@Dallas Mavericks

Luka Dončić won’t be playing in the 2024 Paris Olympics because of Giannis Antetokounmpo

This is great news.

by juscallmechris


  1. Long-Sun-29

    Bittersweet news. I obviously would’ve loved to see Luka and his country succeed but now he can get the rest he needs

  2. misdreavusval

    even if they qualified they were probably not making it out of the australia/canada/spain or bahamas group with cancar coming off an acl and only 1 euroleague level player in nebo. this team is full of actual plumbers

  3. Weird-Nothingness

    The reality is that he needs a long rest. He was playing on fumes.

  4. As a mavs fan I’m happy to hear this, get some long rest Luka


    Should’ve let him through so he doesn’t have time to rest for going nuclear next season.  The league is gonna be Lukas bitch next year

  6. TrumpKanye69

    I really wanted to see Luka in the olympics

  7. BerryMango7

    I dont like this side of the fanbase. Mavs fans werent saying this when he was girfting in the playoffs

  8. Commercial-Pair-8932

    How much time do his injuries typically require to heal? Cause after that he still needs to get in shape.

  9. RangerBowBoy

    The kid needed someone to save him from himself. Good lookn’ out Giannis.

  10. WritingForKicks

    The guy who scored 13 points is the reason Luka won’t be playing in the Olympics? Nothing against megastar Giannis, but this was a team loss, not a Luka getting beat by Giannis loss.

  11. Ill-Ad-5709

    Because of Giannis?

    Because he is fat, unprepared and banged up. If Luka would be in good condition, Greece wouldn’t stand a chance, let alone Giannis

  12. suprememontana

    We’re beating a dead horse here, but man it’s great to finally see him taking a rest. Seeing him still wince and look gimpy in these pointless games was hard to watch. I get the Olympics is a big deal but Slovenia looked awful and if Luka isn’t capable of playing at 100% they had absolutely no chance.

    Give this man a recover beer

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