@Toronto Raptors

Raptors Summer League Roster is STACKED🔥🔥🔥 | DeMar Goes Home, Free Agency Talk

Raptors Summer League Roster is STACKED🔥🔥🔥 | DeMar Goes Home, Free Agency Talk

welcome to pensar wh welcome to pensar basketball and I don’t have my headphones plugged in so I thought I was totally off this is going to be the funniest start ever hold on okay that’s normal okay we’re going to be talking about the summer league we’re going to be talking about how the Raptors have one of the deepest summer league rosters in recent memory the Raptors usually feature like one or two of their draft picks and maybe a whole bunch of fly but you know usually the team’s been good for the last you know 10 11 years for the most part they don’t have a lot of competing spots so typically the best summer league players typically do not play on the Raptors if you’ve seen where the Raptors have usually poached their summer league you know where they where they’re poaching their two-way guys it’s usually off of other teams right I believe they got Terence Davis off another team so summer league is an exhibition and the Toronto Raptor going to be coached by Jama Mala this is the roster for summer League it’s nice to see some familiar faces for the Raptors oai abaji Grady dick obviously from last year’s roster we’re going to have Javon Freeman Liberty is his you know Raptor future in doubt a little bit yeah sure you’re gonna have jacobe Walter you have all all of the Raptor draft picks this year jacobe Walter Jonathan mobo right urri shamsh which is going to be really fun for me to watch that and of course you are going to have their you know point guard their General Jamal shed and I think he’s going to be a great table setter for them you’re also going to have a one of the most let’s say one of the most accomplished college players of all time in Drew Timmy and you know a lot of people are going to get very excited about the fact that the Raptors have a seven-footer who shoots threes also in um oh gosh where the heck is he here Brandon Carlson right from from Utah who is a rookie right now and he is uh he’s already signed a two-e contract two-e contracts are really really easy to reneg and easy to move away from so do not expect that you know if Brandon Carlson comes out and he really is struggling with speed and whatnot that the Raptors wouldn’t wave him in a second and you know take a flyer on somebody else I don’t know what the guarantee dates are for those but ultimately you know it was a way for the Raptors to pay these guys a little bit of money again you know and then you have a familiar face like DJ carton but you also have a whole bunch of players that I’m sure most of you unless you’re really really deep into college basketball have probably never heard of and so what we’re going to do today apart from discussing why I am excited about summer league why I am so excited about all of these players and you know what they could look like under again one of my favorite human beings on Earth Jama Mala what I’m excited about um and I’ll tell you why we’re also going to take a little bit of a deep dive into the college careers not a deep dive like a superficial 5-second a superficial two-minute look at what these players are who they are who to watch out for you can be sure that not all of them are going to get equal opport opportunity you can be sure that you know the key focus of this team is going to be Grady um Jonathan mobo right Jamal shed the guys who have the sort of guaranteed contracts that’s why you push for a guaranteed contract if you’re Jamal shed because you’re pushing for the investment from the club so the club has to invest in you they have parked $2 million into you for the next two years and then you have a third year which is the team option I believe so you know again the investment helps first round draft picks that’s why you always want to be a first round draft pick or you want to be a second round draft pick who has this guaranteed contract the Raptors have two second round draft picks with this guaranteed contract so these guys are not struggling to make the squad there’s nothing that Jonathan mobo is going to do over these four games um which begin next weekend that uh is going to cost him his roster spot he can come out and Miss every single shot and that’s that’s good you know you don’t want these young kids to feel that level of pressure but of course they going to be guys on this on this team who are going to be feeling pressure and let’s see which one of them emerges but it should be one of the deeper Squad that I’ve seen I remember watching Andrea barani in summer league uh I remember watching Chris Bosch in summer league I think he played a few games I remember dear de rzan do I remember Demar de rzan summer league or did I miss that I wouldn’t have missed that I love Demar we’re gonna talk about Demar as well Demar going to the Sacramento Kings and we are also going to talk about bronny James uh debut so all of that to be said before we start one thing the Toronto Raptors have a rookie last night he had 9,000 followers and I find this to be crazy dude y’all are the franchise y’all are the city that got Dewan Hernandez to like 20K I can’t imagine somebody getting drafted by the Toronto Raptors and not even having 10,000 followers why do I care how many followers U shamsh has well support is good support is really good it’s a it’s a good feeling when people say welcome to Toronto good luck Etc especially when you are so far away from home especially when you are 18 years old I think all of those factors say to me that you should take a minute out of your day log into Instagram go if you don’t want to follow this guy don’t follow this guy he doesn’t post that much anyway but go and just drop under his last post which is you know announcing that he’s a Toronto Raptor just say welcome to Toronto good luck just do me that favor let’s see let’s see how much positivity we can create right last last videos you know we’ve been on a bit of a heater I think we’ve done some good stuff uh over the last few few videos the card counting at Vegas you know we talked about the drafting we talked about the lottery we we you know we we we did a lot of I think good stuff and one of the things we talked about was winning culture well winning culture extends to Fan bases as well and I believe honestly we are out of the woods we’ve created a good culture we have good people in the locker room and while there’s a good chance that the Raptors could lose a ton of games this year there’s a good chance they could lose 52 games there’s also a chance they could actually surprise some people and I believe that we as a fan base and we maybe as a community Vince our basketball Community can be a a voice of positivity in Raptor land could that be cool right for these young kids that you know we’re not we’re not sitting there saying you know I mean we we got to drown out all of these Sasha venko fans who are spamming these guys entire comment sections with free Sasha venko people were like what the hell look despite what what you know look I contributed to this I know that with the Fred van bed stuff Pascal zakum stuff overrated overpaid get them out of here blah blah blah I know I contributed to it this is pot calling kettle black but let me let me quote Rocky baloa if I can change and you can change okay we can all change right so look we pushed for something we wanted to rebuild we wanted this thing built around Scotty Barnes we wanted positivity we wanted the negative Vibes out we wanted Dennis Schroeder out we wanted so many things we got everything we wanted there’s nothing this community asked for that we didn’t get other than a tank you know maybe this year or something like that so look we got what we wanted let’s be happy about it let’s support let’s you know do what they do that thing that fans do we’ve been the critics we’ve been the you know the naysayers we’ve been all that let’s let’s be fans now if we can let’s let’s shake hands and move on right the importance of culture is so important but you know the thing is like there are some fan bases that are just very scarred they’re scarred they’re they’re mistrusted they they kind of just it’s almost like they hate their team and and I don’t want us to be one of those fan bases so you root how you want to root I’m not telling you how to root what I’m asking is take two minutes of your day and just go say welcome to the Tron Raptors you know good luck I think it’ll mean a lot to him weirdly enough he seems like a really nice guy man he’s a he’s a really cool guy and while you’re at it you know um you know go follow jonan mobile too man shout outs to Jonathan mobo and you know uh shout outs to URI shamay and shout outs to jacobe Walter and and those guys you know like I mean these are very underrated players Z shamsh he didn’t he didn’t come up in Duke he didn’t come up at Kentucky so he’s he’s in Toronto let’s let other young players Envy you know what I mean like like maybe this is a little bit toxic but let’s let the other young players see what’s happening to you when you get drafted by the Raptors you know what I mean you get like an instant and and it’s not vanity I promise you I don’t give a about followers either like I’m not not I’m not subscriber counting either the reality is in this Twisted world that we live in followers equal brand deals okay now you might be saying rob really want me to feel bad for a you know an 18-year-old who’s making six digits dude after taxes and all that stuff all the sacrifice he’s one of the he’s he’s taking one of 450 spots in the NBA yeah yeah I want you I want you to help the guy out just like I wanted us to support Scotty when he was young I just I have a I have a sort of empathy for young people when they’re navigating a new country culture whatever and I think every little bit helps so I’ve ranted on for 4 minutes about why you need to go and hopefully this rant was so annoying that you just said ah shut up Rob I’ll just go to Instagram and say welcome to Toronto good luck all right that’s that’s all we need man we just we need to we need to we need to wipe the Fred Van vet off us right all right let’s move on okay um so specifically what am I looking forward to okay well first of all I’m looking forward to the fact that we are facing the Oklahoma City Thunder that’ll be a really big test theok seats under our stacked I haven’t looked at the roster yet I apologize but you know whether keson Wallace is playing I don’t think Chad homegreen is going to play that would be crazy stupid of them but Kon Wallace will probably play they have you know a ton of yeah obviously Nicole topich is not going to play but they they are just so good at drafting and so good at developing and um there’s there’s probably Usman Jang like I haven’t looked at the roster yet but I expect it to be a good one Denver Nuggets that’s another good roster that’s another good young roster you know you got a lot young players there Julian strw from last year so it’ll be a little bit of a Julian strawther Drew Timmy you know Gonzaga reunion um Utah another solid freaking young team you know you got you got a lottery pick um you know in Taylor Hendricks last year you got Keon George I don’t know if those guys are playing again haven’t looked at their rosters but if those guys are playing and I apologize I should have looked at their rosters now I’m realizing that I was going to talk about this um and Miami you know I’m not not nearly as good but the Raptors will be tested they will will be tested so who am I looking forward to the most obviously you know I’m looking forward to a lot of dudes man I love Javon Freeman Liberty youall been following me for a while you know that I like Javon I think that he was really good in the g- League last year but of course when he came to the NBA you know when it came up to the NBA there was a little bit of timidness is like what position is he he’s more of a two they’re transitioning over to a one they gave him you know the opportunity and and I and I don’t think he necessarily set things up well that being said he’s not a prototypical point guard so if those elements of his game have been taught I’ve heard some people call Darko rakovich the point guard Whisperer okay so if those elements have been sort of taught into him it’ll be really interesting to see where he fits into the roster I doubt he starts um but if he starts at point guard it’ll be interesting to see the gap between him and Jamal shed who is more of a prototypical table setting guard um I am really looking forward to you know seeing what the athleticism on guy like Brandon Charon and a guy like Drew Timmy looks like because both guys have massive speed lateral quickness concerns for me okay skill is not a question with these guys right with with Brandon Carlson and we will look at his his stats you know very quickly um lights out three-point shooter you know uh older guy right same thing with Drew Timmy another four year fiveyear college player so you know they’re taking a chance on on a guy who’s going to push somebody and it’s weird you you know like this is like the Duncan Robinson sweet Stakes right you’re trying to find that guy and it’s interesting because you’re not looking for what you usually look for which is you know typically the Raptor summer league is usually full of like X first rounders who’ve kind of just like burned out their first stop like the guys like Stanley Johnson or something like that or you know you’re looking at like really athletic you know wings with freaky metrics like uh Mo G right last year and it’s interesting to see sort of that shift towards Darko ball right where okay we’re no longer developing guys who don’t know how to play basketball right who have long arms long legs this is what drives me crazy about the precious auua Jonathan mobo comparison apart from the fact that it is completely racially and aesthetically motivated and it’s unfortunate you know that that that’s going to be sort of like how he’s branded until he proves otherwise but I think if you watch him he prove otherwise within 12 seconds you just have to see it right Jonathan mobo is drafted because he has an incredible basketball IQ for the same reason that Grady di was drafted for the same reason Jamal shed’s been drafted for the same reason they’re looking at guys like Drew Timmy because intelligence seems to really matter in this system that darko’s running because when you have to make when you’re an offense that has to make seven or eight different decisions and every single player has to do their part or the whole thing breaks apart you need really smart basketball players I remember the story of Pal Gasol learning the triangle within like a day or something and and they were shocked right but that’s what Spain basketball and being coached by hu Brown does for you it makes you a smarter basketball player the Tron raptors have gone from trying to develop these very athletic wings with long arms who have defensive potential into complete basketball players they’ve gone from that to developing really intelligent basketball players with one or two really good basketball skills into more complete basketball players see Emanuel quickle c r J Barrett C oai abaji all of them fit the same mold you know what I mean like if you consider what like every team has a type if you look deeply enough every team has a type consider what the Thunder did this year right both draft picks both draft picks sub 30% three-point Shooters plus 80% free throw shooters what does that tell you their mechanics need adjusting but they have shooting potential that’s what you look for right so the Toronto Raptors right they’re not they’re not going for non-athletes they picked a lot of length a lot of length in those all their guys have length right one of them one or two of them have like some serious defensive well I would say all of them have like very good two-way potential but they’re all really smart players so I’m looking forward to Jonathan mobile I I am looking forward to this guy because he is man you know I mean like he’s a he’s a Manchild right so I think he’s going to have like that physical development there’s a lot of guys who get kind of pushed around in in summer league because there’s a lot of growing men competing for grown grown men jobs and when you’re first round pick or a borderline second round pick with a contract you are hunted hunted and that’s good you are putting Jonathan mobo and you know um guys like jacobe Walter Grady dick you are putting them in the hunting ground right you may you may think like oh man this is exhibition look what happened to bronnie James yesterday right I mean they were guarding him tighter he’s LeBron’s son he he has an unearned nepotism opportunity and and you know fans might might love bronnie James I’m certainly no Brony James critic but the mentality of summer league is Hun or be hunted it is very very competitive um it’s not structured don’t don’t discern you know anything out of that like don’t be like oh this guy struggled in the offense he struggled to find his rhythm struggled to get to his shots and so he’s trash no uh you know the offense is going to look very different obviously when you have more time to coach these guys up and play together and and don’t be too shocked if there’s a couple early turnovers obviously we’ve all we’ve all watched enough summer league to know that you know putting a team together this quickly of mishmash Parts is not easy right it’s help it’s helpful that you have Smart players you gel faster when you have Smart players you pick up Concepts faster and it really helps you have a great communicator at the head coaching spot which the Raptors usually don’t in summer league no offense to the people who’ve coached summer league in the past they haven’t usually been great Jama Mala honestly one of my favorite coaches great for young players so I’m really excited about that so obviously I’m very very excited to see that I am also excited to see jacobe Walter I am excited because and this is why so jacobe had a really strange end to his season at Baylor right it was it was a cold shooting streak he wasn’t moving as well laterally and the Tron Raptors are banking on 13 game oh my God I don’t want to say 13 game I don’t want to say 13 game Walter because I feel like a lot of people going to compare it to 13 game barani but it’s the truth right the beginning was so much better than the end for him so what I’m curious about is do we see something closer to the beginning do we see a little bit more burst a little bit more lateral quickness do we see a little bit more sureness on the jump shot so I am excited to see Co Walter for sure I am also you know um excited to see if guys like DJ carton you know who who kind of carved out a little bit of a spot in the rotation last year show any Improvement right a lot of months have passed since the season he is Young right he was in his first year last year um effectively that’s that’s his rookie season it doesn’t matter what his draft year was that was his Rook season and the big wild card for me is oai abaji right now look when we traded for oay abaji I hadn’t watched him in a while the last oai abaji stuff I’d really watched was maybe in a couple games against Utah that we’ve played I haven’t actively scouted out Jazz games right so I’m thinking back to the player that I saw at Kansas right and I liked oai at Kansas I didn’t think he was supposed to be a lottery pick but I understood it I understood the shess of it and I had no doubt that he was going to be a pretty good NBA player thought of him like a maybe a more offens offensively Dynamic um potentially more offensively Dynamic Tony Allen or something of that sort right I wasn’t projecting star with him but the Raptors really need this guy to work out okay it’s not oh my God you have so much invested it’s just it would really really help if he did right this three andd archetype just isn’t too present on your roster he can’t can’t be a non-factor offensively like he was last year so I’m really looking forward to seeing if a little bit more time has passed with him familiarity and maybe just kind of getting settled to say Hey you know like this was my career I was drafted by the Cavs I got shipped to the Utah Jazz and two years later got shipped to the Toronto Raptors like it’s been a lot of turmoil here’s some stability I’m sure Darko had some very very very good uh things to say to him and and positive advice for him in in their you know in their closing meetings when they exited you know their exit interviews and so you know this is this is really his chance this is his chance to latch on this is his chance to not become you know Delan o Banton or David Johnson or you know one of the handful of rookies Malachi Flynn Etc who kind of showed up at that next step I’ll quote something a rich Paul you know said and and I’m gonna have to pull up my phone for this because I thought it was brilliantly poetic I I loved it and um I Know Rich Paul gets a bit of a bad rep I know you know people everyone has something to say about Rich Paul but but I promise you rich Paul and math Carter are like really um positive people to follow on social and and they you know Rich’s book is incredible and just very honest and he said nothing’s optional when you barely in so this is a quote from Rich Paul and I just loved it it was from the pivot podcast shout out the pivot and I agree I think when you are on the fringes even if you are an ex Lottery Pick and and in the in the episode of pivot he talks about how so many first rounders out of the league very quickly right like really like within four or five years it’s like 80% 70% of the first rounders are out of the league and don’t even talk about second rounders so when you get this chance you better you better Fred Van the out of it you better like really show up and this is a four game exhibition where you get to go out and you get to clamp if you’re oai abaj you’re older you know right now you you’re like couple year veteran you the most experienced really the most experienced player on the team is oai abaji he’s the only player with two years if I’m oai iagi that’s offensive I’m going be honest with you if I’m his trainer right now I’m telling him bro look at this roster it’s all rookies and first year players you’re the only guy in here after te second year what is that tell you go out and prove you will never be on this floor again and let me tell you there are plenty of rosters with f fifth sixth seventh eighth year players you don’t want to be on a summer league roster if you’re an ex Lottery Pick and you’re on a summer league roster two years after you were a lottery pick something has gone very wrong in your life and you need to correct it so you need to come out come out here with this mindset of I am never playing summer league again if you’re oai abaji that has to be the goal right for Grady dick you know I’m I’m interested to see if there’s been continuation in the strength I thought he was okay last year in summer league a little bit up a little bit down I thought there was good flashes of getting to his spots and you know his jumper was was looking better than it did when the season started I thought the playmaking potential was there has it expanded can we see Grady doing a little bit more lead initiator stuff that would be really fantastic has his defense gotten a little bit better has he gotten stronger you know that was the big shift with Grady he got a little bit stronger Midway through the season can we see a little bit of a continuation for that for him that would be incredible um yeah and then I mean again like I’m just I’m curious to see what else they have but mainly those are the guys those core guys for the Raptors and obviously you know if Javon Freeman Liberty like he’s he’s great like he’s really good like I think his his skill his shiftiness his scoring package it’s good just you know he’s he’s kind of not assertive enough he doesn’t exert his control over the game and I think if I’m Javon Freeman Liberty I think he’s like 25 years old or so like this would this is same Cai abaji same thing right this is offensive at this point I know that he’s he’s a very good guy and he’s like very happy go-lucky and very gracious and stuff but if you’re him right now you are in the Jeff dton situation right now you are absolutely in the Jeff dton situation and I do not want to have to create a free Javon movement this year so I and and and probably won’t but I I really think that Javon has a chance to stick I think he fits with the culture I think he’s he’s a really cool player it’s just you don’t want to be in that half half space in the NBA you don’t want to be the guy that everyone’s kind of like I’m not sure if he’s a one or a two you you got to carp it out you got to be like no I’m going to be both but I’m going to be good at both like I don’t like there’s a difference right I don’t know if he’s a one or a two I can put him at one or two you know there there’s a difference right and it matters it matters so much that the coach has confidence in you that you can run that backup Point spot because you you’re you’re making yourself useful really if you can if you can effectively play the one of the two because he’s like he’s a little undersized he has crazy wingspan but he’s a little bit undersized for the two if you can show yourself and he’s a pretty good Defender too so there’s a lot to like about Javon Freeman Liberty and he’s really smart and he works really hard so again the Prototype is there if you’re asking me right now who’s a better player Javon Freeman Liberty or oai abaji Javon is a better better player right I think definitively he’s a better basketball player but that doesn’t mean that you’re going to catch on because at the end of the day it’s easier to wave your you know 1.8 million than it is to wave oai baji’s five right so that’s what it’s going to come down to and you just don’t want to be in the math of it because that’s what happened with Jeff dton last year it was easier to wave him than it was to wave Malachi it was because he didn’t have a guaranteed contract so this is going to be like the trimming end of the roster we as fans might we might pour over it and we might go into the minutia and the details and be like you know definitively Jeff dton is better for your team than Malachi Flynn that’s what I was saying last year but it didn’t matter it was the math of the contract so if you’re Javon frean Liberty you must realize that they have a full roster and you are the most disposable of those players out with a chip on your shoulder just like oai abaji okay um we will have you covered after summer league every single day uh after the game we will have a postgame just like it’s a regular season just like it’s preseason we’re covering you for every single thing I have cleared my schedule I have told every single prior commitment but I will not miss a live this year I missed one last year I missed one last year and I remember it to this day because it was for Penance and it was very um I believe it the Atlanta Hawks and it really pissed me off that I missed one so I won’t miss one this year okay um we okay before we talk about uh these unheralded summer league prospects I do want to talk about the demard de Rosen bit and I want to talk about what I saw with bronny James and I also want to give a shout out to Messiah jery happy birthday Messiah Jerry you know um I’ve been a bit of a I’ve been a bit of a Messi jury um apologist and I talked about in the last video about why why I’ve supported him so much over the years and I’ve been so reluctant to be critic IAL of him even though I was very very critical of him last year with the Fred B bed stuff and getting too emotional with the players Etc I understand all of that but I will say that it’s been a very very positive influence for me um to see someone operate with integrity and I was thinking a lot about integrity yesterday I promise this won’t be like a super long sidebar but I was thinking about LeBron James you know especially in the grander context of everything that’s come out about Zion William and everything that’s come out about about all these guys right like really like like we’re talking Zion we’re talking Ben Simmons we’re talking you know Anthony Edwards even like all the baby mom in trouble and all that stuff but we’re not even talking about the miles Bridges and jonte porters of it okay we’re we’re just talking like NBA athletes Temptations managing expectations all that stuff even you know Kobe with the with the with the scandals and stuff and I was thinking as much as I respect LeBron James and LeBron James gets a lot of like credit for keeping his nose clean the entire time because he was like a franchise guy do we ever talk about just how good a guy deard Rosen has been I see a lot of people on Twitter trying to rewrite dear’s history in Toronto and I’m not for that will not happen under my watch okay I understand that this image is not possible without dear leaving I get that I’m not someone who’s going to ever sit here and tell you that the Raptors would have won a championship with demard de Rosen that demard de rosan could have done whatever kawh did blah blah blah blah blah I’m also not even telling you that dear was a casualty or that dear you know didn’t deserve or whatever what I am telling you is that culture started in my opinion with someone like dear he has fostered that positive culture literally everywhere he’s gone and that is despite all his demons and all of his trials and tribulations when you listen to the stuff that he has gone through not only with the depression but with both his parents um when you understand where he’s come from when you understand all of the struggles of growing up not struggles really I’m not even I’m not I’m not making it less than or more than I’m just saying like consider that consider the the many doors that you had to walk through right I remember um story about Scotty Barnes and it’s like not really I’m not sure if it’s something I’ve ever shared or something I’m even comfortable sharing but the long and short of it is West Palm Beach is uh is a is a place where I’m not I’m not comparing West Palm Beach to Compton but I’m saying like it’s not exactly the richest neighborhoods you know what I mean there’s a lot of Temptations there’s a lot of you know there there is some violence there for sure you know and it’s it takes a lot to just keep your nose clean and just keep going to the gym keep going to the gym and I just think that we don’t give Demar enough credit for being such a positive role model for being such a positive culture builder for Toronto you know um I don’t think Kawhi learnard built this culture I really don’t I think he I think he benefited a lot from the culture that dear and and and guys like Kyle Lowry built I think Dwayne Casey I don’t think Dwayne Casey won a championship here maybe he would have never won a championship I was very vocal about his limitations but I do believe that he helped establish his culture I don’t think that it’s fair to look at the Raptor championship year is a isolated thing I I really don’t I think that’s really unfair to the people who built it people like Norman pal people like Pascal seak and Fred Van for sure but those guys also came into a brilliant situation and so you know I look at people like Jama Mala as very differently and and I look at Demar de rosan very differently and I and I see gestures like him showing up for Io dumu you know and I see small gestures like you know Scotty Barnes still keeping in touch with Utah watab and that’s when I say like Scotty’s spirit for his teammates and being there for his teammates is very similar to the spirit that dear had and you may have never felt that demard Rosen was on par with the League’s top stars and you may have always felt that that’s the reason the Raptors were limited with him but in terms of like loving your teammates and supporting your teammates and guiding your teammates and helping your teammates and especially your younger teammates having empathy for your teammates understanding teaching them the road teaching them what to do what not to do where to go not where not to go setting that positive example of if my star players in the gym I don’t want to be in the club that is so important that’s so important okay and the fact that we are this many years into dear’s career and we don’t have any baby mama scandals we don’t have any violence drug charges we don’t have any you know uh crazy ass stuff about him that’s come out I think that’s that’s huge I think that’s huge and I think that’s a testament to the type of person he is and yeah some of you may feel some sort sort of way about you know D Rose came home you know that that lyric in in Kendrick Lamar’s thing and I’ll tell you right now dear’s always always you know going to support uh Compton rappers and that’s who he is and I think that the most important thing I’m gonna say the most important thing with Demar was he really really adopted Toronto he adopted it as a place that he wanted to be and I know that I’m not I’m never going to one who says like oh we should be happy that someone wants to be here I never I never believe in that but when somebody invests in your in your organization when someone says this is my home this is my you know my place I got us that should not be taken for granted because there are people who come in and they don’t feel that way about you and and I can tell you there are plenty of raptors that y’all some of you you know some of who won a championship some of y’all who adore that never felt the way about Tonto that Demar did because Demar is just loyal and I think loyalty is very underrated and underappreciated so you know congratulations to Dear dzen going to Sacramento how do I think it’s going to fit I don’t think it’s going to fit at all personally it’s a great talent upgrade over Harrison Barnes but I think Harrison Barnes is the type of utility forward I think he’s a better Defender than demard Rosen uh Debo is not a complete non-fender he’s you know certainly an upgrade over some guys but with Malik monk being one of the worst defenders in the league Deen Fox despite what Leo says to me all the time he’s like he’s so great he’s so great he’s so great I don’t think I don’t think Daren Fox is a great defender I don’t think I really hope they didn’t bring Jaylen McDaniels hoping that he was going to solve the problems he’s not going to solve the problems damont bonus can’t guard his corpse uh Keon Ellis is amazing amazing Defender but that’s about it I’m not really sure where their defense is going to come from they need a rim protector in the worst way you know who they need they need Paul Reed um I don’t know if he’s been waved yet but I really like Paul Reed I really like Paul Reed and given you know where the Sixers are right now I cannot imagine why they would want to get rid of him but if they do get rid of him I would love him speaking of people that are still available on free agency ping ponging to that subject Gary TR Jr remains a free agent unless he was signed in the last hour then I don’t know about it and I’m not looking at the comments right now because I want to get distracted I will look at all the comments and the super chats after if there are any super chats I will answer them um but I got to speed through this because uh we got to head out really soon so yes Gary Tren J year not efficient really bad year good shooter not a lot else I’ve heard people call him a great defender he is not he is not a good Defender he’s not a great defender he is not he might be the second worst defender on this roster third worst defender on this roster right now which is not actually a good thing because his roster is not a good defensive team he is not a good F he struggles laterally he struggles finishing in the paint you know it got a little bit better but he’s the one guy under Darko where I didn’t see him get like a lot better I wonder why that is clutch has mismanaged this pretty badly right um I don’t know who told him to opt into his player contract last year but I can argue that he probably gets at least a full Med level for three years last year but this year after another year on an even worse team he probably thought hey I’ll have more opportunity but not only I mean he did have more opportunity and that was a terrible thing for him because he had to play with a worst roster and playing off of a worse roster makes Gary Trant worse because his contested three-point percentage is ridiculously bad and his open three-point percentage is really good so when he’s playing off with guys who can create for him and get him clean open looks like Fred and Pascal and you know Scotty like when they when there’s three of those guys it’s it’s much easier than when you’re playing off guys like Emanuel quickley RJ Barrett and Scotty Barnes so in my opinion you know he he probably couldn’t have known that the Raptors were going to go this way but clutch should have known that the Raptors are going to go this way in fact clutch did know the Tron Raptors is going to go this way and so this is kind of like a mismanagement on their part and you know they have a they have a client who has probably lost a lot of money right In fairness he also made a lot of money on his last contract so nobody’s really crying $51 million on his last deal I don’t think he was worth that so you overpaid on the last one but now I’m kind of curious what the holdup is because are some teams that could use them teams like the Denver Nuggets um it’s not going to be for a lot of money but replacing that Gap with kavus callwell Pope he’s not as good as kcp he’s not even close uh but he can replace some of the three-point shooting uh ping ponging off of guys like jic and Murray so it would be it’ be good for them and I think he’ll be an upgrade over someone like Julian St who really struggled last year then you have the Marcus uh the the um wow Marquel fultz wow okay brain fart there Marquel fultz said it all and I really like marel folz and I don’t see a backup point guard on this roster I don’t care what y’all say about Davon Mitchell I am not penciling that guy in as a backup point guard I think he’s a third string point guard if you want to be good you can argue the Raptors don’t want to be good you can you can argue you know whatever but I personally think Davon should be playing summer league maybe you should okay maybe it’d be disrespectful to play him summer league he’s like damn near 27 years old and maybe you don’t want him to play Summer League because you got Jamal shed and that would just be overlap they can’t play together blah blah blah but that’s also the case during the regular season right so I would look at Marquel folz for sure um and if I’m his agent I’m looking here too uh because this is a clear opportunity he has a massive Talent upgrade over whatever the hell you have and I don’t think whatever Davon Mitchell brings on defense is worth what Marquel folz brings on offense because he’s a type of player you just don’t have on your roster and and I don’t believe in unearned opportunities I believe in development but I don’t believe in unearned opportunities I don’t believe that what daveon Mitchell has done to this point should guarantee him a backup point guard spot no I do not he is not Javon Carter he is not like even on that level of players so for me this is a clear opening and the Raptors would be wise to address it if they’re not now if they go Markel fults now this is just crazy this would be so stupid if they managed to pull this off they will be a playoff team go Markel Foltz Paul Reed if he gets waved sign them both right to your midlevel right no you can do both right you you can orchestrate a sign and trade for literally both you have a traded player exception and um and you have to wave somebody and then make a trade for cam Johnson that would be great man that would be a great roster that would be a really good roster tell me what you think about that roster that’d be great mark point guard Davon third string you know Jamal shed spends most of his time in the G League next year when he’s better than Davon I argue he might even be already better than Davon right now just pass him up and be the third string point guard push push in practice right that’s what you want from your third string point guard you want a dog you want a dog who can play as your third string point guard because it pushes everybody above him to be better it also makes them better because he’s such a pressure guy so again like and and also this is sort of an underrated factor that I didn’t think about before I think Davon for all his weaknesses is going to really push Emanuel quickle to be a better point guard uh because he is just such a load physically on defense so once you put up with him every day in practice or not every day but put up with him all summer scrimmages play groups Etc the Raptors will practice more than most teams because they’re younger I think it’ll make I think it’ll make him quickly sharper if nothing else like that’s I always want Defenders on my second unit to make my starter sharper but I also want guys who can play I think the same thing could be said for marel fultz making Emanuel quickly sharper because he can actually push him not necessarily for a starting spot but he can push him for minutes um because he is that good okay moving on to um DeMar rosen spit we talked about that what did I see from bronny James Brony James struggled yesterday he did struggle um he scored Four Points people clowning him people laughing people saying it’s unearned opportunity etc etc um I saw a guy who defended pretty well you know I saw a guy who got into the passing Lanes I saw a guy who tried I saw a guy who didn’t really Force things too much his jumper didn’t fall I’m not really thrilled with his uh shooting selection and you know if I can be critical of one thing with Brony James in the entire situation it is that his father forced him to go to the Lakers now if you are of the belief and I’m not but if you are of the belief that had LeBron not pushed the Lakers to draft bronny that Brony James would have gone undrafted if you are of that belief fine I will I will concede that you’re right but I I’m not of the belief I’m of the belief that bronnie James needed to go to OKC or bronnie needed to go to the Celtics or bronnie needed to go to a third place that he should have gone a there is a third place then they are fantastic at developing Shooters and I’m forgetting who they are but they have like one of the best shooting coaches in the league is it the Pelicans I think they lost their coach but anyways they there there is a coach um not chip England another guy and he is incredible he’s 53 years old he’s a former player and I’m forgetting his name right now but he is incredible coach I think you needed to take him to a place where he was away from familiar and I think you needed to take him to a place where he really had to earn it and you know if he’s not worth his contract he’s not worth the contract but four years guaranteed whatever they signed him to I don’t necessarily think that helps him it’s also not a great show of faith in the player right four years guaranteed at so little money is basically like charity this is stupid right if you believe he’s going to be better then you shouldn’t be signing a four-year contract you should be signing a two plus one right so that to me just signals a complete lack of doubt a lack of faith in him um he didn’t look great I going be honest like he he was like the seventh eighth ninth 10 he was probably like the 11th best player on the court maybe right that’s that’s a maybe athletically I think it’s a little bit overrated people talk about the ver a lot he looks a little bit smaller I’ve been talking about that for years like he does look a little bit smaller than his list of 64 obviously he tested out 6’2 you know the length is there is he Davon Mitchell without a jump shot like that’s a really bad player right that’s a really bad play that’s a that’s a horrible player like what just described as basically like you know like turkey China like you go there you don’t go to the NBA when you’re daveon Mitchell without a jump shot and you’re not even as but he’s 19 and and and therein lies the thing right he’s 19 he’s coming off the heart thing and and there in lies the upside that he was a top 30 ranked you know High School guy one could argue maybe that was also kind of like fluffed up right was he that great in high school you know Sierra Canyon I think like he was playing for like I don’t think he was that great in high school either you know I mean so what is the upside on on bronnie James honestly I think he could at most be a backup C in the NBA I don’t see a starter and I didn’t see a starter yesterday even though he’s starting for the Lakers summer league Squad I saw a guy who needs to initiate more I see I saw a guy who needs to you know use he’s he’s very Jeff dney you know where it’s like you’re looking at him right and you’re like godd damn it do more do more don’t don’t do less be assertive be aggressive you know um you just you can’t get away with just standing in a corner doing nothing when you’re non shooter and he stood in the corners a lot right so I’ll be curious to watch it I’m watching a lot of Summer League games you know as they go because I’m I’m curious to see what young players are doing right now but yeah I’m also going to be really curious to see the Olympics I don’t think we’re going to talk about the Olympics so then we’re just going to be like we are G to just completely lose the plot here because I think we’re going to go well well over the hour if we start talking Olympics um but we will have you covered for the Olympics as well uh Team USA team Canada um I’m very curious right uh Team USA super old roster yes I am going to talk about the Olympics for 2 minutes super old roster right um are they beatable KD Lebron Anthony Edwards s halberton there’s only one ball right Joel embiid that’s the reason I think they’re beatable I think they’re I think they’re beatable because they have Joel embiid is that crazy that’s just me being a hater right as I sip on my Mickey Mouse cup that’s hilarious I’ve had this since I was a kid it’s one of my it’s one of my weirdly cherished childhood memories so yeah I mean I’m rooting for Canada obviously in Serbia I I would hope they that they make it through but I’m also curious to see how France will do my lowkey rooting for France I don’t have any french Roots I lived in I lived in Paris for six months uh when I was a kid but I I really want to see somebody beat the United States man I really do because I agree you know I think um I think it would be really fantastic because you do have a solid team you don’t get to say oh we lost because we have Walker Kessler no you have Joel embiid and and Anthony Davis this time you have no excuse to lose so it’s going to be very David versus Goliath but here’s something that I would love to do and I would love for y’all to like you know I would love to make a live you know about this would team USA’s B Squad which would include guys like Damen Lillard Kyrie Irving Scotty Barnes Paulo bener a lot of guys there’s a lot of guys Jaylen Brown I think too I don’t know if he’s on the main Squad there’s so many guys I was just thinking man would there b Squad beat everybody their a squad might not but could I assemble a team full of guys who weren’t picked for this team that could beat not only this team but literally every team in the world I think I could that goes to show you just the level of you know depth that is on the United States you know what I mean and that’s what frustrates me so much that Joel embiid would play for the United States I understand this saw you know of like oh I want to play where my son was born blah blah blah no bro you just want to win you just want to win and I get it but not when it comes to the Olympics man you can you can do you can do that like you’ve never heard me call Kevin Durant a snake I love Kevin Durant for going to the 73 wom Warriors but going to Team USA to shore up their Center Spot like I hope I hope Nicole yic puts up 50 on him I hope they lose I really do you cannot like to me the minute they put Joel embiid I was just like I don’t even care that I’m an American citizen I’m officially use I am officially rooting against Team USA that’s congratulations I have never rooted against Team USA in my life for anything I’m officially now rooting against Team USA congratulations Joel embiid all right um let’s talk about those unheralded players okay so let’s talk first hold on about br Carlson I’ve heard a lot of people you know talking about Brandon Carlson as you know this let’s call him kol linic light I think that’s again another very racially motivated um and very pathetic way of interpreting his game he is nowhere near the playmaker nor that he has shown that he is anywhere near the playmaker the Cal linic was uh when he was in college but we are seeing some positive growth from his first year in Utah he stayed all five years right he had a double senior season because that was granted to all uh covid prospects I’m sorry to call them covid prospects but that that is what the fifth year was for and ultimately you know you you have a player I think who who has a very impressive combination of skills because I mean I feel like I’m describing you know what I feel like I’m describing I feel like I’m describing um Liam niss I have a very specific set of skills that make me a nightmare for drop bigs well yeah I mean in a in a vacuum he does right he’s a good three-point shooter and he takes him on pretty high volume he has a 36% you know 36.5% 3o attent rate which is pretty decent to those seeing he’s a great shop blocker Chill on that he is not a great shop blocker at all um per 100 possessions last year as a fiveyear senior he averaged three blocks per game I mean honestly he’s 7 foot one he just have to halfway decent as a shop Blocker in college to get that but there are college players who average like six and then come to the league and they’re not great shop blockers so you know I think like he’s not a great shop blocker he’s not a great R protector he does not guard well in space he has a lot of athletic concerns as far as I’m concerned um in terms of awards and honors you know uh again like second team uh all Pack 12 uh one and then last two years First Team all Pack 12 12 right so that’s that’s really interesting um he had uh 63 blocks in 2022 2023 which was first in the Pack 12 so I understand why you would say like he is a good shot blocker but people saying he’s a great shot blocker are are tripping themselves out I don’t think he’s I don’t think he guards well in space or gets up high enough or fast enough to be for that to translate I’m not saying he’s a non-shop blocker but he’s definitely not going to be some sort of defensive prospect like a walker Kessler if that’s what you’re expecting um 25 years old I don’t think we talk about this enough I really don’t where how much of an advantage a 25y old has at the end level and I’m not trying to on the guy I think it’s like fantastic that he stayed all four years he probably had a ton of nil deals and money and whatnot but really like we are talking about 25 year olds going up against on average a 25-year-old 7-footer 24 25y old 7f footer in those last two years going up on average against guys who are 21 20 that’s a massive Gap at that age it’s a massive Gap maybe maybe 20 maybe 32 and 27 is not a massive Gap even though it’s still a gap but at the younger ages 25 years old 24 years old 23 years old is a major Gap and you will see such a jump for a lot of college seniors that’s why you know maybe some people are a little bit bearish on someone like Dalton connect CU he was 23 but he wasn’t a seven-footer seven you know again like you have to you have to really Dominate and I don’t think he did so I’ll be really curious to see how he plays off of other guys because obviously when you are a stretch big more stretch more space better players you could be really really solid so I’ll be very curious to see how clean the shot is how quick it is um what else he can do how he navigates space um how he communicates defensively is he a good team Defender these are the things I’m looking for with him but yeah it wasn’t like a oneway production with him um moving forward to um here we go so I’ll apologize in advance for all the popups and stuff uh Jameson battle it’s a 6′ s forward right um I have not watched him play much um I think I probably watched one game that he played at Ohio State last year and I don’t think I was watching for him so I don’t have a great Insight on this player if y’all do I hope that you can you know uh share it in the chat with other people like what you’ve looked into with him um but yes last year for the Ohio State Buckey he averaged per 100 possessions 29 Points 10 rebounds 2.6 assists and he shot 43% from three that’s solid on his career at Ohio State we saw well on on his three different stops from George Washington Minnesota to Ohio State he is a 37% three-point shooter so that’s telling me that this guy boards and he shoots threes okay and he’s got a little bit of size to him which is pretty cool um again this is this is like basic casuals up like I I I I will be able to tell you a lot more about Drew Timmy than these guys but I I cannot tell you with conclusive evidence you know I don’t see an NBA player here like I’m looking at the you know again fiveyear senior 6.4 box plus minus in the Big 10 Ohio State can shoot some threes right this is this is where we’re at right now not much of a defensive disruptor a 0.7% block percentage 0.8% you know steel percentage these are not great numbers at all um he wasn’t some super super dude like in terms of that so in terms of honors and awards um not a really really super decorated College freshman like I mean honestly like looking at this this does not scream without watching him play too much this does not scream a guy who’s going to make an NBA roster anytime soon unless he’s gotten way better um so it’s probably just a flyer let’s move on to let’s move on to Dylan du so this is a slightly bigger player another forward right um had multiple spops so first that Vanderbuilt and then at Texas in the Big 12 again SEC Big 12 he played solid competition ition throughout so there’s no questions about the competition there are however questions about what else he did right so three-point attempt rate didn’t necessarily go up uh he had a crazy shooting year last year um you know 45% from three is nuts if that’s real like and again it probably isn’t but 25 games is a pretty sufficient sample size so if he’s just turned himself around as a shooter this is a guy where you can see like real progression year over year over year over year and this is interesting right you got a guy who in 10.7 BLX for spus really active and disruptive Defender 4.6% block percentage is Great 2.9 again as a big that’s awesome right I mean this is this is impressive and a 28% free throw rate that’s not bad and he flashed it at second year at Vando like he had a 40% free throw rate that’s not bad 30% usage again in the Big 12 30% usage this is what this is what I expect from a 5year senior 10.7 boxes minus 40 45% from three I can get on board with this this is a guy I’m going to put it in my in my notes look look this guy’s tape up because this is this is pretty cool um moving on to Omari Moore player that I am a little bit more familiar with because I have definitely seen him play um you know last year um I think he was playing in the G league so San Jose State you know did he have solid progression did he have yes he grew every single year and it was like not a joke his final year um at San Jose State um again Mountain West okay it’s a little bit weaker conference same thing Malachi Flynn you know um I get it right uh but 30 points right 30 points eight assists eight boards two .2 steals 2.2 blocks 5 5 point 4.5 turnovers the turnovers went down you know junior year senior year which is positive the impact metrics definitely went up uh in his final year 6.5 box was minus not bad not great clearly this is why he’s in the summer league it’ll be interesting to see where his three-point attempt rate has come obviously as a senior 38% someone clearly got into his ear and said hey man if you’re making it into the NBA you as a six fo6 guy you’re going to have to really really um you know shoot the basketball right you know as a as a and and I think that that’s uh that he has you know and the percentages when he upped his P you know when he he was a 42.9% three-point shooter and this is why we say volume matters right because it’s easy to just take the easy ones but it’s difficult when you have that pressure to put up 10 a game and this is what happens when you take like for instance like a guy like Cody Williams this year right it was super low volume low volume and people were like this is concerning because yeah he’s a 42% three-point shooter but it’s l volume what happens well this is what happens when you up the percent if when you up the three. tempure rate the percentages start to Flatline and fall down a little bit and so you know again 34% three-point shooter not exactly impressive uh career given you know the fact that he’s 6 foot six and given the fact that you know he played all four years and we didn’t see that steady progression every year but we did see a steady progression in terms of the overall like the overall trend line is up he didn’t Flatline he didn’t go down he started as a 23% three-point shooter at three attempts he ended up as a 33% shooter at nine nearly 10 attempts and that to me shows me that this is a guy who worked really hard from freshman to senior Year may not be the most naturally gifted or talented player probably isn’t I’ll be really curious to see him play though now we got Tyler Perry no not that Tyler Perry different Tyler Perry um let’s check him out here so this is a guy who is my size which is cool okay uh point guard he had 4 point 4.2 win shares this is looking this is looking not great a 5 foot1 guy who shot 33% from three and we got a baby bottom uh okay so again Kansas State Big 12 uh well how let’s let’s take a look at the north north Texas stuff because I do think like being a starter for Kansas state is is a pretty big deal and that might be where where we’re at right now because obviously Kansas state is a it’s a it’s a pretty good program and again 5.3 boxes minus as a senior he probably red shirted as a freshman um this shows me also a tremendous growth you know if if you being honest like this shows me like he stepped up massively in terms of conf conference competition from Conference USA to Big 12 is a very big jump and for him not to completely fall apart as a player he obviously entered the transfer portal um I’ve never watched him play in my entire life um so did I watch a single Kansas State game this year that I remember no um but this is uh this is interesting so in terms of three-point shooting uh again two years in Conference USA 41% 41% last year 33.5% so that’s telling me this is a shooter who had a difficulty adjusting probably to competition new teammate new system whatever when you’re five foot 11 man that going up a level so I’ll be very curious to see if he has a deep three knowing very little about this player I’m not a Tyler or Perry expert at all um I would really be curious to see if he has added that Maris Noel you know stepback logo three I don’t call it a Maris Noel logo three I call it the Steph Curry logo 3 but no one’s mimicking stuff so you know the Trey young like you you know when you’re 5’11 when you’re 6 feet like Fred Van B in that area you got to be able to shoot from super deep like you just got to you can’t be like Oh I’m I’m I’m I’m G shoot it at 24 feet nope you can’t you need to be really comfortable at 27 feet and out so I’ll be curious to see if he has a deep three um clearly 41% back-to-back years Conference USA you’ve clearly got a shot you know like you got a jump shot um personally I don’t think with Jamal shed on this roster that they’re going to get another one of these guys but maybe he shows something I always want to assume the best okay then Quincy Grier uh this is a name that we have definitely definitely heard and this is a you know if you watched Illinois in the big in in the tournament this year this is a guy that I was really really interested in um very productive college player um all five years it’s been it’s been very interesting to watch um not necessarily per game but his his per 100 averages show you damn productive he is so we’re talking 15 rebounds 23 points like and it’s been like that pretty much since he was a freshman right so there isn’t a tremendous amount of growth in the overall production but he’s been very productive and very active throughout um three-o percentage has gone up considerably like clockwork so we went from two attempts per 100 possessions as a freshman to his first year at Oregon uh to 10 attempts per 100 possessions that’s a 500% boost and also a 300% climb in three-point percentage so it tells me that he got to Syracuse found out that he was a real NBA athlete you know a Manchild if you will because honestly like to to put up 24 points and 15 rebounds per 100 possessions with two blocks like this is like Hakeem Warick type of back in the day um that tells me that he’s a very productive athlete who had to learn how to shoot and again in his final year at Illinois 37.4% on 7.2 attempts that’s not bad for a real athlete like this is a guy I mean in maybe like 25 years ago this guy would have been drafted at the top of the second round but again um this is a very talented version of the NBA and you know guys like this who are a little bit undersized a little bit older you know unless you’re just wowing people away and averaging 30 points a game you’re not getting drafted right like it’s just not going to happen and now we got Drew Timmy really one of the most decorated one of the most uh notorious one of the most known ex-teammate of you know jayen Suggs ex-teammate of a lot of guys X teamate of um Andrew neard right watched Drew Timmy play tons of times and people always you know complain that Drew Timmy is not an NBA player but he’s like this great college player look at his per 100 per per 100 possessions 37 .5% 13.3 rebounds uh 5.7 assists 1.1 steals 1.7 blocks like just a ridiculous you know um overall load as a college player my curiosity to see Drew Timmy now because I didn’t watch him at all last year I only watched him at Kona my curiosity will be how he fits in when the offense is not running through him right um um so that will be my major curiosity with Drew Timmy like I I think like he is a very slow-footed athlete so that’s that’s the first thing that sticks out with him but he’s extremely talented uh does he you know kind of fit the high post you know playmaker type yeah sure he totally fits into that box that the Raptors like to check box with jonte Porter but he’s nowhere near the athlete Jon was he’s nowhere near in my opinion the playmaker jonte was like don’t don’t be dissuaded by don’t be fooled by like five assists or whatever yes he had the ball a lot I don’t think he’s a great or exceptional playmaker I never felt that way about him and um I really don’t think that he’s necessarily the greatest shooter either so that’s that’s I think the part that that I’m curious to see if he’s worked on that right because I mean again 25% three-point shooter in college and not very athletic like this is where people say hey Zach right like what the what the f right Zak going in the lottery and a lot of people are upset about it because of this right when you’re not athletic you’re not super fast and it’s not like he even tries defensively this is not let me just drive by on Drew Timmy great college player not a great athlete not a high motor defensively not a great playmaker not a great shooter so what is he he’s extremely crafty he’s extremely physical he is a throwback big he would be probably a lottery pick 25 years ago right he’s a very throwback player very productive player and a very smart player um he really understands angles he understands you know how to use your balance against you he gets the game he see you know again so I’ll be very curious to see how he runs um how he operates in an offense that isn’t about him right because he you know again in summer league he’s going to be a man among boys right like this guy’s physically very tough right so if he gets like some small player he’s going to do that he’s been doing to dudes and kaga like his whole life right but I’ll be curious to see him spacing screening doing stuff that he’s going to be asked to do the NBA level so that that’ll be my curiosity so that’s just a little bit of a superficial Deep dive into um some of the players that we’re looking at in summer league and you know again there are no complete non-players right and I hope that you know through this I hope you know you learn a little bit about Quincy Grier right obviously nothing that you couldn’t have Googled yourself uh maybe you guys can check out if there’s any player that we talked about that was super interesting maybe what you can do is you can look them up watch a couple games come back to this community and then we all get better you can call in maybe we do a call-in show or whatever and you can talk a little bit about that Prospect it’d be cool look the law the the truth is with the way with how young the tronto Raptors are the chance that any of these guys are going to the roster is very very slim if not none right I I do believe that however it’s good to know you know what the Raptors are looking at because believe it or not this summer league roster shows me that they’re looking for front Court help right I mean we’re seeing a guard we’re seeing a little bit of backup guard for for depth purposes but we’re seeing a lot of productive front Court players who are very skillzy very productive good good rebounders and of course you know you have the Jonathan mobo pick um I’ll be very ser and honestly I didn’t talk about it but I’m going to be super curious to see how raw U shamay looks right physically again like some of the stuff that this guy posts you know the blocks the moments if you would just create a clip of like a one minute clip of all the best stuff that UL shamsh has has done over the last one year you could you could probably talk yourself into him being like a top five pick right but if you take a look at the entire game and all the mistakes that he makes and all the moments that he has which are like whoa missed layups right botched assignments poor communication moving screens offensive fouls more moving screens just understanding the game is very far behind for him so I think it might be a speed thing I’ll be very curious to see how he does I I don’t know if he’ll start um it would be really weird in my opinion for him to start over some of the players you have because frankly he’s the worst player on your roster by far yes he’s the worst player on a on a summer league roster and I’m still hopeful about his overall outcome because guys grow a lot from 18 till 25 26 27 whatever and I don’t want to compare him and Brandon Carlson and I don’t want people to be like oh Brandon Carlson’s better than him it’s like no he’s better than him he’s played basketball like you know 17 years longer than him it matters a lot um okay let’s get to some comments before we check out here um okay we got we got two Super Shots whoa okay Larry Kane um really appreciate these last several lives you’re taking it to a new level thank you for all you do I really appreciate you as well sir and um yeah I don’t think this liveb was nearly on that level um I didn’t really have anything too deep to say I’m really looking forward to summer league and I just wanted to share that enthusiasm maybe there was a little bit of depth to what I said about the urri shamsh and supporting young players but I don’t really think that I that this live carries on the the very profound nature of the previous lives but hopefully it was good anyways um Graham Kennedy thank you for the Super Chat as well now let’s get to some of these questions and comments let’s see if something sticks out okay um would you want to get poku he got waved by the Hornets nope and that’s my f that’s my fellow countrymen so yeah um um we need to wave some players um yeah I I don’t know about waving but but definitely wouldn’t mind trading some players Isaac aoro anyone he really fits what the Raptors want to do but I’m not I’m not necessarily sure they’re gonna um I’m not necessarily sure they’re going to push for anybody who who pushes oay abaji you know what I mean like there’s too much redundancy there uh in my opinion uh AO Gorman saying dear real want to C front thank you appreciate that I’m sure he does too he said he’s not like us key I’m cool on dude um okay so I just want to say this as a not black person I don’t think us means Canadians okay I think not like us is not that’s I don’t think that’s a shot at Canadians right you you can you can point to the fact that I ain’t going to let a Canadian you know say this about Pock whatever but it’s not like nothing that I’ve ever seen from Kendrick Kamar suggests that he has an issue with Canadians not like us is not a rap eat about Canadians I don’t think it’s a diss track about Canadians I don’t think you need to take it too personally when he says not like us I don’t think the US in reference is Canadians I think the US in reference is something else Dem mared a lot yep [Music] absolutely um summer league is going to be fun says Jay I agree West playoff teams next year OKC Timberwolves Mavericks Rockets Kings Pelicans Suns Grizzlies wow using the Pelicans going to make it over the Nuggets that’s that’s deep a deep cut but I believe I I believe you when you say OKC number one Ryan saying it’s funny how Fred Van Leed is used as an example for such positive and negative qualities I agree I wish every young player who comes into this organization works as hard as Fred bble I really do I hope they they um take their craft as seriously as Fred Van v I hope they approach their you know next contract and their business as as seriously and with as much ambition as spred van I hope they have as much of ambition as Fred vanet I hope they’re family men like Fred vanet I hope they you know keep their nose clean and and you know I I hope that Fred becomes a good um yeah but I don’t I don’t want them to be teammates like Fred Van ble I don’t want them to have that expression of anger towards and resentment towards their young players I don’t want them to gun for contracts the way F van did so you know people are complicated people are different I’m not going to I’m not going to Broad brush you know every every good thing that you know Fred Van vet ever did and just brush it away because he did some stuff that I don’t agree with like people are complicated right um all rookies from 2024 class they look bad yesterday yeah it’s a bad draft class I wasn’t kidding when I said that I’m really hoping the Raptors found like some gems right but like you got to be real with yourself in an average draft jacobe Walter is not going top 20 Johnson mobile not going 31 um urri shamay uh he probably goes 57 regardless right I think he fell a little bit further than he should have and Jamal shed’s probably undrafted you know what I mean like so it is it is one of those drafts but I do believe as I said before with the Raptors development staff they’re going to get the best out of these players kware looked good looked bad good thing Miami picked him it’s summer league let’s not let’s not live and die on the hill of Summer League man kware with 12 six five block summer league should bring Sasha to Jane and Finch then maybe he’ll warm up to torono okay um should I say welcome back to Bruce Brown um you can do that if you would like in terms of the positivity yeah sure Paradise Lost is our uh our Paradise Lost is our female comic nice um appreciate you thanks for your Insight thanks man I don’t even know if that’s towards me uh Greek people keep saying free Sasha they can keep saying it Sasha is another Goron I that’s racist okay um hit him with a follow a hit him with a follow after you saw your tweet I totally agree with what you’re saying thanks a lot Isaac Turner yeah guys like look this community I think I believe Community culture you know all these things can go hand inand I would love for this community to be you know um good balance you know we’ve always been about balance right someone asked me the other day why I don’t make why I don’t make videos about Scotty Barnes as much anymore and I said because the media is not tearing him apart and blaming him and scapegoating him for a you know Lost season that he didn’t destroy you know what I mean like they’re not saying he’s not a hard worker believe me if that starts coming out again you will see me go on a five video rant about why the media is stupid but that’s not happening anymore so I don’t need to do that you know what I mean like he’s still my favorite player absolutely we can talk about other things right um yeah so so I think that this community can be like a really positive example because we sometimes you know don’t don’t have like the best reputation unfortunately uh okay we’re past an hour and 14 it was supposed to go an hour I will say one final thing I will be on the panel player choice tomorrow and Friday so 11 a.m. on the panel last last one was dope uh it was great was about Klay Thompson I don’t know what the subject’s going to be tomorrow but I will be on the panel on players choice tomorrow those of you guys who keep checking in thank you appreciate your support appreciate you guys in the comment section backing me up bigging me up that’s really how the panel works there a bunch of really really you know Big Time content creators including content creators who are like a hundred times bigger than me like um Legend of winning um you know and people like that you know ticket TV I mean there’s there’s a lot of you know American content creators uh who’ve gotten together on that channel and they come together on the panel and you know and chill town and Swiper and all these guys so these are all people with the platform so it really does help when when people are uh coming into coming into that space from our space and you know bigging it up it helps of course um you are boss level on that panel I don’t I appreciate I appreciate the support oak tree but I got a long way to go for sure um Tom is Scotty messiah in quickly conference tomorrow is Scotty Messi in quickly conference oo that is going to be great can we can we stream that that going to be awesome I can’t wait to hear from them that’s going to be great look The Vibes are good in Toronto The Vibes are great in Toronto let’s let’s let’s be a part of that let’s be like positive about it I promise you I did not just have Prozac I’m not drunk I’m just telling youall like I mean this it has like a really weird you know just as a final sort of bit on this I have seen so many players that check their DMS they check in their their mentions all the time they’re checking their mentions it’s crazy so this is unfortunately the truth about social media in 2022 2023 2024 since it’s become this popular and this pervasive and these young athletes you’re coming into a world where they’re managing their own PR you understand this is not good psychologically if I had a young athlete that was on my roster if it was a young athlete that I was training I’d be like the first thing we’re doing with your first paycheck is we’re literally getting you off social media we’re going to have somebody else manage your phone for you you don’t get to go on social media during the season like I’m not kidding like I would just literally cut it out because it’s not good for you it’s mentally terrible for you and when you’re an athlete and you and yes I realized that I just told y’all to say welcome to U shamsh what I’m not telling you is to tell him to you know that we shouldn’t have picked him or you know you’re going to a bust or do you even know how to play basketball or any of that and I hope he won’t start doing that when he goes 0 for five or 0 for three or makes a really embarrassing play or gets dunked on or whatever young people need support I really believe this I believed this when I became a tutor you know in in college to help kids with math because I felt math was being under under taught or poorly taught in high school level I I try to be a I’m trying to be a better teacher honestly this is like the whole thing um of this year and we as beings are are quite poor at teaching in my opinion like we often teach when we are tired we teach when we’re hungry we teach when we’re upset we teach when we’re frustrated try to teach him a place of empathy and you know again have the presence of mind to say urri shamay was born in 2004 if you are as old as I am or older try to think about where you were in 2004 think about it like just think about it this kid is so far away from home so this pouring of support this this idea of like oh they got me I’m matter you know what I mean like a lot of professional athletes have talked about this like where they’re the end of bench guys and and they’re just they’re not even oh sorry is it 2005 I apologize he’s born in 2005 yes mathematically that makes sense because he’s yes yes 18 that makes sense 2005 2005 almost 2006 he was born almost okay put it into perspective he was born almost when barani was drafted that’s crazy right and is so far away from Cameroon and he’s worked so hard to get here and yes he is super raw and he’s going to take a long time but you know a lot of supportive good luck whatever you don’t know you don’t know how it gets people through the day I I literally like tweet out to um or or mention you know Christian Koko and Jeff dton you know those are the guys that I actually like you know have mentioned all the time uh because those are the guys that I felt like they needed it like Jeff and and look like we had this story last year did we not we had the story last year where Jeff’s trainer came on and he was like you know he appreciates all the support he sees all the support he he sends me your posts whatever so again like this is good it’s positive right and of course unfortunately on the other side of it Fred Van B’s family was also sending him my my videos so that’s not good you know maybe that’s not so good for Fred Van and maybe that pushed him out a little bit maybe that made him a little bit sour and salty towards us and our community and and the Raptor’s fan base or whatever but again you know and there was another example where with Scotty Barnes you know if yall remember uh it was the game before Christmas and he was having a really tough season and there was that entire Doug Smith article about you know him not whatever and I think uh the reporter I think it was Kayla gray said to him like uh you know is anyone sending you a turkey and he just he had this really kg response to it which was like no I don’t trust I don’t trust anyone sending me nothing you know right now and it was just like to me it’s like yo does this guy feel attacked in his City he’s 20 years old he’s from West Palm Beach 21 years old he’s working as ass off he’s having a tough season and he’s getting attacked on social every single night I don’t appreciate doing that to a 21 or 22 year old you want to do that to a grown ass man like K van Le who’s 30 years old and you know you want to you want to be like a little bit voer you know voice your opinions about something really bad someone is doing on purpose that’s fine to me I don’t really give a but when a guy goes for a struggle or he’s raw or you know he’s I don’t know that to me just and especially when he’s super young that to me feels like child abuse you know so that was sad bro you remember that right like I remember it too so you know Scotty went through a lot that year and you know I’m really happy that this community was able to always always support him and it helped it helped I promise you it helped you know to see that every Doug Smith article if he went and looked at it had like 50 people saying you we don’t agree with this we back Scotty that feels good that feels good you know and and you want to be you want to be known as a you want to be known as a fan base that’s not stupid that’s not going to just fall for everything but I also think you don’t want to be known as a fan base that chases your players out and and and you know kicks your players when they’re down I think you want to be known as a a fan base that that really is like this is what these guys say they say Canada strong that’s why I was like yo we need to vote Scotty into Allstar what kind of what kind of country are we that as a country of nearly 40 million we can’t get this guy into the allstar game and we failed but then Adam Silver was like we will put him into the allar game but that’s why it matters so much it matters you know it it matters because you want great athletes to come here you need to show the athlete experience and the athlete experience could start with 250 little comments saying welcome to Toronto U shamsh or welcome to Toronto Jonathan mobile do it all right just do me a favor and just do that um and to anyone who says I don’t know how to find U shamay on Instagram hold on here it is that double uncore Bish sham _ shamsh so _ shamsh there you go all right that’s Instagram um D Canadian saying I just checked it it was our 10th season in the NBA as a franchise when shamsh was born and look how far we’ve grown as a franchise thank you for that trivia that is incredible that’s crazy all right make sure to hit like on this video on the way out and I promise we will return to more profound basketball content soon we want to take a little bit of a departure and just have a bit of a social hang and answer some questions and talk and um we will return but I’m looking forward to Summer League a lot I’m really looking forward to um um I’ve been following urri since he was six well I’ve been following him since he was one so you you’re late on that too all right peace

The Toronto Raptors are set to start summer league in less than a week. Let’s go through the entire roster and talk about why this team is one of the best Raptors summer league rosters of all time, and why they have a chance to win it despite not having a single top 12 pick.

We will also talk briefly about DeMar DeRozan’s legacy, his fit with the Kings, and the best remaining free agents on the market including our own Gary Trent Jr. We will also discuss what we saw in Bronny James’ summer league debut at the California Classic against the Kings.

#Raptors #WeTheNorth #BronnyJames


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