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Miami Heat: A message to aggregators… and a summer league preview | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: A message to aggregators… and a summer league preview | Five on the Floor

welcome latest episode five on the floor in the five reion sports network thanks for joining us on your favorite podcast app on Android recommend Spotify or the five reasion YouTube channel and on Apple we recommend Apple podcast also check out off the floor we’re now close to 600 members on our Discord server you get to interact with us for better or worse also the host updates and interact with each other plenty of stuff on there $2.99 per month you’ll want to get off of Twitter trust me once you go here you won’t be on Twitter very much link is right here in the description also want to recommend the great sponsors of the five reason Sports Network our friend Lynette she is a subscriber to off the floor 954 581 8800 954 581 8800 Aggressive Insurance agency but you can find her at Insurance two NS and two T’s the insurance agency that works for you of course lynnette’s a huge Miami Heat fan she can get you your life insurance your car insurance your renters insurance handle all of it based in laer Hill Services the entire trian area again it’s Insurance 95458 8800 and now today’s episode on the floor for myg you can check the score Hustle Hard couple SCS bubble frogs just like bu say you in trouble y check the FL plan got it all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and P trust is have the guts we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reasons Sports Network all right welcome back to five on the floor here’s today’s floor plan I’m Ethan skolnick and follow me Ethan J skck and five Reon Sports we got Brady hockey and follow at Brady Hawk 305 we are going to be giving you a summer league preview that was the purpose of this episode Brady’s is going to indulge me here for about 3 minutes because I got something to say okay I’m tired of the aggregation [ __ ] okay I am like I can’t say anything without it being taken out of context and it’s not just me this happens to all the reporters around the country at this stage it’s sloppy nobody listens to every to the entire thing and then what happens is it’s a telephone game so you get one aggregator and then you get an aggregator on top of the aggregator and then it gets blasted out to a million people and it’s totally wrong okay so I’m going to address this usually I live this stuff alone but this one today was just ridiculous all right and I’m going to call out people at this stage okay I’m TI again I’m tired of it heat okay I don’t know Jesse sinini I don’t know him all right maybe a fine young writer I have no idea this is how this story starts according to Ethan scholnick only one person within the Miami Heat has a solid grass with the new CBA and its stipulations and then it quotes me all right now I’m going to say flat out that I’m on so many damn platforms we have so many platforms whether it’s this Discord or playback those are the three primary ones or Twitter four okay that I don’t exactly know exactly which one of those I said something like this okay Brady and I were talking before the episode I think it was playback where I tend to be a little bit looser uh but essentially it says but we were talking about the CBA all right and we were talking about the fact that a lot of Agents don’t seem to understand it again this is a new CBA all right this was put into place recently it’s not particularly advantageous to the players we’ve discussed that but it also has a lot of Clauses and a lot of kind of it’s like Butterfly Effect things that lead to other things lead to other things okay and at this stage based on conversations that I’ve had with the heat but also outside the heat a lot of Agents even some Executives don’t seem to fully understand it okay that was the context of what we were talking about so this got aggregated this quote was pulled for me but this is The Grand Point okay that I think has to be resolved here in the NBA skolik said regarding the new Caba it appears that a lot of Agents do not understand the new Caba I said that that I stand by that and and I’ve been told by people inside the heat that really only one person on their side understands it by the way I cannot believe I said that without saying the word fully okay so I’m gonna go back and find this clip because I would have used the word fully all right so I’m gonna go check that like one person in the league and it happens to be Andy ellisburg now if you listen to that okay even if this was aggregated word for word and I misspoke by not using the word fully I I’ll give the writer benefit of the down on that all right I’m going to go listen to it I’m going to find it okay how do you come out of that basically saying that the heat are incompetent I’m saying in the last sentence of this thing that is aggregated like one person in the league and it happens to be Andy ellisburg doesn’t that imply that the Heat have a better grasp on it than the rest of the league because they have the one guy in the league who understands it even if I was speaking with hyperbole because obviously somebody else understands it but as I’ve said before many times the league consults with Andy on these things because he has such a good grasp of it can somebody explain well maybe Jesse can explain and here’s an invite to five on the floor right now okay come on with me Brady I don’t know if you want to be there Alex Greg Eternal Shawn Brian hey All Join how about Timmy let’s get everybody on here I I want to question Jesse on this this is his phrasing perhaps Miami’s lack of understanding regarding the new CBA explains why the team hasn’t been very active since the start of free agency out of a few minor moves the Heat have reportedly signed Kevin Love to a two-year deal worth eight million and also recently ined Alec Burks to a one-year deal then he goes on about marinan I’ll get to that in a second then he goes on about D rozan we get we’ve gotten to that before by the way I told you he wasn’t coming to Miami if he wasn’t taking 5.2 million and looks like he’s going to go to Sacramento on a sign and trade we’ll see what happens there’s a couple more paragraphs in here which are pretty much filler three four paragraphs and at the end of this if the Heat’s lack of understanding of the new CBA is indeed what has held Miami back from making a major move via Trader free agencies thus far hopefully the team staff will be able to get a firmer grasp of how it works in the near future what the [ __ ] seriously okay how exactly do you draw that conclusion from what I said even if I misspoke and didn’t use the word fully what I’m basically saying the one guy in the Lego understands it is on the heat staff it is their general manager this isn’t carrying water for the organization this is carrying water for journalism I’m tired of it okay it’s got to the point I can’t say anything and then it gets worse because this idiotic story is posted so of course Legion Hoops retweets it with the same headline only one person in the Miami Heat organization understands the CBA again okay there needs to be some accountability for this stuff and I welcome Jesse and whoever the hell runs Legion Hoops to come on five on the floor all right let’s do an ad we’re going to talk about summer league what to tell you about a great sponsor of the five reason Sports Network maybe maybe prize pick should put aggregators on there how many things will they get wrong per day 3.5 over under go to prize .c use the code five get your initial deposit matched up to $100 if they don’t have aggregators on there they do have Copa America uh they do have I think that’s still going on right they do have uh Esports they have baseball um Allstar allstar game obviously all that kind of stuff it’s there on check it out use the code five get your initial deposit matched up to $100 if I said Brady that Brady Hawk was the only person who understands the Heat summer league players no one else in five reason Sports understands it would we have a problem in five reason sports or we be in pretty good shape because you do understand it well I think you should I think that’s kind of the if I if you’re saying that I take that as you’re saying nobody else understands it outside the heat 2o so I must be the only person that knows summer league ball period so that’s a very very big compliment so thank you that’s that’s actually true heat aggregate that Legion hoops come over the top and aggregate it again all right let’s get to the players that going be playing in summer league so um again Vegas doesn’t start till next week and uh and so you know they they Sacramento first and all the rest of that used to love when it was in Orlando it was just easy trip up there you used to run into everybody but uh not to be anymore um I know people are gonna want us to he talk about K we and um and pel Larson who looked pretty interesting in some clips that were put out there today we’ll get to them last um I want to I want to talk to you about who else you’re looking at out there yeah so I think the main one and we’re seeing you kind of get a good feel I feel like from Miami’s social media a little bit when when they kind of hype up certain guys or or uh around this time of year because it kind of shows like what guys are kind of popping out a little bit more and which guys have kind of have a better chance of making the roster I’d say and Kad Johnson is the guy that from the start that has kind of made the most sense to me and the fact that he already has on a two-way I think he’s kind of the guy to watch because uh he he’s look he he had a spike in his three-point shooting it’s probably one of the reasons that the uneven three-point shoo is probably the reason he fell undrafted he’s probably the reason he’s in Miami right now but the spike is is kind of the Curiosity part it’s the part of like is this real can he continue to be like a legit three and D player we know he has the defensive ability we know he could size up we know he could size down uh we know he’s really good on that end of the floor we know he’s really good offb offensively we know he could play in a specific role we know all of that it just comes down to I’m curious to see uh how they use him I guess in in this summer league because I feel like they will kind of want him to be a high volume just ay if you’re open off the catch from three shoot it like this is this is what we want from you um because this how we can tell how we can utilize you moving forward so I think Kad Johnson’s kind of one of the biggest ones uh but Zion Poland’s another one and it’s not just because these two guys are are two-way guys but we’re talking about like a perfect point guard for summer league it’s Zion Poland like a guy that could just get just play his game just get guys in their spots just run a pure point guard role just just a guy that’s going to run your offense and you can trust I feel like that’s kind of been Miami’s summer league issues in the past where I’ll say like where we look forward to like the guys at the top like let’s say kle we or these other guys but it never ends up mattering because they can’t get him the ball like it I think it was the year with yic where yic couldn’t yic wasn’t used properly because they had nobody they didn’t have a point guard on that summer league roster they didn’t have anybody to like actually make Nico play his role that he would see moving forward and I felt like that was a bit of a problem Poland is a guy who could run pick a Rolls he’s a guy that could throw it up to to to wear he’s a guy that could put kind of the shooters in their spot so I think he’s a kind of a an interesting one I’ll say the last one because it’s the guy that we know about ales Williams I mean he’s been fun like he’s a super athlete he he he pops he’s done good things in for Miami’s g-league team uh and the fact that you know I know everybody wants to talk about Drew Smith and the and the two-way and everything but alandz is somebody that wants to compete for that he wants he’s trying trying to solidify his spot in the NBA and still try to find a way on a roster so he’s going to look to prove himself so that’ll be another interesting name to kind of keep an eye on here uh mov forward in the summer league well and we’ve talked about how the heat typically have this pipeline of players and you know over the past couple years they’ve started to move on from some of these guys rather than overpay them that they’ve they’ve set kind of a limit on it um with stru they were never really in the ballpark there uh with Vincent they were um but you know again it ended up coming down to I think by the end what they offered one more year and one more million or something along those lines Gabe Gabe went back to California obviously didn’t work out for it very well last year uh and then this year we’re still waiting on Martin and heith now I’ve reported on previous podcasts that uh they did make you know an offer to high excuse me to uh to Martin if he had opted in that they could have offered him more um than than other teams could they could have offered him up to five years there were bigger raises uh bigger initial raise Etc or 40% raise over the current 7.1 million he decided to opt out thinking he had a better market and again we’re now what July 5th and there’s really no movement that we know about and I don’t know that Caleb is going to get more than the midlevel uh the taxpayer mid level of roughly 55 million after all um and then High Smith we’re still waiting on that one too there’s been some talk about both of them with Philadelphia or some other teams but again nothing has happened to this point so maybe one of them is back but there’s really no chance at this point that both are going to be back um are you comfortable with the pipeline now I mean I guess we have to see these guys in summer league but it does seem and maybe this is unfair to the other guys but that that there’s a little higher upside to some of these guys is that is that fair to say I’m not just talking about the draft picks but just um you like hey would we talked about having a very high floor but we didn’t know how high his ceiling was and to me at this point he’s actually exceeded what I thought um and Caleb I mean they looked at him as roster F really uh and he ended up becoming you know guy who was second in in voting in the Eastern Conference Finals MVP or are you comfortable with where the pipeline is yeah I think Miami it was an over it was overdue for them to get a reshuffling it feels like with the two-ways with the undrafted Talent with all of that because it felt like they were trying to squeeze some things out of a lot of the guys that were in that range and it kind of felt like it kind of gotten to a certain point where it was like okay I think we’re we’re past that now I think we know what we have with these guys it’s time to kind of get some more talented guys in the mix and I think that’s what you’re seeing like even like Josh Christopher is another name I watch on this this summer league team just because when you’re saying that about the more High upside guys like a more talented player it feels like Josh Christopher’s like a Caleb Martin type where he has a little bit more of the talent side uh and it just comes down to him just trying to find his way on to a Miami roster to kind of prop up his stock a little bit uh so I’m curious to see that but 100% like they needed some guys that have more upside that have kind of more of a direction I feel like with their game like some of these guys like and it’s no it’s nothing no nothing negative toward them but like in Orlando Robinson or Jamal Kane like you know what they are like cons like even if you plug them into the regular season which we’ve seen them do and it’s worked and and it’s been okay you like to your point I mean it is a high floor you know what you’re going to get but you know it’s going to probably be nothing more and I think with a lot of these guys you kind of are at the point now where it feels like you have to start and reshuffle again and just kind of see what you could squeeze out of some of these guys so like like the names I was mentioning like a Zion Poland where it’s kind of a restarting with a different type of point guard or or a shooter like Cole schwier is another interesting name I guess in this this summer league just because he’s in that range of guys that’s been that have been here for a little bit I guess but he was really good in Summer League last year he was not with obviously Miami he was with the Lakers uh and he had a really big summer league so maybe he could kind of find his range a little bit and try to just find some shooting depth and I think the tough part for him and I thought it was actually kind of weird to hear because he was kind of got a zoom interview after one of these practice and he’s talking about p and kind of how how good of a shooter he is and and how hard he works and it’s like it almost feels weird to ask these guys that are like not like locked into the roster about a guy that could potentially jump him that probably is f he’s actually on the roster uh this quickly and it’s like he if feels like he did already get jumped in terms of shooting use just because they’re going to lean on their second round pick they’re going to lean on this guy with a little bit more Talent um so that’s why it’ll just beting to see who can come out on top this the summer league matters I mean for these guys like this has how you determine uh who they’re going to lean on moving forward and these two ways aren’t like everybody I know gets up in arms when they see the two-way contracts get posted because everybody wants real moves but like these aren’t like locked in deals like these things can change tomorrow like this could there could be a guy that pops in summer league this weekend and he’s on a two-way already so I mean it’s just it’s going to be just things evolving throughout the weeks we talked a lot about RJ Barrett I RJ Barett RJ Hampton last year and and that didn’t end up materializing I mean Kane is somebody who appears that he’s been passed um you know he just had trouble getting playing time even when they needed someone last year and we we talked about Orlando Robinson and that’s kind of where I want to go with this next is that you know we saw Orlando Robinson really play really well in summer league and be featured in summer league and get the guarantee and yet we’re still at a stage we don’t know if Orlando rinon is going to be on the roster this year so uh these things do change year to year I think some of the stuff with summer league is when they have a better roster at summer league and it appears they do this year uh it does allow more players to flourish I remember a couple years ago where Haywood was pretty much their only semi NBA caliber player um and uh and they were trying to feature him and it’s not his game you know what I mean whereas you know in other they featured yvan they featured struce and it with Max I think it was really helpful like we saw it kind of play out uh when he had those reps and then he was having those reps in the Eastern Conference Finals uh or in the finals and you can see some of what he drew from Summer League who do you think this team will feature and this I guess we’re pivoting to the draft picks a little bit hear more but um I mean who’s going to be the featured scorer I mean it feels like I’m just giving the obvious answer but I 100% believe it’s K Weare and I and I’m glad he brought up Orlando Robinson because I think it’s similar to that I mean the fact that they were able to feature or land like low block post scorers have more of a chance of dominating in summer league than like the actual NBA like there there’s a there’s a feature ability it feels like for big men in summer league uh like you saw with an Orlando type guy that I think Miami is 100% Going to feature him the question I’m kind of posing with where is like streu for example they pretty much said like we want you to just we’re gonna put the ball in your hands a ton and just see what happens just just try to grow just try to see what we’ll see what you can do we like just try to get as many reps as possible do they go that route or do they go the route of like what they did with yic where it’s like okay we’re gonna put you in this spot because we want to prepare you for your role in the NBA we want you to be ready um to play off ball we want you to be ready to like not because you’re not going to have the ball in your hands at all times so I’m curious to see how they kind of deal with that like is it going to be a lot of pick and roll trying to hit him on lobs constantly or do they give him reps do they let him try to shoot the ball a little bit more often than he would uh in a regular season game do they let him kind of get more mid post reps and work the mid-range game a little more uh I think they probably let him do a lot more than than the normal stuff like I think they’re going to try to like you’ll see a game or two where he’s just predominantly dunker spot screen roll lob just pick and pop like very in a box I do think a lot of the time he he does have a little bit more in his game that I think a lot of fans uh and I think the coaching staff wants to see it he seems to think that he could put the ball on the floor a little bit more he seems to think he has a little bit of a mid-range game I know there’s some some workout videos going around like his jumper off the dribble looks pretty fluid for a seven-footer so um 100% I think he’s the guy that they’re going to feature but to your point they do have a lot more Talent on this roster than they have in in past ones so I do think they’re the scoring could end up being spread around a little bit more I mean to me this the most interesting roster since they had nun and heroes starting in the back court with Duncan of the three um and those guys played off of each other and well obviously it parlayed itself into the regular season because Kendrick n got off to a blazing start and of course Tyler had the rookie year that he had so I I I feel like um you know the kashad Johnson Larson connection which we saw in some of those videos that were dropped today that’s going to be featured also and it actually is probably going to help both guys that they have familiarity um with each other and uh you mentioned K Johnson is really interesting to me um but Larson I just W again this just Clips uh you know and again it’s not this is not you know regular season NBA ball let alone playoff Ball but uh he’s athletic like you can just tell like he moves like an athlete and um you know it reminds me a little of Max actually uh you know and that was one of the things about Max that was underrated was his overall athleticism I see some of that uh with Larson I can see what they liked um and and I I Feel Again like their conviction on these guys I and I you know look again we can argue about what’s going on and I look Barry wrote a piece uh for the herald today I’m just sort of starting to get through it Barry you convince me to finally pay the sub I haven’t paid since I left the herald in 2016 but I paid for this story and then I’ll cancel it but um but no I wouldn’t cancel Barry’s work I just I’m just waiting for Barry to come over to us um but uh when I was I when I was looking at it we’ll go through it okay and uh Greg and I are gonna kind of go through it Point by point over the weekend uh but the one thing I again that that can’t really be argued with about where the organization is right now is they have had a knack for finding young young Talent lately or young contributors and that is not something the organization did well through the course of Riley’s time but it certainly has over the past few years there’s no argument with that the draft picks on the whole have been excellent for where they’ve chosen and also the you know the guys that they have found in recent years who Heat fans are lamenting when they leave because they were contributors when they were here and so um I I have a lot of confidence when they like a guy uh and Target a guy and the fact that they had a second round pick this year which they haven’t always had um lson is is is compelling to me I I I think they’ve they’ve got they may have something there and there may be a role for him this year Brady I mean like I mean right I mean if and like we say he I I don’t know that Sider is an NBA player I’m not convinced of that yet um he doesn’t move like an athlete he moves like a you know I mean I don’t mean that I mean obviously he’s an athlete he’s an NBA he’s an NBA player he’s an NBA two-way player but I’m saying he doesn’t have that kind of Wiggle to his game uh that it appears that Larsson is yeah and I think the you brought up Tyler before in summer league and I think the big thing there is like Tyler coming in was called like this catch and shoot shooter like he wasn’t expected to be this pullup pick and roll player uh and that’s kind of similar to Larson in some ways because of his his numbers and because of his shot and everything but he has the ability to put the ball in his hands like he has the ability to create he has the ability to playmake uh he has the ability to do some of those things like you mentioned the word athleticism 100% And every time i’ seen a couple like the guys on the summer league team have like right when you bring him up that’s the first thing they bring up is like deceiving athleticism where like Max like Max exactly so he has that like he does have that wiggle to his game he does have that ability to like put his head down a little bit finish at The Rim so I do think uh he does like legit have a more allaround game and you talk about him being used in the regular season 100% when guys go down and they’re looking for constant contributor how about a guy that uh has versatility offensively isn’t blli defensively and and is just a pure outside shooter like SPO will utilize that all day uh but I am intrigued to see how he is used in summer league because uh I mean when he was playing in Arizona like there was a lot of points where he was like a a role player like he’s going to be a role player here but he played in an offense where he’s like a screen and roll Guy where he’s a playing at the free throw line guy like he wasn’t like always being uh a top utiliz threat so I do think that that transition will be intriguing to see um and that it it does matter I think the connection with him and Kad Johnson like when you have that chemistry in lineups and you have that pick and roll and handoff and that that type of chemistry like I think that stuff does carry over so uh the other word I’ll say with mentioning K we before the fact that the I think it was Cole swier he came away after that practice and he said the first thing he brought up with with khil wear was physicality he’s like he’s a physical monster if the first thing you’re saying about clearw is a physical monster like there’s something with this guy because that was like the one thing people are wondering like does he have the physicality is he going to be able to box out is he going to be able to do all that stuff he has the pure talent ability he has the length he has the shot blocking he has the rebounding he has all of that if he’s able to be like out like really having the physical elements to the game uh and the reason why I kept saying when they drafted him like Miami wouldn’t have picked him unless he really showed out in a draft workout that he had that those physical stuff like that he had the the willingness to work and really put in that stuff so that is is probably that we know about the skill set I think that’ll be the stuff to watch in summer league is like like his his work his willingness to like make plays like that his extra efforts that’s the stuff that’s gonna be intriguing so 100% this is a pretty fun summer league roster and and here’s the other thing when you have like a first round in a second round pick that like on paper Naturally Fit that’s what makes it fun to me like want to see actions with those two because if you could that’s a perfect balance like Larson’s ability to put his like he we know as him as a shooter but he can put his head down and we know the the length and everything of where but he can pop out to the three so I think I I’d just try to maximize those two in actions together as much as possible well and of course you know when we start to see players pop in summer league whether they draft picks or undrafted you know we start to think about okay which guys on the roster may not be as necessary and you know look they they’ve already signed Burks for the minimum if lson shows out as a shooter and looks like he’s ready to contribute is it easier to trade Duncan Robinson then I you know that that would be my question because and then you know again you’re looking at with with Caleb and heith okay Kad Johnson there seems to be an opportunity here alandis Williams there seems to be an opportunity here um so there are opportunities for these guys and I I think again he fans have to get used to the fact that you may see these guys play for your team for only two or three years and then you know it becomes kind of cost prohibitive to keep a lot of them and in a lot of cases it’s not smart to keep a lot of them if you can develop another one um there’s nothing over the past I don’t know since SPO I think had a big role and obviously su falls and the connection that was developed there Adam others um since they put this thing together this developmental program they’ve literally churned out one or two guys a year that are NBA contributors um and there tends to be a little bit of an arc to it where like the first year is kind of getting your feet wet and then you go to summer league and then you get the two you know you get the two-way and then eventually you get the guarantee and then you’re starting in the finals I mean that that’s tended to be the way it’s gone and then you’re gone I mean that was the max Arc and uh Gabe had a similar one and you know the heat pushed back on the Drew Smith stuff because I know Heat fans are frustrated because they don’t really see it with Drew Smith I mean I think 98% of Heat fans don’t see it um B loves him okay I said he would be back when he got hurt last year for that exact reason uh but you know they’ll say well nobody really thought much of Gabe at the beginning either so there is a little bit of trust that I think has to uh has to go into this all right Brady appreciate you breaking it down with us uh we will have coverage of that on playback we’re going to be following the games from Summer League so we’ll be checking that out we’re actually going to talk some basketball instead of aggregation uh rumors uh yes I did shoot down the marketing thing this morning I’ll probably talk with Greg about that uh I was I was told they’re not in on him I know that ESPN was reported they are in on him Barry did not report that they are in on him he just reported that ESPN was reporting that so everybody get off my ass have a good night everybody

After Ethan gets something off his chest — about the poor aggregation of his recent comments about the CBA — he and Brady Hawk break down the Heat’s summer league roster.

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  1. People will do anything for headlines. Ethan should have Heatnation and LoH on and absolutely roast

  2. Whoa you have to do something real dumb to get Ethan to call you out like this. Waiting for the diss track!

  3. Regardless, I’ve stopped following “Heat Nation” a lonnnng time ago. All their articles are clickbait garbage.

  4. Losing Gabe and now Martin… painful. Those are playoff risers; that’s a special bball player and hard to find. Most guys just regular season players.

  5. Aggregators, more like agitators.
    1st point.
    When im halfway listening to the podcast while im doing something else i can still determine that Ethan never said any of that. Amateur reporters like region hoops just want to get clicks.

    3rd point. If they EVER came on the podcast, the would get their ass handed to them by Ethan and his crew when it comes to real analysis so probably in their best interest to mis report from a distance.

  6. Ethan with more fire on here and playback last night than half the Heat roster last season lol side note, excited for Heat basketball tonight, summer league was fun last year and I think we have more talent this go around

  7. I know it's frustrating and probably unprofessional for your field, but I will say that to Heat Nation (not the website), Ethan is our insider. Our Ira/Woj.
    When you say, we listen.

  8. If your tired of it cut off social media. It's not hard. We know Heat fans are toxic beings when things don't go perfectly their way

  9. I hate how you guys hold the water for the organization. They’ve been bad. Why not call it out? They are failing Jimmy. Ppl mad that Caleb was making 6-7 mil but dnt say a gotdamn thang when Tyler’s makin $30 million fuckin dollars and he’s not even in that stratosphere of being a player on Caleb Martin level

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