@San Antonio Spurs

Castle’s shooting form

Castle’s shooting form

by KhornKT


  1. throw_away0211

    It looks smooth, but heā€™s a little slower shooting the ball than Iā€™d like him to be.

  2. paxusromanus811

    Yeah, people in the NBA draft and Spurs subredded who were talking about how he’s a lost cause as a shooter and saying things about his shooting form always were talking out of their butts.

    I’ve always thought his form looked nice. That wasn’t his issue this year. His issue was, in my opinion and one that is shared by Castle himself who essentially reiterated as much, he played in a pretty complicated offensive system, where shot opportunities were not always consistent, constant, or even coming in the same ways. Ways. He frankly didn’t always have the confidence as a spot-up shooter that he needed playing in such a radically different role, nor did he have the ability to shoot himself out of slumps

    That last part is a interesting detail and one reiterated by Brian wright. Castle was a rhythm shooter in high school. A guy who wanted to shoot off the bounce, to rock his opponents to sleep for jumpers. Transitioning from being that to someone asked to really catch and shoot. And again, not even on high volume, is a much more difficult thing to do than it would seem on paper.

    I’m not saying the guy is going to be a 40% shooter this year. But if he gets good volume and is able to have enough minutes to have a consistent role where he can take three to four, three is a game, which I really hope he does, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him in the 32 to 35 range.

    He does need to work on speeding it up, but I’m not super concerned about that, particularly since he’s not going to be asked to create off the dribble his first year

  3. android24601

    The shot itself doesn’t look bad. I think my concern mainly lies in the speed of the release. If defenders dare him to shoot, I’m betting he’s gonna hit most of those. I’m mainly concerned about people closing out and him not releasing it fast enough

  4. ICouldEvenBeYou

    The actual shooting form looks decent, he just has to work on not bringing the ball so far down prior to getting into his release.

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