@Los Angeles Clippers

NBAtalk subreddit says Warriors are getting better while Clippers are getting worse. Yes or no?

NBAtalk subreddit says Warriors are getting better while Clippers are getting worse. Yes or no?

by Solid-Session-272


  1. Insufferable-Asshat

    Clippers got a bunch of 7 ppg scorers and at least 3 of these guys will be unplayable in the offs. It’s a great start but this cannot be it

  2. Insufferable-Asshat

    Clippers got a bunch of 7 ppg scorers and at least 3 of these guys will be unplayable in the offs. It’s a great start but this cannot be it

  3. The warriors aren’t good; unless they add Lauri and become mid, they’re 100% vapors of aura by now

  4. send_math_equations

    If we land Bridges we will BEAT everyone!

  5. Bamba is quite frankly awful, nico is decent certainly not what he used to be, KPJ I doubt plays more than 10-maybe 15 mpg at that, luka and kyrie can do great things one of those is making DJJ look good, Dunn I like he will be good the 15 mpg he plays at pg. other than that I don’t seriously see this as a playoff team.

    Warriors aren’t a playoff team either btw

  6. DocCharlesXavier

    Warriors probably my got better by the fact that Klay should not have seen as much playing time as he did.

    Maybe I’m crazy but after watching PG for the past 2 years – I think more versatility and greater focus on defense is a better fit.

  7. mccgriffin

    We got significantly worse unless we have another move coming. We are weak in scoring and at PF.

  8. uninterested-lurker

    Who cares at this point. Everyone hates the clippers and I’ve accepted that we’ll never get any honest analysis

  9. Asleep-Eggplant-6337

    PG is god on NBA subreddit and TikTok. Don’t understand why

  10. Mysterious-Ad4966

    You trade a guy who plays with no effort, consistency, or impact for a bunch of serviceable role players.

    Are we gonna sit here and act like PG was stretching out defenses and torturing bigs? No. He just shot 40% from 3 and could occasionally slash to the paint if he wasn’t a fucking pussy.

    The missing part of this is how much bigger Norman’s role becomes with PG’s departure. He is a remarkably consistent and efficient scorer that fits very well within the Clippers scheme.

    You can’t say for sure whether the Clippers are worse or better, but it would be foolish to cast a verdict.

  11. Our additions are better but PG is a better player than Klay.

  12. golden_eye207

    we definitely got worse, but I don’t think the gap between us and GS isn’t too far

  13. pjittanoon

    I mean the subreddit is full of real coaches and NBA analysts they should know what is what and not hold bias against the Clippers.

  14. imagoddessgirl

    yeah clippers fans are annoying pessimists & PG is a dirty player who underperformed consistently im glad we’re moving on

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