@Chicago Bulls

Rich Paul Says Zach LaVine “Deserves Better” In New Report

Rich Paul Says Zach LaVine “Deserves Better” In New Report

Rich Paul says Zack LaVine deserves better me and Pat are going to talk a little bit about that on today’s episode we’re also talk about Adam inogo officially signing his two-way contract and the Bulls summer league roster we’re going to get into all that and more on today’s locked on [Music] bulls you are locked on bulls your daily Chicago Bulls podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you for tuning in lock on bulls member of the locked on podcast Network where it’s your team every single day that is Pat the designer host and creator of the Wy City Breeze and host of the Chicago Bears podcast over at ESPN 1000 I’m Hayes host creator of Chicago Bull Central Chicago Bear Central YouTube pages and podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms do apply Pat rich Paul came out to defend his client which an agent should do um you’re talking about should I read I’ll read the whole quote here yeah uh I want to make this clear and clear this whole idea that Zach has been anything but professional in this situation is false this guy has played hurt he has represented the franchise with class A lot has taken place during his time with the bulls and he’s taken the high road every time does every player get frustrated at times yes but Zach has been there been the ultimate professional and deserves better the Bulls have business to do and we’re letting them do handle their business how do you feel about that about that quote Pat who’s who’s talking bad about Zach some Bulls fans I think that I mean if if anything I okay listen first off if you’re listening to the the the Bulls fans who are upset about him on Twitter right all right calm down like Rich Paul you got bigger things to worry about second off um I think for the most part people have frame Zack LaVine aptly as what he is as a player somebody who can put up a lot of points but has not affected winning a ton and has a big contract on his name is any of that untrue no who’s the who’s the media member that said Zack LaVine has been a bad teammate who’s the media member that has said Zack LaVine hasn’t worked Joe in the in the front I mean like what I don’t even remember listen I’m off of Joe Callie slander but I don’t remember Joe Callie saying his teammates hate him yeah well no he actually did say in that article that the teammates were walk him back with open arms but he did allude to it being friction between the front office and Zack LaVine because of the choosing to get the surgery when he they felt like basically Joe Calli alluded to I’m paraphrasing somebody’s going to be in the comment section quoting is that he paraphrased it and basically said that the the FR that Zack LaVine and his agent were disappointed because they misled Zack on the destinations that he could go to AKA Detroit and thus the franchise was was misled and hurt by the Zack lavine’s decision to get SE optional season ending surgery instead of get taking the trade to Detroit that’s basically how Joe Calli framed that article and I’m guessing this is in response to that because Casey almost any other bull Insider while legitimate concerns or criticisms about Zack LaVine on the court has talked about even when the Billy Donovan thing came out that you know he doesn’t want to play for Billy Donovan Casey Johnson made sure that he pointed out like this is still like they’re still amicable like they they respect each other there’s no no crazy disrespect going on in the locker room so I’m guessing this is a response to the Joe C article get ahead of it because of the the whole trade talk and stuff like that even even that right which part like when I looked at that article which part of that is false right the Z Zack LaVine realized the destinations that came up weren’t destinations he wanted to go to he opted to go in have elective surgery that’s what happened Joe cie also reported that the front office was upset that Zack LaVine blew up a trade be that could have been done to get assets back and the front office was upset about that more than likely if I get a deal in place and I’ve got everything worked out and you go oh you can’t trade me baby I’m going under the knife I’ll probably be a little bit upset about that so I’m just trying to figure out like which part of this is Rich Paul upset about he’s M he’s trying to frame this and this is the one thing that clutch does really well they try to frame things in this uh uh world that is it’s everybody versus the client which I guess in some respects he he’s not wrong in that either right because everybody’s trying to give his clients the least amount that they can give them for the most part because if you’re a good business you want to get the best that you can for the least amount that you can spend but I just I I don’t think that there’s been this disrespect of Zack LaVine around Chicago definitely not among the fans maybe playerwise a little bit of disrespect but I but I think as far as how he’s been on the team there hasn’t been a ton of disrespect I don’t think there’s been a ton of media members that have been falsely reporting things that have been going on around Zack LaVine and I do I think that the when you look at right Rich Paul’s quote here it’s just like I’m trying to make Zack LaVine the good guy again and nobody thinks he’s the bad guy yeah I don’t yeah bad guy may be too strong of a word but I do think that there is a perception right now around Zack and some of it just right and we’ve talked about like some criticisms especially when there’s whatever going on they go too far left and far as that they people make them too much but there are some legitimate criticisms around LaVine and I think because of way that he’s talked about as far as like not wanting not not having any trade value and stuff like that but this statement wasn’t needed for that like I mean the Market’s the market there’s nothing that rich Park can come out and say publicly that’s going to trade change the trade market for Zack LaVine the only thing that can is Zack LaVine going out there and playing and showing that he’s worth that contract at this point uh and otherwise if I I I don’t know bro like it it’s this is a weird situation and it’s weird because of a lot of things it’s not just Zach and some of the front office some everybody has their own part of the blame for where this thing is right now 100% I I agree with all of that and I think that’s that’s my problem with this this felt like Rich Paul defending Zack LaVine on something nobody was accusing him of it’s like it’s like when when Drake brought up Millie Barbie Brown and nobody had said Millie at that point like it’s like yeah he’s been completely professional who said he hadn’t been professional the way the way to downplay the the Kendrick Lamar pedophile claims were not to bring up a 13y old kid you know what I mean that’s like you ever seen it’s always stunny in Philadelphia oh bro yes that’s that’s one of one of the greatest shows of all time when he runs in there and he’s like he’s like we got to make another song dude like he’s like beat up he’s like we got to make another song We Don’t D kids I wouldn’t mess with anybody who’s younger than my daughter like that’s that’s what Drake did on that that’s what it feels like Rich Paul is doing here like I’m just trying to figure out okay where is this and maybe it’s something behind the scenes maybe it’s something we’re not are maybe that’s why heing it thing is I don’t think that’s happening within the Chicago Bulls media the Chicago Bulls organization where I I just I don’t see it and that’s why I this feels out of left field to me and I think it’ be different like if he wanted to get ahead of something it would have been better to come out and say hey my players my Zach absolutely can contribute to winning he’s ready to lock in defensively if needed he’s ready to play a role he’ll do whatever you call from like that’s that’s the way that it with what’s being talked about Zack that it would have been it would have made more sense but to come out and say he’s been nothing but professional I think that is something that people of univer now there are some people like during the play when he came back like hey he’s he’s he’s purposely not taking shots he’s trying to prove a point maybe that’s the people he’s speaking to but it’s like we’re like six months removed to that I don’t know when’s the last time somebody actually brought that up yeah I I just I I don’t personally see it I don’t see it as a problem and I think that listen it like I get it I to me you know what this is is exactly what it’s doing you have to bring up conversation around Zack LaVine you have to start trying to get his name going in the media again because like I mean this is bad for Rich Paul as well right now because right now you’re in a situation where the two biggest free agents are off the board already right with J James Harden went back Paul George is in uh um Philly yep even LeBron resigned with the Lakers LeBron resign no one’s talking about that miles Bridges those are the last two big free name free agents left and nobody’s talking about Zack there hasn’t been one outside of Chicago there hasn’t been one article there hasn’t been like like there’s not bigname writers and stuff like that talking about Zach LaVine would fit here nobody mean you can’t even get Demar like that is barely getting that as well we’ve gotten to the point where now right what we get yesterday ton of Demar signing trade options that teams are more interested in than the 29y old Zack LaVine to me that’s why Rich Paul is is uh doing this at this time I think that’s why uh you see this this focus on trying to address some slander that to me hasn’t been there outside of maybe some people on Twitter um but it it’s much to do about nothing and you’re trying to Hype your client’s name back up if Zack LaVine is still on this roster at the start of the season do you start him how do you not it sucks right because I think it does affect growth I think it does affect you moving forward what do what do you do what do you do with Giddy and Kobe then is giddy coming off the bench Kobe’s coming are you starting Zack of the three my my starting lineup would be uh Josh giddy Kobe white Zack LaVine I I guess I’m still going P will there and Nikola vich I I mean that’s not bad like we we’ve seen we’ve seen something I guess it we’ll see how it works I do wonder if we get to a point where it’s just so bad that Zach’s just like let me just win here and maybe it’s stuff starts working right like like I I would assume Zach didn’t hate or or dislike or have a a a a aversion to being under Billy Donovan when Lonzo was here for the first 35 games yeah I would assume he was like oh what he’s doing is working let’s go have some if the Bulls come out and they can actually win some games which may be worst case scenario Bulls fans CU there you may not see as many changes as you think think uh I wouldn’t be surprised if all of a sudden we just hear no we’re fine in Chicago we’re good you think it could switch that much to where the we’ll be good in Chicago winning winning cures all my boy winning but winning cures all when you want to win like if they start looking at hey this top 10 pick next year we’re not going to keep it is that enough because then at that point you kind of on how much you’re winning right that depends like like if you get to the trade deadline and you’re freaking you know 12 games above 500 if the B are 12 games above 500 the trade deadline hey bro like I’m wearing a Green Bay Packers shirt on this show like that’s what it’s gonna be like I book that somebody somebody marked that down and remember that me and Hayes neither of us have good memories but uh that’ll be nuts be crazy first you have to order a Green Bay Packer shirt which mean I will accept you just wearing the regular locked on shirt there you go there you go there what we do green pack colors I’m not spend my money on on any cheese head gear uh but with that said next we’re going to talk about a dam soogo resigning to the Chicago Bulls on a two-way contract but before we get into that I got to talk to you guys about game time game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on the game time M actually go down closer gets to the first pitch with killer last minute deals all in prices views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guess work out of buying MLB tickets save up to 60% off buying last minute for sports concerts comedy theater and more save even more with exclusive inapp deals on select seats ahead of the game and or event and game time will credit you 100% of the difference if you find tickets in the 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minutes maybe not exclusively the backup center but some of those minutes how you feeling I think this is the perfect way to resign him because uh when you talk about uh howad dama can affect a game he’s not going anywhere anytime soon right you you’ve got him under contract now you know he’s on that two-way deal this is perfect because if you end up trading Vu I’ve said this I think I said this a couple of days ago in the episode I don’t think that Vu is a is a before the season trade I think V starts the season on this team as you go through your season if niik lavich is your starting center for I don’t even know when is the trade deadline now like how many games are you through is it 50 games at this point like the trade Dallas it used to be right at the halfway mark it’s honestly like twoth thirds of the way through the season at this point is yeah legit so I I think if you if you talk about being like through 50 games and you trade away Nicola vich I would say your backup center right now Jaylen Smith probably for backup power for backup center uh you slide Jaylen Smith into that starting role uh which we know he can handle uh um those responsibilities as well we saw him do that down in Indiana I think then you bring adago up still on that two-way de he’s not going to be over the 60 game threshold so you won’t have to pay him the full contract just yet I think it works out in your favor I thought this was a great signing for the Chicago Bulls I love that you brought him back in seven minutes of play last season Adamas Sago uh got four points four rebounds really good production per minute yeah but of course there was that 2020 game that kind of inflated that but Adam soogo that you yeah NBA level and gets a 2020 game gets a 2020 him and wimy were the only rookies to have 2020 games last season so um but I look at it and Adama is the perfect player that you want to give this type of thing like if we’re truly getting to the place where the G league is going to be used as a developmental system that Dom sonogo is the perfect player for that yeah he showed you he basically dominated the g-league in a lot of ways right but and so now you go down there you don’t you haven’t necessarily moved onto your roster in a way that you’re you’re ready to to give him that full backup center minutes so you can still use him because now it’s what 65 games use a player on a two-way contract before you got to convert him something like that so um many plent you can get many of looks at him even if you do want to say all right bet we’re gonna We want to give ad dama a couple of minutes tonight you you can do that and you continue developing him through the g-league and um yeah I mean ultimately If he if he shows it that it’s not a fluke and he dominates again gets another what TW what is 18 19 and 12 and one and a half blocks if he does that again a no he was 2012 20 and 12 with a block of game with a see yeah if you do that again to me there should be no third two-way contract cuz I think if he does that again if the Bulls don’t give him a full contract another team’s going to come knocking at some point so on on and this is this is the part that excites me about him and this is why I like him as a backup big I don’t know if he’s a starting big just yet right but under siiz right he’d probably have to play some backup power forward as well 69 uh but 61% from the field um over 12 rebounds a game six offensive six defensive at the g-league level 73% from the free throw line so like you’re getting a guy in there who is just like hey bro what do we need you to do today your job you go out there you grab rebounds you you get easy putbacks and and you you do your job and that’ll be perfect and I I think that that’s really what the Bulls just don’t have enough of right we’ve got guys who we like we look at and we say there’s a job available for you there’s a job we need you to do but I don’t think that we have enough guys who we can say Hey listen like this is your job you go out and do it I think now you’re stting to build that out where Jaylen Smith you’re like Hey listen your job right now be the backup big off of the bench until we put you in the starters role be solid and and add some size and an ability to run the court Josh giddy pass that’s your job like pass I don’t want to see you do nothing else if you add anything on to the game that’s phenomenal but like pass like that’s what we need the most um and and I think Adam Sago is another player you can look at and say he just knows his role and I think that that would benefit the bulls having somebody like that off of the bench especially right and and what you would think is a probably a young team that’s moved on from a couple of major pieces and a guy like Zack LaVine a guy like Nicola vich if things go as planned that hopefully is still in the mix is still competing adago brings you a little bit of stability uh from that g-league roster as well as your backup center yeah I agree with everything that you said there I I I like the the signing of AD d s noo I I would hate if the Bulls let him go he ends up blossoming elsewhere and then as well with the Bulls going younger you want to maintain as much young Talent as you can and have on your roster to develop and that’s at every level yeah it’s some going to be at the NBA level some’s going to be at the g- league level but you want to keep all your young guys that you have because at 22 years old he’ll be 23 the majority of next season like it’s it’s way too early to put a cap on a domis no we saw what he was able to do at college basketball so yeah oh man that National Championship yeah I mean like that’s why that’s really why I wanted him and clinging boy that would have been nuts bro and clinging back together on the boards that would have been if he had failed just a couple of more spaces that would have been nuts um but no I’m I’m excited to see what he’s goingon to be able to do and I’m glad that the Bulls were and and the fact that you know they’re still basically saying like don’t don’t sleep on it we got to talk about this bull summer league roster I believe Adama is on there uh we may have a summer league championship coming our way my boy feels like a denzo Washington Summer League season watch the summer league team bro like we might see some pieces on there we like Oh Henry Henry Dr by the way Henry Dr was who I was thinking of the other day trying to think of the the white dude that could shoot and he played with us for a littleit Henry Dr was the dude I was trying to think of out he be knocking down the three bow that’s it I don’t have no ad read let’s get to the next well you got to do the thing yeah I’ll do it don’t worry oh oh oh my bad my bad my bad well you gotta do the thing I got it it’s all right don’t worry about it that’s why we’re a team here at lockon Bulls but with that said Pat We Now know the summer league roster for the Chicago Bulls no real surprises on this one at all uh considering that the Bulls had one undrafted rookie that they signed to an exhibit 10 deal uh uh domas he’s on here yeah uh billis is on here diogo’s on here no dalen Terry which at the age dalen Terry is he’s three years in the league not a lot of people do that but Julian Phillips is on here Andrew Funk Henry Dr as you already mentioned Javonte Smith uh Nathan Knight DJ Stewart Chase audence and Garrison Brooks summer league roster is uh Tyler Thomas any relation to Tyrus Thomas we need I would hope not because if he is he can get off the team right now he’s gonna be jumping at pump fakes all day long um no I I think I think listen good roster uh good to see uh uh this selection of guys there little little surprised no dalan on this list third most people third year in the NBA don’t do summer league so I’m I’m not surp like he he Bulls may have been like hey Dal you want to do summer league no I’m gonna keep working out enough to not do it though I mean listen I’m just saying I’m just saying you mean like I’m not disagreeing with you we we’ve seen the only play the only player that we the last time I can remember a Bulls player going into the summer league going into their third year was Joe Kim Noah but that was because he wanted to play with Derrick Rose to acclimate to Derrick Rose um what’s his name did um who’s old boy that I’ve forgotten completely at this point because he got dunked on so much maros sonov was only here two years so he didn’t do it his third year but didn’t he play I thought he played one year that he wasn’t here I thought he came over just for summer league I might be wrong no no you may be right like because remember he wasn’t here the year we drafted him did he come over that year I don’t I year after I think after we drafted him I may be wrong on that who cares he was never on the court enough but uh that’s the most we ever saw him on the court he was balling he was Balling on that mug but no I think uh the the the thing for me with with the summer league is is good to see the collection of guys that you think I think you’ve got for sure Julian Phillips is on the team we know Adam Sago is a two-way guy Matas buis will be on the team so it’ll be good to see him uh I think you have Marcus damasque who has a shot to definitely make the Wy City bulls and a to get on a two-way deal here and Henry Dr will be back Andrew Funk as well like shout out to both of them well we only got three two-way deals and we and Funk is already signed one we got a D so is gonna come down to Henry Dr and and and domas I would rather see damasque I I like Marcus Damas game I mean y’all know me big Illinois fan and to me he he’s a player who um he uses his body really well is strong in the lane very smart player um got a nice little turnaround J that he can drop on you anytime he wants to you know I mean like I think he’s got a lot of game to me he’s got game that translates to the NBA and I just he’s very similar in speed-wise to me though to Dalton connect that was always my Wonder right can you are you gonna be quick enough and he doesn’t have a torch like connect does so it’s like are you gonna be quick enough to get to get past guys at the NBA level because even at College he struggled with getting past guys he he made what all big 10 team or like he was like Mr all big 10 or something like that Marcus deas got some he’s got some accolades he’s he’s a he’s a a really nice player I was excited to see the Bulls pick him up you we didn’t get the Illinois guy I wanted I saw him in a Minnesota Jersey yesterday and was upset yeah yeah I’m glad we got buzas but man tsj in a Bulls jersey would have been absolutely nuts but no the the thing about uh the thing about uh um Damascus he’s another guy like Sago he’s a fiveyear uh player in college um he he just he spent four years at Southern Illinois spent one year at Illinois just a guy who knows how to win just a guy who knows what he needs to do knows how to knock down shots knows how to get out there um not a like I said not size on that Wing 66 215 pounds like nice wingspan uh like you said that isn’t the three-point shooter uh but he I mean he can hit the three-point sh I’m just saying he’s not like a Donovan connect three-point shooter um yeah I mean listen solid guy the type of guy that you want to bring in is 24 years old but is type of guy you want to take a shot at that’s what the gague is for so which which you don’t care about right you never expect him to be a star so at 24 years old if it takes him two years to develop and he comes off your bench in two years at 26 and he’s knocking down you know mid-range shots maybe he’s added more of a three-pointer in there I’m fine with that yeah I mean good job here we go we we found a nice piece but I I think that um outside of everybody else on that summer league summer league list I I think you got the makings of a nice team I do want to see the the thing I’m going to be watching for most is uh the shot of Julian Phillips how much has that improved uh in two years yeah we haven’t really so we’ve seen dalen we haven’t seen much I heard much from from Julian Phillips and the reason why I bring that up is that Julian did end the season injured and we haven’t heard anything about him but if he’s on this summer league Rost that means they feel confident about uh him being ready by training camp and like you said you want to see for a player that actually was drafted does have an NBA deal you want to see him come into summer league and show he showed it in G League last year it was very early on you could tell that Julian Phillips was above the competition in G League you want to see that again in summer league as well no 100% 100% And and I mean listen this is also I would think Julian is ahead of anybody else on this list but this is also like Julian may be back in the G league and pataz buil is balls out here ah I don’t know I think he either I he you’re gonna put the first round pick on the Rost well I mean he’s gonna be on the but that’s the question isn’t is madis BU m pilis is going to be on the roster regardless but I do think that before he went down on injury we did start seeing Billy Donovan actually trust Julian Phillips it wasn’t like he was just putting him out there in garbage time jul into the game at the end of first Quarters at times before he went down so I think because of that trust that was already there with Billy Donovan he may have an Inside Edge to get some minutes I’m not saying he’s going to be above uh billis but I do think that he’s going to get some NBA minutes as long as he comes in looks good and he’s healthy so let’s just not make Matas the least played number 11th overall pick ever let’s just let’s just not do that I mean Zack lavine’s back you never know bro like this the rotations are going to be so interesting to watch if Z no idea like somebody asked me when I was live the other day about like what do you think the rotation is GNA be I’m like I have no idea I know what I I think the starting lineup is going to be and I don’t even know if that’s true yeah you know what I mean like there’s there’s questions everywhere with this team but hey man not bad we’re almost here summer league starts in what 10 days 12 like that yeah that and then we got football training camps open up in 15 days for the Bears like we we almost back full time brother we almost back man it has been uh I ain’t gonna lie it’s weird I can’t wait till we’re at the point where we can enjoy the time off where we’re L like it’s never gonna happen bro it’s probably not it never is it never is way too many shows for us to ever get to that point I’m just trying to do shows from like Cabo every year you know what I mean that’s the goal I can take the setup with me I can fly camera equipment with me and be like oh hold on let me take a step away from this drink real quick and uh hop no what do you mean if we reach that point we’re drinking our our our drinks while we’re streaming bro what are you talking about like out the pineapple whole pineapple in our hand baby send us off Pat man hey man we appreciate y’all for tuning in showing love hit that like button subscribe to the page leader five star review y’all know what to do follow us on everything at lock on bulls you can follow me on everything path thees designer appreciate y’all for tuning in showing love and you guys can follow me at CEO hay want to thank you guys for tuning in locked on bulls we are free and available on every podcasting app and platform of your choice as well as YouTube for paath the designer I’m Hayes this been locked on bulls we out here y’all peace peace [Music] [Applause] n [Music]

Haize & Pat The Designer react to Rich Paul’s comments on Zach LaVine’s situation with the Bulls front office. The guys also talk about their excitement over the Bulls Summer League team.

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  1. What else do we expect ZL's agent to say? ZL may be professional, but other teams are willing to spend unworthy dollars on him. The Bulls had to spend that bread, others don't.

  2. The newest article yesterday KC said that the phrasing of when AK put out that statement about zach electing to have surgery was taken by some and spun a certain way
    Here's the quote by KC
    This phrasing, along with rumors that the Detroit Pistons were interested in trading for LaVine, created a false narrative that LaVine opted for surgery over joining the rebuilding Pistons. Multiple league sources at that time indicated that the Pistons’ decision-makers were split on trading for LaVine and that the Bulls weren’t close on a deal

  3. From some statements made by Zach and actions he took, he's just left me with sour feelings towards him. This is slowly becoming Rich Paul's biggest failure as an agent that not a lot of people are putting blame on for this situation.

  4. Taking elective surgery to avoid being traded is the OPPOSITE of being professional. And that decision has screwed everyone involved. Screwed the team and looks like put the nail in the coffin in Zach’s reputation. Remember this is the guy we all saw play great defense on the USA team but sucks in the NBA? Shows it’s his effort/attitude/motor etc. boooo Zach!!

  5. What team did Zach have in his first few years that Zach could have won with till Demar and Zo got there ? Zach got framed not impacting winning when the franchise surrounded him with not ideal or mishandled talent . It’s their fault they forced Zach into a number 1 option ; Zach very capable of being a strong 3rd option on a championship team and possible 2nd with the right franchise player like a joker .

  6. Nathan Knight is the wild card. He’s undersized as a center but can run, make the midrange shot and is still young. I see him getting minutes before Funk or Drell.

  7. The Chicago Bulls chose a coach over the player in Zach, Zach has never been with a franchise in the NBA that Prioritize him as number #1 we have not built around zach and that is fair that Zach is upset

  8. If the organizations LaVine has played for have failed to bring in other quality players, or didn’t put him in the correct role, or groomed him as a #1 when he doesn’t belong there, or offered him a contract teams now find undesirable, why are these sins primarily laid at LaVine’s feet and not the Chicago Bulls?

    Like most players in a losing situation, the majority of LaVine’s lack of success is due to factors outside of his control. He’s developed into an elite scorer, good playmaker, passable defender, and great off-court person by all accounts. There’s no natural skill set he’s failed to unlock or laziness he’s had to shed: he’s reached his individual potential in almost every way. Everyone should know at this point what an ideal role for LaVine would look like. What is unique about LaVine’s situation is simply how long he has been enduring it, and perhaps that’s why it has given so many executives across the league pause.

    There’s also another factor to consider, which is Zach LaVine’s view of himself. Of course, most NBA players have high opinions of themselves, and Zach’s view has been reinforced by consistently being handed the keys to the various iterations of the Bulls during his tenure. It’s also caused some on-court friction with DeMar DeRozan and Nikola Vucevic, which you’d expect on a team with three complementary players who all believe they deserve more touches and aren’t winning. For this reason, it’s unsurprising that NBA executives fear that Zach’s perception of himself could impact his ability to accept an almost certainly lesser role on their own team. He’s been fed this worldview for a decade.

    There’s two salient examples that can give executives some relief on that front, though. First, I’d point again to the 2021-22 season, where Zach was in a less prominent role and the Bulls had significant success. Zach was part of every one of the Bulls’ best 3 lineups that season, which had net ratings of +20.6, 29.1, and 31.5 during that stretch over hundreds of minutes of data. The second example is when Zach LaVine played for the Olympic team with Team USA. In a role that didn’t require him to be a primary scorer or playmaker, LaVine showcased role acceptance and a defensive performance that drew the praise of coaches Gregg Popovich and Steve Kerr.

    Zach LaVine can absolutely be an impactful, winning player in the right situation, but a decade of being placed in the wrong role has unfairly taken its toll on his reputation and caused executives to question whether he’d accept the right one.

    Whether fair or unfair, perception is king in the NBA. The wages of that perception have impacted Zach LaVine’s reputation and career, and created a difficult situation for him, the Chicago Bulls, and any team considering trading for him. Delving into the reasons behind the perceptions allows us a better understanding of who Zach LaVine is as a player and why he’s reached such a difficult crossroads. In the right context, LaVine can be far more than the perceptions that restrict him, but whether he’ll ever get that chance is more unclear than ever.

    full article on theswishtheory title : Zach Lavine : The wages of perception

    Give it a read its super insightful. Props to the writer Kris

  9. About Zachs "impact on winning"

    Let’s use an example to illustrate this concept. Klay Thompson is one of the greatest shooters of all time and, for much of his career, was a quality defender. On any team in the NBA, Klay would have been a great shooter and scorer and a solid 3&D wing. But what’s made him truly impactful and also given him 5 All-Star appearances is being in Golden State. Playing next to Stephen Curry, the greatest shooter in NBA history and someone with incredible gravity, as well as human Swiss army knife Draymond Green, has allowed Klay to focus on what he does best and mitigates all of his weaknesses. Klay Thompson doesn’t rebound, pass, or dribble much. He doesn’t create for teammates, doesn’t get to the free throw line, doesn’t consistently draw doubles. None of these are his strengths, and none of it has mattered because all Klay needed to do to help the Warriors be successful is shoot threes and play defense. He is a square peg that has been placed in a square hole.

    Has anyone, at any point during Golden State’s dominance, questioned Klay Thompson’s ability to impact winning? Of course not. But what if instead you had placed Klay Thompson on a rebuilding team and asked him to be the primary creator for that team? You’d expect that, over time, Klay would improve his playmaking and learn to draw more free throws. But having the ball in his hands so much would mitigate his ability to drill 3s at such a high rate, his defense would suffer, and the things that make Klay Klay would be muted. And even though that version of Klay would end up being a better and more skilled version of himself due to being forced into a role beyond his current capabilities, his ability to impact team success would be diminished. It’s funny to think about, but true: he’d be a better actual player and everyone would think he’s worse.

    We are seeing this play out in real time with Mikal Bridges. He was an incredible 3&D option in Phoenix as the #3-4 option. Now that he’s the #1 option in Brooklyn, his usage has spiked and his defense has waned and the Nets are not winning. Is Mikal a worse player than before? Quite the opposite; but the context has completely changed. Luckily, every executive has a relatively fresh memory of Mikal being awesome in Phoenix and his perception has not taken much of a hit, if any. Luckily the New York Knicks have resolved that issue by trading for him and placing him back into his previous role.

    There are a lot of players who never get to be in the perfect context for their skills, let alone a great or good one. Zach LaVine is such a player. In fact, it’s hard to think of a player individually as good as Zach LaVine that has been placed in a worse role and team context for this long of a time in recent memory.

  10. What do the Bulls do with Giddey & Coby? Haize asked. You start Coby. You start Zach. You bench Josh Giddey's weak ass until he proves he can make a jump shot!

  11. Zach Lavine is a career loser.. all he does is lose. Doesn’t matter where he plays. I’m not even a bulls fan I’m coming from a completely unbiased perspective. My team is in a similar situation with Tyler Herro both are untradeable players/contracts.

  12. I will push back a little. To play defense. I think Zach made it quite clear when Zo went down that he was not happy about the Pace at which the team was playing, and was making the argument, way back when, that Coby is really good and shouldn't be benched in a Modern Offense, we need Thee Ball and a Fast Pace. Low IQ? 3 Years Too Quick by some accounts. And when he tried to assert Dominance and Force Faster Pace he was Benched. I'd shoot bad if I was that Mad too. To play defense. Rich Paul has a Point to Make.

  13. He does we should bring him back give him one season and if it doesn't work ok but I don't think we should just go in on him like he can't do anything the problem is this is cobys team he has to take a back seat but still contribute

  14. But also everybody and they momma saw how Zach was mopping around not playing defense and just giving up on the team at times last season and no team wants that's sometimes you have to "save face"

  15. Paul most likely gave Zach bad career advice, life advice…general advice. Ultimately the decision to re-sign with Chicago was Zach's, of course. But you know…he and Klutch did EVERYTHING according to the CBA. You don't need Klutch for that. You need Klutch for what comes later. THIS is the later. It's just a lot later than Rich and Zach schemed it would be, and far from the ideal they imagined. So now Klutch is cleaning up the wreckage best they can. The only mistake the Bulls made was not reading the tea leaves and trading Zach after they re-signed him when his value was at an all time high. Among their numerous boneheaded basketball decisions, of course. Would Zach be happy if the Bulls were a winning team and better organization all these years he's been here? Who knows? Thats not even reality. The reality is this is just the latest pathetic saga in a recent long history of bad Bulls business. It is what it is….its Da Bulls, 100%😏

  16. If the Bulls wanna rebuild then they can still keep LaVine… Ain't like he can take a team anywhere

  17. I’m probably the only fan who thinks this. Keep Lavine, hopefully he plays with something to prove. When contending teams have their injuries they might be interested in Lavine.

  18. We heard from Julian in the draft lottery day, KC interviewd him when he was representing the Bulls in the event and Julian said he was fully healed. It was just a sprained foot.

  19. Chicago is just terrible! Complain that management is cheap, then complain about their players if they get paid a good contract. Zach Lavines contract is not bad if you look at all other signings over 40. His defense can be better but you can say the same about Kevin Huerter whom everyone seem to be on the band wagon for.

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