@San Antonio Spurs



all right all right this this is a different format I don’t like this I hate that I have to do it this way but it is what it is it is what it is so guess I’ll let a few people come in won’t be on too long you know maybe like 20 minutes um big news though big news nonetheless hold on let me let me plug this there we go beautiful that charged my phone yeah so uh hopefully everyone can hear me okay you know whenever you’re watching this video whenever you’re seeing this video um or any of the people that’s joining uh right now but let me go ahead and bring some stuff to your attention I know you’ve heard already I know you’ve heard already uh so the San Antonio Spurs and I’m not home by the way so if this is your first time on this channel you probably think like oh my God this is terrible no like literally I’m I’m usually at home um I’m out of town though so Spurs have traded Devonte Graham I think some people got it wrong I saw some people say we traded Devonte Graham and got a second round pick I I don’t I don’t think that was the case uh the Spurs actually gave up a second round pick as you know we got like 50 million of them uh and the reason being is because we just wanted to get them off our our books I don’t know I guess we also wanted to get them paid um but we didn’t yeah we we didn’t want to we want to pay the extra like 2 million or something no thought this was soan is it soan um so yeah so that’s actually a really big deal and let me know make make sure uh let me let me know if you guys can hear me okay let me know if you can hear me okay just trying to trying to make sure before we talk about some other stuff Chad I need y’all to do better okay yes okay cool um I also have like this little mini sword that’s like hitting again so I’m sorry if you hear like rattling um I’m a big nerd cool so he’s he’s off the books we already knew that though I mean even when they talked to Brian Wright in the uh press conf uh when they said you you’re pushing back his contract do we have anything on that and he was like no we don’t he the way he said it how quickly he said it it was pretty obvious Devonte Graham wouldn’t be there and then the addition of Chris Paul there’s really no point in having Devonte Graham be there like that’s a major upgrade um but hey nonetheless Spurs did you know a good job of just clearing out that space I guess he didn’t really have anything on the market and I’m sure they were trying to wait and see uh if anybody would give you anything but no we actually gave up Grand and a second round pick so there’s that okay that’s good that’s good news now as far as the demard Rosen situation um we’re going to do a signing trade so like just the other day we were talking about how the Spurs are interested in dear rosan and it made no sense to me it made no sense to anyone in the comments I was actually shocked that no one in the comment you said four we didn’t get anything for Graham we didn’t get anything now as far as um yeah yeah yeah so that’s what I’m getting to so you know I’m going to have to get off in not too long but as far as trading uh demard de Rosen we actually don’t know exactly what it is yet all we know is that deard Rosen is currently with the Kings so he will be going to the Kings and to facilitate the trade the San Antonio Spurs got in the middle of it what I’m hoping for and what what we’re we’re hearing is it could be Harrison Barnes that would be a good one um so we could be grabbing Harrison Barnes to go ahead and fill in that small Forest Spot or if you wanted to grab him and then try to trade um over to uh the Jazz but I don’t know how that Lowry thing is going at this point so more than likely that’s what it’s looking like Harrison Barns and what I’m hoping for somebody mentioned in the chat what I’m hoping for is yes taking those protections off of that Bulls pick that would be wild if they could do that that would be wild um I mean you could you could try to get a pick from the Kings if you want but I I would love to take those protections off I’ll take herder that that’s fine too but yeah I I’m me personally I would I think Harrison Barnes will be if the Spurs are thinking right now placeholder you know a position we need it’s Harrison Barnes and then at that point you will figure out which you want to do um as far as what what’s his name is concerned um [Music] Kell taking Spurs win finals okay calm down how is bro reading chat it ain’t that hard but yeah so that’s what’s going on right now uh that’s all the news we have I think is there anything else I don’t think there’s anything else and and the whole yeah like I was saying the whole demard Rosen thing man I had no doubt in my mind that it was probably going to be a signning trade I I did not see the Spurs taking to Rosen I don’t see how I don’t see how that would work at all how’s your day it’s going pretty good but yeah I I didn’t see how that would be a thing at all that seemed like a really terrible idea right give me herder to spread the court yeah I’m telling you guys if Barnes going to the Spurs is probably our best bet but it’s whatever you think we’ll wave them no it doesn’t it’s so funny because like regardless of what we do it doesn’t really matter a ton um like any pick that the Spurs or any player that the Spurs pick up right now they’re going to want a shortterm deal right and then they’re going to re-evaluate but any piece that the Spurs grab right now could also be like later [Music] assets Barnes has two the years left still [Music] okay [Music] yeah hey anyways who’s taking care of your cat she just traveled with [Music] me she just travel with me if it’s just like a day then it’s fine like she usually does pretty fine she don’t get too much anxiety or anything um but know she she usually travel with me this more than like you know a day or [Music] two who was the trade right now we’re just kind of waiting it out I’m wondering if anything could pop off like while we’re recording or while we’re live streaming right now but as it stands right now that that’s all we know that’s all we know but I’m cool with it I think that that’s like a really great deal the Spurs have been really smart and this is not the best free agency in the world okay so it’s not like we’re sitting back and like we have all these different options and you know so many different things we can do not necessarily even with the amount of cap space we have it’s it’s just not a lot of free agents available that you would even be interested in even Lowry how we’re interested in him I mean the Jazz are just like playing around like I I don’t know what they’re what they’re doing you know it’s like they’re saying that they’re hearing out they’re hearing hearing people out but then it’s like well are you though I mean stuff coming out there’s a 10% chance that you might may or may not like what are y’all doing exactly you know like what are you doing exactly hangy he is I I don’t I don’t understand what they’re doing I mean if you’re going to keep them then keep them but like what is this 10% chance he might get moved and you know we’re hearing out these like just having these teams battle it out and nothing’s good enough and this is his last that’s another thing too that he’s on an expiring contract so it’s not like you can wait till next free agency it’s weird yeah who you think Lowry F go I have no idea what’s going on yeah that French team see that’s what I was talking about like if you watch that fren which don’t get me wrong okay the French team they’re going against NBA Talent okay so I’m not going to like disrespect it there CU I know some people were disrespecting soan like saying oh you know yeah of course he can do this you know overseas it’s like no no he’s going against NBA Talent now you know there’s some NBA talent that he’s he’s facing off against um but anyways all all I was trying to say was that French team I love the way that they’re PL passing the ball I love the High basketball IQ and that’s really what it’s going to come down to right more than anything oh some other news I forgot about this I don’t I don’t know if anyone really cared um but Nunes Nunes Nunes is is uh drafting stash which that’s what I assume he will be anyways um I know some Chatters were like oh he’s really going to learn from from Chris Paul as well like when I did that video on the Spurs Invasion Channel I saw some people say that like oh well you you forgot about Nunes and I was thinking I was like I don’t think he’ll be here this year um but yeah we need a small Fort we we definitely need a small Fort we really need a small Fort just like right now isn’t the time for like the Spurs to win like go into the playoffs and go deep into the playoffs win a championship like we’re not we’re not there we’re we’re not there I don’t think it matters what the San Antonio Spurs do at this point I don’t think we’ll be there but at the end of the day you still need a basketball team right and in order for this team to grow you’re going to need like competent pieces out there so while I don’t think Chris Paul brings us over the edge by any means I do think that he’ll help with uh the development which I know that that’s a term that’s getting tossed around or it gets tossed around a lot and people get tired of hearing it but it is what it is you know maybe we can get Kesler dude I wonder what Kesler would be even be worth I saw that thrown around too I don’t think that was a report or anything I think that was just like fans wanting that um I haven’t heard anything about the Spurs being interested in [Music] Kesler what about Brandon Ingram uh I I know that the [Music] Spurs I’m pretty sure the Spurs sent something out on Brandon Ingram uh as far as how serious they were or like if it’s hot pursuit I don’t know about all of that I don’t I don’t know about all that but I I do know that they were uh interested in them but if you get Harrison if you get Harrison Barnes and you’re not looking to trade him again I that that’s off that’s off the table yeah I’ve been wanting Barnes for a while now Harrison Barnes isn’t who he like used to be he isn’t who he was when I actually really really wanted him uh but I think Harrison Barnes would be a really good pickup it’s a it’s a nice uh veteran pickup unfortunately we don’t I mean well that’s not true I was going to say we don’t have anybody that could potentially be a starting small forward I guess Harrison room could potentially but Kevin hoarder should we go for him I’m cool with that look this m this the thing guys money got to go somewhere you know you you got you got some open you got some open uh roster spots the money the money got to go somewhere so bars a washed up Tyreek G [Music] doesn’t really matter man but yeah you you got to you got to fill in those roster spots and you want to you want to fill those roster spots up with with confident I mean uh competent players and the reason being is because even if you have them for a short term uh you can trade them at the trade deadline you know and get even more so you want them to perform well we shouldn’t just put anybody out there but this ain’t the Year this ain’t necessarily the year to compete compete compete Tyreek Evans is the watching Tyreek Evans Porter the parlay killer I never had him on my parlay so I wouldn’t know do you think we we will let go of bassing yes yes that’s a really good question too yeah I’m I’m assuming Bassie would be gone I think I think that would help if you look at the numbers I’m pretty sure that would help um even it out make it work but yeah I I think Bassie will be gone which he kind of should be guys [Music] like he he kind of should be we we need a we need an actual backup center you [Music] know bass’s hurt way too often [Music] unfortunately wimy still needs to put on 20 pounds of muscle well he’s gotten it looks like he’s gotten stronger but I [Music] mean also adding 20 lbs of muscle is really hard to do like even even for an athlete that’s it’s a lot of pounds 20 lb of muscle is a lot of pounds he’s way stronger now yeah he looks stronger and keep in mind he was never like CH I mean I’m not trying to be mean but he was never like Chad hren fragile like CH Chad hren doesn’t have a lot of strength wimy was never that like he could be pushed by the big some of the bigger guys um and I mean sometimes it doesn’t matter like he had a lot of trouble with um shingon but I think the reason why we had a lot of problem with him is because um when we got in foul trouble that game but that was a player that definitely was kind of like moving him around a little bit in that last showing [Music] yeah you Barnes is a good pickup if we can do [Music] that ex said what do you drive Kia GT line so it’s a keep it’s a key it’s basic trim Castle looks great yeah it should be it should be pretty exciting um so let me tell you guys this all right so I am going to get off um I’m sure something else will happen and if something else goes down we’ll jump back on and we’ll talk for a little bit uh but as it stands right now I’mma hop off I think so should I mean hopefully he has a good game uh I want to see that shooting that everybody’s been talking about so that’ll be fun we’ll probably stick Collins it backup center I mean we kind of have no choice but to wh’s like 75 now that’s what people say I wish he sto he’s good now stay safe man all right I will all right guys I’ll talk to you later um I gotta how do you even in this I’m trying to say bye but I don’t even know how to end [Music] it like there’s literally not a button on this screen to end anything unless it’s this uh there we go all right I’ll talk to you guys later


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I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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  1. Nah we making moves babyyyyyy yesirr get wemb some more help fuck it go get Jimmy😂 go get lauri bring them both to San Antonio

  2. aye I mean if you compare values, we just traded a second round pick and opened 25 mil in space, seems like a good trade off to me

  3. Where are yall getting ur info from on thus trade? I cant find shit anywhere and shams and woj arent saying anything

  4. I don't want to be disrespectful but why would we want DeMar DeRozan? I'm not saying that he isn't a good player but why the spurs? I would think that you would want someone who could space the floor better.

  5. All the free agents for next year already singed their extensions. It might be a weak free agency next year.

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