@Denver Nuggets

Denver Nuggets’ Nikola Jokic Aims for Russell Westbrook

Denver Nuggets’ Nikola Jokic Aims for Russell Westbrook

welcome back to another episode of H low takes I go by the name AO Mike and look I’m a New York Giants Enthusiast and a Denver Nugget apologist so let me just start this off by saying we need Russell Westbrook I know we all been seeing it in the news Russell Westbrook he sound with the Clippers looking and seeking to explore trade the Denver Nuggets are number one on the list number one according to reports we’re number one on the list so hopefully the de nuggets can get Russell Westbrook we need Russell Westbrook verus Westbrook will bring energy to the team he going to bring some streaky shooting like I’m not saying consistent it’s going to be streaky man but if he come off the bench we need a six-man and the thing about it what if what if we replace Russell Westbrook you know we had Rie Jackson last so like they was on the same team at one point in OKC so like we replacing him with the better version of Rie Jackson which would be great for us you know one thing he’s going to do to his well he’s a he’s a vet of course he’s going to give Jamal Murray some m ation give Jamal Murray a kick when Jamal Murray get tired when Jamal Murray get down when Jamal Murray is feeling slouchy when Joker is feeling slouchy we know he can get like that when Joker is feeling down Russell Westbrook is never going to cheat the game he’s going to give it his all and that’s what the different nugget need they need somebody to push everybody push Michael Porter Jr push Aaron Gordon push Joker push Murray like we especially these young guys especially the young guys you know what I’m saying so we need that we need that energy as like what we going to do we need to maximize on joker as much as possible he not going to be here forever Joker is in love right now Nicole yic Joker is in love right now with his horses with his daughter with his wife and this country in that order let me say it again he’s in love with his horses his daughter his wife and his country in that order and my thing is is this we have to maximize on that because he not going to be here long everybody not going to play to the LeBron James age to your 38 39 40 I can really see Joker Playing like he’s only like 28 29 30 I think but I only can see him playing probably like four to five more years man and being done if that you know what I’m saying because he has that type of personality he’s just going to just disappear from the game I think he going to try to get another couple of rings I think he want like one or two more rings I think he’d be fine if he just has this one that we got and he just leave but we need to maximize him as much as possible we need Russell Westbrook we also need other players we lost Bruce Bruce Brown was playing for us then he started playing for the Pacers got that contract now he in Toronto we don’t know where he at right now I haven’t heard anything from him since he played for us so we don’t know what’s happening with Bruce Brown Bruce Brown’s gone Jeff Green’s gone I wasn’t a big fan of Jeff Green on the court but I feel like he’s he provided that locker room support he gave us that you know that that veteran leadership you know so we had him now now we lost kcp you know so I mean we we’re losing pieces around around us so I don’t know what’s going to happen I don’t know what we going to do but the thing is Russell Westbrook will bring in a a like a strong type of upside to us it will boost our eyes to winning the NBA Finals he would give a a boost of energy to the team and we need that now Joker is the only one that can create his own shot and Jamal Murray but with the addition of the new rookie and also Russell Westbrook which Russell Westbrook will help out Russell Westbrook can create his own shot he going to go to the F line he going get foul he can dump it off to Joker he can get that triple double Off the Bench you know it’s going to be great like Russell Westbrook could really improve the team everybody saying some different nugget is like no no no don’t bring in Russell Westbrook come on man y got to get off the internet bro yall got to get off Instagram y got to get off Tik Tok I got to stop trolling listening to the trolls and the comments man you got to use some basketball sense we know how Russell Westbrook is we know he can be streaky and bad but he also can be streaky and great not good great he played bad for the Los Angeles Lakers we know he played bad for the Lakers but when he played for the Wizards he played great when he played for the um I’m going say good when he played for the Wizards he played good when he played for the OKC you know he played great was absolutely terrific that’s just that’s that’s his that’s the essence of his career you know when he played for the Rockets he played he played good you know but the thing is is this you know Clippers he played he played well you know but think about it you put him on a team where not all of these Superstars trying to shine and get their light he he you know what Westbrook do when he does that he can really Excel he can really push he can really drive the ball yeah get shooting goes up when there’s no pressure on him man like he would be a perfect fit with the Denver Nuggets no other team but the Denver Nuggets he got a chance to win the championship him and Joker like each other like come on now like this be perfect for them the perfect opportunity for them to come together it’ll be the perfect opportunity for us to grow as an NBA team like it’s perfect the Denver Nuggets you got to step up we got to do something we can’t keep losing people and then adding people now with the Denver Nuggets getting Don holes it’s going to be great now we got somebody else who can create their own shot now we got joker now we got um Murray now we going to have Holmes and you see what Holmes can do he’s like a more athletic Aaron Gordon I want to say more athletic I would say just as athletic Aaron Gordon but he’s more skinny like a KD type and I feel like he going to be great for us you know so he can create his own shot too as well that’s why we got him because in the playoffs it was only two people creating their own shot which was Joker and Murray but I put a lot of that on Michael Porter Jr because Michael Porter Jr you know he wasn’t shooting like he was but ultimately all that responsibility really falls on Mike Malone and Calvin boof the general manager Calvin boof not waking up him and Mike Malone they I don’t know if they communicating or what but Mike Malone you got to understand Maka Porter Jr is not a set shooter you got to put that man in position to succeed get him some mid-range shots like KD KD don’t even take a whole lot of Threes like that Michael Porter J is really a mid-range shooter stop making him to go to the three-point line he’ll be going through the three-point line and bricking it every time it’s inconsistent it’s horrible it’s bad but the thing about this is my thing right this is my conundrum this is my thing with the addition of donon Holmes and also the addition of uh the other player other young player but we need our young players to develop so Mike Malone got to put them in position to succeed we got Christian Brown which is great he is great defensively he played great on Anthony Edwards you know but he got to step up his offensive game a little bit you can’t just be running and just I don’t know what he be doing you know what I’m saying like he just be running and just tossing it you know so and Payton Watson he got to get a offensive game he has to you know but he was young when he came in we got him when he was like 19 years old so pton Watson I believe in pton Watson I believe in Christian Brown I don’t know what’s going on with Julian sh we got to do something with Julian is that what was he supposed to be the shooter cuz kcp gone now so we’re going to have to fill in that two position but my thing is is this do the Denver Nuggets need another big man beside Nico yic do they need another big man beside side Joker like we got Joker could we potentially get Robert Williams where you going to put Robert Williams at you got Joker Joker be to five can Robert Williams be the four I don’t know you know but you can put Michael Porter Jr at the two of course Jamal Murray at the one who gonna play the three can it be Aaron Gordon Aaron Gordon can shoot threes but it’s not it’s not consistent like that you know but he can play defense on the three which would be great Michel Porter Jr will be a huge two you know so and then you got Robert Williams and and Nicole y so it’s like Robert Williams playing a four Joker Playing a five that would be a great team defensively you won’t be able to say nothing about our defense we don’t even got to worry that much about the Lakers like that like LeBron going in that paint he going to have hell to pay when he going in that paint you know so we have a great defensive team and even we even got help when it comes to wimy you know so we have Rob now I’m not saying Robert Williams can block Wim shot I’m not saying that but I’m talking about as a physical body and niic the jok is already physical Aaron Gordon at the three so he he can slow you down before you even get to that paint come on now what we talking about this would be a great addition for the team Calvin bu has got to do something make some trades happen make some shake we got to make some shake we can’t just be sitting in mediocrity we can’t be sitting in just limbo we can’t be sting in sitting in perk we got to do something so hopefully this Russell Westbrook trade go down hopefully we get some more pieces added with kcp being gone you know hopefully you know with Don Holmes I believe he can potentially being that starting 10 this upcoming this upcoming season I I believe he can be in the starting rotation he can play that seven or eth spot you know he really got a potential to take any of the young guys spot you know even when it comes down to Christian Brown because I feel like he’s going to be a hard worker Zeke Naji didn’t work out you know so we’ll see what’s going to happen just like you know we I’m tired of us drafting these players that don’t work out I mean we drafted bones Highland didn’t work out you know they either need to do a better job scouting people or build a team better man get a different strategy you know you can’t just throw at the Joker all the time get Joker some help if you really believe in him get him some help get Mar Murray some help come on Calvin Bo what you doing I don’t know what’s going on I don’t know if it’s a owner thing don’t want to spend no money because of certain things he got to pay taxes altitude I don’t know what’s going on with that I heard some stuff about that I don’t know another episode of Hano takes I go by the name AO Mike New York Giants Enthusiast Denver nugger apologist and I’m out [Music]

Welcome to High N Low Takes! I’m Aye Yo Mike, and on this channel, I talk mainly about the New York Giants and Denver Nuggets. I also cover recent games, stats, news, and everything trending in the NFL and NBA. We also occasionally discuss other sports topics.

Denver Nuggets insider reports that “Nikola Jokic wants Westbrook in Denver. He wants to play with him. It’s not the first time he’s wanted to play with him.”

The potential addition of Russell Westbrook could significantly boost the Nuggets’ chances of winning the NBA Finals. With the loss of key players like KCP, Reggie Jackson, Jeff Green, and Bruce Brown from the previous season, the Nuggets need either valuable contributions from young players or the addition of new free agents. How good is Daron Holmes?

We also discuss whether the Nuggets need another big man to play alongside Jokic. Could Robert Williams be a viable option, or should they look elsewhere? What will the starting lineup look like next season? Who will be the sixth man, and who will replace KCP?

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