@Cleveland Cavaliers

Insider links Issac Okoro to sign and trade + the Cleveland Cavaliers hire assistant Johnnie Bryant!

Insider links Issac Okoro to sign and trade + the Cleveland Cavaliers hire assistant Johnnie Bryant!

what’s good everybody it’s your boy ear Pearl and you are tuned in to another episode of the ultimate 216 show joining me right now man from Lock through and Cavs it’s my homeboy Danny Cunningham Danny good morning brother how are you I’m good Earl what’s up how you doing oh man I can’t complain this a Sunday you know what we do our jobs never stop when there’s news to deliver we are here to report it so uh before we even get started with the Cav what did you think about the Demar uh D roen trade um I like it for the Kings and like it’s not a perfect fit by any means and I don’t expect the Kings to be a team that you know are all of a sudden Championship contenders but that’s a franchise that has made the playoffs once in the last 20s something years they were eliminated in The playin last last year I don’t mind taking this type of Swing if it works out that’s great if it doesn’t they’re not going to be any worse than they were last year so I I think it’s a good move for the Kings um I think it’s probably for the best for Chicago that they can now go towards the bottom of the league that’s been a franchise for the Bulls that you know they’ve basically just been trying to be 500 for the last several years and that’s not a place you want to be in the NBA so I think that this is pretty pretty good for all parties involved especially for you know Demar at his age being a guy that can get three years and I think the final number was $74 million that’s awesome for him yeah I think so as well and it’s funny man we talk about Chicago and and that franchise just kind of teetering around being a 500 franchise talk about a fall for Grace you know people in that City when it comes to the Chicago Bulls they’ve grown used to championships and I know it’s been a long time but man you talk about a championship star franchise right now that’s crazy right there speaking of franchises that’s that’s that’s one champion ship in the past the Cavs and Kenny ainson added to the staff you know Johnny Bryant right Johnny was considered as a as a coaching candidate for the cast we all know he has a a relationship with Donovan Mitchell you see the bio right here he spent four seasons with the New York Knicks before that you know he uh spent some time in Utah and then he’s known Danny as a Player Development coach so I think he’s here for two reasons one obviously the relationship that he has with Donovan Mitchell and two word again those two words again Player Development speak to the hiring of Johnny Bryant and why this is a great hire for the Cleveland Cavaliers so the Donovan Mitchell relationship obviously matters a ton um he and Donovan were together in Utah and Donovan has spoken pretty glowingly about Johnny Bryant several times um both on and off the Record they have a tremendous relationship but that’s not the only reason that he got this job and I think that’s something that is worth bringing up and you know he was one of the initial candidates for the Cavs head coaching opening obviously Kenny ainson was ultimately the guy that was hired but in speaking with people that know Bryant it’s not just because he knows Donovan Mitchell really well that the Cavs were interested in him but he’s someone that is ready to make the next steps in his head coaching career he’s got a lot of great experience being on staff with Quinn Snider in Utah being the right-hand man to uh thibs in New York for the last several years so this is while it might not be a huge step up for him in terms of title going from the leadest assistant with the Knicks to now the lead assistant with the Cavs he is someone that is going to be ready to be a head coach at some point within the next couple of years so I think this is a good hire on a number of fronts the relationship with Donovan matters but Johnny Bryant’s a really good coach too and I I think that is something because of his relationship with Donovan probably doesn’t get brought up enough that this is a guy that deserves these opportunities no matter what his relationship with a certain star player is you talk about this being a lateral move uh in your opinion what made outside of it being obvious you know the relationship with Donovan Mitchell what made the Cav so attractive to him when he was essentially in the same role in New York the fact that he is a good coach that that he is someone you brought up the Player Development aspect of it that is something that I think is very important to the Cavs and you know just because the Cavs are a good team doesn’t mean that they stop developing players um championship teams Player Development matters Player Development matters if you win 14 games like your the Detroit Pistons um the Cavs have guys on their roster that need to get better whether or not they reach their trajectory a big deal is going to be whether or not Evan mble can hit his ceiling so the Player Development matters um the fact that he’s been around a lot of good staffs really does matter I think this is a move that’s going to make him a better Coach getting to work on a new staff with guys that he doesn’t have a ton of experience working with and ultimately I think Johnny Bryant’s going to be a head coach somewhere in the NBA um within the next 5 years so this is certainly a good move for him to help further his career too so Johnny Bryant is the second coach to be added to Kenny ainon staff as this staff stars to you know come together uh what’s your opinion of it do you do you like what you’re seeing so far so he’s the third um I I like it so far you’ve got Johnny Bryant you’ve got Jordan a who was an assistant with the Lakers previously he was a name that was brought up for the Charlotte opening that ultimately went to Charles Lee um it feels like that job was filled forever ago and then uh deari Carol who Cavs fans might know is he was a member of the Hawks uh back when they were in the playoffs in the second LeBron era um he has been around Kenny Atkinson Kenny ainson was actually on that Atlanta Hawks staff so I do like that I like this staff so far I think it’s got a good mix of guys that have been coaches in the NBA for a long time I love the addition of deari Carroll having a former player on a coaching staff I do like um you know there’s a lot of head coaches in the NBA that are former players but if a former player is not the head coach I really do like having someone that is not that far removed from actually competing on the floor to the bench so I like the the staff so far I really think Kenny ainson and the Cavs are doing a nice job of putting this together now when it comes to Summer League we all know summer league uh play got underway yesterday the Cavs still have some time before they played their first game we saw what the roster looks like who will be leading this this uh this year summer team as far as the head coach so Jordan ‘s going to be the head coach of the League team um he’ll be in charge when the team’s out in Vegas and I think that there are a couple of very important things to look at when you’re watching the summer league Cavs play as they look to defend their Vegas Summer League Championship that they won last year um the first thing that I think is worth looking at how does Craig Porter Jr look you know you remember him from being on the actual Cavs last year sprained his ankle pretty bad in that final final regular season game against the Charlotte Hornets how’s that ankle look how does he look um that’s number one and then number number two is ammani Bates does ammani Bates look like an NBA player and by that I mean you know when you’re watching summer league and you are seeing guys that are back for their second or third trip to Vegas with a team if they look like they don’t belong on the floor in a good way that’s the best sign if you watch am Mani Bates play two or three games and said this guy’s just head and shoulders better than everybody else he knows what he’s doing more than most of the guys he’s playing against that’s a sign to me that he’s going to be a future NBA rotation player so those are the things to watch as Jordan a leads this team um beginning a little bit later on this week out in Vegas so speaking ofman Bates real quick uh I seen No One X that he’s up to 196 pounds uh for you big deal no deal little deal is that anything significant that we should be looking at I definitely think it’s significant because if you looked at what he was when he came into the NBA I think he was listed at 6’8 or 6’ 7 somewhere in that ballpark in like 170 175 lbs um there are some guys that can get away with that like Kevin Durant but he’s not Kevin Durant you need to put on a little bit of weight you need to put on a little bit of muscle add some strength and there were folks with the Cavs behind the scenes that would Rave about the work ammani put in about how much better his body looks how much more ready he looks for the NBA than he did a year ago so I I do think it’s a big deal obviously you know it’s got to translate on the floor but he’s been doing all the right things away from the court that I think is putting him in position to be success uccessful when the ball starts bouncing all right Danny so uh as before we move on well no as we move on of course man you know free agents are flying off the board a lot of Trades is being made and yet we have not really heard much from the Cleveland Cavaliers me and you both know man Cav fans are starting to get a little antsy right they want to see a move yeah they like what the hell is going on everybody around us is making moves and we just standing pack and I know it’s pissing people off the other day uh I seen this from NBA Insider B Bobby marks and it it was regarding Isaac or corl I want you to take a listen to this and then I want your thoughts on that Cleveland’s got Isaac okoro who’s a restricted free agent um look at maybe signing trade options for him uh maybe a bigger wing on a um on a uh on a I don’t want to give away the beans here so keep an eye on Cleveland as far as signing trade options for Isaac aore here thoughts um my thoughts are that eventually Isaac kakuro is going to find a deal with another organization um that you know the Cavs might not be super interested in matching because he might just end up being a little bit too expensive considering what they are paying everybody else and he could be sent to a team like I don’t know maybe the Brooklyn Nets a team that is rebuilding that could use a player I still believe Isaac Koro has quite a bit of upside but a player that is still young at 23 years old could be given a bigger opportunity than the one he’s been afforded in Cleveland over the last couple of years and in exchange the Cavaliers could get a 3 andd type of player back maybe a Dorian finny Smith from the Brooklyn Nets uh maybe Isaac aoro is part of a package that brings back cam Johnson from the Brooklyn Nets those are the guys that I would look at in bringing to Cleveland that would be perfect fits I think I don’t I do not believe there’s a better fit that’s available to the Cavs right now than cam Johnson um in the trade market I think he’d be fantastic if the Cavs want to run back to core 4 um so I could see Isaac aoro as a sign in trade candidate particularly to the Brooklyn Nets for either of those two guys maybe both of those two guys um there could be a trade that that pieces together Isaac aoro maybe Carris Levert maybe some draft Capital that gets both of those guys back and I think that would be a huge win for the Cavs so three weeks ago I’m sitting at home and I’m thinking about content for this particular show the ultimate 216 show and you know my man Mikey McNuggets he’s like you you guys are basketball Savant so I asked him I said you know what you think about cam Johnson you know what would he be like and he said the same thing you just said that if the cast was to run it back with this score for and you will somehow to be able to get this dude on this team and you plug him in there at that three position he’s an instant impact player that can pay off like huge dividends so I’m I’m I’m all for that right so look at it this way M Bridges who has just traded from the Nets to the Knicks this past week or or I guess 10 days ago at this point if free ageny just flies by Earl um if you want to consider him like a superstar role player where he’s just like the the best caliber of role player but he’s not a star player no one’s going to confuse him with a star player um so if he’s considered a superstar role player I think cam Johnson should be considered a star role player um like he’s a tier below and male Bridges netted the Nets five first round picks I think part of that was you know the New York tax where if the Nets were going to trade within their own Market it was going to cost a little bit more than if they were going to send Bridges anywhere else in the NBA but I think that Johnson could be gotten for a lot cheaper than what the Nets got for male Bridges despite the fact that I don’t think the discrepancy in Talent is as big as the discrepancy and price will be so if the Cavs could do that if they could somehow get Cam Johnson I think that would be such a massive win for this team in this front office so in your opinion right because by now we’ve all seen the proposed uh trade by Bleacher Report that sent Darius Garland and Carris lever to the LA Lakers is this a more realistic Avenue to Landing One of These Guys Without You Know giving up Darius Garland because to some fans it seems like you know the guys that you’re getting in return the the return on investment compared to a All-Star caliber player it just don’t add up is this a more realistic Avenue and is this something that you think will appease Cav fans a little bit more um I’m not sure about how much it will appease cavis fans more or less but I do think it’s a more realistic thing because that trade you brought up that Greg Schwarz put together at bleach report it’s a three- team deal and three- team deals get awfully complicated and this wouldn’t have to be that so anytime I look at a trade and notice that it’s three or you know four teams we actually saw the NBA’s first everever six team trade that was made official over the weekend which is absolutely insane but that stuff gets really complicated and really tough to work out it’s so much easier to make a trade when you’re just doing it between two teams so just for that I view this is far more likely I also don’t think that the Cavs want to move on from Darius Garland I think they believe Darius Garland is going to have a bounceback season provided he doesn’t break his jaw again and just have a nightmare of a year with the way he did last year um and I don’t think that there’s too big of a market for Darius Garland like I think the best thing for the Cavs to do regarding Garland is hold on to him and let him play B for the Cavs and be you know a really good basketball player again because right now you saw what the Atlanta Hawks got for dejonte Murray it wasn’t a really impressive trade package back I think Darius Garland’s value is probably similar to that and he’s being paid so much more money so I think that actually could bring the package down a little bit considering what teams are going to have to pay him over the next four years so I think the Cavs it makes the most sense to hang on to Darius Garland if they can work out a trade that includes maybe Isaac Koro maybe Caris l to the nets for a couple of their role players you know Dorian finy Smith cam Johnson who we’ve been talking about I think that would be a bigger win than that three team proposed deal with the Lakers Danny tell them uh about your latest episode of lock on Cavs and what you got cooking in the uh in the oven right now so Monday’s lock on Cavs focusing on the coaching staff that’s been assembled that is still in process of being assembled what we like what we don’t like I’m going to touch a little bit on Isaac aoro the way we talked about today and going to start to look ahead to the Las Vegas summer League I’m going to be out there uh next week can’t wait to check out the Cavs is see what Craig Porter Jr looks like and manty Bates looks like um but very interesting stuff ahead as this offseason rolls on you know what’s crazy man me and you’ve been spending a lot of time together over the last couple months and you didn’t even bite me out to Vegas that’s a damn hey man there’s still time there’s still time I’m not g yet for sure hey bro man I appreciate you taking time watch your busy schedule to join me today man and we’ll be seeing you soon on the Cleveland sports show take care I always got time for you Earl appreciate you brother all right you all man that was my man Danny Cunningham from blockone cast with some insight on the Cleveland Cavaliers hiring Johnny Bryant uh to be a part of Kenny aison staff he gave us some insight on Isaac auro my man believes Isaac Aur has played his last game for the Cleveland Cavaliers and to be totally honest with you based on the information that he just provided if we can get you know uh Dory finny Smith or Cam Johnson back without giving up Darius Garland I know that would appease a lot of people and then you have more uh Tools in your toolbx and more weapons to deploy you know that actually puts Max streu in his natural position as shooting guard and you get one of these long athl athletic three and D Wings who can shoot the three-pointer who could create space who can slash and still defend the player on the other end of the court so I’m all for it we got to take a quick break but when we come back from break man there’s a young man from the city of Cleveland that’s a rising star but first don’t forget that the ultimate 216 show is brought to you today by game toop listen the Cleveland Guardians are about to play their final home game before the AAR break uh and if you want to get to that game it’s last minute and with any time that you had a last minute situation you can save up 60% by buying last minute for sports concerts comedy theater Etc all you have to do is download the game time app and enter uh code promo code locked on NFL for $20 off your first purchase so as I stated to you all before we went to break there is a young man in the city of Cleveland that is on the rise uh I am a casual boxing fan right I’m not an Insider I don’t know the ins and outs but the guys that I do enjoy watching guys like tank Davis for example man something about this this latest version of this this lightweight class that has me pretty excited and over the last couple months I’ve gotten hip to a dude who’s from our hometown right here in the city of Cleveland and his name is Abdullah Mason he’s 20 years old from Cleveland his record right now was 14 and0 after a win over Luis LeBron yesterday uh 12 Knockouts again lightweight Division and he’s a southpaw so he got another dub yesterday and I want you to take a look at this check out this is Abdullah Mason versus Luis LeBron yesterday July six check this out sorry that’s his bio give me one second here it is right here check it out what a shot then it goes to the body the hand speed the total package Upstairs Downstairs LeBron’s hurt again backing up into that corner they’re going to in the towel his corner has seen enough and he want to see more of them double Mason how good is this young man come on with it Timmy according to a lot of people I know they say the boy is damn good so Abdullah Mason man I’ve watched a couple of his fights on YouTube I’ve started to study up on this kid I reached out to the executive producer uh Steve Becker and we’re g to try our best to Usher him either on the ultimate Cleveland sports show or on the ultimate 216 show but uh he’s an aggressive offensive fighter this is a dude who gets after it man you know and a lot of guys fight on the defense but when you see a young man like this who who kind of try to assert himself as the dominant force uh it says a lot I just wanted to put his name out there as I start to educate myself more about him but get used to hearing the name Abdullah Mason and he fights in the same weight class as tank Davis and if this dude continues to win continues to take on top ranked fighters fighters uh the guy he fought yesterday was a 31 year old veteran that was pretty damn good and so if he continues to grow and continues to work on his craft we might be setting ourselves up in 2025 maybe early 2026 for and Abdullah Mason versus javante Davis Showdown and as much as I am a huge fan of tank Davis I’m telling you I’m riding with the hometown kid but I wanted to just give him his flowers today after getting that dob to move to for to know yesterday I think it’s dope man when you see people from the city of Cleveland branching out and doing things that’s amazing we talk all the time about like being from the inner city like it’s like you really get it out the mud you really Come From The Trenches there are so many different obstacles that can hold you back from accomplishing your dreams like just trying to make it to the next day and itself seems like a challenge that’s becoming more and more tougher to to conquer but yet you know most of us we we get the opportunity to do it but anytime that you find somebody from this city that’s doing something rare on a national scale and and willing to represent the city proudly like I think we take we should take time out and to honor those people and just to shine a light on them you know there’s it’s so easy to shine a light on all the negativity and all the things that that’s going wrong in the city of Cleveland but when you got a young man like Abdullah Mason who’s really putting on and growing on a boxing scene and looks like by all accounts that he can become a champion one day and probably one of the best boxers in the world I think that’s something that we need to get out in front of man and starting uh to support this young man a little bit more than what we do myself and other media members here in Cleveland we don’t talk much about boxing and we damn sure are not talking about this young man so before we get out of here I just got to play this video for y’all one more time cuz my man was getting busy W what a shot then it goes to the body the hand speed the total package Upstairs Downstairs LeBron’s hurt again backing up into that corner they’re going to the tow his corner has seen enough and we want to see more of them double Mason how good is this young man come on with it Timmy if you somebody that’s a boxing expert if you’re somebody that know a little bit more about AB dulu Mason than I do and somebody that’s familiar like I said with this all together man drop your thoughts in your comments in the chat I want to know more about this kid I want to know your thoughts on what you saw from him last night and do you believe if it ever got to a situation to where we have an Abdullah Mason versus Javonte Davis about will the hometown Kid come out Victorious I can tell you right now here today I don’t know that to be fact but I’m damn sure gonna be cheering for him listen man this has been a Sunday edition of the ultimate 216 show as always y’all know man I love y’all remember man to be great and spread love being great come with a price spreading love is priceless I’m out

Johnnie Bryant is joining new Cleveland coach Kenny Atkinson’s staff, a person familiar with the hiring told The Associated Press on Saturday.

Bryant, who interviewed for the Cavaliers’ opening before Atkinson was hired, will be an associate head coach, said the person who spoke on condition of anonymity because the team has not announced the addition.

Bryant will be reunited in Cleveland with Cavs All-Star guard Donovan Mitchell They spent several years working together in Utah, and Mitchell has often credited the 29-year-old Bryant with making him a better player.

Mitchell agreed this week to a three-year, $150.3 million contract extension with the Cavs. His commitment came just days after Cleveland hired Atkinson, the former Brooklyn coach who spent the past three seasons as an assistant with Golden State |

Bobby Marks of ESPN has suggested that the Cavs could indeed move Okoro for a bigger wing that better fits alongside Cleveland’s core. He went as far as suggesting that this is something he can’t talk about yet and equated it to the situation with Donovan Mitchell’s contract extension that he knew about before it became official.

From Marks:

Cleveland’s got Isaac Okoro who’s a restricted free agent. Look at maybe sign and trade options for him. Maybe a bigger wing . . . I don’t want to give away the beans here, so keep an eye on Cleveland as far as Isaac Okoro here. . . [The Cavs] are about $9.5 million below the luxury tax. So if you do a sign-and-trade with Okoro, you got to be careful as far as what money is coming back |

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