@Los Angeles Lakers

*LIVE* | Los Angeles Lakers Vs Golden State Warriors Play By Play & Reaction #nba

*LIVE* | Los Angeles Lakers Vs Golden State Warriors Play By Play & Reaction #nba

Michael Vic ATB catch an incredible 125% sign up bonus on your first three deposits plus 10% gamblers insurance bet us my online Sportsbook and casino YouTube can suck my dick man I have no idea what YouTube did to OBS all I had to do with OBS was click stream hit go live goes live YouTube changed something over the weekend so now when I hit it it says go live and it just spins or it says live stream not available it says webcam instead of streaming software so I have no [ __ ] idea what YouTube did to OBS but it will not work it will not work with YouTube anymore so I don’t know what happened there but I’m gonna do it like this until I can figure it the hell out I I cannot stand [ __ ] OBS I hate it man I really do I can’t stand it I hate when they just change [ __ ] don’t tell you they change it and then you got to figure it the hell out it’s it’s freaking ridiculous it’s just [ __ ] it’s just [ __ ] I’m so [ __ ] aggravated right now it’s not even funny man for real what a joke what a [ __ ] joke that you can’t go live through OBS anymore just just pisses me off I don’t even feel like doing this I really don’t even feel like doing this [ __ ] today I really don’t but we’ll do it anyway yeah bronnie is out uh knee swelling so no bronny today no bronny so no no uh no you have to save the troll comments for the 10th Maybe by then I could figure it the hell out what what’s going on with with OBS and YouTube I’m just gonna upload the newest version of OBS and see what the hell happens I I really don’t know why it’s doing that I’ve never seen that whenever it says something in my YouTube studio it’ll always say streaming software for OBS and now it’s saying webcam and nothing changed I changed nothing on my OBS I changed nothing on my YouTube I didn’t change anything and somehow yesterday it worked I just had to use the virtual camera and it was completely different but today I did the same exact [ __ ] and it would not go live wouldn’t go live at all so it is what it is it is what it is but we’re here I’ll do but I got to figure out exactly what the what the [ __ ] the problem is here or maybe I’ll just do it like this now on I don’t know how the hell I’d get a Vana on here that’s the only thing um but I can change the background actually let me change a background hold on one second I got add a background here where’s my background stuff let’s add one let where’s do I have I must have Lakers somewhere ah Staples there we go uploading there we go that’s better and I can actually do my virtual backgr I’ll leave my virtual background like this for now but um yeah man just ridiculous just ridiculous Ronnie got hurt last game Trump yeah they said he had slight knee swelling so um it is what it is uh Ry rfel what’s going on James what up electric agitator what I’m agitated today Hermon Daniel Barry Afghanistan Luis Diaz that reminds me I got to get rid of a couple of moderators hold on a second since I’m already agitated let me let me do that while I’m thinking about it got to knock out a couple mods not the ones that are in here obviously not the ones that are in here obviously but let’s do this let me while I’m thinking about it because I’ve been talking about this for a while and I have not done it we’re going to get rid of that one and we’re going to get rid of this one and we’re going to get rid of that one all right hkam rodri Irish all right that looks cleaned up now that looks cleaned up all right there we go that looks cleaned up Paul man thank you bro whoops let me get this going here thank you bro appreciate you brilly bril my friend there always something with me he says the project is about done bad doggy I’m happy good I’m glad you’re happy bro makes one of us I’m just really tick go OBS really ticking me off I mean I literally could do the game like this anyway I mean it’s not really a big deal I just no a obviously but um dashy what’s going on brother yeah sorry to hear about your great grandma man my condolences prayers God to you and your family sorry about that dashy that sucks bro it sucks Janice my lady Afghanistan what up Martin mcnicholas durad Monroe Brian Castro Die Hard Giants fan in the house uh Timothy what up Xavier Scott Martin Dixon how we doing everybody Johnny Cage rayel Jordan no no Bron tonight he has uh got a knee inflammation I guess so we will uh we’ll see how that plays out cof coffee what’s up man long time see how can I be a man you to man maybe he is into load management already I don’t know know I don’t know let me have a drink of my Soder here yeah when I’m done with the stream I got to figure out what what the deal is with with OBS and why why that’s not working properly I don’t know at least I know my audio works at least I know my ad is running properly um I don’t remember bronnie even trying to donk yesterday I don’t remember he stay at home crying okay I didn’t fix it I just used streamyard OBS probably going to start losing a lot of their software people downloading their software because it’s crap I would actually like to use streamlabs I guess streamlabs is better uh I just don’t know how to use that crap and I I’ve thought about using streamlabs years ago it’s just it’s kind of complicated man but I like that because when somebody subscribes it pops up when somebody donates it pops up you know I I like that I want I want to figure out how the hell to do that I need somebody that knows the hell how to use some freaking computer software to come over here and give me a damn tutorial on this crap um Tim Duncan managing his eth year load management started with papovich Grove money it started with that you know um bye buddy um yes with the with the commands yes I gotta figure out how to do that I gotta figure out how to do that I gotta figure out how to do it um I gotta figure out how to do it without question why is that up there all right all right I close this off it keeps telling me to run an ad I’m not running an ad uh where’ my chat go there it is um arms injured bronnie arms I don’t know how he did today I know he was crazy yesterday they just got Dum playing um let’s go bronnie had the worst plus minus on the court it wasn’t good um yeah it’s just you know it’s just a freaking child I mean any wrestling geek I mean you know any I mean just a child with nothing better to do summer school starts tomorrow I’m sure the short bus will be by to pick them up but it is what it is there’s a lot of losers out there there really is um yep I I saw that man uh Ben Rice is awesome I’ve been screaming about Ben rice to play for days I would go live and I just s going why are we not stream you know why are we not streaming or I’m sorry why are we not playing Ben rice every day Archie hicking thank you for watching with the Philippines appreciate it you see my numbers are down because we’ve been doing the Donald Trump voice so you know that YouTube has also Shadow band my channel as they do quite frequently because YouTube and I don’t seem to get along these days at all um so he simply not good enough for the NBA Hey listen man nobody’s saying he is nobody’s saying he is guess I got a little shook not really Julia just don’t feel like dealing with [ __ ] idiots sometimes you just don’t want to deal with a [ __ ] idiot so you just say you know what go play in traffic go walk into an oncoming train and trust me nobody’s going to care so sometimes you just do that has nothing to do with being shook it’s just I don’t want to deal with idiots just that simple little little dumb asses looking for attention we don’t give it to him you want attention go see your mama that’s pretty much it so that’s pretty much it I look like I belong in the circus it don’t really matter what I look like talking about the way I look Julia ain’t GNA make you look any better and it ain’t going to make you look any better I can tell you that right now ain’t going to make you look any better I guess the I guess the short bu let off today yeah no doubt two accounts without question without question think about think about this person’s life man I say it’s all say you got what do you think your parents do how’s how’s your son doing oh he’s doing great he goes and trolls YouTube channels cuz he can’t get a girl he’s got no job he’s got no money he’s got no prospects he’s got no life we’re very proud of him he’s doing great things he’s doing great things frankly he’s going controlling YouTube channels we’re very proud of him he’s getting no attention no friends nobody loves him frankly you know a dog wouldn’t even piss on him if he was on fire but it’s all good frankly we’re doing great things he’s doing big things we’re very proud of him um it is what it is what up David how you doing buddy I did watch a lot of that thank you for the shout out I did I got about 40 minutes through I saw the replay yeah he he’s got uh Whatchamacallit Bonnie’s got KNE soreness he’s got knee sorus knee soreness um right have to get out the stream to Mar Ros I saw that I saw that he went to the Kings thank you for sharing Tanya I appreciate that ah of course property of course of course um yeah that’s just the way it is man I don’t really have any advice man you’re again you you’ve been there eight months you kind of know what you want to do our goals are obviously different you want to put on size I always want to get more lean but I mean you know you have the right attitude as far as doing it I mean you have a passion for it you love it so that’s really the most important thing is you love what you do so again I I really don’t have any advice especially when it comes to bulking because I never really I bulked by mistake I wasn’t looking to do it um but it is you know it is what it is so I don’t really have it I I don’t really have uh I don’t really have advice man just I just continue to do what you’re doing stay consistent at it and continue to do research you know on the way on things you want to achieve to achieve the physique you want just do a lot of research and take a lot of different things and it’s a lot of trial and error you know it’s it’s a lot of seeing what works for you everybody’s genetics are different like you’re 6’4 and you’re just you have a a naturally Lean Like A naturally small frame so I’m only six foot so I don’t I don’t have you know that same type of thing 64 is that’s very tall for bodybuilder is usually the best bodybuilder is usually between 5’7 and 5’10 so it’s 64 is difficult so I don’t really know I don’t have that issue when it comes to to working out but you know I appreciate you man the best way for legs like I said just keep training them I can’t squat anymore I heard you mention that you’re squatting that’s great dude I my back does not allow me to squat squats deadlifts are fantastic your legs I can’t do them push that freaking sled though bro that freaking sled that you’ve seen me push that’s the best that works out every part of that works out every part of your body you’re pushing it with your chest you’re pushing it with your arms you’re pushing it with the entire lower half of your body and you’re working your heart like a son of a [ __ ] it really is everything involved in that that is one of the best exercises is pushing that sled leg press is good like I use a leg press I use the leg extension I use the hamstrings I use the inner outer uh thigh machine um I do the calf press you know I don’t actually use the thing that sits on my shoulders I lay down and just press it with my toes or we have a CA calf press that you can use because I don’t like the pressure on my shoulders pushing on my back I B my mistake Mr josua yes yes yes um um LeBron somewhat plays that LeBron somewhat plays on Deus I mean listen man it is what it is d goes off but dton finished it much better um D finished it much better the last time he he finished the game very well very well so I hope that he can build off of it I hope he can build off it you know I hope he can build off of it Beast scrs it up JT what up nyg season what up uh 15 points or I think you get to get that next game is July 10th Janice my lady thank you so much appreciate you brilly bril where’s my little stream deck here that you know what that pisses trolls off more than anything else is when I get donations they hate that [ __ ] Janice meell says Hey bad dog how’s your anniversary dinner um dog sitting at my mom’s for 11 days while they were in France he’s 116 out here by the pool the water is 90 I hope your night gets better it’s already better Janice because we figured it the hell out we got the live stream going even if I had to go to streamyard there’s no way I wasn’t streaming but thank you dinner was good dinner was good 17 years it’s a long time like I said we’ve been married 17 years we together 24 so I’m lucky she has not killed yet but it is uh it’s good it’s good um thank you I appreciate that um T Master what up Glenn Oba what up 119 out in Arizona yeah it was like 92 today I mowed the lawn I did the lawn very early this morning I went for a three mile walk today so it is what it is yeah J Dog they don’t like that trolls hate when I get donations it’s actually funny to me I actually don’t know I never understood why anybody cares that much but like I said when people wanna people want to talk [ __ ] they’re just projecting the fact their life is EMP I mean I get what it is it makes them feel better about their pitiful situation it happens social media is great for that you know damn well ain’t nobody really saying that if we were eye to eye you know that’s not happening I know that’s not happening happening too what up Melvin what up James what’s going on thank you property and preparedness I appreciate it um DLo ends up on the team shall not be disappointed he is not a negative during the regular season he could always have a I think DLo is gonna stay there you know yeah my uh my mother-in-law has a pool so I use that now and again yeah I mention it’s got to be hot down south I mean if it’s in the 90s up here it’s got be hot this supposed to be like 92 tomorrow we have like a warm when it gets into the 90s that’s a little hot for me I like it between 85 and 90 degrees so I like it like 85 86 like I like the warmth a lot I don’t like the cold I don’t like the cold um you’re streaming the All-Star game we’ll see I don’t know if it’s what day is that if it’s the 10th or if it’s what is it if it is it a Tuesday I can’t I do giants Hard Knock in that day but maybe I could swing by for a little bit of it n you don’t take the keyboard Warrior serious dire Giants it is what it is the finger thugs are a joke been 100 degrees in DC yeah that’s what I’m saying man it’s it’s been in the 90s up here in Upstate New York so 716 yeah I I’m G try to swing by but again I have Giants Hard Knocks that night so Paul my man thank you so much bro appreciate you brother brly brilly got another day planned for Thursday I’m excited sweet she’s got to be happy the Celtics want it all ree Beckman Marcus Balden dayquan plowden Jackson row and Ethan Thompson today I don’t have Jackson row written down we’re gonna write him down right now oh yes I do I actually wrote the right Warriors thing on today Dalton connect Colin cast the Maxwell leis Tommy and RL trayor are your starters for the Lakers I like the way tror looked yesterday oh this Pen’s in my way thank you bro appreciate you brother bril bril my man no my scoreboard will be fine it might be ahead of the game game’s on NBA TV today by the way so the scoreboard may be ahead of the game but it’ll be fine plus uh you can see there’s going to be you can see some of the um Whatchamacallit the uh actually can I will it hold on one second let me just see if if I can change this to if I can just change to the box score there we go this way you can at least see what the Lakers are doing you can see their stats like that might actually I should prob people listen man if you guys actually like this setup better I can definitely do this I’m just not gonna have aana with me is the issue so we are underway here summer leue game number two Tommy cuse gives it off to Colin cast cast down low to trayor underneath the basket out to c q launches and that shot’s no good what’s going on boogie down what up sports fan what up DWG in the house oh the DW Jizzle what up bro dude we gotta go to a Giants game this year come on DWG we got to go to a Giants game this year man I was watching when I did my 24-hour stream I was watching it back we got to go again we got to do that again one time I know you’re busy man but we got to make it happen got to make it happen got to make it happen gotta do it Giants Cowboys you’re right here come the Warriors back the other way with plowden plowden’s gonna give it off to Thompson I got us is Thompson back PL plowed in the lane firing away and no good the rebound grabbed by Colin Castleton and Double C will bring it up here for the Lakers CC down the lane all the way to the rack goes up fouled and he will go to the line for two my guy DWG Giants Cowboys night I can’t do the night game you know I can’t do the night game actually that’d be pretty awesome but I’d have to take Thursday and Friday off for that we have to figure it out though free though by Castleton is good we definitely got to figure it out cu that I was watching that back I can tell you right now I was watching how much I drank dude I can’t drink like that anymore I have like two and I’m I’m good Gucci both free throws are good Warriors come up with the basketball 848 to go here looking for Thompson down low Balden has it swings it over there CH FL Thompson has it back to Flanigan goes a block on his own rebound puts it up and in so no it wasn’t that was yeah I say Allen flan again but that doesn’t look like his last name pull up jump shot is no good rebound grab there by the Warriors Marcus Baldin comes away with it re tied is a drive down the lane around tayori getting into the paint not swinging it back outside going up and no good tip is good so Balden tips it in they’re going down low here that was a travel they didn’t call it tayori got his own rebound and got fouled tayori was over four in yesterday’s game yeah let’s do it let’s we got to talk about it gwg we definitely got to talk about it bro without question Chris Red Sox what up Dappa what up all right T Edwards it’s hot everywhere tryi was 0 for two like I said oh for let’s do it we got to talk about which game though got to do it free throw no good again trayi over for five in his career from the line not very good no Bron’s got a sore knee today so no bronny 745 to go tayori hey made a free throw Warriors come back up I don’t know who the hell number three is because I don’t have three written down anywhere these summer league rosters are very difficult to figure out man a nice alleyoop there and Balden knocks it down pass from plow into Balden I know how have a number three here’s C down the lane C goes up Top Shot lays it in with a little K and it’s six to five going state by one seven minutes to go here in the first quarter Balden get it off sets a screen that three is no good the rebound grab by Maxwell Lewis brings it up here for the Lakers dri with the right hand down the lane he goes all the way to the rack had it blocked Bing with a block and plowed and fou by cuse in the back court yeah that’s what everybody DG that’s what everybody was saying load management like his dad 65 California classic and layup is good Jackson row lays it up and in so Jackson row is 44 not 43 is is that’ll help to know that here is a drive down the lane by connect and he is fouled there’s a d connect rookie from Tennessee the Lakers first round pick he did a lot of that at the end of yesterday’s game he got up to a sluggish start he shot two for 11 at the beginning of the game then he started a drive to the rack and the young man will go to the stripe for two first free throw is good well you’ll allow me to take both days off thank you Taco Master appreciate you we have to get that same Hotel DWG that [ __ ] was nice down there secondary though good and it is 8-7 Golden State 6:30 to go in the first I got to figure out who the hell number three is for Golden State beakman can’t get it to go they they had number eight as his number he’s number three we’ll figure it out H cross guard pass in the corner that’s three he’s Way Off the Mark castle and can’t get the rebound and it’s grabbed there by plowed and that shot is good bum Gardner films man thank you so much bro appreciate you my friend br br we should be focused on developing and playing reliable bench players castlen Christie connect Maxwell Hinson and bronny could contribute no bronny today but definitely connect and uh Castleton without question Hinson looked really good yesterday hit five threes we have a Time on the floor 10 to seven Golden State I don’t blame you dashy I don’t blame you you know your grandma passes your great grandma passes away I don’t blame you for taking some bement leave exactly that’s what I’m saying yeah absolutely dashy I’m I’m sure they’re not going to get mad at you for doing that bro you should definitely be at our funeral without question hit that thumbs up subscribe ring the bell let’s go the kitty bus pulled off the kitty bus pulled off it’s always good to see the kitty bus leave the station hit that thumbs up subscribe ring the bell come on guys and girls let’s go let’s go yeah use the soundboard yeah we missed you too bro I told you man people see you in the chat they’re like hey DWG I I think I need a bigger I think I need to buy me a bigger stream deck but yeah I like to use the scoreboard we got we got a few pretty good ones here you know right gotta let him know let’s go I need some of your drops let’s go don Lane and connect had a blocked there another freaking number that they do not have right that’s the tough thing about the getting the summer league rosters man the numbers aren’t usually matched up correctly and got to figure it out castlen has it I mean I know all the Lakers it don’t matter qes for three way off the mark cuse not getting it to go and here come the Warriors back up the other way beakman with the basketball bman jwes with the left hand gives it off there to Thompson Thompson around the screen has it at the free throw line the pass goes arai and it’s out of bounds he was looking for Jackson row underneath and was too uh too fast from the handle too high Colin Caston with the basketball has it at the top of the circle looking for connect off a screen connect goes down the lane pulls up from the free throw line way short rebound by Thompson jwn thank you bro appreciate you yes br br my man needed uncle Ben Jersey indeed Flanigan knocks that one down they have two 44s in there I maybe Flanigan’s number s anyway connect with the basketball has it kicks it outside whoa if you’re not wearing your helmet guys everybody watch your head incoming leers are really struggling again and it’s 15 to7 Warriors as Jackson row knocks down the three that shot is no good the Lakers shot really poorly in the first half last game and Ethan Thompson goes up and Ethan Thompson’s fouled on the break and he’ll go to the line for two can the Celtics repeat I don’t know why they can’t and a kensen studio no he’s not playing tonight no bronny guys unfortunately trash 17 Pi flippity jibby nonsense yeah flippity jibby nonsense free throw is good by Thompson 16 to7 the Knicks are healthy they can definitely make a run at this Sean East will check in here for the Lakers second bre though Lou they don’t care they just want to hate on him yo ch ch said already take a nights off like his dad of course 420 to go in the first half first quarter round 420 to go first quarter 420 G know do smoke him because you got him smoke driving down a lane kicking it out Hinson gets free pulls up for three Swit cheese sandwich that’s right Blake Takes the Cake I tell you what man Blake Hinson is looking really good there’s another foul Eric my man thank you bro thank you for the super chats keep pissing those trolls off I appreciate did you hear about the Italian chef that died he passed away we can only do so much his legacy will become a pizza history very annoy Sarah gr nice Su there like it Warriors oh they call a foul on on Castle then it didn’t look like much of a foul there at all um I don’t I’m gonna do the uh I want to see the 27th cheddar that’s actually my birthday so Gian what’s going on DEC Pinkney I think it’s that day the Olympics free throw is good by The Warriors the Olympic start on uh the Olympic start on the 26th and I think that uh I think the US plays the 27th both free throws are good here come the Lakers back the other way the Lakers defense struggled yesterday as well the Kings just shot the lights out Sean east of the basketball driving over to the Baseline gives it off the cast and pulls up in the left elbow and tickles the twine Su from about 17 away gives a ERS Eric is the king of the dad jokes and that three is knocked down there by I’m not even gonna try to say this guy’s name yeah I say that mantis zuba stakus stous here’s Hinson for three switch te damage Blake Takes the Cake backto back threes the Blake Hinson he had five in gester his Game Boy the Lakers f somebody over there Lakers finding something in Hinson yeah Ben rice is a beast that shot’s no good but another foul Lakers playing defense with their hands and not their feet right now let’s go three homers and fifth player to do so well no he’s the he’s the six player at least because aod hit three home runs against Baro cologne in 2007 he hit four home runs he had a two home I remember it he hadit a two- run Homer in the in the first a three-run homer in the third and and a Grand Slam in the fourth I remember that I remember A-Rod having three home runs off cologne in 2007 so I know A-Rod did it I think Garrick actually hit four in a game but shedar I’m gonna do as much of the Olympics as I can even with um even not USA games like if they can if I can fit him into my schedule I want to do other games besides but obviously I’m going to cover us I mean I have peacock I bought peacock for the Olympics years ago yeah hinson’s looking good he’s looking good they look slow well I mean you know they a lot of these guys aren’t NBA players they’re g-league guys no it’s it’s zero sugar Sunkissed it’s not Fanta don’t you want the want the F don’t you want the want F Fant they even make that anymore yes it’s on it’s on peacock yeah the Olympics are on peacock uh wvon and Rudy are insane Rudy Rudy Gober yes that is an interesting screen name a to M A I’m not I don’t even know what that Hinson definitely can make the team he’s definitely showed out the Summer League begin well this is the California classic the summer league in Vegas is the 12th through the 22nd three those good I think the Lakers play like the 15th the 17th the 19th and the 21st second fre though is short rebound is taken away by Blake Hinson I’ll give it off to sha East who’ll bring it up here for the Lakers 245 to go in the first Lakers trailing by eight games on NBA TV today no bronny James if you’re just tuning in Hinson for three again that one’s off the mark because he came off a screen couldn’t get it to go and the rebound by The Warriors Thiago vescovi out there now and that one’s no good rebound grab there by Dalton connect conect brings it up here for the Lakers off to a slow start again connect kicks out in the corner East for that’s not East that shot is short back tapped and rebound there here come the warriors on a break Warriors all the way to the roack blocked and a foul so Sean East will make him earn the points you love orange Fant uh which teams were on it were all of them on it dashy I still like your I still like your Bengals to win that Division if you guys are healthy the free throw is no good I’m not giving up on the Bengals if you guys are healthy I still feel like you’re the best team in that division it’s tough division though Kevin Knox the uh the uh former Nick can’t get him to go I’m just finding guys in here now shot all over the place and the Lakers can’t get a freaking rebound of course right like I said right in preseason Moda sorin romage Roman sorin lays it in and that drive ended up short and it’s uh Warrior basketball I hate not knowing the freaking players Eric my man thank you bro appreciate you brother really last night I was dreamed I was swimming in an ocean of orange soda but it was just a fantasy very nice another three for the Warriors and they’re up by 13 what do we got from Lou T here are we doing a Super Friends um yes we uh we on the Super Friends I don’t know if this is going to be live or pre-recorded but we on the Super Friends have a big a big Cowboy guest he’s very big frankly bigly he’s very bigly this game is already getting out of control there’s another three and it’s good 3117 Golden State as Bolden knocked it down or plowed him rather East is going to give it off here’s a three and that one is no good I saying they shot that one from Santa Rosa bronnie is a savior bronn’s not there today yeah they’re pretty good Lou pretty good yeah the stupid Fanta commercial got stuck in my head don’t you want the want the Fant Eric is the king of the on liners look at all those thumbs ups that three no good by hinen he’s now missed his last two after making his first two Kevin Knox step back three he not close well Kevin Knox is a lottery Pick and he has just been nothing in the NBA they kick it out back outside at three everybody look up in the sky it’s a bird it’s a plane it’s a UFO Vincent Valero bod on with the UFO Lakers have really struggled there was a lot of blowouts in the summer league today vesy kicks it back outside oh they called the foul on Hinson looked like he got all ball and with six t of a second to go the Warriors will go back to the free throw line that’s a bad call that was a good play by Henson mariana rivera yes I am streaming the the next Hard Knocks but it’s it’s a members it’s going to be a members Thing Once once it’s over I’ll put it I’ll make it public but the actual live reaction is going to be for my members because that shot is no good and that’s the end of the quarter I have to do something for my members they’re very good to me so I have to start giving them some things that’s going to include Early Access to videos and live streams like that so I decided I was going to do something for the members for the Hard Knock things so you can defitely become a member I mean it’s a piece of cake it’s as little as $3 a month so I would never tell anybody they have to do that but if you choose to we can do it for as little as $3 a month uh by the way that also reminds me I don’t know if anybody is Legend tier dire Giants fan might be Legend tier I think but if the legend tier D giant fan it’s up to you bro but I’m pretty sure you’re Legend here I’ll give you the link to uh the stream and if you want to hop in you don’t need to put your camera on but if you want to hop in bro you can hop in Eric thank you bro appreciate you who wins a game of one-on-one bronnie or Caitlyn you you ain’t right bro you ain’t right Dr too much no this the Lakers summer league is bad these guys man you’re right the summer league teams are not good LeBron needs to be in DNH you guys are freaking ruthless on bronnie ruthless bronnie is not playing today you guys are killing that kid come on man why are we be mean to bronny you don’t like LeBron you don’t need to like LeBron but God his kid didn’t do anything to you the viewer that was a bad first quarter no Germaine I know I know it’s all in good well most of the time it’s a good fun some people really do get get really really big uh 3117 as we get the quarter Warriors of the basketball and another foul my God can the Lakers stop fouling yep so we’re gonna have a Premiere but we have a the Super Friends is going to be big we got a very big Cowboys guest it’s going to be recorded so it’ll be a Premiere and we’ll play it back here’s a corner three for bod and another Miss there by Boda oh my God this is brutal baling with a basketball your bishes lays it up and in I heard the guy say it z r yes Raves Raves I can’t canelon and another brick Oh my God this is unwatchable nine minutes to go driving down the lane kicking it out wide open three no good another offensive rebound put back Lakers are right in mid-season form him 3517 plowden with the rebound and putb wow castl with the basketball has it cus is about to come back into the gate Castleton inside the dotted line misses by a mile forced that one and aimed it warriors with the basketball beakman going to dribble in good defense that time Knox are three and Knox merely gra are in Lakers lose the basketball and Knox can’t get it to go again here comes Sean East back the other way East turns it over and the ball’s to my God what am I watching here wide openen three for plen no rebound grab by Hinson the Laker offense is struggling they really need bronnie James out there here is Maxell Lewis in the lane goes up no good C him the rebound the put back y the Lakers made a basket 3519 Golden State but zishes can’t get it to go ravishes ravishes Lakers of the basketball joh East has it he pulls up for three and not even close again and the rebound here by the Warriors they’ll bring it back up into the front court with beakman and we have a time out on the floor 710 to go in the first half Lakers down by 16 Uzi [ __ ] what up oh Uzi [ __ ] I said that all day yesterday I’m like how come nobody’s worried about do to connect he’s the guy that’s going to make the Lakers not bronnie the all right pumped up man we got a big he’s a big guest frankly very big huge quite frankly he’s a big guest big Big Time guest uh yeah Lakers scored I saw that I saw that dashy saw he got in the car accident not good LeBron pulled a Lavar ball I mean oh I just missed that team China I just want to go back really quick I’ll get back to this game in one second this is really getting out of control I just want to see what these games are uh I just want to look at this really quick 3719 Golden State I just want to see where we’re at here with this uh oh that’s tonight team China vers that’s what it is that’s not what I was looking for I I thought that that was something to do with the Olympics and I saw team China yep I agree Duran is awesome I like Jared Duran a lot 3719 Lakers I don’t like the way they’re playing I can tell you that this is pretty freaking bad Thompson with the basketball has it and going to give it off there Thompson gets it back of the give and go nice pass beautiful block by castled him but they call a foul my God man these officials are freaking whistle happy Castle didn’t looked like he had a lot of ball there this is this is rough right now rough oh rough just the way a mother likes a trbe hit that thumbs up subscribing the Bell that shot’s no good 3719 Golden State by 18 points what’s up gwendolin what up Irish that free throw also know good but the offensive rebound is tipped into the back court the Warriors will chase it down that shot’s no good you can see how bad the Lakers stats are man they are bad cuse kicks it out to Maxwell down low tayori goes up and he was hammered and no foul call what the hell is going on here man oh the Warriors missed the wide open layup Castleton running up into the front Court castledon down the lane goes up he missed everything with layup and the ball’s knocked out of bounds and it’s last touch there by the Warriors every Lakers struggling here early on yes he’s bronn’s on load management here is Max Lewis got of course got away with the travel Lewis goes up and Lewis is go for six good Lord man Ethan Thompson with the basketball driving kicking it out contact count the basket in the rovi knocking that one in again the officials they must be a mid-season form too every time the Warriors go for a shot they’re calling the foul Lakers are getting smashed under the basket no foul call this is pretty bad right now it is a horror show 3919 guess is why JJ wants to focus on Player Development yes Rico States he’s out with a knee injury today we’re going to take a timeout two female officials and a male official and I don’t know what the hell they’re doing they’re pointing at something and we have a time out on the floor 3919 Golden State by 20 with going to the free throw line not a knee injury slight knee strain what’s the difference not a knee injury slight knee string what’s the difference that is a knee strain in his elbow I’m confused I don’t I don’t understand what that means naughty knee injury he has see knee strain wouldn’t that mean he has a knee injury Eric thank you bro what Irish and stays in the backyard all night long Patty o Furniture very nice Tyron Bastion what up macro yes this is a score and the Warriors are going to the freedo line too I don’t know what they did last night bomb gner films they didn’t work on their shot oh it’s a way to fake an injury without getting paperwork on it summer league I don’t know man doesn’t matter yeah listen a lot of the Yankees can’t hit for Jack squat dashy Ben rice had a good one Yankees play the night at what is it seven or eight Sunday night games used to be at eight but I think they start him at seven now I was hoping they started at eight but yeah so I’m excited man we got a we got a big we got a big guest coming to the uh you know got no care of YouTube Shadow band speed whatever we got a big guest coming to the you know we just need money for the candidacy that’s all we got a big guests coming to the super frence we’re gonna do it bigly trying to get a lot of guests frankly so till we find an absolute replacement for law Jon connect with the basketball connect goes up and doesn’t get it to go lit on the Lakers basket tayori gets hammered tayori I like the way he plays obviously hinson’s the only guy that can make a basket for the Lakers but Tori works very hard underneath the backboard and in the paint I’ve been seeing that a lot he works very hard under the basket they are playing right now Panthers buzz what up now listen bronnie got four points yesterday four and that free throw is I mean of course it’s no good why would it be good tayori just one out of seven hey tayori went to the Sha School of shooting free throws here’s Ethan Thompson giving it off Thompson in the corner for three that’s no good battle for the rebound taken away by the Lakers Q gets it out connect for three swi cheese sandwich downtown Dalton connect three it’s a connect three it’s 39 and right to the rack easily goes Santiago the scobby huse to the basketball huse has it around the screen by castle and goes to the Elbow gets underneath the paint throws up a throws up an air B from four feet away it don’t even reach the rim warriors with the basket kicking it out here’s plowden for three no good rebound gra putback is good how many offensive rebounds are a freaking Warriors have in this game as movi lays it up and in 420 to go in the first half everybody 420 to go 420 care you know what to do smoke them because you got them smoke we uh J WN man thank you so much bro appreciate you brother BR bril thank thank you brother appreciate that my guy says jwn says I bad I can hope your hype are amazing close say an Allstar what he didn’t have an Allstar pitch the other night I can tell you that when he gave up that freaking home run he got up to a really good start this year but he hasn’t pitched in a while still that game really pissed me that game made me mad that shot is no good Ling we remember 58 months it turns out there’s a Polish mafia they found two guys tied by their heads and shot through their hands I’m going to hell I’ll see you when I get there bro we we’ll meet up Castleton gets hammered and no foul call they don’t even care here is Ethan Thompson going up he can’t get the shot to go the rebound grab there by Castleton the big man dribbles it off his hip gives it off there to tayori I’m sorry D connect with the basketball connect in the lane connect goes up challenge shot fouled and Dalton will go to the line for two is g to be funny to watch you R some beer Summer League man it’s a summer league it’s a summer league don’t forget the Fritos Ronnie’s out today big blue beats he’s out jwn thank you bro clayer I feel you brother I feel you free throw is good by dalon connect one I coming for the rookie I hear you man I had to do a live stream after that game I mean listen I’m I don’t bronny as far as bronnie earning my respect I don’t expect much of Brony so he really doesn’t have to earn anything I don’t really expect much of a guy that’s picked 55th and fre throw is a good people love hating on him because he’s LeBron’s kid and I get it but I mean nobody if he was a first round pick and was this bad then I I could understand it but like if everybody already says he sucks then why why do we keep talking about bad he sucks I mean I I don’t I guess I don’t understand that but I don’t expect anything from bronnie you know he’s got a develop man he he definitely in a finished product kid’s 19 years old well the summer league guys it’s usually it’s not the head coach that does the Summer League games couston the basketball gives off the Hinson Hinson knocked down a couple threes it’s been cold since don’t connect around a screen connect in the lane connect all the to the r no good put back by trayor with a two-handed boom shaka Locka I like the way this trayor kid plays there’s been a couple of there’s been a couple guys that have that have impressed Blake Hinson and Tori have definitely impressed vesy throws it outside maves goes up and gets it to go count the Bas in the foul how many fouls do the Lakers have in this game holy [ __ ] vishous I hope the sonics come back Larry I love the superponics Bron’s for I gota be honest bronnie probably could have made a lot more money overseas being completely honest gavish just can’t get the free throw to go hints in the board out cuse here’s Blake kinson with the basketball gives it off to Shan East now back to C C around a screen C in the paint behind the back trayor for three swis Cheese Sandwich Tray every time the Lakers score a baset though they give one up it’s pretty freaking amazing here’s the drive down the lane and a beautiful pass and an easy dunk East got lost on the pick and road balen with a dunk 4730 just under two minutes too here in the half here’s dton connect connect gonna give it off to qes hes picks up the drible back out to Sean East top of the Circle East with the right-handed dribble has nowhere to go with it throws a bad pass and that’ll be a backourt violation it’ll be a shot clock violation either way it’s a turnover to Lakers kaiso should be a Laker hit the like And subscribe that’s right I hear dashy I hear you bro I understand how it goes I say it all the time about the Giants putting me in an early grave the Yankees too yeah yeah here is um Thompson with the basketball and Thompson runs over the defender and they call on the Lakers how do the Lakers have anybody even left to uh how do the Lakers even have anybody left to to play Lakers have committed nine fouls in this quarter what do you have to have 10 fouls to go to the bonus or says they’re in the bonus but they’re not shooting free throws wiping up some sweats from the paint Ethan Thompson with the basketball Thompson in the paint Thompson down the lane scoop shot no good the rebound grabbed there by trayor gives it off to Dalton connect who’s not done a lot today connect leaves a Defender and his dust throws it down that dunk will not count GF chis staves with the foul oh maybe they don’t have nine fouls think it’s a first foul in the last two minutes drori has it at the top of the circle looked for connect couldn’t get it to him they could not connect with Dalton down the lead goes east east tickles the twine about Sean East finally making a damn basket his GPS has been broken he can’t find his way to the hoop 4732 Thompson’s going to give it off here Thompson Has It Wide Open in the corner for three back of the rim no the rebound by dlon connect and he was pushed out of bounds it’ll be a foul on I believe it’s on RIS ravishes was on balen that’s much easier to say hit the thumbs up subscribe bring the Bell let’s go baby let’s go tayori at the line we know this has always been an adventure he’s not a good free throw shooter I think we’ve seen that hey trayor makes the free throw hit the thumbs up subscribe ring the bell let’s go trior hey made them both how about that and again right down the lane Sean east’s defense is not good 4934 nice drive there by beakman Sean east of the basketball driving along the Baseline has it underneath the basket had it Stripped Away Warriors can hold for a final shot they choose they don’t choose beakman goes at a rack and didn’t get to go Lakers can now day decide not to tayori goes up what the hell are these guys doing both of these teams could help for a final shot tayori tried to make a nice steal good effort but he couldn’t couldn’t save him from going out of bounds JR Smith did have some really good dunks I agree I agree with that one Warriors will hold for a final has been a disastrous first quarter here for the Lakers Bolden has it down going up shots no good it was an air well putbacks not going to count don’t go in anyway that’s the end of the first half tough first half for the Lakers they Trail 4934 all right I’ll give you guys and girls the statistics here right after we hear from our sponsor Mr Vic take it away Michael Vic here at get it all huge bonuses great odds a race Book Live ingame betting and a casino bet us my online Sportsbook and casino that’s right today’s streaming is brought to you by the good people of bet us you want to take advantage of the best promotion going of any betting app out there click that l in the description and ENT the promo code join 125 and bet us will give you a 125% match deposit bonus on your first three deposits all the way up to $2,000 in bonus cash great customer service paths within 24 hours and 10% gamblers insurance as long as you stay active for every six months take advantage of that best promotion going football season’s right around the corner everybody wants to bet on football so take advantage of that get your free money and get ready to go have fun with it but as always please bet responsibly never bet more than they can afford to lose here are the Lakers statistics Colin Castleton two for six two for two in the free uh free throw line six points five rebounds uh ARL trayor two for five one out of two from downtown nine points six rebounds and much better at the free throw line today four for six Maxwell Lewis struggling had a great game uh yesterday he’s 0 for six and has not scored dlon connect struggling again just one out of six he did hit a three he’s four for four from the line he has seven points two boards Tommy cuse one for four two points and a rebound uh olivar a 0 for three didn’t score Kyle Mangus in there for four minutes didn’t take a shot diara did not take a shot so none of them scored Blake Hinson hit his first shoot threes miss his last three six points five rebounds um Vincent Valero bodan 0 for three did not score Shan e two for four four points Lakers 10 out of 41 my God 10 for 41 24.4% four for 15 for downtown 26.7% hey at least they have made the free throws they they’re shooting 83% they’ve been out rebounded 32 to 24 uh for the Warriors Balden two for six four points4 boards Ethan Thompson three for nine couple of free throws 8.7 rebounds Jackson Road three for six seven points three boards uh Rees beIN one out of five two points for him plow in two for five 5.6 rebounds Roman sorin two out of three two for two from the line six points six rebounds uh ravishes three I’m sorry four to five 11 points three rebounds rovi three for three six points and a rebound Kevin Knox 0 for four three assists two rebounds the Warriors had nine offensive rebounds that seemed like a lot more than that Warriors shot 20 out of 46 43 and a half% four for 16 from downtown 25% and 5 for 12 from the uh free throw line terrible free throws for the Warriors so this could be a lot worse they’re five it’s 41.7% you’re looking at the team stats they look like this you can see how bad the Lakers have shot the free throw line Lakers have actually done better but you take a look at everything else Lakers are 12 fouls five turnovers they’re giving up nine offensive rebounds so not good for the Lakers they did play better in the second half yesterday we’ll see if they can do it today there we go that is your that is your halftime statistics let me put myself back up here where I go I’m gonna go potty you guys do me a favor hit the like hit the Subscribe button ring the bell all that good stuff r squared my man thank you so much bro appreciate you brother thank you r squared in the house and every Sunday around 3:30 I beat my me bad dog you think they would track for agents Genie Busters offer them some BL maybe they couldn’t get any of them rodri so maybe R squar maybe they couldn’t maybe they couldn’t maybe they needed her to offer that or something I don’t know Kyle Mangus correct Kyle Mangus what I say he didn’t play all right let me go hit the the pp room real quick of I’ll be right back e alrighty alrighty then alrighty alrighty then 129 likes thank you for that guys and girls appreciate you get hit that thumbs up subscribe ring a ding ding ding ding the Bell gonna go crash on the couch and go to sleep this game could put you to sleep I could tell you that much right now I could tell you this I could tell you this I could tell you this much summer league is also good for us mods they like being a little more strict with spamers yeah yeah during the summer league you definitely can do that Lee Addis how can I be the man when you the man speaking of the man Eric bro thank you so much man I really appreciate brother thank you my friend much love Eric much love Eric says whoops when you pee you’re an island when you pee together you’re in nation where do you come up with all these things let s going to be I said I got less I saw my man less already yeah Sports depressed I hear you Tom Schulman what up yeah I tell you I’m doing my best bro it’s it’s this this has been a tough one to watch today no bronny and lers haven’t shot well I’m really just trying to see how Dalton connect does um today dear men don’t Eric just sent me something on Instagram it says Dear Men Please don’t drive too fast you lose your hair it must be showing the Fast and the Furious is that what that is so I see the rock is that the rock yeah is that the rock is that Vin Diesel that’s the rock It’s The Rock and Vin Diesel is that Tyrese I’ve never watched a fast and furious in my life but we’ve already talked about how the best guys the best guys are bald and R squar said a best he said the best guys are bold example my girlfriend’s mom my my favorite lives ever I had me laughing so hard oh here we go we’re underway already it’s great man they are all B they all bald I know I’m bald too I’m bald too we love it what’s going on Tony C Wright shots no good Avon Mims what up buddy I am having a good summer it’s already going by too fast Les it’s already going by too fast so the Warriors back to the freedo line they’ve been there it seems the entire game and the free throw is good a friend runs the local shop already asked about the Lakers she read a good laugh I hope not Deon plow and we’ll get another free throw I guess he was fouled on a three so he gets three free throws again man outside of Dalton connect none of these Lakers are going to be on the lake like these guys are all South Bay Lakers maybe May maybe Blake Hinson gets a spot at the end of the bench he’s shot really well I think he’s seven out of 12 from downtown in the preseason speaking of D to connect again just one of the six again everybody wants to hate on Brony there’s connect goes up and had it blocked and went off of connect to add insult to injury Dawn connect is just one out of seven and he started off very poorly yesterday as well I mean if you’re a Laker fan you got to stop worrying about bronny James I mean he wasn’t going to make a difference anyway you got to start worrying about this kid if anything he is not shot well at all he’s not played well he gets beat big time and then then fouls as reys beakman went right by him like he was standing still Castle didn’t mik it minutes Lou I just don’t know if he’s gonna start with the Lakers ah exactly third Moy exactly I I mean that’s the thing I guess it’s just trendy to hate on bronny James the free throw is good Warriors back up by 20 nope I’m a Laker I’m sorry I’m a Nicks fan just a Knicks fan not a Laker fan free throw is good it is 54 to 34 as the Warriors are up by 20 Trey Ori with the basketball is gonna give it off to maxel Lewis who has struggled Lewis gets into the lane he’s over six today he goes up under and had the shot blocked the Lakers can’t get anything right now mediocre team mediocre ticket well not necessarily even when the Knicks were mediocre the tickets of the garden were ridiculously high no no Brony today Marcus he had a knee strain Max Lewis in the corner pulls up for three shots no good Ball’s knocked out of bounds by The Warriors good job by trayor as he battled underneath there with Balden 5434 because out there to Castleton Castleton back to connect connect for three shots no good again and the ball’s knocked out of bounds again the Lakers will have another shot at it trying to get the ball in the basket can’t put the biscuit in the basket today dton connect is just one for eight cast him with the basketball throws it down low shot is knocked away Lakers still have the basketball connect cutting to the rack goes up and thrs it down with a gigantic two-handed boom shag well he hasn’t done much shooting wise but that was a highlight play without question that was a good finish Warriors get another offensive rebound offensive rebound number 11 for them and they lay it up and in here is Tommy cuse cuse picks out the dribble throws it back outside to connect calling for a screen by castle and goes around the screen to the left kicks back outside cuse launches a three whoa if you’re not wearing your heart at everybody watch your head metal pipe incoming watch your head connect with the steel connect goes up yes and the foul get the harm gold connect will go toity and one so connected this yesterday had a terrible first half and he finished the game very strong great read on that picked off the pass drew the contact hanging and banging and landing in with a little kids so connect the last couple of possessions looking much better maybe that dunk gets him going he makes the free throw they don’t show it but he did make it 7:30 to go here in the uh third quarter here’s Reese beakman with the ball top of the key into the pain to go as beakman had to Knocked Out of Bounds yeah they’re they’re losing because no bronny no problem real facts Diamond B what up I’m back baby that shots good it’s Warriors up by a lot and again I think the Lakers play the 10th so I’ll be live in the 10th which is Wednesday I’ll be live in the 12th which is Friday the games are normal time they they start to play later at night C in the basketball C in the lane Tommy Q tickles the twine off balance shot by Q certainly didn’t look good good effort there by Dalton connect knocking the ball out of bounds Lakers Trail by 17 they’re pretty much Trail wow they got up to a very bad start look looking a lot better offensively in this quarter though and they kick it out in the corner that’s a th whoa everybody again watch your head that ball hit the side of the backboard might have broken it connect for three Rim down on him here comes Ethan Thompson back the other way Hill spot up for three that shot short batt for the rebound cuse chases it down in the corner cuse almost lost the ball throws it to Castle and castl and gets it over there to trayor who brings it into the front Court tayori in the low post banging with plowden goes up tough shot and that not a good shot Castleton with the offensive rebound balls knocked it bounds castle and was out of bounds when he grabbed it it’ll be Warrior basketball keep shooting Dalton that’s right it’s just like Danny green that one year Lou keep shooting he keeps shooting Danny ball stolen away by cuse cuse all the way cuse goes up and he was foul I hate when players do that why do you slow up looking for a foul just take the damn basket C just freaking decided I’m going to slow up and look for a foul he got foul but he didn’t make the basket longy Raider what up buddy BBD what’s up my friend what’s going on good to see you man I hope you’re doing well I can now be a Laker fan again since they drafted your guy connect he’s struggling today BBD BBD my guy BBD I’ve known BBD a long time Free’s goodbye Tommy C BBD give us a little bit of a Scouting Report he’s a big Tennessee balls fan he’s my man BBD big ball daddy there give us a little scouting report if you couldn’t tell by his name big V daddy like Vol volunteers volunteers three those are good he’s he’s struggled shooting so far in the first two games I’m not going to read too much into it he might be nervous but he’s definitely looked good going to the basket he just hasn’t really gotten a shot going down yet and there’s another foul in the Lakers we time to the floor 556 to go in the third quar Lakers making it a bit closer well I guess they Trail by 15 of the half it’s 15 points now and the Lakers Trail by 2201 point this game hit the thumbs up subscribing the Bell come on baby it’s free doesn’t cost anything to subscribe doesn’t cost anything to like hey uh my my moderator is about to about to tell you who’s going to be on the um on the thing tomorrow number there you go if you’re one of my mods check your IG this yeah Lou it seems like they always play better in the second half con will have these here we go this is our Scouting Report from our guy big ball daddy connect will have these days but when he gets hot look the hell out he rarely ever misses at the line his defense needs work yeah that that was the the thing coming uh we’ve seen him get blown by a couple times and that was the thing that Laker fans were concerned about is we have a lot of guys we have a lot of guys like Austin Reeves d’angel Russell like they’re good Shooters but they’re not really good Defenders and the Lakers really need a good Wing Defender um it’s good that he makes his free throws though man because the Lakers struggle with that without question but you get connect with a guy like Anthony Davis and LeBron James I mean it might be might be pretty good they’re obviously not going to look at him as much as they will the other players in this you know in these Summer League games granted the competition’s not the same but he’s definitely the best player for the Lakers I would think although Blake hinson’s look really good and sorin Spins and had a block there I believe that was was not tayori who was that that was Mohamad diara with the block Warriors Come Away with the basketball again and Ethan Thompson just fills the lane and throws it down and it’s 60 to4 3 Tommy c c will bringing up here for the Lakers five minutes ago here in the third quarter cuse of the crossover dribble cuse gets into the paint cuse doing a lot of dribbling a lot of dribbling still dribbling still dribbling throws it out there diara for three and there’s a foul underneath and diara freaking have you if you if you’re not wearing your hard at again there’s been a lot of these it’s a construction zone here tonight for the Lakers watch your head you know the you know those signs in the road that say look out for fing rocks that’s the way the Lakers are shot today Patrick what’s going on buddy thank you for being here man yeah that’s that’s a fact BBD that’s a fact we have a confab here between the officials the little blonde official actually looks like one of my co-workers I don’t think she’s I don’t think she’s officiating the game it’d be quite a travel for her the surprises for a big well I can tell you what that three was a surprise that was pretty bad that was pretty bad um yes Lou That was supposed to be kept Under Wraps bro I it’s all good I supposed be kept under wraps for a second but it don’t matter because we’re going to let people know obviously I want to let you guys know yep scooter McGruder scooter McGruder the one and only it’ll be a Premiere though I said it won’t be a live we’ll record it and we will Premiere it but it’ll be good oh they’re looking to see if this is a flagrant foul on Maxwell Lewis say Max Lewis might have committed a flagrant Julian mcfaden they definitely Lou they definitely need freaking they definitely need a center should have got they should have freaking got uh Whatchamacallit have got kais SoDo kais soda would have been fun in the Lakers kais soda would have been fun in the Lakers yeah it’s all good Lou it’s no no no sweat brother no sweat I think it was a flagrant One Max Lewis obviously frustrated today he is for six from the field he has not scored but yep we got we got big Cowboys video maker I told you it’s a big Cowboys video maker hug Tre he’s one of the biggest and you know when it comes of the Super Friends you know we we aim to please it’s a great show it’s the best show quite frankly we [ __ ] all this all the all the round tables there’s no question the round table of the nfc’s Super Friends it is is the goat without question I watch it I’m a big fan that free throw is no good but I’m a big fan of the Super Friends they do great things over there big things bigly huge emotional great things Lou got emotional when he saw the guests it’s a great guest panel we may even have some players some players it’ll be great we are GNA see if we can get some players at some point if we you know before we find a uh like a permanent replacement for law he didn’t want to come to the NBA I mean he could have made a lot of money I don’t know yorin gives it up and he can’t get it to go got his own rebound goes up again sorin can’t get it to go rebounded by diara gives it off to Shawn east east brings it into the front Court here 420 to go in the third quarter by 420 to go third quarter 423 you might as well do it smoke them because you got them smoke there’s a three by Hinson everybody again watch your head my God that thing went over the freaking rim and hit the side of the backboard that was insane r squared thank you bro there’s a steal and Ethan Thompson throws it out 20 point he says uh I gotta give my little I get in free to every Fast and Furious movie because my girlfriend’s mom resembles a vendy pretty cool I think my favorite of all the people I’m compared to is a kickball Warriors ball again don’t forget the Fritos my God Lou bring the Fritos the Doritos the salsa the Cheetos anything that ends and O’s bring them Oreos whatever this game is out of control he’s a shot chucker that shot’s no good well BBD said that he’s he’s streaky that he can have bad days and if he gets hot look out and Big B daddy knows he’s a BS fan he’s watched him play all the time so by the way BBD I saw I that shots good at 65 to 43 I know bbd’s still in here um I saw your text but I saw it like way after the fact which is why I didn’t respond to it so I saw it was the best pick the Lakers could have made hopefully I don’t do UFC at all easy I’ve never watched UFC the only UFC guy I knew was uh Ken Shamrock because I watched the WWF back then hi Austin Reeves Lakers could use you right now I gotta see the next leers game is Wednesday I know that so we’re gonna well we’re gonna record Super Friends tomorrow it’ll Premiere at some point um I’ll be live for um I’ll be live for Giants Hard Knock for the members we’ll do the live stream that will go public the next day the shot is good um by the the Lakers Shan East lays it up and in with little kids they play the Miami Heat 7 o’clock tomorrow I’m sorry 7 o’clock on Wednesday 7 o’clock on Wednesday then they start to play later they play the rockets on the 12th they play the Celtics on the 15th the 17th the 18th and they have a 14 tournament but those games are all later so and there’s uh Bolden bodon throwing it down with a two-handed boom shagaga my bad I was looking at the phone where’s the Panthers are the worst free throw I’m sorry uh commercial Lakers could use another four points I agree speaking of commercial let’s hear from our our sponsor one more time Mr Vic take it away Michael Vic ATB catch an incredible 125% signup bonus on your first three deposits plus 10% gamblers Insurance bet us my online Sportsbook and casino that’s right today’s Summer League game between the Lakers and the Warriors brought to you by the good people at bet us take advantage of the best promotion going of any betting app out there click that link in the description enter that promo code join 125 bet us to give you 125% match deposit bonus on your first three deposits all the way up to $2,000 in monus cash great customer service and payouts within 24 hours plus 10% gamblers insurance against all your net losses as long as you stay active for every six months so if you put in 500 bucks and enter the promo code join 125 bet us gives you an extra 620 $5 so You’ have a total of $1,125 to play with they have tons of stuff to bet on trust me and I tell you just check out the site look at all the things you can bet on you’ll never be bored so as I always say man enjoy it have fun while you bet but please never bet more than you can afford to lose bet responsibly let’s go bronnie the next Michael Jordan maybe maybe he’s the next Marcus Jordan it could be that too I know Jimmy Butler’s going I don’t know that the Knicks can afford him big task at hand after they gave ogan and Obi that massive contract I don’t I don’t know that they can that they can afford him now brunson’s contract is great for the Knicks that pass is picked off Lakers in the basketball trailing by a ton and there’s another steal by The Warriors a bad pass by the Lakers and Knox Bulls his way to the basket lays it up and in it’s a 20po Warriors lead Knox goes yep Kevin Knox you want to talk about a you want to talk about when the Knicks really drafting like [ __ ] and we’re such a poor team that’s one of them that guy was a top 10 pick what a waste B on for three short at least he hit the rim that’s an improvement for the Lakers 6747 Warriors by 20 I just like saying uh ravishes and that shot is no good but a foul on ravishes RAV ravishes yes think about that Jay Knox over SGA that’s that’s when we had a terrible front office Lakers will inbound here and Sean east of the basketball 90 seconds to go here in the quarter here is east east with the basketball has it top of the circle around a hson screen left-handed dribble Drive hop step goes up throws it out to bonan bonan back outside Andra at three again everybody please cover your head it’s just brick after brick after brick beware of Falling Rocks the Warriors must have made a three when I was watching my head and another brick shot up by the Lakers rebound grabbed there by who is that oh that’s bodon Hinson down the lane hinson’s fouled bad decisions are made to become good in the long I mean you’re I don’t think they’re trying to make bad decisions I think they believe those are the right guys for their job they’re just not that’s why bad decisions are bad decisions yeah Irish brought the construction workers please please wear your hard hats bre throw no good Hinson has one more this is this is hideous free throw good hey look at this look at this here come the Lakers Kings of the basketball driving down the lane kicking it out in the corner now back to the top of the circle and there’s another three of The Warriors who was that that was both Balden knocking down the three like it’s Trail by 25 sha East to the basketball pulls up oh look at sha East with an ugly the guy just does this this is Shan east’s shot literally he takes it and shoves it with one hand like how is that how can that guy be in the NBA and then he makes a nice play there on that ball have a jump ball Lakers a play playing team I mean k q none of these guys are going to make the freaking Lakers except for Dalton connect connect is three for 13 again he had 12 points yesterday but again he did not shoot well yesterday either KCK really doesn’t look like he’s like shooting in Rhythm it looks like he’s you know forcing it and it seems like a lot of these Laker players are forcing the shot no Maxwell Lewis having a he’s having a bad game today he’s having a bad game today the tip is won by The Warriors and Knox is block fed and Hinson can’t get the shot off before the buzzer goes off so 73 50s we go to the fourth dumpster fire that’s what the Lakers are that’s for sure that’s for sure hit the thumbs up subscribe ring the bell am I in the Philippines no I’m in New York hit the Thumbs Up And subscribe and ring the bell this is Tim the this is Tim of the 1916 watch company I love me some watches Eric sends me some funny [ __ ] in my Instagram he sent some funny stuff funny funny what like I’m a clown I amuse you this game has been pretty amusing no score between the Yankees and the Red Sox and it’s nice to see Luis heel pitching well again next weekend I don’t know what the gods hold for me next weekend KP I don’t think I’m doing anything on the 13th I don’t know I don’t I don’t usually like calling Saturday games because Saturday games that’s my cheat day it’s really my day to do things with my family so I really don’t like doing the game on Saturday I mean if we’re not doing anything I could but I just I really don’t during the summer like I really don’t like doing stuff on Saturday just because I don’t get a lot of time to do stuff during the week here is trayor trayor gives it off here to east east of the basketball has it along the Baseline throws it back outside treor no good the Lakers shooting is absolutely apathetic and that one’s no good diara couldn’t get it to go and there’s a loose ball foul on bodon actually it’s on Knox I’m sorry Trey Ori with the basketball has it near the elbow now I’m going to give it off there to Sean East at the top of the Circle East dribbles with the left hand East in the paint and illegal screen I like the refs the guy says well of course you do you’re a Warriors announcer and that pass is picked off there diara with the pick off I believe that’s diara East and an offensive foul oh it’s olivari my bad olivari doesn’t even matter at this point this is bad Christian says no be Christian oenos is a good game I don’t even know if it was there was really nothing good about this one at all this is pretty rough pretty rough all rough just the way a mother lies back all right we’ll have a technical foul on the Lakers and the free throw good 74 to 52 couldn’t get OBS to work had to go to the streamyard for this one and I get paid off with this stinker It’s amazing And there’s a steel down the lane goes bow on and he lays it up and in vinc Valero 7 almost a steal it is the steal by the Lakers and then the Lakers turn it right back over there’s an open three and that one’s good it’s 77 to 54 Golden State by 23 as Ethan Thompson knocks it down for the corner Blake Hinson with the basketball Hinson has it at the top of the circle now going to take it over to the wing double teamed is Hinson throws it down L East has his pocket picked another turnover Warriors out in front plown goes up count the basket in the F my God this is ugly hor yes yes you remember r squared yes I love that that’s great give me give me swords today is mine I’ll take swords for 400 it’s not swords it’s sords 80 to 54 80 to 54 why am I still doing this I don’t know I’m got for punishment Sean east of the basketball Down the Lane East lost it again Lakers struggling to get any shot off they do and they just hit the front of the rim the Lakers shooting percentage is awful what are they shooting the Lakers are 18 of 67 they’re four for 26 from downtown you can’t make this up and Sean East is 5 for seven the rest of the team is 13 for 60 18 for 67 La Lou thank you bro appreciate you my friend BR brilly than you vanon here thinks you’re too hard on Boone well we found the we found the member of Boon’s fan club Club then we found the member of Boon the president of Boon’s fan club is entered the chat I’ll be honest Lou you know this as well as I do there are not many Yankee fans that like uh like Aaron Boone at all because he’s just not a good manager I mean it’s anybody with any baseball Acumen knows that that’s just the way it is but of course everybody has their Defenders you know I don’t know I don’t see what any I don’t know what anybody could possibly see in Aaron Boone that makes you that makes him think he’s a good manager $300 million payroll team can’t get to the World Series team missed the playoffs last year they were a 500 Club last year with a $300 million payroll I mean should have been fired last year but some people like him I guess I liked them for One Shining Moment on October 16th of 2003 I can tell you that and that shot’s no good the rebound by Castleton can we at least see doton connect out there East no good battle with the rebound shots block cast goes up hey the Lakers went one out of three in that possession that’s 33% and by doing so they raised their percentage from the field they’re now 19 for 70 so look out pinston steps into a three and that one oh good and there’s a foul and Hinson saying knock flopped Aaron Boone the Jay Cutler of the NFL that’s right I spent five years of my life trying to invent a anal bum cover failing to do so is my biggest an anal bum cover right an album cover a h why don’t you give me a why don’t you give me ape tit for 200 it’s not ape tit it’s a petite never mind let’s just go to animal sounds for 400 this is the sound a doggy makes Sean connory moo that is incorrect well that’s what sound your mother made last night here he is oh Colin caston’s foul I thought we were gonna get two baskets in a row no we would have accepted bowwow or rough oh rough just the way your mother likes a trbe back it is the g-league bro it is it is I don’t care g-league or no G League it has been a tough one to watch it’s the G League other teams aren’t shooting 25% from the field L says who here thinks Aaron Boon sucks me K makes a move I think that 82 to 58 and lot of contact and another foul good God this game will not end I want to eat dinner well Jay I’m not gonna argue that I’m not gonna argue that at all Cashman is a major problem cashman’s a major problem because he doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing he can’t draft his he sucks as a GM and he I mean he hired Aaron Boone he don’t know how to hire a manager either he’s a terrible GM Max Lewis with the basketball having a solid o eight day and then he throws it back outside and Shori goes up and what the hell was that but he was fouled breo’s coming here for trayor he’s shot much better from the line today he makes that one 602 to go in the fourth quarter this has been a brutti game free throws good 85 to 60 warriors with the basketball and here is ravishes oh nice pass and shots don’t good but the tip is and that is uh Jackson row that’s soring my bad was 41 not 44 castlen at the top of the key drives goes up on sorin and he missed good God Beakman’s gonna give it up and another easy D Lakers just going through the motions out there and we’ll have a timeout as Kevin Knox is very happy with himself Frank says yeah this is better than watching the Yanks Red Sox this is my job buddy you don’t need to be here you can go watch the Yankees Red Soxs nobody forced you to click on the stream to leave your smart ass comment bro you can go watch it this game is taking a long freaking time though man actually it started at 6:30 I guess it’s not taking that long I had the streaming issues at the beginning of the the beginning of the day which sucked good to match IG I know oh you talking about the mods yes D Giants yes that’s what you’re talking about yep yep yep yep yes yep we’re good to match bro good to match I I took them out today 89 to 60 can they just call the game off and just let the guys go home catch a Sean for 400 TR back that was such a great skit the the Saturday Night Live or the um the Saturday Live Celebrity Jeopardy I freaking loved those Hinson for three and no good again hinson’s two for nine today and he hit his first two he hit his first two threes he’s over for his last seven and another foul can you just let them play without stopping the game it is live unfortunately Raul well Jay you’re one of the you’re one of the very few people that disagree with me about Aaron bone you’re definitely in the extreme minority when it comes to my views on Aaron Boone as a guy that’s watched baseball for 41 years I think I have the qualifications to make an educated decision on what I think of them and I don’t like them but we’re all entitled to our own opinion that’s a that’s a fact diara is gonna give it off to Sean East I can tell you right now this game has sucked East pulls up he misses this is terrible 420 to go in the fourth quarter by four you might as well just because you got him good Lord diar is gonna give it off to Hinson it’s 89- 60 it has never been close the Warriors led by 14 after one there’s enough Miss but a foul couple of free throws here coming for the Lakers and another miss the diara will try again di Ria is what the Lakers have had theight at the line he’s got diara freaking game is ass it’s so bad oh he missed it again oh God four minutes ago in this before it’s mercifully over I’m gonna I’m gonna do this again on uh on Wednesday because I I am a nut job I got to be nuts but I want to keep putting the content up I want to make July a busy busy month on the channel or a busy yeah I want to make it a busy month driving down the lane and hey they didn’t call a foul bodan comes away with the ball bodan kicks it out wide open three and that’s all the god almighty this has to be the worst shooting performance in the history at any any NBA league level it has to be Lakers have 60 points what are the Lakers shooting here 19 of 76 19 of 76 they’re literally shooting 25% they’re four for 30 from downtown 133% and that shot’s no good who is 30 for the Lakers we have Grayson Murphy even in there now and there’s a foul Liquid Swords KP I have no idea I just I like to finish where I start bro just what it is Blake Hinson out the free throw line and he he misses again oh my God he made one 316 to go in the fourth quarter 316 vavy goes up and another foul holy Jesus KP it can’t get any worse on Wednesday brother canot be worse hit the thumbs up subscribe ring the bell got the least you can do is hit the thumbs up for me after calling This Disaster of a game hey a steel by the Lakers they only Trail by 28 under three minutes ago and another foul B was foul as he faked the three what’s going on T you have missed absolutely nothing my lady this has been one of the worst games I have ever watched in my life the Lakers are 19 of 76 in the field the Lakers are shooting 133% from downtown 133% no Bry didn’t play that day Tony we got a commercial break I’m going to go pee this game’s actually so bad it made me pee twice you guys hit the thumbs up subscribe ring the bell I’ll be be right back e alrighty the diaper League that’s exactly what this is because it’s bunch of [ __ ] so bad four for 30 How can any team at this level even if they are G Leaguers how can they how can they go two for 30 I’m sorry four for 30 four for 30 28-point lead for the JS the announcers are the Warriors announcers are very happy that their Warriors are winning a summer league game and another stoppage in play this is insanity how bad the Lakers are shot yeah they’ll have two days of practice they should be out there From Dusk Till Dawn or I’m sorry From Dawn till Dusk Lou you know how come Jaylen hood chafino is not playing in the summer league or is he do you think that maybe he’s playing in Vegas best time richmont high was on that R squ it’s one my favorite movies both of those free throws are good it’s 89 to 62 thank you wrong uh wrong drop there I could say thank you very much you guys hanging in there with me today this has been a bad game but is uh Lou do you know if they have a okay it is a Vegas thing yeah I think the Lakers the roster will be different for Vegas cuse throws it up no good rebound grab cuse takes another one no good rebound four for 32 from downtown four for 32 and just s Blake Hinson hit his first two threes in the first quarter they’ve gone two for 20 I’m sorry two for 30 since then bodon goes up no good fouled yeah I think you’re right I think Vegas no Brony today hopefully hopefully bronny plays Wednesday hopefully it makes it interesting then we can get some then we get some good bronny hate in chat free throw is good hey mods just do me a favor Wednesday just let the bronny hate flow let her get them let them let them get it out of their system just let them let them have at it let them let them go Loose as long as they’re not spamming it you know what I mean as long as they’re not like bronny sucks Bonnie sucks if they do that obviously can them but let him let him get it out of the system it makes them feel better let him let him Hammer bronny it’s fine I mean honestly whole team stinks the summer league has me this rost’s been terrible today bronnie wouldn’t have been any worse that three’s oh another another big three there for the Warriors that was uh who the hell was that who’s number 10 do I even have a number 10 I don’t even have a number 10 who’s out there oh I didn’t even see it the Lakers made a basket I was trying to figure out who in number 30 was it’s Grayson Murphy and I missed the Lakers basket sorin lost the basketball kicks it out wide open three in the corner no good B of the rebound taken away here by olivar olivar lost it got it back kicks it out cuse has it C for three no good rebound grabbed by Grayson C gets a layup oh my the Lakers now are 21 out of 83 they have increased their percentage at 25.2% Lakers are shooting 11% from three-point range that three is no good by The Warriors few Vegas hookers may help them there’s another three and the Lakers Miss again and now they are 21 out of 84 four for 35 from downtown very impressive game for the Lakers my God that shot’s no good rebound grabb by the Lakers can you just run the clock out please and can the Lakers crack the 70 Mark free the shot is an air ball it’s just an absolute air ball that’s a perfect way to end it A fitting End Is Right another air ball for the Lakers they were 21 out of 85 good God Almighty good God Almighty that is the end of the game mercifully the end of the game thank you guys and girls for hanging in there with me again obviously had problems with Ops at the freaking OBS at the beginning of the damn game for whatever reason if I can’t figure that out I’ll just do it on streamyard it’s it’s much it’s easy to do it this way I obviously just can’t put a v there which sucks um but um close there we go but I will be back again on Wednesday without question and uh we’ll do this again I’ll be live for the members um about 8:45 on Tuesday for Giants Hard Knocks and like I said we’ll do the Super Friends tomorrow that I’ll let you guys know when the premiere is on my community notes so check for that if you’re football fan check for that but we’re going to be busy on the channel without questions so just make sure you always check on the community notes check the channel daily you know YouTube don’t like to send out the notifications for whatever reason once again the final scare today the Warriors destroy the Lakers 92- 68 it’s a bad dity Dizzle enjoy the rest of your weekend everybody I’m out peace

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Baddog is a passionate fan who was born, and raised in the state of New York! I am A HUGE sports fan.
Baddog has a very strong, passionate, roller coaster ride of emotions personality which can sometimes lead to rant and rage videos, about his favorite teams, which many seem to enjoy. This channel is that of a fan, and nothing else.
My videos are done from that of my own perspective and views as a fan. I am a HUGE New York Yankees, New York Giants, & New York Knicks fan.
I do video, and live stream content covering The New York Yankees, New York Giants and Los Angeles Lakers, which has also lead to the nickname “LakerDog”.
You may ask yourself, “If Baddog is a Knicks fan, why does he do Los Angeles Laker content?”
The Reason for this is because I have a family, and because of my work, and gym schedule, streaming all of The Knicks games would be impossible, so I began covering The Lakers in late 2018, because most of their games are played at 9:00PM EST, or later.
Hopefully you guys & gals will find my content enjoyable and will continue to come back for future content!
If you do enjoy it, please make sure to subscribe to the channel, and click the bell for notifications. Also, please like, and share the channel if you would be so kind. Hope to see you on the channel!


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