
    And he gets to take the starting spot of a guy who was on a minimum deal last year.
    Dallas will be better for Klay because they have better players and will win more games.

  11. Iā€™ve been a mavs fan for a longggg time. Im not mad at the signings, but to tell you the team got better because of klay, naji, grimes is simply wishful thinkkng. In reality, I wish the mavs would have just ran it back with the same crew w/ an off season to have everybody work on what they needed to. There is something to be said about chemistry.thats how we won these games in the post season and after trade deadline. Losing DJJ and Josh green is a chemistry disrupter. Chemistry is not easy to create and sustain. We are looking at the game of basketball like itā€™s a video game, plug and play. But these are humans, thereā€™s a level of humility, passion, and fondness for one another that it takes to win. And with these new additions I just donā€™t know if we will get back to that. But this is just my thoughts, I hope we are just as good if not better but itā€™s tough to see now. We lack wing defense and athleticism. Luka thrives off of lob guys, Boston taught teams that if they take our centers out of the game they can thrive versus Mavs. But good luck to the Mavs. Nico and Kidd has earned the benefit of the doubt from me after last season so I will be cautiously optimistic. This just feel like the year after we won the chip and the team got dismantled for some reason. Keep up the good work with these updates

  12. So curious to see what the plus minus will look like with the different lineups. I think there is a world where klay,grimes,naji are all the starting sf. I think they will obviously start with klay but if the defense struggles too much I think it will be one of the other two ofc. I think naji will be such a glue and connector type guy and will be invaluable in terms of team fit and synergy. Grimes is very important because he will take the same amount of threes as Tim used too but hit more of those. Tim and grimes not shooting 5 attempts a game. Grimes is a far better defender than Tim which is why Iā€™m excited to see him play.

  13. Totally missed the Naji Marshall train. I have never seen even a Pelicans game where he was even remotely good

  14. On Land of basketball djj vs marshall head to head, marhall average more points, assist and rebounds better free throw percentage . UPGRADE. the other 2 we know we upgraded grimes is what u hoped green would be at this stage

  15. Iā€™m all in on Precious Achiuwa. Athletic as hell, can defend and rebound (way better than Maxi). He can be the final piece. Canā€™t really shoot the 3 ball but can be a huge Josh green hustle player

  16. The fact that even the Laker's and LeBron's PR firm, ESPN, is saying that this was his best chance to win and definitely the best fit means something.

  17. I just now noticed. Quinten Grimes was the player Luka shot his miracle game tying Hail Mary over when he was a Knick. He tried desperately not to foul him and was stunned when it went in.

  18. Question for Mavs fans:
    If both scenarios were an option, would you rather the Mavs have signed:

    1) KCP $22M + DJJ $10M=

    2) Klay $17M + Marshall $9M + Grimes $4M= $30M

  19. Couldnā€™t imagine my life without Locked on Mavs. Thanks for all the hard work Nick. Truly appreciated on this end. Keep up the awesome work.

  20. The problem with THJ is that he would blow assignments and that would blow up the defense. Klay will be in the right spots and thatā€™s a significant upgrade.

    Luka has to figure out what he needs to do to sustain his health through a season. A nick or getting tired cannot turn him into a coneā€¦he figures it out and the Klay starting lineup will workā€¦if not. We will get another year of drastic highs and lows.

  21. There are 2 realities for Dallas fans 1) 2012 when Cuban did not bring the Championship team back and GSW's rise began, and 2) GSW fades and Dallas makes it over the top with an aging splash bro.

    I was devistated by the slam shut of Dirks window, but splash bros were too cool to hate. (Pent up anxiety)

  22. This speech is my recital,
    I think it's very vital
    To rock (a rhyme),
    that's right (on time)
    It's Tricky is the title,
    here we go…

  23. I absolutely believe Slightly has seen what has happened! There is sports news over there as well. Will enjoy his acting though

  24. Luka brings the ball, split action with Kyrie and Klay, Luka passes to Klay for a DHO with Luka, Klay gets open SPLASH!!!

  25. I watched some Klay highlights. He is not just a stand in the corner and wait for the ball shooter. He can come off screens and shoot on the move. A lot slicker than THJ and he hits them consistently. And, yes, his shot is picture perfect. Iā€™ll bet his scoring average will be above 20.

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