@Indiana Pacers

Indiana Pacers Summer League Media Availability | July 6, 2024

Indiana Pacers Summer League Media Availability | July 6, 2024

it’s been a great two days so far we just trying to do it on that just saw you talked to Johnny Fury you guys just inquired what did you think of what he was able to do in his first day you know was his first practice in a long time um thought he did great uh shot the ball well he play hard uh which is our main focus uh so he thought look pretty good today what what do you like about how he fits with this group with this team but also just with the organization as a whole uh well he’s young um uh we have opportunity to get our hands on him and and help him grow um in our organization and teach things that uh that that we value and uh and things that we want out out of our players uh he shoots it pretty good already uh he has great size great instincts and uh I’m just looking forward to learning and growing with him with Newton and Newton and Freeman they’re both guys who Freeman was a walk- on Newton was a low recruit who kind of work their way up to the top of their conference and you feel like those are two players that are especially attractive to this team absolutely uh it kind of embodies uh our city right uh you know uh people who work hard um we like to trajectory of their career um news a champion um and Freeman is is is kind of like a a bigger big Shepherd he plays hard uh he’s always uh he’s always active always moving and uh so we’re excited about those guys have you seen that work ethic even in these first two days absolutely absolutely and uh not just from those two guys it’s been great all across the board uh been shepher is has been his normal self and uh uh jarus Walker is the guy that really challenged uh to uh pick up his energy and his effort and he’s done it th far keep going on that what do you what do you want to see from jarus and from Ben um in this session practice but also just once you get out there in Vegas what are kind of developments you want to see those guys make you know what in one word it’s just grow right [Music] uh it’s a big growth period between year one and year two uh and we expect to see that uh with Jer just uh his hard work his uh his his um um his conditioning uh just being able to sustained hard play for a long period of time uh we think we uh we know we did that from Chef already uh just shot making uh playing with boys and playing aggressive and trusting himself you’re were the head coach of this group last year with jarus what stands out to you about how different or better are Chang is in even that just one year you know it’s just a talk right uh first year it’s just quiet if it is talking it’s just like a lot of raah but now he understands uh defense he understands offense uh he understands Concepts and uh he’s not just yelling and talking he’s he’s talking with a purpose and uh and he’s helping his teammates for you like what is the overall philosophy the organization and kind of the goal of Summer League what’s like the biggest thing you want to see when it’s all said and done uh we just want uh compete level to be high we want guys to to play hard hard and uh and play together as a team if we can do those three things what to go back to jar what do you want how are you guys going to use uh positionally uh in summer L Bas like obviously he got can play point draft or RI talked a lot about him having more opportunities to three I mean what all do you want to do with him from a positional standpoint well uh he’s going to start at the three but today’s game is positioning right so if he’s ahe of the play we want him ducking in and and playing in the paint if it’s not you know spacing the floor uh handling the ball playing the pick and roll uh making decisions off the DBL uh so in all fact of the game you want to use him because he’s he’s that kind of a player trist what you make of this first day how you put in and what this team kind of looks like um you know I feel like we’re going to be a good a great team you know great summer league team we have the energy the effort uh the defense I feel we’re going to be the best defensive team in summer league and uh you know the offense just move at PACE and you know just find open shot I fight we’ll be real good what were your impressions of the Pacers and the people here after your workout and did you get a good sense about how things went that day yeah uh at the combine I did an interview with them so you know I got my first impression of them there uh you know talked about the organization and how they play and everything like that so uh I knew it would be a good fit uh after after the you know after the interview but uh after the workout you know I don’t think I play my best here so you know um when the time came I it was a little shocking but uh you know grateful and trying to make the most out of my opportunity what makes a good piit what do you what about the way they play it’s the way yeah unselfish um you know obviously they have their St guys and and their key guys but they want to move the ball and create the open shot you know some teams just have one guy just counting the ball for 20 seconds and then getting up a late shot so um just the play style and you know the the personality from the team you know is uh you know they know when to get serious but it’s it’s fun atmosphere here everybody’s laughing and having a good time so uh those two things make the best fit you had to kind of work for everything in your basketball career obviously not very highly recruited but then go to East car the Yukon win a championship can you kind of just describe your journey and the hard work you’ve had to put in to get to this point yeah I mean it’s you know I love my journey I um I love to tell my story I love everything that’s going going on uh I’m grateful for everything that’s going on uh everybody has their own journey and you know I I embrace mine and um you know I’m going to have to continue to work to you know make the roster get play time but uh I’m going to do whatever I can to you know leave my impression here Tristan how did playing on two championship teams in college help prepare you for this yeah I mean two different teams um you know one heavy paint dominated and the other one just free flowing and you know trying to get a lot of Threes up man so it’s you know the experiences the big games so I feel like you know when you go to Vegas it’s it’s another game I know it’s my first NBA game but uh I’ve been on on the biggest stage of college and uh I feel like that’s really helped me and prepar me to what’s going to go on on next week or whenever the our first game where did you end up watching the draft who were you with as you you know watch it all go down and before you were yeah I was I was just with my family I went back home watch with my family about six of us you know I don’t really talk to too many people you know have a close nck group so um I just watch with my family and um yeah I just there coach Fargo kind of said the work ethic that you and I guy like Enrique Freeman bring to the team kind of personifies the city what do you feel like I mean have you kind of got that sense about this city and about this team uh yeah about the team for sure you know I haven’t been around the city but um I just know the P organ ation they they are very supportive and you know just want to see us win so uh just trying to be my work ethic and you know the winning coach here you know uh they made it to Easter C his finals last year and I was trying to make it all the way next year so just trying to bring the work ethic and the winning experiences here

Summer League head coach Jannero Pargo and rookie guard Tristen Newton speak with media following the first day of summer league practice on Saturday.

0:00 – Jannero Pargo
3:42 – Tristen Newton


  1. I think all three stick. Freeman is such a riser like Ben last year. They are replacing Wong and probably Quentin on the two-ways, and Furphy will be on the 15-man roster and play a lot with the Mad Ants like Jarace and Ben did last year. Oscar will probably get the other two-way.

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