@Houston Rockets

The Houston Rockets Have Made a STATEMENT…

The Houston Rockets Have Made a STATEMENT…

so boys being a Houston Rockets fan definitely feels good right now coming off the draft where we drafted Reed Shepard with the third overall pick we’re in a pretty good position to set ourselves up for the future we have a good core actually the core that we’ve built so far we have a lot of great pieces a lot of young pieces that will not only pan out but also could be used as some trade assets in the future So today we’re going to be talking about the Houston Rockets talking about their future because they’ve built a really great team and considering all their pieces considering that they just went into a rebuild what was it like four years ago when James Harden left when Russell Westbrook left this team’s future was really Grim we saw guys like John Wall we saw guys like Christian Wood we saw guys like Sterling Brown if you guys know who that is Justin Patton those type of guys were starting Jan Tate was on his rookie season it was definitely looking Grim but where we are right now we definitely built I would say we we built through the draft and we built something special here so we’re going to talk about the Rockets it’s been a while since we talked Rockets here and I would say coming off a really great season for the Rockets where they went 41 and 41 they’re definitely worth talking about especially going into next season where they do have a lot of questions I feel like in terms of uh who’s going to be playing who’s going to be playing well next season so let’s get right into that so yeah like I said coming off very strong ending to their season the Rockets are looking to make a postseason appearance next season they were trying to push for the plan around the end of I would say April and you know Jaylen green had that stretch that really hot stretch of games where he just went nuclear uh we all know that one clip of him dropping I think it was D wght on the Wizards uh the the no look three that was one of the best Clips I’ve seen in my life and this season especially so yeah the Rockets they’re going to be looking to make another postseason run with their same I I guess core 8 you can say I mean they do have Jabar Smith they have S shanon they have Jaylen green tar e and cam Whitmore am Thompson now they have Reed Shepard now they have AJ Griffin who they just traded a second round pick for which was such a fleece such lowrisk high reward right there from rapael Stone we’ve built a core eight right here essentially and it’s definitely I would say it’s just like something really beautiful to see because as a Rockets fan in 2020 and 2021 it was just it was just like the worst feeling in the world when we had guys like John Wall a 30-year-old John Wall just playing and it was just just absolutely horrible to see but now looking at where we are right now with all this young Talent all these picks all this upside all this potential it definitely makes you feel like you’re rewarded for watching all those bad games when you watch that 20 game losing streak from the Rockets back in 2021 so yeah enough about that enough about the past we’re looking into the future so very briefly I do want to talk about some of the guys on the team specifically you know alpr shenon he definitely was our best player last season and he is due for the max I don’t think he’s going to get it this season and they’re going to wait till next next season to get it I think it’s kind of like a Tyrese Maxi type of thing where they wait a couple days and then they sign him to create more cap so uh that’s kind of the same thing with Al PR shenon he’s going to be getting a Max I feel like in terms of Jaylen green and his contract I feel like he’s not he’s definitely not worth the rookie Max but uh definitely is worth some money with what he’s able to do so uh shenon he’s been one of our he’s been our best player essentially I mean um you know each and every year he’s played with the Rockets he’s improved his game not only offensively but defensively he’s been getting a lot better there so uh looking at his stats from this season 21 points per game nine rebounds five assists 44% from the 54% from the field sorry and 30% from three so shenon he’s going to be looking to continue to build onto his career his young career moving forward and I think he’s going to be the center of the offense I think in in the near future and even until now he’s still pretty pretty much the offense of the future considering that we ran the Fred vanle and ALR shenon pick and roll a lot last season so we’re also going to be talking about Jaylen green I mean we I mentioned it pretty briefly that he had that March stretch of games where he just went absolutely nuclear his best game actually was actually during the Thunder game where he just went absolutely nuclear and just started taking the Rock and you know handling the offense with ease he had that one pass to Jabar Smith I think it was in overtime to uh just seal the deal and put the dagger through the thunder so Jaylen green inconsistent player for I’d say like 90% of the season the 10% was the March stretch but if he’s able to not only build off from the March stretch into next season but you know play consistently like that I think he’s definitely going to be worth the max so year for Jaylen green is going to be a huge wh if for this season uh definitely the biggest wh if I feel like you know if he doesn’t turn out then he’s not going to get uh the type of money he deserves but uh if he does pan out and becomes that scoring guard that we know he can then he’s going to get in rookie Max so next we’re going to be talking about Jabari tar Jabari Smith and tar een uh Jabari Smith I wouldn’t say that he had a really horrible sophomore season it definitely was very shaky uh we saw some strides in terms of I’d say in every aspect of his game in terms of efficiency in terms of his scoring ability and defense it actually all went up pretty well looking at his stats over the season around 13.5 points per game eight rebounds and 1.5 assists 45% from the field and 36 % from three his three-point percentage took a huge leap from his rookie year it was a 6% raise from last from his rookie season so that’s pretty great also a 5% raise for his field goal percentages that’s also pretty great right there his defense got a lot better his helps side defense got a lot better dear Smith is definitely deserving of a pretty good extension next season when he does get it but uh I don’t think it’s going to be anything worth like a like a rookie max type of deal unless he has a really good year three which definitely could be you know possible could could definitely be in the cards but uh yeah Jabar Smith going to be looking to improve his game in year three same thing with Ty een he didn’t really play too much this season especially because of injuries but when he did play he definitely was our biggest impact player and definitely our X Factor on the team someone that’s going to be a glue guy and you know just holding it down on defense and providing some good offense so tyes and I don’t really need to say too much all I will say though is that two of our most important guys Untouchable guys would be ALR shenon and Ty een that might be a hot take but Ty e is definitely one of our more if not our most valuable player in terms of assets but you know that’s just me that’s my opinion moving on we do have the rookie Seasons from amen Thompson and cam Whitmore so I’ve been looking forward to talk about these two guys especially going into their sophomore Seasons amen Thompson he did start off the season with an injury I believe so there was like a a like a month where he wasn’t really playing but I mean am man Thompson he didn’t really finish with the greatest stat line 9.5 points per game 6.5 rebounds and 2.5 assists not really you know too outstanding there but when you watch the games when you see what he’s been been able to do in the games his stats definitely don’t reflect that I mean 14% from three is definitely not great it’s on like one shot attempt per game so you can’t really take too much out of that at the same time amen definitely needs to develop at least somewhat of a jumper to be stable in the offense at least I think you know his driving ability is definitely unmatched his dunking ability his athleticism is definitely unmatched on the team uh just that shot is really his weakest point in this game so defensively we all know what he can do too he’s just a monster on defense and I don’t I think going into year two he’s going to have some more duties on ball I feel like can be more of a primary ball handler Off the Bench with Fred van Le still on the team but yeah I’m definitely excited for year or two man Thompson same thing with Cam Whitmore we didn’t get to see a lot of him in the first half of the season but when injury started piling up you got to see more of him and when he played those little minutes he definitely had some very great impact offensively uh defensively he’s still really raw there definitely could use some improvement but overall the offense is really what we’re looking for and defense can definitely be improved on so that’s really all I wanted to talk about there I mean in terms of acquiring pieces this off season I mean we could talk I’ll talk about Reed sheeper later uh but we did acquire Steven Adams at the trade deadline I want to say and then we traded AJ for AJ Griffin for a second round pick so that’s really really a steal from rapael Stone he’s done a really good job for this rebuild I feel like not the best job but definitely where he is right now he definitely has done a pretty good job so AJ Griffin I won’t say too much about him because I don’t think he’s going to do too much for the Rockets but uh he’s definitely part of the core 8 cuz he’s he’s still 20 years old and has a lot of high potential as a three-point shooter and you know a defensive guy so I don’t know the the rotations are weird cuz we do have a lot of guys that want minutes and you know adding in Reed Shepard and Aaron holiday who just resigned today minutes are going to be hard to come by especially for this team and we already have like seven or eight guys already planned to play and guys like jante T guys like Jeff Green aren’t going to be playing clearly so uh minutes are going to be hard to come by and I feel like Reed Shepard definitely won’t get those minutes who we will be talking about right now I’ve done some research about this guy even before the draft too and he was just the perfect fit for the Rockets you know in terms of what we need in terms of off ball three-point shooting on ball three-point shooting and even just handling The Rock when he needs to just gives us what we need which is just spacing Reed Shepard he is undersized unfortunately which I don’t think it’s going to be too bad I mean Fred Van vet an undersized guard can definitely teach him I don’t know Reed Shepard in terms of minutes is going to be pretty hard to come by he’s definitely not going to start from day one I mean we already have our locks for the starting five but Off the Bench it’s it’s looking pretty scary because we have a men we have tar coming back we have I I mean if udoka plays Aon holiday Aon holiday is goingon to be there Steven Adams is going to be there AJ Griffin’s going to be there like it’s going to be tough for minutes to come by so I don’t think re sheer is going to get too many minutes in his rookie season unless he has some high impact and starts showing out so yeah that’s pretty much it for the players I want to talk about um I mean we also did trade picks back to Brooklyn which I definitely wanted to talk about too uh we traded back their 2025 first round pick and I think Brooklyn gave us the Suns picks for next season or 2025 and 2026 in hopes that we do land Kevin Durant if the Suns decide to blow it up next season which definitely I would say is kind of risking it a bit cuz you know with the broken nets they’re going to a full rebuild they just traded Macau they’re going to be looking to at least get a top five pick in this draft and hopefully get like a Cooper flag like a Dylan Harper I mean those names would be pretty pretty good for the Houston Rockets but um I don’t think we can really afford like another young Talent on this team especially like a Cooper flag for the Suns picks where we can at least have a chance of getting Kevin Durant can definitely be pretty good too but missing out on you know a Cooper flag it definitely sucks so yeah overall where do I have this team going next season in the west I’m thinking maybe I mean the highest is definitely like fifth or sixth seed I feel like depending on uh if everything pans out with up shenon and Jaylen green and everyone else their floor I’d say at least is like the 10th ninth seed I feel like they’re definitely not going to be like the worst team in the league but not the best uh which I wouldn’t say is the greatest because he can’t be you can’t be in like that middle ground where you’re not good but also not great or you’re not bad either so yeah my prediction they’re going to be hovering around the eth or ninth seed for the plane that’s my hot take right there you guys can let me know what you guys think about that but yeah the Rockets they’re set up for the future they have a lot of good picks they have a lot of future first round picks especially so they can use that in trades to get some more stars or more assets they have a good core they just built and I just think Rafael Stone has done a pretty good job for this team so far and uh go Rockets I mean it feels good to make make some Rockets videos again for all your Rockets fans out there for the channel so hopefully the Rockets can make some noise next season head I’m out

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