@Dallas Mavericks

This Will NOT Go How You Think…

This Will NOT Go How You Think…

[Music] so NBA free agency has been exciting so far we’ve got Paul George going to the 76ers Chris Paul is going to start feeding wemi and the Lakers drafted a rookie LeBron James to replace LeBron James personally the most interesting deal so far in my opinion is Klay Thompson going to the Dallas Mavericks obviously it’s going to be weird and really sad to see clay in a jersey other than a warriors’s uniform just take a second and think about all he accomplished in Golden State four championship rings he built a reputation as game six clay he set the NBA record with three-pointers made in a single game with a total of 14 he set the NBA record for most points scored in a single quarter when he dropped 37 he scored 60 points in just three quarters he was a part of the record-breaking 73 and 19 and he was the other half of the famous Splash Brothers I remember for so long one of the main talking points surrounding the warriors on a year-to-year basis is is their Dynasty days actually over they had a bit of a reemergence and won the championship in 2022 which a lot of people didn’t expect but again that car conversation persisted is their Dynasty actually done and now we can finally say beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is officially over even for warriors fans it seems like it just hasn’t really settled on how this era is officially done a lot of that is probably because of how things became so sour there was just drama in the organization teammates were punching each other clay was not looking like himself and Clay was closing out a season with a historically bad 0 and 10 performance but that also leads us to my next point about clay heading to Dallas because of all the bitterness regarding how their situation ended in Golden State I kind of feel like it’s making people slaves of the moment and just lose track of Clay’s remaining value to a certain extent he’s still Klay Thompson yes yes I know he’s not the defensive player that he once was he hasn’t been the same since he’s had all of those surgeries he’s 34 years old he was mopy and in his head most of last season an he finished the year disappearing and shooting zero of 10 in a must-win game I get all of that but it’s not like clay still doesn’t have some value to help the Mavericks tremendously outside of a zero of 10 finale Klay was starting to find his game as the season progressed in his first 20 games of the year he averaged only 15 points on under 40% shooting and roughly 35% from three-point range now now compare that to the final 20 games leading up to the playin and you see a massive Improvement as he averaged 20 points on 46% shooting and 41% from three-point range which is still considered very elite even if he just shows up periodically and is that same guy occasionally to help Luca and Kyrie that’s going to be huge for them there were extensive periods of time where Luca and Kyrie look like the only Mavericks who showed up especially in the NBA Finals they’re used to having supporting teammates occasionally disappearing and them having to carry more of the offense all by themselves from this aspect I don’t think clay will have as much pressure on him in this situation in Dallas which also might be a freeing aspect for him mentally a change in atmosphere a change in coaching and a change in peers all of this stuff can be great for a guy who was clearly in his head last season also consider the fact that he’s being asked to be a third option in Dallas compared to Golden State where he was asked to be a second when you’re showing up and you’re expected to produce night in and night out there’s a big difference between trying to be Scotty Pippen and trying to be Horus Grant assuming Health clay can be spotty for this Dynamic Superstar Tandem and it won’t be as devastating to their chances of success now of course I could be looking too much at the Silver Lining and Clay could just end up shooting 0er of 10 in another must-win game therefore crippling Dallas’s chances but as bad as that was Knights like that are rare even for postsurgery clay again I just think people are being slaves of the moment a bit too much comparing the addition of Klay Thompson to Shaquille O’Neal and Boston or acting like they’re just getting some washed shell of himself that’s only going to average six points this Klay Thompson can still be one of the best floor spacers and one of the best three-point Shooters in the entire league and that alone is a huge plus to this Dallas Mavericks group it kind of seemed like they would have killed for that in these last playoffs and maybe that would have helped their chances now defensively is where I’m the most concerned and Maverick’s fans should be concerned on that end of the Court Kyrie and Luca are already lacking defensive players now they just lost Derrik Jones Jr who was huge for them defensively and they’re replacing him with an aging and slower Klay Thompson that perimeter defense is really going to be something that can be exploited which is going to put even more pressure on the interior guys like Lively and Washington to hold down the fort ultimately I still love the move and I think there’s going to be some nights where the Maverick’s offense just looks downright scary but I would be lying if I said I didn’t have some major concerns and see some areas where they can clearly be taken advantage of but that’s just my opinion what do you guys think is Klay Thompson going to make a difference in Dallas is Klay Thompson going to improve the Maverick’s chances and what was the most interesting move in this NBA off season so far I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below thanks for watching as always make sure to like And subscribe for more basketball content and I’ll see you guys in the next video

My thoughts on Klay Thompson joining the Dallas Mavericks.

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The game of Basketball has been my passion since I was 5 years old. I grew up as a kid watching my dad’s recorded VHS tapes of playoff games through the 70s and 80s, and collected all the Basketball cards. Something about the game and what it represents just hooked me from a very young age.
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Intro Music: Turn On – RW Smith​​​​​​​​​​


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  1. If you're looking for a sign… going 0-10 in what Could Be your last game with a team, is a pretty clear sign. God speed Clay! Splash bro wherever u go!

  2. I expect Klay to average around 17 pts and shoot around 40% from deep. As a Curry fan I wish him nothing but the best. I just always hoped the Splash Bros would only ever wear the one jersey together.

  3. I see Dallas back in the NBA finals. Klay will be relentless. Naji will completely change the culture. They might win it all if healthy.🤔

  4. Dallas definitely improved this offseason IMO. Marshall replaces DJJ, Klay replaces Hardaway jr., Grimes replaces Green. Klay's just the offensive cherry on top, it's Marshall & Grimes that will make that roster work defensively.

  5. yea bro Klay going to Dallas just hits weird but i hope he has success there bc people really are acting like he’s a bum when he literally shot 40% from 3 last year

  6. Klay is not replacing DJJ, Naji Marshall is and he is the same level defensively

    Klay is replacing Hardaway
    Quentin Grimes is replacing Josh green

    All of those are just as good if not better on both Offense and defensive side, mavs are gonna be a lot better Fs

  7. Jonny are you sure about this? I am glad Klay Thompson came to Dallas because now he might have a chance to compete for another title. However does he change his mindset this coming season or does it still say the same for him?

  8. This will be a Ray Allen 2.0 scenario. Klay is on a "Revenge" tour against the Western Conference. Jason Kidd will figure out a way to get that lock-down defense clickin earlier in the season. D-Mavs will be WCF favorites again.

  9. There is no team play in Dallas. Luka will take every shot and leave Klay just standing out there with his toes on the 3 point line.

  10. I compare Klay more to Brooklyn era Ben Simmons 😂. Instead of being that last piece to get Dallas a ring, I see this nuking their chemistry and getting them bounced in the first round.

  11. I'd say Klay to Mavs is a net positive. It's a shame the splash bros era is over in Golden State, but Warriors-Mavericks matchups are gonna be exciting.

  12. Klay is not a good signing. They lost their only perimeter defender and replaced him with a guy who will be totally washed within the next 12-18 months.

  13. Klay has about the same value as James Harden. Sucks on defense, a little on offense from time to time. Won't amount to much for Dallas.

  14. He might secretly be relieved that he'll be a 3rd option, because being a second guy in a system like Golden State IMO would get wearying after a while. 34 years old is not 24 years old. Mileage adds up not only physically but mentally. Plus look who's ahead of him on the floor…Luca and Kyrie. I'd take that.

  15. I don't think Klay will be in the closing unit for every playoff game, because of the need for better perimeter defense. I think in a playoff series Kidd will interchange Klay, Naji, and Grimes, depending on the match-up.

  16. I think klaybis is going to bring a decent amount of impact during the regular season but will only positively contribute to at most one or two games of the mavericks 2025 post season

  17. honestly dont see how adding klay at this stage of his career is gonna help luka. what we need is to get kyrie to play at his highest level, getting better 2 way players, and reinforce the paint. what would one more shooter that is not consistent and cant really defend anymore do?

  18. They didnt replace DJJ with Klay, they replaced him with Naji who, on paper at least, looks even better on defense.
    Klay ie the THJ replacement except he can actually shoot.
    Grimes is the Josh Green replacement.
    Dallas literally upgraded with every single trade they made.
    I doubt Kidd would be short sighted enough to try to force a Luka, Kyrie AND Klay lineup, Klay can be given good minutes and come off the bench like they do with the Lively/Gafford setup.

  19. Good video, Jonny. I admit that I had a lot of doubts. This is because of how he struggled last season, especially with the 0-10 game. You make some great points though. He can still benefit the Mavs offensively and the stats for his last 20 games is a good argument in favor of helping Dallas. After thinking about it some more, I think he will be a decent 3rd option. I believe he will help Dallas improve to some extent, especially since he'd be able to lift some of the load off of Kyrie and Luka (and I agree with you there). I too disagree with the comparisons to Shaq joining the Celtics.
    With that said, I think that he isn't a game changer either and that while he will improve Dallas to an extent, his impact will be more modest. A step in the right direction, but not one who will have a huge impact.

    Great arguments and awesome video, Jonny! Have a nice weekend.

  20. They SHOULD be better. A lot of Klay's issues tend to be when he's forced to manufacture offense for himself or the team, where his injuries show the toll they've taken, like on defense. That won't be a problem in Dallas. He's third fiddle, not second. People act like Klay wasn't a 40% 3p shooter last year. Like he didn't average just shy of 20 a game. As for the defense, for one, they really came out a wash overall. Their starting 5 D will be worse, their bench D will be better. Did people forget that their lack of D is nothing new? Despite getting clowned for their D over and over and over guess what? They kept beating teams.

  21. We should not expecting too much on klay's departure on Dallas but it's gonna be fun to watch 😄I imagine klay vs steph in a real 3 point shootout 🤯

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