@Chicago Bulls

The DeMar DeRozan Trade Is… Complicated

The DeMar DeRozan Trade Is… Complicated

dear Rosen is going to be a Sacramento King a three- team trade involving of course Chicago as well as San Antonio gets to Rosen to Sacramento on a threeyear 70 plus million deal now the trade itself isn’t overwhelmingly important Chicago gets a couple of second round picks in Chris dwarte the Spurs are also involved here and they get Harrison Barn who maybe they can flip for something the real question here is whether this is a good idea for Sacramento because basically the entire offseason there have been rumors about them going out to get not necessarily a star but another piece whether that be going back to the trade deadline when they tried to get Pascal SE yakum and Toronto wanted Keegan Murray in exchange that wasn’t going to happen we’ve heard rumors during the offseason about them trying to get Lowry Markin in I think again that would try that would have to involve Keegan Murray and so they ultimately landed on a free agent that a lot of people forgot about in Demar D rozan and the plan here would be to add even more of an offensive punch at another third I guess you could say star at this point and and add that to the group of fox sabonis Keegan Murray Malik monk Kevin herder and try and push themselves towards the top of the Western Conference because clearly in a conference as stacked as the West you could see Sacramento kind of start to fall down the standings here even with a very good team because they just weren’t quite on that you know Contender level and so they think that dear might be that piece now before we get to the actual fit of D rozan in Sacramento I think it’s important to point out that this isn’t technically the last move that Sacramento could make they own almost all of their future first round picks so if there did become a deal available down the road where they wanted to use some picks use Keegan Murray use Kevin herder’s contract even within this same offseason they still have the opportunity to do so now with dear in Sacramento it’s a little bit of a weird evaluation process because on one hand I’ve never really been a big Demar D rozan fan and in this situation in Sacramento not a huge fan but in their situation they didn’t really have another way to add a player of this caliber they didn’t have the cap space to do it and in a sign and trade scenario your options are very limited and dear was one of the last guys of his caliber in free agency and so it is certainly a talent upgrade for them having demard Rosen on your team if you’re the Kings is better than having Harrison Barnes on a couple of second round picks so just with that equation this is a positive outcome for Sacramento they didn’t have another way to add someone like dear Talent upgrade but I’ve just never never been a huge demard de rzan fan I wasn’t even that big of a fan when Chicago gave him the deal that they did a handful of years ago and by the way he was awesome especially for that first year in Chicago but in this situation in Sacramento specifically I can understand increasing the talent level I can understand adding more offense but his fit alongside Deen Fox who at the beginning of the year last year shot the ball extremely well from three those two guys together I I just don’t love the fit I’m never going to love the fit of demard De Rosen playing alongside another guy that is not an like an a to an A plus three-point shooter and Daren Fox just is not that and dear at this point in his career has basically refused to shoot threes at all and that’s just going to be very difficult from a spacing perspective like yes at the end of games he’s going to be very good he’s very good in the mid-range toal upgrade all that stuff but you’re getting smaller because you’re not starting Harrison Barnes anymore and I don’t know that this is enough of an upgrade to really push yourself towards the top of the conference and that’s why this is such a difficult trade and move and signing to evaluate because from a baseline perspective the kings are better today than they were yesterday because they added to more to rzan but I don’t think they’re better by a significant margin they’re certainly not better by a significant margin relative to the rest of the conference but on the other hand what else were they supposed to do this was always the situation that they were in this off season in need of a talent upgrade and kind of light on options whether it be dear or whether it be Lowry Markin and so you can’t really fault them for adding someone that increases their talent but you also have to say how much does this really change what their season looks like and so really I think my evaluation of the demard d r rozan signing or trade or whatever in Sacramento depends on what happens next because when you look at some of the contracts on this king’s roster there’s still a handful of them that are very movable as I mentioned if they really felt the need to go and get someone to replace Keegan Murray with they could trade him in some picks Kevin hder is still out there there’s still a structure here that makes a little bit of sense where they trade some picks and Kevin herder and they get Kyle kozma for example which would round out their starting lineup nicely with kma sabonis uh fox D rozan and Murray and again that’s not necessarily beating the Nuggets or Minnesota or Dallas or anything but it’s still a very good lineup and maybe you can build off that you to have Malik monk Off the Bench and so I think I would like the deal more if they continue to add spacing with another guy in the starting lineup and if they use some of these picks because this to me feels like a move where Sacramento realizes okay we’re good how do we get great we talked about this as soon as their season ended made a video talking about how they had a talent issue and they needed to improve and clearly that’s their mindset but just adding demaro rosan to me does not make them a contending team and so I’m curious if there are other moves potentially in play for them even if it is on the KY kosma cam Johnson you know kind of level that I don’t think would even put them into Championship contention but adding more players like that would make me like the D rozan trade more and so at the end of the day this is one of the more difficult NBA editions to evaluate because what makes this a success for Sacramento what makes this a good deal what happens this season that you point to and say adding to Marty rosan was a good move at that you know at this age in his career uh a c a threee deal that is certainly expensive even though obviously the Cap’s going to continue to go up it’s not like they’re paying him $40 million a year like if they win a playoff series if they make the Western Conference Finals do we look at this and say okay bringing into Marty Rosen was a good idea CU both of those outcomes feel unlikely to me in a conference that is absolutely loaded the way that the West is and if it’s worse than that if you don’t even win a playoff series then what’s the point of adding these guys in the first place and I think the bottom line for them is just they were always in this kind of a spot in the off season where they had their big breakout year two years ago they’re very good but the conference is just much better than them like they could even by adding to Mar Roan they could still be a a playing team in in the in the west like that’s how good conferences and I with apart from you know trading Keegan Murray and some picks for who knows whatever star is possibly out there there wasn’t really an Avenue for them to go up into contention status so it’s hard to fault them for trying to take a baby step to get there by adding to Mar Rosen and I think I would like the deal better if I liked the fit better I’m just always going to be nervous about adding deor to a contending or semi- contending team that doesn’t necessarily have the infrastructure around it from a spacing standpoint or like I said the back court issues between him and fox and so ultimately I just kind of land on like sure like they added to Mar rosan like it it is a solid idea it’s a three-year deal it’s not that hard to get out of they still have other assets even if it doesn’t work even if like halfway through the year they’re bringing dear rosan Off the Bench or something weird just to try and split up the minutes between him and fox I would still just look at the deal and say okay they didn’t really have to give up anything they still have other options they can still pivot out of this and I didn’t really have that high of expectations for the kings in the first first place and again I would just continue to keep an eye on them for some other moves uh like even if let’s just say for example right they were always looking at making one move and it was like oh maybe we get dear maybe we’ll get lry marinan if they had brought in lry marinin obviously they would had to give up a lot more but if they brought in lry marinin and kept Keegan Murray let’s just say there was a possibility they could do salaries and a ton of picks and get Lowry Markin I would like that deal better for them than I would them bringing into Marty Rosen because marinin fits better on the timeline uh obviously a younger guy uh I think overall he’s just a better fit for them and then you can continue to kind of build and grow with this group whereas this feels almost desperate I guess this almost feels like a a last resort kind of measure for d rozan as well because it’s free agency market completely dried up but that I guess is is the thing that makes me nervous nervous for Sacramento is like overall Talent upgrade questions with the fit didn’t really give up that much does it really put them into the top tier of contenders in the Western Conference all of that together makes me wonder kind of what was the point of the move but it’s at the end of the day it’s extremely hard to criticize Sacramento for bringing in a guy like d rozan who’s very talented and not really giving up anything and they didn’t have cap space in the first place so being able to pull off a son and tread like this is a win for them we’ll see what they continue to do like if there’s more internal improvement from Keegan Murray and fox and guys like that like maybe they’ll be able to to do something more with this uh but right now I’m just kind of like yeah sure like they added Mar Rosen that’s literally my take

DeMar DeRozan has been traded by the Chicago Bulls to the Sacramento Kings!

#derozan #demarderozan #nba


  1. I like DeMar DeRozan. Yes he isn't today player. Jack and make deep 3 point and floor space. But he is the king of difficult 2 point and a different maker. With his age. Being 3 best player on team isn't a bad shot. Not everyone can be Boston. But to win more game and give a chance to go the playoffs. Isn't bad for a company and it's fans.

  2. You're missing the point. SAC finally has a guy that is as close as you can get to automatic in the mid-range, a prime time CLUTCH performer, and a guy that can facilitate offense from the 3 and take some of that playmayking responsibility off of D Fox. Demar plays the 3. Why be worried about his pairing in the backcourt wit Fox when he's going to make life hella easier for both Sabonis AND Fox? Plus, he's a great team guy who mentors the younger players.

    As a Bulls fan, it's sad to see him go, but I'm glad he landed somewhere he has a chance to win and be a big cog for a quality team.

    Thanks for EVERYTHING, Demar. You will be missed ✌🏾❤️

  3. Bro im ngl you're looking fat these days, I lose respect for anyone whos commenting on sports whos obese and not a former competitor like Barkley

  4. I dont get how people can think this is a bad trade… hes not getting paid too much more than what barnes was getting paid. And hes a clear upgrade. Also, we still have some trade assets and didnt give up much capital at all. Its a very low risk trade.

    And thats not even including the fact that the game derozan plays ages well. In 2 years he will still be good at worst. He played a ton of minutes at 34 last season. And all we really had to give up was barnes lol

  5. You mentioned the Wolves and Thunder as teams that are at the top of the west the same teams nobody thought would be at the top of the west this year. If they get kuzma for Huerter and picks they can be a top 5 team in west

  6. I actually dont love this guys take… and i dont blame him. I dont think he follows the kings. But i actually think dero fits well with the kings. The kings arent going to fix their size and defense. Just not happening. Dero is a great fit because we needed another true scorer other than fox and monk. He also facilitates well and shoots free throws well.

  7. If you dont think Derozan is a significant upgrade over Harrison Barnes,you dont watch Kings basketball.And Keegan isn't going anywhere,ppl keep talking about spacing like Keegan can't knock down 3's at a high level,like Fox isnt an improved 3 point shooter,like Sabonis cant hit 3's.I watched the Kings blow i don't know how many leads because of scoring droughts.Derozan addresses that problem.

  8. As a part time Kings fan (trust me it’s complicated) this is a great move, Barnes is officially over the hill, last year he was awful, the box scores say decent role player while advanced numbers and the eye test are a disaster, last year he looked constantly gassed, he played zero defense, was way too streaky for what this offense requires, and overall just was a horrible fit for a fast paste offense

  9. kinda weird take, i agree "yeah sure" but you put a negative connotation on it. when it should have really been a neutral "yeah sure" for everything you laid out

  10. It's crazy this could be the best team Demar has ever been on, and they could easily not make the playoffs out west.

  11. Not every move can get you to a title. They are a better team and didn’t give up their future. This is a win.

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