@Detroit Pistons



welcome to the Piston fanatic I’m your host Dave Dalton and I’m excited to share my passion and perspective of our Detroit Pistons as we go on this Fantastic Voyage together I’ve been a Die Hard piston fan since the days of Dave Bing and Bob laner I’ve also been the varsity basketball coach of a very successful program in northern Michigan I want to thank each and every one of you so much for listening Please Subscribe it helps promote the podcast we got some big news the Pistons just signed um Malik Beasley to a one-year $6 million contract which is a bargain in my opinion and Beasley started 77 out of 79 games for the playoff team the Milwaukee Bucks last year and he is an incredible shooter throughout his career and this past year he shot 41.3% on threes and you cannot leave him alone so he shot 43 41.3% on threes and everybody knew in The Scouting Report don’t let him shoot the three because he’s lights out and so again I always go back to like Stu they Stu shot 38% but nobody guarded him they are guarding E le so everybody he is going to demand so much um help teams aren’t going to be able to help on Cade or Ivy or anybody else that drives to the basket so he is definitely a uh create some space I you know a lot of the money has dried up on free agency so now you’re going to see I think a lot more trades happening since most of free agency money is gone and the Pistons have been patient and they still have 26 million or so money and even with the Beasley contract we can sign him there’s these exceptions that you can sign players to that don’t count against your salary cap like the room exception which which we could do and sign him to that and that wouldn’t even count against that cap space since we’re uh under the cap then you’re allowed to do that so anyway he he again he started 77 out of 79 games for the Milwaukee Bucks a playoff team and I noticed watching him that he was really working on defense he was really putting forth effort you know’s he’s 64 so again we’re going to talk about the rotation so it’s getting crowded you know even at the guard position with um Tim Hardway Jr and Jaden Ivy you know there’s just how many minutes are there to go around but I guess that’s going to be something for JB bicker staff to work out but he’s a quality player and we only have him for one year and so it it’ll be interesting to see what happens but he averaged 11.3 points a game 3.7 rebounds 1.4 assists and again sh 44% but 41% on threes which is the big number so he’s played 10 years he’s only 27 years old but he’s shot career 39% so yeah he’s good and he again I I’m surprised that no other Playoff teams you know is he’s not the tallest guy and he but a lot of the money is just gone and people that didn’t need you know a shooter you know they didn’t have the money but we’re going to talk today a lot about a bunch of players there there’s players like we need a backup big guy and so Paul Reed just now just minutes ago got released by the 76ers and there’s a lot some of these fists and fans like him’s he’s only 69ine but he’s tough and he’s only 25 and he played 80 all 82 games last year seven 7.3 rebounds and so he’s tough 54% and from the floor and 37% on three so he’s a guy that the Pistons could go in and grab there’s also possibility of trading for my dream Wendell Carter Jr Orlando and again it’s interesting with Wendell Carter Jr that he you know that they just signed Bazi and Jonathan Isaac and mo Vagner to extensions all those three big guys and the um wend Carter’s minutes went down this past year from 30 to 25 so is he going to be Expendable the odman out what do we have to trade them that they would want so it’ll be interesting wend Carter averaged 11 points and seven rebounds and he shot 37% on threes so if we could get him for a center that would be out of this world so we’ll see what happens you know his career numbers were even better than last year’s numbers but he again he averaged the two prior years last year he averaged 30 minutes a game and then last last year only a 25 minutes a game so we’ll see I would love Wendell Carter you know and I still think that the the center position is dried up everybody in the past you always could say oh yeah I just go pick up a center a free agent center for cheap and that’s there they there’s not many out there right now so we’ll see what happens if we can get Paul Reed but again I would love to get W Carter but yeah Malik Beasley was a great deal and like I said that the we’re gonna we were holding out to do this deal because there were there was a chance of us making a be involved in a three team trade and so there’s there’s the one big free agent out there still is d roen and d r roen is a great player that plays for the Bulls but if they did a signning trade so there’s talk about ACO wanting to get D rozan and that but I’ve heard that the Spurs I hate the Spurs that the Spurs might be the third team involved to make the money work by doing a sign and trade for D rozan so still the Pistons could end up getting in on that but it’s just as a lot of wheels are a lot of things are going to be happening right now there’s going to be a lot of different things like I said I think the trade market is going to start they kind of wait till all the fre agenty stuff is done and then the Trad so now there’s just a bunch of minimum trades there is um t Jones is out there you know we talked about piness possibly getting a backup point guard and he is phenomenal he’s 28 years old but he’s only 61 but he had a heck of a year like 12 points um 7.3 assists and he shot 49% from the floor and 41% on three so I I’m shocked that some team hasn’t got him so we might be able to be used in a sign in trade for him we might be able to get him cheap just like um we did Malik beastley and so and a lot of things can happen and and I just am uh excited to see what happens but we don’t know that Pistons how they’re going to use that extra cap space that that they have you know we um we have a pretty full roster the challenge is so we start looking at what are the what are the rotations going to be and I always go back to You’ always try to see how many minutes there are so say like at the forward position if Tobias Harris is gonna play 30 minutes a game which he’s probably going to and so how many minutes are there left over so the for the two forward positions and a lot of our guys I think are can play the three and the four even though I’d like to see us get some at least one guy on the roster that’s a four that can stretch the floor a little bit and stuff but you know that um if Tobias pays plays 30 minutes that leaves only 36 minutes for assar and H and Ron Holland and again Ron Holland might not play this year as much but yeah it’s just if Kade plays and Tobias Harris and Duran and assar and Hardaway and Ivy and Stu and Holland and Peko and Sasser and now Malik Beasley that’s that’s 11 guys right there and we know playing 11 guys is not a formula for success but yeah so again if if Harris played 30 minutes and I think that uh Ono has to play 30 minutes at least so that’s out of the two forward positions that’s 60 minutes there’s 96 Minutes for the two forward spots and so that would leave only 30 minutes or 36 minutes for Aire and Holland if they and of course Holland could play some of the uh two guard also but except now we got another two guard and um like I said how happy are people you know I think players like Tim Hardway Jr aren’t going to be happy in the locker room if their minutes are cut on a mediocre team so that’s just going to be a challenge for B berie staff talked about Bernie bicker staff and you know the the speculation is the rumors out of Cleveland are that he um that Mitchell wanted him out before he signed the contract that that was kind of what helped get him signed to his extension and that he didn’t he wasn’t F to bicker staff and so who knows why and who knows if that was on bicker staff or maybe it was more on Mitchell so um the Cavs last year you know he had he had two good years with the Cavs but the Cavs are loaded the Cavs I mean Mitchell and Garland and Moy and Allen are all all stars and they’re all young guys and so that’s a stack team really but I will say this last year I can’t remember all the details but there was a stretch where the Cavs had every one of those four guys I think were out all four of those All-Star guys were out and they went like 11 and two so that gives you some H and thinking that uh bigger staff is really good so but it just remains to be seen a lot of guys have been gone off the board you know I wanted the Pistons to get torian Prince but he signed with the bulls now people wanted Caleb Martin he just signed with the 76ers so you know a lot of different options are uh being drawn away so like I said the um Orlando Magic is going to be interesting why they signed all those big guys and so so we just can hope that we get I know I’m jumping back and forth a little bit but I just love wend Carter Jr he’s you know he’s 610 he’s only 25 years old and he’s got a cheap contract remaining he’s he’s uh in his descending he well two years this next year we they owe $12 million for him and the following year his contract’s only $11 million so keep your eyes and ears open for that um we have um Hardway junr again I like I said there there’s a a thing with having these veteran players in the locker room and and there’s something to be said for that to have a good veterans in the locker room and and they have guys that can score the ball and shoot consistently from three so I I do think that our team is improved it is going to be a challenge for any coach to divvy out the minutes and figure out the rotations and we’re going to talk more about that in another podcast but keep your ears open for Paul Reed wend Carter tyus Jones and any three-way trades that we might be able to help facilitate but the big thing is we want it to get you we have all these young guys on our roster that need to be played and need to develop some and we we need to get some assets we need to get some trade assets for the future and that helps you with trades it helps you add younger pieces and we are going to probably move off some of these players at some point so uh thank you for listening be the reason that someone feels wanted and needed I going to hop on anytime I hear some breaking news but be the reason again that somebody feels cared for and go Pistons

Pistons get Beasley for a bargain one year $6 million! With the free agent mark drying up , a look at potential moves for the Pistons!


  1. Good pick up! It’s beginning to look like a trade is inevitable. Someone is on their way out..💯

  2. 30-40 win pistons????😼 these signings seem pretty good so far? I kinda liked grimes over hardaway for a few reasons, but I don't know too much about those dudes. Hard away seems a bit like bucks to me. Inconsistent

  3. Good signing. Very tradeable at the deadline. I do not think anything points to Ivey being traded though. Jaden is really the only guy we have besides Cade who can run the offense. Sasser is not close to an actual PG of offense. Looks like Trajan is going to have Ivey and Cade running things at all times with shooters around them at all times.

    Looking at the team shooting stats in terms of FG% 3% and FT % is very promising. Only 3 stats stand out as pure garbage. Ausar 18.6% from 3. Ausar 59% from FT and Ron Holland 24% from 3. Only Ausar appears to be pure garbage as a shooter though. Holland hitting 76% from FT and having a small sample size from 3 gives a bunch of hope for him while there is no hope for Ausar at all. 3 years of working 24/7 basketball is what produces under 20% from 3 and under 60% from FT for Ausar. Even Duren jumped his FT% from 61% to 79% in a single season of working basketball as a job. Ausar has put the work in and put up the thousands of shots but he is so broken that no improvement comes from him.

  4. I like it. You will have to earn your minutes on this team.

    ……….call me crazy but the play in is not out of the realm of possibility.

  5. I was not a fan of what Trajan did in the draft but he is making up for it now in FA. We didn't need Brandon Ingram, we needed a bench. I still think we are missing interior D but this year should be much more competitive. It also lets us filter through some guys to determine what works and then trade the others away for an all-star next year.

  6. Now, they have that big on the Summer League who spent 4 yrs in college and might work his way on the team. If not, why not poach a big man off someone's bench or the G League?

    And thanks Coach for sharing this with us.

  7. you don’t have to re-introduce yourself every single video and tell us your backstory every single video. we know. I would suggest making a separate video talking about who you are, your past, and why you make these videos. Just gets repetitive and people like me who watch your stuff already know who you are! and newcomers will find out from your great intel!

  8. We now have 5 guards. One of them either aren’t playing or aren’t staying. I feel like sasser may be the one gone unfortunately.

  9. Bickerstaff is not going to worry about developing young players. He's thinking he has to win, or this could be his last NBA head coaching gig. He's going to play Harris and Beasley as much as possible.

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