@Orlando Magic

Orlando Magic Offseason | Draft and Free Agency | Magic Mania

Orlando Magic Offseason | Draft and Free Agency | Magic Mania

[Applause] [Music] we are live magic Mania we are right here with you and we got the boys we got Josh Juan and Luca and we got you covered for everything Orlando Magic offseason related so far we’ve got quite an offseason going so far it seems like the magic seemed to hunt this offseason up to 2026 and uh focus a little more on the internal growth of this team over the next few years but we got quite a few op topics to talk about we got a new new draft pick added some shooting to this team um and added some veteran leadership in kcp former champion from the Denver Nuggets but let’s get right into it guys and we’ll start off chronologically I like what we talked about that and we’ll start off with Tristan D Silva right draft pick we took him was it 15th or 16th I think we had picked um so you know ended up taking him um movement shooter right connect got taken right before so uh we were I was really hoping that dton connect might have you know taken that extra fall to the magic but we ended up with Tristan D Silva you know like I said good shooter movement shooter as well um but ju I’ll let you kind of get the first book on this one what was your initial reactions to the magic taking Tristan to Silva and what do you see him translating from his college game to the NBA yeah you know initially I was pretty surprised with the pick just based on uh the research I was doing I guess I was just looking in the wrong direction um compared to the front office but I think that was a really solid pick you know at 18 you know you’re you’re really looking at some role players and some developmental players that will turn into starters and I think that’s exactly what they got in D Silva you know a 610 uh stretch Wing kind of player who could really space the floor and you know he really resembles a little bit of a fron vogner’s game if you will and he’s able to knock down that three he’s got a really smooth jump shot and he’s only going to get better he’s 20 three I think about to be 24 years old so he’s already established he’s you know one of those players that will come in and you know can uh kind of not have those Growing Pains like some rookies are coming in at 18 or 19 so that’s some good experience for this team and overall I think it was a pretty good pick yeah you always prefer you always like seeing those three fouryear seniors coming into the league because they have their their body is a little more mature you know their CH their game is able to translate a little bit easier as well and you know just has a little bit more of an under understanding of the game it slowed down a little bit better you saw guys like you know haime hwz for the heat you know came in had an immedate impact right top five I think in Rookie of the Year and that experience plays a big part of it so I do think that’s a that’s a good point um Josh what did you see from the pick and and did you like the way that we went with things uh yeah overall I like the pick um I think it adds to our offense which is what we need uh needed value in so um and I saw there’s an article that said um know what we were looking for shooting skill IQ character positional size it’s everything uh Jeff Waltman was was trying to solve and um you know after looking at the Silva’s stats um he checks all those boxes um so you know plus he’s got the connection with the Wagner Brothers you know the German connection I think he fit fits in team chemistry wise um so I’m excited I’m excited for the pick absolutely and you know with that like you said having that connection um just makes things a little bit easier right when you translate that game over and you know you have to you know think about this is a young person changing a big part of their life as well so there’s a lot of outside factors that go into that so just having some of the comfortability like you said with the with the Vagner Brothers is going to be super helpful on that way uh luuka I know you had a lot of different names that you were looking into for this one how did uh how did the Silva line up against some of the names that you had I’m not gonna not to take credit y’all can quote me on this we can go back in the last episode if we want but I do think I remember saying that Tristan Silva would have been a nice pick because I’m not going to lie I’ve been high on the guy ever since I saw him in the tournament I really thought that I feel like with one with especially in the tournament you can tell just based off how a player dribbles the ball how they come off screens you know you can just tell by looking at a player when they’re going to be I feel like you can kind of get that sense when they’re going to be a good player in the league I think Tristan the Silva does have like like Josh said checks off all those bosses and we can look at his stats with 16 points per game five rebounds 2.4 assists almost two threes per game and also shooting 49 49.3% from the three an 83.5 from the charity stripe I’m not going to lie bro that sounds like a walking bucket if you ask me at 68 and don’t even get me started on how how handy and how active he is on the defensive end I really do think that this was an absolutely great pickup for the magic I think what Juan said also does have validity I think that a lot of people thought they were going to go guard shooter type of guy you know or big man you know depending on what’s happening with Wendell Carter and going on in the future but I do think that Tristan D Silva is a great pick and I do think that any NBA roster would be happy to have him add his skill set to the team and on top of that like you said he’s a he’s a moving shooter he used a variety of different shots we’re not talking just stand so Corners we’re talking off the pick and roll we’re talking pick and roll handoffs like you know slit passes too he’s a great passer as well and I do think that he’s honestly gonna be one of the sneaky picks in this draft class and I think that a lot of I think the honestly the main reason why he went so low just because a lot of other teams just needed big men and guards and I think that’s really the only reason I think if it was another draft class he would have went higher because I really do feel like his skill set is um is very unique and versatile for his size the only question I would I would say is his ceiling because we know his floor is very high uh I think his ceiling is really where people are worrying about especially when you bring up you know age and this factor in the NBA and this day and age in the NBA it doesn’t matter how good you are it all matter it matters about how old you are which is a bit a bit sad you know because he is 23 but he’s he’s just as skilled as any of the other guys on the board so I think it’s a really good pick for the magic and I think it’s just gonna continue to just embody that this movement that they’re creating with these very versatile forwards with Pao B Caro with fron Vagner with even Mo Vagner who’s 611 but he doesn’t move like 611 you know he moves more like 66 so I think I think it’s a very interesting pick and I think it’s going to be good for for the franchise for sure yeah absolutely like you said a guy that can become a main state for a long time having a three and D guy is a ver is is such an asset in today’s League because I mean really at the end of the day that’s the two most important parts of the game right shooting the three and defensively right being able to guard up on the other end so I I think you brought up a great point you know he can be a guy where maybe the ceiling isn’t you know out of the way you know it’s not something that’s crazy but you can have a high level you know guy that can can guard multiple positions right can guard up maybe even like you said with his movement guard down a little bit with that wingspan as well um and also you can throw him and fit him in that three spot potentially next to Paulo next to France next to Mo right you could have a multiple um different varieties of the lineup usages that you can have with him as well so definitely excited to see him um you know they’re probably in my opinion I think they’re GNA most likely bring him off the bench and you know have him come in and and just learn some of those um you know just intricacies that goes into the NBA a game and where he’s going to want to find his shots which shot he wants to take which shots you try to maybe look for a better shot right and and kind of not force those things so going to be interested to see how he develops but I think this is a case where you know you have a guy that will be able to make much more of an immediate impact than Anthony black you know and um I think with him you’ll be able to see his impact a lot more with black obviously he’s got a lot more development to do but this is a guy I think you will see just have a little bit more impact on that side of things and speaking of impact free agency is one of the great ways that teams do that but for this season it seemed like with all the offseason cap space that the magic had they decided to punt you know it seemed they decided to punt to 2026 with a couple of two-year deals and some three years with player options or team options on the end but it seemed like with you know Paul George going to the 76ers and you know you had um you know a bunch of guys donov a Mitchell staying where he is you know um Deontay Murray getting moved as well to the pelican you had Chris Paul going to the Spurs you had most of the bigger namesay Mavericks y yeah so you know a lot of the bigger names that were potentially discussed got pretty or got taken pretty early you know so it seemed like this magic team punted to 2026 we did sign like I said the the biggest quote unquote signing would be that kcp contract but outside of that bringing guys like Mo Vagner back bringing guys like you said Jonathan Isaac back um on a 5year $84 million degree and on that one and then also Gary Harris coming back which maybe not the biggest fan of that one just due to his health um you know on that side of things and his availability but you know what he brings on that side of things so Josh I’ll go back to you on this one out of all the you know or or what has been you know instead of talking about the picks individually what has been your overall reaction to the Magic’s offseason as far as the free agency side of things goes um I mean I think definitely with kcp coming to the magic you uh you fill that offensive hole I think last season magic ranked 22nd in the league um so they needed some help with that and you got a guy who has Championship experience you know uh one with one with the Lakers one with the Nuggets um and you know he’s no sled on defense either so I think that was a great pickup for the magic um and then you know you got you got fan favorites like uh Jonathan Isaac you know for a relatively affordable deal I’d say five years 84 million I believe in that range um yeah it’s not horrible for you know for his caliber player um you know it it does remain if he can stay healthy but I think for now it’s it’s something you can work with um and then just all the others uh you know resigning uh Joe Engles uh you know you you oh okay well no never mind yeah yeah but uh I think overall they’re they’re in a good spot um and to you know continue building on the success they saw this uh past season right I think that that’s that’s the key word really there is just building off of last year because that’s what you’re gonna see because they replaced the veteran leadership of Joe Engles with kcp right and my opinion once you did that there was really no reason to bring Joe Engles back also you’re gonna add that extra shooting with d Silva too so really at that point you know Eng Les he he does have that nice old man bag that you see some of grandp you know yeah exactly that you know gets you some nice buckets well you know he’ll do some crafty things but I think like you said kcp brings a lot more a lot younger as well just 31 years old multiple time NBA champion so he’s going to bring a lot of experience as far as okay what does this team need to do to win because why do you lose a game seven when you’re up 18 it’s experience right this team lack experience and so that’s one of the big things like hey he’ll be able to settle these guys down relate to them even though coach is a great you know he’s good at relating to the players already just someone on their level like how Udonis you know did for the Heat or you know just having someone on that player like a Chris Paul you know or you know just one of those veteran type Andre Gala type style players that um that really just kind of settled the team down on a mental aspect as well but uh one as far as you know that one goes we kind of talked about it over the text do you feel the magic punted to 2026 or what do you feel like was the primary reason for maybe just having some more smaller signin versus going some more or going for a bigger sign yeah you know and I think you know maybe the magic front office is is definitely looking forward to a different uh you know off season I don’t think they were such a fan of this one maybe they had their eyes on on a dejonte Murray or somebody else and the asking price was a little too high for their liking I’m not too sure because you know you look at this off season and it looks like they did punt they did get kcp as we’ve been talking about but they’ve decided to run it back with just about everybody you know you you go and you keep Goa you keep Jonathan Isa you keep all these guys for depth and you know continuity and um you know I guess you know you got to wonder is it is that the front office is that coaching that’s really trying to what what do they see do they see that they can really build something with what we’ve already got in house or you know are they looking down the line but it’s very interesting I think kcp definitely is a great addition to this team he’s very versatile you can put him on on team’s best players and give Suggs a little bit of slack and and go put him on a player um you know he’s able to knock down the open three which is something we’ve been needing so now you add him with Tristan D Silva who can knock down the open three and all the other Shooters we already have on the team so we’re we’re trying to get better with that you know beyond the arc which we were suffering from last season but I think overall I’d give it probably like a C+ B minus off season not that it was great and not that it was horrible I think it was it was just good so far I think that you know we may see some other moves down the line but when it comes to signings I think that’s probably about it but I think we might see a trade just with you know we have a little bit of cloggage in certain positions still I think absolutely you know and like you said um it was really just a very middle of the pack and I think that’s a good one we’ll transition over the grades to that one but looking at some of the unrestricted 2026 free agents you have Steph Curry right um Jimmy didn’t sign a contract extension yet so Jimmy Butler is there right you have Kevin Durant in there you know going down the list as well you got um Kyrie Irving SGA I don’t think signed a extension yet as well so maybe that’s coming up this year for that um and then on player options you got Dame on a player option you got Brad Beal on a player option Zack LaVine and Luca on a player option Trey Young on a player option yeah so that offseason even just going down the list you have some more guys like Andrew Wiggins Chris porzingis dear Fox um yeah this is a 2026 coach has connection with Luca already with his time in uh in Dallas so not it’s hard to see him leaving Dallas with what they just did there um but you can always dream you know and uh at the end of the day maybe it happens maybe it doesn’t but 2026 free free free agency class is a lot deeper than this one you know and you have a lot more variability a lot more holes you can fill and they aren’t just old guys too because the last thing you want to do with team is put somebody or take someone that takes the ball out of the hands of the growing players right so I think it you know although I do agree with you one with like the the free agency grades I’m not mad at it because you know it’s going to allow for those guys to develop a little bit more you know and uh with that side of things too um Luc is about to die out here Luka give me your grade real quick on the magic offseason before you cop out no I’m not gonna lie I actually think I’m honestly probably about to shock your world but I think it’s honestly I think they did a really perfect thing with the offseason cuz I really feel like that Paul George would have been nice but I feel if you bring in Paul George that just stunts the growth of Paulo banera and France Vagner is literally coming into a superstar role just like Paulo wi I think they’re going to bounce off each other really well so I think the signing of kcp is absolutely perfect I think that they should keep them the squad they have going for and continue to build off that Jos mentioned that kcp is no slou on defense kcp and Jaylen sugs were both in the top five perent of players who guarded the on ball best defender on the other team so I think that immediately this is right there just how good defensive that’s going to be we already said we already know he can knock down the three like you guys said he brings champ ship D and of the squad so I think it’s honestly a solid pickup I honestly going to rate I rate uh the signings to be honest as free agency I’ll give it a B+ because I feel like it is really good that they didn’t really do anything too much because I think like the growth of p benero and France Vagner is what’s going to propel this franchise forward like Juan said I do think we have a little bit of cloggage in some position I think we do have a lot of forwards uh Center we could get a little bit better at and going on 2026 I really do think that 2026 comes around I feel they should just make the Trey push again to be honest he’s still going to be young he’s going to get even more developed in the league he’s still going to have that shooting PR I think that Steph Curry will be a beit too old Kyrie Irving will be a little bit too old Kevin Durant don’t sign him do not sign Kevin Durant simple Point Blank period but maybe those guards can Implement something you know more of Veteran leadership into that position which is something that we’ll need and Jun sugs will need that sort of mentorship from somewhere so maybe one of those guys can give it to him but I do think the offseason so far has honestly been really really good and I think that they did everything right I think the only thing they could have done a little bit better like you said was maybe get a big man or or another guard but I think for the most part the Personnel they brought in was absolutely perfect to a t yeah yeah you know it’s hard to argue with that I wouldn’t give them a B+ I’ll disagree with you on that because they didn’t really necessarily bring in that many impact players they more so retained what they had and you know added kcp right that’s like the big free agency fish on that side of things you wouldn’t really even call that a whale that’s more like you know you just go fishing on Sund but it’s it’s still a good addition right it gets you what you want um out of the championship experience like you said I mean I didn’t even know that top five statistic so now you have two guys that will hamper any other team’s opposing guards like there’s no back court so super excited to see that and you know this team is so lengthy already if you have two point of attack Defenders as well as do we have and then on top of that you have guys um that are like Paulo that are almost seven foot at you know three or four position like it’s just insane how long this team is no Diddy but um Josh I let you go ahead and go ahead and U you know just kind of um you know I I like what they’ve done um you know to Lucas’s point because they have done more yes but you know overall I think you know you have you know Paulo France you know you want to build around these guys um and I think essentially running it back is seems like the best option right now and then you know when 2026 comes around you can you can make some bigger moves but for now I think building off of the success the last season uh you know kcp is a great asset the Silva you know four years at Colorado I think um we will’ll see some uh some movement from him and um yeah just keep moving forward let’s see how this plays out um at the start of the Season absolutely you know it’s going to be fun to see and of course I’m really I think with this team with the trajectory with all the internal growth that’s going on with this squad you don’t necessar Lally need that signing impact player right now right you’re going to get a lot of growth from the internal of this team you have you know coach Jamal Mosley who’s just GNA have more chemistry with his players you’re bringing in like you said Luca just a versatile piece right a very plug-and-play kind of guy where maybe those kind of guys don’t have a ceiling as high as some other players but you know what they’re going to bring to it and being a four-year player coming in just having that experience even if it’s 15 20 minutes a game he can have a really good impact and I mean if you talk about just straight up defensively you know you have two guys in uh you know kcp and Jaylen sugs you can pretty much throw the Silva at at any third body on there and and he’ll be fine with that so he doesn’t even need to be guarding the best player or the best swing you have other guys to do that for you as well so I really like what we have here but uh closing thoughts U ju I’ll let you get closing thoughts this time on man close us out you know how did you feel about this SE off season 4 and do you expect us I’ll let you kind of close out with this and I’ll let you touch on the other as well just a quick answer do you expect the magic to make any more moves or or have any impact moves before the end of the offseason yeah you know um overall as I mentioned I think it was it was a decent off season and multiple factors for that you know they might be looking down the line at a different year uh wanting to retain some of their guys now multiple factors but I think overall they did a good job they didn’t do anything that was like truly heads scratching or something we’ll regret uh you know adding kcp that championship pedig it’s only going to help Paulo and France which that’s really the goal is to make them as good as possible because if you get Paulo to the to the level we need to get him to then it really won’t matter who we bring in you know and we’ve seen that all over the league uh you know just play certain players and that that’s it so I think you know we continue to do that I think you know there’s uh you know obviously room for us to still improve this roster uh you got wend Carter that’s a very interesting situation we’ve already paid the bulk of his deal so now do very intriguing to other teams so you you partner that with you know whatever you you want I guess TR to the Bucks trade them to The Bu I mean someone will take Wendell Carter Jr I mean he’s not a bad player especially if you’re looking for a backup center or a low lowend starter uh Wendell’s your guy and that’s not a knock on him that’s just kind of where he is in his career right now um so you you mentioned that and uh you know uh we just got to wait and see what happens I think we could still use some height some Rim protecting we still don’t have a seven-footer on this team uh I think Mo is still our tallest player now 610 so um I think that’s where we can improve also another maybe a veteran point guard a playmaker of course we can still monitor the Marquel fol situation he’s still you know out there in the market hasn’t really you know had much traction so could we get him for a a low price probably I’m not too sure but um I think a veteran point guard maybe for trade or or a signing would be nice as well so I think if we we do that I think we’ll be in great shape you know you look at kcp uh that’s our biggest signing so did he get us to three four games better than we were last year I I think he makes us about three games better so I mean you know we’re talking about fourth seed third seed if that’s the case depending on you know how this this next season goes so and that’s not like we were talking about that isn’t factor in the growth of the players you know that’s just kcp by himself adding in a couple of games so I mean with what this team has done um like you said that brings you up to a four maybe a three seed although the East has gotten highly competitive you know you guys you have guys like the 76ers that are definitely going to roll up um you know obviously Boston’s going to be there but this East this East is going to be very exciting to watch to see um and like you said you didn’t make any moves that messed you up you didn’t sign Thomas Bryan with a no trade con no trade clause you know what I mean like um shout out to Miami Heat for doing that but um sleepy pots on the job right now but as far as the magic goes Luca do you expect us to you expect the magic to uh make any offseason moves or any more impact offseason moves before we see the end of the the offseason I would say no I don’t think they’re going to make any more impact uh any impact signings I think they’re cool with the guys that they have they’re happy with bringing in kcp uh like like we said KPC kcp brings more than just pedigree of course Champion pedigree average 10 points per game on 46% from the field 40% from the three 2.2 rebounds two assists and and a steal he’s averaged a steal almost every single year he’s been in the NBA except for four and at those four nine so you you already know what you’re getting with him and he’s one with two separate teams he’s one with LeBron he’s one with yic played with Jamal Murray he’s got a lot of great teammates that he you know he can say how he’s played with so I think there’s nothing nothing more than than intellect is more valuable than what he brings and I think that they’re really happy with with what he has and I think they’re don’t I don’t really see I don’t think they need anything right now I think the future is the future is what they have right now and Jamal Mosley he’s still a very young coach in case we forgot guys Paulo benero is still only in his second year in the NBA that’s crazy right but that’s that’s still insane so that boy still has so much growing to do so I think I think they’ll be they’ll be fine yeah I mean dway Wade won his first championship in his third season so I mean let’s see you know what I mean so that would be definitely impressive if he’s able to do something and like you said I mean you saw what he can do putting up almost 40 Point bombs in the playoffs so and he can’t even shoot like that imagine he gets a strap on him right right you know he became and he raised like we talked about in earlier uh weeks he raised his shooting in the postseason which is what you want to see elevates themselves you know so um Josh I’ll let you kind of have the final word any um more signings do you see the magic making or or do you think they’re happy with their team also yeah I don’t think they’re gonna make any uh you know huge waves with signings uh at after this point I think they they’ve got a a decent roster uh right now at least a core and you know we’ll see how it shakes out uh this coming season I think uh like like Juan said you know um Casey comes with that Championship pedigree and um you know I think that will that that helps guide the team a little bit you know it is a young Squad still uh like Lucas said Paulo in his going into his third year um so you know a lot of these guys have high ceilings and we’ll uh we’ll see how it how it plays out I mean uh what’s what’s next for the magic you got the the summer league coming up so we we’ll get to see uh Tristan de Silva out there hopefully you know so yeah and I’m also you know we haven’t really mentioned his name I mean Anthony black right like he was uh he was drafted pretty high up there you know so maybe we get to see him you know show out show some of his growth in the summer league I know we have what’s the California classic first and then Vegas after it comes to that side of things is is the magic do you guys know if the magic will be playing in the California classic also I’m not sure to be honest no I I think it’s just California teams in there okay that’s what I thought you know on that side of things but yeah you know regardless we’re going to keep you guys covered right here for all your offseason news topics reactions all that good stuff we’ll keep you right here covered um so make sure you guys if you haven’t already make sure you guys subscribe you know it’s free and if you don’t want to subscribe let us know in the comments why let us know why we’re [ __ ] so at least we could be better right so um let us know why make sure you like the video we appreciate that as always and as always Josh go magic bang hell yeah there we go

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