@Miami Heat

All gone :(

All gone 🙁

by realudonishaslem


  1. MediocreDVaMain

    Got the bag from being in the Heat system

    At least guys looking to prove themselves and eventually cash out can be sold on that

  2. Mellothewise

    We have to stop signing dudes to these 2-3 year deals and getting overly attached. Get them on 4 year deals, don’t be afraid to part with them if they pop off during the 2nd or 3rd year…and keep the asset chest flowing. We had the right idea in ‘17-‘19 contract wise at least…no idea why we went away from that.

    Fuck the Cs, but they’ve had a good formula going for some time know. Like regardless of their age and production, Holiday or White are absolutely getting flipped by the near end of their new extensions for instance. Same with Pritchard probably.

  3. Interesting-Young374

    My mental health and bank account has taken a toll since we made it to the finals in 2020.

  4. Yaya_Branzino619

    Am I the only one who’s happy he’s gone? Obviously he popped in 23 playoffs but god damn did he make so many boneheaded plays this year. Single handedly turned momentum for Philly in the play in.

  5. Rude_Profit_3902

    3 fugazi players. It’s better this way. Jaquez and Joviv better

  6. Mr-Incomplete

    Strus is the only one i was bummed to see go

  7. Aromatic_Tea_3075

    It’s coulda been worse, one of them could have gone to the Celtics

  8. Spirited-Living9083

    Only player I’m kinda upset we let leave is Gabe considering we didn’t even have a pg when we did that shit was kinda nuts

  9. Dont be sad. The reason we have development academy is for these role players to come and go

  10. wannabefelixargyle

    The spectre of the 2016 offseason (Tyler Johnson, etc) will forever linger on….. and result in guys like Caleb leaving.

  11. Dramatic-County-1284

    Caleb deserves a chance at a ring really started from the absolute bottom needed a co-sign to get a chance and got a nice contract proud of him fr

  12. We lost all 3 with nothing to show for it. That’s the toughest part to swallow.

  13. montesf1030

    Looks like my prediction is coming true … We are running it back minus Caleb

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