@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Walker Kessler Trade?

Spurs Walker Kessler Trade?

what’s going on everyone so Walker Kessler is on the trade market for the Utah Jazz now Utah is not just trying to trade him for the sake of trading him or just for fun obviously they want a return for Walker Kessler he’s a guy that they they’re only going to part with him if the package or the trade makes sense uh but he’s a guy that is very surprising that the Utah Jazz are looking to trade cuz he’s been very good and has a lot of upside potential and he’s only 22 years old right he’s had games and moments and stretches where he looks like he could potentially be the next big Center I’m not saying you know like yage or Giannis level but like a real like oh hey this guy can be a big foundation piece uh for a team or an organization you put the right pieces around him he could really make some noise and it’s odd too because yes the Utah Jazz just they uh went and drafted filipowski uh Kyle filipowski out of Duke but outside of that it’s like you know who’s their future Center like who’s the center that they’re planning on running and building around is it really Kyle okay sure but I don’t know it’s just it’s a little odd to me that Walker Kessler is available but he is dirt cheap contract wise right because he’s still on that rookie contract Walker kesler’s only making 3 million so he’s making 3 million and then you have a club option in 2025 2026 and then he becomes a restricted free agent uh so he as far as trading contracts wise pretty much every team in the league could trade for him and there are several teams that have reached out and are trying to acquire Walker castler via trade because again he he’s a guy with plenty of upside plenty of potential he’s 22 years old right now he’s not a guy that stands out and is like averaging 20 and 10 right out the gate but for the right team that is willing to kind of grow and develop him and allow him to slot in and and be a key fixture I think he’s a guy that can be a real Force for that team going forward I mean he’s a real seven-footer at 71 he’s got good size good strength you’ve seen him ban with the big boys you know he’s like 250 um so he’s not some like little small scrub guy um and he’s a guy that you know is averaging about eight and eight nine and eight his first two years um with the Utah Jazz which again doesn’t stand out crazy but he’s playing 23 minutes a game so he’s not playing the the 30 to 35 minutes like most guys do um he hasn’t even started all the games right he started 22 games last year and then 40 the year before so he’s came off the bench a lot and he’s came off the bench heavily but but he’s not really a three-point shooter he’s not a guy that’s going to be you know taking five threes a game or whatever as a big man he’s not Carl Anthony towns out there right basically a non-existent from three-point range but he is excellent around the rim and can just go get a bucket again bang with the big boys be physical uh he also uh can make the occasional play out of the post which is good and he he looks like a guy that has shown that he can continue to grow and up side in that regard to as a playmaker out of the post we’ve seen him on some nice plays at the kickout or like if the help Defender comes he just you know can find the corner man he’s got his head on a swivel so he’s got a good kind of head on his shoulders in that regard average 2.4 blocks uh last year and this previous year uh and as well as basically half a steel in both those years I think personally San Antonio Spurs should go take a look at Walker kler right cuz if you look at the Spurs roster right they basically have everything they need except for a long-term upside center right like so you have Victor wiama right obviously he’s the center but with his ability to stretch the floor and his size and L like the beauty of Victor you could slot him at the four or the five and even Walker Kessler is like listed as a four five but he’s best at the five I just think that that’s the luxury y of Victor is that you could go trade for a guy like a walker Kessler slot him alongside Victor whama and let’s go right like I think that that is something that makes a lot of sense for a team like the San Antonio Spurs because you got Stefan Castle who’s going to be the point guard of the future like that’s what they’re trying to do they’re trying to mold it’s why they got Chris Paul Chris Paul can really work with castle and grow and develop him and all that stuff great okay then you got Vel as your two guard right and then beyond that it’s like okay well how else like who are the long-term upside pieces and how are you going to approach um kind of this growth and development right you got Harrison uh Ingram who I actually really like I think he has a lot of upside and potential but at 66 he’s probably sliding in at the small forward position as the guy for now in the future again they could end up playing uh you know several guys at at the three over the next year or two but I think if you have him and Harrison Ingram actually does and is capable of being the guy that they can or that they drafted him to be then I think he’ll end up being the slotted three uh for the foreseeable future um you you have other guys right you do have I also think most of those other guys are probably getting traded I I think at some like you see Lori Markin in now if they go get like a Lori Markin in or something like that then I do think that he’ll slot at the three but if you get Lori Markin in why not get Walker Kesler in in the deal too right why not try to work it out to get both of them and add them and now you got your three four and five for the foreseeable future I think that’d be great alongside Vel and and Stefan Castle now you’re you’re cooking in my opinion but I I you have the nice Cor in Foundation right you have several nice pieces right like so on has looked good uh so far in the in the off season and he’s a guy that should continue to grow and develop and they’ve tried to use him in a multitude of ways right like last year they tried to like point the point forward with him stuff but I think now you’re really starting to see the the carving of this roster right I think you have your your core kind of glue pieces that you want to really build around and then I think everyone else is kind of just going to be casualties or or players that are in ending trading and I think if you can get that piece now at like the center position then I think that why not do that right like you could yeah maybe there’s somebody in the draft or something along the way or you know if you want to keep Victor at the five that’s fine but I just I think the to go with the size right you look at some of the other teams that you’re trying to compete against and they have just so much size and size is still a big factor in today’s League right so like yeah you could go with Victor at the five and then you know have have some 68 power forward or something that you want to run around with right but the the question is is like how do you contend and compete with the the Minnesota and the the denvers and stuff right do you really want Victor kind of baning with the big boys on a regular basis where I think you know if you slide him to the four his ability that doesn’t mean he can’t play at The Rim that doesn’t mean at times he can’t play at the five but to me just having the luxury and adding a young PE like if Walker Kessler was 26 then I’d be like no but him being 22 and having so much upside and potential and him being a guy that I think would slot in very beautifully alongside Victor wanyama and kind of gives you two very different looks right you go with Kesler and kind of go the bully ball dump it down to him kind of let him Bane you know you could slot him around uh you know Jeremy Zohan and uh you could have him play uh alongside Victor whama but you could also you know hey let’s get a different look out there let’s get let’s slide Victor over to the five and then you know have so on or whoever kind of slot in at the four at times and kind of have this nice rotation and structure I just I I look at Walker Kessler and again it it all boils down to cost right how much would it cost for you you to get the deal done are you going to have to give up like you know two first or something like that but if you can give up a reasonable package it’s not really the salary matching that’s the problem it’s you know what do they want if if they’re you’re trying to if they’re trying to get like two first or you know an unprotected first or something like that for him I don’t know if I’d do that because there is still like CU he does have again games where he is absolutely brilliant then he has games where it’s like okay we understand why he’s being traded right or why they’re looking at being traded but I think under the Spurs brand culture Greg poic’s guidance I think he could really mold into just that very versatile Center I think again he’s shown the ability to make plays out of the post especially with pops type of offense with that free flowing Ball moving offense I think to have a center that can make plays and pass and then also with Victor wiama right you could do some you know like high screen action or you know have him kind of at the top of the key as like the the the initiator or the guy that runs it I think that there’s just a lot of possibilities with him and if the price is right like I just I think the the juice would be worth the squeeze you know and if doesn’t work out then you know you you trade him or you know release him before his new cont because you’d still have basically two years before you got to really start to pay him so kind of gives you two years of a feel of like okay is is he worth it or is he kind of like ah you know may maybe we should go a different look maybe we should go elsewhere if you dve draft that that Center or whatever right maybe you’re having Kessler as your backup depending on uh what the price or the cost is or if you draft that kind of forward that you’re like a man this guy would be great alongside Victor at the four keep Victor at the five then again you could have Kesler as your backup at the five I just I I I think it’s at least worth exploring if you’re the Spurs it’s not something I’m saying they have to do right but I do I think that it is something that as at least worth touching base having that conversation seeing like what can you get what can you gain out of it and uh and see if he see what his fit looks like and if it works I think I think you’re in good shape now you basically have your at least your core five or four to or five to six guys um and then also like imagine what Chris Paul could do for him and Stu I just I think that there’s just I think it’s worth taking a right but anyway as always this is a discussion pass question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts uh do you think that uh yes go get and take a shot at Walker Kessler do you think no stay away from Walker Kessler just be patient you another big man or do you think no you have to play Victor at the five again however you feel whatever your thoughts are love to hear it let me know down in the comments below that being said you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subcribe subribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

The San Antonio Spurs have most of their position pieces of the future locked up. Victor Wembanyama is currently the center but with his versatility and ability to slot at the 4 the San Antonio Spurs are able to sign or Trade for a center. Utah Jazz Walker Kessler is available for the right price and make alot of sense for Spurs Nation.

#Spurs #victorwembanyama #nbatrade


  1. Pretty insteresting actually, after seeing wemby and gobert i think this could work, and will work wonder as a backup but jazz wont let him go unless they rob us😂

  2. Wait Utah out!! Utah has to finish in bottom 6 teams this year in order to get best situation for 2025 draft which is their primary goal. Utah will lose their own 2025 draft pick to Oklahoma if Utah slides to #11 – #14 in lottery picks. Keeping Kessler or Laurie translates to more wins where they may lose their own pick in 2025 draft. So they must trade them or not play them…The top 7 players in 2025 draft have ceilings better than most of the players available in nba now AND will be much cheaper… and better timeline with sas

  3. Imagine a starting 5 of castle, vassel, wemby, lauri, and kessler. Bruh the size out there would be crazy and theyd be able to spread the floor too. How do you even go about trying to score on that team? How do you defend against it??

  4. Not going to happen the Spurs had a chance to draft Zach Edey just a week or so ago.
    Kessler's stats are trash compared to Zach Edey's.

  5. They are looking for draft capital whoever has there pick of this next year draft pool can win as well as rebuild on the fly …drafting and development of talent is the new thing to do with the restrictions the NBA now have in place

  6. I would trade for lauri and Kessler for a combination of any of the following players:
    No more than 4 1st.

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