@Boston Celtics

The Boston Celtics Got Smarter And Won A Title

The Boston Celtics Got Smarter And Won A Title

okay so this is going to be a pretty different video from what you’re used to seeing basically what if you’ve never been to my channel the main thing that we do is very highly edited commentary type videos about the NBA but the only problem with that is it’s really hard to really showcase everything that happens in a basketball game and it really sucks that I have to throw a lot of that out so what we’re going to do instead is just break down the game as it goes it’s just going to be live commentary and just talking about all the ins and outs of what I would want to put in a video but I just can’t because it doesn’t necessarily go with the topic so instead of being forced into this really restricted area of content I decided why not just break down a Gabe you guys could see what I notice what I try to see what I try to observe and yeah so instead of hearing Doris’s Burke’s commentary you can hear mine instead anyways I think people wanted to see Boston lose again but it’s F it’s about time for them it’s about time that they they finally pull through and so yeah so here white runs the pick and roll we got we got them into another ball screen oh damn that’s beautiful okay first thing here if you’ve been watching this finals like obviously the biggest one of the biggest topics has been trying to attack Luca as much as you can right so here they clear this out clear out out this right wing so that holiday can come up and because they know that Dallas is going to switch what you do see holiday here is put his hands on Derrick Jones’s back and that way he gets momentum going to the rim so look even though they’re trying to switch Jones is late because holiday pushed off now he gets right into the lane and that’s a bucket and you know holiday was really good in this series I think he was a super utility man someone that you know Boston really needed you know people often say he’s an upgraded version of Marcus Spar and I think honestly they both Play Pretty differently from each other holiday was huge I think he’s just a lot more refined and he’s a lot more disciplined in what he wants to do I think smart you know I think Celtics fans know this a lot but smart was always a little bit more erratic he wanted to take more chances he was the Do or Die hustle type of guy and I’m not saying that holiday is not that hustle guy but they definitely have different styles and holiday was definitely the more disciplined and refined guy that Boston was really looking for so here we got brown ISO and Gafford big thing here actually this series um Dallas had really dared Brown to really just shoot it you know and he actually didn’t really take advantage I know back in March people had talked about this with golden state when Boston had destroyed them in that game where Draymond had just basically sagged them off completely and he had completely taken advantage you know Dallas had done a decent amount of the same thing in this series and it actually worked more than I actually thought it would oh there’s another holiday layup okay let’s go back there so big thing here again once Luca stops holiday initially he goes right into that screen to get Luca up does the same thing of trying to slip so that he gets behind Kyrie because they know that they’re going to try to switch it he gets behind Luca is way too late he expects help and look at all that space again holiday’s been way better at playing off the ball compared to smart I think smart because he was one of their main passers he really needed the ball in his hands a little bit more not saying that he was obviously Super Ball dominant but he’s definitely requires more ball dominancy than holiday so that’s again that’s another reason why holiday’s been much better just because he could play in many different spots he could play as the big man he can play as a guard he could shoot you can’t really say the same for smart okay got Luca quick drible hand off bam that’s one of the first lobs of the series haven’t really seen that that much but they had a couple in game four and start out well in game five yeah as you can see okay we got see we got a switch we got Kyrie on Horford again they attack donic and of course Tatum misses you know people in this series were not really impressed by by Tatum by any means I think that people wanted to see Tatum and brown take that next step and I don’t really know how people feel about Brown taking that next step but I know people did feel that Tatum couldn’t take that next step we we’ll talk a little bit more about him later so now Brown’s going at Kyrie oh big thing in this series gafford’s role essentially has been let’s be an all-time defender in the paint so there he’s trying to retreat back and and with Horford on the perimet now he’s wide open big thing in this series was wanting to have Gafford stay down low as much as he could but you know it’s really hard especially when you have five Shooters on the floor it’s just really hard that’s what Joe Missoula was talking about with Jason kid being a really smart coach is that I think that’s one of the specific adjustments that he was talking about and you know the reality is for a coach is like you can make as many adjustments as you can but if you don’t have at least an equal amount of Talent OR similar level it’s just really hard even with adjustments to try to win you know that’s why it happens so rarely that’s the thing about these seven game series it’s not only do you get a larger sample size but you have more time for the better team to really adjust especially if the underdog comes out with a really good game plan to start Dam that’s an incredible finish but you see how they’re always you see how they’re always forcing Luca right like that’s also been a big part of Boston’s game plan even though Horford fouled him there was that they want Luca to be in the paint you know which sounds weird but when you have Luca on an island he’s able to just shoot that step back three it’s just really hard to guard that so for these Defenders basically they’ve been saying okay Luca we’ll let you get downhill and we’re going to make you make decisions against all of our help Defenders other teams haven’t done a good job doing that against them but Boston was able to do that oh you see that again he’s done that at least three times now pushes against Kyrie pushes his back now he pushes off now he gets a little lane now you create that four on three white is able to get past Kyrie and then gets fouled huge little things right there that is creating great offense you know holiday already has six points and now he’s created that foul basally responsible for eight points there okay so porzingis comes in he was obviously not healthy in this game you know he was obviously lingering very slowly I think the reason that they really brought him in I know that mentioned that he really wanted to just come and play because it’s the last game of the season it’s the finals like try to finish on our home court but I think what porzingis does is give Boston More versatility on offense I think everyone here is mostly a threo shooter or driving to the rim but porzingis gives them another mismatch that Dallas has to be ready for you know there’s already so many mismatches that Boston can create but having porzingis on the floor to create even another one it just makes it a lot harder okay holiday misses that one so yeah Dallas was in it Dallas was in it early on um we see that again they want to bring porzingis in the pick and roll as much as possible you know Josh Green comes they try to pre- switch and now they roll to the other side and Josh Green shooting the top of the key knocks that down Josh Green was actually pretty good in this game but knowing that he had to make those type of shots again even though the game was close if you’re a Celtics fan at this point or even if you’re just a Celtics you should feel pretty good all right Luca and brown they bring the first Defender and Sam Hower comes pre- switch so what they do is bring PJ Washington in and now porzingis here he’s trying to trap him to the sideline that’s pretty good rotation back and yeah of course he comes out but again Washington Wing three you’re going to live with that you know you’re going to live with that Tatum again oh my God I fade away every time you know every Celtics fan if you’re a Celtics fan like I don’t know how tired you would be just seeing that all the time again like I think some people pointed this out that like Tatum made life harder for himself and I don’t think that he’s necessarily improved in that specific aspect especially in terms of scoring now Luca wants Sam Hower you see how Sam Hower is forcing him right you see how he’s forcing okay now he forc him left yeah I’m kind of surprised see you see how Luca goes to that step back there but you see how once he made Hower change directions he run right to that step back wasn’t the three but he still went to that step back that’s exactly what you should be expecting especially when you’re guarding Luca like that you know you see porzingis getting Kyrie there porzingis obviously was not 100% at all he’s probably like 20 30% honestly but the fact that he was able to just still be on the floor and create that type of mismatch again doesn’t matter how little he can move if you still get Kyrie Irving on him like that’s still creating really good offense you know and that’s something that no other boss in Celtic can really do okay we got JB picking up the ball again they’re attacking Luca but yeah you see how much space he gave him it was a lot of space okay tay with the hman that’s probably one of the better moves I’ve seen beautiful especially cuz he knows PJ and Dante are right there so he’s going to the side where only Luca can come now Washington has just no chance he has no chance of contesting that those are type of moves that he is totally capable of all right we got a Dante X and three so you see three threes from the top of the key for Dallas you know that’s the only reason why they’re even in this game right now okay again he’s way out of position dunk see that Luca was not ready for Hower man we get a dribble handoff and Luca jumps out at Hower see he jumps out Hower that’s going to allow holiday to dive then we got Washington moving to the corner so now brown can cut and that’s a dunk you know those other plays obviously like that was more holiday doing his thing but that one that was just bad discipline and the other thing there is if you know he’s a shooter you can’t be that far away from him you got to be up so that you don’t have to feel like you have to jump out at that again that’s the shot that Luca was scared about you see that like it’s not invalid or you can’t say like oh my God that’s such a bad contest that’s not really what I’m saying but if you know that Hower is a shooter you got to be way more up on him like right there exm he is way too late and all of a sudden you get a screen like that that’s a wide openen three oh PJ Washington trying to go at Tatum I don’t understand that and a layup yeah I don’t understand why PJ Washington trying to challenge Jason Tatum that’s kind of a weird matchup you know what I realized you know for people who listen to the LeBron JJ reck podcast you know how sometimes they talk about what people’s IQs are like you know you know sometimes they’ll be pointing out like people’s dumb decisions I think the one that I particularly remember the most is when LeBron I think no it was reic it was reck who was saying how The Possession was stagnated and to try to create some offense with like 5 seconds left they basically brought kawh Leonard into the pick and rooll and then try to hunt kawh Leonard you know I’ve always I’ve actually seen that in the past and I wasn’t sure if that was like intentional or that’s just not thinking the PJ Washington trying to go at Jason tum that’s just not thinking and Dallas made a couple of those type of mistakes late in that first that essentially was the first Domino to Boston winning this Championship the Luca and the the Luca and the Dante exm ones on Sam Hower those are mistakes that you can’t make at this type of time especially when you’re down 3-1 and there we go again again look at that so watch Hower in the corner all right so PJ Washington takes Horford Kyrie’s onto Sam Hower and now Howser’s coming to the pick and role create that confusion because they know Kyrie’s probably going to switch Kyrie jumps out all of a sudden now you got this wide openen three so that seems to be a big part of their game plan to set those type of screens whether it’s a ghost screen or having have his hands just push the other Defender so that he kind of gets a little running start those are the type of things that we’ve seen a lot so far and actually you know if you actually notice later on I think they actually had a miked up of Jason Tatum telling Sam Hower to do that so it seemed to be like a really big part see you see Hower doing that again Dallas was better prepared for that pretty good shot so again so look Sam Hower does this again he ghost that screen so X him now has to go chase him that creates a little lane for Tatum all of a sudden now you got PJ Washington coming over just to make sure that things are okay now Brown’s open you know and people are going to say yeah you can live with that yeah you probably could but you know you’re not going to be complaining about a Jaylen Brown Corner three as well if you’re Boston right see again they’re okay with them taking that pull-up three again that’s like a shot you just can’t take during this time you know you guys see that okay Luca again p zingus is forcing him left which I don’t think was part of the game plan I don’t know if that was part of the game plan I don’t think it was you see how Luca was going into that step back that’s exactly what he wanted and porzingis absolutely sold out for it you see how it jumps to his side when you jump to your side like that it’s just way harder to try to create any sort of contact you guys know Luca is always looking for contact but he doesn’t even look to try to pump fake and get him here he tries to fake him out instead pump fake porzingis doesn’t fall great contest it’s about as well as you can do it all right yeah what the hell was that PJ Washington you know some people say he looks like flight that’s kind of true actually he actually kind of does certainly wasn’t playing like flight but although I did see some memes after the game that the man channeled his inner flight in game five um certainly wasn’t memorable enough that he was good that’s for sure okay again we got that porzingis mismatch with Kyrie see Jaylen Brown’s kind of creeping over to to make maxic CA think about having to help and now gets all this space bam that’s smart basketball so obviously you know if you’re Brown like you’re slowly cutting but you see how he’s not on a full cut he’s not fully cutting because what he’s really just trying to do is just get CBA out of the way and these are the type of things that I didn’t really see from Boston last year especially when I made that video about the harsh truth about the Boston Celtics these are type of little things I did not really see but that that’s very high IQ basketball right there okay we got Kyrie we got Luca again they’re trying to bring porzingis in you see how Brown’s trying to force Luca to the sideline he does not want Luca to turn that corner or else porzingis has to make such a long rotation that’s such good defense right there not just accepting the fact that he’s getting screen but the fact that he’s trying to push through that and you have Tatum right there that’s the type of defense that wins championships I know they scored there and I know that oh you’re oh my God like didn’t doesn’t mean but those are the type of plays that you got to try to make to make things hard you know Luca had talked a lot about Boston’s physicality that’s the type of play that you know you’re never going to see in the box score and you’re never going to really pay attention to because they made the shot but that’s exactly what Luca was referring to okay got Drew holiday here again they want to create that mismatch with porzingis bam see that all of a sudden you create that switch if you’re Maxi kba you know you are worried about Drew holiday but you’re more worried about porzingis and donic and he’s guard he’s more guarding that than holiday so that’s a wide openen shot again even though porzingis is not 100% him just being in that game has created so many different opportunities already you see how much space CLE is getting that’s so much space especially for a holiday who shoots 40 over 40% that is way too much room but he created that he also had that post up against Kyrie you get you get the point all right Maxi kba on tum again they want donic in the pick and roll Tatum crosses over man this is too many moves but wow wow you know guys I had a hunch that Tatum’s not necessarily at his best when he has to make those type of moves but I realized that you know if it’s a big man that’s probably fine but I feel like that’s a spot that Tatum really struggled with in the past but the fact that he was able to go to a spin and then be able to finish like that those are things that Tatum has been so inconsistent at but that’s a good sign to see all right here we go so Boston’s up 12 man the amount of times they’re attacking Luca is crazy see holiday again he comes up now you get the two guys you want you have Lively on Tatum and now you have donic on holiday so donic is more up this time because he wants to make sure that switch comes a little more cleanly but that again gives a lane for Tatum to drive this time he goes straight up great Dell you see how kba jumps so early kba’s going down Tatum’s going up and one so that’s a Luca Special by the way Luca does that all the time again you see that Luca does that Dell there because he sees Horford and Tatum so first he wants to make sure horrey gets out of the way and Tatum actually times it pretty decently but as Luc is going up Tatum’s coming down foul now Tatum’s complain but that’s certainly a foul see this is going to show up as a turnover but what you you’re getting something really good here if you’re Boston you got Kyrie on Tatum so now gafford’s pulled in Tatum already has position on Kyrie now you get an open three here in the corner if Howard catches that also not really the best pass but that’s exactly what you want at this point they only down D with less than 5 minutes to go in the second and I think people here may have expected like hey Luca and Kyrie are going to do their thing at some point but sometimes it just doesn’t work like that okay so on the inbound we got Hower there white comes to the corner I don’t know why he hesitated there Hower being right there to tip it man why did he take that what the why the did he take that he just let Luca recover like what in the world we got Luca on holiday can they’re going to get horr in the pick and roll even though we got a little Blitz action first they made that pass really hard and two they had at least two Defenders there making sure gaffi does not catch that cleanly didn’t really see that in that Minnesota series those are the little differences that you see that makes a huge difference and we got flight 2.0 going down the lane okay oh he traveled he traveled man the more the more i’ say it the more I cannot unsee it although June flight is supposed to be goated apparently so okay Jaylen Brown down the lane but that’s exactly what Dallas wants Dallas wants gaffer just to hang around the paint they want Boston to just challenge him dang just took him down the lane sheesh hey man out of everyone out Horford definitely deserves this Championship whether or not however you feel about Boston Al Horford definitely deserves it I felt so bad for him in the past especially since that man’s gone through a lot getting owned by LeBron for like five six years straight choosing to go to Philly and try to play in that terrible Sixers experiment you guys still remember that when they had Horford and beid Ben Simmons all together and Tobias Harris like that was a ridiculous experiment I don’t know why anyone thought that was going to work and then he got traded out of there went to Oklahoma City everyone thought he was washed Goods came back to Boston all of a sudden man hit the F of Youth warford’s interesting because I think everyone’s going to remember him as a Celtic even though he was a hawk for such a long time damn he get compared to Carl malow come on now that’s a foul comparison now okay back to the game so Tatum Derek Lively forcing him right Luca oh man that’s a great pass guys see that that’s a big thing in this series Actually holiday just been hanging around that dunker spot for a while so when you got Luca there he’s got to make a decision he’s not quick enough to bait Tatum and then get back you know we did see that one time in game one but you see he lunges all of a sudden he’s like ah man yeah they’ve been attacking Luca relentlessly you know I don’t think people really realize this but this Dallas team is really a very elevated version of like those Blazers teams with with CJ McCollum and Dame Dame Lillard you know obviously you want Luca and Kyrie over Dame and CJ yeah I actually think every single starter on Dallas you would want over the Blazers even though you’re such an elevated version at the end of the day having two dues I just can’t really defend it’s getting really hard for Luca to really be any sort of impact on defense or to even be just HED successfully I think this was like the beginning of the end actually yeah he’s going right at Luca instead of just shooting it get to the corner God damn once Brown brings donic in Washington has to come over wide open three for white dang it was only a nine-point game like three minutes ago Washington brick man if you’re a Celtics fan you probably started to feel it right here again bringing Don in the pick and roll you see how you see how d uh Lively and switched places there because White’s on the same side as Tatum like that’s where they think Tatum wants to go and also they want to make sure Lively can properly help side step dang I feel like that’s like one of the few that he’s made I feel like he’s missed a ton of those again 6444 at that point Luca again trying to drive wow what a tough shot forcing him downhill that’s the big thing being physical where Luca can’t feel like he could just step back they’re so physical with him that now he has to beat him with physicality that’s a great shot but that’s not something that if you’re a mass fan that Luca wants to see all the time okay oh you guys see that Peyton pritchard’s in the game for people that don’t know that’s exactly what he’s here for oh Luca bricks it Peyton perer gets it that was absolutely the dagger can you imagine just being called in because you’re so good at half cord shots you know this guy was the Jordan pool of this series you know for people that don’t remember Jordan pool made two crazy halfcourt shots against the Celtics at two different times in games two and game five man I remember those being complete demoralizes I think if I remember correctly in game five Boston was down 15 going into that second half they had came all the way back and then Jordan P hit that halfcourt shot and the tune completely changed in that fourth quarter completely changed this felt like holy that’s the dagger especially when you’re calling just to do this it’s a badass role to have back in that first quarter PJ Washington didn’t even want to try to take like a full core heave it’s exactly why you shoot them I don’t really know how much people really care about the rest of this game because we already know like what happened but I think what I want to do is take some time just to talk about these two teams let’s start with Boston right so I think a lot of people were very unimpressed by this run because one they were very fortunate to have a lot of injuries Jimmy Butler didn’t play Donovan Mitchell got hurt Tyrese hurn got hurt Giannis never recovered and the Nicks had a whole bunch of injuries but here’s what I’ll say you know I like thought about this for a while because it is true to a degree that their run was definitely easier than most people’s runs and I think the fact that Tatum and brown didn’t necessarily have the scoring numbers that we’re used to seeing from them was somewhat disappointing and I think a lot of people really wanted to Discount that I think both of them still have some issues when it comes to creating space or finishing but I think what’s so underappreciated about them especially together is that they can play with almost any type of prototype they can play with almost any roster Boston was never satisfied with their roster until they won a championship I think the reason why they were so okay with pulling the trigger on just making sure this roster was good is because T and brown are capable with playing with so many different players you know when they first came into the league they were second fiddle to Kyrie Irving and they played well in that role until he until he went bad crazy that second year you know but besides that when Kyrie and Hayward were hurt Tav and brown both took such a young team to the Easter Conference Finals I don’t think people realize that and they had Kemba Walker they made that work they had Marcus Smart as the point guard they made that work when they added Derek white they were a finals team and then this year with Drew and porzingis like they still made the finals like the amount of sustain Excellence I think that gets lost is the fact that they can play with so many roster changes and coaching changes in the most recent championships like the Denver Nuggets the Golden State Warriors the Milwaukee Bucks the Los Angeles Lakers what we saw was Stars cranking it up to their highest peak and being absolutely dominant and in this finals we did not see tame and brown do that I think they showed flashes they had their moments but it was very obvious that we didn’t see their Peak but I think the fact that they can play with so many different types of players that their greatest strength people always focus on Tatum and brown together and yeah I think it makes sense like I don’t think those two necessarily are very compatible in terms of abilities I think they both need the ball in their hands they don’t necessarily play the best off each other but those two together play so well with a lot of other role players I think Tatum is very well-rounded I don’t think scoring is necessarily his only skill I think he’s a great passer I think that he’s a great defender for sure think Jaylen Brown’s the same way I think his left hand still needs some work and I think he’s not necessarily the best ball handler but the reality is both these guys are more than willing to sacrifice and do what it takes to win yeah yeah yeah I know Tatum it’s not like he gave up that many shots he did not give up that many shots but I think what him and brown accepted was that we don’t need to be the best player every night that’s what the Celtics front office realized to was like how can we win where Tatum and brown don’t need to score 30 every single night um I think in the past especially with Marcus Smart and Robert Williams they both had to be really good for this team to win or else there was almost no chance they’re going to win like against the Heat in 2023 I think Tatum had a pretty good series but Brown was definitely awful and in 2022 against the Warriors Tatum had a really bad series and brown was pretty good instead of just saying hey we have Tatum and Brown let’s try to just run it back and just win it Brad Stevens was not satisfied and said we got to make changes we got to make changes and make sure that they have enough support to do what they got to do and he gave them much more support then they probably actually needed but at the same time that’s like what’s the difference between the Celtics franchise and other franchises you know you got a team like the Miami Heat it was very obvious that they are limited talent wise but with a such a great head coach they were able to get all the way to the finals and then they just don’t do anything when push comes to shove that’s what’s shocking to me is like I think a lot of franchises in this position would not have the balls to say yo we got to make major changes to make sure that this team is intact while the Celtics did make a lot of changes it was always for one specific purpose it was to make sure that tame and brown had all the pieces that they needed to be as successful as possible we didn’t necessarily see all the scoring stuff but I think what we did see is the fact that both these guys are so well-rounded where they can make such big impacts without having to score the ball all the time with someone like Luca or Kyrie they’re not really making as huge of an impact especially if they can’t score the ball but with t and brown them being two-way players and being able to do all the other little things that’s the difference between winning basketball and losing basketball so I do think Boston was definitely blessed with the road that they have but I think it was pretty apparent this year that they were the best team I think offensively this team is still not really that great you know it’s pretty obvious what’s happening and what they’re going to do again I think their defense specifically was very impressive their defense was very impressive throughout this run and I think it’s fair to say that for a lot of teams that couldn’t figure out how to guard Luca and Kyrie that Boston definitely knew how to do it actually I’ve never really said this so I’m not really a big Joe Missoula fan honestly you know when he took over last year I know he took them as 57 wins they were the second seed and they got to the Eastern Conference Finals in that video that I highlighted last year those were some big fundamental issues I think missula last year had a hard time with a couple things I think he had a hard time managing the game you know understanding how to break momentum you know I know fans talk about that so much that is certainly one of the things that he wouldn’t do and I thought he was just trying to be a wannabe papovich you guys have seen like some of the that he says I don’t think his offense really impresses me at all look I know that this team was the best offensive team in NBA history or something again I think one the regular season is truly very different two their personnel really carries them more than what I think the system really does but I think defensively moua really buckled down and figured out what was wrong what was wrong was that Boston was just letting other team Superstars go off at a way ridiculous clip it was ridiculous man like especially last year when I was watching that Easter Conference Finals it was ridiculous to see how many times Jimmy Butler could just do what he wanted to do against Grant Williams Derek white Al Horford I was like dude you got to bring some help at some point man like you can’t just let this go on forever and in this series against Dallas they did that to Luca a lot they were very selective with how they wanted to help but I thought the way they’re being selected was very smart and that’s not what I saw last year for a lot of the regular season it didn’t seem like it had changed so I was really concerned but seeing how they guarded Luc and Kyrie was very impressive and I think bazula deserves a ton of credit for understanding what really went wrong last year and then making those tweaks and understanding that hey even though Luca and Kyrie are pretty good against the switch they’re pretty good against the drop that we don’t necessarily need to change our whole defensive system all we had to do was make a couple tweaks make sure that the Wayne Defender was in Luca and Kyrie’s way making sure that we were covering those Corner thre making sure that Luca had to go downhill to get all his points you know that’s a really big difference when you’re telling a Defender hey I all I want you to do is force Luca right and force him downhill whereas last year it was you know I’m expecting you to guard Jimmy Butler straight up like you can’t it’s the NBA you cannot guard any Superstar straight up and if you’re not taking any of their moves away it is literally impossible to stop them but that’s exactly what I saw last year and the fact that he was able to say you can’t do that this year big kudos to him as Tatum misses that layup God damn dude I was just talking about him and now he misses that what the hell anyways if there’s something that’s going to be wrong with this team it’s going to be their offense their offense is still pretty predictable it’s definitely very talented but I think Tatum and brown do have some work to do in terms of trying to be better finishers and also being able to create better shots for themselves but let’s move on to Dallas’s side so as Tim Hardaway of course does what he does best bricking threes I just don’t think he’s a good player man I know some Mavericks fans have said like Jason kid and Tim Hardway have some weird secret relationship together or something because he keeps playing if I was a mass fan I would not want Tim Hardway on my team anyways I did not expect to talk about Tim Hardway for more than one second in this video I think I mentioned this a little bit earlier the Mavericks are a very elevated version of that Blazers team with Dame and CJ Luca and Kyrie are definitely better players and their role players are definitely better you know they can shoot better they defend better and they’re just more athletic at the end of the day even if you’re an elevated version structurally you’re still the same and the biggest problem with Dallas is that their guards Luca and Kyrie are just not good Defenders I know they had shown flashes I know Luca has gone better but Luca’s off ball awareness and on ball Mobility are still not there it kind of reminds me of like Steph Curry you know like Steph Curry back in 2016 he could hold his own at times even against that Kyrie shot in game seven it wasn’t like bad defense by any means but the point is that Steph wasn’t really bothering LeBron or Kyrie at all but now like Steph was able to improve his defense to the point where dude like if you try to go at him like he will lock you down and that’s where Luca and Kyrie need to get to if Tatum or brown try to go at them next year that they’re comfortable holding their ground and saying you know we’re not going to you’re not going to beat me like six times out of 10 again I think Luca is by far the best one-on-one player that we have right now I think he has the widest skill set I think the man is capable of pulling any sort of moves I think he’s a fantastic passer and the most complete offensive player Luca definitely needs a little bit more help Dallas needs another ball handler that can create their own shot I think Washington and Derek Jones need to spend a ton of time in the gym taking Wing three-pointers it’s pretty obvious in this finals that Derek Jones and PJ Washington who are not good Shooters in general by the way that if they don’t have the corner three it is very hard for them to make a really big impact on offense I think in this day and age we are past a point where having just two stars is going to be good enough to carry you to a championship you got to have good role players all the time and you got to have them do almost everything Boston’s all their starters can do multiple things offensively and defensively but Dallas they’re kind of more one dimensional you know like their players are a little bit more one-dimensional you know Luca Kyrie are obviously the offensive URS but everyone else is more defensively minded and I know last year when they had their disastrous season that part of it was because they were way too offensively focused and so they went to focus on defense now they got to bounce it out a little bit I think they need to get more two-way players what they thought Grant Williams was going to be poor dude by the way that wasn’t the case you know again I think Dallas has a good future especially with Luca and Kyrie I think with those two you’re always going to have a pretty good chance but they definitely need to add more versatility on their roster whether it’s externally or internally you know last thing’s a little more R I should have said this a little bit earlier when I was talking about the Celtics but just want to talk about Brown winning finals MVP I think he totally deserves it truly played both ends of the floor at the highest level I think he made some huge shots in games two and three and more importantly the man did a fantastic job on Luca man he did a fantastic job making sure that everything was hard for him I think he has definitely been a great postseason performer for them at times even better than Tatum just his allaround play in this series is what really warranted him this finals MVP no one played particularly that great but if we’re talking about this team being so balanced and their balance and versatility being the reasons why they won then I think Brown showed that the most that’s why he deserves to win I think I’m going to end it off here I know it’s been a really long time for anyone that’s still listening to me right now I just want to say thank you I plan on doing these more often just because I think it’s a way to flush out all of my thoughts that I have so even with the season done there’s going to be plenty of games that I want to continue to break down or just talk about because I think there’s a lot that I’ve wanted to talk about but I just can’t because just because when you’re thinking about a topic and that’s what you want to gravitate towards that it is hard to just include extraneous stuff so yeah I hope you guys enjoy this have a great rest of your day and I’ll see you guys next time peace

The Boston Celtics have finally won their first title in 16 years. And it finally was because they were much better intellectually than in the past. So today we go over what they had done and what they need to do to continue their success.

Produced By Daniel Li & Ryan Kim

🎵 Track Info:

Title: Hot Coffee by Ghostrifter Official
Genre and Mood: Hip Hop & Rap · Calm

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  1. I'm ngl if none of the eastern confernce teams don't get injured like that they don't even make it to the finals

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