@Cleveland Cavaliers

Cleveland Cavaliers Interested In Trading For Brandon Ingram?! Kenny Atkinson Hired As Coach!!!

Cleveland Cavaliers Interested In Trading For Brandon Ingram?! Kenny Atkinson Hired As Coach!!!

but the main thing right me and chb are huge onor Cleveland Cavaliers right and I feel like it was right to start off because I think it’s a lot of things that we’ve reported on that I think we both think is happening and then we got a lot of news that has happened for the Cleveland Cavaliers but I want to start off with this right the Cleveland Cavaliers just signed Kenny aison right and I voice what my concerns about Kenny ainon on my channel as well as uh that rather Cavaliers but I from you man how do you feel about this Kenny ainon move with the Cavs you think this is a good move for the cast yeah well it’s it’s a tough one because me and you we we went back and forth previously on JB biger staff and whether or not he should be fired and like I think one thing we all kind of said was they should only fire him if they find someone you know better we can’t be getting we can’t be getting a guy in who I would say probably hasn’t coached yet due to the fact is you don’t want to take a step backwards in the position I think that we’re in that’s not where we want to go I think Kenny ainson whether or not he’s a step forward or not at least you know you haven’t gotten a guy I would say who’s worse than JB biger staff I think he’s proven that he he was a solid coach on the Brooklyn Nets and I’ll get your thoughts on this but one thing I really like that I think Kenny ainson did on the Nets that was good was he had an ability to be able to play two bold dominant guards at the same time and make them work he would have D’Angelo Russell and Spencer diwy share the court he’d have Russell and Caris LeVert share the court amongst a bunch of other different combinations right we have Garland and Mitchell and their two biggest problem is they have really struggled so far to be able to share the court so I guess my question for you is do you think Kenny atson can can maybe make that duo a a thing that actually works because it doesn’t look like Garland’s going to be getting tried we’ve talked about this because I felt like I feel like I mean he he feels like Darius garland would work under Kenny aism because he’s more offensively oriented right so the pace is going to be faster quicker and to be honest I really do agree with it the thing is though I think even with that I think you still kind of have to trade Darius G um reason being is because it’s and I know y’all see the darus Garland Jersey I’m a darus Garland fan I like his style honestly if he goes somewhere else I think he is gonna really be that guy but the problem is I think when you have Donovan Mitchell and you have darus Garland who in a way they play very very similar and they’re about the same size in the NBA that has a tendency of not working unless you have a very very very Dynamic small for forward or win on a team the Cav don’t have that and because of that I feel like we should um trade Darius Garland on a tangent to that question you asked earlier just because uh I think it would be a it’d be easy to kind of replace Darius Garland in a way not in the star value but in terms of like production like you can get Mike connley today and he would be serviceable for daryus Garland you get what I’m saying so I do think darus garland would you know cuz it’s all reports and you probably heard the same thing yeah t don’t want to trade anybody well at least a core four yeah there’s Garland Moy Jared Allen and Don they don’t want to trade any of the four um it could work out but I think even if they don’t make a move on those four players this off season I think by the trade deadline one of them is going to be gone and it’s gonna be DJ I think Jared Allen Jared Allen honestly the more and more I start thinking about it and the more and more I start hearing perspective I think those Moy and Jared Allen might be safe um unless something just crazy happened but I think DG is going to be the first one the first Domino to really fall in this this big four yeah well we got to Hope as well that Kenny ainson um the way he coaches we can have a good offensive Style with Jared Allen and Evan Moy because I feel like JB Pig star’s offense with them was actually not too bad but where I think JB shined as the cavis coach was Jarett Allen and Evan Moy were an um amazing Duo together for quite a while and for a little bit there I was on the spectrum of like we should we should trade Jarrett Allen but then when you actually like look at everything and I think kind of go through it one of the only Duos the Celtics really struggled with in the league was Jarett Allen and Evan Mobley Evan moble would often do really well against Jason Tatum and we’ve known that I think Jarett Allen usually over his career can be a pretty good uh opponent on christops porzingis so if Kenny ainson can coach both of those guys to the level that JB bck of stuff was there will be absolutely no problem but Darius Garland right now not only is he a problem in terms of will Kenny ainson be able to coach him and Mitchell to being a Duo that actually works it’s if it doesn’t work out you’ve tried all these options what are you going to be able to trade Darius Garland for because right now in my opinion the offers have been really crap like the Brandon Ingram offer from the Pelicans that was there at one stage I don’t think people realize how much better of a player Garland is than Brandon Ingram if Brandon Ingram was so good as what he actually was as a player the Pelicans would have made the playoffs multiple times I know they’ve had injuries but they that Pelicans team they have some of the best role players in the league Trey Murphy herb Jones CJ McCullum if we’re calling McCullum even a role player if if Brandon Ingram is the star that he is supposed to be Zion Ingram and all of those players that team should not be missing the Playoffs so clearly there is a problem Ingram is too inconsistent he doesn’t care on defense I that’s again partially the reason they haven’t traded G they don’t like the offers as well that they’re getting H so you know this was this wasn’t part of the topic questions yeah but because you mentioned it I want to hear about this so all right you think you really don’t think Brandon Ingram would be something we should consider for Darius Garland you think that’s actually a low ball I think it we should consider it but it is it is a lowball like it would the only way if I was the Cavaliers I would do that move is if we were to get Brandon Ingram um Trey Murphy who would actually be kind of good on the Cavs and probably maybe a first round pick or two because if as I just said if Brandon Ingram was and people know this now like the average NBA fan has picked up on this now if Brandon Ingram was as good as what he’s made out to be they would have made the playoffs consistently and they have not so I don’t know maybe I’m just not a Brandon Ingram fan anymore but I think if he was to come to the Cavaliers is he going to change is he going to be defensively as lazy as he’s been could he work under Kenny ainson as an offensive player there’s too many questions really and that’s why I don’t think the Cavaliers are going to do this trade um I have no idea and and on we [Music] and in [Music]

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  1. They are not interested in Garland now that they just traded for Dejounte. Cavs would not be wise to trade Allen or Mobley for Ingram.

  2. Good luck with trying to trade Darius when he's already on a max contract but I can't see no one getting traded unless an offer comes up but they don't have outside of Donavan and Evan who really has trade value, I believe Atkinson can bring out that star potential out of these players because if not they're not going to get paid anywhere else

  3. What a joke haha. They would have made the playoffs easily if they were in the East. Good video til you started talking about BI. BI and Trey plus a 1st for DG would be robbery

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