@Sacramento Kings

Malik Monk talks about re-signing with Kings

Malik Monk talks about re-signing with Kings

any surprises came here today after all that went through and talk about the uncertainty of what your offseason would look like surprises no no surprises at all I just can let y’all know that what made you so confident what was the the thing that made you believe the most uh like I said it felt like home here um it just felt right everything felt right I don’t go anywhere um feel uncomfortable um I go everywhere and feel comfortable and and that’s that’s a home I feel like so I’m back what was this experience like for you though you talked a little bit the end of season about for the first time being in this position how enjoyable was it to to be as wanted and and become yeah it felt good it felt good man cuz um I never was in the situation before um it kind of felt good to just sit back and relax and let my agents do the work instead of me putting in overtime um trying to see if I would have a job um but yeah it’s just great man that’s a great feeling I I don’t even know what to say thinking back to when you signed your first contract back to now just I guess did you expect this kind of Journey to happen what’s been the most rewarding part of it I expected it not this long um but that that that was the the most enjoyable part man the process of me going up and down um figuring out how to be a man figuring out how to be an NBA player um and just figuring out how to be a a better person too um and my brother helped me with that a lot my mom help me with that a lot um com here and Sack help me with that a lot too so um that’s why I came back so when did you know when did you know like all right I’m going to be [Music] here can’t tell you know the way last season ended for you sitting on the bench cuz you’re out like how much do you feel like you have some unfinished business of course that’s you know that’s another reason um I feel like we all got unfinished business um Kev went out too I went out um I feel like we weren’t healthy um and I felt like we didn’t get a fair share um of us playing and going all healthy so um like I said I’m back the decision to to tell the Kings early what was that what went through your mind there to make sure that they had plenty of time to plan for for the agency in the draft being a team player man uh like I said I could I just said it earlier I could have took more money somewhere um but I I said It felt home here it felt like home here um and them letting them know let the organization know early um least I could do um for sure cuz we need I think a few more pieces and they looking for a few more pieces so I think they doing their job what was the reaction some of your teammates like dear and domas you told them hey I’ll be domas owe me something and fox owe me something too I a going to say what I don’t care about M was there get surprised from any of your teammates I don’t think so um well they didn’t they didn’t voice it to me uh they probably said it to their fam or their friends or something they probably will tell me when they see me in person I ain’t seen that many of them um cuz they all gone I’ve been here though so how how difficult was it to I mean you were in the community quite a bit you know being a basketball camp or even the autograph sign you and everyone’s coming up to you saying please stay please stay I imagine you would arrived at your decision at that point for even the signing was it hard to keep it bottled up no it wasn’t cuz I already knew uh I KN I knew I knew um it’s not really hard to to keep the secret in when you stand here um I think it’s it’s fun to keep the secret cuz it’s going to be even more exciting when I tell them I’m stand so um it was it was a fun journey I loved it um can’t wait for four more years here so you didn’t win six man of the year we thought you would yeah I a I ain’t tripping on no world more Awards with the NBA man I ain’t messing with them good no more Awards why is that not a fair share when the news started breaking and the runland started coming out there was quite a a reaction just from Sac Kings fans the excitement you talked about the love that the city show did you feel that and and how what that excitement like I say man I feel it everywhere um cuz I feel comfortable everywhere I go um I drive down the street somebody say what’s up um that’s Comfort um that’s feeling in love that’s feeling like home so um I feel the love every day do you feel that you know your role on this team will change now that you are bobbled up regardless of maybe what the team looks like you feel maybe that six-man role behind you or you still kind of all whatever they want good question uh of course I want to start um but I I’m coming here uh free minded and and do whatever the team needs me to do um but if I feel like I need to start I might voice it um because now I got to voice a little bit I can say something um that that that a stand um but yeah I’m still coming in free minded and coming here to win games you chance oh they know that s like you know have more of a leadership role I think I’ve been there so um going step step on nobody Toes or step over anything that’s been my role I feel like how curious are you to see what this roster looks [Music] like uh I’m not very curious cuz I’m on it so it don’t really matter to me uh but I’m just ready to get back uh ready to get back out there cuz I didn’t finish the season um so yeah I just want to play some basketball games right great Le after all the ups and downs early in your career to find a spot where feel like just how cool is that to be able to be yourself and feel comfortable and and have a bigger voice and all that yeah I feel like um that’s a part of being in the NBA um having an impact on on the team in the NBA too um is finding somewhere um you comfortable um they accept you um and and you can be yourself and Sack let me do that so again that’s why I’m here think de de Carter draft the 13th overall what do you think of the pick and then do you feel like might be competing with the uh best looking Kings player when it comes to F anything like that you you ask me that de was looking good on draft night you asking me that for that’s a dead ass hell no uh he he he works out with one of my uh one of my big cousins from where I’m from um so i’ I’ve been keeping in touch um and and following him for a little while so I knew who he was um know he’s a dog um know he’s I think he going to come in and and and compete like right away um and help us a little bit too um because he’s a little older and he’s been playing um and he’s a dog so that fashion question don’t don’t ask about that ever again nobody in nobody how how aggressive I mean I don’t know how you can articulate this but how aggressive do you feel this team was and trying to convince you to stay I liked it uh I think that’s what they were supposed to do they did everything they were supposed to do um I didn’t feel like it was aggressive or anything like that um I just feel like that’s that was their job that they they made sure um that I knew I was one of the main focuses I mean that always feels good I ain’t telling you that I’ve been do for a little while though yeah a photo on the golf course with Mike Keegan and a bunch of guys C up free agency was that like a like a business conversation on that golf trip or was that actual golf both but more golf um Vette take his time though yeah yeah he does who shot better you me easily more so that so that was put together because I don’t know ask ask me that or Mike or uh I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know have one of them those golf course is pretty influential you keep them yeah I need my membership um there a lot of people say I get memberships when I come back I hope y’all see this I need them all was like a little of the guys going I know you didn’t all the way yeah I ain’t care I a really care I wanted to get my decision over with um get comfortable where I was going to be but of course it’s here so I can’t get more comfortable here um and yeah I just wanted to get to the spot where I know I was going to be at and and get to work so it’s way easier now


  1. I haven’t seen too many players that resonate with the kings fans as much as Malik’s has. I’m glad they got a deal done. Great addition to the community.

  2. We love Malik. Just ordered our Monk jerseys! Guess what everyone is getting for Christmas in October!

  3. Been a Kings fan for 25 years.. I flew from Australia to watch Kings courtside when they made the play-offs.. Malik signed my Monk jersey for me. Legend, hope he retires a King

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