@Golden State Warriors

All Updated News On The Lauri Markkanen Situation


by 147Wildboy


  1. Orphasmia

    “Ainge will want a Kuminga of significance”

  2. Altruistic-Twist-379

    Ainge can go fuck himself at this point, you cant win against this Mofo

  3. t1000mutalisk

    When he said young player of significance I heard Moody. He’s our second best player in the playin game.

  4. Repulsive_Pianist_60

    Newsflash to AInge: He’s not that good to break the bank for him.

  5. shanks_you

    You’ll lose your mind negotiating with Ainge over a loaf of bread

  6. BayLivin_4415

    You can’t give up too many assets for a dude who isn’t a proven winner in any capacity

  7. Ok_Occasion1570

    Danny Ainge reportedly also wants a rimjob and tickets to Book of Mormon

  8. pobslechescake

    Ainge: I want your firstborn as well as their firstborn too.

  9. helloworldlalaland

    as long as lauri wants to stay in utah, this trade isn’t happening.

  10. YSLMangoManiac

    Dealing with ainge never ends well why we are trying to break the bank for a borderline all star is beyond me

  11. nba2k11er

    I’m done with this soap opera BS about Ainge. He has nothing to do with this deal from the Warriors’ point of view. What MDJ actually cares about is:

    – how good is Lauri

    – how well does he fit

    – how much do I value Kuminga, draft picks, other players, etc.

    The other GM might as well be Mickey Mouse.

  12. shakeANDbake653

    Dude talks a lot for winning one championship 14 years ago lmfao.

    Keep Lauri and let him walk in free agency next year.

  13. hoodtalk247

    Ainge the type to ask for Christian McCaffrey and Justin Jefferson to give you his Travis Kelce, a random field goal kicker, and Trey Lance

  14. Damn I just goggled Lauri Markkanen and the top story is Lauri Markkanen reportedly being traded to the warriors. Ai sucks lol
    I do want to add some talent and I think Lauri is the best of the options (pg, bi, lavine, etc)

  15. oxandtiger

    M Stein is a credible reporter…

    if Lauri wants to stay in Utah, then Ainge is taking these trade calls in bad faith. he’s in it to rip off the other team… which in this case would be GSW.

    fuck off Danny.

    MDJ should be dealing with teams that actually want to do business

  16. Gamerxx13

    I would probably move moody but jk is off the table

  17. ProperCuntEsquire

    You can have youth or picks, not both. We’re not trying to get a super star.

  18. So if Lauri wants to stay and if traded, will he be disgruntled? He doesn’t want to play for the Warriors so time to move on.

  19. Asleep_Holiday_1640

    So warriors offer a slew of picks and some random players but Jazz want Kuminga and a slew of picks.

  20. BadBoySwag

    Ainge can keep him while the Jazz tank their way again to the 13th pick lol

  21. Can’t hate on Ainge. He’s just trying to fleece other teams for as much as he could. Hopefully Warriors don’t cave in and give too much

  22. Moody and Kuminga are in the same boat. Ainge probably wants Podz

  23. carnivoross

    Should MDJ go after Jarrett Allen as well to show Ainge that it’s not Markkanen or bust?

  24. AdComprehensive7879

    I wont fall for this, ill be surprised if this happens

  25. MojitoChico

    Big red flag that Lauri wants to stay in Utah. Who the fuck likes Utah

  26. Testadizzy95

    I hope every FO in the league will hang up the phone as soon as they hear it’s Ainge talking on the other side.

  27. Wants to stay on a tanking team? I would feel bad sending kuminga there to rot

  28. heliocentrist510

    > Danny Ainge will reportedly force an acquiring team to pay a steep price for Lauri

    Thank you Zach Lowe for the hard-hitting analysis

  29. neo9027581673

    Ainge doesn’t want to MAX Lauri because Utah ain’t contending anytime this decade.

  30. Traveler_Constant

    If I’m honest, I think Kuminga is gone.

    You don’t go get a bunch of supporting guys then leave Curry with just…. Kuminga.

    I know a lot of you guys are high in him, but he’s mid at the moment and that’s what matters.

    He’s not taking a Poole-type leap or he would’ve shown signs of it already, so the Warriors need to go get a player that can help Curry right the fuck now, not two years from now when Kuminga is a legit number two.

  31. Give up Post and Hield. It will still be a good deal. Ainge is tough, Warrior has to pay “a lot”… JK may even be on the table….

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