@Orlando Magic

Off Season Review for the Orlando Magic

Off Season Review for the Orlando Magic

[Music] what is up second cousins Orlando Magic and NBA fans you’re here with court cousins I Kyle joined as always by my dashing my daring cousin Jason the peach again not a standard show look at that beautiful face that beautiful mug there not a standard episode Peach but we do want to get on here and recap the off season or what has been there might be one more move one more roster spot to go but we feel like the dust is settled pretty much to kind of go over things and give our two cents and we’d love to hear your two cents to second cousins in the comments so let us know what you’re thinking as you’re listening through to this just to recap real quick the offseason moves drafted Tristan D Silva signed cavius Caldwell Pope as a free agent resign Gary Harris resign Morris Vagner and Goa bat then an extension to Jonathan Isaac and now the big one to the deuts man the vunder kid fron Vagner gets the max extension I feel like we can’t bury the lead we got to start right there pich we have fron Vagner getting the max extension um it’s a big number as they all are nowadays um but how are you feeling about this yeah we’ve talked about this on the show it was one of those things that it’s got to happen uh what are you g to do with that money fans do you think you could find somebody better younger with more upside I don’t I mean he’s already been on the squad he knows everybody a lot of the squad is kind of built around the frons Paulo Dynamic um and he comes up first for this so yes yes all the way um look the numbers a little absurd compared to what we’ve seen in past NBA for actual production here yep but that’s the way it’s going now so you got to just go roll with the times and look at it as like should this man be pretty much the one of the highest paid players on this team yes and he is on track to be that so I’m cool with that I don’t as a magic fan I don’t see anybody that should take um Bridge with this you yeah I I I guess the the critics and some people that may have raised an eyebrow at the max was because of Fran’s shooting and I’m not I’m not saying I wholeheartedly agree that the lack of and and the honest we have to be honest the really bad struggle from fron from three last year it was ugly I mean by the end of the year he was turning down open looks it’s it it gave me Marquel Vol folz Vibes and you don’t want that and a guy that gets the max extension so I’m going to stand by those people people and saying they have a legitimate concern here and it’s not okay for other magic fans to be like you’re so stupid you had to do it what well okay let’s calm down though we can have some rational debate in this conversation I don’t think that the front office had another move you know fron is a a guy like you said who has potential he’s 20 points what five boards four assists per game on pretty efficient scoring as a third-year player that’s pretty damn good he’s going to some other team would give him the max if you’re not going to because they’re going to risk it on this kid and I guess to the folks that are a little concerned about the three-point shooting as I was because what made fron so attractive as a player as a scorer was in his first second years you saw wow this kid can shoot from Beyond The Arc he’s he has the the mid-range game he was doing the Dirk fadea away he had it off the glass both ways thre level score and the only trepidation from some folks is well last year one of those levels was kind of taken away and so this is going to be a big year for frons to show that that was an aberration and not the reality of his shooting you got to do it and you believe in the kid right we we’ve seen how hard this guy works he’s an Iron Man he wants to be on the floor if you’re going to reward anyone with money PE and we’ll talk about the ji extension in a moment reward a guy who’s on the floor that’s I don’t have a problem if you want to give Iron Man fron Vagner the money give him the money cuz the kid goes out there and he plays twists an ankle what you think I wouldn’t get up for another week after some of the ankle twist this man has had he’s back the next half like this guy’s got grit and I’m happy to have him on the team here Dennis schro having a little bit of fun on the German team bus here he say he takes a pick of fron catching some uh some z’s and he’s like yeah your sleep is real nice right now huh after signing 224 million you deserve it killer uh from now on I’ll call you money Boogie so it looks like uh the German teammates are having a good time with them there yeah I mean everyone’s got to be pretty happy for him this man get his Z’s uh while he’s doing some International play there but I want to go to the Post by chuma bucket okay from from Twitter because it really describes what’s going on here uh how this fron deal is a total necessity number one inferior players got the same deals Barns and Kay I’ll talk about that in a second and then number two like we just said it’ll be cheap in a few years um but bar Barnes and Cade in the same draft class right they get they get extensions as well who who are you who of those three guys I we’re biased right we’re both wearing fron vogner stuff so we’re not the right people for this conversation but it’s like down the road who of these three guys would you rather have on your team I have to objectively say I enjoy Cade Cunningham’s game a lot and I’m not trying to slate him at all but I think I like what fron vogner can bring he’s the kind of guy that because of that those doubts and those question marks that people are putting on on that and wondering where that shooting went and how bad his last game was oh this guy’s hungry to get back on the court bro I wouldn’t want to play this guy in the first game next season because he’s he’s mad and he’s gonna take it out and I think he’s the kind of guy like all a lot of stars are when like they’re hit with diversity they rise up so I don’t see this as a cushion way for him to now take his foot off the pedal it makes it more like a let me let me show everybody that I that I deserve and I earn this and he’s got a better team around him than those other two guys so I’m trying to stay objectively out of it please look at it like from that who does Kade have with him who does Barnes have with him who’s going to be look better three years from now down the road with these contracts I don’t think anyone’s going to complain about France three years down the road so yeah and and the numberers crazy and like you said I don’t know if it’ll be smaller I mean it will be smaller in the future it won’t be a big deal the in the last year of this deal 2930 it’s 22 and a half% of our cap so you know you’re giving a fifth of your cap money to a guy that has more than a fifth of impact I think on the team in terms of especially the scoring output he’s worth he’s worth that and uh I mean the the comparisons to Barnes and Cade the those guys I mean Barnes was an All-Star Kade Cunningham is just a Transcendent he’s a great passer he’s a great floor General different type of player hasn’t been able to play very much I want I mean those guys honestly those would be Max guys I think it’s what makes me feel better is a guy like DeAndre Aon got a Max extension you know teams have done far worse gambles uh with these Mac Max extensions because they are important you your team only gets probably two of these pich you know you can Max extend a couple guys you can have a couple Max cont s on your books and you got to get them right because those are your foundational guys so welman here is showing frons hey we believe in you you are one of our foundational guys you and Paulo I think are going to be the max guys it’ll be interesting to see how this influences Jaylen suggs’s extension which is one of the puzzle pieces that’s still out there that we have not really heard about and welman of course is not going to talk about ongoing negotiations but I’ll be curious to see what happens there um jaylen’s also a very high upside guy I mean all defensive team second team last year he could fight his way into an All-Star game one year you you get limited when you try when you have three four max players now and you really can’t do things so I don’t know that’ll be a good play a problem to have if it gets to the point where it’s like well Jaylen should be a Max guy too then we’re probably kicking ass but let me not divert the convers might be betting on sus might want to bet on himself and show that he’s really that nasty this year and then wait to wait to do it at the end which I’ve heard but I think they might try to get it done before that um just because I don’t think the magic want to take that risk um no and and Jay’s I had to look at my phone for a second because you called Scotty Barnes and Allstar and I was like he was I had to Google it yeah because I did not did not at all remember that he was an injury replacement like Paulo I guess they needed a guy from Toronto and we already had a guy from from Orlando so okay oh no I’m sorry I misspoke Paulo was not an injury replacement Scotty was Scotty was yeah he had to have been I don’t remember hearing him being in but that’s yeah whatever he’s put up numbers on a team that has no one so that numbers don’t lie numbers don’t lie well let’s talk about some other numbers here peich the other big news in the magic community that we have not yet talked about together is the Jonathan Isaac extension this is from Michael Scot not sure what he is but he’s got a blue check mark that he pays for on Twitter and he says sources the magic have renegotiated and extended Jonathan Isaac to a 5-year $84 million deal full contract details below now you might have got a little sticker shock if you just saw the 84 million after Jonathan Isaac collected money essentially for two years sitting on the bench 17 million a year average annually and now he’s getting another 84 but look at what we did here this upcoming year he’s making 25 and then it’s descending it drops to 15 million and then by 8% every year after that all the way down to 28 29 is 14.5 the last two years are non-g guaranteed the third year only 8 million is guaranteed so really it’s only two years of guaranteed money pich how do you feel about this deal knowing the details here thank you for finishing your uh throwing it to me with now that you know the details because you absolutely know the sticker shock hit my butt I was going to say I saw five years 84 million and 84 is my favorite number so I felt like a slap in the face have to calm down though yeah because we understand that this is one of those weird descending contracts I still don’t believe that you owe this guy three more years of guaranteed money I thought we were either I thought we were done with this I thought we were done wondering if this man’s going to play I thought okay well there’s no way and then they just go five years on it and it’s like do you honestly think this man is gonna be playing five years from now I’m not so sure like I wanted to see one full season of him playing being held like a regular NBA player a guy that you can count on to go play and if there’s a backtack guess what put your uniform on and get out there and go play because right now that’s what it is this this contract here says to me you better be goddamn near an All-Star level player you better bring the noise you better be a starter you better put in minutes and you better have some [ __ ] games played and no more sitting out just because oh my God I I can’t can’t I cannot I’m so pissed about it honestly I just didn’t want this to be I didn’t want this to be something I had to think about anymore his his being on the court because when he’s out there he’s so good that’s that you know I’ve been using that that Dad that left metaphor for a long time talking about Isaac and it’s like look want to love Dad yeah but on the other hand you’re also like if if you went away and you never came back my life goes on I’m okay too so it’s I just was at a point where I’m like yeah maybe we’ll just flip him to some other team and make it their problem and we’ll get somebody else in here I was kind of clinging to a little bit of that hope I definitely never would have imagined a five-year cont like this but when you see the breakdown it’s kind of like all right and the fact that it can just be bu with a major injury it just goes away yeah I’m like all right all right I see what they did because they think they’re playing they’re doing exactly like the opposite of what we just talked about with sugs where it’s like he could have a big massive year this year and then make it really hard to resign him next year so they’re kind of betting that maybe they’ll do this and he’s been with a team so long I think he probably just was like you know what I’m not going to try to like hold them over the fire for more money although whoever is Agent is is [ __ ] amazing by the way because the fact that you got this man guaranteed money three years from now is pretty awesome yeah like this guy never really has to work again already but now he’s gonna get all this on top of it man I I just I think it’s a the biggest risk magic took this offseason but in saying that they know him better than anybody else so maybe not as big a risk as if some other team went out on that limb yeah where do you what do you feel I mean you knew I was going to flip out yeah was really excited to see that and you use the lord’s name in vain so jonan Isaac will be coming down and smiting you peich for that take he can he can pay somebody else to smite me now yeah he definitely can um yeah so I’m I got another followup for you though so it it sounds like for you the ji trauma wasn’t all the way healed last season that you did not see enough consistency and time on court to feel good again no no it was a step in the right direction right it was showing up to a few birthday parties it was bringing a gift it was you know we’re getting some quality time we we’re going camping together you know things are going well right but like they’re still not like we’re not back like it was years might have just of abandon yeah I don’t know if I like I’m I’m calling him maybe dad now maybe call just started calling him dad like it’s still ear so this making a commitment like this is like you know in this moment for the kid saying that you know I’m gonna move in with him and it’s like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah he just came back in the picture yeah things are going well but let’s not push too hard and conversely that might be what’s going on with his body maybe that’s why he can’t play all those minutes or all those games back but it’s sort of like do you want to invest in a guy who hasn’t proven that he can do that and that’s that’s my worry it’s not it’s not what he does on the court he’s a great player when he’s out there I just want more of that and if you’re going to pay somebody this kind of money for this long that’s what you should get so hopefully that hopefully that’s what we get and if he plays well and we even get to like M the middle of the year and he’s playing great and everything’s gone this will all go away I’ll move in with Dad easily and it’ll be fine there are some things that I feel like you need from a team building perspect perspective to be a championship Contender and you just want to be in the championship contention to win one you got to get there first to win one um and I think we already talked about it you got to have your Cornerstone players you got to have your Cornerstone stars who are getting your max contracts you know that’s the Jason Tatum and Jaylen Browns for the Celtics for us it’s fron Vagner Paulo benero um you need some good rookies filling in some good minutes on rookie scale deals at least one or two of those kind of new guys on the Block and you need a watch Wild Card pich you need a guy that you kind of catch a flash in a pan that is playing over his contract and what is worth is you know Bruce Brown did that for a few years before getting his bag and like other guys have done it in these roles where they’re utility defensive guys but will knock down some shots and have big moments and big gam kcp has been that guy um on on a couple different teams so I think you know ji this is a gamble right you got to take a gamble when your team building and this is one that the welman Parker front office is taking here because they bet and they’re betting on the character of Jonathan Isaac he and I you know ji and I and myself I’ve disagreed with a number of stances and things but I do not doubt the man’s character like he is totally dedicated to these things um and and I believe that he is committed um so when you look at this contract like a few years out from this from when this is given let’s see uh let’s start you know 2627 that’s when Paulo’s Max would kick in we figure we’d be maybe more in the championship conversation or going deep in playoffs by then he’s making 14.5 million which is 88.5% of the salary cap so if you can have a guy making 8% of your cap come in and be playing your Sixth Man of the Year maybe he’s worked himself into this is the gamble you know playing more minutes than [ __ ] you got yourself a really good X Factor player but it is a gamble man you’re absolutely right the man has been Mr glass so what was his average minutes play last last year I don’t even know I mean he know he got up a little bit more but I mean was he yeah I actually hadn’t worked out like how many games he had played but I forgot what it was um since we’ve started this podcast and the percentage was very low I think I did it as a percentage and it was just I think last year he might have gotten 13 maybe 14 minutes a game 15.8 last year okay I mean that’s in in what 65 games or something like 60 games uh 58 games so not even 60 games8 games I mean that those numbers just that’s not good right like that that needs a trend up that’s what I’m talking about um you need to have more there for this but yeah when I saw when I heard that there was okay if he gets injured it just it’s out like majorly injured it’s I was like oh right oh that that kind of makes it not a risk honestly for at that it looked like one when you see fiveyear 84 million you you have got to dig much deeper to find this one this is like on Double Dare back in the day you digging in the ball the pit of balls looking for that orange flag like you you got to dig deep to find it and it’s not a red flag down there it’s an orange one but it it’s it’s just I don’t know it’s it’s weird but I yeah like you said there there is no one that has a stronger conviction than John Isaac even if what he believes in is wrong but you you can never you can’t question that man’s ability to do that so here’s another guy that like if you show him this and now he is fully healthy I’m sure he wants to prove me and everyone else that like thinks that it’s not worth it wrong so I like that I like that and I hope it works out and we we laugh at this one day right because if it did if it does you’ve got a guy who is an defensive team type of dude he got he finished ninth and Sixth Man of the Year votes last year so he he gets he he people know him around the League this is could be a force so that’s the gamble we’re hoping for he didn’t even really play enough to qualify for that I don’t think like it’s really odd end up on that list but but it shows that the respect is there for him and that people people are probably looking at him it’s like oh why doesn’t that guy start for the magic yeah it’s like oh because they have this W El Carter Obsession but like you know I think that hopefully will change in the offseason or or they’ll at least do like a split minute thing maybe Wendell starts but they’re at least splitting those minutes well talk need to be closer needs to be more let’s talk about some of the guys that he might be splitting those minutes with because some of the other news um definitely not big splashes were the reigning of two Orlando Magic big men morit Vagner and Goa betat uh Cole Anthony as always coming through with the the hilarious uh posts Cole Anthony calling googa at what was 2 in the morning uh for Goa bat to give him the money sign emoji and congratulate his man on getting a bag faon Amar from a six-man show uh writes as he usually does it as he as he usually is Orlando Magic Guard Cole Anthony facetimed teammate Goa batat following his three-year deal to return to Orlando showing support so um the specifics on those deals let’s see here what do we got um googa he has all right so it is looks like non-g guaranteed no um 8 million basically annual average of $8 million a year it’s a descending contract so he’s going to make nine this year eight next year and seven the following year um Moritz is getting a 2-year 22 $1 million a year next year or 25 26 is actually a club option too A Team option so really just one guaranteed year there for Mor but H how do you feel about bringing these guys back pich I mean it’s a little lackluster if I’m being honest you know some there was some some churning from the magic Community are we going to bring in a big are we going to draft a big um you know maybe hoping for a little bit bigger of a splash and we end up bringing back our tried andrue guys uh how how do you fall in this debate are you a little underwhelmed or are you feeling good about this Center rotation of Moritz wcj and googa uh not yeah I’m not I’m a little underwhelmed I thought it was time to make a move make a switch here I I think what we’re really seeing is it’s obviously not a huge importance to coach Mosley to have a center like that’s not the the that it’s not focal to what he does right um and he knows what these guys bring and maybe doesn’t want to shake that up I I think goa’s getting a lot of money honestly for the role he’s probably gonna play which is uh only garbage time and I I don’t think he’s factors in much in that I think the rotation is honestly ji I think Moritz and and Wendell I don’t I don’t see Goa getting a lot of minutes unless we’ve really got to like bang around with a bit with some massive big down there and I just seems like a lot of money for that I mean again we can afford it and it is third like that third year him getting seven mil is like I guess but like yeah I don’t think they needed to sign him to this big a contract I don’t think there was huge demand for go go so I would like to see problem was p with hartenstein getting the bag I don’t know if you saw that he got 20 some million a year from ok because they had the cap space and everyone was goooo for hartenstein so the Knicks I think really drove up the price on Goa because they need a center I mean they still need a center a backup center they got Mitchell Robinson who’s like Jonathan Isaac over there so there was some competition for big men this year in the free agent market so I think that’s what drove up his price but continue sorry I just wanted to yeah and also yonas valunas was there no that that’s a solid point but he went away right didn’t he get a back like hartenstein did stuff on TV that people saw like he had a reason to be coveted I think goa’s been hiding in the cupboard and got Dusty so it’s sort of like like this is a this is a guy we like because he’s on our team and we’ve seen him because you know we watch games against the kings in January but like a lot of people don’t so it just seems like but I guess that that’s how crazy the NBA contracts are right like guys that like could just be mostly wearing warm-ups are getting that kind of money um and it’s not that can’t deliver it just seems like hey man that’s a lot of money do we need to give him three years to a guy that they could have cut off this team and I don’t think anybody would have been like M surprised but P I’m feeling a little bit of Goa disrespect here okay pich I mean googa when we went on that awesome winning streak that really propelled us into the top of the Eastern Conference our cater was Goa batat and he was giving us some nice Rim protection and and hustling and setting good screens I I’m actually opening peie and tell me if I’m crazy I want to see more Goa this year with Wendell like I’d like to see a little bit less Wendell minutes and see of a see more of a rotation with Goa Moritz and Wendell like get more evenly spread with those if that could happen that’d be good I just I don’t I feel like they’re obsessed with Wendell Carter Jr so he’s going to get most the minutes but yeah Goa is like the only true Center we’ve got on our roster yes he’s an old school big and I love that I’d love to see him play a lot more I’m not trying to knock that I’m just saying knowing where he is in this rotation he’s the fourth of the men you mentioned and I just don’t I don’t love that for him I feel like he could definitely be playing or should be playing but who knows maybe maybe your idea is right it would be nice to see him get some more minutes and do big man [ __ ] when we need it because there are some teams that like put out a Joe lmb or some big dudes that like Wendell can’t man up and handle and I I would would like to see that that going forward you’re right I it would be nice if he can prove that he shouldn’t be be that Dusty guy in the cabin and I I wasn’t trying to throw shade googa I’m just saying like the average person doesn’t know who you are and it seems like you just got nine mil for next season it’s like that’s off to be a big man I but I know we know he can deliver when called upon just seems like he’s not called on enough to make that kind of money in my book but you know whatever yeah I mean it is surprising pich that he didn’t opt somewhere where there’s more playing time for him like you said because he’s he’s quality man and he’s only got so many years in the league he’s a competitor I think maybe a couple things maybe number one there’s a little bit of loyalty gained with us taking a shot on him when he had been waved by the Pacers um and I think there may be some loyalty built there and also I think maybe he’s looking over at wcj and he’s like that guy hasn’t played more than 60 games in years so so hey I’m going to get I’m going to get minutes there’s going to be another stretch of the Season where I can start and maybe next time when he does come back coach says you know we’re going to keep rocking with googa because we’re on a winning streak again or you know and so maybe he does see an opportunity where we see a little bit of a uh a sparse of minutes but also Moritz I mean coming back 11 million a year hanging out with his brother man the dynamic must be weird like you think his brother fron fron is too nice of a guy he’s not letting his older brother hear it that he makes so much more money than him do you think is he well this is a new thing because Moritz was making money more than him for a while I think fron lives with morritz kicks him out um but what do you like you know are you happy to see morritz back he he’s kind of a good Swiss army knife he can do a little bit of everything he brings some scoring punch some nights and that tenacity some night he’s like there were nights where he looked like he was the only guy that really wanted to play and I think that energy goes through the other the other players as well so I’m happy to have him back he’s a little bit of a tweener for me like you said Kaa is the only true Center we have Morts doesn’t feel like a center it’s more like a power forward um but he G he gave some hand the ball too well to be a traditional big like and he can shoot the outside shot I love what he brings and 11 million for two years that’s a steal I think and that’s why it’s just it’s tough because I have him over Goa uh for his versatility and what else he can do but when we’re talking about a true big goa’s really the only true big we have so yeah and the rotation is not sexy but it’s also not terrible and and consistency is key that’s what welman put ahead of a lot of things right he said I’m not we’re not going to lose our Northstar our defensive identity and we’re going to keep it consistent and that’s the best environment for young players to develop so uh it makes sense why we brought these guys back um sh before we go on to the next topic we’ll talk a little bit about kcp signing we already did a video about that check it out our initial reaction but I do want to shout out all of our Allstars and second cousins over on the patreon magic player history bulby the dawn Paulo and Fran’s Warth Dylan Holden drum drum drummy drumble D Matthew Bell Dan young Gloria Damen and Connor shout out to y’all uh we love to do this show but it does cost us about two grand a year to do so we really appreciate if you could out there and you could if you’re enjoying the content you could throw us five bucks a month over on the patreon that would be a big help um maybe we should reach out to kcp because he got the bag three years 66 million maybe he would like to be a patreon of the show but pich man I I I listen to the whole interview from kcp I listened to the whole interview from welman about the kcp signing and I love this like more and more hearing from this guy he is the exact right fit I think for the identity of this team did he address what myself and some magic fans were after in a uh a steady point guard a ball handling guard no it seems like jayen Suggs is going to be that guy and I hope to hell he can develop into that role but man kcp as I was saying fits the identity of this team so well Orlando Magic HQ pulled one of the quotes from that interview and kcp said when asked about playing alongside Jaylen Suggs kcp says I’m going to go on and say it right now we B be making it again together next year that’s talking about an all defensive team so I do pride myself on that end I think we are going to be one of the best backcourt defensive teams in the league and I think I think that’s our recipe for Success right we were top five defense last year in the NBA adding kcp can we be a top three can we be the best defense in the league I don’t think that’s hyperbolic at all or out of this world I mean we’ve got the pieces here to play that type of of way and kcp from what welman said and everything we’ve been hearing is just super respected around the league in terms of a hard worker a good guy um someone who was he was talking about his role as if you know my job here is to be a vet to bring these young guys along and to show him what it’s like to win a championship someone asked him directly you know you’ve won championships do you think you can win a championship here he’s like yeah that’s why I came here he sees in this team he believes in this team that there is Championship potential here I’m sure there were 22 million reasons per year also why he decided to come to Orlando but he wanted to come somewhere to compete and I I’m just really excited to see how how frustrated other teams are going to be when they play us because he is an all defensive type player now we got Suggs we got ji I mean fron is an underrated Defender Paul like this is going to be something special I think on the defensive end of the ball pich well it has to be because uh we don’t we don’t score well so so if we’re if we’re gonna win look I’m just I look let’s be real right like if we’re not good on defense then we’re not going to win games because we’re not going to out score teams that’s not our thing yeah um so we can play good defense and by the way those turnovers lead to a lot of good buckets for us and that really gets us going um so yeah you have to look at it from a defensive standpoint I think one of the biggest things that that we maybe didn’t talk about in our wrap up of the kcp thing is how big it is that a a relatively bigname free agent decided to come to the Orlando Magic that hasn’t happened in a while he’s not just coming for money right he could have got that a lot of places he’s coming because he sees something here right this guy’s already won a couple of titles wants to get another one sees a good young team and he’s he’s look he’s hopping on the bandwagon he’s like hey you’re gonna pay me to hop on this thing that’s going going this well I’m in that’s a no-brainer for him um but I love his attitude coming in um we’ll talk about it a second one one mistake he’s made so far since he’s joined the team but uh but yeah oh yeah so you can’t call us the Magics by yeah by the way guy that’s okay nothing will infuriate the Relando magic Community more than calling us the Magics um as you can see here in the post by banchero suggesting that we wave him obviously kidding uh but but yeah he he’s he’s going to be a big part of of the mental toughness that that already exists here right like this is a team that wants to keep proving themselves and when you look back at what we did in the off seon we’ll talk about this probably again at the end him coming in is really the only thing that’s changed a lot of the rest of it is is Silva let’s let these young guys continue to develop another year which I guess in the long run I’m actually okay with I really was hoping we’d make some more moves this offseason and take that take a bigger step but that’s me wanting us to skip a step right big dude sometime when I’m going up Little Steps I’ll skip one but they’re still continuing their trajectory of moving up these stairs and this season will be another piece of them stepping forward I don’t expect us to be an NBA Finals Contender this year um could we sneak into the Eastern Conference Finals with a little with a little luck a little Gusto yeah maybe and that’s not something I could have said maybe last year so I guess we are taking steps in the correct direction um and we’ll see I think he’s a good he’s a good ad like I said in our wrapup there isn’t anything I don’t like about him joining the squad I think he’s a perfect fit and the kind of guy I was looking for for us to add as an actual veteran leadership instead of just being Joe Eng Les I want to offer something too pich that the other side of this coming from Denver there’s some smoke in Denver right now that things aren’t going so well they let a guy that was a key part of their championship walk out the door they could have resigned them it’s their player they have bird rights they can go over you know I think they would have caused them maybe to go over the second apron but when you’re contending for championships that’s the time to push the chips in and it’s interesting to see Denver kind of almost taking their foot off the gas here letting kcp go out the door um and believing in their younger guys Christian Brown and such and I don’t know I don’t know I’m just a little bit of you know a magic note here we do have their pick for next year I’m hoping where there’s smoke there’s fire maybe you get a disgruntled yic this year things the wheels fall off you know I’m not ever going to wish for injury but maybe someone gets pissed off and things don’t go their way and they have a bad year and then hey we got their pick next year too and that makes that makes the uh Aaron Gordon Gary Harris trade look a little different and some people want to include this kind of as part of it saying that well because Denver resigned Aaron Gordon that denied them the ability to resign kcp and we get kcp therefore we’re g to include kcp in that trade consideration I think that’s a little bit of a leap but it does it is a bit of a leap but so is that whole hypothetical you just came up with Al I’m sure joic doesn’t want to go on any more deep runs because he’s missing out on all that fantastic horse racing right uh Serbia um so he wants to get to that sooner uh yeah I think that I think in retrospect man would you rather have kyp or Aaron Gordon well you know my opinions on this so I’m really happy that that worked out well for us on both both occasions I think the Nuggets could have could have paid any other big man to accept wideopen dunks I don’t know why they they did it with him although he does fit the bill well but yeah and honestly the Nuggets probably should have won the title again this year I don’t know what happened there they just kind of lost their way for a while they should have been there to challenge the Celtics and then probably would have beat them I think in my book but that’s a nugget problem yeah we don’t have that problem I’m hoping for more nugget problems okay he’s hoping for yeah could happen yeah let’s let’s sew some discontent over there um all right peich well we we covered kind of all the big things I think there is you know France France chero on Twitter is saying that there is the disconnect from Magic fans to everyone else who watches and covers the NBA on the magic offseason is baffling most magic fans are disappointed and verging on outraged meanwhile analysts and content creators have all unanimously coined us as one of the winners of the off season and this is a good message here from fron chero just a little bit of temperance because you know I was similar to you peich I was expecting a few new pieces to come in not just a kcp maybe a kcp a point guard and a center I was expecting you know us to maybe go a little bit further push the chips a little bit more in but this is patience is key and welman said it right when he took the job as the Orlando Magic general manager president of basketball operations that he’s not going for a sugar high and thank God this man has the keys and not one of us because we are fans and we have our dumb fan brains and we just want to win immediately in all the time but our best players are all under what like 22 23 so they’re not even in their Prime Years yet it doesn’t make sense to burn all of your assets now and push everything in we’ve got plenty of tradable contracts now I mean that’s one of the reasons maybe you give Goa three years right it’s a $8 million deal for a solid big that’s an awesome piece to have later to send it being able to bring back um money to match you know money with some of these contracts you might want to bring back in so we’re set up here just for more moves down the road this is good we’re doing well the only thing you know the only concern I have is around on the point guard position but I believe in jayen sugs so I’m just going to preach that all summer to myself I believe in jayen sugs I believe in jayen sugs I believe in jayen sugs because I know that man believes in himself and yeah I think this is L I got I gotta ask you here because we haven’t talked about him at all and he is a point guard and it doesn’t seem like he’s coming back what are your I know you’re big Mark F Stan yes I need you to to give me some thoughts here because it doesn’t seem like he’s coming back um yeah man it’s tough it’s tough um we did just renounce the rights to Marquel and chumo which makes them unrestricted free agents no longer restricted free agents so any team can negotiate with them that seems to indicate that they are on their way we’ve seen the last of them in a magic uniform although there’s one more spot and Marquel could back come back on a veteran minimum which I I would like I would like that on a veteran minimum um you know I think it was Philip in Orlando Magic daily that made the argument and kind of had me thinking and agreeing we want to develop these young guys pao’s are our star right you want him he he grew up seeing and watching Marquel folz play at University of Washington he remembers that year going with his mom who went to University of Washington Marquel folz was a number one draft pick Paulo looks up to this guy um even though you know Paulo’s the better player right now I think is it time to just kind of thank Marquel for his service and let him go away so Paulo can fully step into himself as the leader of this team because even though he is the leader and I think most there might be something inside of him that looks at marel was like no that’s that’s I look up to that guy that’s that’s my guy and maybe because of that he might not Flex all of his leadership muscle and maybe not I don’t know that that might be [ __ ] probably having Marquel here is good for Paulo because they have that relationship from the past and you know marquel’s a really positive guy I’ll be sad to see him go but we need guys who can shoot man like I it you just you can’t get too attached I hope he gets some success somewhere go have him play in San Antonio with wemi that’d be fun you know I would have been cool with him being you know the bench you know point guard at one time but there’s I don’t know it just yeah it seemed like he faded way you can see that there’s there’s flashes of Brilliance there and some of the talent is there but I don’t know what it is I don’t know if it’s a physical hurdle a mental hurdle something just isn’t letting him boom out the way we kind of thought he would right and and I and I understand that you’re feeling hurt about that a little bit because I feel the same way with Wendell whenever he’s underperforming we we kind of thought these guys could be the guys that spring forward and really put us over the hump and now it seems like they’re they’re not but yeah Wendell you know not coming back to the team doesn’t really hurt my feelings um I wish it would have or not not Wendell sorry uh marel not coming back it just doesn’t hurt my feelings but you know hopefully he can catch on somewhere else where he can get some playing time and maybe he’ll with more time and not having to wonder about whether he’ll play or not he can uh actually break out and be the player that that he was perceived to be this guy was really really great in college really fantastic player and it’s too bad that he didn’t get a chance to prove it but we got to move on we can’t keep holding on to this bro broken stuff all the time and hoping it’s going to work out it’s time for us to be a way of that so even though we didn’t bring in a lot of new stuff this year at least we got rid of some of the broken toys like chuma and marel and just kind of said you know hey thanks for your service but now we’re we’re doing other things yeah and you and you got a they had a chance to prove themselves no they did they did they didn’t they did yeah I mean marquel’s time for this team was you know 18 19 1920 like but then he got injured you know and that was the because marel is dynamic when he has the ball in his hands and he is the driver of that offense and that’s not he’s not gonna be able to get that chance anymore Paulo’s the driver of our offense but um you know we also want to get ABB and Jet Howard to play you know Anthony black these guys got to play like we got to see what they are now like you said marquel’s had his chance hopefully he gets one more shot somewhere else because he’s still a damn good player and I love to watch him play um yeah at this point we’d rather see AB minutes and see what he can do because we know what marel can do so that’s that’s a big part of this yes yes yes all right so I mean we went over all the offseason kind of moves and transactions one thing happening this offseason is the Olympics and Paulo banero will not be playing for Team USA and ghost of Gert was happy about this um because he’ll have more opportunity to kind of work on himself Adam Papa Georgio disagrees saying yeah a little tongue and cheek here yeah because going to white parties and playing Camp kids is how you improve dot dot dot I hate these viewpoints you get better by competing with and against the best in games that matter I don’t care how good your self-training is it’s not the same level and pich you have a take to this you have a response sir okay first of all it’s ghost of gear gear you say it wrong every time K put some respect on the man’s name sorry uh and but Adam is just so off on this on this one because I and I even responded with my own International play doesn’t matter I I don’t care about International Play I Don’t Care What country you’re from doesn’t matter I don’t care what state you’re from none of that stuff matters you play for the Orlando Magic that’s where we want you we want him to play and win for the magic not some pointless USA team filled with stars right he’s going to be he would be a bench player for them he’d be playing out of position with with rules that aren’t even the same as as the NBA and look some of the teams they play against are pretty good but some are trash so it’s not not really like that even a comparison uh being a deep bench guy and being play and you know just I don’t feel like it’s as huge of benefit and while it may not improve his play on the court him going to white parties and playing Camp kids is how you become a mega star so it is important to who he is and who we want him to be he’s a number one overall pick he’s starting to become somebody that’s a household name and being a part of that stuff off the court is part of his growth Adam um it doesn’t make him maybe a better basketball player but it could because if you’re happy off the court you’re happy on the court right let the man have a little rest and relaxation and I know his point is oh after the Olympics they have six weeks off it’s like all right but you know six weeks in comparison to an 82y year MB NBA schedule or playing that hard in the Olympics it ain’t the same he’s still playing against good players there’s it’s not like all the good players are on Team USA and they’re over there doing that there’s still a [ __ ] ton of good players here in the in the in the Americas that he’s I’m sure getting together with and playing in pickup games and doing things so I’m not worried about that [ __ ] I’m not worried about that you know I just don’t want to see him get injured while playing you know five minutes a game for Team USA so he can get a gold medal at the end of the day like that doesn’t matter to me it may matter to him if you’re a person that can make an Olympic Squad and you can win a medal go do your thing but me as Joe Blow American over here doesn’t do [ __ ] for me I could care less yeah yeah I’m I’m good not seeing Paulo play the center for Team USA for this summer I think I’ll uh I’ll just stick to seeing clips of him working on his step back and all the moves in his bag uh on Instagram and Twitter whenever they’re posted so I’m cool with that I’m excited to see this is It’s founded on something right fron won Euro basket and he played really hard and then his start of his season I just was like we’ve seen it happen before we’ve seen guys get hurt we saw Paul George back in the day you know get hurt in international play and missed a ton of time like yeah these things happen they’re warranted they’re not we’re not if he doesn’t play he doesn’t get hurt yeah if he plays how much is he actually going to improve what’s is it worth the risk I say M um so yeah yeah he can have his own opinion on it but it’s just he shouldn’t be [ __ ] on all the magic fans who are happy that our prize possession isn’t over there doing some [ __ ] for nothing and is instead preparing for the Orlando Magic season because that’s what we are and that’s what we care about and that’s why you came here ladies and gentlemen second cousins for some Orlando Magic news uh it’s been great talking all the offseason stuff so with you pe maybe one more move to come let us know what you agree or disagree with in the comments second cousins what we missed what you’re excited for coming up and uh we’ll see you next time peace out peich thanks for coming [Music] n [Music]

Pich’ and Kyle share their thoughts on the Orlando Magic’s off season moves.

0:00 Intro
1:18 Franz Wagner
9:46 Jonathan Isaac
20:25 Goga and Moritz
30:15 KCP
38:18 Overall Rating
40:15 Markelle Fultz

Court Cousins, two cousins sharing laughs, and talking the NBA team they love, the Orlando Magic.

Thanks for watching!

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  1. Yes, it is important to show appreciation to those who worked hard for the team. But, there is no actual upside to the roster from last year except an expensive seasoned 6th man. No center, no leading guard upgrades.
    I dont see how the Magic is designing its future in the league.
    Are they just happy enough for the 1st or 2nd round in the PO?

    Well, as a 20+ years Magic fan, I need more than that.
    Be ambitious Magic, please.

  2. I’m been a Magic fan since 1989 and patience towards the growth is the main thing we need to keep improving on. Let’s get home court and first round victory before we make even more changes to this team.

  3. yea gone are the days when a player actually has to deserve/earn a elite contract case/point…the money has to be spent so you see cases where teams are over paying players(bogdanovic/anunoby) just to meet the salary cap floor but wait theres more its a two sided sword because it also makes it easier to trade for a much better player like what happend in the mikal bridges trade

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