@New Orleans Pelicans

GET UP | Brian Windhorst Report: Pelicans try to acquire Jarrett Allen from Cavaliers this offseason

GET UP | Brian Windhorst Report: Pelicans try to acquire Jarrett Allen from Cavaliers this offseason

uh iterations of that deal I speak to that uh one of the iterations of that deal was I can speak to that yeah was Brandon for the Jon capella and then that obviously didn’t go the Hawks weren’t interested in taking Brandon Ingram sorry go ahead so um I knew they were shopping around that Larry Dyson pick package um that they ended up using um AJ Liddell got thrown into that because it got him in the Larry Nance Jr um uh Dyson Daniels the uh young guard and EJ Liddell and two first round picks that was what was traded for uh Deon Murray just to be just to be clear sorry and they’re gonna have to do something else that because of the timing on this uh originally they they got this deal done prior to the year to to think it was officially it came down what June 30th or whatever it was the idea was get the trade done then but it would have because of uh deon’s trade kicker which is the largest trade kicker uh in the NBA much I think it’s 12 million total right um so the the Hawks have to pay that correct but it goes onto the Pelicans books the number is bigger yes yeah and and that going onto the Pelicans books in the 2000 technically the 2023 24 season wasn’t over yet so if Deonte had come onto the books with that trade kicker it would have pushed the Pelicans into the tax and that is problematic on a couple of fronts one they actually have to pay tax on the amount of money that they’re over secondly when you’re a taxpayer you don’t get the dispersement of all the other tax dollars which I think was over $10 million it was it was like it was like 12 million okay so that would have cost them probably an excess of 15 18 million correct so they decided not to do that trade uh until after July 1st I assume it has to be by July 6 where in the a atorium now so I guess tomorrow it’ll get it’ll get announced I guess when this podcast posts on Saturday or whenever so that’s just to explain that housekeeping correct and there’s going to be some sort of uh addition there’s a couple of avenues that they have there one being uh the on Allen chunis uh a deal that he did with I believe the the the Wizards is coming in at 330 so his first year is 953 they have a couple of exceptions including the Monte Morris exception that JB could possibly go into and they can uh take care of that that’s one Avenue that I know no just to be clear just to be clear because we move past it kind of fast and people get confused what the the issue with the trade is that with the new salary that de Murray has 28 million coming in 19 million going up the trade doesn’t work as constructed the um they have to uh they have to add a player to the trade um to to balance out the trade so a way about 2.3 million has to be added from New Orleans in the deal they could have done it in the last League year but in this league year they can’t right and so as a result they have to to alter the trade a little bit and so what Andrew is saying is that um valunas is going to sign with the wizards they could do that as a sign in trade and take Valen chunis into a trade exception and or just into cap space and send the Pelicans back a trade exception which would enable them to complete that trade um also uh it would be in a three-way transaction I’m sure it make him complete the trade um but I think Washington would want something for they don’t right to to make this happen and so they’re gonna they’re gonna have to throw something down there right they’re gonna have to throw sleep near Washington’s way I if they decide to do that there’s a few other ways they can make this happen still yeah I just wantan to I don’t want to just race past it go ahead on as somebody who covered Brandon Ingram and likes Brandon Ingram a lot and I understand the money is a lot too but I’ve been a little surprised that he doesn’t have much of a market like that teams don’t aren’t really looking especially like teams that are like rebuilding I mean I get like as Charlotte and San Antonio maybe has been mentioned along with him but like Brandon inam is a really good player he might not be a max player he might not be a guy that’s GNA carry a franchise a guy that’s gonna you know score big buckets at the end of games but he’s a very very good player and I feel like I I’m been a little surprised that there been so many teams that just don’t want to have anything to do with it the market I I don’t think that’s it but go but you know uh Andrew go ahead I want I want to explain but go ahead no because the market for Brandon Ingram is you’re not looking at the market for Brandon Ingram as a one-year player at 36 million the market for Brandon Ingram is you he is looking for four years $28 million and I think that’s where the market has kind of gone down a little bit to to to not many teams and also I think there’s a few teams right now who they won they okay what happened with Paul George that’s going to Philly boom that’s knocked out what happens with with lry Markin and what happens with thear there’s other things that are going to figure it out and then maybe in a week or so then we’ll see a market for Brandon start to kind of increase but it’s it’s not that okay yeah we’re not we don’t want to pay Brandon 36 million next year it’s do we want to pay Brandon Ingram Max contract money and I think that’s what teams are kind of starting to kind of figure out and that’s why there’s not this large market right now uh for for Brandon service right so I mean like look if he doesn’t get you know if teams don’t want to pay the max then he’s not going to get the max right right but like you look at like France Vagner and I get France Vagner has probably more upside because he’s younger but I mean like France Vagner got a ton of money and I get Orlando has to pay him because they want to keep this young core together and everything like that but I still think like Brandon Ingram I’m not say Brandon Ingram is a really good player that I think if I was like a Charlotte or San Antonio I’d be I’d love to have brand inning yeah and I think the New Orleans is also in that boat too they don’t they’re they’re trying to weigh out of okay we’re going to have a z extension we’re eventually we’re going to we have CJ’s money for 33 the next couple of years we’re gonna have uh herb herb Jones is already on an extension Trey Trey Murphy is going to cost uh a pretty penny when when his extension gets in so they have to worry how many big contracts can we handle and can we handle a $50 million deal but I think if if Brandon were to take a lesser deal for New Orleans in the say 417 4160 range New Orleans would be just as fine keeping him around but going back to Brian’s original question of them not having a center now uh because you you’ve lost yis valent Tunis to Washington Larry Dan is a part of the the Deonte Murray deal um Cody Zeller was your your your third big this year you bring in Eve Mei who has a lot of potential’s a exactly he is a project you don’t think probably want him being your 82 game starting center next year so uh the the cleanest way I think at this point for them to get a starting Center is still probably to look uh at that Brandon Ingram market and I think they’re they’re going to continue to do that and see uh you know maybe what that could bring them in in terms of a starting center yes so let me let me discuss Brandon Ingram for a second it’s not that people don’t think Brandon Ingram is a good player it’s not that people don’t want to trade for Brandon Ingram it’s that he is a poster boy for the new reality in the NBA which is you cannot have a max player not playing like a max player and that sounds like a pretty basic terminology and a pretty basic um rule that you would always want like what team wants to have a max player who doesn’t play like a max player well there’s quite a few of them actually you know like let me give you a classic example Michael Porter Jr has a max contract from the Nuggets when the Nuggets gave him that contract he they knew he wasn’t their first or second best player they were comfortable with him being their third best player um and you know with hope that he would grow into it more but like they gave him that contract knowing that um Andrew Wiggins a few years before that when they gave him that contract they weren’t sure he was ever going to be like a perennial Allstar they but you know was like okay we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna bet on him it’s very hard to do that with with this new apron environment like you cannot have I talk a lot about the third salary your if you have two max players your third highest salary you got to be real careful there because if you have three max players you really are really squeezed those three Maxes better be kicking tail like with the with where the 76ers are embiid Maxi and Paul George better be awesome and you know with with the way Ingram played this last year and he was good two years ago um he was injured a lot and that’s the other thing I’ll point this out too Lopez Ingram has missed an average of 25 games well I guess maybe it’s not 25 because some of the seasons were shortened he’s played an average of 57 games over the last seven years he misses games yeah for a bunch of different reasons um he didn’t have a great year last year he was good he shot 49% he averaged 21 points you know he shot uh 36% on threes like he’s good like he he’s a he’s a guy who can be a point forward distribute the ball he put the ball in his hands he’s actually better that way he can do a lot of things but he didn’t have a good year and he missed 18 games and um it’s just right now it’s not on the pallet for teams to trade for him when everybody knows that he and his very powerful agent are going to want a Max and so it’s not that Ingram isn’t desire as a player it’s that they don’t desire the circumstances especially in this moment in time I guess what I was saying was I wasn’t advocating for him as a max player I was more saying like under the under the understanding that he’s not a max player and thinking that that that price is eventually gonna go down if you’re Brandon Ingram and you believe in yourself what you do and I I spoke to Brandon last year he was on Team USA last year I spoke to him about how he wasn’t they were he was offered an extension last year a Max extension and the and he didn’t sign it because he thought he could make the NBA team and get a supermax so this is a guy who believes he can be a supermax player and now you’re saying a year later by the way after he goes for 21 points and shoots 50% like you know he probably thinks that his usage could have been different all Lopez you know he probably does he’s not I’m just saying like he’s not in the mode to be taking a discount right now and his agent is not in the mode to take a discount either he’s still a guy who over the course of his time in Orleans averaged 235 and five over the last five years he was you know he’s made an All-Star game he was was improved a couple years ago he’s 26 it’s not the time to take what you think is potential less than your value and so teams know this [Music] [Music] it’s for for okay that okay look fore speech foree speech fore speech for speech speech fore speech fore speech foree yeah l like like me Tower is under attack to [Music]

GET UP | Brian Windhorst Report: Pelicans try to acquire Jarrett Allen from Cavaliers this offseason


  1. We should go get Miles Bridges. We probably won't have to get rid of any of the core players. They are trying to give him away.

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