@Dallas Mavericks

The Dallas Mavericks Are A DIFFERENT MONSTER…

The Dallas Mavericks Are A DIFFERENT MONSTER…

I’m buying all of the Klay Thompson stock right now Klay Thompson is going to the Dallas Mavericks we learned the news not too long ago he agreed to a three-year $50 million deal according to W and through a signing trade it will also send Josh Green to the Charlotte Hornets and two second round picks to the Warriors Thompson five-time All-Star four-time Champion spent his entire career playing with the Warriors to this point and now he’s going to be coming to a Dallas Mavericks team that was also close to winning an NBA championship of course the Maverick’s offense sputtered in the NBA Finals scoring only 106.7 points per 100 possession so an extra shooter in Thompson will do a world of good for this MAV team but stylistically it is going to be a tad bit different as Thompson will have to adjust to the Maverick style the Mavericks play a heliocentric system that obviously relies on donic and Irving pulling multiple Defenders which means that Thompson is often going to be open standing in the corner waiting to get a pass to shoot the three but of course for Thompson to come on over to the Mavericks which by the way he chose over the Lakers you better believe that whatever the Mavericks were pitching to Thompson it worked and Thompson is sold on the fact that he has a chance to now Revitalize himself in Dallas and it’s not like Thompson’s just a three-point shooter obviously when you look at this move at face value they’re getting another three-point shooter someone who’s going to help them immensely come playoff time that is his greatest asset but also Thompson can score off the dribble and that’s something that the Mavericks lacked in their NBA Finals matchup against the Celtics Irving and donic they shouldered way too much of the offensive creation so to bring Thompson in now that’s going to alleviate a lot of that pressure and now you have a guy who can get up his own shot I know it’s not a huge part of his game but he does have the ability to create and the Dallas Mavericks they are going to have another score and that’s something that they lacked behind Luke and Kyrie kind of that third guy who can get his shot up and scoring bunches and the Dallas Mavericks they have made a couple of big changes to their roster this off season shipping out Tim Hardway Jr and Josh Green while they let arguably their best defender go and Derrick Jones Jr but they were able to land Quinn and Grimes Naji Marshall and of course Klay Thompson and I know when people look at this move they’re thinking immediately there is a defensive risk you know this team is going to be good offensively but how are they able to hold their own defensively let’s not forget I know he’s not the same Defender he used to be but Klay Thompson can definitely hold his own and I kind of get the same Vibes that we got last time when you know people question the trades that the Mavericks made at the trade deadline for Gafford and Washington well look how that ended up working out for them and then even going back questioning the Kyrie Irving trade saying it’s not going to work Kyrie and Luca are never going to coexist and what do you know it worked out brilliantly so I think there’s going to be another example of that where there’s going to be a lot of Doubt skepticism people are going to play the defensive card went to henville Thompson with the Mavs but I really think Thompson is going to end up having a very big role on this team and sometimes you need to change a scenery to get yourself going and I think Thompson’s going to be as motivated as ever to prove himself and still show the world that he can play at a high level I mean this guy is a four-time NBA champion let’s put some more respect on his name this makes a lot of sense to me I mean the Mavericks they only shot 32% from three-point range during their five game NBA Finals lost the Celtics and they added Thompson who ranked sixth in league history and made threes you look at that year the Warriors won the title Thompson still averaged 19 points per game in the playoffs so Thompson he hasn’t been the same kind of Defender and he does have lapses in shot selection But ultimately the Thompson and warriors split was an edable and I think now Thompson is in a prime position to bounce back Dallas can very well go 11 deep in terms of their rotation and then you look at Thompson’s fit in the starting lineup he’s going to be able to just benefit from you know clean looks his contested three-point shot making is going to be a massive upgrade for Dallas per second spect from tracking Thompson shot the 10th best three-point percentage thir 39% among players with at least 500 attempts on the sixth hardest shot diet among those 26 players and even though he’s still recovering from that torn ACL a 65% healthy Klay Thompson is still better than a lot of players in this league and he’s a better scoring option than what the Mavericks have had over the last couple of Seasons you add that to Luca and Kyrie he really gives them another Dynamic he gives him that third scoring option he’s going to have plenty of opportunities to increase his scoring average his three point percentage with the amount of high quality looks he’s going to get just playing next to Luca and Kyrie so if the Dallas Mavericks can stay healthy I like this addition a lot for them and I think they could very well get back to the NBA finals so by Klay Thompson stock now I think klay’s going to prove a lot of people wrong never mind if you know he’s 34 years old and you kind of look at his career and you think oh this guy’s watched this guy’s done it’s all about the 2024 2025 season and really Dallas if they want to repeat in the west by getting through the Western Conference and getting back to the NBA finals right now I think they’re really going to benefit from the Boost that Klay Thompson is going to bring to them right now you’re looking at starting lineup at donic Irving Thompson Washington Lively the second and it’s safe to assume that Thompson Will begin the season the starting lineup and then you’re looking at you know key rotation guys like Grimes Marshall and Gafford so the Dallas Mavericks I I think their offense got a lot better I there’s obviously going to be some defensive question marks but weren’t Dallas delted when it came to their defense last season and they held their own just right again Klay Thompson he’s not a terrible Defender he can still play good defense in stretches and we saw when Luke and Kyrie are motivated they can hold their own as well the pr for Dallas was that they’re offense stalled and they needed more three-point shooting especially in the last that they lost they missed so many threes so they needed another guy who could put the ball in the hole another three-point shooter and just another scorer and right now the Dallas Mavericks they got three deadly scores and I’m sold on this move I really think it’s going to work out don’t question it because we know what happened when the other Maverick’s accusations were questioned so I’m a fan of this I think Dallas is once again G me in a prime position to compete in the west I know the West is a dog fight right now so many teams you can make a case for to come out of the west but you got to give the team that just did it the benefit of the doubt here nice additions Thompson their biggest I think it’s going to work out well for this team and you got to credit the Mavericks too they could have easily been complacent saying hey we just made it to the NBA finals we don’t have to upgrade this roster but I like the aggressiveness I like the fact that they go out they make a big splash they take a chance on Thompson yeah they lost some guys but they replenished their team well and Dallas they’re not satisfied with just getting to the NBA finals they want to get back there and this time finish the job they know Luca’s in his prime his partnership with Kyrie has been solid you got to go for it now so even though Thompson is you know up there in age and he might have only a few seasons left Dallas’s window is right now they got to go for it and they got to try to win a championship while the opportunity is there so let me know your thoughts guys do you think it’s going to work hit me up in the comment section down below drop a like subscribe to the channel if you’re new that is it for me is LC Sig off thanks so much for watching I’ll catch you all again in the next one [Music]

The Dallas Mavericks aren’t going away.

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  1. I don't think people are questioning the trade. Ppl are questioning if Dallas will be good enough to win the west again. As for a chip, that is not possible currently

  2. We all need to pump the brakes a bit with the Klay hype. Sure he'll be a good fit in Dallas. But at the moment he's a decent role player and not a superstar that everyone is making him out to be. Lets wait for him to settle in then judge his fit with the mavs. By the way I'm a mavs fan.

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