@Miami Heat

What’s really happening with the Miami Heat: Martin, DeRozan, more | Five on the Floor

What’s really happening with the Miami Heat: Martin, DeRozan, more | Five on the Floor

welcome to latest episode of five on the floor on the five reason Sports Network thanks for joining us on your favorite podcast app Apple Apple podcast on Android we recommend Spotify or the Five Reasons YouTube channel also check out Discord I drop new information on there before you’re going to hear it on the podcast or before you get it on Twitter also can communicate with Heat fans all day long we do q&as lots of other cool stuff $2.99 cents per month get in there before we raise it link is right here in the description also check out the Great sponsors of the five Reon Sports Network you know who subscribes to off the floor Lynette reach out to her at insurance by 95458 8800 that’s 95458 8800 life insurance car insurance all kinds of different Insurance again I recommend the car insurance because if you have a bad driving record she will absolutely take care of you reach out at Insurance again it’s 95458 8800 and now today’s episode y five on the floor ride for my dog where here the thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple scars we bubble frogs just like bu said you in trouble y Che the plan got it all B y’all SE the block stop with one hand and P trust this power have the guts we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring either skullet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reason Sports Network all right welcome back to five on the floor here’s today’s floor plan I’m Ethan skulling you can follow me at Ethan J skulling and at five Reon Sports I got Alex too you can follow him at Tropical blanket I got Greg sander you can follow at Greg sander Brady will be joining us on podcast throughout the week happy July 4th to everybody we didn’t necessarily plan on doing this this morning but when we have new information we will break in with podcast so I do have a lot of new information and explanatory information we understand that Heat fans are frustrated we get it I mean I was looking at uh you know the heat can’t even wish a happy July 4th to people uh I’m looking at this uh this is a IG post from the Heat have a h s safe and happy 4th of July heat nation and somebody’s the first comment here is we’re certainly safe from getting any superstars on our team we’re also safe from winning a championship that’s how safe we are all right I’m going to explain what’s going on okay and the reality is you’re not going to get this anywh else so we appreciate you subscribing to five on the floor um let me give you some what is old business or about a current player and then we’ll go forward um I can report that the heat are fully expecting Terry Rosier to be ready for training camp so they held him out last year on doctor’s advice because they were told that the neck injury uh which again is a a dangerous injury in general anything with a neck back Etc uh the neck injury could could get worse if he continued to play end of story I know people want the whole backstory about how it happened and all that stuff I’m just telling you why they made the decision and I’m telling you he’s expected to be ready for training camp and he’s already shooting and doing some other stuff so provided that he’s not traded he’ll either be the Heat starting point guard or is Pat kind of intimated in his press conference maybe he’s the six man but he’ll be one of their top six players okay if he’s here so that’s number one U by the way Greg Al H uh why don’t we you know what let’s do it this way why don’t you guys get in on things I say and then I’ll go to the next thing because I got we got a lot to get to thoughts on Rosier are are you h i mean it’s it’s good news in a sea of bad news or at least perceived bad news about the organization lately right I mean yeah right like I think that was like the big mystery to finish the season was what’s going on with Terry rosier’s neck it happened out of nowhere and there wasn’t very many updates on it so to hear that he’ll be ready to go for next season is good because I mean one of the like the only things that you can look forward to as a Heat fan is being able to you know get a full year of him and have him you know go through participating training camp and to actually have you know a full season with them and just be fully integrated with the team so to hear that he’s ready for the start of the season is you know good uh good news like you don’t want him to be even more delayed because Frank frankly like they just they they could use the stuff that he brings Greg do you the one thing I want to jump in on on Terry rier is that uh it’s interesting as we watch this offseason play out and this is the moment that I’ll mention it because I was in full support of the Terry roier trade but it appears now as if had they let Kyle Lowry’s expiring contract just expire they would have had access to the mid level they would be further away from these dreaded a and so um it’s unfortunate that now I think fans that were super excited about Terry Rosier joining the heat are now a little apprehensive about how is he gonna fit how does he finish next to Tyler stuff like that um because you’re looking at how strapped they are in this off season and it has a lot to do with the fact that instead of letting Kyle Lowry’s bloated expiring contract just expire they invested in t Terry roier yeah and you know again it’s unfortunate we didn’t get to see what it looked like I have serious concerns about a Rosier hero back court and I think others share those concerns um but if they’re both back and there’s no guarantee at this point offseason is still relatively young uh if they’re both back then they’re going to have to figure it out at times I mean I that’s just the nature of it even if they don’t start together they’re going to play a lot together and they’re gonna have to figure out how to cover that up defensively all right second thing we’re going to get to is Caleb MO okay so the Miami Heat wanted Caleb Martin back I mean I’m make that clear okay they wanted Caleb Martin back and let me just go through the specifics of what they could have offered and now what other teams or they can offer and why it appears at least at this time that Caleb’s Camp made a big mistake okay so the heat wanted him to opt in to the contract which was what $7.1 million and at that stage they had the right to offer up to a 40% raise on that okay so let’s do the math on that that’s an additional three and a half or something well not three and a half $3 million roughly okay maybe get it over 10 million bucks right and then raises as you go forward okay 8% in they could offer up to an 8% increase from that year-over-year okay and you also have the right to offer a five-year deal they didn’t want it okay now I’m not going to confirm exactly the number the representative okay they they they didn’t they thought his Market was bigger and I I will say the media reports and this is why media reports sometimes you know you know confuse things because some media reports are real and some media reports are others pumping up a number because they want the player to leave this current team or because the agent is doing it or whatever to create leverage the media reports where Caleb was going to make north of $13 million that that’s what was out there okay but the heat basically say look we can offer this now but if you go out and explore and opt out we may not be in position to offer it because of other business that we need to do Etc so he opts out and you have to understand the most he can get from another team is four years and the most he can get in terms of raises is 5% all right also you’re looking at no you know State no state tax other things like that that do matter in terms of the overall value of the contract Caleb does not appear to have the market that his representation thought he had all right it has not materialized but the problem now is and I want to be clear on this okay the heat are roughly $7 million under the apron I will tell you definitively I will put anybody’s life on it they are not going into the second apron it’s not happening we’ve explained why it’s not just about being quote unquote cheap it does not make sense there are Vehicles you cannot use in the second apron okay and they are not they look we’ve dealt with this lack of flexibility that they have for the last what three off Seasons they’re not going to give themselves less flexibility okay and with all due respect not for Caleb Mor okay who they like all right so it appears now that the best the Caleb’s gonna do on the open market is maybe around what the Heat have to offer but right now the heat are not in a rush to offer the money to anybody because they want to see what Falls to them we’ll get into the Demar D rozan situation in a minute okay so again I hate to say it this looks like a Dennis Schroeder situation um and I I’m not belittling the representation I’m just I I I’ve known this is experienced representation but this is The Grand Point okay that I I think has to be resolved here in the NBA it appears that a lot of Agents do not understand the new CBA and and I been told by people inside the heat that really only one person on their side of understands it okay and like one person in the league and it happens to be Andy ellisburg okay but it just appears that a lot of these agents don’t understand it and so there’s you know and I can also tell you Caleb still has interest in coming back to the heat they just don’t have the money right now they had it but they don’t have it does that make sense to you guys and and I point would you move on from it because it appears that they kind of have to they got 5.2 million bucks that’s what they have to offer and so this that [ __ ] is fascinating to me the the way that this has played out with Caleb because coming off that Eastern Conference Finals run Etc you just thought that the market would be more robust that you’d at least be able to get close to a midlevel contract you know what I mean and so that now that they’re in a position where they wanted it was a little bit of a work with me kind of scenario if you opt in then we’ll take care of you and and and that kind of thing and players kind of deviated from working with teams like that in the last few offseasons and now I think you may start to see players need to do that because the squeeze of the market is gonna is gonna dictate that like they’re not going to be able to get the money elsewhere I do think they kind of have to move on except for you can just kind of have a standing offer of if you’ll come for the taxpayer mid level we’ll give it to you but that to your point that could go to Haywood heith that could go to an external player if they need to replace both of those guys um but also they could not use it like that’s another option here that I think we need to consider and so it’s just it’s fascinating to me that they were ready to invest with Caleb if had he worked with them um you know he’s had injury concerns and and stuff like that and they were still gonna invest in him and he made that kind of a decision I think everyone would have predicted he made and now it could really backfire well it it’s again sometimes the player makes the decision and sometimes the agent convinces him to make the decision and something broke down I know I know that I’ll just say this I know that there’s there’s hope that Caleb understands that he wanted him back okay H and and I that’s but at this point I I I don’t really know I I my guess is it’s probably not gonna happen but that’s just a guess uh Alice I’m gonna go to you on the next one okay really quick note about Caleb by the way um they everything Le is true the other thing that they can still do if you know if Caleb and his Camp you know would of course be okay with it is um you know they’re you said it they’re roughly s million under the second apron if you want to get specific I think it’s like 6.8 million and so you can offer him a contract just below that or like the the the first year starts just below that and then you give him raises from there but that is still like a significantly smaller contract than him and his people thought they were getting so I don’t NE think this also not use you’re also then not going to use the vehicle you’re not going to use the tax payment level then because you don’t so the thing is you get hard capped at the second apron if you use the tax pay taxpayer mid level so I mean I had to imagine they would rather just bring back one of their own guys then use the taxpayer mid level um for an outside free agent who they probably think isn’t as good so I wouldn’t be surprised if one of Caleb or Haywood were to take that deal eventually but I don’t think either one of them are like you know that’s that’s what we were looking for but that’s about it at this point like I I think it would be like a contract starting at about 6.7 is Mill and then with raises you know going forward maybe it’s a three four year deal I don’t know I don’t know if that’s what they want to do but that is still available to them I think it seems like they’re still trying to bring one of those two back well let let me pivot to the next guy then and and let me to Haywood and and then we’ll go to break but let me explain one thing here okay about the new CBA and I I put this on Discord we recommend again that you go to Discord um and and Sub sub there the heat did some things prior to the new CBA that they would not do now because the new CBA changed rules and again this has happened to the heat before if you go back to the sign and trades they executed for LeBron and Bosch which aot first thing forced them to give up four first round picks uh and you do it again you got two titles and four title four four final appearances but I’m just saying it forced them to give up you know four first round picks and to give opt outs after the fourth year which of course LeBron left and then they had to pay BOS over the top um and then of course that became an issue with Dwayne uh the rules were change right after that basically uh so this is this has happened uh before but the heat gave the heat do not regret the contracts of Tyler herro and Duncan Robinson in terms of their market value they don’t okay I know some are going to argue about that Duncan they believe was paid like shooters were supposed to be paid at that point and again I thought Duncan lived up to the contract last year um and Tyler was paid according to a lot in his draft class who actually he had played better than uh you know for the most part like an RJ Barrett Etc um and so they don’t regret that I to can tell you what they do regret okay so Tyler Hero has some unlikely to be earned incentives in his contract and these incentives apply for all four years uh of the deal he’s entering the uh the second year of it and basically he gets an additional $2.5 million if he plays at least 75% of the regular season games which he did not do this past year and gets one of these okay well actually it’s different numbers for each of them he gets a million dollars additionally if he wins MVP 1.5 million if he wins defensive player of the year I mean I don’t mean to laugh but I don’t even understand the point of these $1 million if he’s first or second Team all in NBA and then the only one that was like a shot was 500,000 for third Team all NBA here’s the problem okay they all count against the aprons okay B unlikely bonuses count against the aprons so part of the reason that they’re only $7 million roughly under the second apron is because of these unlikely to be earned bonuses I mean the rules change I I still don’t understand and I probably should have asked for clarification on this with people I’ve spoken to but I still don’t even understand the point of them I guess I I don’t know it’s window dressing I guess I don’t it it makes a deal just you know it adds a little bit of um like a sweetener on top I guess but this is the thing with this and we can’t lose sight of it and I was the biggest proponent of trading Kyle Lowry but had they just let Lowry expire in retrospect and they knew that these apron restrictions were coming I I I’m harping back on it like it’s or harken back whatever the phrase is um they also should take a little bit of responsibility for the fact that they knew that this was coming and they did swap Terry with a pick for Kyle Lowry which at the time we thought it was the right move but now when you see fin no I get it but we all liked it right and that’s that’s the thing here so I I mean they were trying to give themselves a chance um and then J no we can argue whether that was delusional or not but I argued in favor of it um and you know who knew again that Jimmy was going to get hurt and all that sort of stuff but they they as Alex said Terry gave him some of the things they were looking for um but then he got hurt and that’s why I started with him because I I I do think that that is that is that is a factor in all right I I want to mention a couple sponsor here and then we’ll get to Haywood D rozan after that okay um I want to tell you about another great sponsor five sports network our friends over at prize Pi uh you could have bet on the hot dog contest today uh go to prize use the code 5 FIV get that initial deposit matched up to $100 again prize pick is our official fantasy partner and there’s plenty of stuff on there even there’s no NBA NFL or excuse me or NHL right now go to and use the code 5fi ve all right Alex you mentioned heith the heat are interested in having him back I can tell you that his representation also thought that his market value was close to the midlevel not the taxpayer mid level the bigger mid level and that also is not materialized um but there is interest in having him back uh but again it’s it’s kind of an either or at this point um it’s him or it’s Caleb although that doesn’t seem to be Caleb now or it’s somebody from the outside which again we’ll talk about one particular player in the middle or it maybe end up being nothing if nothing materializes that makes sense uh but uh they did have interest in Haywood coming back and it appears to be another case since he’s still on the market and money has been drying up it appears to be another case of uh you know a misread of the market by a player’s representative that’s that’s what it appears to me for me I’ll quickly jump you guys yeah I I I just want to say that I think that this is the most likely player to return I think Haywood heith May ultimately find that a number near that taxpayer mid level even though they don’t have to spend that but just like in that tier of salary five6 million doar is going to be his market and I could see him coming back that that would be my hunch there um Caleb Martin they that that ship I believe has sailed although if they had to choose between the two I think they probably would go Caleb um I think it might be more likely that award heith comes back well they kind of did if you think about it I mean they they kind of did choose and I understand it I think Caleb’s upside is higher um I can also tell you that SPO is gonna have influence in um in what they do with that money because because they do lean on him for stuff like that Alex would you just would you just give Haywood the F if he asked for it just give him5 million and say okay here we run it back absolutely I think getting him back at the taxpayer been level him or Caleb frankly um would be a good deal for the heat like I think that’s pretty good good value now I think you can question start to question it whether it’s for Caleb Jesus I I just did that on the last podcast too whether it’s for Caleb or Haywood um like if you want to offer them three four year deals that’s a different conversation but if you’re just talking about like first year five million dollar absolutely absolutely and like I said like same thing I said for Caleb earlier you know they can do for Haywood they can offer as much as around 6.7 mil on the first year with raises afterwards but that’s that’s the most they can offer in the current situation that they’re in right now and you know if they wanted to get under the first apron to be able to offer more they would have to offload one of their bigger contracts I don’t know if that’s going to happen and I’m sure we can you know we’re going to get into that as far as like the Demar conversation but you know with where they’re at right now I think the tax paramid level would be a you know a big time disappointment for either Caleb or Haywood right like from their ends and I think the heat would be pretty happy if they could get one of them back uh you know for that cost right let’s get to D rozan um this is why I like podcast because it’s tough to explain this stuff in a tweet I I want to be clear on one thing here I’m not challenging another reporter and the last reporter honestly that I would ever Challenge on information um when it comes to the teams in town is is uh Barry Jackson from the heral so again I that’s uh I’ve known Barry for long enough that we were we were annoyed that the heat passed on Michael red to take Eddie house okay when we were waiting on the draft in the second round of the sunrust building so uh again I’m not I’m not questioning somebody else’s reporting and I appreciate when they people other reporters don’t question mine I’ll just say that this is the information that I have okay there was a conversation between D rozen’s representation and the heat okay um basically the agent want to know if the heat would like deard rozan yes we’d love dear de roosan this is what we have to offer for 5.2 million so essentially after that okay it was all right we could explore a sign and trade now here’s the thing about a sign and trade it’s got to be three-year deal okay and the other team has to cooperate and I can tell you the Bulls were not interested in contracts from the heat they want picks so there’s nothing else to talk about okay I can tell you if dear de rozan says I will take $5.2 million dear D roen will have a press conference with the Miami Heat and then people say you said they didn’t want dear no they want dear this is the price that this is what they have under the second apron to pay dear but this plays into what we’re talking about with guys like Caleb and Haywood now because if there’s a potential of a Demar D Roan type player or something close that could fall to that number because again a lot of the agents don’t seem to understand the CBA and the market dynamics and everything as they are now then they’re not going to end up resigning Heywood or Caleb because they’re going to get player of the caliber of Demar D rozan who even at his age is a better player than calebra Haywood okay that’s where that stands Greg I mean I think we’ve all said it was pretty unlikely uh just because the tax excuse me the non-t taxpayer midlevel would be I would think the minimum demard de rozan would be looking for around the league considering what his past salaries have been he’s would have to take a huge haircut on that salary so um to me this was never a really realistic option I never bought into it very much even though there could be conversations and I even saw that there was a report that um and we referen this on the last show uh that the heat were the favorites to land demard D Ro in it’s just not realistic and it’s just if the market dries up to the point that he is willing to accept $5.2 million they’re gonna have decisions to make because that means the market will likely have dried up for a few other players too like Caleb like heis Smith Etc so um I wouldn’t expect demard de rozan to eventually land I think land in Miami I think that he’ll end up finding a deal for slightly more than that from somewhere else else he’s gonna get a deal for a lot more than that I think I I I just he’s still a very effective player um even if he doesn’t fit on every team like that’s and honestly one of the teams he doesn’t really fit on is this one uh but again if he’s gonna play for5 million you take him okay I mean if he’s making slightly more than Thomas Bryant no offense to Thomas Bryant you take him that’s the way that this is and as far as the Alec Burke bur’s move they saw an opportunity to get a player that they thought actually played pretty well in the playoffs when he got an opportunity at really no risk no cost doesn’t work out it doesn’t work out but I mean you had a shooter there’s no I mean there’s no harm in that it just it doesn’t mean anything else uh Alice I’ll go to the next thing because I want to get to it um can I make a quick note on Demar yes you can um you know there was a report yesterday about Barry you know Barry Jackson saying that the Kings have been involved there and you know the Kings have been kind of thrown into a lot of these star names like we heard talk about them maybe being interested in Ingram them maybe being interested in lry Markin um if it’s true what you’re saying that the Bulls are not interested in getting contracts in return potential signning trade you know regarding Demar de rozan then that kind of takes the Kings out of the ballpark too and so I’m starting to wonder like what is his Market where is he going to play this season because I don’t think it’s going to be back in Chicago um the Lakers thing seems kind of you know I out of the the plans as well um the kings are not I mean the not trying to get contracts in return so I don’t know how involved the Kings can be so yeah like there might be a the possibility of D rozan just settling for that taxpayer mid level I don’t know I’m I wouldn’t bet on it but like I just really Market is now then that again but but then Alex to that point if that’s the case then you hold it a little longer right I mean that’s I mean I mean unless there’s some other opportunity that’s that’s tremendous that presents itself and then I know again if Caleb leaves for similar money to the taxpayer mid level he’d FS be oh you missed out on Caleb but like it it makes sense to wait a week doesn’t it like just to see yeah I think it makes sense to wait I just I don’t know if like I just think the whole situation with Demar is a little confusing right now especially while you’ve got like the marketing thing going on like I don’t know if Brandon Ingram’s gonna get moved so I just feels like there’s so many like there’s a lot of there’s a lot of things going on and then at the same time it’s like with the heat like Demar D rozan on the $5 million doll taxpayer mid level would be a huge you know like that’s that’s a huge bargain for the heat if that were to happen but is that you know like with the roster as it currently stands is that what’s missing or is it perimeter defense and so I feel like they would want to bring CB Haywood yeah and it’s like that’s why we were discussing the possibility like a couple of days ago it’s like well if they wanted to get under the first apron to offer Mar a good amount you know if they offloaded one of their bigger contracts they would be able to do that to give him an amount that I think is closer to what he wants and also be able to bring back one of Caleb or Haywood and so that’s why I feel like I don’t really see either of these things happening it just feels like it’s too complicated like I’m sure the heat liked D rozan I’m not doubting that I’m sure they appreciate him he’s Jimmy’s friend like I said I think frankly he’s a better scorer then Tyler can do it on isolation and can get to the free throw line is a decent passer um Tyler is just obviously a much better three-point shooter so you be exchanging you know for as much as Tyler takes mides he takes a lot of Threes And you be exchanging those for even more mides some free throw attempts so I think it’s just a weird fit and I think like everything that he would have to do to make it viable doesn’t seem like stuff that would do but you know again I don’t know where he’s gonna end up it feels totally up in the air right now all right so let’s get to this star conversation here okay um because uh I’m I’m I’m saving this for the 30 minutes the aggregators don’t get to it okay they will anyway um so I’m going to try to word this as carefully as I can all right the Donovan Mitchell stuff all right there were no conversations with Cleveland please don’t aggregate it without listening to the rest of this okay this does not mean the heater isleep okay there were no conversations with Cleveland because Mitchell is a under contract was still under contract okay and was looking at an extension so if he had declined the extension I believe and I don’t have this on full I believe that he would have explored it but he didn’t uh oh he didn’t uh decline the extension okay he kept he took the extension and so basically there’s really nothing to talk about there and I I know where this is going okay I I know where this is going Ethan is making excuses for the bront office they don’t want to get a star player okay I I know where this is going and then we’re going to talk about trade close this thing it’s not that they don’t want a star player it’s not that they wouldn’t have paid the freight for it he was not available at that point okay now Dame last year was available under contract but available okay because he was made it clear he wasn’t going to stay in Portland that general manager wouldn’t deal with the heat so here here’s where the star player thing is and I can tell you what frustrates the heat a lot okay is that there were players that they were never really in on for one reason or another which was not negligence necessarily but just circumstance and yet every time that these players are put out there then it’s oh they missed on another one well they missed on another one who was not an option okay I could tell you flat out all right the one guy the one guy who was offered to to the heat all right and the heat did not act on it was Bradley Beal and we told you why they did that because Pat asked the agent will he wave the no trade clause the agent said no the player was traded to the agent’s son in Phoenix and now the sons are trying to get off of that contract but he has no trade clause okay so that’s the one the other one that people are going to mention is Kyrie and I I know that again there are other issues that were involved in that okay but besides the political stuff the heat had concerns because he’s basically torched his way out of like three previous places all right it’s worked out in Dallas so far okay good good for Kyrie good for the Mavs we’ll see if it lasts all right but that’s the one and to be honest that’s the only one um that’s gotten his team out of the second round many of these players that have been discussed so I’m just saying like again I’m not making excuses for them I’m just saying the Mitchell stuff would they have been interested in Donovan Mitchell yes here here’s the thing about the NBA that’s different from the NFL all right there are only so many players there are only so many stars identifying good players in the draft is hard it’s harder than it used to be because players don’t play as much in college you’re you’re you’re evaluating you know basically high school kids you’re evaluating International Players Etc but once they get to the NBA everybody knows what everybody can do it’s not like oh my God Pat has this genius idea what this Lori marinin guy he can really shoot no okay Utah identified him as somebody who maybe had more potential than he had shown even as a high pick uh in Cleveland and Chicago right good for them they got a really good player who now is a really good asset right but the other stuff like this is not complicated like this we talk about the same players they talk about like it’s it’s not like we’re great Scouts here I mean you know we watch Anthony Edwards play would you like to have that guy yes okay like this is not once they get to this level and they start to develop then you know what they are okay it’s why also Pat and I will say this is shortcutting it but it is what it is he’s always liked these guys in the kind of their late 20s okay into their 30s okay when you’ve seen what they can do already all right it’s Adam Simon’s job and his team to identify okay is cwar like does that look like a player okay that’s to me that’s harder okay that’s a lot harder all right the rest of this [ __ ] is not that complicated it’s just understanding okay how do we have the assets can we get this player in ETC we can have long conversations about asset management and all that how much the new CBA has affected it Etc okay but this idea that they don’t want to Star is why would they not want a star okay now they believe they have a star and I can tell you that they’re banking on Jimmy Butler to be one this year he was not last year okay he was not available enough to be a star they’re banking on him in a contract year to play his ass off and to benefit from that do they believe they’ll contend even if he does no they’re not delusional okay Boston just won a championship and they return everybody and that’s just one team OKC has loaded up okay uh Philadelphia has loaded up Milwaukee has improved okay or slightly okay and you figure second year with Dame and J and Giannis okay that they they understand it they’re not asleep but it’s just they’re waiting for the right opportunity all right and so I’ll close with this and I’ll let you guys close would Trey be the right opportunity I haven’t been told yes and I haven’t been told no okay I’ll just say that flat out all right if something makes sense for them and a player is going to come to them in a way that doesn’t compromise their asset pool all right or financial flexibility going forward vehicle flexibility going forward uh second apron they’re not paying the second apron they’re not going in the second apron they will look at it okay I don’t believe to my knowledge they’ve ruled out Trey but it depends what it is what is what is what is what do they want what does Atlanta want they’re look apparently they’re going to get less than two first round picks and a player which which is what they got for deante right so we’ll see but all I want to say is this right are they in an I’ll let you close right are they and an Al are they in an ideal position no okay they’re not where they should be contending all right but they feel they’re a move or two away from being there in addition to the growth of some of their young guys and they’re just waiting for the right one Greg I’m glad you mentioned the last part because I was going to go right back to when you said that they internally do not and this is just accepting reality haha um that they’re not contenders I think fans then say get creative maybe take a risk but also is it time to Pivot and strip it down to some degree and we know that he don’t historically do that but drastic times call for drastic measures and second aprons means maybe sometimes you got to um and in first aprons and all these new things that are in the mix I just think that they have to consider all options and so I think F that’s where fans get frustrated is they feel like there’s a lack of creativity and maybe some poor planning combined uh and that’s in a tough position to be in because then if you know that you’re not going to contend even if your Superstar comes in and plays a legitimate amount of games at a high level and what are we doing here and so like that that’s a little of a defeatist kind of point of view and it surprises me to a degree and I I understand that there are one or two moves away but you can’t just remain one or two moves away at some at some point you have to execute and I think the roier trade maybe has them a little more cautious in what they execute because they have to think about the uh go forward implications Alex you’re on mute okay sorry about that do you hear me now you guys hear me okay sorry about that so like I feel like they’re just in such a tough spot and um like you know the stuff that LE was talking about earlier with trade where like it kind of kept them from being able to stay into the first apron they had to invest a first round pick into it they they have to have considered that stuff I think they have to have considered those factors when they were making that trade and essentially just decided that it was worth the risk right because that’s that’s what they did with the Terry trade like individually we all lik the trade because we all thought that like his skill set could help the heat but now they’re at this point where they’re even more strapped for cash right like they just don’t have many things to offer they don’t have damn near any levers to pull um that they would have if they would have remained under the under the first apron by sitting letting by by simply letting Kyle lry walk and they’re not in that that position anymore and so what do you do now you mentioned getting creative and it’s like you can’t have it both ways as a heat friend right because you you like some people will look at like the Thunder or you know name Young team here with all their first round picks and it’s like well like oh you want to be like them except you have to be bad for years most of the time to be able to do that and then at the same time it’s like oh go after Trey young if you go after Trey young you’re likely going to have to give up like several of your young guys because you don’t have the first round picks to offer I think they have like one tradeable first right now I’m not I I got to check on that but I think that’s the case um even though they do own more first in the future but because of the stepping Rule and all these protections and of picks that they currently oh it’s a little complicated so if you don’t have more than a first round pick to offer you’re you would likely have to give up you know all the young guys you’ve drafted over the past few years just to be able to get a Trey young which by the way I’m completely open to I think a guy like that a oneman offense one of the best shooting Shooters scorers and passers in the league you know who’s who fits the Jimmy and Bam timeline I think it would fit pretty well you know I think they could work around his defense and you know cover it up and and that’s that’s the Fatal flaw and you deal with it because what they’ve got right now it’s like what Leif is saying there’s no Direction you know they’re they’re admitting themselves that they’re not a contender it’s like yeah they’ve got a lot of nice players individually but the mix together isn’t necessarily a contender and so it feels like they have to pick a direction and not just oh we’re going to Hope Jimmy plays really well and that everything works out at the end next summer I just think that’s it’s a very it’s very risky and like I understand them wanting to you know wait for the right uh trade to pop up and you know it’s it’s still pretty early in the summer so I don’t blame them at all I think it’s more about you know if they head to the season with the same roster and nothing has changed they probably got to pick a direction as of right now I’m more than fine with them Wai for opportunity to trade for a star and I hope they’re not too stubborn you know to see like when it comes like guys like Trey young who was like oh you’re going to have to trade all these things you’re not always going to be able to get a damn near Superstar level talent for cheap like look at what Mel Bridges just went for and it’s not going to decide the market like you could still get guys for better value than what but just like being like oh we’ll only trade for this guy if it’s you know at our cost of you know what we want a first round pick and maybe one young player like you know it’s it’s hard to expect that nowadays like if you’re really in this Championship window you make desperate decisions that’s what that’s what the Knicks did that’s why they traded four unprotected first along with another pick along with another pick swap he don’t have access to any of those things so it’s either and re and restash your draft Capital which we all know they’re probably not going to do or go all in I feel like they have to make a you know they have to make a decision because this whole like balancing both timelines thing I with the way it stands right now I really like Nico I really like Kime and I I was excited about the draft that they had are those things going to help you now in the short term if your goal is to win with Jimmy if you’ve already moved on mentally from Jimmy and it’s like you’re already thinking about the next build then that’s a completely different story but that just goes back to the thinking that they need to pick a direction and look whichever one it is it’s fine just pick one I think Trey young is a damn good player if that would become available I think it would it would immensely help the heat I just I’m going to be upset and I think a lot of people are if it’s just like you know a couple months from now he gets traded somewhere else it’s like oh man there’s the last Domino oh he you know they couldn’t get it at their price they thought that trading this this and this and this was too much and this is like oh man here we are again and it just feels like this never- ending Loop please just pick a Direction but here’s the thing about that do they don’t I understand this idea of not going to training camp with a roster that is similar or Worse to last seasons I mean they’ve lost what they’ve lost Delan they’re likely going to lose at least Haywood or Caleb maybe both um and and I understand the perception of that um but I’ll just I’ll just close with this okay that the there is you don’t have to make a trade before the start of the season to make a trade that affects next season right I mean there there are four months or three months prior to the trade deadline before that and you don’t know what’s going to become available and yes I know what people are going to say if Trey is traded for not what Heat fans think he’s worth and I trust me I’m prepared for all that uh but I just I’m and I’m not saying okay that this team is is good enough to win anything I think they’re probably even with Jimmy playing 65 games they’re probably the seventh best team in the East six or seventh uh that’s not a place that they want to be it’s not a place that they belong um but and again circumstances a lot of them have played against them um you know I think they need to improve this team but I’ll just say this they know they need to improve this team okay so it’s at some point they will do something to improve this team but we also got to be careful not to have it both ways because we say well desperate teams do desperate things we just spent a lot of time talking about a trade that we liked the Terry Rosier trade which has made things more complicated for them now and sometime and a trade that I didn’t like but fans want it which was Bradley Beal okay and I’ll just say this sometimes the best moves you make are the ones you don’t anyway that’s what we have for today uh we’ll be back with more have a good day everybody

There have been a lot of reports and a lot of frustration, as the MIami Heat haven’t done much to make themselves contenders this offseason so far. Ethan Skolnick presents all the latest information in context, about Caleb Martin, Haywood Highsmith, DeMar DeRozan, Donovan Mitchell and more.

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  1. No, many of us did not like the Terry Rozier trade especially giving up a 1st round pick. He is not a traditional point guard. He is a scoring guard/combo guard. Also, he is a weird fit with Tyler Herro. Interesting now that that contract is hurting us with the new CBA.

  2. Ethan is always suckin up to the front office. I agree with Alex too often they miss out on Elite talent because they want deals at there price they want moves at a bargain and we always miss out in the end

  3. Martin came off the Eastern finals run and backed it up with nothing.. what’s not to understand by his people. I don’t understand why the past 2 yrs. We have upcoming free agents and not trying to move them for something? 3 summers of the Heat are “interested” in such player, which by the way means not getting! Just go young and see what happens. The run it back is old and it feels like we will be running another injury ridden season! Please we can’t do this again next summer..

  4. I loved the Terry trade. It made a lot of sense. You got a younger pg that could help put points on the board and pressure on the rim. Things that K-Lo wasn't giving. Now, I wasn't too excited about adding a 1st rd to it, but I understood we had to sweeten the pot a bit. But T-Ro is a great fit on this team and in the starting lineup with T.Herro, Jimmy, Niko,and Bam.

  5. All this ”flexibility” they’ve been trying to maintain has turned into absolutely nothing ijs 🤷🏾‍♂️

  6. They don't Regret the Tyler contract??? Yea Right 😂 Duncan also. Kelly Oubre making $8 million, Compared to $30 and $18 million..,.. Ps Demar can score, without Gimmicks…. Against Grown Man Defense, unlike Tyler

  7. C'mon with the Heat Publicist/Lawyer Shit bro smh… You have an Excuse for Everything they do Ps They've been 1 or 2 moves away, the Entire Jimmy Era… They've been good/lucky… But not a Real Championship Team (Denver went through them, Like a Hot Knife through Butter) And the Bubble isn't Real NBA PLAYOFF BASKETBALL

  8. If the Heat would have gotten Kyrie they would have never beaten the Celtics; that guy has a full mental breakdown any time he plays in Boston

  9. We need to stop with these bandaids. None of the players being rumored are good enough to make a significant difference or a championship team. Let all these characters walk. Haywood and Caleb are just dudes. All the free agents makes zero sense. Jimmy Butler is not a number 1 on a championship team. This is the definition of insanity. We keep doing the same crap and expecting a different outcome. Rip the bandaid off. Say bye to him and start fresh with our young guys and Bam. Except trade Tyler now. He stinks.

  10. The Heat overvaluing a moment with players is what's always put this team in bad spots. Caleb had a moment and has been borderline average beyond that

  11. If somehow derozen signs for that five mill just sign highsmith for the min what others team are offering more and if not bye

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